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Prologue - Rashar

Re: Prologue - Rashar

"Well I'm not exactly comfortable either." She says, annoyed. "I don't know how you think that toy connects you to God, but you can pretty much force any Kindred you want away with it, so I'd keep it handy at least. Put it away for now though, would you?"
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Kindred, God... Huh? Rashar says, a confused look passing across his face before changing back to a wary one. Trying to confuse me are you?
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River just sighed. "Okay, look. You, are a Vampire. If you don't believe me, find a mirror. In Vampire society, and yes, there's enough around to have one, we call each other 'Kindred' instead of 'Vampires'. Following me so far?" She explains carefully, looking him in the eyes.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar narrows his eyes, not saying anything, but still wary. The talisman stays lifted as a barrier between the two. Rashar's body is now on edge, tension running through it as his body starts gearing for a flight or flight response.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River took pains to not appear threatening, and proceeded to talk to herself again, though this time she pulled back her hair from the side of her head to show Rashar that she had an eirpeice on.

"Alright, I'm out of ideas, what now?...Yeah, I've tried that...You know, you'd make this a lot easier if you just started giving me your ideas as they become helpful, instead of just waiting...Yeah alright, whatever."

River turns back to Rashar. "Okay, here's one. How long have we been standing here, talking?"
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar blinks a few times before answering. A few minutes, tops. He replies confused again, this time as to where this is going.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River nods. "Something like that, yeah. Now, in those few minutes, you haven't taken a single breath, except to speak. Something so simple that it goes unnoticed, but we don't need to at all." She says seriously, waiting to see how he reacts.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Seeing as how I don't pay attention to if I breath: how do I know you aren't trying ot mess with me? Rashar says, paranoid hostility returning. Unless the woman had surefire proof, this might go on all night.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River put a hand to her temple. "Just stop talking, and focus on whether you're breathing or not, moron. Hold your breath and let it out if you think you're going to pass out, but it won't happen."
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar raises an eyebrow, but does as she says, holding his breathe for the next few minutes. Alright, so the guy that just left made it to where I don't breath. Why does that make me a vampire, though? He says, eventually.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River answered him, ticking off the points on her fingers. "Well, let's see. You don't need to breathe, you've got a hunger for blood, you're ugly as sin, you have fangs, I'm sure you can never get a tan again in your life without it going Bone deep in a matter of seconds... Should I continue? Look, I know it sucks, I didn't exactly ask for this either, but you might as well make the most of it. Come on, we need to introduce you to the head honcho for the city, or your second life is going to be terribly short." She says, in a pleading tone, and Rashar finds that once again, she sounds sincere.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar puts loops the talisman's string around his neck before simply looking at the woman. After a few seconds he walks closer to her, but says nothing.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River nods, taking that as a sign of cooperation. "Alright, two things. One, find a mirror so you can get that over with now. Two, find some clothes to cover what you find in said mirror. Three, hide that bauble of yours, but keep it in reach. It would help you more if other Kindred don't know you have it before you whip it out and shove it in their faces. I'm going to check the house, make sure our toothy friend really is gone, alright?"
Re: Prologue - Rashar

With a confused look on his face, Rashar wanders over back to the bathroom. More than anything, it was the woman's suggestion to keep the talisman as a hidden weapon as opposed to suggesting he rid himself of it that persuaded him to give her a chance.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

The power was still off, but Rashar had enough light to be surprised and horrified by what he saw.

All his hair was gone, and every piece of skin he could see was bright pink, the colour of brand new skin, like that a burn victim grows back. It all seemed to writhe in the light, like there was a mass of maggots crawling around just underneath the skin, though it felt normal both to the touch and internally. His eyes were slitted, but sideways, and was a sickly yellowish colour around the pupil. His ears looked like they had half rotten off, and his lips had shrunk, unable to fully cover his mouth anymore and leaving him with a permanent grin.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

What the bloody hell did that agent do to me! Can be heard roaring out from the bathroom. Rashar then stumbles out of there in search of the woman from before.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar finds her in the living room, with a chair outstretched in either arm, carefully sweeping the entire room as if she expected to bump into something.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

What the hell is this? Rashar cries out, gesturing to his face, his permanently smiling face. Despite how his face may say otherwise, Rashar is not exactly happy with his predicament.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River frowns slightly, more apologeticaly than anything else. "It's part of your specific brand of curse. The guy that did that to you looked normal once upon a time too. I'm sorry, I really am."
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Curse? How the flying bloody fuck did that agent do this and why? Rashar pours out with his still jolly face ever smiling. He doesn't seem to pleased with it.