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Prologue - Rashar

Re: Prologue - Rashar

River sighed again. "Look, I told you, he's a vampire, and vampirism is a curse spread through blood. He drained you completely dry, then fed you some of his blood to change you into one as well. Just, grab a hoody or something, we can't have you walking around on the street like that, alright?"
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Oh? But I look so happy... Rashar practically growls out before wandering over to his room. He doesn't really have hoodies, but he supposed a rain jacket could work, and he could always pass it off as a windbreaker. Grabbing one, he puts it on and raises the hood before walking back over to the woman, his smile now holding a hint of anger.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

((It isn't really a smile, ya know, it's more like what you see on mummies and the like, where the lips are just peeled back so the teeth are always showing.))

River shrugs. "Yeah, I guess that will have to do. Just try not to let anybody we pass see your face, for obvious reasons." She says, then heads out of his house, keeping an eye out for anything.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar follows the woman, no longer sure of what to do. An agent had broken into his home and warped him into a 'vampire' apparently, and now he was stuck with a horrific smile on his face like some sort of evil clown.

(Ah, but it still looks like a smile. Don't you realize? All those mummies are happy corpses!
Re: Prologue - Rashar

((Yeah, just saying it isn't really a happy smile, just a creepy/terrifying one))

The woman leads Rashar out of the house and turns towards downtown. "So, I've introduced myself, but I don't think I've caught your name." River says nonchalantly, trying to strike up a conversation.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Rashar. He mutters, not elaborating any further. The one good thing about his face now, is that having a permanent smile is a hell of a poker face.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

"That's it? No last name?" River asks mildly as they walk.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

No, haven't even had parents since I was eight. Rashar replies, grinning at River. On anyone else, a grin like that would have implied that Rashar had killed his parents. On Rashar, though, it was simply stuck there and he couldn't get rid of it.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

"Huh, you're a street kid then? We have a fair bit in common then." River remarks, as they enter downtown itself. "Only a few more blocks."
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Where are we going? Rashar asks as he follows, wanting to know what he's getting into before he goes all the way in. In the mean time, he transfers his talisman to his pocket from his neck so that he can pull it out as a weapon faster.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

"The old courthouse, to introduce you and a few others to the Prince. If he acknowledges your presence in the city, you're safe. Otherwise, the scourge has free reign to kill you if he finds you. Of course, the clan your part of now is very good at hiding, so I don't know how much you'd worry about that." She explains. Rashar knows the place she mentioned is still a couple blocks away, he still has some time before he's locked into a decision.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Wait a second. Prince? Scourge? What new factions am I getting involved in. Rashar says, halting abruptly.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River stops as well, looking around impatiently. "It's a bunch of titles. Personally, most of it is outdated bullshit in my opinion, but it somehow works, and keeps all the humans from knowing we exist. And trust me, it's better than the alternative."
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Well, at least tell me who or what this 'scourge' is. Rashar says as he starts walking again. He can deal with outdated titles, he just isn't too keen on the idea of a third or fourth pseudo mythical group to deal with. The vampires are bad enough after being added on to Them.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

"He's the one that goes around and makes sure that all the vampires in the city are ones that we know about. His name's Vincent, and he's a Tremere, a blood mage." She explains, shifting from foot to foot impatiently.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Um, okay... Rashar says slowing down when he catches back up with the woman. So aside from looking like an evil clown, is there anything else I need to know about what that agent did to me?
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River kept the pace average, starting to head back towards the courthouse again. "Well, you'r a vampire, so there's the usual. Fire, sunlight, stakes to the heart, and decapitation are your biggest fears. You need blood to survive, humans are the best meals, but anything works, like animals and other vampires. Bloodbags work too, but they can't be much more than a week old, or e erything that makes it nourishing for us leeches away. Anything else?"
Re: Prologue - Rashar

Are there any actual benefits to all of this? Rashar replies, gesturing to his face. So far it is sounding as though the agent had gent fucked him over.
Re: Prologue - Rashar

River chuckled a little. "Superpowers, for one. If there's been a story about it, there's a clan of Kindred that can probably do it. Oh yeah, and eternal life, provided you don't piss anybody off too badly."
Re: Prologue - Rashar

So I can fly and have x-ray vision? Rashar asks skeptically, pulling powers from superman. The immortality bit he filed away for future reference. Still, the trade offs seemed to still be worse overall.