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Prologue - Rosary Belmonte


Dec 14, 2008
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It was a quiet night, shortly before classes started, and Rosary was walking down the road towards the theater downtown. She was on a budget, but it was loose enough to let her go see some movies in the cheap theater often enough, and tonight was one of those nights where she needed a pick-me-up. She noticed the lack of people wandering around. There was the occasional passerby, even at this time of night, but tonight she barely saw anyone. The parking lot of the theater had an average amount of cars in it. And a badly parked tow truck, oddly enough.

((Kinda bleh, but this is all I got :/ pick whichever movie you want, I promise it'll get more interesting.))
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((It's alright!))

Rosary blinked with her gray eyes. Where could everyone be? Not that she was complaining, but it was still a bit eerie considering she was going to be seeing a 'horror' movie: an old make of Dracula (Yes, I couldn't resist). Was everybody a bloodless corpse now? Or were they all ghouls, just waiting to ambush a lone girl. She chuckled a bit at her thoughts as she made her way to the ticket counter. Of course she also pulled down her scarf from her mouth. No need to look like someone trying to rob the place.

"One for Dracula." She started to scrounge out her wallet, pulling out the long memorized price of a ticket.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The man at the ticket counter chuckled. They recognized each other from her frequent visits, but that was about it. "One midnight matinee for Dracula. You'll be pretty much the only one in there so far, the only other people was a pair of people, looked like siblings. Enjoy." He said with the usual neutral smile, and she walked on, grabbed what she wanted from the concession, and went into the movie. The pair mentioned were sitting in the back row, , talking to each other and laughing about something.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Oh great. A pair. Rosary certainly hoped the ticket clerk was right about the two being siblings. She REALLY didn't want to have to sit through a movie, hearing their sounds of kissing, making out, etc. etc., otherwise known as going around all the bases. It wouldn't be pleasant.

She grabbed a few bits of her small bag of popcorn and popped them into her mouth. Now to wait for the movie to start, resting her head against her propped up arm.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The pair did seem to be staying away from all the inappropriate stuff, but they were talking loud enough to be a distraction. She caught a snatch of the conversation every once in a while. "...Scourge... freaking buried!... she's around... might do, why not?..."

The movie starts, and they quiet down some, but they seem more interested in poking jabs at it then seriously watching.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Oh well. Noisy people in movies are bound to happen at some point. At least they were quieter during the movie.

Rosary was quite content just watching, and not scolding the silly pair. Though those earlier comments were a bit strange, she didn't think much of it. As for the jabs at the movie, it made perfect sense. Old old movies sucked in their serious factor compared to modern day movies after all. Even Rosary had to resist giggling at a few parts of the movie.

She nom'd on a few more pieces of popcorn.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The movie continues, and the pair keep critiquing it. They seem to have gotten bored of the plot and effects of the movie, and have gone on to complaining about Dracula himself, saying the oddest things at about the volume level they had started at before the movie.

"...Discipline is that? ... bat and a wolf! ... be a methuselah, he'd be dead or in torpor..."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary gently rubbed her forehead. Okay, loud people during a movie, she could put up with it, maybe. Crazy people, sure. But the way they were loud and saying some odd things was just... weird.

Taking another bit of popcorn into her mouth, she stood up from her seat, staying a bit low, and tried to be as discrete as possible. She moved down closer to the front rows. Sure, it wasn't as comfortable, having to look upwards at the screen, but at least she might be a bit further away from the talking.

(Hope I'm not ruining anything!)
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((Impossible, your the player, I'm supposed to adapt to you ;) No worries, though it won't be as amusing this way.))

Rosemary moved down to one of the front rows, and managed to get far enough away to actually focus on the movie, but the last comment she heard made it clear that she wasn't discreet enough.

"Ooh, lookit miss prissy down there...with her then."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary sighed. "Whatever you want to call me go ahead, at least I'm not crazy," she muttered to herself.

More popped grain bits were stuffed into her mouth.

(Because of this, I actually have popcorn now... which I have consumed)
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((Om nom nom))

Rosary managed to watch the rest of the movie without being distracted much more, and started to head out when the credits rolled. Apparently the other movies weren't out yet, so the halls were fairly empty. the pair left right after her, still talking crazy.

"So, what do you think, Shovelhead?" The woman asked.
"Nah, you already did that once tonight, didn't you? How about half-quartered?" He replied with a chuckle.
"Too much work. I know, we'll find some cats and install them in the midsection?" She said, sounding like it was the best idea in the world.
"Oh, now you're just missing Stevie. Well, we've got the truck, let's figure out a way to have some fun with that." He suggested. She squealed. "That sounds like a blast!"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Another sigh. Rosary concluded these people really were crazy. She had no idea what they were talking about... not that she was eavesdropping at all! She headed down a hall, knowing the layout fairly well, heading for the water fountain to get a drink after all that popcorn, the small bag having been left behind in the trash.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The pair walked right on past her, laughing to themselves and continuing their conversation, which seemed to be more of the same. They passed out of sight and hearing shortly after, assumedly heading outside.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Sip sip. What an interesting pair. Sip sip.

Rosary stood, wiping her mouth, before checking the time. 'I should probably head home.' She looked about, seeing no one around now, before heading for the exit.

All in all, a good movie... if a bit outdated. But, that was part of the fun of seeing old movies, you get to laugh!

(Fixed to going home rather than to class!)
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Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((The time is somewhere about half ast midnight, and classes don't start till next week ;) ))

Rosary headed out of the building, and started out the same way she came in. She noticed the pair from the movie over by the tow truck, and they noticed her as well. The woman started to jog towards her, a smile on her face.

"Hey, how's it going? Can I ask you a quick question?"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

(Oh.... I... looked at "It was a quiet night, shortly before classes started" and thought it was just before classes or something....)

Rosary blinked and stopped. "Uh, sure, go ahead and ask?" she said, quite confused by the sudden reappearance of the crazies and the woman asking her a question. What could they be up to and what was with the tow truck she wondered.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((ah, yep, I guess I did word that in a confusing way, didn't I? :/ ))

The woman finished jogging up to her, but instead of asking her question, simply wound up and delivered a punch to Rosary's nose, taking her completely by surprise. She felt her nose break, and felt herself falling backwards, already knocked out by the time she landed.


Rosary awoke groggily, feeling a trickle of blood run down her chin and into her scarf, she intinctively tried to wipe it, but found that her hands were tied. That brought her to full consciousness right quick. She was somewhere else, looked like one of the industrial parks, and she was bound hands and feet, hanging from something above her she couldn't make out. The crazy pair were right there, several hubcaps in front of them, apparently trying to choose one for some reason...
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

An adrenaline rush hit Rosary. Her first thought was that she was going to die.

Her first action was to stop herself from screaming for help. Since they didn't seem to know she was awake yet, she still had the chance for the first action, and a screaming captive, she imagined, would just lead to a dead captive. Well, a sooner-rather-than-later dead captive.

Trying to keep her wits about her, Rosary quietly kept at whatever bonds she had, attempting to get free.

Ugh, her nose hurt.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary worked against the bonds for a bit while she watched the pair go hubcap shopping. They started thinning out their pile, tossing hubcaps into the bushes as they decided which wouldn't do for whatever they wanted it for. Try as she might though, her own weight kept the ropes tight to her, any slack she made just seemed to go to the rope holding her up, dropping her a tad every time and giving her less rope to work with.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Great. Trying to get out of the ropes was useless. Now Rosary was practically out of options besides shouting for help, and she wasn't about to use up that chance.

She fought for the courage, and mustered up enough to say, "Wh-... what are you doing?" She felt as if she was just asking for it.