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Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The man stopped pouring his blood into the hubcap bowl as well. She passed it back to him, and turns back to Rosary. "Time to say hello to the long night." She says philosophically, before leaning in and gently tipping her head aside, sinking her fangs into Rosary's neck.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary clenched her eyes in anticipation, before letting out a gasp, feeling the fangs digging into her neck.

(Don't know much about this part... so... yeah....)
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

((No worries, read isabella's for an idea, but its basically a supernatural compulsion that makes it the most pleasurable thing you've ever experienced ;) ))

Rosary was completely overwhelmed by the sensation that came with the woman's bite, letting out a low, continuous moan as she sagged in her bonds. It continued for what felt like forever, and though she could feel herself weakening, she didn't want it to stop.

But stop it did, abruptly and painfully. She was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, and felt her neck continue to bleed, pumping her life away, she managed to see flashes of colour, a silver streak, a flash of orange and red, some screams...

A hand placed itself under her chin, drawing her foggy gaze upwards, where she could make out a face, a man she didn't recognize. "Do you want to live?" He asked, in a deeper voice, and a Russian accent...
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary groaned, and even whimpered pathetically. What happened? Why... did it have to stop?

She couldn't muster any words; she was far too weak for that. To whoever it was, she gave a weak nod.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The man slapped her a few times across the face, helping her to focus. "Pay attention. If you wish to survive this, what's the square root of pi?" He asks, completely seriously.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Square... root... of Pi?..." Rosary croaked out. "Impossible... to give an... exact... answer... since Pi isn't... a rational number...." Her head hurt. "But... about 1.77...."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The man nodded, satisfied. "Better than I expected. Now rest, and be at peace..." He said, and Rosary could feel power behind his words, drawing her into unconsciousness. As she drifted through the blessed black of sleep, she felt the same bliss, she had felt before, but at a distance, as if someone else was actually feeling it. Not long after it stopped again, a pleasant, soothing warmth spread through her, energizing her and making her feel... Different, somehow.

She snapped awake in the backseat of a car, her mind reeling with hunger. She needed to eat, and fast. Something was already crammed in her mouth, and she bit down, her mouth instantly filled with the warm, cloying taste of blood, which she hungrily gulped down, despite herself...
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Is this... blood?! Why does this blood taste so good? Why can't I stop?? Rosary was horrified as she kept slurping away. After a few moments of being occupied with her 'food,' she let whatever was in her mouth just drop out, before she looked around to get a better grasp of her surroundings.

What happened earlier? It was a bit fuzzy since a lack of blood does that to a person. She did remember it felt good. Was she some crazy pervert that had a rape feel good? No... that wasn't what happened.

Rosary let out a quiet groan, still thinking.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary slowly came back to herself, still unsure what had happened. The woman had bit her, that much she remembered, and then the waves of pleasure came... But then it stopped, and there was a man's face in front of her, asking her something...

The car bounced and pulled her sideways occasionally, feeling like it was in motion. A stationary look around, without getting up, didn't tell her much, and she was just thinking of opening her mouth to say something when a set of shots rang out, first pinging against the car she was in, then sounding like they were fired from the car itself...
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Guns?! The first thing Rosary did was give a squeak of surprise before rolling from the backseat that was her bed a moment earlier, into the space between that and the front seat. She was taking cover. Of course, she wasn't a little girl, so as soon as she was a bit lodged between the two, she let out a squeak of pain as she covered her head with her hands.

What was going on?
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The firing stopped, and so did the car a moment later. Rosary heard a voice directed at her, and looking up proved it to be the man she fuzzily remembered from before. "You have two choices." He said calmly. "Stay here in the car and wait, or drive it to an address I'll leave for you, though it's a standard, if that's a problem. What's your decision?"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary thought over her two choices. Neither were appealing. But, first, some answers.

"What is going on?!?" she asked, as she clambered her way back up onto the backseat though keeping her head a bit low, afraid of more gunfire.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The man sighed, looking out of the car impatiendtly for a moment. From her new vantage point, Rosary can see a police cruiser parked in the ditch not too far away as well, both cars on the edge of a green strip, or maybe a park. "You're a vampire, and I'm going to go hunt down the one that forced me to Embrace you to save you. She's getting away as we speak." He says dully, obviously annoyed by the holdup.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"I'll wait then...." Rosary said, cowering a bit. She had so many questions, but it seemed they would have to wait.

So now she was a vampire.... A few more things were coming back. She licked her fangs. Yup, vampire.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"See that you do, then." The man seemed to be fiddling with something that he'd withdrawn from the glove compartment and from what she'd heard earlier, it sounded as though he were reloading a gun. Slipping it into the holster, he exited the car and seemed to hesitate a moment. Bearing the look of one who was about to undertake something distasteful, he headed for the back of the car and opened the trunk. Upon slamming it shut, it looked as though he were holding a bag filled with a dark liquid. Without so much as a backward glance to Rosary, he headed off, cutting behind the cruiser and off into the distance where there looked to be the beginnings of a line of trees.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary sat quietly and patiently in the backseat, though she did keep looking around nervously. She kept tonguing her new fangs. She felt as if she should still do something, but she was just far too afraid to try it. Who knows what else that Russian vampire could do.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

He could disappear, that was certain. Once he'd hit the trees, she lost sight of him. The only clue she had to his whereabouts were what sounded like a couple gunshots off in the direction that he'd come from. Not too long after hearing those, she can see him returning from whence he came, his attention on the policewoman that's walking with him. The two of them seem to be talking, although she can't pick up on the conversation until he gets closer to the car. She can hear the officer asking about getting answers.

"There will be." Vincent stands just outside the car. "Just remember what I said about the back door."

After telling the other woman that, Vincent slides into the car again, tosses something onto the passenger seat, and starts it up, guiding it carefully away from the edge of the road. He mutters something about delays and more difficulties, his attention more on the road and his thoughts than her at the moment.

(Assuming nothing more with Claire, that is. Otherwise, consider that happening as well.)
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Staying quiet, Rosary shifted herself a bit in her seat, before leaning forward to peer at whatever it was that Vincent, who she still technically didn't know the name of, picked up.

She wanted to let the man calm down a bit after whatever gunbattle he had had before trying to get any answers. Didn't need him turning his gun on her.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary sees that it's another empty blood bag, much like the one that was stuffed in her mouth earlier. Vincent seemed to not notice her leaning closer, his attention elsewhere at the moment, namely on the phone he was dialing. As it was ringing, he muttered something under his breath.

There was no preamble to the conversation, no pleasantries. He simply began with "You may let them know de target has yet to be eliminated." A pause. "Dere were...complications. You can also inform Jeck to expect another arrival this evening. One of the local law enforcement." A longer pause. "Well, aside from de rash of neonates already dis evening, even I know de folly of stirring up dat nest of hornets, traditions or no. Besides, having one of us on de force for however long she is able to maintain it would be beneficial." Another pause. "You may expect me later. I have business at de Chantry currently." A short pause. "Yes. Of course." And with that, he terminated the call, glancing back over his shoulder at Rosary.

"What is your name?" Seems he was the one starting with the questions.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary hesitated for a moment, before she responded, "Rose... well, Rosary, but... it feels weird if people call me by that...." She trailed off. "What's... yours?"