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Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

He chuckles once, likely at the irony of her name and her situation. "Rosary. My name is Vincent. Before you undoubtedly ask, no, you're not dreaming. You were attecked by two members of de Sabbat. One...is not going to bother us any longer. De other..." He trails off, muttering under his breath again. She's pretty sure he's cursing the crazy vampire lady that bit her. "Will be dealt with in due time," he finally states aloud, though his tone is definitely annoyed. "For de time being, you needn't concern yourself with her."

((Don't recall Shrike giving a last name on him. Also the babbling is so I didn't have a one-line post.))
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Uhm, okay," Rosary blinked. Great, she was with a confirmed, and admitted, killer. At least it was only killing vampires... which she was now! Oh great!

"Uh, what's the Sabbat? Are you a vampire too? Why attack me??" she started asking questions, though in quite the meek voice. She was conflicted between the natural surprised curiosity of being... well... changed, and the fear of everything.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"De Sabbat are a sect of vampires diametrically opposed to our own, de Camarilla. While we seek to maintain a low profile, you might say, de Sabbat revel in their vampiric nature and have no issue with skirting or even breaking de Masquerade if dey feel it suits dere purposes." He continued on, taking the rest of her questions in turn. "I am, da. I am also your Sire, as it was my blood that brought you back after Mist drank from you. We belong, as I said, to de Camarilla and, more specifically, to Clan Tremere. As for why she attacked you, I do not pretend to know how dat woman's mind works. Maybe she had a purpose for you or maybe it was simply because you happened to be who she saw first. Regardless, either dis night or one soon, she will be punished for her crimes."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Carm-... what? Masquerade? Clan huh?" Rosary was getting more and more lost. The one main thing she did get was that the woman who brought her into this mess of vampires and what not was going to get what she deserved. Hopefully.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Camarilla," he repeats, enunciating it a little better. "De Masquerade are...de rules dat we uphold so that de kine do not know dat we even exist. Doing what you can to make one forget dat you've fed off of them, not doing anything dat gives away your vampiric nature, not using your geefts where they can see it. You will learn more as de nights progress. As for clans, vampires are divided by dere geefts and dere natures. Each one, you will find, has a particular strength and a particular weakness. For de moment, you need only concern yourself with ours. De rest will come later."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary nodded. "Okay." Things were making a bit more sense, like vampires hiding and what not. "Oh, I suppose I should say thank you for saving me from that lunatic."

She figured she'd save some more questions for later, since Vincent did mention that she'd learn more later.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Thank me after you've finished your training," he replies with something of a enigmatic smile.

As he continues to drive, he finally pulls into the garage of what appears to be a rather stately home. The building is at least two stories and calling it a mansion might not be wholly accurate, but the place does have a stately air about it. Lavish might be a more proper word but at the same time, Rosary seems to get a vibe from it as one might from a library or a museum.

Vincent shuts off the car and snags up the bag he left on the front seat before exiting. He's courteous enough to open the door for her but she steps out on her own. Once the door is shut again, he leads her out of the garage and to one of the entrances of the house. As the door is opened for him, seemingly by an unseen force, he turns to her. "Welcome to de Chantry, Rosary," he says quietly before guiding her inside.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Uhm, thank you? And, what training?" Rosary asked, copying the quiet tone. This thank you was directed at the welcoming and the half-way-to-nice manners of opening the door for her. She didn't bother mentioning she slightly preferred Rose, seeing as Vincent seemed to find it amusing. It was a bit ironic, she supposed.

She looked around, taking in where she was. It's much better than what she's had for a long time. A sigh escaped the new vampire's lips.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The stately feeling was reproduced inside the home, Rosary noted. The few rooms she could see as she was lead down the hallway all looked like studies, with several high-backed reading chairs and bookshelves covering every wall. Vincent lead her down a set of stairs, passing the first basement, which appeared to be an entire basement suite, and down into what appeared to be a common bedroom, which took up the majority of that floor, with only a small room in the opposite corner, likely a bathroom. There were seven beds total, all of them identically large four-poster deals.

"This is where you'll be spending your days." He explained, letting her have a quick look around before moving back up the stairs, giving her time for some questions.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Forced move in?" Rosary asked. Well, there goes her old life, not that it was that great anyway. It might be a good change depending on....

"What about vampires are true? Like all those stories... does garlic and running water stuff work? What about rosaries? Well... the cross... not me. Clearly I don't work against vampires. Does sun really vaporize a vampire?" She'd rather know about what her new self could do and couldn't. Didn't need to be accidentally killing herself from something normally mundane.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"At least to begin with, yes, though it really is the safest place you'll have." Vincent explains, before continuing to her other questions.

"Garlic, running water, and crosses themselves are useless, except when the Kindred in question has fooled themselves into thinking otherwise. Items of Faith can be useful as a barrier against us, though the weilder must have real faith in their power, which is exceedingly rare these days. Fire and sunlight are incredibly potent, avoid them at all costs." He explains as they climb back up to the main floor and head into one of the studies she had spotted earlier. Vincent starts looking through the shelves, searching for something.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary hmmm'd thoughtfully as she nodded. "What about wooden stakes? And regular weapons like guns and swords and... fists?" she asked. She looked at the shelves Vincent was searching.

"And why do I need to be somewhere supposedly safer? I've already been turned into a vampire... what else are they going to do if I'm at my own home?" It wasn't that she didn't trust them it's just... she didn't trust them. Turned and now forced to live in a basement in some estate. That didn't scream creepy at all! Now that she thought about it, how did she even know she was really a vampire and they weren't just playing a trick on her? Sure her 'fangs' felt longer than they had been before, and there was that bag of blood.... Could this all be some elaborate ruse to become a captive or slave in their basement?!?

"Need any help?" she asked one more question, though she sounded a bit suspicious due to her rampant thoughts.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Stakes can immobilize us, guns and knives and such are less dangerous than they are to mortals, with the exception of incendiary rounds. Fists are only dangerous when they are another Kindred's, some clans have prodigious strength, makes anything they wield dangerous." Vincent explains, pulling aside some books to look behind them before replacing them back where they were.

"There are many reasons why it's safer to remain here. Our clan is held separate from most of the others in the Camarilla, as we have exclusive access to blood magic, or thaumaturgy. There are many others that would stoop low enough to steal and diablerize a child such as yourself, just to get those secrets for themselves. Also, I don't believe you realize how difficult it is to keep sunlight out of a common abode." He says, almost as an afterthought.

In response to her last question, he simply pulls a smaller book out from where it was laying behind some larger ones, and hands it to her. "This, is a primer of sorts. Read through it when you have some time alone, it will help you to better understand your new form and it's capabilities and limitations. Now, we must take our leave for now, we must go see the prince." He says, leading her back out of the house and into the car, once again holding the door open for her.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary hugged the book to her chest, as she followed behind Vincent. This, if it was a joke, was getting more and more intricate and worrisome.

"Vampires are that vulnerable to sunlight? So... even indirect sunlight, like through some blinds, are still really bad?"

"And... a prince? Prince?? What prince? Why do I need to see some prince?"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Yes, Kindred are that vulnerable to sunlight, though it isn't instantly fatal, even directly." Vincent says, stressing the word kindred. "Within about ten seconds is fatal for direct sunlight, with longer times for sunrise, sunset, and indirect light. As for the Prince, he is the one essentialy in charge of the Kindred of the town, the title remains of the traditions of earlier times." He explains, driving along the streets. "Now, I probably will be unable to stay with you for the entirety of the night, but keep that book hidden, some of what is in there is clan secrets. Do you have any more questions before we arrive? We're about three blocks away." He asks, turning a corner into downtown.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Sorry. Kindred...." Rosary apologized and repeated the correct term to herself.

"I can't think of much else at the moment, Mr. Vincent. If I can think of anymore, is there a way for me to reach you?" she asked. "If it's alright that is...."

She still felt weird, going along with all of this. But she didn't have any other choice. More proof would be nice... but she had a feeling it would come soon enough.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Do you have a cell phone?" Vincent asks, holding a card out to her after switching gears. "Chances are if you end up leaving my side for the rest of the night, you'll be having all your questions answered anyways, but just in case."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"I should have one," Rose said, patting her pockets. "As long as it didn't fall out. ...Ah here it is." She pulled it out, while taking the card.

"Thank you for all the help you've given me... like saving me from those lunatics. But, uh... one last thing that I thought of..." she said. She couldn't fight off the nagging feeling. "I'm just... wondering... if you could prove that I'm... or you... are actually a vam-... er... Kindred."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"That's rather simple." Vincent says. "Stop talking and see if you feel the need to breathe. We don't, to put it simply. If you aren't convinced by that, consider all that has happened to you tonight in light of what you know now."

He parks the car and opens the door to let her out after another minute of driving, being in a pay stall around the front of the courthouse.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Nothing happened tonight that was... really all that supernatural though...." Rosary said as she stepped out of the car. "And I assume into the courthouse?"

As she stood outside of the car, she took the moment to check the breath theory. ...Come on... breathe... don't you need to breathe?... She was sure to pass out any second now if she didn't....