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Prologue: Vezina

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Nov 10, 2008
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1101 AD; London, Kingdom of England.

Vezina's eyes fluttered open to earth, her earth, it filled her mouth as she tried to speak cutting off any sound she make. The unceasing need to feed hit her and consumed her thoughts like nothing she had ever felt. It was if she had never fed before in her life and she must get out of this hole, the hole she had dug herself to please her master. She began to dig frantically pulling handful after handful aside til she finally broke through the earth into the dark cave that was her master's home.

Her senses reeled as she looked about the darkened cave as if for the first time. Then the scent of blood hit her from somewhere in the darkened room, consuming her every thought process. Looking around hungrily Vezina began crawling towards the source of the blood she somehow knew she must have. It was one her master's herd, she had known the woman and been friends with her but now saw only food. The woman noticed her presence and smiled towards Vezina as she greeted her warmly though with a hint of fear.

"It is good to see you awake, Mistress. The master has given me a great honor by allowing me to be your first repast."
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Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina awoke to a gnawing hunger whose origins heralded neither from her mind nor stomach, but from her own fledgling godhood, terrifying and personal. In the moments before he had kissed her neck, her dark master had told her to expect this. Removed from her humanity by a insignificant speck of time, she reflected upon the final words her master had whispered to her.

"You have a lifetime of mortality to shed before you will be considered one of us. One of the Kindred. But now you pass through an all important barrier of undeath, to be reborn as a divine being. Like a caterpillar entering its chrysalis, you are on your way to becoming something far greater, far more significant in the grand scheme of the universe. You will be a goddess amongst the lesser kine."

How unexpected this revelation, and yet how wonderful! Gyulu had bestowed her with a terrible knowledge that her former brethren, such as this weak piece of meat standing beside her now, were never meant to know - nor could they possibly understand it, not without experiencing it.

The smell of the cave dirt beneath her feet... the earth of her mortal grave, filled her nostrils without the need for her drawing breath. Gyulu had made her dig her own death pit, long before telling her his plans for her after-life. He had ordered her to dig deep into the earth, thrice the measure of her own height. She had to chip through heavy rocks with crude tools that needed to be constantly replaced. It had taken her months of toil, and when he had determined she had dug deep enough, he had her fill in the pit with soil. In one night her efforts had been practically erased.

She had felt such a mixture of rage and frustration and sorrow. Everything she had done was for the master... whose exodus from the homeland had cost her the life of her father and the familiar trappings of the Carpathian woods. Now she had come to this island far from home. And now she would spend her days digging pointless holes only to have them filled in again.

How little she had understood.

He had returned to her after several nights without any word or sign. He told her to re-dig the pit, only this time, she was to use no tool save her own hands, and furthermore, she would do so while naked. Men from the caravan, men she thought were her friends, came with sharp knives and cut her along her arms and legs. All was done at the behest of the master, and there was no alternative. She dug like a feral beast into the earth, going half mad with her lack of understanding, committing every thought to her task, her duty to her master, and to the earth of the cave pit... earth that mingled with her mortal blood with every handful she displaced.

When at last she had reached the bottom of her pit again, Master Gyulu appeared to her again. For the first time ever, she heard a hint of warmth in his tone when he addressed her... he had approached her, wrapped his arms around her, and told her that she was worthy of his love.

Then pain. Oh gods, the pain. Then darkness. Forever and a day. And finally, hunger and thirst. Clawing her way up through the earth of her pit - her earth. She pushed it aside and emerged as Vezina... no longer the fur trapper's daughter, no longer the Carpathian peasant, no longer a human woman.

She was Vezina, of Clan Tzimisce.

Her old 'friend' greeted her, but no bond of empathy or shared emotion touched Vezina's unbeating heart. Somewhere beyond the wall of thirst dominating her mind was a distant memory of kinship, but it's significance was as dust before the driving gales of the fledgling's sole need.

Fangs in the dark. A scream cut short. And then at last...

The blood.

Its calling, its sweet taste coating her throat and tongue, filling her shriveled veins with its life force. Vezina had never conceived of anything even remotely close to its excellence. She felt as though she could smell every minutia in the air, see colors imperceptible to the human eye, hear the heart beats of the kine chattle waiting to serve their purpose. So this was what it was like to be a god?

Vezina let the husk of a human body drop at her feet, then stumbled through the cave tunnels, like a child learning how to walk. Nothing had prepared her for the intensity of the blood. The world was more vivid than it had ever been... or perhaps she had never really seen the world as it truly was. She might as well have been a deaf and blind mute suddenly given her senses, and now those senses were threatening to drown her unless she shunted them out again.

She put a hand on the cave wall, needing to recoup and gather herself before starting out again.

"Master?" she whispered, thinking she had heard someone. "Master, are you there?"
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Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Come to me my new bride." Seems to echo inside Vezina's head as she calls out in the dark caves. The voice of her master seems to be in her head and he continues to call her as if leading her forward. She stumbles forward through the dank cave as if following the master's voice that only she hears.

Then the delicious screams of another of her master's herd comes to her from a cavern off to her side. The screams stop almost as abruptly as they had started and she hears the shuffling of feet coming towards her from the cave. Staring into the caves intently Vezina watches as Scorylo and Tarbus come stumbling out. No longer are her masters long time ghouls mere mortals for she instinctively knows they have received the dark embrace as she has.

Scorylo, one of her master's former bodyguards stopped and stared at the welp before him. She remembered him as a cruel task master who would endlessly whip any peasants stupid enough to approach her masters fortress without permission. The giant of a man simply stared back at her with his cruel eyes.

Tarbus had been her masters seneschal, speaking to the peasants of his herd and goading them into their daily duties for their master. He smiled benignly towards Vezina and she could see that his devious brain was already figuring how to best turn things to his advantage.

Neither of her master's newest brood spoke they all just sat there staring at each other. Waiting to see who would make the first move.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Seeing that neither the brute nor the mouth were willing to take the initiative, Vezina made the first move, striding past them both and moving with as much dignity as she could muster towards the calling of her master. Instinctively she could sense his proximity, as his voice, though inside her mind, still provided a hint of direction. Certainly it only did so because the master willed it.

She did not know why, but she felt a sense of pride and honor swelling within her, or perhaps it was merely the memory of those feelings, for all emotion save hunger had seemed to be a shadow of its former self. Nonetheless, of the three of them, she was the oddest choice, and therefore it was evident in her mind that she had done the most to earn this high honor.

She tensed, as the two of them followed behind her, ready for some sort of animal betrayal, but determined to show no fear.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

The animal betrayal came as Vezina had expected, though not exactly how she had expected.

Tarbus pulled a dagger from his dirt covered clothing as soon as Scorylo had begun to follow Vezina. Sinking it into the ribs of the brute up to it's hilt and leaping to the attack with fangs bared. Her fellow childer began to fight tooth and claw against each other. First her master's mouth than the brute winning as they fought desperately.

Her sire's voice came to her again as he ordered her to stop the petty bickering of their childer. We have more important matters before we can get to the winnowing of the chaff.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

In the harsh dialect of her native tongue, Vezina chastised her brethren.

"Enough you two! The master has need of us all, and now is not the time!"

Unsure exactly how she did so, but trusting in her instincts, Vezina steeled the blood within her veins, using it to fuel her muscles beyond what she was certain she could normally do.

Taking the preoccupied Tarbus, and pulling at him by the back of his neck, Vezina tore him bodily away from the snarling Scorylo, whose shoulder she pressed her palm against in a warding gesture.

"Peace! Scorylo, you will have your chance to prove your strength against this scoundrel! Tarbus, the master scorns this delay to his plans!"

That's right, Tarbus, the brute is now mine. Your dagger should have been quicker, more final. He's too dumb to plot his revenge properly, but with my aid, his might will be aimed well. You would be wise to consolidate your position... if indeed there is wisdom behind your bandied words.

Vezina showed her cruel cunning to Tarbus as she curled her snarl into a smile that was hidden from Scorylo. Tarbus must be made to realize his only hope now was to seek diplomacy with his master's bride.

With the bad blood between Tarbus and Scorylo set, Vezina could pit the two against one another if she played her cards right, and seem to each of them as a confidant. It was obvious the men viewed each other as the greatest threat, and considered her easy prey once the other was dealt with. She would prove them both wrong.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Tarbus is easily pulled back away from their brutish sibling, Scorylo. The snarl on his face is quickly replaced by the devious twitch of his eyes that she knows all to well. His words come out honeyed and slick though she can sense the fear behind them.

"Of course, Vezina, we mustn't upset the master's plans. I only acted to prevent our brutish brother from attacking you. I wouldn't want something bad to happen to the master's bride..."

Scorylo could have easily pushed his way past the palm Vezina held him with if he wished but he stopped his attack. Pulling the dagger from his back he tosses it to the side disdainfully.

"Lies, it was your plan to attack the welp and as soon as the master hears of your deceit I will crush you like the peasant you are."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Later then. The master will hear what both of you have to say, but only after he discusses his plans for us. Now is not the time for the winnowing of the chaff."

She used the master's words deliberately, hoping that these two fools had or were receiving a similar message directly from the source. She stepped back from Scorylo and twirled back towards the direction she'd been traveling. Her dirt covered skirt had been torn along its seam at the side, revealing her cut and scarred leg as she walked at a brisk pace away from them.

"Keep up, the both of you!" she growled and then hurried forward, not wanting to give either of them the opportunity to plot further or think. Let them both eye each other warily, but if they did not pursue her, she would leave them in the dust.

I am coming, my master. I hear your call.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Scorylo and Tarbus both follow grudgingly though neither of them reacts to the words of the master. They continue to eye each other warily as they follow through the dark tunnels. After what seems like eons of traveling through the maze-like tunnel they finally emerge into their masters cavern.

The room is lit by a fire along the far wall sending strange and menacing shadows bouncing across the room. The fire instills a wholly unnatural fear in the the three as the enter. Their will and the distance of the flames is the only thing that doesn't send them screaming from the room in terror.

There sitting upon a throne is their master in all his glory, beautiful yet frightening beyond all belief. Scorylo and Tarbus immediately back away as though more afraid of the master than any flames.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina saw the flickering of the flames as though they were the tongues of angry dragons whose maws lurked just beneath the crust of the earth, waiting to jump up and consume her body and soul. It was uncanny to view what had so normally been a welcoming sight of heat and protection from the fear of the night, now morphed into a vision of abject terror.

She willed herself to ignore it and focused instead upon the awesome, yet frightful sight of her dark master, sitting on the stone throne of earth in the center of the room.

She moved forward swiftly and fell at his feet, her eyes large and focused upon the black orbs of inky blackness staring back at her: twin abysses in this lair of horror and fire. This was the creature, the god, to which she was now bride. Apprehension swelled in her chest and constricted her throat. She felt at a loss for words, but was pleased that she had at least been the first to come kneel before him.

With his aid, she would become something beautiful and terrible, a creature of the darkness to rule over the earth. It was a beautiful nightmare.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Scorylo and Tarbus quickly followed suit once they saw Vezina go and kneel before the master. Both avoiding the fire just as much as she had and kneeling slightly behind her.

Gyulu stared as if looking into space a few moments before finally standing before his kneeling childer and intoning.

"Welcome my childer, tonight you have been remade into something new. You are no longer mere mortals but fledgling Tzimisce. One day I shall rule the city of London above, through the power of you. First you must learn how to truly be one of the Tzimisce, you have started along the path but are not ready yet. Are you prepared to begin your journey down your paths?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina raised her gaze so that it was now level with her elder's knees, not daring to look into his eyes, but feeling the need to show that her will to serve was coupled with an independent and confident mind.

"I am prepared, my lord. Your will is my desire. Teach me the ways of the night."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Her brethren simply bow their heads deeper towards Gyulu, all the while keeping an eye on each other as if they still don't trust each other even in his presence. Gyulu smiles beautiful yet frighteningly as he takes a golden ring from one of his fingers he tosses it into the fire and continues.

"Excellent but first a test to see if what you say is true. I desire my ring back, bring it to me and prove that you were a wise choice as my bride."

The golden ring can be seen glinting just inside of the angry fire, not even an arms length into the flames. Her brethren smile devilishly though a hint of fear can be seen in their eyes as they wonder what their test's shall be. All she has to do is reach in and pluck the ring out though her fear of the flames only increases as she stares towards her master's ring.
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Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina willed herself to her feet and forced herself to look at her goal, the ring that lay just an insignificant length beyond the flames. She knew that if this request had come to her as a mortal being, she would have been able to grab the ring simply, without fear of being burned. She had snatched things from the hearth fire when she had been a girl, her father having showed her how to do it - passing his hand through the flames quickly, to show that it could be done if you gave the fire no time to burn you.

The security of that knowledge seemed a far thing now as she stared into the licking tongues of flame as though they were the portal of oblivion's gate. The dark THING within her recoiled at the thought of touching them, sensing its anathema, its destroyer cloaked in reds, yellows and oranges. She tried to put on a brave face, asking that dark creature inside her to bare its fangs.

Vezina's mouth opened, she hissed, and then as best she could started forward towards the ring. It wasn't long before she sensed the heat, and she could only think of the lengths she had already gone for her master. There had never been a choice. It had always been his will, or her own death. He was the sword of damocles that hung above her - that majestic fear that had ruled her all her short life. To disobey was the equivalent of burning in this horrible fire. She had little doubt that she could be tossed into it for disobedience to the master now. She had seen the ghoul servants do far worse for far less to the peasants of the Carpathian village where she had grown up. That lesson had long been etched into her memory. She could not fail now.

She decided that when the moment came, speed would be of the essence. The wailing monster-god within her would not stand for a prolonged endeavor, she must be fast. She was within arm's reach now of the ring, no time to think! Do it, Vezina! Do it!

Her hand shot out towards the flames, and the golden ring beyond.

Going to try to avoid Rotschreck and swipe that ring from the fire. Spend willpower if necessary.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

It seems to take all the will she can muster but she's able to move forward and snatch the ring from the fire. Barely in control of the beast inside of her she feels the lick of the flames along her arm. The pain is unbearable as she looks down at the golden ring burning into her flesh. The beast within her screams to be released from it's pain when she hears her master's voice telling her to control her beast to bend it to her will.

You're in control of the rotschrek though barely and you also took one aggravated damage.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Snarling inwardly, she chastises her beast with imagined mental flails, doing her best to heed Gyulu's words even as she walked back to him. She stared hatefully at the burning ring as it seared her undead flesh, making a small 'O' in the middle of her palm. It was painful, but no more so than the pain she had felt at the time of her death, nor the more prolonged, chronic pains of the constant cutting and whipping and degrading laughter that had bit into her while she had dug what she had been certain was her own death pit in a forgotten cave.

Again, there had never been a choice. She had been mortal chattle... a nothing. Food for her master and his ilk. Now she was something more, soon she would have true power, true will. Soon she would make others fear her name in the night. Years of roiling emotions churned in her mind as memories of her torments assailed the wailing of the Beast within. She channeled the repressed hatred and used it as a sharpened stave with which to prod and pen the Beast back into the darkned pit where once her human soul had dwelt.

She was aware now of standing before her master, holding out her open palm to display the ring before him.

"Your ring, master." Despite the pain, she felt pride. The wound would heal... eventually. Her place at the master's side was now further secured. Scorylo and Tarbus would rue every stab and every lash that they had beset her with when she was a mere human. She would make them choke on their own earth before she was through, and the master would delight in her work.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu reaches his hand down and closes Vezina's hand around the ring, holding it tightly. She feels the pain intensely as the ring finishes cooling in her hand. Once the ring has cooled and the beast inside of her has calmed he points to her brethren and intones once more.

"You have a powerful will, my bride. Now teach your brethren to control their beasts for you must know how to control others as well as how to control yourself. Only than can you truly change into what you wish to be."

Scorylo and Tarbus both look up at their master a look of fear and anger mixed in their visages, though they dare not rebel.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

The pain was breath-taking. She had been sure that Gyulu would take the ring from her, but instead he clasped her hand around it. Had she still been a mortal, she would have wept at the pain, but now she could only stifle the urge to gasp and ride out the pain. At last, mercifully, the ring cooled, and the master removed his hand.

When next he spoke to her, Vezina raised her eyes too look up at him, a mixture of emotions in her own eyes, not all of them conscious things. She knew his methods were harsh by mortal standards, but she was no longer expected to measure herself against mere humans. He had told her that her will was strong - and it gave her strength.

She nodded, and then turned towards her two fellow childer.

"Scorylo, Tarbus, rise up and approach the flames. Keep your eyes upon the fire and do not back down. Walk until you feel the heat, and then walk a step further. Do not be the first to shirk away."

That would be a fair trial. Pit their prides against the other. One of them would thank her for the opportunity to show his superiority over the other, while the other would split his hatred between herself and the one who bested him.

As the two walked towards the flames she reminded them of their inner beast.

"The Other within you will balk. It will try to lay claim to your body. Do not let it. You must be stronger than your beast, or you might as well toss yourself into those flames and be done with it."

As she said these things, she stroked her thumb against the ring her master had enclosed within her own hand. Had he given it to her as a gift? As a token of his affection? If so she would fashion a pendant of it, to let all know that it was to her that Gyulu showed his favor.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Tarbus and Scorylo stand and tentatively turn to the fire, their hatred of each other still obvious on their faces. The hatred in their eyes for Vezina is obvious as well though not as strong as the other. They do exactly as she had ordered them, stepping closer and closer to the fire.

They are both practically in the fire when Scorylo finally breaks and turns to run screaming from the room. Vezina can almost feel the smile on Tarbus face as he listens to his rival run from the room.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Predictable, Vezina thought as she watched the terrified Scorylo fly from the room, the Beast within him having seized the reins and taken him over. It was a terrifying sight to behold and inwardly she shuddered to think of herself at the mercy of her own alien presence, lurking cowed for the moment in her innermost depths.

"Stand back from the flames Tarbus, that will do for now," she commanded him, knowing that here stood her most dangerous rival. She would need to console and cultivate Scorylo's hatred of Tarbus when she had the time and opportunity. Though she was certain that her will was Tarbus' equal, she could not deny that he had more experience in the nature of the blood. He and Scorylo both had tasted of the master before -- she had heard tales of the blood drinking since she was a girl, and certainly she remembered particular scenes in her past where the power that blood had given men like Tarbus had been undeniable. Strength and speed beyond measure, and a recovery from wounds that boggled the mortal mind. She and those like her had lived in constant fear of the 'ghouls,' for no one save the masters wielded power so freely.

"Your servants have been tested agaisnt one another, and against themselves, master," Vezina said, once again addressing Gyulu, awaiting his reply and judgement. His dark eyes gazed back at her, betraying no emotion, but peering into her own thoughts, reading her as though she were an open tome.
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