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Protection Withdrawn


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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The instructions in the letter give directions to a shop just off the main shopping strip in south-east Deluros known as 'Tanebur's Tomes'. As the title suggests, it appears to be a bookstore. All in all, it's fairly generic in appearance, it's neither run down looking, nor particularly showy. The building is one floor, and aside from the main door, there is a shopfront window, and a back door as the only entrances. It is perhaps a little surprising that other than the storefront display window there appear to be no other windows, but the faint glow from inside during the daylight hours hints that perhaps it is magically lit.

((It is currently daytime, mid-afternoon. There are a reasonable number of foot traffic around currently. You are free to make whatever actions you like now, or decide to wait until nightfall.))
Re: Protection Withdrawn

Turning to Fhairies; "Hmmmm, I hate to burn a bookshop, but a contract's a contract. You don't happen to have any oil do you? This will go much smoother if I have something to target, and something that burns quickly. I think I might have a plan. Also, you don't happen to have a nickname do you?"
Re: Protection Withdrawn

Fharies appraises the building slowly as she looks it up and down, then shakes her head, "No... I have no oils, but it would be a simple task to buy some. And call me Fa if you must... what should I call you?"
Re: Protection Withdrawn

"Thornvick's my name, but you people call me Thorn usually. Pleased to meat ya Fa! Now, for my plan, we'll need some kind of oil that will explode if I hit it with a lot of heat. Do you know the area, or should we just look around for the proper shop?"
Re: Protection Withdrawn

Fhairies shrugs and points at the local shops, "Let's go find something there, I don't carry oils with me, although perhaps I should invest in some."
Re: Protection Withdrawn

((Your best bet is to hit Iliditia's shop, which already has a thread...))
Re: Protection Withdrawn

So, now that we've got the oil, planning time. We need to find an agreeable street child to help us out, preferably one who's good at disguise and sleight of hand.
Re: Protection Withdrawn

Fharies looks at her partner in crime carefully, "What's the plan? If it is simple, I can summon a mindless skeleton to do the task."
Re: Protection Withdrawn

"I don't think the shop keeper will appreciate you walking into his shop with a skeleton in tow, though I suppose lighting one on fire and sending it into the shop would be a nice backup plan that would leave us without blame. My plan is, one of us goes in there with a street child disguised as an apprentice. I suggest we get a kid since I know I'm no thief, and from the look of you, you're no pickpocket either. A common thief could do the same, but would be a bit more difficult to convince, methinks. The person that goes in claims to be looking for a book, the child will plant the flask in view from the window, but out of sight so the shopkeeper won't notice it and move it. We wait until dusk, I blast it with a ray of fire, the flask pops and spills flaming oil all over the shop. Mission accomplished! What do you think?"
Re: Protection Withdrawn

Fharies shrugs and hands a flask of oil to Thorn, "Go ahead and try then. I bought many more flasks just incase."
Re: Protection Withdrawn

Taking the flask, mark it with a rune so I can recognize it, then look around for a promising assistant. "Would you like to do it or should I?"
Re: Protection Withdrawn

She shrugs as she looks at the man, "You go ahead and do it."
Re: Protection Withdrawn

(Incubus, would you kindly?)