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Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
This is where the character sheets go. Smoke get the fuck in here.

-25 point-buy
-starting level 6
-No casting or manifesting classes with spells above 4th level: Pseudo-casting like alchemy and other stuff is allowed
-Paizo material is preferred. Material from Radiance House and Dreamscarred Press is also allowed. Other 3rd party material can be considered on a case by case basis.
-Starting wealth 20 000 gp
-Hit points are full HP from the first die, average(rounded up) from other dice, with constitution and other bonuses added normally.

House rules:
-It's a jungle. Accordingly, steel doesn't keep well. Bronze equipment is available at the cost of standard equipment
-Mithril-bronze is immune to corrosion from mundane sources but otherwise has the properties of steel and is more expensive for 1 GP extra per pound.
-Mithril costs half as much as normally.
- : The defense bonus is according to your armor proficiencies. To keep up with PF changes, defense bonus for medium and heavy armor is increased by 1.
- : As written. Note that medium and heavy armors are to have their values adjusted according to their higher AC in Pathfinder.
-All classes get a minimum of 4+int skill points.
-Shields Shall be Splintered: A character who is proficient with shields and wielding a shield can once per round when he is not flat-footed or grappled choose to block an attack he is aware of that would otherwise hit him. The character takes no damage. A non-magical shield made of common materials is destroyed. A shield that is enchanted or made of special material of exceptional durability such as adamantine isn't automatically destroyed, but instead takes double damage from the attack(minimum 1 point after hardness is taken into account). If a magical shield is used to block a spell, it takes either full effects of the spell(no save) or, if the spell wouldn't normally affect the shield, 1 point of damage per spell level ignoring hardness.
-Crossbows: Heavy crossbows, like composite bows, have strength rating that's added to their damage. If the wielder has strength bonus at least equal to the rating, they treat the crossbow as a light crossbow for the purpose determining how long it takes to reload it. For every 4 points the crossbow's strength rating exceeds the wielder's strength rating, the reloading time for the crossbow doubles(this makes free actions into swift actions, swift actions into move actions, move actions into standard action and standard actions into full-round actions when applicable). Having strength rating higher than 0 costs 75 gp per +1 for heavy crossbows and 150 gp per +1 for repeating heavy crossbows.
-Monks: Monks get extra ki-powers as per qinggong monk archetype at 4th level and every four levels thereafter in addition to getting twice as much ki.
-Feats: Words of Healing heals for full lay on hands instead of half.
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Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

, slayer of ugly snakemanz and servants of the lizard gods! Will try to get an actual backstory and a picture today.
Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

Vas'is the Hydrafolk and possibly eater of faces.
Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

Ezra the Frozen Palm.

Backstory to be editted in later.
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Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

, isolated alchemist mad bomber.
Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

Oni, I find your sig to be as disturbing as it is entrancing. XD

Oh yes, character! , of the (insert name here, need to commune with spodah and the other psionic to come up with a good one) Monastary, on loan to the temple guards in this time of turmoil. Scouting and bow efficient.
Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

Ha, yeah. The creepiness of it is why I decided to put it in my sig. But it's also kind of sensual? In a way.

And it would seem that both of our characters are uncharismatic as fuck. As for background stuff, there's not too much to my character aside from he was born into the temple, has known no other life than it, and has had an interest in alchemy from an early age and so decided to spend his time fooling around with noxious gases and dangerous chemicals to aid the temple in its goals. He's a socially inept and highly volatile, two traits that generally keep others from interacting with Ez'Raq, though he can and does work with people from time to time. Has a pet monkey that assists in his alchemical experiments and a styracosaurus for a pack animal/mount that generally roams near the temple to feed and keep the lesser predatory animals at bay. When not engaged in some experiment Ez'Raq can more often than not be found in the surrounding jungle looking for ingredients.
Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

Due to unexpected events in my life I'm afraid I'll have to drop out of this.
Re: Protectors of the Holy: Character Sheets & House Rules

Rhurjo, Paladin-guardian of the temple. Big, divine beasty. Terribly WIP.