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Protectors of the Holy

Re: Protectors of the Holy

"It is best that you leave in the morning, as soon as you are able. The temple quartermaster will see that you get any supplies you require. There are probably yuan-ti patrols in the area, but the six of you should have no trouble dispatching those, should you encounter them." The priestess slightly emphasizes the number as she speaks, pausing for a moment to give them a chance to ask further questions. Should no more questions come, she would continue: "A map shall also be provided, just in case. And as always, any intelligence about the yuan-ti or live specimen you should manage to capture will be rewarded handsomely. May the blessing of the Night Dragon be upon you." Ossial finishes, effectively dismissing the party.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

"Yes, my priestess!" Shulka would respond more eagerly, the lizardman's cold blood boiling at the thought of yuan-ti blood to spill. The temple guard would rise and bow, having no questions to ask, but as she had made them a warparty Shulka wouldn't sweep out of the room as he might have normally. Some of this group he had seen before, the strange creature with three heads being the one that stood out most of all, but he knew little of any of their capabilities. The warden would exit the room first only to turn, gazing searchingly at whoever left the room next, and in an almost interrogative tone said; "We are to spill blood together soon... I am Shulka, warder of the house of the gods. The priestess says you are able, and her word is enough for me. Still... When battle is joined, what may I rely on you to do?"
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Ezra remains silent as the Priestess speaks, his hands coming together before him as he waits to be dismissed. As he stands to exit, he bows respectfully to the priestess, and exits in the same soft footfalls that brought him before her. When the Warder stops and begins to inquire, Ezra reamins silent until he finishes, before holding out his left claw and drawing back the sleeve there. "I am Ezra, The Frozen Claw." he states, a coating of ice shooting down his arm and covering the entirety of it for demonstration, before evaporating, his hands once again coming together in front of him. "I am most comfortable avoiding a fight. But, as we have been ordered to do the exact opposite of that, my strength lies in single combat." he states, his tail swishing back and forth as he speaks, his tone soft and even. "And before you worry about my lack of a weapon, my entire body is a weapon. I follow the ancient Marid Style of fighting, and use it to great effect."
Re: Protectors of the Holy

The more slender Lizan exited quickly as well, though she stepped aside and waited with Shulka when he paused to discuss just outside. "I am Kriza. My skills lie in scouting, and with a bow." She said simply, reaching up to indicate the one slung across her back. "I may not always seem to be around, but if the area is good, I should be able to cover the whole group quite well."
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Vas'is nodded to the priestess, her other heads already watching the others leave. It was as good a chance as any to further her experiments, and to assist her deities needs as well. The blood of the vile serpents could also perhaps be a useful reagent.

She stepped outside, the others congregating outside it seemed. Her three heads watching them. "Excuse me, you're congesting the doorway a bit. Can we take this to somewhere more open, please? The quartermaster's perhaps?," spoke the centre head with red eyes.

"We should gather tools for experiments before we go, as well for the travel ahead. Who knows what the snakes are cooking up in there.," says the head with the green eyes.

The final head snarled back at the other pair, glaring intensely with darkblue eyes. "Enough talk! We need nothing but the might of our jaws to tear and devour the serpents flesh! We have no need of such crutches, only the purity of our bodies!"

The red eyed head sighs tiredly. "Maybe we don't but we are thus far the only one of us. Apologies for my counterparts. I am Vas'is, the green one is Sivas, and the blue is Aviss. We are hydrafolk and will be assisting you with the front lines. But we really should stop clogging the halls."
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Ez'Raq grunted in response to the priestess' recommendation of leaving in the morning, and with no further instructions to keep him there the alchemist made to head back to his quarters. That is if his new party members didn't crowd around the only exit out of the room to 'socialise'.

"Ez'Raq. Green-Claw." The slender lizard spoke, disinterest in his voice and a glare in his eye as he addressed the well sculpted lizard calling himself Shulka. "Ranged. I fight with a crossbow." A wry smile then stretched over his scaled lips, baring needle-like teeth. "And alchemy. acids and grenades, mostly. My pet fights too, if they get close enough. Try to not get in my way, there's a reason why most folk choose not to team up with me. I prefer it that way honestly, but if the priestess says I must then who am I to argue."

"And the... hydra?" Ez'Raq spoke, curiosity in his voice. "The hydra is right, you blocking the way out. She's also right about the tools. Heh, I've been waiting a long time to get my hands on a live yuan-ti to experiment on, this trip may turn out to be a good one after all."
Re: Protectors of the Holy

"Interesting," Shulka said to Ezra, the other lizardkin's use of the element that was their bane - and also the bane of the hated yuan-ti - an intriguing development. He spared a nod towards Kriza's response, the necessity of a scout well know to the more brutish warden but not, in his mind, the most noteworthy of roles. Then the three headed hydrakin came through, and the creature's words caused the scaly skin around Shulka's mouth to stretch, revealing his teeth in the closest thing to a scowl that their kind had. He stepped aside as the eccentric creature likewise demanded that he move, but otherwise opted to simply follow the rest to the quartermaster while speaking to Ezra; "You say you prefer not to fight... Have you not been on raids before?"
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Ezra moves along towards the quartermaster when the others begin to move, his hands dropping to his asides and his movements barely noticable, seeming more to glide than walk. "I am a traveling mender. While I do not possess magic like others, I know enough to keep those injured in proper fighting shape." he speaks, his gaze fixed forward as he converses with Shulka. "It is by chance alone I found myself stopping at this temple at just the right time to be included in this endeavor. Do not take my pacifism as Cowardice, however. I am more than willing to spill blood and crush our enemies. I merely see violence as a last resort when there are other methods of dealing with our foes." he says, a water droplet falling from within his right sleeve to the floor, though he takes no notice of it.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

(Derp, not actually wearing any of his gear, spear/shield whatever. X3)

As the others disband and move to chat on their way, with the smaller female slipping out lithely, Rhurjo opted to remain behind, still in his bowing posture beside the Priestess. The others seemed keen to at least become acquainted with one another, and admittedly the lanky beast didn't quite feel so enthusiastic.

Standing fully, he thrummed out to himself, caught between leaving so soon and remaining in some childish urge to linger in familiar surroundings, but sooner or later they'd leave. "How long have the Yuan-Ti been present, Priestess? I... I hope what omens are there, are positive." He grumbled quietly, standing in front of the desk, seemingly in no rush as those faintly illuminated eyes bored into her own lightly. All his equipment was stowed away in his own quarters, what little he had, anyway.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

"There is no way but bloodshed when dealing with the yuan-ti," Shulka grumbled, his voice low and almost threatening, though there was no sign of violence in the lizardman's posture. "Whether they die on the field, or on the altar that their blood and souls may slake the thirst of the gods, they will die," he continued as if repeating the lines from memory. "But... As they say, there is a need for more than warriors in any endeavor... On the priestess' word, I trust you will do as you think best in the pursuit of our cause."
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Ossial sits in silence for a moment, as all but Rhurjo slowly file out of her office. "I do not know how long the yuan-ti have been at the temple. We became aware of their presence several weeks ago. The omens are... mixed. They will have use for your talents, Rhurjo."

The quartermaster is a stout lizardman with yellow scales every tends to call Books, who is currently occupying a desk at the storage room and who appears to be working on some sort of inventory list, grunting occasionally as he makes checkmarks or corrects the numbers.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Kriza stood on the side of the conversation as people introduced themselves and expressed wishes for the new group to leave the hallway. She slipped off a bit early, figuring it would be easier for one person to speak with the quartermaster for the essentials before everyone else inundated him with specific personal requests.

Reaching the storage room, she gives Books a nod in greeting, walking up to his desk and waiting while he put his paperwork in order before speaking. "High Priestess Ossial has sent me and five others on a mission. She said you'd be able to provide whatever we need. Did she already give you a briefing on what we may require?" She asked, her tone a bit more cheerful than directly neutral.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

While the rest of the group departed for the quartermaster Ez'Raq headed back to his own chambers for the remainder of the day to collect up the belongings he planned on taking and generally finishing up whatever he had been doing prior to the high priestess' summons, hoping that his new allies were competent enough to acquire everything they may need.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

With the way clear, Vas'is contentedly headed for the quartermaster's. Her companion heads observed their comrades and others, while Vas'is remained focused on her goal.

One of the others had slipped ahead, the one who had been watching her, and seemed to be speaking with the quartermaster. Once she was done there, Vas'is would request some manacles, and some small metal lockboxes and pad locks.

After all, Yuan-ti were tricky and could become serpents. Best to cover all their bases.
Re: Protectors of the Holy

"Let me see here..." Books shuffles his papers without looking up. "Ah, here it is. Clearing out an abandoned shrine. You're to be issued whatever you think is necessary for the duration of the mission - within reasonable limits, of course. I'd recommend some excavation tools and a couple pack-animals, just in case." As he finishes talking, the yellowish lizardman finally looks up, fixing his eyes on those present one by one, and starting to dole out any requests.

To speed things along, you can get almost any mundane equipment worth 100 gp or less
Re: Protectors of the Holy

"We shouldn't need more than a single mule, unless we're planning on carrying bodies back with us." Kriza answered. "A couple days of trail rations for all of us then, in case we don't find anything to hunt on the way. And I'll take a couple score of arrows, haven't had time to make more of late." She said, making room as the rest of the group filed in behind her. "There's some rations for us, does anyone else need something specific?"
Re: Protectors of the Holy

Listening most raptly without expressing the worry bubbling underneath the surface, Rhurjo thrummed gently in response to the Head Priestess' words, nodding ever so gently, bright eyes lidded as he stood upright a little more, slowly moving to stand in front of the desk to the rustle of multiple layers of loose fabric adorning that bony build, as though to leave in thought before stopping; perhaps another attempt in stalling the inevitable requirement to leave this sanctuary?

Her mention of this new group being able to make use of his 'talents' did admittedly make his ego feel better, but far from it making him more self-assured, he mumbled animal noises in gratitude with his large hands softly cupped in front of his waist while turning to fully face her, as a bashful child would to a mother's encouragement. Thoughts occurred in his mind rather languidly, more questions indeed, so to speak, one in particular that stood out as being more helpful than the others. His long jaws shifted about, working up the proper shapes to speak in something other than a beastly growl; "Thank you... Priestess Ossial... may I request a verbal blessing? For myself, to-to protect. And. Aid your chosen, and for their safety in this task?" He humbly rumbled, head deeply bowed (for he was far taller while standing than the seated female), his eyes not quite meeting her own as he spoke and lapsed into that thoughtful of his, marking him as possible 'simple-minded' to the ignorant.
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Re: Protectors of the Holy

"Alright, much appreciated my friend.," nods Vas'is before starting to gather a few things, as her other heads hiss a bit as they looked around.

Vas'is collects an excavation kit, a pair of manacles, and a couple of wireframe cages that snakes wouldn't be able to wriggle out of. She also gathered some food to bring along, and some bug repellant. A good amount of bug repellant.