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Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

"No, thank you, I think I'll stay with you, its safer in numbers." She said as she watched as Quetz popped out some of the tiles. A beast that looks as if it has one eye and tentacles coming out from the small circular body it has lunged forward towards her but her quick reflexes and speed let her roll out of the way and back towards the other female. When she looked up at the female the female's body started to grow stiff and start to change.

ENCOUNTER: Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][120]}
Description: It is similiar to an octopus in the fact it has a small circular body with many 'arm' tentacles coming out of it, however, the small body has one eye in the middle of it and there is tons of tentacles coming out of it. It seems as if it is covered in thousands of tentacles that extend and retract by the monster's own free will, allowing it to fight even from a distance.
Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][38]}
Description: Her under belly and breasts are covered in a white fur while the rest of her body has a black striped orange fur all over. Her fingers adjust slightly to be sharp like claws at the tips and she grows a small but long orange tail with a spiral of black stripes all around it.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Gah, you're one of them, too! And you're between me and the exit. Quetz says before rushing at the woman and trying to hit her with the canister before she finishes her change.

Attack Were-Tiger
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][38-21=17]}
Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][120]}

With incredible speed you lunge towards the were tigeress with the canister and swing it down at her with a very heavy blow to her head. She flips back out of the way and hisses at you, clawing at the air in your direction while licking at her other paw and rubbing her head. The were tigeress leapts towards you after recovering slightly from her blow and tries to grab you but misses you most likely from her near concussion. As well as the tentacles go flying by your face, narrowly missing you. The tentacle monster obviously was wanting some action as well.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

I will deal with you later you freak monster. Quetz shouts to the tentacle beast before swinging at the were-tiger again.

attack were-tiger
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][17]}
Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][120]}

With the tigeress' quick like a cat ability was able to dodge Quetz's attack and lucky since the last one nearly knocked her out cold. The tigeress lunges towards Quetz but misses once more, her claws barely scraping by Quetz's arm, but missing completely, and the tentacle monster was the same. Six tentacles all lunged towards Quetz and each one she was able to dodge with enough ability left to get back to her feet and get ready to strike again.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Feeling a bit confident in her dodging abilities, Quetz's normal personality that has been submerged since she woke up rears its head, Hey, this is almost like dancing! She giggles as if she were a middle schooler playing some game. She then proceeds to try and hit the were-tiger again.

attack were-tiger
Last edited:
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][17]}
Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][120]}

Almost as if they were dancing the were tigress bent back and dodged swing towards her but when she went to grab Quetz she also missed as badly as Quetz missed her. They seemed to be equally matched in speed though as soon as she got her balance from dodging the were tiger tentacles wrapped themselves around Quetz's arms and legs, pinning her in mid air as the tentacles rose her body up a few feet. Many more tentacles from the creature were waving around as if it was a boneless limb, just dangling around.

{Wait(escape would be easier next round, but also risks going in deeper} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack}

(You're right, you jynxed yourself.)
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Wha... What? Let go of me! Quetz says in a wave of rising panic. She then proceeds to try and wriggle free from the creature's grasp. She would have no way to defend herself from the were-tiger like this.

Escape Attempt
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][17]}
Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][120]}

Quetz thrashes and with her agility and speed she was easily able to out wit the tentacle monster and slip out of its nasty grasp. Though whether that lasted long was not yet to be seen. The tentacle monster swung its tentacles back at Quetz but her speed was able to save her once more, even when she had both of them coming at her at once. She was able to out speed them.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Quetz focuses her attention back on the Were-tiger and attacks her; this time not making any comments. The other creature could wait as it didn't have claws.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][138-20=118]}

Status: Being Raped (Tentacles in ass, vagina and mouth.)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][17]}
Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 2, {[Health:][120]}
Tentacle Monster's Special Ability "Bind": success, allowing a free shot at penetration.

Quetz lunges at the tigress again but once more the tigress was able to leapt out of the way but barely. It wasn't long before the tentacle monster took a swing towards Quetz and this time it caught her again and it tightened its grip on Quetz so tight that she can't move even an inch. The tigress had already missed her chance at pinning Quetz but it was obvious the tentacle monster was doing okay. Seeing as she was already bound the tentacle monster took its chance and went to try to penetrate Quetz's special region.
Tentacle Monster's Special Ability "Multi-Penetration": 5
Soon as the tentacle monster's first tentacle went in. So did four others, starting to rape Quetz from every angle. There was 2 in her ass, 2 in her vagina and one raping her mouth. While other tentacles kept Quetz bound.

{Give In(no stamina/hp loss but loss of exp and risk of pregnancy} {Try To Escape Rape} {Attack}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

HMMM! MMMMMPH! That's too many! It's to big! It hurts! Quiets tries to cry around the tentacle in her mouth desperately trying to stop the tentacles.

Escape Rape Attempt
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][118-20=98/138]}

Status: Stunned (Orgasmed)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][17]}

Quetz struggled desperately from the grasp of the tentacles which kept on thrusting in and out of the three holes they decided to call home but she fails to escape the grasp of the tentacles. Whether she's too lost in the pleasure or not can only be decided by her but the tentacle monster did rape her so viciously that she felt her body give way to an orgasm, making her cover the two tentacles in her vagina with juices of her own and almost like a firing gallery the one it her mother released, filling her mouth up before exiting and each of the two in both her vagina and ass released their own liquid pleasure before the tentacle monster released Quetz in an orgasmic aftershock. The tentacle monster crawled back down and out of sight.
Tentacle Monster, HIT AND RUN(creature got what it wanted and left.)
The Tigress watched the sight of the tentacles raping Quetz before she approached her. Though the tigress wasn't sure if she wanted the leftovers or not, the tigress did not pin Quetz.

{Unable To Do Anything For One Turn}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Quetz moans in unwilling pleasure as the thing sets her down on her now quite tender rump. She just sits there for a moment letting the warm post glow push the fact that the thing had just raped her out of her mind. All the while the creature's love juices slowly pour out of her holes and make a puddle around her ass and a sticky stream down her chest.
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 122/250
{[Health:][78]} {[Stamina:][98/138]}

Status: Free (A Bit Used)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][17]}

Quetz as she remains in the lost pleasure the Were tigress makes a lunge for her but whether its Quetz quick thinking or not she rolls out of the way just in time and the tigress is left stepping in the puddle. The tigress hisses and turns to Quetz, wanting to swipe at her now, she was done trying to pin this girl.

{Attack} {Wait} {Run}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Huh? Ah! Damn it! Quetz says coming back to her senses and realizing what just happened. She then desperately searches for her canister from earlier to use for a counter attack.

Re-equip canister+ready self
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][78-8=70/78]} {[Stamina:][98/138]}

Status: Free (A Bit Used)

Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][DEAD]}

The tigress leapt towards Quetz in a fast pace, leaving claw marks upon Quetz's stomach but before the tigress could leapt back away, Quetz brought the canister up upon the tigress' jaw, busting her jaw and god only knows what else, as the tigress fell face foreward whatever she had done, it was obviously a fatal blow.
Gained 50 experience.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Ah! Oww. Quetz exclaims before stumbling a bit. Clutching her stomach she prepares to flee the room and the tentacle beast still inside before remembering the state of her clothing. Eying the were-tiger, she starts to strip the dead woman of her clothes and try them on herself. Currently, the pain and adrenaline she was feeling were keeping her mind from fulling accepting the dead woman as an actual corpse but likely she would collapse later.

Loot Body
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Level 2
Experience: 172/250
{[Health:][70/78]} {[Stamina:][98/138]}

Status: Free (A Bit Used)

Quetz loots the body but only finds fur and more fur, nothing useful for her escape or even defense. The clothes were torn and ripped as bad as the ones she had on due to the fact that when the tigress transformed her muscular structure changed and between the fight anything left of the clothes were torn up even more. Though behind her she can hear something russling under the broken tiles. No doubt the tentacle monster from before, Quetz position is right by the exit to the next room, so there would be no risk of something attacking her if she were to run for it.

{Wait} {Run}
Re: Quetzacoatl "Quetz" Rhinehart [Pheonix Alugere]

Quetz freezes for a second at the rustling. Back for more this time? This time I'll have my payback for what you did! She says emotional hatred banishing rational thought. She stays near the doorway ready to move, but she did plan to stay in the room at get that monstrosity when it came after her again.