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Quietus Humus Inn


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Located across the street from the city's office of the Department of Mercenaries and Guilds; Quietus Humus is the unofficial neutral ground in the city, where mercenaries, freelancers, as well as employers and the like can mingle with one another without violence. Established a few years ago by the Jeweled Flowers, the building has a powerful geas cast upon it to enforce the rules of the house:

No weapons are allowed to be drawn inside it's walls.
No spells are allowed to be cast without permission from the staff
One is bound not to kill while within the walls of the house

The nature of these rules have greatly reduced the number of fights and fatalities within the establishment, although the loopholes present in them have remained open even after the deaths of some.

Preferring to work from this comfortable and mostly safe location, there is an unofficial office of the DMG set up, where someone can have their brooch scanned and be told of all the available jobs they qualify for, as well as the fee to accept said job; usually around 10% of the payment is collected by the DMG as one registers for the job. To register a mercenary guild, however, one will need to visit the official building across the street.

As always, the place is bustling with activity, as the owner Kintor and his fulltime serving girl Mair work flat out to keep up with the patronage.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

The inn's doors open to accomodate a thin figure in a bulky hooded robe, who immediately moves to the closest unoccupied table to the hearth and sits down with her back to it. The figure motions to the serving girl to take her time getting to it, and orders a glass of firewine when the waitress does come around. The voice from under the hood is sultry, musical, and undoubtedly feminine, and the gloved hand that grasps the thin flute of wine is delicate and long-fingered. She calmly pays the girl from a pouch hidden inside her robes and slowly sips the wine as she surveys the room, in no apparent hurry.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Granth looks up from his table at the back corner of the room when he hears the doors open. Noticing the robed woman, he gives her a speculative glance. Judging from her robes and the fact that the official DMG building is across the street he places her as a spellcaster mercenary. Of course, spellcasters don't have to wear robes, in fact he even preferred a simple set of traveling clothes as opposed to the hot, stuffy robes that others wore. Still, he'd never encountered a mercenary wearing a robe who wasn't a spellcaster.

With a final check, he looks away. Although he is interested in the higher paying jobs that needed more than one person, he is more interested in finding a meat shield than another spellcaster to team up with. Focusing his attention back onto a small gray bag on his table, he refreshes the magic in his eyes, having gotten permission earlier from the staff to do so. He is soon probing away at the bag just like before the woman came in. There is just something about the chaotic magic inherent in it that interests him.
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Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Conrad wandered into the inn almost aimlessly, tuning his lute as he moved to a stool at the bar. He ordered a pint and put his instrument away, taking a moment to look about him, and see if he could find anyone interesting.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Fhairies sits down at an empty table at the bar, drumming her fingers on the table as she sits there, wondering if there was anything interesting to do today. Unlike the others, she refused to drink, intent instead on checking her weapons and shield, and pressing her other hand on the symbol in her pocket, knowing full well that it would probably not be accepted well in the city. She also checks her belt, looking at it for signs of wear as she felt it was a very important part of her equipment.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Not having noticed a meat shield walking into the room recently, Granth finally gives up on waiting and decides to just deal with another solo mission for now. Putting away his gray bag, he gets up and walks over to the DMG member who is responsible for scan brooches in this establishment and asks what jobs are currently available for him.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

(That's what I get for not paying attention.)

Walking into the room, Thornvick massages his shoulder right under his heavy pack before walking to the DMG table to ask about a job. His raven, Numun, caws into his ear from his other shoulder.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Conrad finishes his ale and heads toward the DMG, getting in the slowly forming line.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Current DMG Regulated Jobs

Bodyguard Wanted
Characters Required: 1

Please help. I have an important business deal to attend; however I am worried my rivals have heard about it and seek to eliminate me. Am willing to pay top dollar.

DMG Fee: 20 gold.
Pays: 200 gold.
Objective: Protect the merchant and prevent his death.

Protection Withdrawn
Characters Required: 1-2

This is Manard of the Cloak and Daggers, we're always looking for people useful to us. In this instance, one of our clients has failed to produce the money they owe for our protection. We're looking for someone who can pay them a little visit, with fire.

DMG Fee: 20 gold.
Pays: 200 gold
Objective: Burn down the target shop.

Hostage Situation
Characters Required: 1-2

Help! I'm looking for another one or two mercenaries to join a pair I've already hired to help save my wife. She was kidnapped by bandits a week ago. Please, save my wife!

DMG Fee: 30 gold
Pays: 600 shared between all participants.

Caravan Guard
Character required: 3-4

An important shipment of goods is due to come from the Galaeros forests soon. We need a group of mercenaries who can rendezvous with it as it leaves the forest and escort it back to the city. We don't expect much in the way of trouble.

DMG Fee: 40 gold
Pays: 400 gold
Objective: Protect the caravan

Note that each job can only be claimed once, so the people who came over first have priority.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Conrad spoke to the rest at this point: "I'm rather interested in the hostage one, but I'd gladly take whatever help you'd offer." He waited to see how the crowd would react.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Geh, this is the one annoying thing about going solo. Granth says looking at the listings, The jobs that pay the most need several people. Then taking into account what the other man had said, Well, the hostage job is the next highest paying... Sure I'll go along with that one. Even with two of us splitting the reward, it's better than the reward from first two. He finishes before counting out 30 gold coins for the fee.
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Re: Quietus Humus Inn

The hooded woman goes and stands in line quietly, perking up at the others mention of hostages. The other person speaks up first however, so she let's it go, looking at the other jobs availiable. Eventually, she will sign up for the Bodyguard job, if no-one else has taken it before she gets there.
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Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Shrugging; "I'll assist with the hostage situation." Then hand over thirty coins.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

"Sorry friend, but it's only asking for two people, and I think I've found my help." Conrad looks over at Granth and asks "Need to make any stops before we go?"
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

I have everything I need. Do you have the rendezvous location for the job? Granth replies.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Fharies gets up and walks over to the DMG, waiting in line as she yawns quietly, wondering if there were any jobs left over for her to do.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

"I thought you would, you paid the fee, but that's a problem easily resolved." Conrad turns to the DMG representative and asks "Where do we meet the customer?"
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

The DMG representative takes Conrad and Granth's brooches and casts a quick spell upon them before returning them. He then hands them a piece of parchment with an address upon it.

He then collects the signup fee from the hooded woman and does the same to her brooch, and gives a similar scrap of parchment to her.

((The Protection Withdrawn and Caravan Guard jobs remain))
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

Looking at the list of jobs, she sighs, there was only one she could realistically take... regardless though, it was good money for what would probably be a decent job. She pays the 20 gold for the Protection Withdrawn job and waits there for details, as well as seeing if there was anyone else that would be willing to go on the job with her.
Re: Quietus Humus Inn

(Just put me on the protection withdrawn mission. And Loli, your characters equipment is funny.)

"Well, I always do enjoy lighting things on fire."