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Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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You yawn as you awake, your most recent long journey now over. You approached a star, and are eager to find out if there is a world with more biomass you can eat before setting out on another long journey, and convert into a hatchery to spawn offspring after you have left.

You flex your sacs, checking your stores of mass. You have nutrients sustain you for uncountable time, but only enough energy to change course and approach two worlds before you must leave this star for another, and hope the next star will have enough food to save you.

You open you eyes, all the sizes and kinds for looking at things in different ways, and search for the great glowing star who's warmth has stirred you from your hibernation. From what you can tell, it's the star you aimed for when you left the last one, and with incredible luck there are many worlds you can take a look at. Waiting for a long moment, you make out a number of them you can move to. Pick one.
{X}Mercury - You can just make out a super rock very near to the star. It is too close, too small and too ugly to have anything worth your time. Every time you've come to one of these super rocks you've only gotten a bit of saltiness from the surface before you've given up trying to eat. The tan isn't worth, so your disregard it.
[1]Venus - Closest to the star is a world that sits far enough away that it could have been the type to have biosphere, but this one has a hazy ugly yellow colour, and is hotter than the super rock nearer to the star. It probably has a poisonous sky. It also lacks a spin. You're pretty sure that it has all the nutrients needed to have a biosphere, but it didn't develop. You could go over to this world and convert it into a hatchery, but it would be a sickly one. You're pretty sure you could do something to make this world better, but how eludes you still awakening mind.
[2]Gaia - Just a bit out is a world about the same size as the first, but instead of having an ugly hot yellow sky, this one has nice blue and white sky. That means water, which is a very good nutrient. There's also some brown and grey, which means rocks coming out of the water, which is nice. There's also two more colours that are very good signs. Green and little hints of Purple. Green on it's own isn't all that impressive, just the presence of certain nutrients. But purple! Purple has always meant that there's a biosphere, which means that you could send your little spawn to it to turn into a hatchery for you.
Sound perfect, right? No quite. When you see the dark side of this world, you can see splays and lines of light. This means that's there's metal monsters somewhere. You've only encountered them a few times, and each time you've had to flee the star. The tiny metal monsters sit on worlds and rocks, and like to kill (and probably eat) your little spawns. The big metal monsters like to go travel between worlds and rocks, and some have even broken mega-rocks with flashes of terrible light. You don't want to mess with that!
You don't see any big metal monsters, but you're pretty sure the world has tiny ones, since the big ones have splays of lights on them just like the worlds they like. Do you risk fighting with the tiny metal monsters and draw the ire of the big ones, or move on?
[3]Mars - Past the tasty buy dangerous world is small red world with a thin sky. It is red and sandy looking. A world too small for a natural biosphere, but you could turn it into a hatchery yourself if you invest biomass into doing so.
[4]Jupiter - One of the biggest worlds you've ever seen, it also has a whole bunch of huge-rocks and super-rocks floating around it. It is mostly yellow, but not sickly yellow, and some darker rings going around it. You can't make this world a hatchery on its own, but you could lick up some nutrients from it for yourself. The you could turn those nutrients into biomass that you could invest on the rocks around it and turn them into small hatcheries that could lick up nutrients from the world on their own. There are so many of these super-rocks! Just don't fall into the world or you'll be stuck.
[5]Saturn - Another huge world with a yellow sky. It has a more uniform sky, but about just an many moons as its slightly bigger brother. Same deal as the last one, we can lick up some nutrients and set up hatcheries on the nearby huge-rocks. This one has the lovely cloudy ring around it.
[6]Uranus - This is a big blue skyed world with some huge-rocks around it. It's not as big or have as many huge rocks as the two closer worlds, and judging from it's colour it's probably mostly going to have light gas around it, so it may not be nutritious enough to support hatcheries on it's nearby huge rocks, but you could gather what nutrients you can find and move on.
[7]Neptune - This is another big blue world with a few huge-rocks around it. Its sky is a darker blue than the previous world, and could probably have more nutrients in it or the nearby huge-rocks, but you are not confident. You are certain you should disregard it, but nutrients are nutrients. Maybe you'll get lucky?

Your pod growers are still waking up, so you can't make little spawns yet, but you'll be able to send them out soon.
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

4, 3 then conquest 2
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

I say [4] Jupiter to jumpstart our hatcheries, then move onto [3] Mars for the forward base then [2] Earth for conquest
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

4, The biomass collected from Jupiter gives a good base to start with, and maybe some leftover after putting hatcheries on its moons, to put one on Mars later on. Gaia can come after that.
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

4, then either 3 or 5, depending on how well things go with 4.
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Mars for hatchery, Venus for forward base, and conquer Uranus (heh heh heh, Anus...)
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

[4] Jupiter! Plenty rocks and super-rocks, and no scary metal monsters so you'll be safe to nom.
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Decision Made: Jupiter

Thinking about it for a while, you come to the conclusion that it would be best to avoid the metal monsters yourself for now. So instead, you decided to go for the biggest world. After a little bit of thought, you figure out the best way to get there, scrunch up your push sacs and a huge burst of energy. It will take you some time to get there, but you're healthy and have plenty of patience.

In the mean time, your Flesh Pod growers are one by one coming out of hibernation. This means that you can fling little pockets full of little spawns at a world, and there's really only one choice: The second world. The one you're certain has a biosphere.

Your little spawns need to consume ready made biomass to reproduce on their own, so you can't send them to any of the other worlds, but if enough of them gather enough biomass, they can convert that world into a hatchery on their own. And with such a small investment of biomass and energy on your part, why not? Maybe they can handle the tiny metal monsters on their own.

Your certain you've sent your little spawns out to skyless huge-rocks before, but you can't remember how you made them so that you could. You are pretty sure this happens everytime you come out of hibernation. So frustrating. Good news is you have a tiny spawn that can figure this out for you! Such cute little brainy spawns.

Flesh Pod Grower
Grows a Flesh Pod that can be loaded with up to 300 Biomass. The Biomass can then be allocated to grow eggs, larva, or force larva to become adults.
You have ten of these, each waking up one at time for the next little while (ten turns), and each takes time (ten turns) to grow a new pod. This uses up a tinny-tiny amount of your stored nutrients and energy, but no where near enough to prevent you from going to other worlds or going to the next star.

Eggs - 1 Biomass
The beginning of a cute tiny spawn that will do stuff for you. Eventually hatches into a Larva on it's own, but you can have extra biomass fed to it to make it hatch as soon as the Flesh Pod. It's always good to spend left over biomass on making more eggs.

Larva - 4 Biomass
Put extra biomass into an egg to force it to hatch into a fully grown and healthy larva when the flesh pod lands on a planet. It's an adorable little worm that will wiggle around and eat anything it finds. This Biomass pricing doesn't include the cost of the egg.

The transition state your spawns live in when going from a larva to their adult form. But if you have enough invested into a few eggs, the flesh pod will have cocoons grow inside it instead, which will open up to release fully grown spawns.

Adult Forms: - These are the spawns you can remember how to make mature from larva. These costs don't include the Biomass needed to make an egg and then force it to become a larva.
Guinea Slither - 6 Biomass
Dopey Head, Squishy Body, No Limbs, Smother Bottom
Fight 0, Smart 1
Ugly pink blobs that are vaguely shaped like what your spawns are normally are. Nor armour, no claws, no spine spitter. This is just a web spinner with a stomach. What a useless pathetic creature. Why would you want one of these poor bastards?

Slither Spitter - 30 Biomass
Spitter Head, Slither Body, No Limbs, Slither Tail
Fight 2 (Armour 3, Speed 2, Strong 1), Smart 1
The simplest spawn you know how to make. It can spit spines and web, and eat just about anything. It can swim, but can't breath underwater or poisonous air. You will constantly be aware of it's mood and condition, but will only get fuzzy impressions of what's going on around it.

(Experimental) Stealth Slither - 28 Biomass
Spitter Head, Molted Carapace, No Limbs, Slither Tail
Fight 2 (Armour 3, Speed 1, Stealth 2), Smart 1
A variant of the Slither Spitter. Slightly slower and weaker, but has a limited ability to blend into the environment and ambush food.

Slither Claw - 40 Biomass
Spitter Head, Slither Body, Scyth-Claw Limbs, Slither Tail
Fight 3 (Armour 3, Speed 2, Strong 3, Claw 1), Smart 1
A modified slither. It has two arms each with a big sharp claw added to it.

Big Brain Slither - 50 Biomass
Big Brain Head, Slither Body, No Limbs, Slither Tail
Fight 3 (Armour 3, Speed 2, Strong 1, Psy 3), Smart 3
A smarter spawn that will help its brood mates think, and will try to make meat think the way it wants to. It can also sort of let you know how things are going on it better than the previous two spawns, but only a little.

Flesh Weaver - 152 Biomass
Weaver Brain Head, Weaver Brain Body, Manipulator Claws, Smother Bottom
Fight 1 (Armour 0, Speed 0, Strong 3), Smart 12
This creature is terrible at fighting, but can manipulate eggs, larva and cocoons. Their heads and bodies house a huge brain, which can figure out ways to change your other spawns by making random changes and telling you about the good ones. You can also send a weaver to the world and steal ideas from any meat living there, but weavers are really soft and easily hurt.

If you want, you can have a Flesh Pod leave behind eggs or cocoons of adult spawn. This uses up biomass the pod was loaded up with, and they take quite a while to hatch inside you (up to 5 turns) but it can be worth it.

Spawn Modifiers: Want to design a new spawn? These are the things you can remember how to make.
Heads: - *NEW* - Spawns need a head for a brain and some organs. Also a mouth. Eating is important.
Dopey Head - 2 Biomass (Smart +1)
A useless head you can put on a spawn. It only has a small brain and web spinner. No armour, no special mouth. What are the other kinds of mouths? Doesn't matter, this head doesn't have it. Every spawn needs a head, but if you want the simplest and easiest to make, there's this thing.
Spitter Head - 10 Biomass (Armour +1, Smart +1)
The basic head that adds to the normal mouth and web spinner. Features a thick bony plate covering the face and an extra modified lung that can rapidly grow and shoot spines. Great for hunting meat from a distance.
Molted Spitter Head - Biomass 6 (Sneak +4, Smart +1) *NEW*
A variation of the basic head. Has the mouth and web spinner, as well as the spine spitting modified lung. It doesn't have the tough boney plate of the standard head, but instead a leathery hide that changes pigmentation based on what the spawn see when it first emerges from the cocoon. Still great for hunting meat from a distance, and not the meat will be less likely to see it coming. Poor, poor, delicious meat.
Big Brain Head - 20 Biomass (Armour +1, Psy +3, Smart +3)
Brains are expensive, but brains are often worth it. This head features the boney face plate like the spitter head, but the brain cavity is bigger. This particular brain grants the spawn weird brainy powers, like making meat creatures confused or scared of the spawn. It can think harder and farther at you, keeping you better informed of what's going on around it.
Weaver Brain Head - 50 Biomass (Smart +5)
An ugly huge brain attached to your little spawn, making them less cute. The upside is that it makes the spawn really good at solving puzzles, especially ones involving flesh, doubly so for your spawns' flesh. This head must be paired with the Weaver Brain Body, since the brain is so humongous it needs to sit in the spawn's back as well as it's head.
Bodies - *NEW* - Spawns need a body for their precious organs. Like the stomach, or the eggs sacs.
Squishy Body - 2 Biomass
A simply, squishy body. Has no armour or good muscles, but it's a body. Has a stomach and other things needed for a spawn to live. Very felxible.
Slither Body - 10 Biomass (Armour +1, Speed +1, Strong +1)
This is the standard body you know how to make for your spawns. Has all the organs, full articulation, strong muscles, and even segmented plates of boney armour.
Weaver Brain Body - 50 Biomass (Strong +2, Smart +5)
The rest of the ugly weaver's hug brain attached to the body. All that brain matter needs bigger muscles to move, so the body is actually a little stronger than it needs to be.
(Experimental) Molted Carapace - Biomass 8 (Armour +1, Sneak +2)
This central body features segmental bony plates of armour like the Slither Body, but lacks the muscles that grant improved speed and strength. Instead, the armour paltes have a thin skin that quickly develops pigment based on what the spawn sees when it first wakes up, granting the ability to blend in to the local enviroment a bit. Camouflage is good for ambushing, but not for extended fighting.
Molted Hide - Biomass 16 (Speed +2, Sneak +6) *NEW*
This central body has a leathery hide. It lacks the muscles that grants improved the strength of the Slither Body, as well as the segments of boney armour. Instead, its skin can develops pigment based on what the spawn sees around it when it first emerges from the cocoon. Camouflage is good for ambushing, but not for extended fighting.
Fading Hide - Biomass 38 (Speed +2, Sneak +10, Brain +2) *NEW*
This central body has a rubbery hide. It lacks the muscles that grant improved the strength of the Slither Body, as well as the segments of boney armour. Instead, its skin can slowly develop pigment and change it's texture based on what the spawn sees around it. The development of these abilities encourages the spawn to refine it's visual cortex, making it quite a bit smarter. Camouflage is good for ambushing, but not for extended fighting.
No Limbs - 0 Biomass
Don't give your spawns limbs. They'll be fine.
Two Scyth-Claw Limbs - 10 Biomass (Strong +3, Claw +1)
You put two limbs on your spawn, each with a long scyth-claw. Very strong, very sharp. Can cut plants, can cut meat. No cut metal monsters, though.
Manipulator Limbs - 50 Biomass (Strong +1, Smart +2)
Four long limbs that end in tiny hands with long tiny fingers. Great for manipulating stuff, not good for fighting. Weavers kinda need these to do their jobs, but can sometimes help another weaver think if they don't have these limbs. Sometimes.
Bottoms: Spawns need bottom parts. There are important organs in there, and it's also how the spawn moves around.
Smother Bottom - 2 Biomass
Forget complicated bone and ligament articulation, just your spawn's bottom be a mass of muscle. It won't be very fast, but very stable.
Slither Tail - 10 Biomass (Armour +1, Speed +1)
Great way to go across ground and swim, slither body. Has armour.
You have other ideas in your head, but no idea how they work. But you can get your Flesh Weaver to figure it out for you. To do so, you need to have your flesh pods leave something behind for your weaver to experiment with.

  • You are on route to the fourth world of this star. 10 Turns before you get there.
  • You have Ten Flesh Pod Growers, each launching once per ten turns in sequence.
  • You have no Flesh Pods on route to the second world.
  • You are carrying one Flesh Weaver and Two Slithers. The weaver is bored, and the Slithers are napping.

So, question now:
1) How will you setup your first pod? Three hundred eggs? A pack of slither-claws? Send out a Weaver? A pack of Big Brains? A mix? You don't have to calculate an exact number of spawns if you don't want too, as the pod grower can figure it out on it's own somehow.
2) What sort of research do you want your weaver to do? Invent a new set of limbs to attach to your spawns? Modify an existing breed to create a new one?
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Send a weaver with a bunch of eggs and larva to establish a foothold on the planet.
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Hrm...first time making such a plan but here goes nothing

Weaver Research
1) Experiment on the first slither to discover camouflage and related instincts to help hide the flesh pod and the children
2) Experiment on the second slither to increase Speed on the Slither Body and/or Tail
2) Once it is finished, apply adaptations to Flesh Pod before it leaves

Flesh Pod Group
1 x Big Brain Slither : 50 biomass
3 x Slither Claw: 120 biomass
4 x Slither Spitter: 120 biomass
10 x Eggs: 10 biomass
Total: 300 biomass

Spitters are for scouting, Claws to kill anything too tough for spitters, Brain for management and making sure that nothing goes wrong, and Eggs for the leftover biomass.

If you have a better plan or changes feel free to post
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Hrm...first time making such a plan but here goes nothing

Weaver Research
1) Experiment on the first slither to discover camouflage and related instincts to help hide the flesh pod and the children
2) Experiment on the second slither to increase Speed on the Slither Body and/or Tail
2) Once it is finished, apply adaptations to Flesh Pod before it leaves

Flesh Pod Group
1 x Big Brain Slither : 50 biomass
3 x Slither Claw: 120 biomass
4 x Slither Spitter: 120 biomass
10 x Eggs: 10 biomass
Total: 300 biomass

Spitters are for scouting, Claws to kill anything too tough for spitters, Brain for management and making sure that nothing goes wrong, and Eggs for the leftover biomass.

If you have a better plan or changes feel free to post

I actually kinda like this plan myself. ^
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

As we are dropping by the huge yellow planet in order to lick up nutrients and set up an initial staging ground for our little ones I believe a focus on infrastructure is in order.

Research: Have the brainiacs figure out burrowing claws for heavy-duty tunneling and colony creation purposes, and slap that together Dopey Head, Slither Body and Slither Tail to form a DRONE to establish underground colonies on the second planet later on.
Also have the brainiacs reform the blueprints for future brainiacs, to have SLITHER TAILS instead of SMOTHER BOTTOMS, as they are so damn expensive anyways such a paltry extra investment wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of cost.
Keep the original brainiac with mama until it is time for her to scoot off elsewhere, to maximize the amount of local braining to develope new kinds of little ones before sending them to the planet of choice.

1st Flesh Pod: To establish an expeditionary force in preparation for the 2nd Pod
2x Clawers
4x Spitters
1x Brainiac
Rest as Eggs or raw Biomass, whichever is needed

2nd Flesh Pod: To establish the groundworks for setting up a functional hatchery
2x Clawers
1x Weaver
Rest as Larva or raw Biomass, whichever is needed
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Plan Master of Surprise
Hrm...first time making such a plan but here goes nothing

Weaver Research
1) Experiment on the first slither to discover camouflage and related instincts to help hide the flesh pod and the children
2) Experiment on the second slither to increase Speed on the Slither Body and/or Tail
2) Once it is finished, apply adaptations to Flesh Pod before it leaves

Flesh Pod Group
1 x Big Brain Slither : 50 biomass
3 x Slither Claw: 120 biomass
4 x Slither Spitter: 120 biomass
10 x Eggs: 10 biomass
Total: 300 biomass

Spitters are for scouting, Claws to kill anything too tough for spitters, Brain for management and making sure that nothing goes wrong, and Eggs for the leftover biomass.

You really wish you could modify your spawns before the pod leaves, but your weaver needs time to figure out how different body parts work before they can put in place. So off the pod goes, carrying a load of biomass that will be converted into the little spawns you think will do well. It will take a while to get there, but it is much faster than you.

Anyway, you give your weaver the impression that you want your spawns to have the ability to beld in better, and it just stands there thinking for a while before flailing its arms in excitment. It runs off and start tearing into one of the Spitter you have loafing around, poking and proding, spitting and slurping, groping and gushing. After a while, you feel his elation at coming up with a successful new body part for you.

New Body Part: Molted Carapace - Biomass 8 (Armour +1, Sneak +2)
This central body features segmental bony plates of armour like the Slither Body, but lacks the muscles that grant improved speed and strength. Instead, the armour paltes have a thin skin that quickly develops pigment based on what the spawn sees when it first wakes up, granting the ability to blend in to the local enviroment a bit. Camouflage is good for ambushing, but not for extended fighting.

Unfortunetly, the slither is only able to demonstrate the new success for a short while before it dies. It lost alot of blood and took too much damage to it's organs. The weaver is surprised by this, but is pretty sure it had nothing to do with the new body part.

  • You are on route to the fourth world of this star. Nine turns before you get there.
  • You have Ten Flesh Pod Growers, each launching once per ten turns in sequence.
  • You have one Flesh Pod on route to the second world. It will arrive in three turns.
    1. 1x Big Brain Slither, 3x Slither Claw, 4x Slither Spitter, 10x Eggs
  • You are carrying one Flesh Weaver and One Spitter Slither. One of the slithers is napping, the other was kill by the weaver experimenting on it.
  • Your Weaver is researching Some Sort of Camouflage Body Parts.

  1. Weaver 1 is researching Some Sort of Camouflage Body Parts.
  2. Roll 1d20, result 10 < Smart 12:: It has an vague idea! (-2 penalty)
  3. Weaver 1 needs to experiment. Goes over to Slither Spitter and begins work. Roll 1d20, result 10 < Smart 12 :: Slither Spitter doesn't resist.
  4. Weaver 1 decides to experiment on the Slither Body. Attempts to add a a Camouflage Pattern to it.
    • Armour? Roll 1d20, result 5 < Smart 12-2 :: Success
    • Speed? Roll 1d20-2, result 19 > Smart 12-2 :: Fail
    • Strong? Roll 1d20, result 15 > Smart 12-2 :: Fail
    • Camouflage Pattern? Roll 1d20, result 7 < Smart 12 -2:: Success, Roll 1d6-2, result 2.
  5. New Body part designed!
  6. It really hurt the Slither, though. (-4 penalty for changes). Roll 1d20, result 17 > Smart 12-2-4
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

It is time for SCIENCE! Our next step is to rapidly expand our research efforts, and while it may be cost biomass, time and lives of our little ones now, it will ensure better odds of survival for our future brood!

1x Flesh Weaver
6x Guinea Slithers(Dopey Head(2BM), Squishy Body(2BM), No Limbs(0BM), Smother Bottom(2BM), 6BM Each)
4x Experimental Stealth Slither(Spitter Head(10BM), Molted Carapace(8BM), No Limbs(0BM), Slither Tail(10BM), 28BM Each)

152 + 112 + 36 = 300 Biomass Total

Also begin growing a new Flesh Pod to replace the first if such isn't already underway.

The first project shall focus on REFINING the MOLTED CARAPACE, with emphasis on further SNEAK and SPEED, any improvements to STRONG and ARMOUR should be coincidental at best and not the focus of our Weaver(s) efforts.

The second project should look into weaving a variation of the SPITTER HEAD, to try and create a STALKER HEAD that have an emphasis on RANGED ATTACK and STEALTH.

The third project should look into improving the SLITHER TAIL into a STALKER TAIL, with emphasis on STEALTH and further SPEED, with little care about potential loss of ARMOUR.

Depending on the successes of the previous two projects, the fourth project should use the remaining Experimental Stealth Slither for a second attempt at creating a serviceable STALKER HEAD or STALKER TAIL.

Miscellaneous projects, should the Weavers be left without anything else to do for some time, or find themselves having an idea worth exploring, should make use of the Guinea Slithers. Such projects include but are not limited to:

ARMOURED HEAD, entirely focused on being as heavily armoured as possible with little disregard for other features.
ARMOURED BODY, see above.
ARMOURED TAIL, see above.
SKIMMER BODY, lightweight and winged as to be capable of LIMITED FLIGHT or, preferably, TRUE FLIGHT.
SCOUT HEAD, primarily focused on OBSERVATION and DETECTION through as many senses as possible, hopefully with a boost to SMARTS to better process such information.

And for when a 2nd Flesh Pod is ready to embark towards the 2nd Planet: If the above research projects have yet to prove adequate results for an advanced arrangement of little ones, simply send a group of basic reinforcements.
4x Slither Claw /160 BM
4x Slither Spitter /120 BM
3x Larva /12 BM
8x Eggs /8 BM
Total: 300 BM

[All of this is with the impression of being able plan for multiple turns in one go instead of one at a time, in hopes of getting to a more eventful stage of progress in the CYOAS sooner rather than later]
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

It is time for SCIENCE! Our next step is to rapidly expand our research efforts, and while it may be cost biomass, time and lives of our little ones now, it will ensure better odds of survival for our future brood!

1x Flesh Weaver
6x Guinea Slithers(Dopey Head(2BM), Squishy Body(2BM), No Limbs(0BM), Smother Bottom(2BM), 6BM Each)
4x Experimental Stealth Slither(Spitter Head(10BM), Molted Carapace(8BM), No Limbs(0BM), Slither Tail(10BM), 28BM Each)

152 + 112 + 36 = 300 Biomass Total

Also begin growing a new Flesh Pod to replace the first if such isn't already underway.

The first project shall focus on REFINING the MOLTED CARAPACE, with emphasis on further SNEAK and SPEED, any improvements to STRONG and ARMOUR should be coincidental at best and not the focus of our Weaver(s) efforts.

The second project should look into weaving a variation of the SPITTER HEAD, to try and create a STALKER HEAD that have an emphasis on RANGED ATTACK and STEALTH.

The third project should look into improving the SLITHER TAIL into a STALKER TAIL, with emphasis on STEALTH and further SPEED, with little care about potential loss of ARMOUR.

Depending on the successes of the previous two projects, the fourth project should use the remaining Experimental Stealth Slither for a second attempt at creating a serviceable STALKER HEAD or STALKER TAIL.

Miscellaneous projects, should the Weavers be left without anything else to do for some time, or find themselves having an idea worth exploring, should make use of the Guinea Slithers. Such projects include but are not limited to:

ARMOURED HEAD, entirely focused on being as heavily armoured as possible with little disregard for other features.
ARMOURED BODY, see above.
ARMOURED TAIL, see above.
SKIMMER BODY, lightweight and winged as to be capable of LIMITED FLIGHT or, preferably, TRUE FLIGHT.
SCOUT HEAD, primarily focused on OBSERVATION and DETECTION through as many senses as possible, hopefully with a boost to SMARTS to better process such information.

And for when a 2nd Flesh Pod is ready to embark towards the 2nd Planet: If the above research projects have yet to prove adequate results for an advanced arrangement of little ones, simply send a group of basic reinforcements.
4x Slither Claw /160 BM
4x Slither Spitter /120 BM
3x Larva /12 BM
8x Eggs /8 BM
Total: 300 BM

[All of this is with the impression of being able plan for multiple turns in one go instead of one at a time, in hopes of getting to a more eventful stage of progress in the CYOAS sooner rather than later]

there should be a way to improve >Smarts< somehow i recommend a third weaver. and experiment on the Head for Better Results
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

this is a pretty good plan tho, i would recommend having the Flesh weaver fiddling with an Egg. For an Experimental Fleshweaver with a Brain's head. that it might have better Results in the Aftermath

Just like real world bugs with multiple life stages, the larva and adult mutate and evolve separately. So if you have a Weaver fiddles with an egg or larva, it will figure out adaptations for that state of a spawn's life. Those can be good. If you want new adult body parts to be researched, then an adult would have to be experimented on.
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

sorry i already edited that xD in a better solution nvm this ^^" it is ofc after it is an Adault there's no need in poking around the young ones if they wouldn't survive anyway~ :/
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

It is time for SCIENCE! Our next step is to rapidly expand our research efforts, and while it may be cost biomass, time and lives of our little ones now, it will ensure better odds of survival for our future brood!

1x Flesh Weaver
6x Guinea Slithers(Dopey Head(2BM), Squishy Body(2BM), No Limbs(0BM), Smother Bottom(2BM), 6BM Each)
4x Experimental Stealth Slither(Spitter Head(10BM), Molted Carapace(8BM), No Limbs(0BM), Slither Tail(10BM), 28BM Each)

152 + 112 + 36 = 300 Biomass Total

Also begin growing a new Flesh Pod to replace the first if such isn't already underway.

The first project shall focus on REFINING the MOLTED CARAPACE, with emphasis on further SNEAK and SPEED, any improvements to STRONG and ARMOUR should be coincidental at best and not the focus of our Weaver(s) efforts.

The second project should look into weaving a variation of the SPITTER HEAD, to try and create a STALKER HEAD that have an emphasis on RANGED ATTACK and STEALTH.

The third project should look into improving the SLITHER TAIL into a STALKER TAIL, with emphasis on STEALTH and further SPEED, with little care about potential loss of ARMOUR.

Depending on the successes of the previous two projects, the fourth project should use the remaining Experimental Stealth Slither for a second attempt at creating a serviceable STALKER HEAD or STALKER TAIL.

Miscellaneous projects, should the Weavers be left without anything else to do for some time, or find themselves having an idea worth exploring, should make use of the Guinea Slithers. Such projects include but are not limited to:

ARMOURED HEAD, entirely focused on being as heavily armoured as possible with little disregard for other features.
ARMOURED BODY, see above.
ARMOURED TAIL, see above.
SKIMMER BODY, lightweight and winged as to be capable of LIMITED FLIGHT or, preferably, TRUE FLIGHT.
SCOUT HEAD, primarily focused on OBSERVATION and DETECTION through as many senses as possible, hopefully with a boost to SMARTS to better process such information.

And for when a 2nd Flesh Pod is ready to embark towards the 2nd Planet: If the above research projects have yet to prove adequate results for an advanced arrangement of little ones, simply send a group of basic reinforcements.
4x Slither Claw /160 BM
4x Slither Spitter /120 BM
3x Larva /12 BM
8x Eggs /8 BM
Total: 300 BM

[All of this is with the impression of being able plan for multiple turns in one go instead of one at a time, in hopes of getting to a more eventful stage of progress in the CYOAS sooner rather than later]

I see no flaws with this, looks pretty good. Edit: hmmm on second thought how about researching digging after stealth? That we can be a thorn on the humans by being guerillas, though it might not be efficient for gathering enough biomass to become strong enough to take them out before they out tech us and they might just use incendiary or chemical weapons to flush us out.
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Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

It is time for SCIENCE! Our next step is to rapidly expand our research efforts, and while it may be cost biomass, time and lives of our little ones now, it will ensure better odds of survival for our future brood!

1x Flesh Weaver
6x Guinea Slithers(Dopey Head(2BM), Squishy Body(2BM), No Limbs(0BM), Smother Bottom(2BM), 6BM Each)
4x Experimental Stealth Slither(Spitter Head(10BM), Molted Carapace(8BM), No Limbs(0BM), Slither Tail(10BM), 28BM Each)

152 + 112 + 36 = 300 Biomass Total

Also begin growing a new Flesh Pod to replace the first if such isn't already underway.

The first project shall focus on REFINING the MOLTED CARAPACE, with emphasis on further SNEAK and SPEED, any improvements to STRONG and ARMOUR should be coincidental at best and not the focus of our Weaver(s) efforts.

The second project should look into weaving a variation of the SPITTER HEAD, to try and create a STALKER HEAD that have an emphasis on RANGED ATTACK and STEALTH.

The third project should look into improving the SLITHER TAIL into a STALKER TAIL, with emphasis on STEALTH and further SPEED, with little care about potential loss of ARMOUR.

Depending on the successes of the previous two projects, the fourth project should use the remaining Experimental Stealth Slither for a second attempt at creating a serviceable STALKER HEAD or STALKER TAIL.

Miscellaneous projects, should the Weavers be left without anything else to do for some time, or find themselves having an idea worth exploring, should make use of the Guinea Slithers. Such projects include but are not limited to:

ARMOURED HEAD, entirely focused on being as heavily armoured as possible with little disregard for other features.
ARMOURED BODY, see above.
ARMOURED TAIL, see above.
SKIMMER BODY, lightweight and winged as to be capable of LIMITED FLIGHT or, preferably, TRUE FLIGHT.
SCOUT HEAD, primarily focused on OBSERVATION and DETECTION through as many senses as possible, hopefully with a boost to SMARTS to better process such information.

And for when a 2nd Flesh Pod is ready to embark towards the 2nd Planet: If the above research projects have yet to prove adequate results for an advanced arrangement of little ones, simply send a group of basic reinforcements.
4x Slither Claw /160 BM
4x Slither Spitter /120 BM
3x Larva /12 BM
8x Eggs /8 BM
Total: 300 BM

[All of this is with the impression of being able plan for multiple turns in one go instead of one at a time, in hopes of getting to a more eventful stage of progress in the CYOAS sooner rather than later]

Fuck it, why not. Though I like the idea of getting some camouflage of the Predator style if possible. Makes ambushing people easier. :3
Re: Rain of Flesh (XXXzone Evolution)

Plan Smokefish
Next Pod:
1x Flesh Weaver
6x Guinea Slithers(Dopey Head(2BM), Squishy Body(2BM), No Limbs(0BM), Smother Bottom(2BM), 6BM Each)
4x Experimental Stealth Slither(Spitter Head(10BM), Molted Carapace(8BM), No Limbs(0BM), Slither Tail(10BM), 28BM Each)
Send: Nothing

Research: The first project shall focus on REFINING the MOLTED CARAPACE, with emphasis on further SNEAK and SPEED, any improvements to STRONG and ARMOUR should be coincidental at best and not the focus of our Weaver(s) efforts.

You decide to make your next pod to spawn another weaver and some test subjects for you, and then leave empty. Without any biomass inside, it overshoots and you're pretty sure it's going to fall into the star. Oh well.

While the new weaver is metamorphosing, the other is busy doing another experiment. After spending a moment giving it a specific task, it suddenly has an epiphany. It quickly tears into the remaining Slither Spitter, converting it into a new experimental Stealth Slither before beginning its experiment. When its work is complete, the weaver warbles in elation. The new central body mass lacks a carapace, but its stealth has been greatly improved. The new spawn can now adapt its camouflage on the fly.

While the weaver mentally pats itself on he back for a job well done, the Test Subject keels over and dies from organ damage, blood loss, and cerebral aneurysm.

New Body Part! Molted Hide - Biomass 16 (Speed +2, Sneak +6)
This central body has a leathery hide. It lacks the muscles that grants improved the strength of the Slither Body, as well as the segments of boney armour. Instead, its skin can develops pigment based on what the spawn sees around it when it first emerges from the cocoon. Camouflage is good for ambushing, but not for extended fighting.

New Body Part! Fading Hide - Biomass 38 (Speed +2, Sneak +10, Brain +2)
This central body has a rubbery hide. It lacks the muscles that grant improved the strength of the Slither Body, as well as the segments of boney armour. Instead, its skin can slowly develop pigment and change it's texture based on what the spawn sees around it. The development of these abilities encourages the spawn to refine it's visual cortex, making it quite a bit smarter. Camouflage is good for ambushing, but not for extended fighting.

  • You are on route to the fourth world of this star. Eight turns before you get there.
  • You have Ten Flesh Pod Growers, each launching once per ten turns in sequence.
  • You have one Flesh Pod on route to the second world. It will arrive in two turns.
    1. 1x Big Brain Slither, 3x Slither Claw, 4x Slither Spitter, 10x Eggs
  • Your have 11 Cocoons morphing into several adult forms.
    • In five turns these will hatch; one Flesh Weaver, six Guinea Slithers, and four Experimental Stealth Slithers
  • You are carrying one Flesh Weaver. The other last Spitter Slither was killed by the weaver experimenting on it.
  • Your Weaver is researching to refine the Molted Carapace.

  1. Weaver 1 is researching to refine the Molted Carapace.
  2. Roll 1d20, result 1 < Smart 12+4:: It has a brilliant idea! (+8 Bonus)
  3. Weaver 1 needs to experiment. Goes over to Slither Spitter and begins work. Roll 1d20, result 8 < Smart 12 :: Slither Spitter doesn't resist.
  4. Weaver 1 needs to change Slither Body to Molted Carapace. Roll 1d20, result 9 < Smart 12 :: Success. Slither Spitter now (Experimental) Molted Spitter
  5. It really hurt the Molted Slither though. (-4 penalty for changes). Roll 1d20, result 1 < Smart 12-4 :: Success.
  6. Weaver 1 experiment on Molted Carapace. Roll 1d20, result 14 < Smart 12+8 :: Success.
    • Armour? Roll 1d20, result 19 > Smart 12 :: Fail (not essential)
    • Speed? Roll 1d20, result 12 > Smart 12+4 :: Success, Roll 1d6-2, result 1.
    • Strong? Roll 1d20, result 18 > Smart 12-4 :: Fail (not essential)
    • Camouflage Pattern? Roll 1d20, result 5 < Smart 12+8:: Success, Roll 1d6+2, result 6*MAX*.
    • Colour Shifting? Roll 1d20, result 7 < Smart 12 :: Success, Roll 1d6-4, result 2.
    • Needs Brain 1 to use. Roll 1d20, result 5 < Smart 12-4 :: Success, Roll 1d6-4, Result 0. Fail.
    • Texture Shifting? Roll 1d20, result 3 < Smart 12-8 :: Success, Roll 1d6-4, result 2.
    • Needs Brain 2 to use. Roll 1d20, result 1 < Smart 12-10 :: Success, Roll 1d6-4, result 2.
  7. TWO New Body parts designed!
  8. It really, really hurt the Molted Slither, though. (-12 penalty for changes). Roll 1d20, result 14 > Smart 12+8-10 :: Fail

Edit:I'm going to do the next turn.
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