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Ralspot (Bunny Breeding Ritual Board Game)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
This is a board game I designed with help from my DLaby players. It's been tested on Maptools several times, but this thread will be a PbP version with narration and moderation done by me and players specially selected (Astarte, BlueSlime, Tassadar, Hafnium).

This first game will be INVITE ONLY. Once it's polished up a little more, I'll let other players have a try.

I'll start with the rules and card list:

The setting is the Carvewoods, a verdant portion of the Void. Here lives a thriving species of lagomorphs, known only to humans as Void Rabbits. For humanoids, they aren't exceptionally fast, nor strong, at least in comparison to werewolves and vampires. But there is one advantage that they can claim, and that is in numbers. Void Rabbits have quick gestation times and are very fertile. As a result, the species reproduces amazingly quickly. To facilitate this, Void Rabbit culture has produced a coming-of-age ritual called the Ralspot, an activity in which dozens of young males and females are released into the woods. Males seek to sow as much of their seeds as possible, while females look to escape the less worthy potential suitors and last long enough for those they desire to come claim them.

In this game, one player assumes the role of a healthy young male looking to breed as many females as he can. The other players take the role of Void Rabbit does, or females, who seek to avoid this brutal suitor for the 24-hour period so that they may perhaps save themselves for a more worthy alpha. Alliances between females can be formed, but broken just as easily.

The male player attempts to Capture as many female players as he can by pursuing them and defeating them in Combat until their HP reaches 0. Captured females are added to his personal harem. But if the 24-hour period passes (represented by 12 rounds starting with the male's turn) and he has no females to claim, then he is branded a beta loser in the eyes of Void Rabbit society.

All players start with a baseline of 1 HP and +0 to rolls.
At the beginning of the game, each female picks an attribute for their character.
Sturdy (+1 HP; thus can be defeated in battle an additional time before being Captured)
Fast (+1 to results of a Movement roll, which helps in moving and getting past others)
Strong (+1 to results of an Attack roll, which helps in combat)
Smart (+1 to search rolls or rolls made to evade traps, +1 max hand size)

The male has Sturdy times the number of females in the game--for example, if there are 3 females in game, he gets Sturdy x 3 for a total of 4 HP.

In addition, the person playing the male can choose 2 of the other 3 abilities. So he can be Fast and Smart, or Fast and Strong, or Strong and Smart. These instances also stack, so he can be Fast x 2, Smart x 2 or Strong x 2.

If his HP is reduced to 0, he is Stunned (skips his next turn) and begins at the Rocky Clearing afterwards.

Between 2-4 females start at the Even Clearing. The male starts at the Rocky Clearing. Each female starts with a hand of 2 cards drawn from the Item Deck--a deck of 52 cards full of goods and / or traps. The male starts with a hand of 3 cards drawn from the Item Deck.

The maximum hand size is 3. At the end of your turn, if you have more than 3 cards, you must discard down to 3.

The male starts first. Afterwards, turn order amongst the females is determined randomly via dice roll.
During the active player's turn, they can Move and then take one Action (unless a ‘Free‘ Action is given to them by way of card).

Movement is decided with a 1d6 by default. You can move UP to the number of spaces of the result you rolled, but females must move at least 1 space based on their result. You cannot double back in one move.

If a female needs to move past a male, lands on the same cell he does, or attempts to move away from a cell he is currently sharing with her, he automatically attempts to ‘block’ her. She must try to get past and away. Both female and male roll 1d10s. The female adds her Movement bonus to her score while the male adds his Attack bonus to his score. The results are then compared. If the female wins, she gets past. If the male wins or it is a tie, they enter Combat.

If a female needs to move PAST another female (out of the same cell she is on), the other female can choose to ‘block’ her from crossing. If they do, they both roll 1d10s, with the moving female’s Movement bonus modifying her roll, and the blocking female’s Combat bonus modifying hers. The results are then compared. If the moving female wins, she gets past; if the blocking female wins or it is a tie, they enter Combat.

Once per turn after moving, you can take an Action. Valid actions are as listed:
-Combat: Enter combat with another character who is on the same cell as you.
-Loot: Access a ‘cache’ while you are on a cache cell. Draw a card from the deck to add to your hand.
-Barter: Trade cards with another character who is on the same cell as you.
-Search: Look around for items. Roll a 1d10. On a result of 9+, draw a card from the deck.

Imgur link:


In order to cross (move out of) red Trap cells, certain conditions must be fulfilled according to the cell in question.

Caches are special treasure troves that may store useful items--or just traps! A character on a Cache cell may spend an Action to draw a card from the deck. This is called ‘looting’. Once a character loots a specific Cache, they cannot loot that same cache again for the rest of the game.
In addition, each Cache has an item limit. This counts the number of times it can be looted before it is completely empty. For example, Mahogany Tower Cache contains 2 items. That means once 2 players loot it, it is empty for the rest of the game.

Some cells, such as Burrow Entrances, are connected to each other. These are treated the same way as any other two cells.

If a character fails to move past a cell because of failing Evade roll or the like, they can turn back in the direction they came from the next turn, unless the cell specifically prevents them from moving out of it without a roll.

During combat, each player rolls one 10-sided die. They then add any modifiers to the result, and the final results are compared.
In the event of a tie between two same-gendered combatants, both are Stunned and skip their next turns.
In the event of a tie between a male and a female, the male wins.

The loser of a contest between two female combatants forfeits 1 card to the winner of the winner’s choice and is Stunned; she skips her next turn.

If a female beats a male, she manages to get away and avoid capture. She looks at his hand and takes 1 card to add to her own. The male loses 1 HP, and if the male is the Active Player, his turn ends. If he is depleted to 0 HP, he returns to the Rocky Clearing, loses a Confidence token if he has one, and is Stunned (skips his next turn).
If a male beats a female, he has his way with her and depletes 1 of her HP. If she is at 0 HP after that, she is Captured and bred by the male. In addition, he may look at her hand and take 1 card to add to his own.

The male tries to Capture as many females as possible before the 12 turn counter is out. For every female the male Captures, he receives a Confidence token. Each Confidence token grants him +1 to all rolls for the rest of the game.
At the end of his game, his Score is determined by:
Defeating a female in combat: 1 point
Capturing a female: 2 points

If Combat occurs between two combatants on a cell where others are spectating, those watching can choose to 'Assist’, or help, one side or another by adding +1 to their roll. Doing so may earn a character favor with the side they help, for reasons of politics... or it may not. The drawback to this option is, if the side that someone Assisting is on loses, the person providing the Assist is Stunned, and thus skips their next turn.

-A player cannot draw a Trap card in their opening hand. If they do, they must shuffle it into the deck and draw another.
-Unless otherwise specified, modifiers to rolls must be played before the results of the roll are actually determined.
-Cards only target if they contain ‘target’ within their text.
-Cards are immediately placed into the discard pile after use.
-If there are multiple cards to be played in response to others, cards use LIFO (Last In, First Out) order; similar to the ‘stack’ in Magic the Gathering, or the ‘chain’ in Yugioh. The last card to be played resolves first, and the first card to have been played resolves last.
For example:
Nessa plays Imposing Will, targeting Lench, to give her -2 to her attack during combat.
In response, Lench plays Redirect to change the target of Imposing Will to Nessa.
In response, Nessa plays Countermove, targeting Redirect.

The last card to be played, Countermove, resolves first. Redirect’s effects are negated.
Then, Redirect -would- resolve, but it was already canceled by Countermove.
Finally, Imposing Will resolves as normal, with its target being Lench.

1.) Adrenaline Rush
Target player gets +1 to attack for this combat instance.
2.) Taunt
Target player gets -1 to attack for this combat instance.
3.) Awareness
Ignore the effects of the cells you land on or move past this turn. This card can be used AFTER the results of a movement roll.
4.) Unrivaled Focus
Target player gets +2 to attack for this combat instance.
5.) Imposing Will
Target player gets -2 to attack for this combat instance.
6.) Herbal Stimulant
Target player gets an additional action this turn.
7.) Burst of Speed
Target player gets +2 to movement this turn.
8.) Trap Sap
Target player gets -2 movement until end of turn.
9.) A Quicker Way
Target player gets +1 to movement this turn.
10.) Redirect
Use only in response to a card that has ‘target player’ in the text. Change the target from one player to another. (All targets must remain legal.)
11.) Vine Snare
Target player cannot move this turn. This card can be used AFTER the results of a movement roll.
12.) Sleight of Hand
When target player successfully loots via Cache or Search, you receive their card instead.
13.) Sling
You may enter combat with target opponent up to 2 cells away from you. If you lose, you suffer no penalty. If you win, the opponent is Stunned. Use this only on your turn, before acting, as a free Action.
14.) Scouting
Reroll your own movement dice this round. Use only after seeing the result.
15.) Ropestone
Target player can't perform actions this turn.
16.) Trailblazing
Instead of rolling one movement die this round, roll two and choose one of the results. Use only before rolling your movement dice this round.
17.) Ambush!
Choose an opponent at random. Instead of moving, teleport yourself to their location. Use only before rolling your movement dice this round. This card cannot be used during the first round of the game.
18.) Trip Wire
Target opponent gets -1 movement until end of turn.
19.) Berserker Rage
For your next combat roll, instead roll two dice and choose one of the results.
20.) Careful Planning
Instead of moving this turn, you may take an extra action.
21.) Great Haste
Instead of taking an action this turn, you may move double the number of spaces (after Movement modifiers). Use this only before rolling your movement die.
22.) Look Who’s Over There!
Move target opponent 1 space in any direction. If they land on a cell occupied by another player, they automatically enter combat with them. Do this only on your turn as a free action.
23.) Barricade
Until your next turn, make the cell you are occupying impassable (no one can move into or out of it). Do this only on your turn after moving, as a free action.
24.) Hidden Passage
Instead of moving this turn, teleport your character to Burrow Entrance A or B. Use only on your turn before you roll for movement.
25.) Caught the Scent
Move target opponent 2 spaces in any direction. If they land on a cell occupied by another player (or attempt to pass it), they automatically enter combat with them. Do this only on your turn as a free action.
26.) Slipseed Oil
Use only on your turn before moving, after seeing the results of your Movement roll. Until end of turn, you cannot be Blocked by other players or by trap cells.
27.) Mind Games
Take one of target opponent’s cards at random and add it to your hand. Use only on your turn as a free action.
28.) Hidden in Plain Sight
Instead of moving this turn, teleport your character to the Even Clearing. Use only on your turn before you roll for movement. This card cannot be used during the first round of the game.
29.) Hide Among the Rocks
Instead of moving this turn, teleport your character to the Rocky Clearing. Use only on your turn before you roll for movement.
Choose any one of the Caches to Loot without needing to move onto that cell. This counts as you having looted it. Do this only on your turn as an action.
31.) Distracting Pollen
TRAP - When you draw this card, you give in to your immediate urges to find sexual relief on your own; you are Stunned. Skip your next turn.
32.) Slime Attack!
TRAP - When you draw this card, make a Combat roll of 5 of higher. If you lose, a slime emerges and molests you; you are Stunned.
33.) Salvatia Flower
TRAP - When you draw this card, make a Search roll of 5 or higher. If you succeed, gain 1 HP. If you lose, you are Stunned.
34.) Hallucinogenic Fumes
TRAP - When you draw this card, immediately teleport yourself to the Shadowy Thicket. If it is occupied by another player, you must enter Combat with them as a free action.
35.) Confusion in the Ranks
TRAP - When you draw this card, each player immediately passes their hands to the players on their right (the people who go before them in turn order). This card cannot be responded to. If this is the first card drawn of several, resolve this effect first before drawing anything else.
36.) Thorn in Paw
TRAP - When you draw this card, your next Movement roll is made with a 1d3 instead of a 1d6 until end of turn.
37.) Come at Me
TRAP - When you draw this card, teleport the male (or, if you are the male, the strongest female) to your cell. The two of you enter combat automatically as a free action.
38.) Peace Offering
TRAP - When you draw this card, the male (or, if you are the male, a female of your choice) draws a card from the deck.
39.) Extreme Duress
TRAP - When you draw this card, discard another card at random. Ignore this effect if you have no cards in hand.
40.) You weak, pathetic fool...
TRAP - When you draw this card, until your next turn, any combat made against you is automatically won by your opponent.
TRAP - When you draw this card, place a Werewolf Token on cell 19. This Werewolf is controlled by the player playing the Male and takes its turn immediately after him, following the same rules for blocking. It has Fast (+1 Movement), Strong x 2 (+2 Attack) and Sturdy (+1 HP for a total of 2). Each time it is defeated in combat, it is Stunned. If its HP is reduced to 0, it is gone forever. It cannot draw, nor Search, nor use cards. It can Capture a female by reducing her HP to 0.
42.) Tanglevines in Bloom
TRAP - When you draw this card, place three Tanglevine tokens on the map at random (roll 3d44). These tokens cannot move. Any character attempting to pass them or move out of their occupying cell must make an Attack roll of 3 or greater or be stopped and drawn into Combat (ties are rerolled). If a character loses against a Tanglevine, they are Stunned. Once a Tanglevine has been defeated, it is gone forever.
43.) Goblin Raid!
TRAP - When you draw this card, place two Goblin tokens on cells 43 and 21. These Goblins are controlled by the player playing the Male and take their turns immediately after him, following the same rules for blocking. They have no abilities, nor can they Search or draw / use cards. They are not affected by red environmental traps, but still subject to orange penalties (such as High Ground). Once a Goblin is defeated, it is gone forever. They can Capture a female by reducing her HP to 0.
44.) Piliris Flower
TRAP - When you draw this card, until your next turn, if you are defeated in Combat, you do not lose any HP, nor are you Stunned.
45.) Countermove
Negate the effects of target card as it is being played.
46.) Meticulousness
Add +4 to your Search roll until end of turn. Use only when Searching.
47.) Jack and Jill of all Trades
Use only at the beginning of your turn. Until end of turn, you gain Smart (+1 to trap evasion rolls and Searching), Strong (+1 to combat) or Fast (+1 to movement). Multiple instances stack.
48.) Voidikong
TRAP - When you draw this card, place a Gorilla token on any empty cell. The token randomly decides where it wants to move, moves only after the Male, and it has Sluggish (a movement of 1d3). It ignores any environmental effects, cannot Search, draw nor use cards, and does not directly engage in combat. However, the cell it occupies is impassable from the outside unless the player succeeds a (1d10) roll of 4 or more. Voidikong lasts 1d4 turns.
49.) Resourcefulness
For every card in your hand (not including this one), you gain +1 to either Attack or Search rolls until end of turn.
50.) Warp Hole
TRAP - When you draw this card, you are teleported to a spot on the map at random. If the cell is already occupied by another player, they may choose to enter Combat with you as a free action.
51.) Give in to Despair
TRAP - When you draw this card, until the end of your next turn, reroll all of your rolls, taking the worse result. If you would get a positive reroll from another source, negate both for that roll.
52.) Rogue Symbiote
TRAP - When you draw this card, make a 1d10 Evade check as if it were a trap cell--only Smart gives bonuses. On a roll of 6 or more, the symbiote successfully fuses with you, and you gain +1 Attack and +1 Movement until the end of your next turn. Otherwise, it decides you are more fun to molest, and you get -1 Attack and -1 Movement until the end of your next turn.

Invited players (BlueSlime, Hafnium, Tassadar, Astarte) will first post their character sheets along with their selected builds, and then we'll get going! Each round I will post a state of the Map as it stands. This is still largely a test build--especially the PbP version--so your patience is appreciated.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Lylia, the Fast rabbit girl who is looking to flee from anyone trying to force her to have their bunnybabies.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

My Bunny:

Erin, Strong.
A fighter at heart, Erin isn't directly opposed to the idea behind Ralspot, but she's not going to let herself be easy to catch either. She intends to fight off anyone looking to force themselves on her until she can find a worthy mate, someone whose strength she can respect.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

My female bunny.

Bluebell, Sturdy.

Bluebell is a survivor. She acts tough, talks tough, and isn't afraid of a fight. She's also not shy about sex either, but she refuses to be anybody's beta.

She has domme tendencies, and doesn't mind being with guys or girls, so long as she's on top.

My male bunny.

Edgar, strong x2.

A young warrior in the village, intent on proving himself worthy of challenging for being chief one day. One of the prerequisites for that is to have a large harem, so he enters Ralspot to gather his future wives.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Inna ( ), the Strong void wabbit.

Being in another person's harem is for quitters. She's going to make her own harem with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the blackjack.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Noble Male

Giant fluffy wabbit with tentacle dicks

Member of the honorable mount than use the void rabbit. As usual from time to time one of his kind is allowed to take part in this game, mostly because his race can produce giant mount bunnies and fertile normal void rabbitgirls.


Fast and deadly. A void rabbit girl trained in the Combat Arts. She join the games to find a suitable mate than could help her t fill theirs army with the best soldiers possible
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Plmnko -
Thanks for your interest in the game! Unfortunately, the very first game of this that I am running is just 4 people, mainly due to its test nature and the regular contact I have with the people in question, so I won't be able to take you for this first one. Afterwards though, with a bit of polish, it can most likely be run.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

The Carvewood clan's 86th ritual of Ralspot has begun. While other Voidic denizens don't make it a point to venture too deep into Void Rabbit territory due to the lapine warriors' overwhelming numbers, this game is held in woods towards the settlement's further, eastern reaches. Contestants are encouraged to use their survival skills, strength, speed and wit to defeat their opponents as well as avoid other hazards and denizens of the Void.

Players are dressed in a simple leather outfit, with much of their body bare; they wear hardened leather bracers, and their feet are adorned with wraps. Their bodies are also covered in red or blue tribal markings painted in sharp, thick angles, depending on what 'team' they are on--though any member of the tribe knows that the teams are more a guideline than a formality, which in a way represented the inherent complexities of war. In the game of Ralspot, one's only real allegiance is to themselves. Socially savvy rabbits can form alliances, but how long these actually last is up to the members in question, especially when breeding rights are on the line.

For the 'losers' of this game are often bound up. Losing males are hogtied or fastened to trees to keep them from being able to fight any longer or spread their seed to the females they desire; in this manner, they are essentially removed from the breeding pool for the official Ralspot period of 24 hours and perhaps longer. Losing females are bound and often bred by the males who subdue them, forced to receive the seed of a less worthy male should they find themselves defeated by an inferior. This coming-of-age ritual has a way of determining one's place the social hierarchy as an adult very quickly...


Erin, Lylia and Inna find themselves in a peaceful, level clearing. Their bodies are all painted in triangular stripes of blue, but the girls know that such colors mean relatively little when just about any male can still claim rights over them.

There are two obvious paths to take. One is a muddy trail, of which the only footholds are small rocks peeking out of the sludge. A particularly agile individual could easily skip from stone to stone, while others might find themselves bogged down in the muck. The other way features a canyon full of clinglings; pocket-sized, curious humanoids known to abduct and occasionally molest larger creatures who lack the strength or combat expertise to fight them off properly.

Edgar, on the other hand, finds himself marked with red, in a different kind of clearing, one where the trees only refuse to grow due to the presence of several mighty boulders. An exceptionally strong male, he could probably move one of these if he exerted himself enough, but now wasn't the time for pointlessly moving the earth. He could smell them, faintly... there were females in the vicinity. It was time to move.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 3 cards in hand.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand.

Erin, Lylia and Inna each receive 2 cards in their opening hand.
Edgar receives 3 cards in his opening hand.
The male always starts first to open a round, so it is Edgar's turn.
I'll likely PM the results of movement dice to people, but since it is the first turn of the game, I'll show the results of Edgar's movement dice for this post.
Edgar rolled a 3 for Movement. Blue is free to move up to 3 spaces in any direction and then take an Action of their choice.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar entered the Rocky Clearing, the Male's traditional starting point, cracked his knuckles.

"Right. This is my chance. Gotta prove to everyone how I'm the clear choice to be next-in-line to be chief!"

He slammed his fist into his palm and grinned, psyching himself up. Besides, the three girls he was up against were very fit, just the kind of future wives he'd admired and dreamed of for himself. Lylia, with her long legs and fine curves, would be fun to hunt down, and Erin and Inna were muscular athletic types, each a worthy mother who would give him the strongest babies.

He felt himself growing hard just thinking about them.

"Fuck it, let's delay this no longer!" He charged over the wooden paths, heading towards the hot springs. Either of the main paths was equally suitable for his purposes but he knew the power of these hot springs was something these females would seek and he wanted to deny them it.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

(Search Roll result: 2)
Looking around the hot springs, Edgar finds little of use to him. There's no immediate sign of the girls just yet.

Erin's turn to move and act.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Looks like we've been found." Erin muttered softly as her sensitive ears perked up, tracking a faint sound in the distance. "Better get moving... let's see if this one is worth anything, hm?" Glancing around the clearing, it was obvious this was no place to wait. Too open, no cover to speak of... and she wasn't one to sit around and wait either.

She gave the other girls in the clearing with her a brief wave and set off into the woods, alert for any signs of danger. What she found as she passed through the nearby canyon was... less than threatening, but rather annoying. "Shoo! Get out of my way!", she swatted at the diminutive creatures who seemed to inhabit the place. They weren't much of a threat to her despite their constant annoyances, but maybe they had something useful around that she could appropriate for herself?

(Moving to Clingling Canyon and Searching.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Erin doesn't get terribly far before she finds herself swarmed by hordes of clinglings, intrepid little imps that have an unhealthy fascination with most anything that wanders into their territory. Several of the little humanoids stack upon each other, trying their best to clamber up the bunnygirl's legs and all over her body. Some of the faster ones even make it up to her breasts, scaling the large, soft 'mountains' with their little hands and tickling her in the process. The sensation is a little erotic, but then again, so is most everything in the Void. But this Void Rabbit manages to retain her focus and brush them away from her body as one might do with dirt or little insects. She hears their little cries as she shakes them off. "Waaaaaah~!"

She proceeds to look around for something of use to her. Unfortunately, there are so many clinglings running about in a panic, making it difficult to find anything useful...

Then, she hears rumblings in the distance of something... something big.

Erin rolls a 2 and lands on Clingling Canyon, cell 3. She then Searches and finds...
48.) Voidikong
TRAP - When you draw this card, place a Gorilla token on any empty cell. The token randomly decides where it wants to move, moves only after the Male, and it has Sluggish (a movement of 1d3). It ignores any environmental effects, cannot Search, draw nor use cards, and does not directly engage in combat. However, the cell it occupies is impassable from the outside unless the player succeeds a (1d10) roll of 4 or more. Voidikong lasts 1d4 turns.
Astarte places Voidikong on cell 8, Tentaclevine Canopy. As long as it is occupied by Voidikong, this cell will require one roll to move into and another roll to fully pass.
Next up is Lylia.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Gotta keep moving," Lylia muttered to herself, the energetic young girl glancing at the two she'd been traveling with only to dart off suddenly to the South. "Wait, where am I..." Her eyes darted about, and her feet followed them, resulting in a lot of wasted time as she tried to find one of the caches.

(Moving to space 24 and Searching.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Inna's expression didn't betray a single thought running through her head when it became obvious that a male had taken interest in the trio waiting in the clearing. This was perhaps for the best as her thoughts were anything but professional or useful. Aw, she mentally complained, I bet it's one of those wannabe alphas after us. And there were so many cute boys and girls that I wanted to hunt down while it was allowed.

Well, nothing to do about it now other than to avoid him so that she could pursue her true desires. She would push for one of the caches determinedly, not really paying the other two women any heed. This remained the case when she passed Erin again in the Clingling canyon, allowing the other woman to garner most of the attention without a second thought so that Inna herself could pass through without needing to swat more than a few of the pesky creatures in order to continue through the canyon, pass the ancient battlefield, and secure first rights to the Emerald Vale Cache.

(Inna moves to 26. Emerald Vale Cache and loots ye f̶l̶a̶s̶k̶ cache.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

As she looked amongst the underbrush of the rather plain trail she was on, Lylia found little of use--not even a rock of notable size. She would have to keep moving in order to get something of value, most likely--at least the muddy trail up ahead wouldn't be too difficult at all for someone of her abilities to cross.


Meanwhile, Inna found a much faster start through the Clingling Canyon. She spotted Erin quite a ways to her north, but the other bunnygirl didn't seem to have too much problems dealing with the lilliputian creatures--and neither did Inna herself. The tan-skinned Void Rabbit sped through what appeared to be an ancient battlefield, littered with many broken remains of various pieces of equipment. But such a scene was no guarantee of finding something useful, not compared to what she might find in the Emerald Vale...


Edgar felt the ground shake for a moment, and his long lapine ears easily caught a matching rumble. From the vantage point of the hot springs, he briefly spied the top of a furry head poking up through the forest canopy. The ape-like creature was huge, no doubt, and even a particularly strong male like himself wouldn't have an easy chance in direct combat. Still, there was a chance that he could find a way past it, provided it wasn't blocking too much of the way through sheer size alone.

Inna moves six spaces into the Emerald Vale Cache, and successfully Loots it, adding 1 card to her hand. She cannot loot it any longer, and it has 1 item left for someone else to grab.

Players by turn order:
Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 3 cards in hand. At the Hot Springs, cell 10.
Erin (Astarte): Strong. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At Clingling Canyon, cell 3.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. 1 HP. 2 cards in hand. At cell 24.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 3 cards in hand. At Emerald Vale Cache, cell 26.
Edgar is up.

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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

The Voidikong was there, in the small clearing amongst the tanglevines. It was a treacherous place, even for a strong male like Edgar. He needed to rely on speed and dexterity, as even his considerable strength was not enough to overcome this beast.

Edgar leapt from the sturdy branch in the canopy above and grasped the nearest vine, swinging from it to grab another and then another, knowing that if he could get to the burrow just beyond, he'd be able to hide from the Monkey until it passed.

The tanglevines were mostly below him, so the vines he swung from now should be inanimate -- he hoped.

The voidbunny had gotten just past halfway across the treeline when the Voidikong spotted him and began to beat his chest and bellow. It was to be expected at some point, Edgar thought as he grimaced and kept swinging.

He grasped a lower vine, making his way down towards the burrow entrance, when suddenly the vine moved in his grip and twisted like a living snake. It attempted to slip from his grasp, which would have sent him tumbling into the tanglevines, to be easy prey for the rampaging monkey, but Edgar tightened his fist, strangling the tanglevine and forcing it to obey the laws of physics and allowing him to complete his swing onto the vineless ground beyond.

"Hurghh! Damn, gotta hurry!"

Edgar dove for the burrow, narrowly escaping the grasping claws of the void ape, and reached the safety of the hollow earth.

It was less than a minute before the Voidikong got bored of waiting for him and moved on to search for easier foods. Edgar waited another half minute more to be safe, then scrambled out and moved on to the phalliwood copse, once again picking up the scent of the females.

They were close now...


Edgar plays Barricade to make his square impassible until his next turn.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

In the area, Edgar saw no shortage of obstacles. The constantly shifting tentacle vines seemed as though they could betray him at any given moment should he grasp them, and the ape loomed about nearby. He could still feel the vibrations of its footfalls in his bones.

But he was not so timid as to let the adverse conditions deter him from his goal. The intrepid male grabbed hold of one of the numerous vines up above, and it seemed to respond by coiling around his wrist. He then swung to the next, grabbing hold of it. A powerful squeeze on his part would cause the first vine to release hold of him, and he only needed to repeat the process over and over. They were a little slippery, but not so much as to hinder his grip to the point of falling.

The gigantic simian soon caught sight of him. He could hear it sniff, pause, and start lumbering towards his position. Although it was a terrifying sound, Edgar managed to push himself and swing towards a spot of ground. Some of the tentacles from high above seemed to reach down at him, but he managed to shrug them off as he bolted full speed ahead, on solid footing.

By the time he was out of harm's way, Edgar found himself in an odd part of the wood, where numerous phallic structures pointed out from the trees every which way. He once again heard the thudding footfalls of the giant ape... but this time, they seemed to be going in a different direction. Perhaps he had lost its interest, which certainly was nothing to complain about. The male kept moving, soon finding a tightly bunched grove where the odd trees could serve as a sort of natural defense against the monster should it change its mind.

Edgar rolled a 4 for Movement.
He attempts to pass Voidikong and rolls a 5. Success.
He then attempts to pass the Tentaclevine Canopy and rolls a 3. Success.
Edgar moves to cell 6, Phalliwood Copse.
Edgar attempts to Search and rolls a 3. Fails to find anything.
Edgar then plays:
23.) Barricade
Until your next turn, make the cell you are occupying impassable (no one can move into or out of it). Do this only on your turn after moving, as a free action.

Voidikong's turn to move. As determined by the die roll, he decides to move South and rolls a 1 for movement. He moves one cell south onto cell 9, High Ground.

Now it is Erin's turn to move. Movement roll results have been PM'd to Astarte.
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Erin gave a start as something cracked in the distance, eyes going wide as she saw the head of what could only be an absolutely massive creature above the canopy. She was confident in her strength, she could even match many of the males participating in this game, but something like that? She knew when she was outmatched.

Fortunately she hadn't committed to a route yet, and it was an easy matter to turn back the way she'd come, abandoning her search for useful tools among the clinglings' things. She'd seen a path leading south, and though the footing looked bad it was better than tangling with that massive gorilla.

She nearly slipped a few times as she all but sprinted down the muddy path before taking a detour into a nearby grove. There was a cache around here, she remembered... maybe this time searching for supplies would prove more fruitful.

(Moving to 40, Rainbow Grove Cache, and looting it.)
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Alarmed by the disturbing sound of gargantuan footfalls in the distance, Erin doubled back, away from the clinglings that continued in vain to try to molest her, and back towards the muddy trail with great speed, the very last clingling flying out of her hair by the time she reached the area just before the muck. She knew that a bad move would get her stuck in the mire, and so she focused, carefully leaping from one foothold to the other. Moments later she realized she had crossed a good amount of it with ease, but the stones she ended up taking brought her right, into a grove of colorful trees, their leaves seeming to change color depending on the angle one looked at them by. It was admittedly rather beautiful, making it difficult not to take a moment to admire.

Still, there needed to be something she could find here that would help her avoid many of the perils nearby. A heap of dirt seemed to be stacked towards one edge of the grove, and she spied something peeking out. When Erin looked to touch it, it squirmed and sunk back into the dirt. A... tentacle?

She could hear squelching noises in the distance...

Erin rolled a 4 for Movement. She heads past the Muddy Trail, towards Rainbow Grove Cache (cell 40).
She makes an Evade roll of 4 to pass Muddy Trail. Success.
She winds up in Rainbow Grove Cache and Loots. Rainbow Grove Cache is now Empty.
She draws...

42.) Tanglevines in Bloom
TRAP - When you draw this card, place three Tanglevine tokens on the map at random (roll 3d44). These tokens cannot move. Any character attempting to pass them or move out of their occupying cell must make an Attack roll of 3 or greater or be stopped and drawn into Combat. If a character loses against a Tanglevine, they are Stunned. Once a Tanglevine has been defeated, it is gone forever.

Random rolls: 7, 21, 16.
Tanglevines appear on those Cells. Hidden Spring, Shadowy Thicket, and Burrow Entrance B. They will stay there until defeated.

Next up is Lylia. Movement rolls have been PM'd to Tassadar.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Just... Keep... Getting... Worse..." Lylia whispered through gritted teeth as she finally got her bearings. She leaped onto the path and sprinted, hurtling past a rising bloom of tanglevines and narrowly avoiding their grasping limbs. There was a creature nearby, a most wretched troll who demanded things from passersby, but she wasn't nearly weighted down enough to be caught by so sluggish a beast. The closest caches were already emptied, but there was another cache nearby, someplace she could get something that might be useful...

(Go to 39, Burgundy Yard Cache, past the tentaclevines and the troll who will try to mug me on the way back, but whatevs.)