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VN/TEXT Patreon Active Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey everyone!

I think it's about time to update the Prince of Ramen demo over at NewGrounds with the new v0.3.0 ALPHA build. Understandably, our rating is stuck at 3.46, which is what was given by NG user's judgement when we put out our game demo at v0.05. So we'll put the current version of the game and have it judged again, hopefully this time we can garner much better ratings given what we put into this in the last 6 months ;).

If I may humbly ask our fans and supporters to drop by the new NG game link and give it a judgement score and updated review, when it's up, we'd be very happy!

We'll post an update about this and the NewGrounds link later.

We'll also be posting up about a new Android build as well, and we'll also be updating the current downloadables for our patrons as well.
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys!

We're glad to announce that v0.3.0 is finally available in GameJolt and NewGrounds. We've updated the desktop and Android versions in GJ and in our Patreon page, so please do give those a go if the online version is giving you problems ;).

A note about the online version: Black boxes - sometimes you might see characters turning into black boxes or that the the game "hanged". We've been experiencing some strangeness with WebGL recently, and we think it might be connected with the recent/latest version of Chrome as we haven't had this problem a month or two ago. So if you encounter this, a simple browser page refresh should fix it, or if you're able to, just load up a new game or a save game.

There are several new bits about this version. For one, 3 character routes are now fully playable! We've also added two Secret Codes ;). Players can now save (almost) anytime, anywhere, and we've sped up the fast forward button, too! We've also done fixes on artwork, dialog, and code. There are now 15 animated scenes in total!

We've decided to keep using the old NG link and update the game there ;)


Our rating's stuck at 3.46 before (got that since we released v0.0.5), so hopefully our updates in the past 6 months will get noticed and we can get more stars this time. May we kindly ask our fans and supporters to drop by there, drop a thoughtful review and a rating? Aside from being an awesome thing to do, we'd quite appreciate the gesture!

Once again, the game's different versions can be downloaded at GameJolt (and played online):

At our Patreon page:

And can be played online at NewGrounds:

Enjoy the game everyone! Do let us know what you think about the game, and if you encounter anything odd like bugs and such ;)

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Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

All these routes, and I have but one question...

Can I get a Harem?
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey bro!

We're looking into that. Maybe one day you'll find it as an extra-special update or the omake scenes ;)
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys! Just a heads up, incoming update soonish ;). In a few days, within the week.
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys!

Download links have been updated! You can get v0.3.5 from our patreon page :3
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

I'm bumping this thread to tell that there's been a kickstarter campaign recently opened for this. The goal is to reach $1,000 and at the time of this post, $852 has already been pledged. The campaign ends on June 6th.

Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

New version out! v0.4.0

Quick Trivia: It was yesterday of last year that we released v0.1.0 - When Sango's route was completed. We've now finished our 4th character route and are moving to the 5th.

- In our Patreon's front page: patreon.com/paperwaifu. Choose your flavor - Win/Mac/Linux/Android/Online


- NEW! 4th character route finished! Exclusive to patrons! (Only up to chapter 4 in the free demo version for now)
- NEW! More music Added!
- NEW! Updated Mie's first SE.
- NEW! Multilingual support added. (No languages added yet.)
- NEW! Virtual keyboard updated!
- NEW! Longer dialog text supported.
- BUG FIX! Something about game variable values being carried over on load/new game after another game session when they're not supposed to.


The Virtual Keyboard: It's now a QWERTY type. It should be much easier to use now. You can still type using your physical keyboard. There's now a Shift button, that works as a toggle to enter capitalized letters. Enter is now a down arrow, located at the bottom right, which hides the keyboard. You can still move around keyboard by pressing the cross arrow, now located on the upper right. And that's about it. It should be easier to type with this thing now. Buttons have been shrunk btw, so let me know how it goes if you're using a phone or tablet.

Multi-Language Support: It's now here too. But don't expect anything yet, as there's no other language available to display yet. We're talking with a fan translation group at the moment and we'll tell you guys more about it on a later post :).

All New Animated CGs are Shaded: This including Mie's new and improved BJ scene. Dialog and choices have been updated as well. And let me know what you guys thing of that X-ray thing ;). In the next update, we'll try to shade the other animated CGs we've got. Oh and the background characters have also been shaded - so they won't look too out of place this time around.

As always, if you spot any weird bugs and stuff, let us know and we'll investigate it!
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys,

Just a quick update about the game! I just updated the build to v0.4.0 06-23-2017. This includes minor fixes and more importantly, fixes that Android "Cannot Install" bug.
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys!

We’ve finally updated the game to v0.4.5 and we’re opening up another character route in this release! All versions (including Android) - the ones here, on our Patreon page, and the patrons-exclusive version are now v0.4.5.

We added in a number of things under the hood to let us experiment with other things. Our patrons have asked about a show/hide controls to the animated "x-ray" thing we were playing around with, so we added that in for scenes that have it.

In this version, we also had the genius chef’s special events shaded in already, so please let us know how you like it!

PS: If bossy petite girls are your thing, you might like this update.

UPDATE: Just updated the online version of the game a few hours ago to fix gallery-related bugs.

Where to get play or get it:

Our Patreon page:





LATEST: v0.4.5 - 08-18-2017

BUG FIX! Fixed some gallery-related bugs

v0.4.5 - 08-17-2017

Fixed some typos
NEW! Added new event CG.
BUG FIX! General bug fixes.

v0.4.5 - 08-14-2017

NEW! 5th character route added! Exclusive to patrons! (Only up to chapter 2 in the free demo version for now)
NEW! X-ray control buttons added!
NEW! Updated Sango’s SEs!
BUG FIX! Animation-related speed thing.

Let us know if you encounter bugs, download errors, and such so we can look into it :)
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys,

We've just updated the online version of the game. It's still v0.4.5, but with the addition of a special gallery scene with voice over audition. We'd like to introduce our potential seiyuu, Usachuu, who's auditioning for Sango's role (For now, at least a focus on the special event scenes). Short clips of Sango's introduction scene, and first special event are included here.

To access this special gallery scene, use this secret code:


Please note that this is was a quick test job (we just want to see if her voice acting goes well with Sango), so the voice over feature hasn't been implemented well yet. You may experience audio overlaps.

If you have comments, feedback, and suggestions for her, you can post a comment here or in our blog, or in our patreon post specifically for this:

This is a public post so you can post a comment here so long as you have a patreon account.

Thank you guys!

PS: We're making good progress with v0.5.0 ;)

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Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Ramen no Oujisama v0.5.0 Is Here!

Hey guys!

Version v0.5.0 is here and we've just concluded the 5th character route! All platform versions for patrons and demo builds have been updated and are available in our Patreon page. This includes Android builds.

We've fixed up a number of things behind the scenes.

If you're learning or simply like to play your games in Spanish, the translation is available in the intro scenes, thanks to Project Gamer Japones for making this available!

If you have feedback on this, just let us know :)

Omake Scenarios section is now open (No scenes available in the demo version as of now, first dibs for patrons).

And that's it for now! I'm not sure yet, but I think we'll be updating the Police Detective's route.

Where to get play or get it:

Our Patreon page:





LATEST: v0.5.0 - 10-08-2017
- NEW! 5th character route finished! Exclusive to patrons! (Only up to chapter 4 in the free demo version for now)
- NEW! More music added!
- NEW! Event CGs added!
- NEW! Omake scenarios now open! (Exclusive to patrons!)
- NEW! New Secret Codes added. Secret Codes updated!
- NEW! Spanish translation available in prologue/intro section! (Thanks, Project Gamer Japones!)
- BUG FIX! A ton of stuff under the hood.
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Hey guys,

We just patched up the demo versions to fix up a problem with the background characters not fading properly.
Re: Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince, eroge VN)

Important update! We just updated all builds of The Ramen Prince. This includes important fixes to unlocking Omake Scenarios in the game. So now the omake scenario(s) that make use of multiroute game data should unlock.

Omake scenario no.1 has also been included and is unlockable in the demo version.

HINT: You'll have to play the 2 chef routes in a certain way ;).

Note: There's a subtle line seen on the ice chef. This seem to be caused by the image compressor since this isn't visible in the full version.

Where to get play or get it:

Our Patreon page:



Having played two routes of Ramen 0.5, have to say this is a surprisingly packed and well written visual novel. Pacing and characterization are very good, which more than makes up for the occasional poor line of dialoge. Has funny bits, sad bits, a slightly too competent butler...

Totally worth playing if you want to read a story in your game rather than do fetch quests or fiddle with spreadsheet numbers.
Ramen no Oujisama (The Ramen Prince) v0.5.5 is Out!

Hey guys!

Version v0.5.5 is here and we've just opened up the 6th character route! All platform versions for patrons and demo builds have been updated and are available in our Patreon page. This includes Android builds.

If you have feedback for us, bug reports, and broken links, just let us know :)

Where to get play or get it:

**Our Patreon page:**




NOTE: Itch and GameJolt will be updated later!


**LATEST: v0.5.5 - 01-11-2018**

* NEW! 6th character route opened! Exclusive to patrons! (Only up to chapter 2 in the free demo version for now)
* NEW! New animated character art for Genius and Ice Chefs
* BUG FIX! Animation speed breaks sync while using FF and Play buttons
* BUG FIX! Club and Multiplex area fix
Hey guys!

Version v0.6.0 is here and we've concluded the 6th character route! (Up to chapter 4 in the demo build) All platform versions for patrons and demo builds have been updated and are available in our Patreon page. This includes Android builds.

If you have feedback for us, bug reports, and broken links, just let us know :)

There are two versions of the game. The one we usually release, and an M version. The M version focuses only the story and the dating aspect of the game. It is meant for 17+.

Where to get play or get it:

**Our Patreon page:**








**LATEST: v0.6.0 [03-15-2018]**
* NEW! M Version of the game!
* BUG FIX! Fixed up save game data (May not be compatible with earlier versions)
* M version can only load M save game data. Non-M version can load both, but if M save is loaded, it will act as if it's the M version until player goes back to the titlescreen.

v0.6.0 [03-08-2018]
* NEW! New Quick Start cheat code added for added convenience.
* BUG FIX! Sound test playback and missing BGM

v0.6.0 [03-03-2018]
* NEW! 6th character route finished! Exclusive to patrons! (Only up to chapter 4 in the free demo version for now)
* NEW! New animated characters added!
* NEW! Omake Scenario No.3
* NEW! Updated builds of desktop apps
* BUG FIX! Volume control button should now work!
Hey folks!

All the demo and full builds (online, Android and desktop apps) have been updated to fix a critical bug that prevent the player from starting a New Game if starting from complete scratch (No used save slots.)
Hey guys,

I've updated all MacOS X 10.9+ v0.6.0 builds available in GameJolt, Itch.io, and our Patreon page. The one we had up a few days ago was broken. Thanks the bug report and the testers who helped out in getting it to run again!
Hey guys!

Version v0.6.5 is here and the 7th character route is now open! (Up to chapter 2 in the demo build). This is the shy girl update ;)

All platform versions for patrons and demo builds have been updated and are available in our Patreon page. This includes Android builds.

If you have feedback for us, bug reports, and broken links, just let us know :)

There are two versions of the game. The one we usually release, and an M version. The M version focuses only the story and the dating aspect of the game. It is meant for 17+.

Where to get play or get it:


Our Patreon page:









LATEST: v0.6.5 - 05-30-2018

* FIX! Gender-related dialogue text transformations

v0.6.5 [05-26-2018]

* NEW! 7th character route started! Exclusive to patrons! (Only up to chapter 2 in the free demo version for now)

* NEW! Added gender feature options. This is a secret feature!

* NEW! Added gender-related interactions to scenes.

* FIX! Improved SE organization

* FIX! 6th character route's plot, added new dialog features to game

* FIX! Gallery and Omake scenarios now apply the last session's name, gender, and pronoun choices.