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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Yes" Revalli said, feeling a sense of disconnect. She hadn't really been sure of the situation, but that the company they'd kept and the fact that they had caged Faye did not suggest to Revalli that they were someone she had to feel particularly bad about killing. The spiders she would glance at and then leave where they were for the moment, allowing the vines to crush them to death while she moved to get Faye out of the cage.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Freeing Faye was a simple task the lock being notihng more than a very complex latch held in place by a spring. Obviously someone of Faye's side would lack the strength to lift it. Taking the small fariy gently out of the cage Reavlli found the little woman still breathing though her glow had dimmed alot. She was soon joined by Tia who stood next to her looking at her adoptive mother. A small sob echoed from the girl but for the most part it seemed she was holding together. Holding the lightwight creature in had Reavlli figured a healing spell would sort most of the issues out though given Faye's size she had no way to knowing if anything had been broken or even if she had normal anatomy without the aid of magic as the size differnaces was just ot great.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Knowing that Faye's size might make an overload of magic quite dangerous for her, Revalli left the vines to continue crushing the life out of the giant spiders while she carefully employed the lightest healing spell in an effort to heal the tiny fairy. She wasn't sure about how her anatomy worked precisely, but she didn't really have a lot to go on and so simply used her spell to stimulate Tia's natural recovery from whatever had been done to her.

Using Healing Touch, Least, on Faye. A 1st level spell that is effectively a 2nd level spell for Revalli since she had Healer.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Using the weakest of healing at her disposal Revalli channled her magic. Thankfully Faye didn't seem adversly affected from the magic. She did however start emitting much more light than before. Openning her little eyes the fairy smiled at Revalli and slipped back into a sleep. "Is she going to be alright Revalli?" Tia stood trying to look at Faye her eyes slightly wattering. For all apperances Faye would be alright.

The sound of crunching carapace however alerted Revalli to the fact her vines had done in the spiders leaving the three of them alone. A slight wind rustled threw teh forest disturbing the dust of the one creature its robes the only clue that there had once been someone or something there.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"She'll be alright," Revalli said, and then glanced aside at the now crushed spiders. "Take her and wait right there," the elf said, and then put on a pair of thick leather gloves and a bag. She would carefully remove the venom glands from the giant spider, putting them in the bag, and then seal the bag and put it into her travel pack.

Then, she would glance at the empty cloak and look it over carefully, frowning. What had that been? Who was it? Why had they attacked Faye? Revalli would search for answers among the person's sparse remains, but if she found nothing she would take their robes and move off, letting her vines return to normal on their own while warily leading Tia back to Faye's house.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Indeed there was little left besides cloths. The robes however where in good condition though needing a wash for sure. Looking the garment over revalled that they where battlerobes. Sadly that seemed to be all the clues Revalli had at the moment. Faye could likely tell her more but at the moment she was resting.

Tia lead them back to the house her cheerful mood ruined by this turn of events. Still as the sun sank lower Revalli found herself in the small house once more. It seemed that Sir Bladborn would have to be dissapointed tonight as with out Faye, Tia and the homestead where with out any protection.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli would briefly consider abandoning the robes, but then would sigh and bring them with her. Maybe they would help Faye tell her things about her attacker when she woke up. Returning to the house, Revalli set the robe aside and then glanced around. She couldn't leave while Faye was still out cold, and with a sigh she settled down and gestured for Tia to do the same. "Wait here a moment and don't go anywhere, I've got a message to write."

Pulling a writing pad and pencil from the pocket of her robes, a tool she rarely went anywhere without, Revalli wrote out a note explaining that she had something that she needed to do in the forest, and that she would be back the next day. She almost forgot that she had promised Sir Bladeborn that she would see him for dinner, but remembered just as she was signing her note. Adding a post script to apologize for that, she summoned a bobcat spirit to carry the message back to the village and then settled down and waited for Faye to wake up.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Sending her spirit messanger off Revalli sat down at the table. Tia had gatherd a small bundle of raw cotten and made a small resting place for the pixie. Sitting watching and waiting Revalli soon found out the limits of Tia's energy as the girl was fast a sleep only after an hour. Then again it had been an eventful day for the little one. Meanwhile Faye was still out cold and fatigue was starting to tease at Revalli's eyes. She could try and wake Faye early or go to sleep herself, or wait longer making use of Faye's teapot nearby.

Teas: If Revealli wishes to partake she would find a small selection of teas hand written. Given the grace of the writing it was likely Tia's mothers handy work. Sadly no elven varities seem present.
Sleepy bear
Hot cider
Aunderian spice
Amazonian green
Bardian grey
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli would wait, but once Tia fell asleep and she felt fatigue wearing at her own body she would look through the house for a room for the human girl to sleep in and then carry her there, laying her down and covering her up. Knowing that she would be in for a less comfortable night, Revalli would peek around for a bit and eventually discover the various teas present and make herself a small pot of honeyberry tea before settling in. Eventually, if left waiting for long enough, she would probably fall asleep, but before she did so Revalli would make sure to lock the house up as securely as possible, and would set alarm spells at the chimney, windows, and doors in case anyone or anything tried to break in.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Starting the tea pot to boil Revalli decided to wait for a while longer. As she waited she felt her eyes slowly drift shut only to jolt open as the tea pot whistled. Pouring a cup Reavlli sipped on the hot liquid finding it had a berry flavor with a honey color and far to sweet. Still it seemed to do the job and perk her up. (Revalli gains an instance of the perception talent for five minutes once she finishes her cup) About this time Faye began to stir her tiny nose twitching as the aroma from the tea hit her. "Owwww my head..... TIA!" Almost imidiatly Faye tried to jump into the air but ended more of a lazy wobble.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"She's fine. And also asleep, so keep quiet!" Revalli said, irritable but trying to keep quiet. She'd almost fallen asleep for a minute there, and rapid motion made her annoyed. "What happened to you? Who was it that attacked you?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Faye sighed with relief and landed on the table to sit. "I had just finished the meeting with one of the local sorcerers. Oddly enough he didn't want payment. Which I thought strange but anyway. After comming to an agreement I left and headed back. Midway home I got caught in a sticky web. Normally such things are not a hinderance but this one was far tougher than any web Ive ever had the misfortune of running into. While stuck that abomination grabbed me. It demanded that I let the shield protecting Tia down. Refusing the creature began to crush me till I passed out. I don't exactly what it was but it wasn't alive like you and me." Faye sat a moment before standing up from her sitting position. "Revalli take me to the fence I need to bring up the barrier just incase something else comes."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli listened intently to Faye's dire tale, growing increasingly distressed, before silently nodding and carrying the fairy to the door. She would glance out through the window, trying to see if anyone or anything might be waiting for them outside, and if she didn't see anything would take Faye wherever she needed to go.
Re: ranger Test Thread

From the looks of things they had no visitors but the abomination as Faye put it had come far to close to the house. Seeming all clear Faye directed Revalli to the gate. "Okay watch this!" Faye seemed all to pleased as she spoke out as she fluttered down to the worn stones. After a brife but eligant dance and speaking a few words of her native tongue Faye placed her tiny hands on the stone. At first Revalli didn't see or sense anything but eventually she felt the magics around her begin to flow to where Faye touched. Standing up Revalli could make out two tiny handprints that glowed with a rainbow of color. Watching intently the handprints got brighter and brighter till they flashed once sending a wave of similar colored energy in oposit directions. Everywhere the energy flowed following the stone wall left a bit of lingering energy with the mushrooms glowing longer than the stone. "There all done just one more thing!" Flying up to Revalli's face the little fairy kissed Revalli on the forhead. This caused a small spark of magic energy that felt mostly like a static jolt. "Now you can cross without worry." Smiling Faye flew back to the house leaving Reavlli to do as she would.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli watched curiously as Faye activated the defenses that she had set around her home, and was amazed by the powerful barrier erected by the tiny faerie's work. It must have taken a while to set up. The kiss to her forehead was equally surprising, but she would nod and reply; "Alright. I'll still stick around for the night though, in case anything comes calling."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli gains 3 xp

Thankfully the night would pass uneventfully allowing the elven woman some rest. As morning broke Revalli found herself in a rather uncomfortable posiiton. Having taken Tia's parents room Revalli found that despite the large bed she was uncomfortably cramped. A brife inspection revealed that Tia at some point in the night had crawled into bed with her and was now cuddled realy close.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli would awaken to find herself surprisingly uncomfortable, having climbed into the oft unused bed mostly dressed, having only thrown off her boots. She had heard quite a bit about faeries and their lewd tendencies, and besides that didn't want to be caught without pants on should something come up. At first she thought that that was the cause, but then she realized that Tia had at some point climbed into bed with her, and was cuddling up against her.

It was a horribly awkward thing, at first, but then Revalli simply opted to go with what her unused maternal instincts told her and shift into a position through which she could cuddle the young girl back. Unless disturbed, she would let Tia rest a little bit longer before rousing herself, gently pulling away unless the human child awakened and moving to get her boots and cloak back on. She didn't want anyone to worry more than they had to, and everything seemed alright now, though she doubted that whoever had attacked Faye would give up on getting their hands on Tia just yet.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Adjusting herself to the sitiuation Revalli rested with Tia for awhile longer before moving to action. Slipping out easily from the girl Revalli was soon dressed. Heading out to the kitchen location Revalli was greeted with Faye flying about making some sort of breakfast, or at lest trying to. Looking out side the small window revealed a light frosting of the grass that would soon melt when the sun rose higher. "Morning Revalli I take it you slept well? Tia didn't bother you did she?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Well enough," Revalli replied easily while glancing towards Faye, hiding her surprise. She'd never been a morning person, and she hadn't noticed the tiny fairy upon initially entering the kitchen. Noting the frosted dew on the ground outside and wrapping her cloak a little bit tighter around herself, the elven witch continued, "not really, she snuck into the room I was sleeping in at some point. She's still there now. It didn't cause any trouble though, I've been sleeping dressed for the last couple of weeks anyway."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh well I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. After all she did see some scary things last night and Im a little small to cuddle with." Faye flew to a cupboard and opened it. "That sounds a bit uncomfortable. I myself sleep in the nude. Would you like some Tea?" Faye backed off from the cupboard to let Revalli look at the selection. As Revalli pondered the question of tea Faye would prep the kettle a mighty task for the small creature. Still she managed after awhile. "So what are you plans now? Will you head back to the village or be on your way?"