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Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Looming silently in the midst of a cluster of asteroids outside of a normal system, Rawlanger Station is one of the Conglomerate's Anchorpoint-class stations. In addition to the automated mines and refineries on the asteroids, the station's flattened octahedron-shaped core section sported the usual "cap" section with separation system for the actual corporate offices, along with two additional arms, almost like wings of a planetary building. One of the "wings" seemed to be a manufacturing addition, likely taking what is pulled from the asteroids and refining those raw materials into whatever components the company needs. The other one, however, also bears a separation device, and appears to be some manner of worker dormitory.

Fairly token, and possibly outdated, automated defenses are present... And likely not even working, as there's no reaction from them when ships drop in. In fact, there's only an automated message system directing new arrivals to a docking area on one side of the station's core section.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

The Tobias appears, their wariness for a dogfight dimming some as they enter the space around the company's station. Not as likely to come across something hostile here, and the station itself didn't seem likely to attack them either. So as before, Ari uncradled her snub fighter, and went in for a landing.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Near the Tobias, the rust-bucket of a Krooza pops into existence with a cheer of deep, booming Ork voices, still singing the song which they had been chanting the whole trip.

"Thirteen Orks with the Captain’s chest,

Hopin’ to quench their greedy thirst,

Gruntin’ to each other

through big, sharp teeth

Sayin’ “I was da wun dat saw it first”

And so the song goes as the Krooza chugs towards the station, bits and shavings of metal flaking off as they dodge the asteroids, their navigator clearly a madman.

"One lone Ork left to steal the loot,

Wishin’ it hadn’t turned out so,

Gruntin’ to itself

through big, sharp teeth

Sayin’ “I shoulda let the pilot go!”

The song finishes, as even through space the other ships can tell there's likely some manner of party aboard the ship, the Kaptain already limping towards his landing craft with his two Boyz to land on the station as well.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana frowns. "Their automated defenses are offline, and we're practically being invited into the station. Something is not right." She shakes her head. "Right... XO, you're going to de-cloak just long enough for us to launch the shuttle. Then re-cloak and re-position Perseus. Stay as quiet as possible on transmissions, and keep an eye out for our return. Meanwhile, use passive scanners and watch for any incoming hostiles. If you do need to contact us, make it concise over a secure channel." She sighs, re-checking her weapons. The automated shotgun, the sidearm, and her boot knife. "Same team as before, including St. Olessa."

Within a very short time period, the Perseus has launched a shuttle to the station, with the same team onboard as before.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Once the shuttles reach the docking bay, Diana would likely get a quick answer to the suspicions about the automated defenses being offline... A Polaris Security Transport sitting near one of the exits onto the station.

An entry terminal situated effectively in the center of the arrangement of exits bore an apology for inconvenience, as the office staff was in an emergency meeting... The wording making it seem like a standard precautionary procedure for whenever the Janitor Wing of the station undergoes a Polaris visit.

A further quick check would reveal that the highest ranking employee available was none other than the company's Senior Sanitation Expert, Peter Oswald. Directions to his "office" were available.

However, an odd sign seemed to have been placed over the doorway into the Janitor Wing... One that reads: "Through me is the way into the woeful city; through me is the way into the eternal woe; through me is the way among the lost people. Justice moved my lofty maker: the divine Power, the supreme Wisdom and the primal Love made me. Before me were no things created, save eternal, and I eternal last. Leave every hope, ye who enter!"
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Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana nods once, then sends an encrypted transmission to the Perseus and the Tobias, informing them of the situation. She downloads the office directions, explaining the situation to her companions. Then she sees the sign.

"Huh. Someone's a little rusty in their Dante. Right... let's look frosty, people. Looks like this is going to be an exciting ride, after all." She readies her shotgun, standard rounds, taking point and proceeding into the Janitor Wing.
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Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Ariana let the Captain speak for the group without issue, finding it easier to simply meld in with her crew than to stand apart. Paranoia told her to keep her helmet on and the ship locked, her thoughts guarded and her senses withheld, just in case.

She let out a snicker within her helmet at the odd message, not transmitting it to those in the hall. "Not quite the divine comedy, but fairly close." Her companion commented through their connection, having spotted it as well.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Returning to the 'mother ship' only to have to go on another away-mission, Kisal Noka was more than happy to do his duty - it was literally the natural thing to do, after all.

Although he was a rescue-creature first and a semi-trained soldier second, he happily followed his Captain and her retinue, thus when they made their way to this 'Rawlanger Station', he was unsure as to what should be expected...

Thus, the odd words scrawled as they were, merely mystified the humanoid-creature, head tilted in a distinctively avian-like manner, and while the others made know of some... 'Dante'... St.Olessa was blissfully unaware, and merely huffed and shrugged his shoulders.

He couldn't find it within himself to say something witty or helpful, given the high-alert status here, one thick leg shuffling as he glanced to Diana, his colleagues, and then the leather-coat wearing human and lastly, probably noisily, their Ork... what where they, temporary search-friends? Eh. Already something about this mission was agitating the otherwise nigh-serene Jackal-Retriever.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

As the group moves through the hallways towards Oswald's "office", a few quick glances down other office corridors would show that several of the janitors were being rounded up... Visible around the Polaris officers, the "offices" of the arrestees showed stolen items, illegal pictures, and possible cannibalism. Other offices with open doors were merely cluttered with junk food wrappers and crumbled papers. By the time the correct office neared, the Polaris officers had rounded up all of the janitors they were arresting, and had departed.

In opposition to the cluttered messes of the other offices, Oswald's office was neat, orderly, and clean. The only visible items present were some tool racks with spare tools, a few shelves with other spare items, and a desk with a workstation terminal and chair. The terminal itself was currently displaying an array of reports and forms, and the chair was occupied by Peter Oswald himself.

When the group neared, they could hear him sigh... at least until he heard their approach, which would be enough to cause him to glance towards the doorway, and the group.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana enters with a smirk, holding her shotgun pointed downward, but still carrying it. "Mr. Peter Oswald, I believe. My name is Diana Sylvane, Captain of the BTCS Perseus." She moves forward, taking her right hand off of the shotgun to offer it to the supervisor. "Leonis Sanitation cleans up everywhere else... I'm sure you can appreciate the irony in Polaris Security cleaning up your headquarters."

The Jackal-Retriever wrinkles his nose at the various smells from the cluttered offices, but he is quickly distracted by the sight of the "Senior Sanitation Expert." He stands close to the Captain, ready for action but not wanting to jump the gun.
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Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Ari continued to stand with the rest of the Perseus' crew. Diana had always been better at diplomacy, and Kruttz was plenty of a distraction, she didn't feel like adding to the mayhem that she still felt was incoming.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Kruttz and his Boyz had seemed a little jumpy on the trip down to the "office"... And more than once he'd had to smack one of the two on top of their head to keep them in line and not race off to try to start a fight. Although none of the three had recognized the quotation on the sign, they seemed just a little put off by some of the sights.

Kruttz himself seemed ready to push into the small room, but seemed to think better of it.

Oswald snorted at Diana's "irony" remark before starting to reach for the offered hand. He paused only slightly into the reach, and very carefully checked his hands over before finishing the reach and shake. Once he settled back into his obviously worn out chair, he finally spoke. "The semi-regular sweeps wouldn't be necessary if we could get some new hires in that weren't incompetent maniacs, but that costs too much money, apparently."

There was a sigh, followed by an additional comment. "So, which crew fucked what up this time?"

A glance at his workstation screen would show that he's apparently in the middle of reviewing work reports, as well as dealing with the forms to handle the replacement of the recently arrested workers... As well as getting replacements for a few listed on the work reports as having suffered "fatal accidents" while on the job.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"So hard to find reliable workers these days, yes. Well, I'm afraid that we might just be chasing a ghost, Peter. Nevertheless, we have to follow up on every possible lead. Tell me, do you have any records, or are you familiar with, Andrew Duvois?" She gives the supervisor a small smile, but her facial interpretation software is continually watching the small facial tics and patterns, calculating a percentage chance of dishonesty from the human.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Oswald leans back, a slight frown on his face as he thinks. "Not one of ours. But I could almost swear I've run across that name before..."

He turned to his screen, and began sifting through a search command. After a moment, he nodded. "Here it is... The name was in one of the recently recieved work reports. Mr. Duvois' Identity Unit was recovered and deposited in the system, standard procedure for a body found. Listed cause of death in the report file being electrical burns. Body listed as disposed of. Let's see, that crew was... Oh."

His statement trailed off here for a moment, his nose wrinkled slightly at some thought. "Those two putzes... Which likely means they just chucked it out an airlock. Let me call and see..." He typed in a command, got an immediate response, then straightened with a puzzled look on his face. "That's odd..."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana does not respond, simply standing and waiting with an expectant smile and a raised eyebrow. St. Olessa is nearby, relieved to be in an office that smelled reasonably good, and also quietly observing the human at the computer.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Oswald said nothing for a while, merely inputting queries and getting responses from his workstation. Finally, he leaned back with a sigh. "Well, I was going to check with the crew responsible for the clean-up that dealt with that job... However, it seems they've vanished. They're not back yet, and none of their usual return-trip stops are reporting seeing them either."

The only thing that Diana's facial recognition software would pick up from Oswald's expression would be irritation, with a slight increase with this last comment. No signs of attempted falsehoods were present. In addition, there'd be a quiet alert from one of Diana's data device. One of the damaged logs from the relay station had been partially recovered. Specifically, one of the personal logs from Andrew Duvios himself.
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Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"I see... there WAS a log that mentioned a particular video. Something that the janitors possessed, that Mr. Duvois was supposedly going to acquire from you. Does any of that ring a bell?" The cyborg gives the supervisor a small smile.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Oswald leaned back at that, thinking. "...Video..."

After a while, he shook his head. "I can't think of any specific ones off of the top of my head. Some of the guys have been known to bring back copies of the security footage from the work-sites, so I've got quite a few that have been gathered up."

Suddenly, he stopped. His expression turned to one of mild shock. "Wait... But how could he have known about... That makes even less sense than what had happened to Nick..."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana raises an eyebrow. Long ago, her human police partner had explained about going "deeper into the rabbit hole."

"Go on, please, Peter. Tell us about what happened to Nick. And what's so strange."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana's memory would, in addition to the remembered explanation, provide a possible hit for what happened... One of the Leonis workers released to psychiatric care, with connections to Triptych rumors, was one "Nicholas Tierney".

Oswald sighed, "Nick used to be one of the better ones among us janitors. Came back from a job once, though, and had a security recording, claimed it showed some weird tech beyond what the Conglomerate should have. Next thing I heard after that, he'd basically gone completely catatonic. Last I'd heard, he was still pretty much mentally shut down in some psych-ward."

He shrugged after finishing that. "The video was sealed, I think."