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Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

The cyborg nods. "Alright... how do we go about unsealing that video? People are disappearing, Peter."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Oswald shrugged. "Above my level, somewhere. I'd like to help, but I'm afraid I just don't have any leads to go on. Except maybe to try to find out what happened to the guys that handled the station that Duvois was on. One moment."

At that, he got up, and walked to one of the back rooms in his office. Judging from the sounds coming from where he went, he was digging through the physical file storage that was set up back there... Which, ironically perhaps, left his workstation blocked from his sight.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana discreetly places a small device on the side of the supervisor's workstation, allowing the cyborg and the Perseus access to the system. She keeps an eye on the janitor physically, ready to take the device back if necessary, but for now scanning through all files related to Dovois and Tierney... as well as Oswald's own records.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

There would be very little about Duvois in Oswald's files, in fact the work report from the relay station is the only mention of the man. Which tracks with what he'd said. A number of work reports bore Nicholas Tierney's name, all showing satisfactory ratings, in addition to the situation report file detailing Tierney's relief of duty and transfer to psychiatric care.

Oswald's personal files were slightly more in-depth, although the majority were work reports and evaluations. Included in all of it was a memo from Oswald to his superiors in the company chain, in which he detailed noticing the issues surrounding the company's workforce, and suggested a possible solution... Periodic, although not overly regular, sweeps to have the most troubled employees placed into proper care, either confinement for the criminally inclined, or psychiatric for the disturbed. The personal logs that exist all seem to be musings by Oswald on the apparent difference between himself and the other Leonis janitors, all of which end with no real conclusion as to why he seems so stable and resistant to the trends that affect the others.

A small collection of video feed files also exists, with one in particular under extremely heavy security. Oddly enough, the security only seems to be set to alert for direct access. It does seem, however, that the file could be copied.

Oswald could be heard rummaging. "Here we... Wait, no. That's not the right one... Where is it?"
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana copies the file onto the small device, ensuring that it is then isolated from the network so that it could be hacked without alerting anyone to the situation. With this accomplished, she ensures that all records of the device access to the workstation are erased, before pocketing the device. "Having trouble finding the file, Peter?" Her tone is still friendly, but she's quietly pondering what could make someone like Peter Oswald immune to an influence that was corrupting others readily.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

The reply came somewhat quickly. "Just a lit... Ah, here it is."

Oswald returned, carrying one of the flat electronic pads used by the Conglomerate for mobile datalogs. "Here's a log that one of the guys on that crew did up for the company, listing their usual stops and travel routes. I'd be a little shocked if one, or both, of them didn't pick up something from the site. Might even be possible that some further clue as to what Duvois' interest in that video, or how he even knew about it. Unfortunately, that's about the most I can do to help."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana nods, accepting the log and skimming through it. "You've been most helpful, thank you. Tell me... do you like your work as a supervisor with Leonis Sanitation, Peter?"
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Oswald shrugs. "It's work. Ups and downs, good things and bad things. Bound to get that anywh..."

At this point, he's cut off by an alert *ding* from his workstation. The man sighs, and checks it. Then he sighs again, and starts back to his equipment room. "I'm afraid I've got to run. Something's come up that the bosses want me to handle personally."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"Well... you've certainly made my job easier. If there's any way we can assist you with that task, don't hesitate to ask. And... if you ever tire of working in sanitation, there is always profitable work on the Perseus for someone as devoted and detail-oriented as you." She produces a business card, with her information in moderate black lettering. "Technically, we're mercenaries, but we're under a contract with the company. You ever get tired of riding a desk at a space station, you let me know. You can always trade it for a desk on a ship, with exotic port visits on a fairly regular basis." The cyborg hands the card to the supervisor with a smile.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Oswald takes the card with a slight nod, but then semi-herds the crowd out of his office before shutting the door. From the sounds behind it, it would seem that he's laying out and prepping his equipment for the upcoming task, as well as putting on the coveralls and other "protective" gear that the janitors wear while working.

Outside the office, Kruttz shook his head. "Dat one seems like a bit of an Oddboy. Sumtin' strange he is."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana raises her eyebrows, looking at the Ork. "An... Oddboy?" She turns, looking to Ariana. "Do you sense anything... odd?"
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"I've been purposely not, to be fair. Lot of noise in the air." She admitted, but she took a few steps back towards the office door and closed her eyes, trying to pick anything out psychically.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"It's like... Zoggit... Da Boyz come out wif all the Orky know-wots already in dey 'eads, see? Dey knowz 'ow ta fight and wot-not. Den deres da Oddboyz. Dey know odd tings, like Mekboys knowin' 'ow to get the gubbins working, or da Painboyz knowin' 'ow ta put a new arm on and da like. Didn't know 'umies 'ad 'em, though."

The best Ariana can pick out from the office is that Oswald appears to have a fairly disciplined mind. Rather common for someone that seems to have his level of attention to cleanliness.
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Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Diana folds her arms. "Alright... so what sort of... odd things... do you suppose Peter Oswald was born knowing?"
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"Guessin' all dis son-it-a-shun stuff. 'e just seems to be off from da rest o' dem gits. Deyz almost like dem spiky gitz, but e' ain't. Like 'e knows wot 'e's doin' and ain't bothered by it."
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Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"So... the man has a talent for cleanliness. But unless you literally subscribe to the idea of that being next to godliness... I'm not quite sure how it helps us. Still, I suppose we can note that for later. For now... we've gathered a great deal of new information, which we need to run through and process, after leaving this station."
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"A talent is right. His mind feels like a file system. Reminds me of a circuit panel when i touch the edges." Ari confirmed, pulling back before the sound of the orks behind her could give her too much of a headache. "Progress is good, though. What's the next step?"
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

"Now... let's head back to the Perseus. We should have a look at a few things together, and probably talk about a few factors in person. A little more secure than exchanging transmissions, I think. Feel free to dock on the Perseus, for now, and we'll meet up in my briefing room. Okay?"
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Ari gave a nod, heading back to the hangar with the others and flying her Merlin over to the Perseus, the small ship flying opposite Kruttz' landing craft as they both flanked Diana's shuttle back.
Re: Rawlanger Station - Leonis Sanitation Headquarters

Kruttz and his Orkz, once the suggestion was made, made their way back to their shuttle. However, once it launched, it headed straight back to their Kroozer, only for another one to launch shortly after, depositing the same three Orkz in the docking bay of the Perseus.
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