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Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score

The game has developed in my mind a lot more since then so let me try and explain:-

You will each be given a character to roleplay in this village. Whether everyone is female or whether there are males as well I will put up to a poll at a later date.

Please only join if you're going to be pretty active, since this game needs everyone to be checking the forum preferably at least twice a day to run smoothly.

One or two of you (or maybe more if there is a huge number of people) will then have your character taken over by an alien parasite. You will retain all knowledge of your character and their background and role in society but your aim will change - you must kill all the men of the town (if there are any) and rape then kill all the women of the town, (may be subject to slight change).

You will have some stats which will help you to discover who the tentacle monsters are.

At the moment, the stats look like this:

Stealth - this is used for following someone when they move without being noticed, and to remain in the same area as someone without being noticed.

Combat - this is used whenever you need to fight. Tentacle monsters will have a subtantial advantage against most people. Some they will need to take by surprise or without their preferred weapon.

Health - how much damage you can take before you die. This number increases (but not past your maximum) by 10 every day, and there may be other ways of gaining health as well. Tentacle monsters regenerate body parts and so their tentacle half heals fully after every encounter. Their human half heals normally.

Awareness - the stat used to roll against stealth, to detect people following you.


Combat is simply turn based and an initative roll is used to decide who strikes first. Surprise attacks (if you are hidden and they do not know you are there) allow for a single unopposed attack before combat starts.

Damage is simply d20 + your combat score - d20 - their combat score.

It takes one round for a tentacle monster to transform.

Targets can be grappled with a similar system - you simply have a roll-off where your d20 + combat must beat their d20 + combat.

Once a subject has been grappled, any other character can attack them without being opposed, and also the subject can be raped. Grappled tentacle monsters must succeed a combat vs combat check if trying to transform while grappled.

To escape a grapple, you must succeed a combat vs combat check.

For each round of rape, the subject loses d20 HP. Each attempt to escape grapple is still a combat vs combat check but the person grappled only gets to use a d10. When that subject reaches half the HP they were at at the start of the encounter, the tentacle monster climaxes, dousing their victim in semen. The subject can then only use a d6 to attempt to escape the grapple.

After a tentacle monster has climaxed, they are tired for the rest of the encounter, and can only use a d10 on all checks.


The fleeing character would declare they were fleeing, and all other characters would declare if they were pursuing.

You do not get to change areas, but you would roll a flight check and every pursuer would get a check to trry and beat whatever you rolled.

As of yet I don't know what stat (I might make a new one, or it might be stealth) determines your speed.

Lastly, characters may (will) have hidden special abilities, for example tentacle monsters might have an ability to have one final grapple attempt (long tentacles) on a fleeing victim who they failed their pursuit check on (tentacle monsters don't move very fast).

You may attempt to flee every round you are not grappled; but you lose your action for that turn.

If you fail a flee check you are welcome to try again next round.

Once you have successfully fleed, you are completely hidden for the rest of the time period in that same location. You will effectively be removed from the location as you will no longer be able to listen in on what is happening (your access priviledges for that forum will be removed).

Lastly, once removed, you may re-enter the area before the time period ends, either hidden or unhidden, at any time, but of course you will have no idea what the status of events are like. If you enter hidden everyone gets an awareness check on you like usual.


In this game, when the time period changes, you can either choose to move to another area, or you can choose to follow someone who was in the same place as you. If you choose to follow them without their knowledge, they get an awareness vs stealth check to notice that they are being followed. They will not know who, but you will not know you have been spotted.


Once you have reached a location, you may choose to hide. You will not be put on the list of people in that area.

Everybody else in that area (including the person you were stalking if there is one) gets a d10 + awareness check against your d20 + stealth. If any of them pass it, they will be informed that you are there. You will not know you have been spotted.

You cannot be surprise attacked while hidden except by other hidden people who have spotted you.

Revealing hidden people

At any time, if you know someone is hiding in the area you are in, you may reveal their presence to everyone else.

More to come. Please sign up again if you're still interested. Also, sign up if you hadn't signed up before but are now interested.

I need numbers before I design the characters.

1) garfield751
2) toxicshock
3) keylo
4) bartnum
5) siphontalvesh
6) simca
7) penguin
8) dreana
9) ryu
10) plmnko
11) RaimeiNaginata
12) dogstile
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

ill join
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I've always been a bit wary of stats, but now that it's explained in detail, sure I'll join your cult
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Everything is subject to change following the testing phase.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I'll test your phase
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I'll join.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I'm in.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Count me in.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I'm in!
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I'll test your phase
Hahaha! You're so crazy, Toxic... ^_^

Anyway, this looks extremely interesting to me, but I'm not very experienced at Rping, and I'm still not completely sure how it's going to work. I also keep odd hours, so while I'll probably be able to be pretty active, it might be when everyone else is mostly sleeping. If that's not likely to cause issues, I'm definitely up for giving it a try.

Also, are people going to have unique abilities (like in the regular Defeat the Tentacles) in addition to the statistics you mentioned, or will the stats be enough to differentiate everyone from each other?

I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

People's different stats should be enough - I may add another stat or two depending on how samey everyone seems.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

you know i have been waiting for this to start so i'm definately in.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Eh, screw it. Against my better judgement, I'll sign-up.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

I'll sign-up.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Against your better judgement? We'll see about that.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Well, this sounds very interesting. I'll play!
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Hmmm, I have another question, (just let me know if I start to annoy you!) how is escaping going to work?

Say, for example, that Bartnum the evil tentacle monster stereotype, attacks me, the helpless schoolgirl stereotype, and by some miracle I manage to escape his slimy grip. I very naturally want to run for my life to another area, where (hopefully) someone can rescue me. How do we determine whether I can outpace him in my frantic, hysterical flight?

This question is also important in the reverse scenario, where the tentacle monster is getting sliced up by the unexpectedly deadly, katana-wielding schoolgirl.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Added a section on fleeing, underneath combat.
Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Sounds like a more social and mission-based version of Dark Conception- a good thing, in my oppinion. Also without magic, which keeps things simple.

I volenteer to play, and I offer my previous experiance of running scenes (Game Master / GM's assistant)

Character Stats (requested)

Stealth, primary
Awareness, secondary
Health, tertiary
Combat, minimal

Character Modus Operandi: Figure out who the Tentacle Monster is, trail them. Figure out who is nearby. Team player- unable to defend herself, better giving intel to another player.

Tentacle Monster Modus Operandi: Make sure know one believes I am there, then strike! I have an alibi... I was tailing [insert innocent person here], they are clean, so far. I'm a known intel-guy, right? ((If Tentacle Monsters dont know about other tentacle monsters, I'll find out who is a TM.))

--- Thoughts on other stats ---

Adding in magic is an idea that will come up. I am strongly against the idea.

That said, if you borrow Stim / Corruption / etc stats from Dark Conception, Will may become a stat, so don't discount it totally.

Is mob-combat possible? If so, the town has a huge advantage; they'll never leave the group!

Would it be possible to appear to be in another 'room', using stealth? As in, introduce yourself, and silently slither off? No one noticing you are gone till it is too late?
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Re: Realistic Defeat the Tentacles (formerly known as Relaxed DTT) Signup

Thanks for all your points MMK.

I'm just sure about corruption right now, I think village sided people will stay that way and so on.

As for the village sticking together - each character will have their own satisfaction criteria to obey which will make it very hard for them to do so. For example (not wanting to use anything that might be in the game so trying to think of something new), the mayor may have a secret passion for knitting which he must spend one time period every 3 days doing in his house if he wishes to gain 15 points (to the max of 100) twoards his satisfaction. Surviving may be another 20% and being the killer of a tentacle monster may be another 20%.

A loner may get some satisfaction from spending at least one quarter of her time in her house, which she is not allowed to invite people back to. And so on.

The townspeople all have their own secret criteria for winning which only they know; and so most people will be about doing that, as well as trying not to die / work out who the TMs are.

The tentacle monsters should find it difficult to be 100% sure that a) they are alone with their victim and b) they will be able to kill them without them escaping.

The only thing I'm having toruble with right now is making sure that TMs can't just hide in one place and attack passers-by; they have to mingle with society.

Maybe I can just limit their rapes to once every 3 days (each). The men should be tough enough especially if they're keeping their eye out and carrying weapons.