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Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Alrighty, this is my testing realm, a rather small dungeon, 5 rooms in total, and what you'll be doing is going through my introduction, and testing of my changes made to Silth's game system.

First thing's first, the characters you'll be playing for this test;

Pheonix Alugere will be playing as; Ashe
Name: Ashe
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Level: 5
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 52
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Longswords: Level 3, 400 / 0
+2 to damage
+5 to hit

Earth Magic: Level 1, 200 / 50

Total Red Points: 125
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 45
Stamina: 50

Total Green Points: 105
Speed: 35
Finesse: 45
Senses: 25

Total Blue Points: 85
Will Power: 35
Intelligence: 30
Depth: 20

Orange Points
Charisma: 19
Aptitude (Longswords): 20
Mind: 17
Presence: 12

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 0
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 200 / 0

Battle Cry: 1 / 1
Using this ability, all aggro is directed at the heroine. And in almost every sense of the word, renders all of your comrades invisible, allowing them to move about without notice, and evade danger.


Level 1: Strike: A simple attack, meant to maim opponents. +50% of strength added to current strength when the attack hits, 10 AP.


Earth: - Level 1
Spell: Flatten Terrain: Allows the Heroine and her team to move over two mountain tiles, instead of going through a mountain. 100 MP.

Direct Spells
Level 1: Armor: A very thin layer of rocks covers the Heroine, giving her some extra protection. 10 extra Armor, 10 MP to use. (Amount of armor gained is modified by player level.)

Area of Efect:
Level 1: Thick Foliage: Sure, the leaves look weird on your outfit, but at least it adds to your Armor. 10 extra Armor, 10 MP per character.(Amount of armor gained is modified by player level.)

Items: 25 / 14
Gold - 52
Mythril Armor------ lvl 4 -- 60 AHP
Longsword-- lvl 3 -- 3d7 + (15 / enemy level) to hit
Shield----- lvl 3 -- 25 / 25

Gold Golem will be playing as; Sakuya
Name: Sakuya
Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 5
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 59
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Shortswords: Level 3, 400 / 0
+10 to hit

Love Magic: Level 1, 200 / 50

Total Red Points: 105
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 55
Stamina: 20

Total Green Points: 125
Speed: 45
Finesse: 35
Senses: 45

Total Blue Points: 85
Will Power: 20
Intelligence: 20
Depth: 45

Orange Points:
Charisma: 14
Aptitude (Shortswords): 19
Mind: 10
Presence: 23

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 0
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 200 / 0

Distract: 1 / 1
Rogues are not good when under attack, as they are fast, and meant for other places than the front lines. Should a monsters decide that the heroin is their target, the use of this ability will cause the creature's to seek out one of her comrades instead, thus bringing her aggro down to 0%, allowing her to even go so far as to move right behind a monster, completely unnoticed... This does not work when grabbed, as a rogue is at it's weakest when held in place.


Short Swords:
Level 1: Stab: A quick stab at an opponent's vital areas. Is harder to pull off when face to face to an opponent, so attacking from the side, behind, or while unnoticed is recommended. -10 to hit. Adds (Dexterity/5) + (Heroine Level X 4) to damage. 30AP


Love: Level 1
Spell: Aphrodisiacs: Every other team begins the next round with the ‘heat’ status, even if they’re human! MP Cost dependent on average enemy level.

Direct Spells:
Level 1: Sweet Words: By imbuing her words with magic, the Heroine is able to change the intentions of her target. If the target fails a Senses Vs. Willpower check, it will assist the caster for 2 turns. costs the foe's level X 20 in MP.

Area of Effect Spells:
Level 1: Lovely Aura: An aura surrounds the Heroine, which lets her turn pleasure into health. For every 5 PP dealt to any character, the caster gains 5 FP. Costs 5 MP per round.

Items: 25 / 9
Gold - 130
LeatherArmor--------lvl 3 -- 15 AHP, (+30 to AC / Enemy level)
ShortSword--------- lvl 5 -- 5d3 + (50 / enemy level) to hit

And I will be playing as, Elizabeth
Name: Elizabeth
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Level: 5
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 37 / 37
Action Points: 45 / 45
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240(340) / 340
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Staves: Level 2, 300 / 0
+20 MP stolen per hit

Life Magic: Level 1, 100 / 0

Lightning Magic: Level 1, 100 / 50

Total Red Points: 70
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 25

Total Green Points: 95
Speed: 35
Finesse: 20
Senses: 40

Total Blue Points: 150
Will Power: 50
Intelligence: 60
Depth: 40

Orange Points
Charisma: 20
Aptitude (Longswords): 20
Mind: 17
Presence: 12

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 0
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 300 / 0


Level 1: Sweep: The Heroine swings her staff in a circle, knocking opponents off their feet. Deals normal damage. If hit, opponents will be forced to wait their next turn until they stand back up, and lose 10 AP in the process. 20 AP


Spell: Serendipity’s Blessing: A spell that regenerates 10 FP every round for one battle only. Costs 200 MP.

Level 1: Gentle Touch: A calm touch filled with magic never hurt anyone. Restores d20 FP + User’s level, 10 MP.

World-Only Spells
Level 1: Heal Corruption: The Heroine uses her magic to try and turn either herself or an ally away from becoming a slave to lust. Heals d30 CP, costs (1 MP X Player level) per Corruption point healed.

Spell: Lightning Storm: Dark clouds form above the group, causing lightning attacks to do extra damage. Costs (average enemy level X 40).

Direct Spells:
Level 1: Zap: A quick zap. 2D6 damage, 10 MP.

Static Spells
Level 1: Static: Charges an ally's weapon(s) with electric energy. Deals an extra d4 damage during Melee attacks, costs 5 MP to activate, and 5 more MP every turn to keep active.

Items: 25 / 8
Gold - 40
Mage's Robe--------lvl 5 -- 25 AHP; +100 total MP
Mage's Staff------- lvl 3 -- 1d3 +4 to damage/healing spell's effectiveness
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use

And for what we'll be doing, I'll be walking you through various mechanics I've changed, among other things, such as ideas of my own for adventuring through the world. Right now, the three characters mentioned above will be the main heroes of this RPG session, and they're on a mission to reclaim a corrupted throne. Among all the tutorials, your main objective is to destroy the evil inside the castle, by making your way through the sewers, and infiltrating the castle walls, destroying any manner of perverted beast in your way.

You may ask OOC questions, but keep in mind, obvious things such as inventory, gold, weapons, and armor will be brought to attention eventually.

Walking down the steps to the lower parts of the city, commonly known as the sewers, Elizabeth put a hand to her nose in disgust, grimacing at the smell of the bowels of the city. "How horrid!" she exclaims, "If I was of a right mind, I'd rather attack the main gates, than be forced to bear the smell of this place!"

Lady Ashe, the former princess of the very kingdom she was currently present to save, waved her hand at the complaining mage, "This is the only way," she told her, "I was told of this place long ago by one of my instructors. It holds a secret entrance, straight to the heart of the castle. Therefor, it's our best shot at reclaiming the throne away from the clutches of those who are evil."

Sakuya, former maid to Ashe, who also happened to be her protector against those who would harm her, followed silently, unheard by all behind Ashe. That is, until she spoke to her, "My lady... I think I hear monsters not far from here..."

Presence Check:

Sakuya listened a moment longer, before nodding, "Yes, I'm sure of it. They seem to be slimes, from what I make of it, and there is a great deal of them ahead, just in our path." she told Ashe and Elizabeth.

To which, Eliza responded with a folding of her arms, "I don't hear anything... And how can you hear slimes anyway?" she asked, a little offended that she didn't hear it herself.

Ashe stepped forward, interrupting anymore banter, "Enough," she told them, "It doesn't matter how she knows, but I trust her instincts. Only choice to make now, is how we go about getting past them..."

Situations like this, where you've detected the enemy before they have had the chance to find you out, puts your group at a great advantage, allowing you to prepare, and organize your attack, or even your evasion of the enemy.Evading the enemy grants no experience, but does allow your group safe passage, while attacking allows you to organize yourselves, and plan out a strategy together.

Obviously, for this exercise you'll be attacking, and now, you must select your first actions. Since the enemy has not noticed you, all of your aggro will be at 0. However, this will change when the enemy's turn comes around, so make the first turn count!

Here is the battlefield in tile form,


And here is the battlefield in normal form.


Ashe is the one in the red cape, with white hair.

Sakuya is the one in the maid's dress, with white hair.

And Elizabeth is the one in the red hat.

Often times, when surprising your enemy, they will not be organized, and often will be found scattered about the area, unaware of your presence. However, the same applies to you should you be ambushed!

Ashe drew her sword and shield, Elizabeth held her staff in both hands, and Sakuya readied her large knife upon their approaching of the enemy. And while they were still unaware of them, now was the perfect time to strike...

(Post your actions. You may only move 5 spaces per turn, and you cannot take further actions for the current turn when you've used more than 20 AP.(Using a special attack that costs more than 10 AP means you can't move afterwards.))
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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Having finished her statement, Ashe looks back at her maid and the mage before smirking. Despite what her tutors have tried multiple times to convince her, the tomboyish princess still preferred the direct approach to the subtle one. Huzzah! She cries at before charging forward to attack the closest slime.

(Move right 3, up 1, and attack the slime to map north)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya let a quiet sigh out as she seemed to shake her head a little. Ashe's sudden battle cry and charge into battle wasn't what she had in mind for the slime disposal. The maid had been hoping for something a bit more... Sneaky. Direct conflict wasn't her cup of tea. Taking her chance to strike before the slimes grasped what was happening Sakuya dashes at the slime directly ahead of her, planning to strike.

( Move four spaces right and attack the slime with the stab ability. )
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Ashe charges forward in a reckless advance, and firmly slices her sword through the slime's body, cutting a little along it's core. Meanwhile, her attack and charge alerted all of the other monsters to her presence, as a slime to her left came sloshing over towards her, before attempting to trap her within it's body, only to fail miserably due to the warrior's dexterous footing.

With one fell swoop, Sakuya rushed in one swift motion, making little sound to speak of, before she drove her arm, and her sword deep into the slime's core, going all the way through, before the slime eventually lost it's shape, and slowly began to become nothing more than a puddle on the wet sewer floor.

Elizabeth moves up with the group, before noticing a monster to her left. At which point, she turns about, and charges up a powerful spell, before blasting it at the slimy monster, obliterating it in one instant with her magic. However, to her dismay, a slime who was priviously greeted by Ashe's sword saw the cute little mage as a perfect target, and eagerly charged at her. The slime leaped at Elizabeth, knocking her down, and pinning her to the ground, enveloping her in it's slimy body.

Ashe moves three spaces to F-3
Slime B notice check: Failed
Ashe Attacks Slime B from the side; (4, 45, 10) Vs. N/A Hit!
Damage: 9 + 12 = 21

Sakuya moves four spaces to F-1
Slime C notice check: Failed
Sakuya attacks from the side, using Stab on Slime C; 99 (18, 55, 26) Vs. N/A Hit!
Damage: 8 + 12 + 31 = 51
Slime C was defeated!

Elizabeth moves two spaces to D-3
Elizabeth chants Zap four times over, and casts it at Slime A; 96 (46, 50) Vs. 13 Hit!
Damage: 25 + (12 X 4) = 73
Slime A was defeated!

Enemy Turn

Slime B moves 2 spaces to D-4
Slime B attempts to absorb Elizabeth into it's body! 79 Vs. 63 (25, 38) Elizabeth had been grappled!

While the warrior, Ashe in front of it was already proving to be a challenging mate to catch, it's attention was turned to the helpless looking mage off to the side, who appeared much more vulnerable than the warrior in front of it. It moves along the ground, towards it's new target, and quickly lunges at the mage. Elizabeth lets out a scream as the slime lands on her, and quickly begins holding her limbs down, before it would inevitably begin removing her clothes, and pushing the mating tube that comes from it's core inside of her.

When someone is grappled, the amount of grapple points they've accumulated adds to their captor's AC, as the monster will use it's prey as a shield against any attacker. Should the grappler in question be saved by the added AC from it's victim, the attacker harms it's friend instead. So beware when simply trying to slice a monster off of an ally. It might simply be better to help them remove the beast first.

Slime D moves 3 spaces to F-4
Slime D attempts to absorb Ashe into it's body! 71 Vs. 108 (45, 63) Ashe dodged swiftly

Slime E moves 5 spaces to H-1

Status check:
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 36
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 20

Armor HP: 60
Shield HP: 25
Sakuya (The ability; Stab costs 30AP due to it's sheer powerful amount of damage, which I forgot to add when I edited the ability.)
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 11
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 40

Armor HP: 15
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 37 / 37
Action Points: 45 / 21
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240(340) / 300
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 16

Aggro: 100 / 40

Armor HP: 25

Here is the battlefield, in both tile, and world form.


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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

So your buddy doesn't want a piece of me, but you do, eh? Ashe calls out, as she faces her new opponent. Well then, eat metal you sloppy mess! She cries out before slashing at the slime that had attacked her tiwce with the aim to lop off a good portion of its goo.

(Attack Slime D twice)
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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya had taken notice that the beast Ashe had failed to kill had absorbed Elizabeth inside of it. Seeing this, the maid decided to go to the mages aid. She began to advance to help the girl.

( Move one space to the left then three space's up. )
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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Faced with a new opponent, Ashe makes quick work of the slime. Her first slice injures it, but her second was so devastating, it actually split the slimy monster in half, if such a thing was possible, and rendered it nothing more than a disgusting puddle of goo. Meanwhile, behind her, another slime sought to pin her, the same as Eliza. Ashe was caught off guard for a moment, but her quick footing saved her, as she stepped out of the way of the slime reaching for her...

Elizabeth let out a cry, "No! Please, help me! It's dissolving my clothes!" she begged of her comrades. The slime was actually digesting her mage robes, and a great deal of her skin could now be seen through all the holes that formed. As of right now, there was only enough of her garments to cover her decency... But not for long.

Ashe attacks Slime D; 100 (45, 55) Vs. 69 Hit!
Damage: 14 + 14 = 28
Ashe attacks Slime D; 100 (50, 55) Critical hit!
Damage: 30 + 28 = 58
Slime D was defeated!

Ashe just performed a critical hit.

Critical hits are caused when the defender of whatever attack the attacker is using cannot make any possible roll to avoid the attack, or the attacker's total result is 50 points above the defender's. And thus, whatever effect the attack has, is doubled. This encourages the use of points in defense stats such as Finesse, and Senses, rather than pouring all of one's points into Stamina. Else you'll be the victim of a critical success quite often.

Sakuya moves three spaces to E-4

Elizabeth attempts to break free! 59 (39, 20) Vs. 64
Elizabeth did not loosen the slime's hold on her.

Attempting to escape from a grapple on yourself costs 20 AP. Assisting someone else escape a grapple costs 10 AP. And raping someone who's in your grapple costs 10 AP.

Enemy turn

Slime B attacks Elizabeth's clothes!
Damage: 23
Elizabeth's AHP = 2

Slime E moves two spaces to F-2
Slime E attempts to grab Ashe from behind! 83 Vs. 108 (45, 63)
Although caught off guard, Ashe dodges quickly

Since Ashe was occupied with attack the slime in front of her, the other slime tried to take advantage of her from behind. And while a character is occupied with something else in front of them, you may come up from behind them(the only space that composes their backside), and gain a +15 to hit. Attacking from the side offers a +5 to hit.

However, if a character has not taken any action other than moving, defending, or waiting, he/she/it will turn to face whatever attacker comes at them, provided they know of the enemy's presence.

As well, to speed things along, once a majority of characters have low AP, the next turn will begin. However, all leftover AP will be kept for future use.

Round 2: All AP has been restored

Status check:
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 68
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 33

Armor HP: 60
Shield HP: 25
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 64
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 33

Armor HP: 15
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 37 / 37
Action Points: 45 / 46
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240(340) / 300
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 16

Aggro: 100 / 33

Armor HP: 2

Here is the battlefield;


Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

I'm a bit busy right now, but look at it this way: I've always said that if you wore less clothing it would help your sex appeal. Ashe says before lashing out twice more at the creature in front of her.

(Attack slime E twice)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya looked at her comrade, quickly trying to decide how she should help her. She didn't want to risk hurting her, so slashing the slime off of her didn't like too wise of a choice. " Calm down, ill get you out. " the maid said plainly before attempting to help free the girl by freeing her of the beast.

( Help free Elizabeth from slime B. If Sakuya isn't in the proper spot to do so she moves to said spot, then helps the mage.)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Immediately turning to face her new attacker, Ashe makes quick work of the simple slime, just like the other before it, allowing it to join it's partner in death, and as a puddle on the ground.

Meanwhile, Sakuya was attempting to free the distressed mage, and while the red eyed woman managed to pull her out of the slime's body somewhat, it still had enough of it's goo on her, to dissolve the rest of her outfit, rendering her completely nude, and bare for all eyes to see. Eliza cried out, "Nooo! Get it off of me!" before her sobs turned into gasps as the breeding tube from the slime's core adjusted itself, and slammed inside of her, pushing inside of her deeply, causing her mouth to gasp with pleasure, and her eyes to bulge with exstacy.

If things kept going this way, Eliza might end up carrying a slime baby inside of her for the remainder of their infiltration...

Ashe attacks Slime E; 93 (38, 55) Vs. 71 Hit!
Damage: 11 + 14 = 25
Ashe attacks Slime E; 65 (10, 55) Vs. 36 Hit!
Damage: 15 + 14 = 29
Slime E was defeated!

Sakuya attempts to free Elizabeth; 43(13, 30) Vs. 39 Removed 4 GP!
Sakuya attempts to free Elizabeth; 46(16, 30) Vs. 37 Removed 9 GP!

Elizabeth attempts to break free! 23(3, 20) Vs. N/A Auto Fail...
Elizabeth proved that the slime's strength was greater than her own, as it held her in place.

Enemy Turn​

Slime B attacks Elizabeth's clothes!
Damage: 29
Elizabeth is now nude! Her bare body has been exposed! (100+ MP bonus lost)
Slime B attempts to penetrate Elizabeth! 55 Vs. 47(12, 38, -3)
Slime B rams it's breeding tube inside Elizabeth's pussy!
Pleasure: 6
Corruption: 5

Status check:
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 48
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 33

Armor HP: 60
Shield HP: 25
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 44
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 33

Armor HP: 15
Status: Nude, Penetrated

Fatigue Points: 37 / 37
Action Points: 45 / 26
Pleasure Points: 38 / 32
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 200
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 32
GP: 3

Aggro: 100 / 33


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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

I'm coming, I'm coming. Hold your horses. Ashe says before moving around Sakuya to try and jerk the slime off of Elizabeth with one hand before sweeping in with a powerful slice with the other.

(Move up 1, diagonal NW 1, and left 1, then make one attempt to free Elizabeth before using Strike! on the slime even if the attempt to free Elizabeth is unsuccessful.)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya frowned upon seeing the mage was being raped by the slime. Without another word or thought she continued to try and free the poor girl from the slime, trying to help the princess with the task of freeing Elizabeth as she tried to yank the slime off of the girl.

( Attempt to free Elizabeth with Ashe, if first attempt is unsuccessful and the strike doesn't kill the slime then Sakuya try's once more. )
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

After the aggravation of not being able to free Elizabeth, Ashe attacks in a ferocious manner, and swipes her sword with all her might, destroying the core that was using it's member to fuck the mage, and utterly destroying the creature, preventing it from raping anyone ever again.

The slime washed off of Elizabeth like water once it had died, and the mage slowly got to her feet, breathing heavily. "About time..." she said.

Then, after noting that every enemy was vanquished, and insuring Eliza's safety, Sakuya moved over to the dead slime, and gathered some of the gooey core within a vial. Ashe blinked at Sakuya as she did this, "What are you doing?" she asked her.

"Collecting our bounty for our troubles." she said simply, "Merchants pay good money for parts of monsters."

Enemies will always award a set amount of gold upon their defeat. Sophisticated enemies will have pouches of money, and there is at least one part of any monster that is valued in the general area. Slime's in particular are valued for the core that composes their bodies, that when altered by a chemist, can be used by lovers who want to 'spice up' their sex life.

bounties gotten from monsters do not go to your inventory, you instead get money immediately as if you'd already sold them.

Elizabeth complained while shaking her head insistently, "How disgusting..." she said, while not really paying attention to the fact that she was naked. Ashe remembered Eliza had battled with monsters before, so perhaps she was used to the fact that they demoralize women by raping them, and removing their clothing.

Ashe attempts to free Elizabeth; 33(3, 30) Vs. 58 Failed
Ashe uses Strike!; 60(5, 55) Vs. 36 Hit!
Damage: 32
Slime B has been defeated!

All enemies have been defeated!

25 Gold
(This is what everyone gets, gold is divided among the team. So, since everyone got 25, that means all the monsters together composed 75 gold pieces. Same goes for experience. Less people in your team = more experience and gold for yourself)
Ashe got 90 SP in Longswords!
Sakuya got 19 SP in Shortswords!
Elizabeth got 17 SP in Lightning Magic!

Character Sheets:
Name: Ashe
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Level: 5
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 52
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Longswords: Level 3, 400 / 90
+2 to damage
+5 to hit

Earth Magic: Level 1, 200 / 50

Total Red Points: 125
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 45
Stamina: 50

Total Green Points: 105
Speed: 35
Finesse: 45
Senses: 25

Total Blue Points: 85
Will Power: 35
Intelligence: 30
Depth: 20

Orange Points
Charisma: 19
Aptitude (Longswords): 20
Mind: 17
Presence: 12

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 5
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 200 / 0

Battle Cry: 1 / 1
Using this ability, all aggro is directed at the heroine. And in almost every sense of the word, renders all of your comrades invisible, allowing them to move about without notice, and evade danger.


Level 1: Strike: A simple attack, meant to maim opponents. +50% to damage, 10 AP.


Earth: - Level 1
Spell: Flatten Terrain: Allows the Heroine and her team to move over two mountain tiles, instead of going through a mountain. MP cost varies.

Direct Spells
Level 1: Armor: A very thin layer of rocks covers the Heroine, giving her some extra protection. 10 extra Armor, 10 MP to use. (Amount of armor gained is modified by player level.)

Area of Efect:
Level 1: Thick Foliage: Sure, the leaves look weird on your outfit, but at least it adds to your Armor. 10 extra Armor to any character standing in a square adjacent to the caster, 10 MP per character.(Amount of armor gained is modified by player level.)

Items: 25 / 14
Gold - 77
Mythril Armor------ lvl 4 -- 60 AHP
Longsword-- lvl 3 -- 3d7 + (15 / enemy level) to hit
Shield----- lvl 3 -- 25 / 25
Name: Sakuya
Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 5
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 59
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Shortswords: Level 3, 400 / 19
+10 to hit

Love Magic: Level 1, 200 / 50

Total Red Points: 105
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 55
Stamina: 20

Total Green Points: 125
Speed: 45
Finesse: 35
Senses: 45

Total Blue Points: 85
Will Power: 20
Intelligence: 20
Depth: 45

Orange Points:
Charisma: 14
Aptitude (Shortswords): 19
Mind: 10
Presence: 23

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 5
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 200 / 0

Distract: 1 / 1
Rogues are not good when under attack, as they are fast, and meant for other places than the front lines. Should a monsters decide that the heroin is their target, the use of this ability will cause the creature's to seek out one of her comrades instead, thus bringing her aggro down to 0%, allowing her to even go so far as to move right behind a monster, completely unnoticed... This does not work when grabbed, as a rogue is at it's weakest when held in place.


Short Swords:
Level 1: Stab: A quick stab at an opponent's vital areas. Is harder to pull off when face to face to an opponent, so attacking from the side, behind, or while unnoticed is recommended. -10 to hit. Adds (Dexterity/5) + (Heroine Level X 4) to damage. 30AP


Love: Level 1
Spell: Aphrodisiacs: Every other team begins the next round with the ‘heat’ status, even if they’re human! MP Cost dependent on average enemy level.

Direct Spells:
Level 1: Sweet Words: By imbuing her words with magic, the Heroine is able to change the intentions of her target. If the target fails a Senses Vs. Willpower check, it will assist the caster for 2 turns. costs the foe's level X 20 in MP.

Area of Effect Spells:
Level 1: Lovely Aura: An aura surrounds the Heroine, which lets her turn pleasure into health. For every 5 PP dealt to any character, the caster gains 5 FP. Costs 5 MP per round.

Items: 25 / 9
Gold - 155
LeatherArmor--------lvl 3 -- 15 AHP, (+30 to AC / Enemy level)
ShortSword--------- lvl 5 -- 5d3 + (50 / enemy level) to hit
Name: Elizabeth
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Level: 5
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 45
Pleasure Points: 38 / 32
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 200
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Staves: Level 2, 300 / 0
+20 MP stolen per hit

Life Magic: Level 1, 100 / 0

Lightning Magic: Level 1, 100 / 67

Total Red Points: 70
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 25

Total Green Points: 95
Speed: 35
Finesse: 20
Senses: 40

Total Blue Points: 150
Will Power: 50
Intelligence: 60
Depth: 40

Orange Points
Charisma: 20
Aptitude (Longswords): 20
Mind: 17
Presence: 12

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 5
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 300 / 0


Level 1: Sweep: The Heroine swings her staff in a circle, knocking opponents off their feet. Deals normal damage. If hit, opponents will be forced to wait their next turn until they stand back up, and lose 10 AP in the process. 20 AP


Spell: Serendipity’s Blessing: A spell that regenerates 10 FP every round for one battle only. Costs 200 MP.

Level 1: Gentle Touch: A calm touch filled with magic never hurt anyone. Restores d14 FP, 10 MP.

World-Only Spells
Level 1: Heal Corruption: The Heroine uses her magic to try and turn either herself or an ally away from becoming a slave to lust. Heals d30 CP, costs (2-MP X Player level) per Corruption point healed.

Spell: Lightning Storm: Dark clouds form above the group, causing lightning attacks to do extra damage. Costs (average enemy level X 40).

Direct Spells:
Level 1: Zap: A quick zap. 2D6 damage, 10 MP.

Static Spells
Level 1: Static: Charges an ally's weapon(s) with electric energy. Deals an extra d4 damage during Melee attacks, costs 5 MP to activate, and 5 more MP every turn to keep active.

Items: 25 / 13
Gold - 65
Mage's Robe--------lvl 5 -- AHP: 25 / 0
+100 total MP
Mage's Staff------- lvl 3 -- 3d3 + 8 Damage
+4 to damage/healing spell's effectiveness
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use

Caution; the text in the spoiler is tl;dr worthy, it might take ya more than a minute to read it.

Normal version.
Ashe cleared her throat after Sakuya had finished collecting their, 'prize' for victory over such weak enemies, "Well, these things have held us up long enough. The troops are waiting for our signal to strike. We must make haste." she reminded them. In response to which, both Elizabeth and Sakuya nodded, and got back in formation behind their leader, walking down the strangely advanced architecture of the sewers...

And, after a time, Ashe suddenly stopped in place, before turning to the wall, which seemed to be nothing special, before she made a fist, and pushed her signet ring into the wall, where a tiny, circle shaped hole was located. The clanking of metal was heard, before the door suddenly started to pull back, and then slide off to the left, opening a hidden path for the trio, straight into the lower castle.

The three walked for only a moment up the stairs, before they ended up inside what appeared to be a storage room, filled with boxes which contained who-knows-what inside. The castle seemed well-kept, which came as a relief to Ashe, and as per their agreement, a long haired, blond maid greeted them, similarly dressed as Sakuya, who met with Ashe's trusted bodyguard when Sakuya herself snuck into the castle, disguised as one of the females left alive to serve as slaves inside the castle, and organized a little inside help for the resistance.

"My Lady Ashe! Lady Elizabeth!" she said excitedly, and in a whisper so no one would hear, "It's so good to see your both alright!"

Both Ashe and Elizabeth smiled, nodding their heads kindly, "It's good to see you as well," said Ashe, "But we mustn't delay, do you remember what Sakuya told you?" When the maid nodded, Ashe continued, "Good, signal the troops immediately, while we infiltrate the castle." Her face turned into a sneer, "We're going to end the lives of those whore demons, and free our people!" she announced, referencing to the Succubi who stole Ashe's lands from her.

The maid smiled, and nodded, before running of to light the flame at the top of the high tower of the castle as she was told.

Ashe, Sakuya, and Elizabeth did as they had planned as well, going up the nearest stairs, out of the lower areas, and heading straight for the throne room, where no doubt the Succubus who stole the throne would be near. But, before they could get there, just around a corner they found a group of three demons blocking their way. They were large, and could easily hold one of them in their hands.

"These foes are going to be tougher than those slimes..." Sakuya noted.

Then, the group formulated their strategy for taking out the demons blocking their way...
tl;dr version
Ashe, Sakuya, and Elizabeth got into the castle. And on their way to the throne room to fight the big bad boss of this area, three demons block their way, and haven't noticed them yet. So now you guys formulate a strategy for fighting them, since they are much tougher than those meager slimes you fought before.

Presence check to find enemy's strengths and weaknesses...

Gargoyle monsters:
High STR
High DEX
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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

So, I'd say we charge them again. Just this time... Elizabeth don't be stupid and charge forward like you did last time... Just hit them with spells from range. Ashe suggests as she readies herself to sprint in.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

" Milady, wait. " Sakuya suddenly said as she stepped in front of Ashe," I don't think charging the demons is good idea. I think we should try something else. " The maid knew very well demons were much stronger then slimes. Confronting the demons directly wouldn't work out as well as it had with the slimes, that's what she thought. Sakuya wanted to try something else, something sneakier. " Instead of charging in, perhaps one of us could lure them into an ambush? " the maid then quietly waited for the princess to give a response or for Elizabeth to give her two cents.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

That's just cowardly. Besides, who ever heard of the heros in the stories striking from the shadows. Only the bad guys ever use back-handed tactics. We should charge forward and strike down those demons like the wretched beasts they are. Ashe says, having been raised on tales of knights in armor and never given much of a firm grounding in tactics because, simply, that's what generals are for.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Elizabeth shrugged, "I don't have a problem with Ashe going in first," she said openly, "Less chance those freaks will come after me again, after all."
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

And whatever the case was to be, all three knew that lingering in the hall, discussing their means of attack for too long would likely bode for ill-fortune, and so it came time to engage the demons in the hallway...

Despite the fact that the windows look bright, it's actually nighttime. There just wasn't any sprites of dark colored windows.


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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya let a small sigh out, " Very well, milady. If you wish to charge the demons then ill go along with it. I await your lead. " She then stepped out of the way of the princess, getting out of her way. Sakuya still planned to sneak then strike one of the demons. Hopefully she would be able to do it when Ashe charged in.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Finally! Ashe says before sprinting out towards the creatures crying out, COME OVER HERE AND FIGHT ME YOU DAMNED DIRTY MONSTROSITIES!

(Move diagonally up/right 4 spaces and use Battle Cry)