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Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya advances shortly after Ashe ran out and yelled at the demons. She got in place, ready for her strike.

( Move to E,4 )
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

While Sakuya and Elizabeth moved into position, they watched Ashe attract the attention of the beasts. And while the monsters came at her with full force, she showed extreme agility in evading their reaching claws, attempting to ensnare the Princess in their grasp, until Ashe suddenly missed a step in her evasive dance, and ended up on the ground, where a gargoyle grabbed her foot, while the others plotted to use the slight advantage they'd gained to pin her down further in an attempt to obviously rape her...

Ashe moves four spaces to G-6
Ashe calls upon her inner power, and intimidates the enemy!
Ashe's aggro his risen to 100!

Sakuya moves three spaces to E-4

Elizabeth moves four spaces to B-5

Enemy Turn​

Gargoyle A moves four spaces to G-7
Gargoyle A attempts to grab Ashe! 94 Vs. 97(34, 63)
Ashe dodged swiftly.

Gargoyle B moves four spaces to H-6
Gargoyle B attempts to grab Ashe! 77 Vs. 87(24, 63)
Ashe dodged swiftly.

Gargoyle C moves four spaces to G-5
Gargoyle C attempts to grab Ashe! 97 Vs. 95(32, 63)
Ashe was grappled for 2 GP!

Status check:
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 34
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 2

Aggro: 100 / 100

Armor HP: 60
Shield HP: 25
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 53
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Armor HP: 15
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 37
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 200
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0


Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Seeing her chance, Sakuya quietly ran, getting behind the closest of the three demons. Once behind the large foe she turned to face it's back, then quickly went and and attempted to stab the demon, her swords blade aimed for one of the vital points of the gargoyle.

( Move to space G,4 and use the stab ability on the gargoyle. )
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Hand's off, Jackass! Ashe says before trying to bring her free heel down on the creature's wrist in order to force it's grip off of her.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

With Ashe in danger, Sakuya quickly moves in, and stabs at the creature holding her down. The monster roared with pain, to which it's two comrades quickly responded. The two monsters got on either side of Sakuya, preventing her escape, and blocking her between them. One placed it's claw around her waist, holding her in place, while the other dug it's claws into her maid's gown, and quickly tore through it, and her armor she had underneath it, rendering her just as nude as Elizabeth. And now that Elizabeth's nude body was exposed, she saw the creature's cock becoming erect, as it planned on mating with her at that very moment...

Ashe was having just as much luck. Even after Sakuya stabbed the creature, and Elizabeth fired a rather weak spell at it so as not to attract too much attention to herself, the monster proceeded to use it's available claw to tear at Ashe's armor, damaging it, but not destroying it yet. However, should she receive another blow to her armor, it will likely give way, and make her just as naked as Eliza and Sakuya...

And finally, after casting her spell, Elizabeth sighed, deciding that she'd have to save her two friends herself, but not before wanting a little payback for Ashe, as she shouted, "A little less armor will help your sex appeal, Ashe!" she told the princess, and turned to direct her magic at the attackers of the troubled Sakuya instead...

Sakuya moves two spaces to G-4
Sakuya uses Stab on Gargoyle C; 102(22, 80) Vs. 56 Hit!
Damage: 53

Ashe attempts to break free; 69(39, 30) Vs. 72
Ashe could not loosen the grip on herself

Elizabeth chants Zap once, and casts it at Gargoyle C; 54(8, 46) Vs. 50 Hit!
Damage: 21

When using ranged attacks, for every square outside of melee range, a single point is deducted from your total result. So being accurate is important for Mages and Archers/gunners.

Enemy Turn

Gargoyle A moves three spaces to F-4
Gargoyle A attempts to grab Sakuya; 87 Vs. 83(19, 64)
Sakuya was grabbed for 4 GP!

Gargoyle B moves two spaces to H-4
Gargoyle B attacks Sakuya's clothes!
Damage: 36
Sakuya is now nude!

Gargoyle C attacks Ashe's armor!
Damage: 32

Status check:
Status: Fine

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 14
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 2

Aggro: 100 / 53

Armor HP: 28
Shield HP: 25
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 9
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 4

Aggro: 100 / 34
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 37
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 190
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 13


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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

" Damn it..." Sakuya growled as she was robbed of her clothing. Now that she was grabbed and naked it seemed like she was going to be raped here and now. She could only hope that Ashe avoided such a fate and managed to escape the gargoyle that was holding her. Deciding not to remain still, Sakuya began to struggle, trying to break free, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

You must never have seen my casual clothes before then. Ashe replies before lashing out to try and smash the thing's wrist again so that she can get free.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Elizabeth, while Sakuya and Ashe struggle with the monsters holding them, quickly chants one of her spells, and fires it at the gargoyle holding Sakuya. However, while her spell hurt it, it still managed to take a full blast of her spell, which surprised the mage. "Whatever, we'll see if you can survive that a second time!" she announced, already charging up a spell powerful enough to end the creature's life.

And while Ashe fought with the creature grappling her ankle, the monster made one deadly swipe of it's claws, and sliced Ashe's armor open, leaving her nude skin bare, and her pussy exposed. Which, the monster sought to take advantage of, as it grabbed her along the waist, and lifted her into the air, while it's long, very long phallus grew large and erect, planning on ripping Ashe in half with it's demonic cock, and ejaculating it's seed into her womb...

Sakuya doesn't have enough AP!

Ashe doesn't have enough AP!

Elizabeth chants Zap twice, and casts it at Gargoyle A; 89(39, 50) Vs. 51 Hit!
Damage: 40

Enemy Turn

Gargoyle A doesn't have enough AP!

Gargoyle B attempts to strengthen the grapple on Sakuya!; 70 Vs. 98(49, 49) Failed
Sakuya quickly kicks away the Gargoyle's reaching claw

Gargoyle C attacks Ashe's armor!
Damage: 42
Ashe is now nude!

Round 2: All AP has been restored

Status check:
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 66
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 2

Aggro: 100 / 35

Shield HP: 25
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 68
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 4

Aggro: 100 / 22
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 52
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 170
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 43


Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya continued to struggle against the demons grip, trying to break free. She attempted to do what Ashe had been doing, trying to smash the creatures wrist. Whilst the maid had a feeling she wouldn't be able to break free, she didn't think she'd have to worry about it, seeing that Elizabeth was hammering the demon holding Sakuya with electric spells.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

That might not be the best thing to be exposing to me! Ashe says as she tries to send a hard kick to the creature's cock with the foot she has free.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Elizabeth, as part of her plan, drives a powerful spell at the beast restraining Sakuya, and reduces it to ashes in one, merciless instant, freeing Sakuya from it's grip.

Sakuya, not long after being freed, came under attack from the demon who stole her clothes off of her skin. However, now that the woman was no longer held down, the beast found it hard to take advantage of her once more...

And, as part of Elizabeth's plan for a little payback, the demon over Ashe tried to get a better grip on her, to better hold the warrior down. But, the princess was not about to be held, helpless against the ground. However, despite Ashe's continued struggles, she ended up in just the wrong position at the wrong time. Ashe found herself on her hands and knees, trying to pull away, or possibly even kick at the monster to free herself, which gave it the perfect opportunity to ram it's cock into her exposed rear.

It's cock went all the way inside her as Ashe's eyes bulged from the invasion. Her stomach bulged as well from the large insertion, before the monster began a rhythm of thrusts in and out of Ashe, fucking her like a helpless doll.

Sakuya attempts to break free; 42(12, 30) Vs. 52
Sakuya could not loosen the grip on herself.

Ashe attempts to break free; 41(11, 30) Vs. 48
Ashe could not loosen the grip on herself.

Elizabeth chants Zap three times over, and casts it at Gargoyle A; 94(47, 47) Vs. 28 Critical Hit!
Damage: 106!
Gargoyle A was defeated!

Sakuya is now free!

Enemy Turn​

Gargoyle B attempts to grab Sakuya; 78 Vs. 104(46, 58) Failed
Gargoyle B attempts to grab Sakuya; 74 Vs. 96(38, 58) Failed
Sakuya quickly dodges both attempts to grab her.

Gargoyle C attempts to strengthen it's grapple on Ashe; 68 Vs. 91(28, 63) Failed
Gargoyle C Penetrates Ashe! Ramming it's long, thick cock all the way inside her!
Pleasure: 17
Fatigue: 6
Corruption 3

Status check:
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 69 / 63
Action Points: 52 / 46
Pleasure Points: 43 / 26
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 3
Mentality: 35 / 30
GP: 2

Aggro: 100 / 35

Shield HP: 25
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 48
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 22
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 22
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 140
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 43


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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Now that the demon holding her had died and she was free Sakuya quickly went to go to the aid of Ashe. Not even bothering to move away from the other monster who was trying to grab her she went and drove her sword into the beast, the blade of her weapon going for one of the vital area's.

( Sakuya uses the stab ability on Gargoyle C. )
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Ashe's eyes slam open at the feeling of the penatration. Not able to say anything past the shock and pain, she shoots a foot back, trying to kick the thing off of her, or at least out of her.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Ignoring the monster next to her for now, Sakuya quickly drives her knife into the back of the monster in front of her, the blade piercing through the gargoyle's spine, severing it as it collapsed on top of Ashe, who was forced to crawl out from underneath it.

Not a moment after, the monster next to Sakuya took it's opportunity to take advantage of Sakuya's neglect to pay attention to it, and grabbed her from the side, one of it's claws closing around her, as it sought to do what the other monster had failed to do, and rape her until it ejaculated it's seed inside her.

Sakuya uses Stab on Gargoyle C; 116(36, 80) Vs. N/A Critical Hit!
Damage: 76
Gargoyle C was defeated!

Ashe is free!

Elizabeth is defending; +10 AC

Enemy Turn​

Gargoyle B attempts to grab Sakuya from the side; 98 Vs. 95(37, 58)
Sakuya has been grappled for 3 GP!

Status check:
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 69 / 63
Action Points: 52 / 36
Pleasure Points: 43 / 26
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 3
Mentality: 35 / 30
GP: 2

Aggro: 100 / 35

Shield HP: 25
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 8
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 0
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 22
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 12
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 140
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 43


Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

When Sakuya was grabbed she quickly began to try and escape the demons grasp. The last thing the maid wanted to feel was this things member inside of her. During her struggle she didn't bother asking for help from either of her companions, she was positive at least one of them would come to her aid without her having to ask them.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Alright, now I'm ticked! Ashe declares before steping over towards the last monster. Once there she slashes lightly upward with her blade in order to bring her sword into position for a powerful downward blow.

(Move H5, attack monster, Strike! monster)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Ashe slices viciously at the monster preparing to rape Sakuya, and while she injures it greatly, it wasn't enough to completely kill the beast.

The gargoyle holding Sakuya lifts her into the air, with her back to the monster, before suddenly slamming her down, it's cock going so deep inside Sakuya, that a large bulge formed from her stomach. Her large breasts bounced up and down as the monster slid her along it's cock, and despite how much it hurt to have her insides stretched to fit the large cock inside her, Sakuya was quickly brought to a powerful, and shameful orgasm, coating the monster's cock with her love juices.

Ashe moves one space to H-5
Ashe attacks Gargoyle B; 70(12, 58) Vs. 59 Hit!
Damage: 28
Ashe uses Strike! on Gargoyle B; 72(14, 58) Vs. 62 Hit!
Damage: 47

Elizabeth moves three spaces to D-8 to get Gargoyle B within range

Enemy Turn​

Gargoyle B Penetrates Sakuya! Positioning her above it's phallus, and pushing her down all the way to the hilt of it's cock!
Pleasure: 12
Fatigue: 9
Corruption: 5

Next Turn​

Gargoyle B is raping Sakuya! Slamming her down, over and over again, driving it's member deep inside her!
Sakuya has orgasmed!
Pleasure: 16
Fatigue: 12
Corruption: 5

Orgasming works a little different with my system.

First, even if Sakuya gained 100 Pleasure, she would only orgasm once. This is mostly my own view that depicts orgasming as a single, cataclysmic event of overpowering pleasure. So, since she orgasmed, the next turn, she will be at full PP.

Second, when a character orgasms, each die that determines how much fatigue is lost is rolled twice, and the higher of the two rolls determines the amount lost.

Round 3: All AP has been restored

Status check:
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 69 / 63
Action Points: 52 / 56
Pleasure Points: 43 / 26
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 3
Mentality: 35 / 30
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Shield HP: 25
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 21
Action Points: 59 / 67
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 10
Mentality: 33 / 23
GP: 3

Aggro: 100 / 100
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 33
Action Points: 45 / 45
Pleasure Points: 38 / 38
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 140
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0


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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

That definately doesn't look comfortable, and didn't feel very comfortable with that one earlier. Ashe comments as she tries to attack the beast again, stepping around behind it before trying to drag her blade up its back before slashing back down again.

(Move to I4, attack, Strike!)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

" Kill it, kill it, please kill it..." Sakuya began saying, begging her companions to kill the demon so the violation would stop before she was impregnated. Feeling sick and ashamed, and angry, she tried to angle her sword so she could start stabbing the demon.

( Attack.)
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

In case it wasn't obvious, I-4 is blocked by an end table.

With one more slice, Ashe performs the finishing blow on the beast raping Sakuya, freeing the maid of it's grasp, and it's cock.

Ashe attacks Gargoyle B; 81(23, 58) Vs. 76 Hit!
Damage: 28
Gargoyle B was defeated!

All enemies have been defeated!

50 Gold
10 EXP
Ashe got 45 SP in Longswords!
Sakuya got 38 SP in Shortswords!
Elizabeth got 51 SP in Lightning Magic!

Character Sheets:
Name: Ashe
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Level: 5
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 52
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 3
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Longswords: Level 3, 400 / 135
+2 to damage
+5 to hit

Earth Magic: Level 1, 200 / 50

Total Red Points: 125
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 45
Stamina: 50

Total Green Points: 105
Speed: 35
Finesse: 45
Senses: 25

Total Blue Points: 85
Will Power: 35
Intelligence: 30
Depth: 20

Orange Points
Charisma: 19
Aptitude (Longswords): 15
Mind: 17
Presence: 12

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 5
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 200 / 0

Battle Cry: 1 / 1
Using this ability, all aggro is directed at the heroine. And in almost every sense of the word, renders all of your comrades invisible, allowing them to move about without notice, and evade danger.


Level 1: Strike: A simple attack, meant to maim opponents. +50% to damage, 10 AP.


Earth: - Level 1
Spell: Flatten Terrain: Allows the Heroine and her team to move over two mountain tiles, instead of going through a mountain. MP cost varies.

Direct Spells
Level 1: Armor: A very thin layer of rocks covers the Heroine, giving her some extra protection. 10 extra Armor, 10 MP to use. (Amount of armor gained is modified by player level.)

Area of Efect:
Level 1: Thick Foliage: Sure, the leaves look weird on your outfit, but at least it adds to your Armor. 10 extra Armor to any character standing in a square adjacent to the caster, 10 MP per character.(Amount of armor gained is modified by player level.)

Items: 25 / 14
Gold - 127
Mythril Armor------ lvl 4 -- AHP: 60 / 0
Longsword-- lvl 3 -- 3d7 + (15 / enemy level) to hit
Shield----- lvl 3 -- 25 Defense
Name: Sakuya
Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 5
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 59
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 10
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Shortswords: Level 3, 400 / 57
+10 to hit

Love Magic: Level 1, 200 / 50

Total Red Points: 105
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 55
Stamina: 20

Total Green Points: 125
Speed: 45
Finesse: 35
Senses: 45

Total Blue Points: 85
Will Power: 20
Intelligence: 20
Depth: 45

Orange Points:
Charisma: 14
Aptitude (Shortswords): 19
Mind: 10
Presence: 23

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 15
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 200 / 0

Distract: 1 / 1
Rogues are not good when under attack, as they are fast, and meant for other places than the front lines. Should a monsters decide that the heroin is their target, the use of this ability will cause the creature's to seek out one of her comrades instead, thus bringing her aggro down to 0%, allowing her to even go so far as to move right behind a monster, completely unnoticed... This does not work when grabbed, as a rogue is at it's weakest when held in place.


Short Swords:
Level 1: Stab: A quick stab at an opponent's vital areas. Is harder to pull off when face to face to an opponent, so attacking from the side, behind, or while unnoticed is recommended. -10 to hit. Adds (Dexterity/5) + (Heroine Level X 4) to damage. 30AP


Love: Level 1
Spell: Aphrodisiacs: Every other team begins the next round with the ‘heat’ status, even if they’re human! MP Cost dependent on average enemy level.

Direct Spells:
Level 1: Sweet Words: By imbuing her words with magic, the Heroine is able to change the intentions of her target. If the target fails a Senses Vs. Willpower check, it will assist the caster for 2 turns. costs the foe's level X 20 in MP.

Area of Effect Spells:
Level 1: Lovely Aura: An aura surrounds the Heroine, which lets her turn pleasure into health. For every 5 PP dealt to any character, the caster gains 5 FP. Costs 5 MP per round.

Items: 25 / 9
Gold - 205
LeatherArmor--------lvl 3 -- AHP 15 / 0
(+30 to AC / Enemy level)
ShortSword--------- lvl 5 -- 5d3 + (50 / enemy level) to hit
Name: Elizabeth
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Alignment: Good
Level: 5
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 37
Action Points: 45 / 45
Pleasure Points: 38 / 32
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 240
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Trained in:
Staves: Level 2, 300 / 0
+20 MP stolen per hit

Life Magic: Level 1, 200 / 0

Lightning Magic: Level 1, 200 / 118

Total Red Points: 70
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 25
Stamina: 25

Total Green Points: 95
Speed: 35
Finesse: 20
Senses: 40

Total Blue Points: 150
Will Power: 50
Intelligence: 60
Depth: 40

Orange Points
Charisma: 20
Aptitude (Longswords): 20
Mind: 17
Presence: 12

EXP until Next Level: 50 / 15
Spendable EXP: 0
Ascension: 300 / 0


Level 1: Sweep: The Heroine swings her staff in a circle, knocking opponents off their feet. Deals normal damage. If hit, opponents will be forced to wait their next turn until they stand back up, and lose 10 AP in the process. 20 AP


Spell: Serendipity’s Blessing: A spell that regenerates 10 FP every round for one battle only. Costs 200 MP.

Level 1: Gentle Touch: A calm touch filled with magic never hurt anyone. Restores d14 FP, 10 MP.

World-Only Spells
Level 1: Heal Corruption: The Heroine uses her magic to try and turn either herself or an ally away from becoming a slave to lust. Heals d30 CP, costs (2-MP X Player level) per Corruption point healed.

Spell: Lightning Storm: Dark clouds form above the group, causing lightning attacks to do extra damage. Costs (average enemy level X 40).

Direct Spells:
Level 1: Zap: A quick zap. 2D6 damage, 10 MP.

Static Spells
Level 1: Static: Charges an ally's weapon(s) with electric energy. Deals an extra d4 damage during Melee attacks, costs 5 MP to activate, and 5 more MP every turn to keep active.

Items: 25 / 13
Gold - 115
Mage's Robe--------lvl 5 -- AHP: 25 / 0
+100 total MP
Mage's Staff------- lvl 3 -- 3d3 + 8 Damage
+4 to damage/healing spell's effectiveness
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use
Ether Potion--------lvl 5 -- Restores 100 MP upon use

After the battle, both Ashe and Sakuya leaned forward, putting their hands on their knees, panting a little from the fight. "These monsters... These rapist monsters..." Ashe panted, "I won't let them get away with this..."

Elizabeth walked forward, and shook her head as she did so, "This wouldn't be the first time I've been without clothing... You two have never fought more than other humans within the safety of these walls... Trust me, them raping you is not the worst part of it all."

Sakuya simply shook her head, before taking some steps over, down the hall, to a nearby room, "I need... I need to rest a moment..." she tells them, going into the nearby guest room.

There were several other maids, just like Sakuya within the room, many were awake, but all were resting, likely from having been used as sex slaves all day. They payed the three walking into the room little mind, their minds too corrupted from all of the rape to think of anything else but the next demon to satisfy...

The party has rested: All FP and MP has been restored

After resting a while, the group's refuge was interrupted by the sound of battle. "She must have lit the signal!" Ashe announced, before getting up on her feet. "Come, this is our only chance to put an end to the demon behind this deception!"

And with that, Sakuya and Elizabeth rose as well, and followed Ashe out of the room, and through the halls, all of the demons who normally guarded the area gone to fight the forces out front in the main assault, giving the trio a clear shot at the throne room.

And once they reached the corner where the demon lord no doubt resided, Sakuya suddenly stopped the group, "Wait... Let me see..."

Presence check; 23 Vs. 19 Success!

:Enemy examination:

Succubus (Boss)
Level: 5
High Speed
High Dexterity
High Intelligence
Love Magic
Ability to fly away with a captured character

Strategic note: Can turn you against each other. Hypnotized characters will sexually assault her allies. Either evade, or grapple these characters, until they return to normal.​

Any "Quest" in my version will usually have a tough boss at the end. Boss's health is high, and only gets higher when you have more allies with you. Planning is a must, since the bosses will have their own plans to take you down(and rape you).

Take this time to plan amongst yourselves, what your plan of attack is...
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