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Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

After taking a quick peak around the corner Sakuya turned back and faced the princess. " Ashe..." she started, " This demoness won't be nearly as easy to defeat as the other foes we've faced so far. Because of this... I must insist that we plan something out instead of running in and attacking." The maid thought that Ashe running out and yelling to get the foes attention than Elizabeth and herself doing a surprise attack might be a good way to start the battle off, although she had a feeling there was a better way to go about this.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Ashe blinked at Sakuya, "Who is this demoness?"

Elizabeth steps in to answer Ashe's question, "That would be the King's... Your father's adviser, Lady Belladonna. That may not be her real name, but you know who I'm talking about." she told Ashe.

Ashe twisted her lips at Elizabeth, "Well, if you know so much about her, then why don't you come up with a plan?"

Elizabeth chuckled, "Well, I didn't want to rob my lady of that honor, but, if you insist..."

After a moment, Eliza put a hand to her chin, closing her eyes when she accidentally caught herself looking at her naked comrades, "Well," she began, lowering her hand, "From what Sakuya gathered, she can fly away with one of us as she pleases... So getting caught would not be good in the least, because we'd have to chase you down, and free you while she simply keeps flying away. Worse, she's a succubus, and that means mind control magic, very dangerous stuff, that." she said with all seriousness, "That will be a tough one... Sakuya and myself might be able to resist somewhat, but you are especially vulnerable to her charms, since... Well, forgive me my lady, but you are easily manipulated."

With a chuckle, she cleared her throat, and continued, "I don't know what we can do about the magic... If she charms one of us, and uses the charmed one to hold one of us, while she makes off with another, we'd be in a tight spot..." Eliza cocks her head to the side, shrugging, "Well, if my lady doesn't mind having sex with a succubus... You can distract her, while Sakuya and I try our best." she told her with a small blush at the thought of Ashe getting fucked by a demon of lust.
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Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya had remained quiet for a bit, however after Elizabeth finished speak she herself spoke up, putting her two cents in. " Ashe, Elizabeth's plan sounds like it would work. If you distracted the demoness that would give the two of us a good opportunity to attack." The maid stopped then, being quiet once more. She didn't like the idea of the princess having to be the bait, however she seemed to be the best suited for the role. Sakuya then spoke back up, having thought of something. " Milady... If you'd rather not be the bait ill take the role myself. " She hated the idea of having sex with a demon, however she'd do it if she had to.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Ashe shook her head at Sakuya, "No, you don't need to do that Sakuya, I can handle this traitor. All I need for you two to do is cover me while I keep her attention, alright? And try not to attract too much attention to yourselves while you're at it." She turned, and gave Elizabeth a look, meaning that the piece of advice was mostly meant for the electricity loving mage.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes a little at Ashe, "Oh, fine, I'll show a little restraint..." she moaned.

Then, Ashe stepped forward, ready to turn the corner before facing her comrades, "Well, that's the plan, I'll distact, and you two cover me. And by all means don't let me run around, possessed by her magic... If she does possess me, Elizabeth, I'm trusting you to bring her attention. You're better at resisting magic than all of us." she told her, before cracking her knuckles, and letting out a sigh of anticipation, "Are we ready?"

Elizabeth looked about to nod, before she turned to Sakuya to see if she was ready, or if she was still a little sore from getting raped by that demon...
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

Sakuya nodded, " Yes, I am ready. Let us slay this traitor and save the kingdom. " Gripping her sword the maid took a breath in, exhaling then. She was ready, once Ashe took the lead she would follow her into the battle along with the mage.
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

With everyone anticipated, eager, and ready for the oncoming fight with a powerful force, Ashe, Sakuya, and Elizabeth walked out into the opening in front of the throne room. With Ashe on point, and Sakuya and Eliza on either side of her, they marched down the royal, red carpet, towards who awaited them.

Sitting, undeserving on the King's throne, was the traitor, and demon in disguise, Belladonna. Instead of wearing her royal garbs, she wore a red leather, that clung to her body like a second skin, fitting nicely to her shape, showing off how large her breasts were, and how shapely her ass was, befitting a demon such as herself.

Boss: Demon of Lust, Succubus Belladonna

Belladonna laughed with amusement as she saw the trio approach her, "You've finally arrived, Ashe, and naked to! I was getting worried you'd run away!' she chuckled, before frowning at her, 'But, you're still just a girl, and now that daddy's gone, who's left to protect you?" she taunted her using an obviously fake, sweet tone of voice.

Ashe growled at her, "Shut up! I'm not going to let you do this to my country! You'll pay for murdering my father, you monster!"

Belladonna raised an eyebrow at her, "Poor, confused, little Ashe, perhaps you didn't learn your valuable lesson the last time you tried to kill me." she told her, reminding Ashe of the moment she saw her father, motionless, and soulless. And when she flew into a fury, attacking Belladonna recklessly, only to lose in a matter of moments before Sakuya quickly saved her from falling victim to a Succubi's thirst for souls.

Belladonna slowly stood up from the throne, setting her feet flat on the ground, and slowly walking towards Ashe with grace, and a sexy appeal, "This time, you won't escape. I'll make you my little pet, fuck you like the bitch you are, and suck your friends dry of their life force..."

Belladonna started to glow white with power, as her wings spread wide, and while a sadistic smile formed on her face, "Come, Ashe! Join your father inside me! Let me devour you!" she shouted loudly, her powerful voice echoing throughout the castle.

Enemy Turn

Belladonna casts, Lovely Aura
Belladonna now gains FP from inflicting pleasure!

Status Check:
Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 69 / 69
Action Points: 52 / 52
Pleasure Points: 43 / 43
Armor Class: 63
Magic Points: 120 / 120
Corruption: 100 / 3
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 42 / 42
Action Points: 59 / 59
Pleasure Points: 20 / 20
Armor Class: 58
Magic Points: 80 / 80
Corruption: 100 / 10
Mentality: 33 / 33
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0

Status: Nude

Fatigue Points: 37 / 37
Action Points: 45 / 45
Pleasure Points: 38 / 32
Armor Class: 38
Magic Points: 240 / 240
Corruption: 100 / 5
Mentality: 35 / 35
GP: 0

Aggro: 100 / 0


Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

" Don't let her get to you Ashe. We will defeat her, I promise. " saying those words the maid moved, getting ready to launch and attack on the demoness along with the mage. She would do all she could to keep her promise to Ashe. Sakuya then moved, getting in position for her attack.

( Sakuya moved to M,5 )
Re: Realm 0 - The Testing Realm

(I'll be automating Ashe should Phoenix never post an action for her, and make an update tomorrow.)