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Realm 1 - Evil team play thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
In a shadowy glade South of a mountain range, in the far South western corner of the valley, the forces of evil gather, preparing to spread their corruption into this realm. There, they would await command of a mighty demon who had called them to this place.
The eternal battle of the realms would continue here, in this quiet, pleasant little valley. The forces of good seeking to end all corruption, the forces of evil seeking to spread it to all realms, and those chosen by fate seeking to maintain the delicate balance between the two.

(After all this time Jumpers is finally chugging into life. Everyone planning on playing has to post an introduction of some sort. After that you'll get your quest and descriptions of where you can go.)
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

She hadn't been accepted as a proper elf which brought her fury but her inner demon told her that anger and retribution were for the weak. Quickly, she turned to the real perpetrators of the dark and hollow deeds, the demons. She was called by one of the greater, more powerful demons without a clear reason but she payed no mind to it. In fact, Marina was one of the first to gather for she was excited to carry out her malevolent tasks. She dreamed but a few days ago that she'd be rewarded with the power to make others kneel at her feet. Even if this was only her imagination, she could just bask in the suffering of others. Yes, the task itself was reward enough.

(Damn the good team is fast)
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Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Stepping into the glade comes a young woman with a calm demeanor, seeming almost empty of any true emotion. Her armor, etched with the designs of leaves and stones, seems geared more towards defense rather than mobility and she hefts a long lance in one hand. Coming to a stop, she rests the lance hilt down on one foot before looking around. Light, Dark. Order, Chaos. All things must be held in balance. Balance is the world. Balance is all. So it is, so it has been, so it shall be. In this battle, I will aid the Shadow. Quetz says solemnly.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Sydia smirked at the others gathered and looked at the apathitic girl and sighed. "Your boring." She says bluntly as she walks into the glade as looks at Quentz.

Her robe is slitted at the top revealing her bosom, and doesn't try to hide the fact of her big it is. While her lower parts of the robes flow and fluttered about as if by an unseen wind. Sydia noticing this growled and tried to keep them from moving about. "Stupid Demon. I don't like cold wind down there."
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Tira giggles as she drops out of a tree, her ring-blade thunking into the dirt in front of her as she catches the inner grip and swings through it like a hoop, sitting on the inside of it as she giggles. "Heheee. Big and scary called us all out to plaaaaaaaaaay!
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

The kitsune swordsgirl yawned, her ear twitching as she leans on the oversized sword, somewhere a mix between the Buster Sword and a scimitar. Watching the others arrive, Blazetail just watched over them lazily...
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Walking slowly, Kenya Shadowfell arrives the location... Watching the people there carefully. Unlike the rest, she was wearing only some sort of pink swimsuit, witch showed a lot of her cleavage. She had long red hair, red eyes, and red nails. She came from a nearby village, were she worked as an escort... and learn all the things needed to survive in a harsh world...
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Continuing the game, if miez or one of the extras still wants to play they'll join up later.)

An hour before mid day, all those gathered in the glade felt a calling to stand in a circle in the center. There, a bright red light appeared, large formless, with black lightning crackling through it. "Gather, my dark servants, and listen. This realm shall corrupted, and I shall tell you how it may be accomplished! Far to the North and East, one of my greatest servants battles with a servant of the light. They've been locked in stalemate for days now, neither able to best the other. You must go there, and assist her in defeating her opponent. Kill the champion of good. Beware, for both are mighty and close to ascension! It will be a difficult battle. Success will fill this realm with corruption and darkness, as my servant ascends to godhood, while failure will result in...... severe punishment. That is all, go now, and do my bidding!"
And with that, the crimson form winks out.
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Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Light too often inexplicably wins in situations such as these. We must move now to have the darkness win and bring more balance to the world. Quetz intones moving her lance to her shoulder as she begins to move to the Northeast, expecting the others to follow.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

"If ya say so," the kitsune said, getting up from leaning on her blade, deftly pulling it from the ground before sliding it into some steel bands on her back, soon running quickly to the forefront of the group as she dashes off.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Now that that's over with, time to introduce the movement system. Each round players vote on which direction to move, which can be North, South, East, West, or any of the combined diagonals. How long movement takes is dependent on the type of terrain you're moving into, which I described in the alterations thread. Movement stops for encounters.)

The open glade gave the emissaries of darkness a good view of the surrounding area. To the North lay hills and a lone peak, to the East and North East lay a lightly wooded and sparsely settled area before more forests.

(Edit: before I scare anyone, you can take your time posting after this, I just wanted to get this part over with quick.)
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

It seems that we have a quest... Says Kenya, watching at her new companions, then she turns to see the road ahead... Well... I suggest that if we're going somewere, we should head Nort East... But we should be carefull, forests are allways full of... unfriendly creatures...
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Tira giggles and bounces over, jumping onto someone's back. (whomever wants to be Tira's "friend" I leave it up to y'all. XD) as she giggles and hugs them with one arm, dragging her ringblade with the other. "This should be fuuuuuun! Darkness Darkness Evvvvery where~" she giggles. "Annnnd I say we goooooo thattaway! *points north and east!
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

My back is not for riding. What sort of warrior bounces around like a monkey anyway? Quetz says, grunting as the overly enthusiastic woman jumps onto her. And yes, going through the forest is the quickest route, which is why I had started going in that direction anyway. She continues as she uses her left hand to try and dismount Tira, her right being occupied with her lance.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Marina only heard bits and pieces of the instrucions. All that she was able to pick up was their was a battle and it was somewhere north. She cursed herself for being a selective listener but instead of asking for help, she held on to her dignity and simply went north. She wished that someone would follow her in case any fight she got into was up close and personal. Marina doubted that her bow would do any good if she was being grappled or being swung at with a sword. That being said, she slung her bow around her shoulder and walked at a brisk pace.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

'Whatever you guys say. I just wanna get to the beating!' the kitsune purred as she followed.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(For now, I'm assuming Tomoes character stays with the rest of the group, heading North East.)

The group advances across the forested plain, eventually going under a copse of trees, under which there are quite a few fairly large mushrooms, about a foot tall and rather squat, the caps being not much wider than the stalks, making them appear almost phallic.
It comes as quite a surprise when all of them start moving, rising on little tentacle-like legs with hands and sprouting little arms, and advancing on the party from all directions, making little squeaking noises to each other.

(31 enemies in all, meklots 1-10 to the right, meklots 11-23 to the left, meklots 24-27 in front, and 27-31 behind you. All of them are clustered together. Since it's your first encounter you get to pick your positions. Post your combat actions as well, if you don't mind. I'm still working on getting a battle map together.)
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Quetz lowers her lance to face the creatures and moves to the left of the group. And so it begins. She says bracing herself to fight the largest concentration of enemies.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

The kitsunegirl blinked only slightly. "Well this is new..."

Leaping to the front of the group, she charges forward, using her crecent blade to attack the small group with a large horizonal swing.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(oh we're all heading as one huge ass group? :/ I kinds figured it's be in smaller groups kinda like the previous jumpers. AOE spells might be a little rigged in cases like these..)

Do they seem to have eyes? I was gonna blind em