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Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Smiling a bit, she goes over, softly kissing him, letting him relax first as she doesn't do anything heavy to start with.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Lobby) The dragonkin notices the group; "Hello again, may I help you?" She seems tired and slightly irritable.

(Upstairs) The fox seems to relax as Blazetail kisses him, and he wraps his arms around her, returning the kisses.

The elf unbuttons and drops his pants as well, leaving him naked as well.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Maskala skips lightly from foot to foot, wearing a light grin and never releasing the hands of her companions. She didn't want them getting lost, after all. She bows, briefly to the dragoness, and smiles obsequiously.

"Just looking for my lost companions.. are they returned, yet? Or still working hard..?"
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Continuing her soft kisses, she gently grasps his shaft again, rubbing it slowly with her hand.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Finally not being dragged along, Shizuka tried, pathetically, to free her hand from Maskala's clutches. But, it was to no avail. So, the ninja just gave up, hung her head and sighed.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Finishing her ice cream, Quetz looks at Maskala, Would you mind telling me why you just started to drag me about everywhere?
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Lobby) "Well, as far as I know, the strange one left with one of my customers shortly before I returned, and the fox is still upstairs with a client. Care to make some coin while you wait?" The dragonkin replies to Maskala.

(Upstairs) Fox takes 10 pleasure, putting him at 15 PP.
The fox stiffens as Blazetail grasps his member, which is already rock hard, but relaxes again quickly as she starts stroking him. He begins to pant into her kisses, and he drops his trousers to the floor. She can feel him start to pre-cum as she strokes him, the thick substance getting all over her fingers. He seems to have quite a bit stored up...

Elfs House:
The elf suddenly spins Tira around and forces her to her knees, collapsing along with her and pressing her head down into the ground, with her ass lifted into the air. His member presses against her womanhood, preparing to penetrate her. Apparently, this guy likes it rough.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

She smiles a bit as she pulls away, gently pressing him to the bed as her head sneaks down, starting to lick at his cock with small strokes.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Maskala abruptly releases the hands of her companions, aware of the dragoness' gaze, and how this much look to her, with just the slightest hint of a blush on her cheeks. Gone faster than the glint of sunlight on her scales, though, easy demeanour once again in place.

"Easy, heart-butt. I don't want you getting into trouble.. Any of you, to be honest. I won't let you die, because you're so.. very.. pretty."

The last three words are drawn out, almost drawled, with a grin, and she pinches the warrior's cheek before pacing away to deal with the Drak.

"Oh, is that so? I should have gone with the leash idea.. As for working, well, it depends. If you have something you need doing that doesn't involve selling my body.. I'd be happy to oblige. As it is? I doubt any of your customers would like my price.."
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Shizuka sweatdropped at Mask and her strange affection with Quetz/'heart-butt.' She looked away from the other two's affection, and then about, wondering if there was anywhere to sit while they waited for the... working girls... to get back, but then she thought better of it. Who knew how clean any of the furniture was at a brothel... even the floor for that matter! She grimaced as she looked downward.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

H-h-heart butt... pretty...? Quetz stammers out as Maskala manages to embarrass her sensibilities again. What Maskala walks off, Quetz quickly moves off herself to lean against a wall.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Lobby) The dragonkin laughs at Maskalas statement, and says; "Of course! There's always cleaning and other minor chores that I usually delegate to other slaves who aren't fit for..... other duties. And there is one other matter I'd been planning on taking care of myself today, but I'm a bit worn. i can tell you more if you're interested....."

Meanwhile, Shizuka finds the surroundings surprisingly spotless. Apparently, the dragonkin liked to keep her premises relatively clean.

(Upstairs) Fox takes 10 pleasure, putting him at 5 PP. (You're rolling really high on the pleasure damage.)
The fox boy goes along with what Blazetail is doing, lying back on the bed. As Blaze begins sucking on his cock, she can already feel it throbbing as if he's about to cum, and he gasps and moans as she teases him.

Tira takes 10 pleasure, putting her at 5 PP. The elf takes 7 pleasure, putting him at 18 PP.
Getting no resistance, the man roughly shoves himself into Tiras waiting pussy. He starts thrusting in and out of her quickly, going from hilt to head each time. He's nowhere near as large as the darkwolves, but his rough motions and apparent skill have already brought Tira close to orgasm.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Smiling through her work, she gently slides her muzzle round his cock, suckling softly onto his hard member.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

((Firefly reference, for you non-geeks..))

Maskala locks gazes with the other drak for a moment, then shrugs. No harm in at least hearing about it...

"Go on, then.. tell me more. My pride won't allow me to stoop to cleaning... and from the looks of things around here, you hardly need it done. What's really on the table here? Apart from your girls, of course.."
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Tira moans, clinging to him as he thrusts into her, legs gripping his hips
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Sure, it looked clean, but that doesn't mean it's still digusting. Shizuka waited some more, and then waited. She sighed... then waited again.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

(Lobby) "Nothing much really, just a minor inconvenience I'd like taken care of. Would you like to talk about it in the other room?" The dragonkin says.

(Upstairs) Fox takes 9 pleasure, making him cum and putting him at 21 PP.
The fox gasps and moans as Blaze sucks on him, his cock continuing to throb and release copious amounts of precum until suddenly Blaze feels him erupt in her mouth. He shoots several ropes of thick salty cum into her mouth, and then lies there gasping, his face bright and his body limp. His cock, however, remains erect.

Tira takes 9 pleasure, making her orgasm and putting her at 11 PP. The elf takes 8 pleasure, putting him at 10 PP.
The elf continues hammering into Tira from behind, pushing her head into the floor. His cock grinds into her against her sensitive spot, and she quickly finds herself orgasming on his member, squeezing and creaming all over his cock. He doesn't stop, getting closer to his own release, and he doesn't seem intent on pulling out.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Maskala throws her eyes back to her companions for a moment, and searches out Quetz's gaze.

"Wait here. Keep an eye on Shizuka. If I'm not back in an hour, come and kick ass."

Her expression is apologetic as she turns back to the madam.

"Sorry about that. Lead on!"
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Um... Sure, I guess? Quetz says, a bit confused as to why Maskala ahd her watching over Shizuka as opposed to vice versa since Maskala had worked with Shizuka for a long time. Of course, that may have had something to do with it.
Re: Realm 1 - Evil team play thread

Shizuka blinked at Mask. She was supposed to be the one being watched?

"Wait! Wh- the but the but I and... but... what?!" she complained incoherently, her fingers pointing and shifting between Mask, Quetz and herself. Why did the drak have to be so cruel? The ninja sighed again and hung her head.