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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

While everyone occupies themselves with the leader, Shiva takes the time to turn about, and see a lone slaver behind her, likely trying to sneak up on the group. She charges at this man with full force, before launching a quick strike at him.

(Shiva moves to D7, and uses Strike on the bandit at C6)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily giggles to herself and slithers over to the slaver furthest away from the second 'group', passing the remaining slaver in the area a wink as she passed him. Upon reaching her target, she licks her hips seductively, then lunges at him, her hands eager to caress his pleasure points, and her tail going around behind him, the tip ready to dive inside his ass as a finishing blow, whether his clothes were in the way or not!

((Move to W6 and attack the slaver at X5 4 times. Or just move next to him and attack 4x, if he moves closer by the time it's Lily's action.))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana hops out of her bush and takes aim with her bow at the slaver closest to her. Giggling to herself about some kind of private joke, she suddenly lets the arrow fly.

(Action: Attack slaver Y9)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Vengeance is mine scumbag...

Notching two arrows to her bow after having taken a pause to regather her composure, Aegis lets fly at Kail, intending on finishing him off.

(Attack Kail, the Slaver leader)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

After rest a moment Celestia try to provoke the Dragon Slaver. She make a sensual yawn and say "This is so boring, i will give you a last chance before i get serious"

Then she moves away from her partner to avoid hit her, then with all the magic she have send a massive Magma again Kail face in that way blind him and let a easy target to Aegis and the others, after that she make a guard stand in case than the clumsy Dragon try to hit her

( Action: move to I 11 them use All mighty Magma (use R.I.P. Advantage) on Kail ("Slave Leader") then use the last 8 points of this turn to defense (guard))
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva rushes towards the newly appeared Slaver, dragging her sword tip along the ground. As she rushes to pull a sword from it's scrabbard, Shiva swings her sword up, slicing into his body... but not all the way through, thanks to the dullness of the blade. The half-demon's long sword is stuck halfway into the dead man's rib cage, which she was quickly struggling to get free...

The battle is mostly won by the archers, however. Lilliana takes a very careful shot at a slaver (as Lily is almost in her way), dropping him from her hidden spot. The private joke, whatever it was, got funnier still.

Aegis' two arrows are aimed almost perfectly, as they both land in Kail's back, causing the dragon to roar out in pain. He drops to his knees, and is barely able to scramble out of Celestia's magma blast, glaring up at her. Aegis' keen elf ears pick up his ragged breathing, realizing she must have punctured a lung.

"You will not have my swords..." He growls, the two weapons rising from his hands, using an unearthly force, glittering in the sunlight. As this happens, the stranger starts to run towards them.

"No!" She calls out, "Grab the weapons, quickly!"

The message comes a second too late to the Heroines, as Celestia isn't able to react in time to grab the broad sword, and Aegis was too far away, the glittering tips pointing at Kail's body... and literally impaling the dragon where he knelt! He made no noise as his eyes closed, only shivering in pain, the two blades sticking through his body, uttering the words "You shall never have them..."

"Pull them out!" The stranger shouts, nearly there. Celestia acts quickly now, pulling the broad sword from Kail, but it's too late. The massive blade has already begun to melt, dropping to the ground in hot gobs of metal, as the longsword does the same...

"Dammit," The woman scowls, looking at Kail beneath her hood, as Scratchy wanders over to the last slaver, now on his knees with his hands in the air...

((EXP gains at the bottom of my post. Please, from now on in your profiles, use the format for EXP gained as 28/30 (as an example). ))


Kaye uses 6 AP to do a round-house on Kail:
23 + 20 = 43 vs. 32 + 20 = 52 (Miss).

Shiva uses 6 AP to move to D6, attacking the Mercenary:
45 + 21 - 4 = 61 (Autohit); Damage: 11. the slaver at C6 passes dies.

Lily uses 10 AP to move to W6, waiting for the slaver to get close?

Lilliana uses 10 AP to attack the Slaver at Y9:
37 + 17 - 4 = 50 vs. 20 (Hit); Damage: 5 + 5 + 1 = 11. Slaver at Y9 dies.

Aegis uses 20 AP to attack Kail:
38 + 46 - 4 (Autohit); Damage: 5 + 8 + 8 = 21
40 + 46 - 4 (autohit); Damage: 6 + 5 + 3 = 14

Celestia uses Magma, using 40 MP, leaving her with 80.:
17 + 50 = 67 vs. 50 + 20 = 70 (miss).


Everyone gains 10 EXP from the Slavers, and 5 EXP for (kind of) defeating Kail, for a total of 15 EXP.

Some of you have your EXP posted in different ways than others, so I'll allow you to calculate it for now.

If I missed some aptitude, please wait until I'm out of class (10 PM EST) to take care of it. It was hard to focus on these calculations and philosophy at once.

Aptitude Gains:
Lily gains 88 Aptitude in Unarmed (Ero).
Lilliana gains 14 Aptitude in Long Bows.
Aegis gains 40 Aptitude in Long Bows.
Kaye gains 16 Aptitude in Unarmed.
Shiva gains 30 Aptitude in Long Swords.
Lily gains 12 Mind in Metal.
Celestia gains 58 Mind in Metal.
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva folds her arms, and taps her foot impatiently as she waits for the mystic god in the sky that talks to them to award her her experience in Aptitude...
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Breathing in and out deeply, Kaye stands straight and attempts to calm herself after the fight. As she does so she ignores the new arrival, content that the figure had assisted them in the fight against the slavers as proof of the person's good intentions. After one final exhale, Kaye looks over at the surrendering slaver and asks, "What shall we do with this one?"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Having already finished 'absorbing the mystical energies' that allow her to become magically more competent with a bow, Aegis stands around idly, resisting the urge to break the fourth wall to nag a certain..."mystical sky god" to continue the plot, as all the others appear to have finished "adding experience" to their beings.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((The fourth wall is a lie, dammit! Don't give into it! Keep fighting!))

As Kaye addressed the Slaver, he put his hands up even more, almost popping his shoulders from their joints.
"I'm just a Merc! Let me go, I promise, I won't work for a slaver like him again!"

Kail's corpse quickly cooled from the molten metal that had just coursed through his veins, the sword handles stuck in his body. With a disgusted grunt, the woman reaches forward, pulling out both weapons, looking at the useless hunks of metal from beneath her hood.

"Perfect," She said in a cool, intense voice, "These Legends are useless to us now."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily slithers over to the fallen dragonkin and watches over the shoulder of the woman removing the ruined blades from his body. "What jussst happened here? I'm afraid i don't underssstand..." She hisses in a confused tone, eying the molten weapons curiously.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"These are..." She paused, drawing in some air, before holding up the now useless weapons, "...Were Legends, very powerful weapons that were forged from a Champion's soul. They were the life blood my village... Until Kail stole them," The woman said, growling a bit as she stared at the dead Dragonkin.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

After hear the words of the newcomer the victory feels even more empty than before, if Celestia would not have been so affected to seeing a corrupted dragon maybe she would have figth in a better way and this girl would have recover these swords. Feeling bad about situation Celestia decide to take the responsability for her acts
"Sigh... I'm really sorry, it was all my fault. I know than say it will not restore these swords,but i really want to compensate you someway"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"A champion's soul, turned into a simple tool of war?" Shiva asked incredulously, "... I should find myself fortunate that I'm not a champion then, I suppose."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

The woman seemed to take offense at this, pulling off her hood to glare at Shiva. Her skin was extremely pale, but her hair was the exact opposite, dark as the midnight sky; Her emerald eyes burned fiercely at the half-demon, as if the Heroine had just insulted her entire family, and her cat-like ears were pressed against her head in a defiant manner.

"They were not simple! When wielded by someone more than this... this.. Dragon," She said, then gave a small glance to Celestia, not meaning offense to all Dragonkin, "They became something more... They made you stronger, you the knowledge of every warrior who had ever used these weapons." The woman tried to stand up to her full height now, but didn't succeed in gaining more than an inch higher, "That's why they are Legends. They help us, even after death."

And with that, she spun away, looking towards Celestia.
"Thank you for the kind offer," She said, her mood instantly changing, "If, at all possible, some company back to my village would be appreciated."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva took a step towards the woman, no real emotion on her face in response to how the woman took her meaning, as Shiva was more than used to people being hostile towards her at this point in her life. "But, this weapon, this legend was not helping us." she said simply, "And while it may be unkind to say, if this champion was benevolent, it is still a tool of destruction. And such things, such as my very own blade, do not discriminate between good and evil."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Trying to stop this discussion Celestia say to both this Depending of the person is the meaning of a sword. After that she look directly to the new girl and say: I will escort, can you say us more about the situation of your village, please
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

With a sneer at the once boastful, now cowardly slaver, Kaye angrily says to him, "Leave, and pay heed to the words you just spoke. The next group you try to enslave might not be so forgiving." Without further word, she turns to face the newcomer, listening thoughtfully to the conversation already taking place.

After Shiva's second statement, Kaye chooses to interject herself. "Any warrior that would choose to lend such aid to their people at the cost of their very soul is truly a champion of good, and an ally that we shall miss," she says. "How a lesser person might use that sacrifice improperly only diminishes themselves."

Kaye approaches the woman and, clasping her hands and giving a respectful bow, says, "I regret our inability to save your... Legends. An escort to your village would be reasonable." After straightening up, she continues, "However, we are on a journey of great importance and urgency. We cannot stray far from our path."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva shook her head, sighing at her comrade's inability to see the reality of these soul weapons. "You've not long experienced the essence of evil, have you?" she assumed, based on her comrade's insistence, "I have lived with it my whole life, and it pains me to see you view these... Weapons in such light." She gestures at the dragonkin, "This fallen, as he has demonstrated himself, used those blades for wicked purposes against us. Please see that while the hero's soul within them might have been pure, it was used as an instrument of evil by the darkness within it's wielder's heart."

Shiva turned from Kaye, and walked towards the woman, "Count on us, not as tools used for bloodshed, but as living, breathing entities with a will of our own. A will do decide on our own to do what is right, and just. For it is not by the grip of a hilt that we assist you, but by our will to assist those in need." And before she finished, she cast her red, demonic eyes at Kaye,

"Never forget that."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"It is not the weapon we venerate, but the noble soul it contained," Kaye replies, her human eyes narrowing at Shiva's demonic red orbs. The monk, trained to fight evil her whole life, does not find comforting the fact that she travels with a half-demon, but to have it attempt to lecture her on morality is insulting. "Evil comes in many forms. As does good."