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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva shrugs, "And twas the noble souls who chose to become the weapon. Remembering what they were is the most kindness we can do them. However, now, they are... Were, a weapon." she said plainly, before shaking her head, and letting out a deep sigh, her eyes closing shut, "Enough of this, the dark spreads while we remember old heroes not forgotten. Let us make haste to our friend's village, perhaps we may find aid there to help us along."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

The woman looked between the three as they discussed the 'ethics' of the Legends, shaking Celestia's hand. When it all came to a close - or at least, when they fell silent enough for her to speak - she nodded her head to each of them.

"My name is Seira Waterstride... My village is to the Northeast of here, near the Great River. It should take us less than a day to get there... hopefully." She added on.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(What is this, I make one borderline, 4th wall breaking post, and this thread revives? Madness I say! Madness!... Now if only I could think of something to post myself. Cursed writer's block- And ninjaed by Silith.)

After having administered to her wounds from the fight earlier on, Aegis had chose to remain silent and stand to a side. That is, until the person who first bemoaned the loss of the "legends" changed the topic.

"Then should we not be on our way? Best to spend time traveling than debating the finer aspects in regards to morality...At least until we reach some place more secure.
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(We need to vote, but i m in a exam now maybe i write more later)

I vote to help her
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Heh, there aren't any nay sayers. All of us have agreed to help her.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((Except Innocent. But I'll still update.))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana suddenly appears from the bush she had been hiding in. "Yes, yes i agree, lets help her!"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

The decision is made to move to the northeast, escorting Seira back to her village. The trek was uneventful, crossing the plainlands to the village, with Scratchy trying to get the attention of any Heroine for small, inconsequential things, like the muddy ground, or when they passed by a puddle (he liked to point out if it had been formed by magic or natural causes), and how he seemed to be just a few inches taller than most of the high grass... Until he tripped over something on the ground, getting a mouthful of marshland.

"Gah! Helphelp!" He shouted (after spitting out the dirt), "Help!"

"Just leave him be..." Seira seemed to be the most irritated with Scratchy's constant ramblings. She continued on - but Lilliana had doubled back, going to help Scratchy up. The little gnoll jumped up and gave the girl a hug, covering her in mud, before running to catch up with the rest of the group... Before letting out a little scream.

"B-Body! I found a body!" Rushing back, the team finds it is a body - nearly perfectly preserved by and odd, slime film, which Shiva calmly pulled back to reveal a pale-skinned girl, with dark black hair; however, instead of leopard patterns on her ears and tail, she had a tiger pattern. As soon as Seira sees the girl, she puts her hands to her mouth, gasping.

"Make-Ho'ea..." She whispered, "She was supposed to be a lookout from the village in case..." Pausing, she looked up at the Heroines in fear, before turning back in the direction of her village, "Please, we need to hurry there - I'm afraid my people are in danger!"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Wiping the mud of her, Lilliana's eyes suddenly widen as she sees the body. Quickly she readies her bow and starts heading off toward the village.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"Move quickly! We may already be too late!" Shiva announces, following the woman with all haste.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily slithers as quickly as she can with the rest of the group, which thankfully was quite fast, while looking around at their surroundings to see if there were any possible ambushes.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye follows the group silently, until the body is discovered. As soon as Seira turns to head towards the village, Kaye bolts forward behind her.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Celestia also follow the group, prepare for any attack

(i will someone to take care of my character im busy and my pc is in maintenance.Soeey for dont write more)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((It's alright Plmnko. If you want, I can take care of Celestia or have someone else do it.))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((It's alright Plmnko. If you want, I can take care of Celestia or have someone else do it.))

OK, you can take care of her for the next week...
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Please let us make it there in time...Gaia!

Following swiftly behind the others, Aegis had her bow already in hand, in fear of what awaited them at the village...