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Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Penril stayed persistent in his flattery throughout the night right up until having to leave. As he had more drinks, his gazes tended to linger less on her face--as if they were ever there that often to begin with--and more towards her feminine assets. He even gave her a knowing wink when she hinted that she'd drop by, leaving in the brightest of spirits because of the mere suggestion. That, and a combination of being utterly inebriated by that point.


When it was down to just the two of them, Llæwyn found herself subject to Fynn's uncomfortable silence until she finally initiated conversation... with the topic of Penril, no less.

"Huh... you think? I'd say he wanted nothing more than to have you all to himself tonight. Neither me nor the entire pub could hardly believe how shamelessly he went about using the most terrible lines to try to get that to happen. I mean, I'm a bartender, and I don't even think I've heard worse than the things he says to get laid." His voice was elevated just enough to show that he was clearly distressed, though he was visibly annoyed enough to go louder, given the look in his eyes. After a pause that was taken to accept the mug she turned in, he did just that, huffing before, perhaps unintentionally, speaking in an even louder volume. "Even more unbelievable is that you looked about ready to go with him, too! Who really falls for that crap, Llæwyn?! Were you really going to go with him just for THAT?!"

After drying yet another large wooden mug, he set it down on his side of the bar harder than he would have liked, though luckily it held firm. The sound echoed through the establishment, though there was no longer an audience to be shocked by such an outburst other than the one woman in front of him.

Immediately, a look of regret crossed his features, and he bowed his head, shaking it slowly. An empty look settled in his eyes as anger turned to sorrow.

"S... Sorry," said Fynn in a much smaller voice. "I swear, I really haven't been this irrational in a long time... probably longer than I can remember. Maybe it's because I just accepted the favor you asked of me without thinking at all about what could happen." He took a deep breath with downcast eyes, though they eventually moved up to meet hers.

"What happened this morning between us, Llæ... I don't know what it meant to you, but it meant a whole lot to me. More than I'd care to admit. Real unprofessional of me, huh... Though to think that I'd be just another notch on your belt really hurt, considering that we had only done that this morning, not to mention the fact that I want nothing more than to be... well, to be someone more than just a one-time fling to you, too. But I'm not sure if I can handle this--you being with other guys, that is... at least not ones like him. It would be unfair of me, though, and I realize that. I... I'm falling for you, Llæwyn, and as much as I'd like to take it all back, I can't anymore. Not after I behaved like that. I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't doing it for no reason in particular."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

This was… really odd. Llæwyn could feel the silence that built up between her and Fynn acutely, the awkwardness growing slowly but surely until she spoke up. It was very unlike him. When he responded he began to disparage Penril a bit, calling him shameless and deriding his admittedly awful attempts at pickup lines. He seemed almost distraught about it, his voice raised in a way she had never really heard before… and then he got even louder, incredulous that she had seemed interested in the blonde. He practically slammed one of the wooden mugs he was cleaning down on the bar then, the sound loudly echoing through the room, and the green-haired warrior quirked an eyebrow at him. She had never seen the bartender act this way before, not even close… he had it worse than she had suspected.

He quickly apologized for his behavior, eyes fixed on the bar for a while before finally looking Llæwyn in the eyes again. What he said next made her really wish she had held on to her mug so that her hands had something to do, and she began to grind her teeth a little bit as she listened to him. She hadn’t been expecting this… Sure, Fynn seemed jealous. Plenty of guys got jealous though, and they learned to deal with it pretty quickly in general. She had a reputation, after all, and to get involved with her one sort of had to expect that she would continue on in her ways. It was a rare man indeed that was foolish enough to fall in love with the green-haired warrior, and all of them had been rebuked as if they were just being silly. This, though… this was different. Fynn wasn’t just some guy that she went to for quick fucks, he was one of her most genuine friends, and she did feel something for him. She wasn’t sure if she could call it love, wasn’t really sure what it was, but she knew she couldn’t just dismiss him out of hand. Her fingers rapped against the bar gently as she pondered over her reply, another uncomfortable quiet filtering into the room.

"Well, first off" she started, "most men who speak to me would like to have me to themselves at night. It’s just how things are, and I’m used to it. Sure, Penril had awful lines and generally overplayed his hand, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to lash out at him in disgust. It would have taken a lot for him to get me to go back with him tonight, but I’m not going to just tell him to fuck off and be done with him." Llæwyn sighed heavily, still wondering just how to address the bartender’s feelings, fingers nervously rapping. There was silence then besides the tapping of her fingers against the bar unless he intervened, for quite some time too, until finally she spoke up again. "In any case… it was me who didn’t think what could happen, apparently. I didn’t… well, I just didn’t think you would feel that way" she said, consciously stopping herself from rapping her fingers on the bar by clasping her hands together for a while. "You are more to me than just some one-night stand… you’re… I consider you dear to me" she responded quietly, tripping over her words far more than was normal.

"But… I’m not going to change the way I live, not much" Llæwyn continued after a brief pause. "You… you can think and plan reasonably as if you have centuries stretched out ahead of you. Any given day could be my last, Fynn. I’m not thinking about the future, not even a day in advance. I live my life, do my duty, and have my fun wherever I can. I drink and I sleep around and I’m not ashamed of either, nor am I going to settle down, not yet." She paused again, her fingers rapping the bar once, twice more before settling down against it. "You know I’ve never once dated? I never wanted to leave anyone behind." She was rambling now, and she knew it. She also knew that she had royally fucked this up. She ran a hand through her long green hair, looking away for a moment before looking back. "Does that make sense? Am I just crazy? If it’s not apparent you’ve kind of thrown me for a loop here, and I don’t really know what I want to do about this…"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"I... I know. And I've seen as much, with you taking men home before. I should expect as much from someone as beautiful as yourself--and I am really just being honest in saying that," said Fynn. "It never bothered me, too. Well, not until now. To be honest, I didn't think that I'd feel this way either, otherwise I wouldn't have jeopardized our... our friendship like this. I realize I'm acting like a twenty," added the raven-haired elf, his eyes downcast on the bar. A 'twenty' was the popular term for a young elf in their twenties, often known for being reckless or impulsive around that age--the way Maerwyn was. Of course, this type of behavior was anything but typical for the otherwise composed Fynn. "It's not my first time around the block either. I haven't felt this silly about anything in a long while, so, I'm sorry you have to see this side of me." The swordswoman's confession, at least in terms of what the bartender meant to her, caused him to pause. He looked as if he wanted to make an immediate response, but thought better of it, and let her continue until she was finished.

"I see. I'll admit, I've never had to join the ranks of Grenwyll's warriors, and likely never will, unless the draft that the Second Elder wishes to implement is made official. And even if I were to take up a sword, I don't think I could make a career out of fighting. Certainly not in the way you do," said the pale-skinned elf. "So it's probably difficult for me to understand what all of that's like first-hand, even if I have heard many a story from your fellow warriors." He seemed to hesitate before moving on, but forced himself through it. "I think I get it, though. Constantly being reminded of your mortality, each day... I can only imagine. You might think it unfair to anyone you would settle down with. So yes, it does make some sense to me. Though I unfortunately ended up making this heavier than I should. While it does kind of hurt me to see you with others, it's not as if I don't realize that it would be unfair, on my end, to keep you from... well, being you."

After washing and drying off the last of his mugs, he took a deep breath, making eye contact once more. "I know I can't tie you down, Llæwyn, as much as one side of me would want to. And maybe this is just easier for me to say, but being that aware of your mortality is no reason to give up on hope for the future, or to avoid the emotional intimacy that you clearly deserve. If... you ever need to feel loved, to be held, or just to know that someone here in Grenwyll would give absolutely anything to have you back, just know that I already feel that way about you. I'd offer to just be a good bartender, as an alternative, but I think I've already crossed the line with that... haven't I?"
He put on an ironic, yet hopeful smile.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn listened to what Fynn had to say quietly, eyes still focused on him as he replied during her little pause. It was welcome, considering that the alternative was awkward silence. She couldn’t help but grin a tiny bit when he called himself a twenty, thinking over a response. She didn’t know his exact age, but she was quite certain that he was no less than fifty or so years her senior, and had no doubt that he had “been around the block” a fair few times before. In a way it was flattering that she had someone like him so flustered. Still, once he had finished she said her piece and waited for his response a bit anxiously. The green-haired warrior flinched just a tad when the bartender brought up the idea of the draft, thinking of Maerwyn. If a young woman who had volunteered to serve couldn’t handle it mentally, how would a normal person like Fynn? Or Penril? People who didn’t ask to be thrown into battle, and didn’t want to. Surely only bad could come from that.

What he said after that made her raise an eyebrow reflexively. Just what was he suggesting here? She clasped her fingers together, squeezing them together to keep herself from making obnoxious, distracting noises with them. It sounded like he was agreeing with her, telling her that he wouldn’t try to stop her from sleeping around, but at the same time… Fynn made eye contact with her again, and she could swear that he was suggesting they have a relationship despite that. Which was… highly irregular. Llæwyn would never have asked such a thing of anyone, it not only bucked tradition in a way that would get the other person quite the funny looks and jabs behind their back, it wouldn’t have been a fair thing to ask. There was a long pause, an uncomfortable silence… The bartender had caught her off guard with that one. "Well… I’m not quite sure what I’m hearing here" she said after a while, fidgeting a bit in her seat. She was never this nervous in these sorts of situations… "If I’m hearing you right, you’re suggesting that the two of us ought to be an item, but you’d let me run around on you?" She sat back in the barstool, looking at him pensively. "That’s hardly a fair arrangement, I think, and not just because I might not come back from a mission. Everyone will look at you cross-eyed and sideways if they find out, like you’re a little bitch."

Llæwyn leaned forward again then, elbows resting on the bar. "I can’t just give you the short end of every stick. I wouldn’t even know what to do anyway. I don’t know how dating works. Would we even date?" she asked, before finally running a hand through her long green hair and letting out a heavy sigh. "I think you’re asking for something that no elf really has the stomach for. You say you want it now, standing there at the bar… will you still want it when you lie alone in bed at night? When you know I’m off fucking someone else?" She doubted it, but she was sure he would say that he could handle it… Provided he didn’t completely about-face she would say "you’re going to have to give me some time to think this one over," not wanting to rush a decision that no doubt ranked among the most important she had made thus far in her life. She didn’t exactly rush to get up either, though… she was interested to see if he would offer to take her up to his room, though even that she wasn’t sure how she would react to.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"I... well, simply put, yes," said Fynn, frowning slightly, though he looked to continue his appeal to her despite having caught the warrior's somewhat skeptical tone. "And really, it doesn't matter what the others think, especially if they don't find out. I've lived here for long enough, and it's not as if either of us would be sent to Coralynth for such an offense if word did get out." While the raven-haired barkeep sounded all too confident in this, Llæwyn might not be as optimistic, given what had been established so far. Of course, the esteemed swordswoman herself was too much of an asset to Grenwyll to be deported so easily, even with her deviant bedroom habits. But Fynn, while a valuable asset, might not be treated quite as well. The Third was said to be fond of him, but certainly not the Second.

He seemed to take her less than polite terminology in stride, with a degree of indifference to what he might be called or thought of by others. "Besides, it wouldn't be for them anyway. It'd be for you and I... well, us. If it's indeed something you want. I--" He paused when Llæwyn brought up her hypothetical scenario, looking none too comfortable with her method of describing the situation. Instead of sulk over it this time around, however, he pushed through it with a somewhat hopeful look. "I honestly can't answer that so easily, either, but all I know is that it's become harder than I thought it would to keep things the way they were. Perhaps it doesn't need to be anything official, but I'd like for you to spend more time with me too, and can only really hope that you'd want to do the same."

Finally, he finished his cleanup duties with the tavern, and looked about ready to close up. However, the friendly tone in which he spoke didn't indicate that he was in a hurry to see her go, either. "I don't know what you've done, Llæ... but it's working. I'll admit, you've got me hooked. So, at the risk of making myself sound foolish again, you did say it was the best you've ever had... so, honestly, you really don't have to go too far to find it again. I'll just leave it at that." While mildly ambiguous to some, it was the closest Fynn would get to an offer at this hour, given the mood. From there, Llæwyn could take him up on it, or opt to head home for the night and prepare for the next day to come.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn grinned a little when Fynn said something about no one finding out about their relationship. That was sort of a naïve thing to say, given the nature of the village. "Word travels fast around here" she said, "and I don’t know how the Elders would react to news that you were behaving abnormally. You know the Second isn’t fond of you, right? Like, obviously so. You probably should be careful not to give him an excuse." If this weren’t a serious situation the way he was acting would probably be kind of funny. Her comments later on seemed to give him pause, the bartender looking a bit distressed by the way she had put the situations he’d find himself in if they went through with the arrangement he seemed to prefer, but he rebounded fairly quickly. "I’ve already said that I’d love to spend more time with you" she replied, "even if we don’t ‘date’ per se."

There was a little bit of time before the bartender finished cleaning up for the day, but before long everything seemed ready for him to close up shop for the night. He didn’t exactly rush the green-haired warrior out, though. Even if he was a bit roundabout with his offer, Llæwyn recognized it for what it was without trouble, and she rapped the fingers of her right hand against the bar once before saying "Hooked after one morning, eh? If you figure out what it is, tell me. I don’t need to be having that effect on too many people" and sticking her tongue out playfully. "Still, it’s awful late, and it’s an awful long walk to my place. I think I might just stick around here for tonight. Got room for me?" She was being roundabout herself, but as she got up from her stool she reached out for his hand, grinning.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"I'm aware," responded Fynn with a shrug at Llæwyn's mention of the Second. "Then again, he's never been the most agreeable of Elders, particularly to those who don't fit his standards of what an elven male should be--which, sadly, includes the Fourth and probably the First himself. I'm sure if he had it his way, everyone would be as just much of a blowhard as he is," added the barkeep with a chuckle to show that he wasn't terribly concerned with the militaristic leader's opinion of him.

But the topic of relations between the two was far more interesting than that of the Second Elder's preferences, as were most subjects, at least to the dark-haired bartender. His expression lightened noticeably after the woman took on a more casual edge in her speech, and before long it was back to the Fynn she knew. "I'll be sure to, but I might be a little biased as far as views go," he replied with the same amount of playfulness after she stuck her tongue out at him.

He still gave her a skeptical grin when she mentioned it being a long walk back to her place, as it certainly wasn't, especially when compared to the trek that Llæwyn made many mornings to the First's residence in order to receive briefings and missions for the day. Luckily for her, she had only a short patrol to cover in the afternoon tomorrow, as far as her schedule was concerned, making it the perfect time to relax for the night. One certainly couldn't say that the swordswoman didn't earn it, especially after the events of the past several days, which were anything but typical of a week for one of the village's finest warriors.

"Hmm, I suppose I can provide you with one," he replied, taking her suggestion for what it was. After washing his hands, he patted them dry onto a small towel kept at his apron, and walked around the bar to where Llæwyn sat. Taking her outstretched hand in his, he gently pulled her closer to him and into a warm, yet firm embrace, providing the girl with the kind of apology that was best left wordless. After making just enough distance for them to be face to face, he then leaned in, allowing his lips to hover near hers, feeling his way about her mood. If she proved receptive, he'd close the gap, meeting her in a kiss that did its part in getting Llæwyn's blood flowing, as well as his own.

From the degree of passion and care that Fynn put into the simple gesture, the swordswoman could tell that he had needed this for quite some time, despite it only having been a day's events since they first shared such displays of affection. Given the way he deepened it, with his hands wandering to her sides and his lips parting to allow his tongue to meet hers, things could get heated quite easily should Llæwyn allow them to.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

"Yes, he’s a bit… odd. Between you and me I don’t much care for him. He seems to think I’m a bumbling idiot because I haven’t got a dick" Llæwyn replied, shrugging a little bit. "He’s one to be careful about regardless." That was more or less the end of that conversation though, and thankfully her joking around had Fynn in a better, more normal mood. He didn’t seem to be buying her excuse that it was a long way to walk home, but it was a thin excuse that was obviously not meant to be taken very seriously. She had a very sparse day scheduled tomorrow, and it was an afternoon shift at that, so if she had wanted she could surely take her time getting back home tomorrow. She did want to stop off and see that Maerwyn was alright, but in the state she had left the girl she probably wouldn’t be welcome early in the morning anyway. The green-haired elf was rather looking forward to spending a lazy morning in bed. Or maybe a not so lazy morning…

When Llæwyn asked for a room Fynn told her she could have one, continuing the slight little charade they had going for a while as he put the finishing touches on the cleaning job and washed his hands. He walked around in front of the counter then and took the hand she offered, helping her out of her stool into a tight hug. She likewise wrapped her arms around him, giving him a gentle squeeze in return, a silent acceptance of his apology. Soon enough he pulled back just enough to lean towards her, close enough that they could feel each others’ breath, and Llæwyn’s body language would quite clearly tell the bartender that she was ready for him to progress things. The way he kissed her made the green-haired warrior grin a little inwardly; he had been thinking about this moment all day, she could tell. It was both flattering and a little bit scary given the situation. She returned the gesture in equal measure, her arms moving a bit lower to cling around the small of his back as the two deepened the kiss together, tongues intertwining as she hugged him a little tighter to her… there was no need to rush, though, and she was content to let things build naturally.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

If there was one good thing about Fynn, it was that he managed the pace just right when it came to kissing. Other elven males were often either too aggressive or too timid, either giving Llæwyn little room to get a movement in edgewise or giving her too much space to where they felt distant and she'd have to do most of the work herself. Not so with the bartender, who matched the movements of her tongue and lips, allowing the warmth between them to escalate gradually. He treated her mouth with the same care he did any other part of her body--as if it were something to be treasured. In hindsight, perhaps it was his apparent fixation with the swordswoman that allowed him to perform in such a way.

He was not to let the progression stagnate at such a point, however, and his apparent arousal went up in sync with hers. Before long, both would find themselves turned on while pressed tightly against each other in the warm embrace. His hands slipped beneath her clothes, caressing her sensitive skin underneath, only to navigate their way to her erogenous zones. She felt his finger press up against her lower lips, then stroke back and forth, conjuring more wetness from her crevice and spreading it all about. Of course, Llæwyn's own hands were free to return a similar favor if she so desired. The elven beauty knew that if she allowed the barkeep to have his way, it was all too likely that they'd end up doing it on one of the bar's tables. She felt Fynn's attentions come upon her chest next, and while it was difficult to resist him at this point, she still maintained a degree of control over where it would all happen next.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn was coming to realize pretty quickly that the bartender was one of the best kissers she had ever been with. That didn’t necessarily say a lot in terms of skill, but in terms of numbers he was certainly ahead of a fair few people. Most of the men she had been with were either far too eager and aggressive, or way, way too timid. These types had their times and places, of course, and sometimes it was fun to be with a timid little virgin, but for it seemed like all the time. With Fynn, though, he seemed to know just how to treat her, how to keep up without dominating. It was times like this that reminded her just how poor the usual fare was. She could feel his passion in every kiss, in the way he moved to hold her tight. That was certainly quite different from the norm, from the pure lust that led many to progress things along as quickly as possible to get to the point where they were inside of her.

Indeed, Fynn seemed to know just how fast to move their encounter along, either because he happened to be feeling just as Llæwyn was or because he was good at reading her desires. Soon enough she felt his hands creep down beneath her skirt, gently rubbing at her hips and outer thighs for a bit before they slowly moved to her crotch. She let out a soft coo of pleasure as he teased her slit, her own hands maneuvering their way into his pants to grope his rear and push their lower bodies together. He seemed none to interested in pausing the action to take a walk upstairs, and the green-haired warrior wasn’t about to stop either. Of all the places she’d had sex before, she’d never done it sprawled out on one of the tavern’s tables or the bar itself, and it had a certain attraction of novelty to it. Besides that she was damn horny, and if Fynn wanted to take her out here that was just fine.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

As expected, there was no rush from Fynn despite the passion that could be felt coming from him as he continued his careful and focused ministrations to Llæwyn's womanly assets. He pulled his lips away from hers for just a moment in order to catch his breath, audibly panting a few times only to dive right back into the show of affection. But despite how much the elven swordswoman might have enjoyed the bartender's kisses, she wasn't allowed to remain sated on them alone for too long as she felt one of his digits slide up into her, venturing deeper into her most intimate areas. The generous wetness that leaked forth from her flower made the process that much easier, though her lower canal was still narrow enough to engulf Fynn's middle finger completely.

He began to shift his entire arm back and forth as a second digit joined the first in exploring Llæ's depths, letting her indulge in the amazing sensations brought about by his manual services, with waves of pleasure traveling up and down her spine. She would then feel the exact moment the pads of his fingers touched down upon the textured surface of her g-spot, and from there he applied steady pressure on one of Llæwyn's most sensitive 'switches' while grinding upon it, making it even harder for her to stay quiet. It was only one of many steps he took to ensure her journey towards bliss, as before long his thumb settled upon her clit and began to drive her wild with firm, circular motions.

Laying her back on the table so that her legs hung off the side, he slowly pulled his other hand away from the task of kneading her breasts, and it soon went to work in undressing the warrior, pulling her skirt up and her panties down so that there would be more room for him to work. Without her underwear in the way, she felt the movements of his wrist quickening, jilling her off towards a more familiar rhythm--one that Llæwyn was more accustomed to when pleasuring herself in the hopes of achieving climax. Unless the green-haired beauty made a conscious attempt to, she would find herself speeding towards the beginning of an orgasm soon enough, especially after finding that she could let it all go without needing to worry about falling flat on her back, with the support of the wooden table just beneath her.

Even then, Fynn was constantly searching for and finding new spots by which to tease her, and would start exploring from her collarbone to her navel with his tongue, taking care to tend to all the places in between. He'd nip at the underside of her breast before tickling the very tip of each nipple with his mouth, keeping whichever was unattended busy with feather-light brushes from his free hand. Still, he'd make sure not to let any of those sensations overpower the most intense one that was building up down below, and he appeared content to let her cum for the first time tonight just like that, not stopping until the elven beauty either urged him to or was clearly finished and ready to move on to the next phase.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Fynn continued to progress things along slowly but surely, soon enough adding a new sensation to the mix as he kissed Llæwyn, dispensing with merely stroking her sex and instead inserting his middle finger slowly into it. She let out a soft moan into his lips as he started to pump it into her, slowly allowing him to take control of the encounter. She hadn’t really planned on doing so from the beginning, but the bartender seemed comfortable in that role, and he was pretty good at it too… so it was fine by her, even more so when he found her g-spot, his finger gently pressing down and rubbing up and down against it. The green-haired elf let out a much louder moan then, her legs quivering a little bit. How many times had he practiced this sort of thing to get it so right now? By the time he helped her back onto the table she had backed up against she was starting to need the support, his thumb stroking her clit and adding to the sensations even more.

Before long Fynn had her skirt pushed up and her panties tugged down and off her legs, letting her kick them off onto the floor. It gave him the full range of motion now, and he took advantage of it to quicken his pace, moving as if he wanted to make her cum there on the table. Llæwyn was just fine with that, and she allowed herself to relax into his attentions as he slowly slid her shirt up her body, moving her arms to allow him to slip it easily up and off her. Once she was mostly nude the bartender began to tenderly kiss and lick his way up from her bellybutton all the way to the base of her neck, teasing her to go along with the way he was fingering her so vigorously. The green-haired elf moaned out and squirmed slightly on the table as she hooked her legs around it, hands gripping the edge behind her head to steady herself, puffing out her chest to give her partner easier access to her breasts. He used it well, teasing at the sensitive flesh with deft fingers and little nips and suckles with his mouth. The totality of the sensations quickly built her towards her climax, and she writhed about as she let it wash over her. It wasn’t long at all before she cried out and arched her back further, hips bucking up into the bartender’s palm as she came. After she had ridden out her orgasm she was ready to move on, somewhat eager to feel him inside her again.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Fynn allowed Llæwyn to ride out the better part of her orgasm, proving almost tireless in his efforts to please her as he drove his digit in and out of her depths. His hand continued to move back and forth at the same consistent rate as she soaked it in her juices, one spurt at a time. Even then, he didn't slow down until she was completely finished, ensuring a most satisfying climax for the green-haired elf. All the while, he remained close enough for her to cling to tightly, if she needed to, and when she came down from her peak, Llæwyn felt several of Fynn's soft, inviting kisses upon her lips, bringing her a sense of comfort and warmth even after the fact. But for the elven female, experiencing such an orgasm was far from the end; it was only the beginning, like an 'on' switch for her libido.

Naturally, the aftermath left her cunny sopping wet with her own juices, giving way to the next stage of their session. While continuing the sensual exchange of small caresses between his lips and those of Llæwyn's, Fynn lined the tip of his manhood up carefully with her glistening crevice. He didn't rush, but instead took it gradually, easing himself into her slowly, in rhythm with subtle swaying motions and penetrating her in such a way that his entry could be savored by either party. A jolt of pleasure would be felt shared between the two of them when he slid in as far as he could go, and he took a deep breath before drawing back and thrusting in more firmly. When he hilted himself again, several more ripples of ecstasy traveled throughout Llæwyn's system, starting from her core and spreading to her extremities shortly afterwards. While her legs already felt weak thanks to the first time he made her cum, she didn't have to use them in this position, leaving the elven beauty to enjoy the feelings of sexual bliss as her devoted lover went to work.

The generous accumulation of Llæwyn's juices from her partner's skilled foreplay made their coupling a smooth and pleasurable experience for both of them. Fynn panted softly as he began to pump in and out of her, and his soft breaths brushed against the sensitive tip of her right ear. His body tensed and relaxed in a rhythm against hers, the skin to skin contact providing a feeling of intimacy rarely felt with some other partners. However, while he was moving at a fairly steady pace, it wasn't necessarily the hardest or roughest of sessions that the swordswoman had engaged in, though she could always seek to encourage him to do so if she was so inclined to take more of a pounding. If she said nothing, he'd continue, only to speed up several minutes later to show that he was ready to take her there again.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Fynn kept up his skilled foreplay throughout Llæwyn’s orgasm, pumping his fingers steadily into her as she squirmed on the table in front of him, clutching at its sides. He did a good job of bringing her down slowly, his gentle kisses causing her eyes to flutter open, gazing into his with the most lustful of looks. While she didn’t necessarily want him to rush things, she was used to more… frantic encounters, and she most certainly wanted him inside of her soon. He was good with his hands, sure, but she needed more than that to come out satisfied. She moaned out as he slowly eased in and out, rocking in a gentle rhythm that saw him push himself inch by inch into her soaking sex, until finally he hilted himself. It was like electricity running through the green-haired warrior’s body with each little thrust, but especially with the last. For a moment her knees knocked inward, squeezing slightly against the bartender’s hips before she let herself relax again, legs hooking around the edges of the table once more.

From there Fynn picked up his pace, leaning against Llæwyn as he began to thrust steadily into her. She could feel his breath hot against one of her pointed ears, the warmth of his body against hers, and she wrapped her arms around him to pull him closer. Soon enough she began to buck her hips to meet his, not content to lay back and take it, matching his rhythm. As with before it was a much different experience than she was used to, less rough and frantic, more intimate. Considering the bartender’s feelings for her it only made sense, and if she had been in the mood to think about such things she would have likely considered if it were really fair to him to carry on like this. She was not in such a mood. She welcomed his speeding up, moaning out softly as she matched him, approaching a second peak steadily.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Nnnhh," groaned Fynn as his green-haired partner rocked her hips back against his to answer his thrusts, showing that despite the stamina he had displayed from their previous encounter, he was still far from immune to her attempts to return the pleasurable favor. Eventually the barkeep's smooth, rolling motions soon transitioned to a quicker, more direct rhythm. Leaning down and pressing himself into her, he went on to claim another kiss from her as he sped up, causing the table to creak steadily. Even with the increase in tempo, Fynn was still noticeably less 'wild' than her previous lovers, showing that he sought to savor the experience as much as possible. After all, while Llæwyn was no stranger to flirtation with handsome strangers, nor even the most casual of flings with them, none of that mattered tonight. Tonight, she was all his, and Fynn gave no small amount of effort in showing her how much he valued that by happily providing all of himself in return.

It was difficult for Llæwyn, riding the waves of pleasure made even more intense by her relatively recent orgasm, to tell exactly how long they had been coupling in that position. But their sweat had left their bodies with a shared sheen, and dampened the tabletop. The warrior's hair clung to the sides of her face as she lay writhing beneath her dark-haired partner. Likewise, Fynn's frame felt somewhat strained from what was apparently no small amount of time savoring her body.

"Hahh... Llæwyn," he panted just as their lips parted momentarily, his breaths growing ragged as he plunged yet deeper inside of her. It had been difficult to tell how long they had been joined in that position, but it soon became clear to the swordswoman that her lover had reached that point where he would not stop, either due to a desire to help her along to her next climax or perhaps because of an approaching orgasm of his own. It was then that the green-haired beauty found her next peak, thanks to the brisk, rhythmic movements of the one coupled with her. Llæwyn felt the tremors erupt from deep within herself this time around, as opposed to the 'external' orgasm brought on from his manual services just minutes before. While she couldn't say the last one wasn't pleasurable, this time around it was deep, utterly fulfilling. The swordswoman's sense of balance was thrown into a full tumble as it became literally impossible to focus on anything but the ecstasy claiming her senses.

She wasn't to go alone. The sharp spasming of the elven beauty's lower canal earned a cry of sheer bliss from the one atop her, and Fynn tensed up in turn, his grip on her shoulders tightening as he found himself unable to hold off his own impending climax any longer. He drove himself into her once again, holding her tightly against him as he finally came, granting Llæwyn the familiar yet always enjoyable sensation of his warm seed touching down upon her slick interior. At the end of another stroke came a second hot burst, then a third, and still several more after that. Each was accompanied with a defined throb of the raven-haired one's member, which Llæwyn felt all too well as her inner walls were coated in his gift. Shivers traveled up and down the warrior's spine as she felt tingles all throughout. Meanwhile, Fynn entered a similar state, lost in pleasure as he instinctively worked to give her all that he could. He eventually slowed down to a stop, but only once the both of them were completely spent and thoroughly exhausted from the heated session.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn continued to match each of Fynn’s thrusts with a buck of her hips as he sped up his motions, the two of them soon finding a rhythm together. The table began to creak and groan beneath them as time seemed to fade into the distance, completely unimportant. The moment would last as long as it lasted, for the two of them to share. Despite that he sped up, there wasn’t the sort of frantic quickness to their coupling that often came with the more casual couplings the green-haired warrior was used to, the sense of two animals desperate for pleasure and lost in instinct. No, there was a deliberate air to the act, the feeling that her partner was trying his best to savor the moments they shared together, to make their coupling last. He was doing a pretty good job, too…

The bartender leaned down to kiss Llæwyn once more, and now she wrapped her arms around him and didn’t let go. The heat of their bodies seemed to fill the room, their bodies glistening with the sweat of their exertion. She could feel him nearing the finish line just as she was, his breathing ragged and somewhat labored as he pushed himself to take her deeper, just a bit faster… The warmth was building in her core and spreading throughout, little tremors of pleasure running through her to the tips of her extremities. Her legs felt weak and wobbly, but she quickly wrapped them around Fynn’s waist and gave him a squeeze inward at the end of each thrust, forcing him deeper as she bucked her hips to meet his. Even had he wanted to stop she wouldn’t have allowed it, not when she was so close… the green-haired elf kissed him hungrily, their lips locked together in passion, muffling some of the noises of pleasure they made together.

It wasn’t too long before those rhythmic motions finally took their toll, Llæwyn’s orgasm welling up from the depths of her core. Her body shook as she cried out, legs squeezing her partner in against her body as tightly as she could manage, the deliberate bucking of her hips devolving into more wild and incoherent movements. She lost all sense as her inner walls clamped and squeezed around Fynn’s cock as if to milk it, squirming against the slickened table. Her earlier climax had been nice to be sure, but this was what she was looking for; the sort of feeling that washed away all others, all worries and cares, the kind that would leave her quite thoroughly satisfied. She wasn’t the only one; her orgasm seemed to set off the bartender’s, and she soon felt the familiar and wonderful feeling of warmth spraying into her, his cock throbbing as he continued to thrust. The two of them writhed together in their bliss, still bucking and thrusting with abandon, riding out their mutual peak.

By the time Fynn had ceased his motions Llæwyn felt exhausted, her body totally ready for sleep. She could still feel the tingles of pleasure running throughout her as she held her partner close, arms and legs still wrapped around him as she enjoyed the sensation of their sticky bodies pressed tightly together, the warmth both without and within as he still filled her… It took a while for her breathing to return to normal, and she had to admit that she could get used to this. She had been with a lot of men, but few were as good as Fynn. She was content to lay there for some time, basking in her afterglow, and really she sort of wished they were already in bed together so that she could just let herself drift off to sleep. "Nnnnf… you know how to make a girl feel weak in the knees" she whispered into his ear after a bit, slowly unwinding her legs and letting them dangle off the table again. "What say you we drag ourselves up to bed?"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Despite her position on the bottom, Llæwyn still felt a high degree of control over her partner as every shift of her hips and squeeze of her cunny caused him to express the bliss she gifted him in earnest. "Ohhh... L-Llae... hnn! Hahh... NNN! Ohhh! Nnngh!" The raven-haired elf held nothing back, his entire frame quivering towards the end of every thrust as he too lost himself in the moment, enjoying their shared climax for as long as possible.

Even if Fynn had wanted to pull back, Llæwyn wouldn't allow him to do so, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, and so he gave into the pleasure completely. Another shared cry between the two and the session wound down to an end, leaving the two of them sweaty and thoroughly spent--but in a good way. In spite of the recent troubles they had earlier that night, it was difficult for the green-haired beauty to deny that the barkeep did know how to make her feel good.

"And I can say that I've never had anyone quite as good as you," replied Fynn, slowly pulling away from her, but maintaining a grasp on her hand nonetheless. With it, he helped her to her feet and slung one of her arms over his neck, wrapping one of his own around her waist in turn. "Sounds like a good idea," he agreed, before turning his sights towards the set of stairs that would take them to a place they could find some well-earned rest. Both of them felt the soreness slowly creep in, which made the trek up the steps to the bedroom much harder than it usually was. Halfway up, Llæwyn's legs wobbled, as did her partner's, making the two appear like drunks trying to guide each other.

However, the well-crafted wooden rails of the staircase provided just enough support to see them all the way through to their destination. When they arrived upon the cushy bed, Llæwyn was free to flop onto it, feeling a slight wave of relief for her now aching muscles. Fynn was no different in his state; he had kept up with her marveously despite being somewhat less fit than the accomplished warrior, but this was his limit.

Collapsing next to her, he welcomed her in a loving embrace, pulling one of the sheets over them, though the shared body heat was enough to keep both warm if Llæwyn was so inclined to snuggle. Kissing her one last time, he gave her a weak smile. Few of the other males that she had shared a bed with were quite as keen to be so close to her afterwards, but it seemed to be one of Fynn's favorite parts as he curled up next to her.

But even if she was in the mood for pillow talk, it wouldn't last very long at all. A deep sleep found the weary couple soon enough, and Llæwyn enjoyed a peaceful slumber. Even if she did wake up in the middle of the night, it became difficult to keep track of time as Fynn's warm body provided a reason for her to go right back to sleep and indulge in the feeling of shared coziness. While most warriors were disciplined enough to get up in the morning, her partner made it that much harder to, thanks to his caring embrace.

By the time Llæwyn opened her eyes and managed to keep them that way, it was already bright outside. Very bright--if she had to guess, it was perhaps around noon, if not slightly past that. Furthermore, she arose with a dull headache and sore muscles, making sitting up a strangely more difficult task than usual. It appeared that the fatigue from the night before hadn't quite left her, despite the relatively peaceful slumber she enjoyed. Finally, she noticed a hint of nausea bugging her from within, even if she wasn't quite ready to throw up just yet. A look beside her would reveal that Fynn was still sound asleep.

Gain 4 exp from the day's events. Also, you can spend your EXP now if you wish.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn let out a quiet chuckle as the bartender told her that he’d never had anyone as good as her; she wasn’t certain just how much that said. While she had no doubts he was experienced, she did have her doubts as to just how good the average elven woman was in bed given the general experience level she’d encountered. By now she allowed him to pull away from her, taking his hand and slowly making her way to her feet as he helped to tug her up. She could already tell that she was going to be sore and weak in the legs, which was fairly rare for her. It was the mark of truly good sex, the sort that didn’t come around all the time. Fynn wrapped an arm around her waist, draping one of hers over his shoulder, the two leaning on each other alike as they began to walk towards the stairs. It was actually sort of difficult, especially getting up them, and halfway up both their legs wobbled tremendously. If they had been dressed an observer might have mistaken them for a couple of drinking buddies, stumbling around after a night of partying. "Hoo… feel that burn?" she asked with another chuckle, taking a moment to steady herself against both him and the wooden railing.

At the end of what was seemingly a longer journey than it should have been the two reached Fynn’s room, and more importantly his bed. Llæwyn turned and allowed herself to flop down onto it on her back, finding it almost as cushy as her own back home. Not quite, of course… she had sprung for the absolute best. Soon enough the bartender was laying next to her, pulling a soft sheet over the two of them as he pulled her close. It wasn’t often that a man wanted to cuddle to the degree that he seemed to. Most of the green-haired elf’s experience was, of course, with quick fucks that were meaningless to both parties beyond the pleasure they could derive from them. It made little sense to be affectionate in situations like that, and probably only muddied things unnecessarily. Still, it was a pleasant sensation, and she laid her head on the pillow facing him, hands lightly resting on his chest as she relaxed in their shared warmth. He kissed her again, one last time before sleep, and she grinned at him as she settled in to sleep. The two were still covered in a thin sheen of drying sweat, the smell hanging about them… it was a smell the warrior had come to enjoy, odd or not.

There was little point in talking in a situation like this, when both of them were tired and basking. It only took a matter of minutes for Llæwyn to drift off to sleep, a pleasant and deep one. If she wasn’t careful she was going to get a little too used to this sort of sleep. She woke up bright and early as usual, but she had nowhere to be, and the bed was nice and warm… as was her partner. Besides that, she felt just a little odd. She didn’t bother to open her eyes, she just nuzzled against Fynn’s chest and let herself fall asleep once more, perfectly content to do so in his embrace off and on for quite a few more hours. It was a rare treat, to be able to lay in bed like this for much of the day, and she took advantage of it until it became too bright for her to fall asleep again even with everything stacked in favor of doing so. Judging from the light it was probably around noon, a remarkable time to sleep in to for a day she wasn’t hung over.

Of course, the green-haired elf felt almost like she had a mild hangover. She had a dull headache, noticeable but not too bad, and she felt ever so slightly nauseous and sore. There was no reason for that, it didn’t make sense… until she thought about it for a moment. In addition to being quite a good fuck it seemed that Fynn was fairly virile as well. She would have to take care of that later… for now her attention turned back to him, still sleeping peacefully. Did he normally sleep this late, or was it just because he had been cuddling with a woman all night and all morning? She grinned as she watched him sleep for a moment, wondering if she should wake him up, and if so, how. It didn’t take her much time to decide on a course of action, one she sometimes took if a partner had been good the night before and had stuck around until morning. Slowly she slipped down under the sheet that covered them, taking care not to make much unnecessary movement, until she was face to face with the bartender’s crotch. He wasn’t hard just yet, but from personal experience it wouldn’t be difficult to make him so… slowly, very gently, she grabbed the base of his cock, leaning in to lap at the tip. She didn’t want him to wake up if she could help it, not just yet. Her intention was to get him erect while he slept, and wake him up with her lips wrapped around his shaft, her tongue gently swirling around his tip…

Spend 8 exp on Hard to Hit, 4 exp on Body
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Pregnant

Despite the weakening pain gently throbbing in her head and muscles, Llæwyn did her best to ignore the symptoms, and instead looked to treat her most recent lover to a somewhat lewd wake-up call, or perhaps a treat to fulfill her own libido. As she slipped beneath the sheets, she would feel the bartender stir just slightly... only to remain fairly still again afterwards.

So far, so good.

As Fynn hadn't bothered to dress himself before falling asleep the night before, Llæwyn would find his member within easy reach, but only half-erect in his current state. His scent filled her nostrils as she brought her face ever closer to his crotch, but that didn't deter the green-haired elf as she reached forward to take his manhood into her grip.

But that was only the beginning of the process for her. She would be using much more than her hands to get him going. Llæwyn soon employed her tongue to join in on her efforts to make the unsuspecting elf rise. Despite the barkeep's apparent unconsciousness, a short while of steady licking upon the tip of his cock would have his body simply react on its own. It was a familiar feeling for her--but likely not for Fynn, unless he was just a heavy sleeper. Slowly, but surely, she felt his rod hardening one quick pulse at a time.

The warrior could take her time if she pleased, but given the state that her partner was in, any degree of sustained stimulation would soon result in a fully erect shaft within her grip. Her skilled tonguework earned Llæwyn a bead of his precum, and yet another should she choose to have a taste of the first.

It certainly wasn't the sort of thing that the rather promiscuous elven beauty could get away with on other warriors. Their instincts were more often than not sharpened through daily training, enough so to the point where any physical attempt to rouse them would inevitably result in them waking with blade drawn or fist clenched.

But not Fynn. He had lived a civilian's life, one free from strife and the need to stay alert, and this was made quite evident by the fact that Llæwyn had managed to work him with her mouth to the point of complete arousal and then some without him coming to.

However, he could only take so much, especially when she decided to take it further by engulfing the sensitive rod in her mouth completely. Llæwyn heard a soft groan coming from her lover as he finally came to. A short gasp followed, and Fynn yanked the covers back swiftly to reveal a most welcome sight; that of the village's strongest swordswoman, completely nude, pleasuring him orally. It was an image that some men in Grenwyll could only fantasize about.

An inadvertent sigh of pleasure followed as he tried to form a coherent response. "Nnnh... a-ah, Llæwyn," grunted the bartender, his hips moving up slightly on their own. "Uuuhhh... hahh, hahh, ohhhh! Ah... nngh, I-I... wait," he pleaded with her, reaching forward to grasp her shoulder or hand, whichever was available. His cock twitched on its own, nudging the roof of her mouth as he began to pant softly. But whether or not Llæwyn chose to grant Fynn's request to hear him out was up to her. Her experience told her that he was close; if she kept going, it was practically guaranteed that the dark-haired elf would cum within the next few seconds. Alternatively, she could slow down and take it easy on him to see if he had anything meaningful to say.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Everything went according to Llæwyn’s plan, her motions gentle enough that she didn’t wake the sleeping bartender, but quite effective at teasing his cock hard. She wasn’t terribly interested in taking things slowly, not at this stage at least, so it didn’t take long to get him fully erect. She paused for a moment to give him a look, watching as a little bead of precum formed at his tip before gingerly lapping it up, grinning as it was soon replaced by a second. It was a lovely taste, one she hadn’t gotten to savor in a while. Well, there was the tanglevine, but that had been different… She was almost amused at how easy this was. Only a select few received this sort of treatment from the green-haired elf, and she had quickly learned that some of those few were quite a bit too alert for it, and too paranoid besides. Fynn was a lucky one, in more ways than one. Civilians really lived the life.

Llæwyn made a few teasing licks to the tip of her partner’s cock, sampling just a bit more of that precum before she judged that he was close to wakefulness… Slowly and carefully she wrapped her lips around his shaft, and then she dispensed with the light teasing. Her tongue began to work in earnest, lapping firmly at the underside of his tip until she heard him groan out, finally waking up. As he gasped and pulled the covers away to reveal her she began to swirl it around the head of his member, paying him little mind for the moment. It was pretty clear that he was enjoying himself already, and as she began to gently bob her head his hips bucked ever so slightly in an involuntary motion, cock twitching in her mouth. He began to object, asking her to wait as he grabbed onto her shoulder… she wondered just what he wanted her to wait for in a situation like this. She did pause, pulling her lips back to the very tip and ceasing her motions as she put on her very best, most innocent-looking face to look up at him with; for whatever reason guys seemed to eat that shit up in her experience. She could tell he was close, very close, so maybe he just wanted to make it last, but she wasn’t exactly going to be fair about things. Every few seconds her tongue would flick out to tease him, a quick lick to his underside and the very bottom of his urethra, just enough to keep him on edge as she listened to what he had to say.