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Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 1: Expendable

There is little complication to the life that a normal man leads. There is little to be said about them. Samuel is one who would blend in amongst human society. His name unknown to the more important names that be, the men and women who speak with angels almost daily. Heroes. Samuel, a mere scout, is what they would call 'expendable'. Even if he were to vanish, his disappearance would still bring them valuable information about his destination. There are rarely search parties officially sent to recover scouts either. It's a kind of job where one can vanish and no one would be surprised.

So, naturally, there were lots of job opportunities. The job market was quite open for expendables, as they had a habit of vanishing, as well as warding off the wise. This is how Samuel was easily able to land an audience with a famous hero. A woman by the name of Adelie. Samuel was to meet her in an Order controlled town, somewhere within the East-Central area of the continent. The town was called Roselake, a characteristic name granted by the beautiful roses that bloom, and it's scenic lake, a place of much romance.

Samuel's instructions were to meet with his employer, Adelie, in the outskirts of town. Given his life choices so far, accepting these terms meant he could support himself with the pay. He had little choice but to accept. So, as he would wait as instructed, a woman and her company were heard trotting closer to him on their armored horses. Once close enough, Samuel would get a chance to , and in their full glory. Her armor was brilliantly well designed, with wings coming from her helmet, and purple energy emanating from her decorated blade. Stories of Adelie did the introductions, as Adelie would give not her name to Samuel. Even down to her physical appearance, the world of the Order made it difficult for Samuel to not know who she was, unless he plugged his ears and ran away screaming at the very mention of a hero or the Order's warriors. Then he'd have a chance, but would hardly last in society.

Adelie was a woman first credited with having killed over a thousand mamono by her own blade, thus allowing her to be named by God as a Hero of Humankind. Her existence is safeguarded preciously by the Angels, who are aware that Adelie has the potential to become one of the most dangerous mamono in the world should she be transformed from a human woman, and her spawn would be equally terrifying. She lives solely for the purpose of exterminating mamono from the world, and forever removing their threat. She knows of no other joy or hobby. Rumors say that she won't even sit down for a conversation that doesn't involve spending her time thinking of how to next crush the mamono presence. Samuel would have reason that his task would be to scout north, into the land of Zippangu, as Adelie is rumored to desire the heads of the mystical mamono gods of the Zippangu forests. If any warrior of the human race has the power to kill a god, Adelie was a fair candidate to be one. To that regard, one mustn't mistake her beauty for softness. Her heart seems to only know and love combat, with little room for mercy or human relation.

Samuel was approached by Adelie and her personal guard of what seems to be a hundred elite warriors and a tall male angel, who wore white plated armor, and had the wings and halo to attribute himself as a messenger of god. He wore full armor, allowing no visible interpretation of his physical appearances. Once within talking distance, Adelie halted herself and her company, as if decided she was as close as she needed to be to Samuel. "Praise the Lord. Samuel, I presume?" Adelie said a word of respect to God, before inquiring as to whether or not she had the right man. "I was given a recommendation for you thanks to your father's fame. I've a mission for you of most importance. You are indeed a scout, yes?" she inquired further.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

While his life was normally pretty simple despite his job, the work usually is rather tame, or close to home. Get a tip, get sent by someone high up in society to confirm or deny information given, and hope to not be nabbed by the Mamano while he was on the way, lest his employer find the worst case scenario. He knew his job was a dangerous one from how easily he can, and possibly would be, sacrificed like a pawn in chess, but he still had to send the right info back! Though it seems this mission was going to be a bit... Different. Adelie. A Hero of Mankind, whom by all means was a legend and going to be one for times to come, hiring him in a one in a million chance! Of course he had no option but to accept, someone from this renown must need something incredibly important done, so he had t-

'Man, I gotta calm down! She is a hero, but I can't freak out!' The man admonishes himself internally while he was on his way to the town, his satchel of supplies hefted over his shoulder while his expression stays troubled with the possible priority of this mission. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he soon let his hand fall to his side as he waited as per his instructions. 'Gotta stay cool and even headed about this... She is a hero, but it could be something not too danger...ous...'

While he knew such a hero would have a personal guard for herself, it is a tad bit overwhelming to see Adelie approach with enough men for a large Company of soldiers... Plus an Angel? Simple enough to say, getting on Adelie's bad side would be the last foolish thing he has ever done! He nearly stepped backwards as he saw the large group approach, though he tried a bit to withhold his intimidation as he easily spots Adelie leading the massive guard company.

Standing back up straight, the man had a bit of an unkempt look as he internally swallowed down his worry and bowed towards Adelie in a respectful manner. "You presume correctly, Adelie. I am Samuel." Despite it all, he still tried to keep himself looking presentable as he gave the Hero as much respect as he can... He had a feeling if he said something wrong, a sword would be at his throat in a mere instant. Raising himself back to standing after his bow, he nods his head after her next question. "I am a scout indeed, though I did not expect to be met with a large amount of people like this at once... Erm... No offense."

Looking towards her guards, and with his eyes passing over the male Angel in their group, the heroic woman can easily tell the man is a bit overwhelmed by the sight of her, and the large amount of guards following her. Soon returning his full attention to her, he leans against his back leg as he opens his mouth. "It is an honor to meet you, though what do you need of me, Miss Adelie?" Part of him really wishes he could speak like he normally does, but given a few... Amusing experiences, he knew it would be a poor choice in general at this moment as he stands at the ready and listening to Adelie.
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Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

His opening response and confirmation of her inquiry seemed to make Adelie frown, drawing a poor reaction from her and the angel in her company, who seemed far more oppressive in their aura. "It is common practice to praise the lord's name in the presence of a beloved angel. Though I assume you hail from the country, meaning such information is lost on you. I ask that you not make the same mistake twice in my presence. I don't enjoy slaying my fellow man for heresy. It always pains me to see my precious brothers and sisters fall from grace." Adelie declared with a hand against her heart, passionate in her words.

"What I need of you is loyalty and hard work, scout Samuel. There is a land to the north and west, along the edge of the mountain, where many unknown and unheard of beasts roam. Creatures that many of us had never heard of. Many say that even the trees are the monsters which take us human beings from our families." Adelie announced. "Though, the one we want you to scout out is one that we have heard of. A creature that developed a soul within an ancient object. We believe that she is a monster that takes on a human form and walks about, but her true form is the object itself. Creatures like her, Tsukumogami, as they're called in their native land. We want you to undertake the dangerous task of acquiring one such object and bringing it back here. Though no doubt, the monster will try to defend it's true form once it realizes you've captured it's heart. Your life will be at risk." Adelie announced.

"If you're willing to undertake this mission, take this map," Adelie declared, before handing Samuel a scroll of paper containing a path detailing that Samuel should take to reach the location of the creature. "We understand that she seems to reside in a rest stop for travelers at the marked location. It may not be immediately obvious where she is, but rest assured, she will be protecting it. That might help you find it. Accomplish this objective, and not only will you be praised as a national hero in the eyes of god, but I personally shall reward you. Do you have any questions?" she inquired.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

In his nervousness, Samuel is a tad bit too late to notice his faux pas as he opens his eyes widely briefly, then frowning as he scratches his head lightly in nervousness. "S-sorry... Just was a bit overwhelming, since this is my first time doing such important work. Praise the lord." Samuel's eyes return towards the angel briefly with an apologetic look. "It is not an everyday occurrence to meet an angel, and a great hero." Had a feeling I would mess up. Great first impression, at least... After a short moment to regain his composure, he returns his attention towards Adelie.

While he has his suspicions confirmed about his soon to be destination, he was not expecting to hear that he was not only going into Zippangu, but is being tasked to steal a monster as well? His surprise is rather obvious on his face, though he soon lets his surprise subside before he nods his head. "The job is usually that way... First time trip to Zippangu territory though."

After he is handed the scroll of paper, Samuel nods his head as he starts to smile. "If an important part of me was outside of me, I would probably have it under lock and key as well..." He notes to himself out loud for a brief moment before he looks back to Adelie. Taking a moment of pause to think, he soon nods his head. "How much time do I have to get this done? I may need to get some supplies, but I am ready otherwise." After asking his question, Samuel takes the time to open up the scroll. While he could take a more direct path towards his destination, it would be wise to figure out a few road paths to walk on when he gets closer to his destination. Keeping that in mind, he looks over the map briefly before he rolls back up the map and looks back up to Adelie.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Adelie looked pleased that Samuel obediently showed respect for the god of human worship, the being solely responsible for humanity's continued independence. It goes beyond faith, it is fact that God is the one true being responsible for pushing the mamono back from taking over society. Many have real and true stories of being saved from mamono threat and oppression. Still, despite the evils of mamono, some human beings still side with them. They are called heretics and traitors, who only cause damage to human society if ever seen again, trying to convert entire villages to mamono rule. It is preached that your only salvation from evil is to pray to god.

At the mention of Zippangu, Adelie nodded. "Remember that Zippangu is a land of creatures praised as lesser gods in their own right. Your top priority will be stealth. Engaging with creature of Zippangu will be most likely a foolhardy endeavor for just one scout, so avoid conflict to the best of your ability, and do not allow their magics to touch you. A prolonged glance alone can render you at their mercy. With that said, if you go missing, no one will come looking for you. You will be lost forever. And if found again, you will no doubt be too broken to save, or you will be dead. We will do our best to ensure your soul makes it to Heaven regardless, so rest easy on that hope, and always pray to god." she instructed him.

"We estimate that you should have the job done within a month. A one-way trip to your location is roughly about a week and a half. We also expect your search to last about a week. Once a month has passed, we will give the job to someone else. Though you can still claim the reward, we will find another should we have reason to think you have failed." she declared. "As well, if it turns out that you abandoned your most important duty in the eyes of god, your punishment will not be light. We need brave and faithful members of humanity to uphold the lord's name. It is the cowardly and the evil who lead us astray. Though I have faith that you will not let us down. There will be an assured place for you behind the glorious golden gates of Heaven should you succeed in this task. To join the ranks of the angels after death should be an honor, no? Especially for a man with a family name as yours, I have faith in you." Adelie said, acknowledging that Samuel will not disappoint her.

"Not only the gift of a promised afterlife, I personally shall reward you, Samuel. Not limited to welcoming you as a fellow Hero, to fight the forces of evil by my side." She declared, though there was a bit of a suggestion as to what else there would be asides from the honor and prestige. Just for that moment, Adelie seemed to look at Samuel as a man, instead of just a scout, confirmed by the slight flush on her cheeks. It was no secret either. Relationships of heroes were often between heroes alone. With that knowledge, it wouldn't be too far fetched to say that Adelie was promising him something precious should he live up to her expectations.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Although he does not show it or do so, Samuel lets out an internally held breath as his attempt at catching his faux pas seems to work. He was rather subdued with some of his prayer, though with his job he knew that he could be meeting his maker any day, so he would pray before he leaves every time. It just came with the job description to know you could be grabbed and either killed, hurt, or even used by Mamono. While he hopes it will never come to that, it is a distinct possibility that it could happen.

As the man listens to her explanation of Zippangu, he cannot help but feel his foot tap the ground briefly. The creatures of Zippangu do certainly sound rather... Intimidating. But he still does nod his head in understanding. "I have not had a Mamono get close to me before, but I can probably stay out of sight." Though knowing my luck, there are probably going to be tree branches everywhere to step on... But after a moment to his thoughts, he returns his attention to Adelie.

His eyes briefly widen by how much time he is given... Before he starts to smile rather brightly. While he was confident in his speed, he knew that with this much risk, he will need all the time he can get. A month though? That will work just fine... Plus hearing her confidence in him also makes his smile stay on his face. "It would be a great honor indeed. I hopefully can return quickly, though I am glad to hear someone has confidence in me." Amusingly, her words seem to have snapped him out of his nervousness. To know a hero has faith in someone like him is quite an honor in itself!

Samuel amusingly blinks in surprise as he notices the blush that faintly graces Adelie's cheeks, but after a few moments of processing the sight, he smiles lighter before he gives a confident nod of his head... Despite the faint bit of red on his own cheeks as well. But as he feels that warmth, he perks up for a moment before he finds a sudden bit of interest in the map that is still in his hand. Suave. At least he tries to not let his cheeks turn red like apples. Though after that moment is over, he looks to Adelie's eyes before he speaks. "It will be done."
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Adelie nodded at Samuel as he accepted his mission and announced his predicted success. "I'm glad to hear that, Samuel. I look forward to seeing you again. On that note," Adelie fetched what seemed to be a gun-shaped tool of red color. "This will fire a flare into the sky that will shine bright for me to see even here. When you have accomplished your mission, aim this to the sky, and light the fuse. I will come to you when I see it and meet you as you hold the monster's true form. We shall meet half-way. I will accept, and contain the creature. It will be then that your mission will be deemed successful. You will be a Hero for helping to remove yet another monster threatening mankind." She promised him.

Though with that, there was nothing more to say about the mission. It seemed Adelie was about to dismiss Samuel, but instead of leaving, she got off of her horse and approached him directly. Both of her hands, clad in metal gauntlets, grabbed his cheeks. She held his face there so he couldn't pull away, before Samuel found his forehead kissed by the Hero. She pulled away after a short kiss, and let his head go as well. "I'm told that this will improve your chances of success. Hopefully it will save your life." She said in regards to the kiss, before taking something from the saddle of her horse, and handing him a travel bag. "This is some jerky. It takes a very long time to go bad, and should last you the trip until you can find more food. Use it wisely, and God Bless You." she said, performing a gesture of worship for his sake before returning to her horse.

"Make haste, Samuel." she commanded him, before marching her forces onwards. Nearly all the men in her company seemed to stare at Samuel, as if trying to make their own curses to override her blessing so that he would fail. The gesture seemed to earn him a great deal of jealousy among the men, to say the least.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

With a tad bit of curiosity, Samuel cannot help but take a moment to look down towards the red tool he is given before he nods his head, taking a moment to reach around and slip the signal flare into his satchel. It would be good to have a way to warn them that he was making his return, though after a few moments, a thought pokes out among the others, When should I fire after I get it...? If she is able to see it from here, I will probably have everyone and every mamono bearing down on me...

Though while he is once more in his thoughts, he only notices Adelie's movements by the time she has dismounted her horse and stepped up towards him. With his head held in her armored hands, his eyes meet Adelie's up close as his eyes widen in a bit of surprise... At least until her lips meet his forehead, his cheeks this time visibly turning pink without him trying to stop it. She truly is beautiful... He takes a few moments after he is handed the jerky to recover his wits, though after that he nods his head and smiles wider. "Thank you." With a simple word of thanks while his thoughts recover, he bows his head during her gesture before he slips the jerky away into his supplies as well.

As he is about to turn away, he cannot help but tense as he feels daggers being sent out from the eyes of the company towards him, making that blush all but disappear as he looks towards them. He can hardly stand up towards the hateful looks towards him as he lets out a nervous chuckle... Then promptly turns tail and gets moving, running more than jogging to finally get on the move. All he can hope is that he doesn't get an arrow in his back while he leaves.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

The trip would be long, and Samuel was best to conserve his energy. Though, the initial burst of excitement, both to please Adelie and get away from the angry jealous soldiers could be forgiven. Regardless, Sam was off on his Hero given quest to obtain the ancient object currently possessed by a mamono spirit. He was still fairly within Order country, so it would be some fair trek through the lands in order to even reach the Zippangu forest's border. It was fairly late in the day that Adelie met with him, so it quickly came time to find some shelter. Conveniently enough, Samuel happened across a farm as the day turned into dusk and the sky turned orange. There didn't seem to be much to the farm other than fields of growing fruits and vegetables. There weren't any farm animals that he could see, and yet the grass looked freshly grazed, a clear sign that some kind of animal was making it a repeat habit of eating here. There was only one house, on top of a hill. No barn nor stable. Just the house, made of oak that appeared to have been lasting for many dozens of years, suggesting that it was likely inherited by the next generation of family due to it's age. Or perhaps by someone else entirely. Either way, the house likely had a story to tell. It looked fairly hospitable too, considering the clouds that were brewing and sending many threats at Samuel about getting him wet.

It was up to him in the end. The house's owner might accept him for the night should he wish to escape the rain, or he could decide that trusting a stranger was far too dangerous. After all, the teachings of the Order stress most of all, that anyone could be possessed by evil magics, especially women. The female gender is regarded as the most dangerous of all, because of this possibility that they could be an evil woman in disguise. The result of these teachings cause much panic among the community, causing everyone to become suspicious of women, and only women known by many are actually welcome into group circles. Unknown women, or traveling women either coming to and fro or moving into the city are often put under high amounts of suspicion. Most often they aren't even talked to because of the sheer fear of her being a monster in disguise, trying to butter her way into human society to turn it inside and and ruin it into becoming a paradise for evil and corruption.

The real question was, how paranoid was Samuel going to be?
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

While he was eager to escape the glaring eyes of the soldiers, Samuel calmed himself a bit more once he got a bit of distance, returning to walking speed as he glances behind himself briefly. With satisfaction in that no one is trying to put an arrow into him at the moment, he took a breath before he turned back forward. After giving a short moment to adjust his satchel atop of his back, he pauses briefly before he nods to himself briefly as he reminds himself. While he walks, he sometimes paused to pick up one or two scented, but harmless plants before putting them within his satchel along the inside edges. A little trick he learned a while back to make sure his scent was a bit harder to catch, especially if he had food in his satchel.

In a good two hours, he had made a good bit of distance out. He walked at a rather steady, yet slightly brisk pace. It was already late in the day, and with him soon enough coming across a farm, he cannot help but smile to himself at his luck. But as he is about to continue forward towards the farm, he pauses briefly as he notices the stirring clouds up above... '... Nevermind about my luck.' With a brief moment to shake his head and sigh at his own thoughts, he returns his attention towards the farm... 'I have a little bit of money... Hope whoever lives here will let me stay a night.' With the thought of getting sick from the rain spurring him on, he glances around to look for the front entrance before he makes his way towards it. The less time he is out in the rain, the better. Don't want to get sick already...
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Naturally assuming common courtesy, Samuel would find the front door to the old farmhouse and knock. It took a moment for the current resident to answer, but soon enough, he'd catch a glimpse of someone peeking out through the blinds at him. Just as soon as they peeked, the blinds closed shut. The one behind the windows and door seemed to take a moment before answering immediately. A woman with short blond hair and green eyes would crack open the door. She wore a bonnet that covered her head to keep most of her hair out of her face. The time of day suggested that she must have recently gotten off of working the field in order to still be wearing that. With her head peeking out of the door, she looked nervous as she inquired towards Samuel. "Howdy, sir! I just got off the field, so pardon any rudeness as a result of fatigue. How may I be of assistance?" she inquired, sounding polite, though her voice seemed to suggest that she wanted Samuel gone as fast as he came. Something about him seemed to unsettle her.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

While his hopes were for at least the allowance of some shelter, part of him cannot account for his own luck as the blinds open and peek at him, his eyes only able to catch the movement of them closing back up. The sights of the clouds in his peripheral vision in his mind, his attention is soon returned to the front as the door is cracked opened by the bonnet wearing woman. "Hello there ma'am. Sorry if I am interrupting your rest" With a smile on his face, he scratches his head for a brief moment as he looks over towards the fields. "I do understand the feeling, but I just wanted to ask for some help." He tries to speak in a rather friendly tone, though he doesn't seem to notice that his own outfit looks rather... Strange on it's own. While he never liked to compare himself to such, his outfit makes him look alot like just an adventurer, as some had called him. "There is a storm coming, and I cannot really find shelter... I know this may be slightly strange at this time of the day, but would you mind if I hide out here until the storm passes?" While he spoke, he reached around to take his pouch. "I can pay you, if it is no problem... I just don't want to catch my death in the rain."
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

The request made by the scout seemed to only instill more discomfort in the farm girl. Still, nervous and stuttering, the farm girl tilted her head to the side. "Why... Of course, sir! Why, the Goddess would never forgive me if I left a man out to suffer!" With that, she stepped backwards slowly, opening the door. "Come on in, sir!" she invited Samuel. Just from standing outside, he'd see that the inside of her home was quite roomy. The welcoming sight was a dining room on the left, candle lit, and the living room on the right, complete with a single book shelf and three rocking chairs in front of an unprepared fireplace. From the general whiff Samuel god, something was being prepared, and it was not meat. "I don't have any meat, sir... Um... The Heavens didn't bless me with any such creatures as to allow me to have as much." she apologized in case he wanted a substantial meal.

The woman herself stood, wearing a long white dress with a skirt that touched the ground. Her breasts were large, comparable almost to the size of her head. Her figure was curvy and well-rounded, demonstrating a very wealthy and healthy body. It was a kind of figure the inquisition would find attractive enough to accuse her of being inhuman. Hence her nervousness in Samuel's presence. It seemed she suspected him a possible member of the inquisition, and was in a good deal of fear.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Sadly, Samuel could easily tell the farm girl is definitely not enjoying the thought of him being here, though before he can open his mouth with an apology, she invites him inside. Scratching his head lightly, he cannot help but sigh beneath his breath at the awkward feeling of it all before he steps inside. Making sure he wasn't making a mess along the way, he follows her inside as his arms return to his sides. His eyes look about briefly, though his nose does quickly catch upon the scent of the cooking food coming from within the house. "It isn't a problem... I am imposing enough as it is." Trying to lighten the woman's worries, he tries to give her a smile in her direction, though now with him able to see her fully he cannot help but feel his vision pause upon her.

Her body definitely does catch his eyes, but he quickly returns his vision to her eyes in return... Though she can see the hint of a blush on his cheeks. But with the look of fear returned towards him, he cannot help but feel like he wishes he could shrink just so he can calm her down... "... Listen." He suddenly speaks up, though in a light tone as he rubs the back of his head. "I am not trying anything funny or something... I am just traveling at the moment." With his hand returning to his hip, he resumes what his thoughts tell him to say. "I'll leave when the storm passes, if that is any comfort at all..." The guilt of the fear he is striking into the woman by his mere presence seems to have gotten to him, as he feels his body itself trying to shrink a bit as if in an attempt to help her calm down. Man, make someone feel bad for just existing...
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

There was a welcome mat for Sam to brush his boots off. It was a simple mat made seemingly out of straw glued to wood. No ornate designs of any sort on the mat, not even the typical 'welcome' seen on the more popular mats. His response to the mention of food and his imposing was met with a quick shake of her hands in dismissal. "Oh, no! It's fine, sir. If the food is to your liking at all, have at it. If not, I can accommodate with another vegetable perhaps, otherwise... Apologies again." she said with a bow of respect.

When Samuel got to massaging her worries, the lone girl laughed and shook her head. "Sir, you are no discomfort to me at all! Perish the thought! Just not good with people is all! Don't see very many others out here. Stay as long as you wish!" she encouraged him, before making backwards steps towards the food. "I've got to tend to the boil. Make yourself at home! I'll bring some water or tea, whichever you prefer." she offered, before hurrying into the kitchen to tend to the water after directing Samuel's attention to the living area and it's several chairs.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel takes a brief moment to wipe away any bits of dirt on his boots before he returns his attention towards the farm girl, him smiling faintly towards her after she reassures him like how he tried to reassure her only seconds ago. Her persistence on the matter seems to only calm him down, the man standing back up straight once more as he lets out a gentle chuckle. "Persistent, hm? Alright alright, I submit to the taste testing!" Adding a little bit of flair to his playful submission with a wave of his hand into an exaggerated bow, he soon smiles up to her and lets out a louder chuckle before getting his act together.

"Though tempting offer about staying for a little, though I am still intent on leaving when the storm passes..." After that thought, he looks over towards one of the windows. 'Though it is getting late... Maybe I really should stay the night...' As she walks off, he smiles towards her as she heads towards the kitchen. "Tea, please?" Satisfied that she was not as discomforted as before, his eyes turn towards the living room. After taking a seat, he hefts his crossbow and satchel up and off of his body before setting it down next to his seat, smelling the enticing scent of the food from the kitchen as it smothers down the scent of the herbs within his satchel. Going to have to replace those later on...
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

She gave a polite bow when Samuel asked for tea. Meanwhile, off in the distance, the storm looked thick and ready to cause a lot of problems for anything that didn't like to get soaked.

After a few minutes, he'd hear the farm girl call from the kitchen. "The tea and food is ready, sir. At your convenience." she offered, allowing him to refuse and continue to sit if he so desired.

Should he accept, Samuel would be greeted with a fantastic vegetarian meal. A large bowl of mixed vegetables was in the middle of the table, complete with carrots, lettuce, spinach leaves, and celery. There'd also be a fresh glass of tea being poured for him, and one for herself before she'd sit and begin eating, with or without him.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel raises his head as he hears the farm girl call him over from the kitchen, him briefly smiling as he returns his attention back towards his bag. Wrapping the strap around it briefly, he stands back up from his seat to walk into the kitchen.

At least without his bag and crossbow on his back he looks a bit more casual, albeit with the hood that makes him look slightly shady. Though without it up his slightly messy brown hair is in view now. "Thank you very much, ma'am." After taking his seat, he cannot help but take a look over the rather large bowl in the center with a little bit of surprise... A part of him is worried that she made this much due to his arrival, but another part cannot help but be curious if she was going to originally eat all of this herself... Oh well.

Turning his attention back towards her, he lets out a light chuckle. "You know, the storm kind of made me forget my manners. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Samuel." With a short bow of his head towards her, he lightly takes the glass of tea into his hand as he watches the farm girl. He was her guest after all, if anything he has to show her respect for allowing him into her home.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

The cow girl smiled nervously, while getting a serving from the bowl and putting it on her own plate. She seemed to size up the amount she took carefully, as if the quantity that she took was important. "It's no problem. I'd perfectly understand if a gentleman came through and didn't want their name known." she replied with understanding. "Tis a pleasure to meet you, sir Samuel. My name is Shelby." she greeted with a bow of her head. Though past that, she didn't speak more. No questions or statements. She'd merely glance between him and the food before moving to slowly eat her portion. No matter what she thought of her own cooking, it seemed Samuel was constantly a factor on her mind. Such would be evident if he so much as looked at her. She would glance up and look back at him, before blushing and focusing intently on her food, as if to avoid his gaze.
Re: Expendable (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel shakes his head as he looks back up from his plate towards Shelby. "I know, it is just that I would feel rude not introducing myself." With his attention passing between Shelby and his plate, he nods his head in acknowledgement before he resumes enjoying the meal given to him. While he isn't eating a very large amount, he gets his fill just enough to satisfy any lingering hunger for now and a little extra... And soon enough his plate is nearly emptied. Despite that little shiver up his spine briefly once in a while. While he only sometimes looked up towards Shelby, that little voice inside of his head called 'Sixth Sense' noted the passing of her vision over him. While he wasn't too bothered, her blushing lingers in his own thoughts as well for a brief time. She can probably notice too, since his slightly pale cheeks have a little bit of color to them now as well.