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Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Falling into a deep slumber, Samuel would later awaken to find his arms trapped under heavy, thick thighs, and his head laying on top of a soft crotch. Becoming more aware, it would seem that he was sleeping on Shelby's vagina, while her legs were sleeping on his arms.

"There was a fucking futon for you to sleep on." The mouse said, standing in the doorway leaning against the side with one hand with a chewing straw in her mouth, staring down at Samuel.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

No dreams to be had today, not that it was important for Samuel. Rest was priority number one anyway. Though as his eyes open part way, he stares up at the ceiling with his eyes gazing about. Where was he again...? The warmth against the back of his head is nearly encouraging to fall back asleep, bu-... Wait. 'Why can't I feel my arms?' Looking from side to side, just to see Shelby's thighs, his body tenses as he tries to raise his head and wiggle his fingers to see if they were still alive. Oh dear.

Though Samuel is distracted from his investigation over the condition of his arms as he is spoken to, turning attention to the mouse. After a moment of staring, he smiles sheepishly as he recollects his thoughts. "Heheh... Sorry." Samuel tries to glance back to Shelby, who is probably still asleep before attempting to get his arms out from under her thighs, hopeful that his arms are going to survive the encounter. "What time is it?" Samuel asks the mouse, looking over towards her as he attempts his 2nd escape from Shelby so far.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"It's early morning." she replied as Samuel slowly began to slide his arms out from underneath Shelby. The cow girl let out a characteristic quiet moo, before her legs suddenly came together and trapped his face between though thick masses of thigh flesh. "Whenever you escape from your fat girlfriend, come and eat breakfast. If you complain about it being 'just rice' I will throw you into the air and slam my knee into your spine on your way back down." she warned him, before leaving the room while Shelby was content to trap his head as she slept unless he woke her up or struggled his way out.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

So close, yet so far, Samuel was able to at least move his arms some before Shelby's thighs smooshed his head between them, making the poor man flail his arms about momentarily from surprise. It pauses at the mouse's words, one arm raising a finger. "Not girlfriend." Simply that, he resumes wiggling about in his morning attempt of escape yet again from the same person. Great. As motivating as food is, it isn't helping him escape that much more, so after a few more minutes of struggle, he slumps and sighs. "Shelby...?" Opting to speaking up to try to wake the sleeping bovine up, he attempts to pat the side of her thigh insistently. "Your lap pillow degenerated a little bit into something else... And we are missing breakfast!" Please let her wake up soon... Breakfast is probably getting cold right now. With all that has happened as of late, some food would help get some blood in his system, even if it is just rice!
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Shelby would let out a rather annoyed sounding 'moo' as he attempted to get her to rise. She shifted a bit, groaning as she moved to sit up by first turning and then pushing herself up with a pained groan off of the hard floor. All Samuel saw when she did this was her huge ass twisting over above him and then coming down onto his face to crush the poor man beneath heavy muscle and fat. "Nnn... Sorry," she groaned lightly before standing up, letting Samuel off with that experience of having a big holstaurus butt in his face. "Mmm... Breakfast?" Shelby inquired, more to the small than Samuel's insistence as she still seemed rather out of it while she wobbled her way sleepily through the room and towards the hallway, leaving Samuel on the floor.

If he decided to go have breakfast, he'd come out to the fire mouse's porch where she had a finished pot of rice. Shelby was sitting down and happily taking a cup from a generous mouse's hands, already prepared for her. Samuel was handed an empty bowl, expected to get his own food. In addition, there was a fourth at the table. A relaxed looking panda girl who seemed as equally heavy as Shelby as far as build, but she had panda paws and arms that both ended in lethal claws coming out of barely functional hands that could use a spoon if handled carefully. To get some of his own rice, Samuel would have to use a wooden spoon to scoop himself some from the bowl and also figure out if he'd eat without utensils or if he'd ask for some.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

For a moment, Samuel felt relief as he felt Shelby start to stir and move. Then, it turned to panic as that bare rump rose, then fell, darkness filling his vision as his arms flail about in panic as Shelby's weight comes down on his head. He dares not open his mouth up until she rises again, his eye twitching by the time the Holstaurus gets up. '... Saved by breakfast...' By the time Shelby is walking out of the room, Samuel is struggling to his feet, woozy from the recent head crushing. The effect was only worsened by his previous condition, stumbling a step before he catches himself. "I... Feel like crap..." He mumbles out loud to himself, slapping the side of his head before he walks out the door.

Takes the poor man a bit longer before he finds his way to the porch, his temples throbbing a tad as he glances between all those who are present. While Samuel wanted to ask about the panda girl in the room, his growling stomach kept him focused. Rice or not, food is food. After he is given his bowl, which turns out to be as emptier than his blood stream right now, he looks up towards the mouse woman momentarily before he picks up the wooden spoon to put some rice in his bowl. Luckily he doesn't go overboard in that area. Takes him about the time to set his now filled bowl down on the table before he realizes the lack of any utensils around. Glancing around, he looks over towards the others. Do they have utensils? Hm... After a short time looking around, he stares down at his bowl... How to go about this? "Uh..." Finally opening his mouth, Samuel looks up towards the mouse girl. He pauses briefly before he bites his lower lip and continues to speak. "Is there any... Utensils I can borrow? Please?" He asks her, feeling a tad embarrassed for having to ask this, but it being a tad necessary if he wanted to eat at all.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The mouse glared at him. "Quit sounding like you're being inconvenienced after we saved your life. With that tone I ought to make you eat from your bowl like a dog." she said, finishing up her bowl and tossing her spoon into Samuel's. "Use my dirty spoon. Or are you too good for it?" she inquired with a glare in his direction, while the panda girl just stared at him with a blank expression. Shelby looked like she wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if making a fuss was a wise idea. That, and she hardly looked ready to stand up to the far more ferocious fire mouse. According to history, it made sense due to the fact that such creatures used to truly be giant rodents that would eat anything their own size, even cows.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Didn't seem that long at all before the mouse switched on the hostility, not helping the headache Samuel was already feeling this morning as he winces momentarily from her tone. What was wrong with his tone? He raises his hands in an attempt at placation. "... Huh? Wait, I didn't mean t-" He stops as the spoon is tossed unceremoniously into his bowl, slumping in resignation as his hands return to his sides. Staring down at the spoon for a moment or so, Samuel sits back up a bit more straight before he picks up the spoon, taking a moment to brush it with his thumb, seemingly just to clean it off at least a bit. Feeling eyes upon him as he does so, he looks up to see the panda girl staring at him. Something felt strange about the look to him... Possibly because she is a mamono. That is probably why he is feeling this way in general, he hasn't stopped looking tense since he walked into the room. Soon enough he has done as much as he could with the spoon, scooping up some rice. Time to eat.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The panda woman sighed, grabbing Samuel's wrist as he goes to eat with it. "The clean spoons are inside, underneath the fruit basket." she told him, taking the spoon and setting it on the floor near the pot. With that, the fiery mouse stood up, and walked outside, through the path of grass until she vanished around the house.

With that, he was allowed to eat normally, with his own spoon. "We have had much taken from us by the Order." the panda woman said, while Shelby hung her head, aware of how that felt. "We're all bitter to some degree about it."
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The pale man tenses as his wrist is grasped by the panda woman's paw, visibly freezing up as his eyes look towards her. Though hearing her words, Samuel seems to loosen up a little bit, letting the spoon go as she takes it out of his grasp with great ease. His attention is drawn away as the fire mouse stands up and leaves rather abruptly, sighing softly before he looks to the panda to nod and smile a small tad. "Thanks." The pale man winces some as he stands up, though does eventually return with clean spoon in hand. While he wasn't all too bothered about the spoon specifically, all the injured man really felt was just... Well, confused, as simple as that. After all, this is a rather sudden change of events for him. Plus the recent heavy bloodloss has really taken the kick from his step.

Soon enough he is eating contently, the black haired scout smiling as he eats. While he hasn't had rice before, as a new dish, plus as the first meal he has had since he got out of that bed, it tasted even better than he expected. Guess his body lost a lot of blood if it is this happy over just one bowl! He does pause as the panda speaks to him though, his eyes looking towards her own as his spoon hangs in the air with a bit of rice in it.

Her words do cause him to lose his hunger spurred good mood some understandably, swallowing his current mouthful of rice before setting the spoon back into the bowl. Looking over towards Shelby as her head hangs some, he sighs faintly before he looks back towards the panda. "It is fine... I am apart of the Order after all, being mad at me is understa-..." Drifting back to what happened seems to cause the pale scout to visibly tense once more before his eyes look down towards his bowl... He looks like someone just put down a sudden few tons of weight upon his shoulders as those rusty cogs in his head turn back on the realization once again. "... Was... Apart of the Order... And probably going to be executed by them too, next time an inquisitor catches wind of me as well." As much as he dreaded the thought, that passing sensation of doom brushing along his back is enough to kill whatever cheer he had about his survival. 'I'm... In a Mamono's home... Eating and speaking with Mamono... After I saved one and was chased by Inquisitors....' A simple realization about one's own spur of the moment choices is a sudden mood changer, huh...? Any sort've color he had on his cheeks is pretty much gone now. Hell, it looks like his hair is turning white at some spots too, with how tense he looks! Obviously only just now realized the boat he is in now.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Seeing Samuel in some degree of despair, the cowgirl reached an arm over and wrapped it around his shoulders to try and comfort him. If Samuel reacted negatively, she'd pull away immediately and look dejected. However, rather than sympathize with Samuel, the Panda girl looked rather pleased that he was in the situation he was in. "It's fine, isn't it? You need not fear them if you exist amongst us." She stated simply. "You and your companion are surely to find better vistas while in our company, yes?" she offered with invitation. Though at that point Shelby looked a little defensive, while the Panda woman gave Samuel a look that might make his heart skip a beat. A small side-grin with direct eye contact carried a great deal of suggestion.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Yet again, Samuel tenses up as an arm over his shoulders snaps him out of his sudden fit of fearful worry of his life expectancy. Glancing over to see it is Shelby's though, she can see his eyes look to her own before he starts to loosen back up again, seeming okay with the contact. Still jumpy, but he seems okay with Shelby's comforting attempt. Hearing the panda, he looks over towards her as his head slightly tilts in confusion. "It... Isn't very fine at all..." He says, slumping a little as his eyes drift down to the table before he shakes his head. "I'm just some random, now unemployed, scout... What can I do now?" After a brief sigh, his eyes look back up to the panda... Though, the glancing little look he is sent by her does get the pale man to blink in surprise before his cheeks faintly gaining a little color. Well, safe to guess the suggestive look didn't pass him by, eventually breaking eye contact. Well, at least that put some color on his pale ol' cheeks!
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The panda girl grew a rather opportunistic grin. "Need a place to stay? I can offer you what you need, food, shelter, and protection. I can give you the work you need to earn it too." she declared, causing Shelby to frown. Suddenly, Samuel would find the panda girl leaning over towards him. Just the tips of her breasts were squishing against his chest, causing him to feel the firm nipples push into his skin. "It's the kind of work you might enjoy~" she declared. "Hey..." Shelby spoke up meekly. She seemed intimidated, like she didn't like how Samuel was being harassed but saw the panda girl's claws and knew the sheer difference that was between them.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The grin the panda gives him is enough to get the human to gulp, Samuel's faint blush staying upon his cheeks as she speaks to him. Her tone isn't helping either, and with her leaning towards him, she can see his cheeks brighten even further. From pale white to nearly red, Samuel's eyebrows raise and his mouth falls open a bit as his eyes glance between the panda's breasts squishing against his chest, and her face as close as it is to his. "E-e-er-rmmm... I- uh, I d-dunno about..." Goodness, at this rate the poor man is going to pass out, as he attempts to scoot back a bit. It is WAY too early in the morning for this...!
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Getting really close, he could smell the shampoo on her hair. It was an assault of pleasant sensations in a perhaps pleasant situation that he was perhaps trying to find unpleasant. Though part of what might have made it unpleasant was the other woman in the room. One of note, as well. Shelby was in a fluster, so shocked that Samuel was being attacked that she seemed to just be figuring out what she could do. Meanwhile, the large breasts were squishing and moving against him as she breathed, her nipples trailing along his skin and making his body tremble on its own from having her pointed nipples drawing lines. "You don't know? Don't know about what? Are you saying..." She leaned in even closer, to the point that she could feel the warmth of her breath against his lips. "... That you dislike the idea of working for me?" she inquired.

Then, Shelby's eyes lit up, and she leaned in, almost getting right between the two of them. "I think it's perfectly reasonable to repay you for what you have done for us! Perfectly!" she declared, while the panda looked rather irritated at the intrusion. "Sam and I will carry our weight and repay you, just what can 'we' do 'together' for you?" she said, with emphasis on those two words. Clearly the woman had no interest in Shelby, not that kind of interest. So with Shelby throwing herself in with Samuel, it seemed to displease her.

She dismissively rose and began to step out into the sunlight. "You can start by cleaning these dishes and doing the laundry. The hamper is in the wash closet." she said, leaving Samuel and Shelby alone, the latter of which sighed.

"Y-you have to say 'no' a little better than that, Samuel... She was about to violate you." Shelby lectured him a little.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

With the light fragrance teasing his nose, along with the admittedly nice feeling of softness pressing against his body, Samuel's expression only seemed to get more flustered and nervous as the panda draws closer to him. Stammering a bit under his breath, he eventually is saved as Shelby interjects and gives the panda a bit of a distraction, enough to allow Samuel a breath in order to calm down his attacking thoughts from the pleasant, yet rather embarrassing situation.

With Shelby speaking, he glances between her and the panda as she stands up and goes off, Samuel sighing in relief with Shelby. Though as she speaks to him, she sees him slump a bit more as his hand goes behind his head to scratch through his messy hair. "My bad... Freaked out a little bit..." Skittish, ain't he? After a few more seconds, he takes slow, deep breath before he looks back to Shelby. "Thanks." After that, he'd return to his bowl. He wasn't exactly done, but he finished it off pretty fast. Afterwords, he'd look to Shelby to speak. "I can clean the dishes, if you want." He offers, wincing a little as the still sore pale man rises to his feet.
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

"Okay..." she nodded, before glancing around, deciding the coast was clear, and then whispering to him. "When you get done, meet me in the bathroom." she indicated, before standing up and leaving, allowing him to do with that what he will.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Rubbing at his shoulder lightly as he stretched a little bit, Samuel stops for a moment as Shelby leans over to whisper to him, the man raising a curious eyebrow towards her, though nodding his head either way to her in agreement before she goes off. Why the bathroom? Humming for a second, Samuel just returns his attention back to the bowls for now, picking them up one by one. Might as well get started, the man getting to work after a moment or two to look around. How many dishes are there?
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel collects four bowls and the spoons that everyone used, and found the sink just fine. The water was cool, but there seemed to be a blue stone that turned red when Samuel tapped it, causing it to become blazing hot inside of the supply of water next to the sink, which was in a bucket. If Samuel poured the hot water into the sink, he'd have clean, hot water to wash with.

Once he was done, he'd see Shelby peeking out from the bathroom, before vanishing back inside.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Gathering up the dishes and spoons soon after Samuel's little curious look around finished, he moved over to the sink to get to work. Didn't take all that much longer before he figured out the stone's purpose, and soon enough he was finished with cleaning out the bowls. Putting them away afterwords, Samuel wipes his hands off on his pants' sides before he goes off to find the bathroom.

Seeing the room that Shelby had peeked out of, Samuel walks on over and knocks on it lightly. "Can I come in?" He asks without speaking all that loud. Last time he walked into a bathroom without knocking, it got him into this mess. Might as well be safe than sorry.