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Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Once freed, Shelby let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, now..." she stood up, and immediately left for the bathroom. Later she returned, looking satisfied. Then, she pulled her sleeping back up, and laid right next to him, hugging him. "G'night, Sam~" she cooed.

And thusly he spent the night with a cowgirl that apparently liked to lay on top of whatever was near her. His own sleep bothered by a large tit resting on his face. His morning much the same. Though now the back of her knee was clean over his eyes, blinding him as she snored loudly. After a moment, his legs feeling like they had needles in them as they recovered, he heard an odd thump come from where Shelby lay. Only that he learned it wasn't a thump, and that it came from where he knew her butt would be given her leg over his head. He soon realized as well that he would want to move, soon.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Watching the cowgirl as she got up and left, Samuel's eyebrows furrowed before he flopped back where he rested. With her soon returning, he couldn't really stop her from resting next to him, though with him being hugged against her he couldn't complain too much. Cuddles are always nice.

Too bad the cuddles were added with a lot of waking moments of having to avoid being smothered by her, as each attempt to scoot away only seemed to further in absurd ways that parts of her body would lay on him. So eventually he settled for a leg over his eyes as he attempted to sleep, wondering if this was actually some sort of punishment.

Waking in the morning, Samuel winced a tad in pain as he felt his legs reminding him of their presence, squirming momentarily. While he was already planning on getting up, or at least trying to, hearing the thump seemed to motivate him to pick up the pace, scooting away from Shelby and rising to his feet as his hand scratches behind his head as he attempts to stand and not fall over.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

He made a quick retreat, and thankfully so, as soon the room was filled with a poisonous gas that would have surely killed him. He could walk, barely, and leave the room before it was too late. Shelby awoke soon behind him, and groaned. "Ugh, did you fart?" she inquired, standing up and yawning. "How are you feeling?" she asked, following him.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The noise terrified Samuel, and as quick as his weakened little legs could handle he got out of the room before the toxic cloud reached him. She is like a barn anima- wait... With her coming soon enough Samuel only looked up at her with an unamused expression. "...Nope, wasn't me." He said in response, soon sighing and looking around. "Feeling like I had a cow on my lap." He reaches down to rub his legs, soon simply shaking his head. "At least I feel sensation in them..." Samuel mutters before looking over to Shelby. "So... What happened after we..." He trails off, a hand coming back up to scratch behind his head. "Y'know, finished?" He asks Shelby, looking to see if anyone was around after asking.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Shelby went quiet following his question, before she scratched her left rib with her right arm a bit. "It's too early to know if I'm pregnant, Samuel." she said, her face suddenly a grin complete with a blush. It seemed she greatly misinterpreted his question. "But, now that we learned you can survive it, it means we can try it a lot more, right?" she asked, getting excited and clasping her hands together while learning forward, her breasts pushing together and her breathing heavy.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The man's eyes returned right to Shelby as her words got Samuel from calm to flustered in mere moments. "W-what?! Pregnant?!" He seems both caught off guard and quite confused by her train of thought, soon shaking his head and speaking once more. "I mean't why were you tied up!" Samuel's blushing stays as he crosses his arms and looks up at her. "Unless you tied yourself up like that and put that sign on yourself."
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Then she frowned. "That stupid panda and fire mouse did it! I only wanted to know where our rooms were and then they tied me up and called me a rapist. I'm not a rapist, right Sam?" she inquired, getting closer and closer to the point that if Sam didn't keep backing up he'd find his face trapped between boobs.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel sighs as his hand goes up to his face to rub the bridge of his nose, shaking his head a little bit before speaking while his eyes shut. "I can't even really remember much from last night, just that it feels like my body is struggling to keep alive at this rate..." The soreness in his body was like a red flag to him. "I dunno if I can survive that again for a long while..." He mutters to himself a bit before he opens his eyes and looks forward, just in time to nearly get Shelby's tits squished against his face, him letting out an amusing surprised noise as he steps back. Surprise, it's titties!
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

When she heard that noise, almost like a scream, Shelby looked shocked, then suddenly grinned wide, and started laughing uncontrollably. Her spit flew everywhere as she tried to ironically contain it, her arms hugging her stomach. "What was that scream? You sounded terrified!" she laughed, as Samuel perhaps discovered that he developed a trauma.

Shelby continued to laugh, until a fiery presence made itself known behind her, while she remained none the wiser. It was only when the fire mouse's hand touched the back of her neck did Shelby freeze up. "Why are you unbound, and making this man scream like a child?" she inquired. Petrified, she looked to Samuel. It seemed like nothing Shelby said would make her escape from punishment.
Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

Samuel had hardly noticed the noise he made, blinking in confusion as Shelby bellowed in laughter, the man visibly grossed out from all the spittle. Jeez, did he really make that funny of a sound? Though as Shelby is laughing her tail off, the man glances from her face, to her breasts, memories of getting smothered by her breasts making him tense, and not in a good way.

At least he was more perceptive of the intimidating presence as he tensed up, eyes opening wide as the mouse's hand rests on Shelby's shoulder soon after he noticed. His mouth fell open at the question and stare from Shelby, blinking before he speaks with a momentary stammer. "E-erm... I.. Undid her ropes because she needed to go to the bathroom earlier... " Samuel explains, scratching by his head as the mouse too said he screamed. /Scream like a child...? Did I scream? I didn't even notice.../ Samuel thought in faintly hidden embaressment, glancing between Shelby and the mouse.
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Re: Renegade (Samuel;Lionfire)

The mouse let her go. "She was bound for your protection. I cannot be liable if she ruins your body further by being a literal cow." she stated, before promptly making to leave the room without a further word.

Shelby meanwhile looked upset. "I don't feel welcome around here at all."
Sighing softly as Shelby is released, the injured Samuel nods his head as he watches the mouse go. /She has a point... Feels like my body is going to fail me if Shelby has her way with me again./

Unable to deny the soreness through his body, his hand reaches to rub over his leg a bit, as if just making sure it is still alive before he looks back up to Shelby, reaching up to pat her shoulder momentarily. "I don't think they approve of their work keeping me alive being undone... Really dunno how I am going to be able to repay them." He mutters a tad near the end, wincing a bit as he touches a slightly tender spot on him before he sighs once more.

A large part of him debates returning to bed, but it probably isn't a good time to be in there. Hope it airs out soon. Looking around, Samuel scratches his head. Should he look around for a bit to waste time?
Shelby puffed out her cheeks angrily. "Oh come on, I haven't been endangering your life. I just get passionate. You were fine, you just passed out from excitement. That's perfectly normal, my mother told me so." she explained. Even though it was a bit early, it seemed like a good time to wake up. The mouse was doing stretches in the open air, and the Panda was still sleeping.
Blinking at Shelby in bewilderment at her words, Samuel cannot help resisting scratching behind his head momentarily with a short sigh as he walks around the place to get his bearings. /She's going to be the death of me.../ First time out and about, though he doesn't wander all too much outside of getting a little mental mapping of the residence. As sore as he is, he at least wanted to look around and enjoy the sights. Cannot say he has been in a home like this before, so he was content to at least enjoy the difference in culture... Though part of him wanted his journal so he could sketch down the mouse and panda, alongside Shelby about his notes. Hmm... Maybe they won't mind him having it?

After working up a bit of nerve, he'd see about watching the mouse stretch for a short second or two before speaking. "Err... Pardon me, but I was wondering if I could get my journal back?" He'd ask, scratching behind his head momentarily. "I wanted to write some things down, since I haven't written in it for a while." Certainly would be nice to be able to pass the time with his old traveling friend, even if he isn't quite traveling at the moment.
The mouse glanced at Samuel with a look of scorn as he approached, standing tall and stopping her stretching as if she were ready to attack if it came to it. She listened, and then cocked an eyebrow. "Journal? We don't have a journal stashed away, just some kind of fetish book of mamono with large breasts." She declared, while noting the big breasts part, which brought immediate attention to her lack of such things. She had fair hand fillers, but not Shelby's massive weapons. "When I saw it, I threw it into the trash in the kitchen. Should be on top. Go get it and enjoy your lewd book, boy~" She said with a strange mixture of snarl and smile, as if she drew sadistic glee over herself confirming his perverted side and then humiliating him for it.