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Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Mina attacks)

As the monster continues to pursue it's attacker, Mina runs up behind it, grabbing it by the head, then snaps it's neck as it's limp body then falls to the ground...

Mina's victory was short lived, as she put a hand to her forehead, and lost balence, tumbling backwards until she landed against a wall, then slide along until she was sitting on the floor, panting heavily, as if she had run for miles.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"It..It's over! We did it!" Melanie cheers - though her expression softens as she looks to the thoroughly used girl. "We..we can take her back now, right?" Her eyes glimmer with hope - the sudden warmth of..actually rescuing someone overtaking her senses for the moment, pumping one fist in the air. "We...we just need to help her back now, right...?"
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa promptly rushes over to Mina, once again hugging her tightly, burying her face in the angle of Mina's neck.

"That was great, Mina! Um, are you all right?"

This close, something about Mina smells arousing... and that, finally, clues Melissa in.

"Er, Melanie... unless you want to join in, um, could you grab Kali and take her outside?"
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Without looking up, Mina whispered, almost in defeat, "That thing from before... Really took a lot out of me... I can't breathe... Oh god... I feel like I'm gonna die..." she complains in fear.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa gives Mina a kiss on the lips, before caressing the sweaty side of her face.

"Shh, shh... you're not going to die... I'm right here, and I'll take care of you..."

Putting all thought of Kali or Melanie out of her head, she starts undoing her pants and pulling her panties down, getting ready to mount Mina whether they're alone in the bedroom or not.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

"I..I'll take care of Kali..." she murmurs, staggering over to the bed - and struggling to pick the woman up onto her shoulders -tucking both of her thighs undereath her arms, and trying to wrap the girl's arms around her neck. Once she's settled - Melanie's thighs are seen slightly trembling to try and keep her up - but she manages to do so...shuffling towards the door.


"I...I..I'll ..try and take her....outside.." <i>I ..I want to join in..but I can't drain..them. She's already drained....</i> Melanie heaves Kali up onto her shoulders, and paces downstairs...trying with all of her might to keep a grip on her. Though, she couldn't just ...take off. Melanie was decidedly without a weapon. Setting Kali down next to her....Melanie leans down, pressing herself against the wall... ..making sure that she was unconscious very carefully..

"N...nnh." ..One hand slithers underneath Melanie's shorts...and from the way the silhouette of her fingers are shifting about, one can only be sure that she's fondling herself...thighs tightening slightly as a few little wet noises sound from between her legs...
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Although it felt good, Melanie felt no ease from touching herself. The feeling of wanting to make another woman cry in ecstasy was still apparent, and unwavering.

Mina weakly looked up at Melissa undoing her pants, "M-Melissa..." she called to her lover, still sitting against the wall, weakened by her lack of essence.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa takes one look over at the bed - still messy with the fluids of both Kali and the gargoyles - and decides she'd rather stay on the floor.

"Attagirl, Mina, you're doing great... aaah..."

Settling herself down on Mina, she slowly lowers herself on Mina's hard dick, gritting her teeth as it pokes her way past her folds. The sensation of drainage, of having her self sucked away, is nothing new, and even welcomed, and a rush of heat to her loins causes her juices to soak between them.

She embraces Mina, breasts squashed between them, kissing her and teasing her tongue with her own, then rolls the two of them over, putting Mina on top of Melissa - and implicitly granting her control of their mating.

"Aaah... come on, Mina... ohhh... don't want to stay here long..."
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Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina turns animalistic, grabbing Melissa and forcing her to the ground, and began to fuck her hard in the missionary position. Melissa was sliding up and down the ground a little as Mina pulled her cock in and out of her, positioning herself so that she can make rapid thrusts inside her lover's pussy.

Melissa couldn't contain her pleasure, as her cries forced themselves out of her mouth. Melanie could easily hear the woman being fucked hard by Mina, eagerly sucking the very life from Melissa...

As Melissa's cries grew louder, Mina's thrusts became faster, and faster, until Melissa felt herself cum all over the cock that had been driving her crazy with lust, the feeling of release making all of her muscles relax.

Mina came shortly after, thrusting her cock deep, that warm feeling filled her up again, as her spunk completely filled Melissa's womb, and even gushed out of her pussy as her body couldn't hold anymore, creating a pool of cum where they had been fucking.

(Melissa's mental status: Yellow)

Mina slowly pulled her cock out of Melissa, and all of the wonderful white juice gushed from her pussy, covering the floor with Mina's spunk.

Mina leaned in to kiss her passionately, "Melissa, I love you so much." she whispered, aiming her cock to begin fucking again. But, she stopped herself, and pulled away, giving Melissa another kiss as she did.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie, on the other hand...seemed quite bitter about the sensations she was feeling. Though the passionate cries upstairs of the two fill her perverted little ears...as they get louder and louder, Melanie shifts her legs a slight bit wider..and * plut * ...her shorts snap a little bit closer to form in indication that she's slipped a couple fingers inside of herself. A free hand slips underneath her top - gripping at a breast as her fingers work at herself - teeth pressing into the flesh of her shoulder to try and keep herself quiet....

And in a few moments, the front of her shorts were darkened through as a series of short, breathless gasps fall from her lips - hips jerking against her fingers until she slumps against the wall - her breathing labored - and sweat sticking a few bangs to her eyes...


Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa just lies there, panting, slow trickles of semen oozing out of her slit with each twitch of her body. Mindful ecstasy is SO much better than mindless ecstasy.

"Hah, aah, I love you too... ah, Mina? Maybe take a look around, maybe there'll be another pair of pants around here... if there were still monsters, then maybe the house didn't get so thoroughly stripped..."

Slowly she gets up, poking at the bed to find a reasonably clean corner of the sheets to wipe herself off, before she pulls her underwear back on.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina easily got up with renewed vigor, seeming as if she had gotten a boost of adrenaline as she quickly searched for clothes, only finding one pair, it seemed to be meant for a man.

She quickly slipped the loose clothes on, and her cock was no longer hard, so there was no indication that she was a little more than a woman.

She took some steps to her worn lover, kneeling down to her, "Are you alright, Melissa? Did I do it too hard?" she asked with concern, taking note of all of the cum she had injected into her lover.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

With Mina having found her own pair of pants, Melissa pulls her own back up. It would've been easier for her to go bottomless back to the Inn, after all, but she's glad she doesn't have to.

"No, no, I'm just catching my breath, that's all. Let's go check on Melanie and head home, OK?"

Melissa walks out of the room, still a bit wobbly-legged, only to stop as she sees Melanie, still with her hands under her clothes, wet spots showing that she must've been masturbating while Melissa and Mina had their little tryst.

And in a blink, Melissa's hazy joy is dissipated. She crouches down, catching Melanie's eyes, trying not to stare at the dark patch on her shorts.

"I... that's the other part of it... Mina goes crazy, unless she, um, has sex and sorta... drains the soul out of her partner. S-She's getting better about not assaulting me when she's, um, hungry... but you know? Everybody else at the Inn would probably think she's the same as a monster, if they knew - and she isn't! She isn't a monster!"

Melissa takes a moment to calm down, memories of their time together running through her head.

"Please don't tell anybody about Mina - that she needs sex, that she's a hermaphrodite... anything!"
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Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie relaxes against the wall behind her as she slowly catches her breath - pulling out a sticky hand - and ...wipes it off on the side of one bare thigh. Quickly, Melanie shuffles around the room...looking for a kleenex or something to wipe off the front of her soiled shorties....while she waits for the two upstairs to finish and come back down...
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie blinks as Melissa shuffles into the room - Though as Melissa ever-so-bluntly reminds her "that people might think she's a monster" Melanie's eyes burrow into the floor. It was...at this point, she 'd swear to never use her powers again.

Melanie quickly yanks a hand from the edge of her shorts before standing up, and quickly using a little rush of adrenaline from being discovered to heave Kali up onto her shoulders - only reminded how heavy she is again once she's fully standing.


"I..I understand...I...I won't tell a soul...D..don't worry.."

Melanie looks a bit..sad as she says that.

"Are we ready to go?"
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina sees that Melanie can barely hold Kali, and is definitely not strong enough to carry her the rest of the way.

Mina walks up to Melanie, and takes the unconscious Kali from her arms, "Here, I can carry her." she states, seeming to have much more ease as she holds the blue haired girl in her arms.

Mina looks from Melissa to Melanie, all lust gone from her face, "Okay, let's go, I don't want to meet another gargoyle for the rest of my life..."
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa lets out a sigh of relief upon hearing Melanie's agreement.

"I- thank you, Melanie... yes, let's go - home."

And she stands up and walks to the door, fishing fresh cartridges out of her backpack and sliding them into her rifle.

(Reload rifle (ammo count: 10 in rifle, 10 in backpack))
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie, Melissa, and Mina all walked out of the house, and down the street, on their way back to the hotel...

During their trip, they were ambushed by a large amount of tentacles appearing from the sewers. Over two dozen of the tendrils appeared from the dark depths below, and were ready to strike at the four girls, including their unconscious comrade...

(All three girls have the initiative)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa promptly swings her rifle up, but then the barrel wavers as she tries to pick a target.

"Oh, my God... do they never end? Mina, let Kali lie on the ground... you need to be able to defend yourself first..." Wait... the base, where they come out of the manhole.

Her target chosen, she fires a shot...

(Attack with rifle)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

With little to do - Melanie runs back away from the manhole, her sneakers clicking in the concrete..with the only hope being that if she were out of range, they couldn't grab her.

"I..I can't bind all of those! Th..there's too many!" Melanie whimpers, her eyes frantic..
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