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Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
As the three left the hotel, Mina spoke up, "Jesse told me that David saw Kali walking towards a neighborhood district, I think we should head there." she recommended.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

"Ah, sure. That works for me. Well, if you two are both ready, let's get moving. The quicker we get there, the quicker we can get back."

Melissa unslings her rifle, carrying it loosely in her hands. Or at least, she tries to.

"Um... Mina... you can let go of my arm now..."

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

"Th..that narrows it down..." Melanie murmurs, pacing along behind her - cute little sneakers with pink shoelace flopping against the ground. It was true - she wasn't really dressed for the occasion - thin shirt that didn't quite reach down to the bottom of her tummy due to the length it was erected from her chest....and a thin pair of lavender little booty shorts. At least she was freshly showered - and smelling nice..though some would debate how "nice" did smell.


"Uhm..I..I don't really have any weapons yet..but..I can hold monsters in place with...sheer will. We can then take them down from afar...right? I..I guess i'm support. I'm not carrying much, so if we find anything useful...my...powers are quite strong...I think.

But...the drawbacks..

Another dejected sigh slips from her lips - staying a step or two behind Melissa and Sera.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

The three continued along, walking down the road towards the neighborhood district, Melanie noticed many suggestive glances from Mina along the way...

(Perception check)

Melanie was unaware, but Melissa and Mina looked back, hearing noise, and saw three centipedes quickly scurrying towards them.

(Only Mina and Melissa may take an action, Mina may not attack, due to her distance from the enemy)

(Okey dokey, DeMatt, I'll take control of Mina for combat, as she knows her own abilities better than Melissa does, but you can shout orders if you want. ;))
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

The skittering noise is faint, but enough to make Melissa turn her head and look. What she sees gets her turning the rest of the way, raising her rifle and dropping to one knee to steady it.

Yup, those're monsters all right. "Oh... crap, look out - behind us!"

And if the snapped-out warning wasn't enough, the CRACK from her rifle as she takes a shot certainly wakes everyone up.

(Attack the first centipede)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Not quite hearing the skittering noise, Melanie's eyes flicker wide as Melissa's gunshot rings in her ears, letting out a startled yelp and freezing in place - not quite sure how to react. Her teeth bare *hard* into the pink flesh of her lower lip, and hands clam up at her sides....
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

Melissa's bullet hits it right in the body, as it recoils a bit from the attack.

Meanwhile, the other two Centipedes close in on the three, one going for Mina, the other going towards Melanie...

(All three character's may attack)
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Watching her target recoil, Melissa resettles her aim...

"Be careful, Mina!"

Then she takes the shot, hoping to finish the centipede off.

(Attack the first centipede again)
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Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

It looks like this is my first chance to try things out...

Melanie can feel the little tattoo throbbing on her bottom as she stiffens her body up, raising two fingers up and forming a cross. Mel's eyes flicker pink from behind the rims of her glasses - and watching the creature proceed towards her - and quickly realizing she's unarmed, Melanie tightens up her thighs - hips dipping into a half squat - showing of the tiny bits of definiton along her creamy-white legs.

A pink circle appears underneath of the thing - and five pink pins hit five points of a pentagram, each crackling with ethereal energy...


"I..I think I can hold this one off!" she murmurs, breathing a slight bit hard..

( Binding used on target advancing on Melanie )
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Melanie casts, The Binding)

Melanie's spell locks into place, and the creature in question proceeding towards her stops all movement as Melanie concentrates her mind on stopping it from moving, knowing that if she let go, it'd break away from her grip.

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

Melissa delivers the killing blow, her bullet running the monster through as it stopped all movement, it's blood forming a puddle beneath it.

(Mina attacks, unarmed)

Mina was about to kick the creature, but she quickly took a leap back as it attempted to wrap around her, keeping herself free...
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melissa smiles in satisfaction as the centipede collapses. Then she looks around to see how her partners are doing.

"Melanie... how are you - no, never mind, you look like you've got him, I'm gonna help Mina..."

She suits actions to words, targeting the monster attacking her bedmate...

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]


"I...I told you, i've got this..!" Melanie murmurs - eyes still flickering pink as she and the centipede that she restrains both glare at each other . Her thighs tighten, and legs lower a slight bit..before she tightens up her posture, and presses her teeth hard into the flesh of her lower lip.

This is what these superpowers are really about, right? These stupid things..they...they didn't stand a chance!

( Maintaining Hold )
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie continues to hold the creature in place, but she soon starts to feel the slight, ever so slight need to feed on another woman. It was a distant thought, but it was still nagging her at the back of her mind.

(Melanie's mental status: Yellow)

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

Her bullet only graces along the thing's body, but it does recoil a little from shock.

(Mina attacks, unarmed)

Given the opportunity, Mina rushes up to the bug, kicking it surprisingly far, like a soccer ball, across the road. Melissa had seen she was strong, but that looked like it hurt, a lot.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie can feel that sensation nagging at her in her head agai...that foul need to feed...the thing that was depriving her of humanity and...well, her chances to get laid normally like any closet geek desired. It wasn't so hard holding this one critter back - but with Mina and Melissa handling their other two...it would't be so bad to loosen it, right?

Melanie's eyes fade back to their normal shade of color as the pentagram beneath her centipede fizzles and cracks - and she quickly backpedals, that delicate little feminine sway showed off in each motion of those sweet little hips...

( Release binding..and move away from the creature if possible. )
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Busy tracking the bouncing centipede, Melissa isn't sure whether to yell encouragement at Mina, or complaints for giving her such a hard target. Eventually she decides on the former.

"Nice kick, Mina!"

Then she tries to let the blood out of the improvised ball with a bullet.

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

Melissa's bullet ran through the creature as it was about to get up, making sure it never got back up again.

Mina laughs, "Nice shot, Melissa!" she returns to her lover.

(Melanie defends against an attack)

The monster attempts to close the distance by leaping at Melanie, with all intentions on land on her, but she quickly steps to the side, evading the disgusting bug's attack.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Melanie nearly topples over as the thing attempts to run her down - her breathing slightly labored. Adrealine manifests itself inn a few trickles of sweat that follow the curves of her skin - shirt misaligned on her top half from the scuffle, a few inches of creamy white underbreast showing.

Feeling a little like..bait at this point, cursing her..lack of usefulness, With hers the only one left though, surely it had to go after the threat...than little old her, right?

Hunkering down, Melanie scuffles behind a telephone pole - trying to use it to keep distance between the thing and her.


"Me..Melissa! Pl..please! Get..rid..of this thing!"

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

A quick swivel, and Melissa's pointing her gun at the last centipede.

Wow... this is going very well."Hang on, Melanie!"

As Mina dashes back to her, Melissa mutters to her,

"Don't go over and kick it unless it manages to get ahold of Melanie, OK?"

Then she pulls the trigger.

Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Mina stops dead in her tracks as Melissa gives her the order, nodding, "A-alright!" she confirmed with a stutter.

(Melissa attacks, aimed shot)

The bug flinches in great pain as Melissa's bullet runs it through, making it stop in place as blood pours from the wound, but not killing it.
Re: Rescue Kali [Melanie, Melissa, and Mina]

Grinning as the bug freezes in pain, Melissa steadies her sights on the suddenly-easier target.

"This oughta do for ya, bug-ugly."

And pulls the trigger.
