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Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Josie overswung and nearly damaged Lin. (is there any actual chance of me friendly firing?) but she couldn't let that stop her from trying to save her. The creatures weren't stopping their assault, that's for damn sure. Jo swung her axe back at the creature again.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(With the way All Flesh Must Be Eaten is set up, you actually would have taken a chunk out of Lin with that attack, except I obviously changed that, so instead of nearly killing her, and the bug, with your chop, Josie misses.)

(Josie attacks)

Josie growls, the way the creature was humping Lin made it difficult to take a slice at it without the possibility of hitting the bucking Lin.

Dixie screamed at Josie, sounded scared as she shouted at Josie with a trembling voice, "GOD DAMN IT, JO!" she sobs, "HELP ME...! It's-It's gonna-!" she was interrupted as the creature shoves it's cock inside the cop, making her scream out in pain, and pleasure, as it began to thrust in and out of her, wet sounds combining with Lin's as the two were raped in turn, the fat cocks of their rapists going deep inside them as their screams of pain joined together, echoing through the air, as they were forcibly raped right in the middle of the street.

(Lin's stamina status: Yellow)

(Lin's orgasm status: Yellow)

(Lin's mental status: Yellow)
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(Gah! How hard is it to kill a stationary bug! What shitty rolls am I getting?)

Josie was getting nowhere with swinging wildly at it and she had to help Dixie too, who was now being raped as well. Josie turned her axe, using the blunt edge to bash into the centipede on Lin, hoping to at least knock it off so she could stop the rapings of her friend.

*Still an attack, but for roleplay purposes.. ya know*
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Lin braces herself for Josies plan, or try to as the bucking bug makes it very hard to tense herself up.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(It's that horrible dexterity. Josie has the accuracy of a blind cripple. :p)

(Josie attacks)

Seeing the bug squirm on top of Lin just right, Josie sees her opportunity to strike without hitting Lin as well, and swings with her axe fiercely, chopping the rapist bug in half with one furious swing, as the lower half with the cock still inside Lin slowly slips out of her.

Tears start to form on Dixie's face as the creature rapes her to no end. Dixie feels the cock start to throb, and looks back at the creature behind her, eyes going wide, "N-no..." she pleaded in a whisper, "Don't cum inside me..."
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Without even turning to Lin after severing the centipede, Josie ran towards Dixie, simply yelling back to Lin on the way.


"Help her! .. I'm coming Dixie!

Josie takes a swing at the creature raping Dixie, hoping she can put it down before she has to go through anymore trauma, and before it has a chance to cum inside her
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Lin pickes up her fallen gun and takes one aimed shot at the monster mounted on Dixie, trying to control her shaking hands...
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(Lin attacks, aimed shot)

Lin was very traumatized from being raped, and barely missed her shot on the centipede raping Dixie, overcompensating so she wouldn't shoot Dixie instead.

(Josie attacks)

As Josie swings, she stops herself before the edge of the axe grazes along Dixie's skin. If she had continued to swing, she would have hurt Dixie badly.

As Lin and Josie heard Dixie scream in orgasm, they saw the cock get thick near the base, and the thickness slowly traveled down the pink cock, almost as if something was traveling through it, as it pushed itself inside Dixie. She screamed at the top of her lungs as it stretched her walls to make room for it's seed. It continued to pump her with it's eggs two more times, until she fell unconscious on the ground from the traumatic pain.

The monster slowly pulled it's cock out of her pussy, finished with impregnating it's victim, and moved as if about to attack the other two girls...
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Josie had to stop herself before Dixie got hurt, which proved to be too late as the centipede orgasmed into her, filling her painfully. She let her axe drop to her side in disbelief and surprise as Dixie screamed aloud, before passing out. As the centipede crawled off of her, Jo bared her teeth and gripped her axe hard. Now with no chance of hurting Dixie, she was able to take a full swing at the creature.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Lin tries to take another aimed shot at the bug, in case Josie misses again.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(Josie attacks)

The creature didn't have enough time to react, as Josie brought her axe high into the air, and split the monstrosity in two with a powerful chop downwards. It's body twitched and thrashed as the lower portion lost connection with the brain, rendering it a thrashing mess on the road.

With a triumphant Josie, a slightly raped Lin, and an unconscious Dixie, every single large bug had died.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Josie kneeled down beside Dixie, not taking her eyes off the poor girl, trying to lightly shake her awake.


"Hey, you ok over there? Your sister fine?" Meanwhile, trying whisper to the unconscious Dixie "Come on Dixie, wake up. I'm sorry I couldn't get here in time, wake up."
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Dixie's head only bobbed back and forth like a lifeless doll as Josie shook her, and gave no response to her question.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Lin glanced at Rin to make sure she's still there and looked for her bag.
She remembered that she has new pair of clothes with her and that 1st aid kit might be useful...
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Josie realized that trying to wake her would be useless now, it was up to them to get Rin and Dixie back to the inn. She reached down and lifted Dixie, getting her arm around her shoulder for support. After taking a deep breath and steadying herself, she started to move forward.


"Get your friend, we've got to get going."
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(The clothes were too bulky inside her pack, and had to be placed in storage to make room for the kit.)
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

(Geezus RJ, how big is the damn bag? You can just fold the clothes and it would fit perfectly with the 1st aid, hell you can just roll it up or something, no one's gonna care about wrinkles!)
Lin nodded, and got up to her feet, she pulled Rin onto her back and tried to move as fast as she can towards the Inn.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Lin and Josie find it difficult to lift an unconscious women by themselves, as they lack the strength to carry another human being around for a good walking distance...

(Neither Lin nor Josie are strong enough to lift a human being, and carry one for anything over a few minutes before tiring, they will most likely get attacked before they reach the hotel, and they will be tired as well from carrying their two comrades.)
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

Without saying a word, Josie kneels down and gently lays Dixie back on the ground.


"Listen, Lin.. We're never gonna get anywhere this way. You're armed, can I trust you to protect them while I get help? The inn's not too far away and I'm pretty fast on my feet, I won't leave you for too long. I'll get help, I promise."

Josie hightailed it towards to inn.
Re: Rescue Rin [Josie, Lin, Dixie]

"Just be careful!" Lin yelled after her, then pulled out her trusty hand gun and tried to concentrate.
(RJ, is there anyway to temp fix damaged clothing?)