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Research [Azure]

Re: Research [Azure]

An hour had passed. Iris had quietly been sitting in her spot trying to rest. She had looked at Azure a few times to see how she was fairing. Iris really couldn't tell, with her being curled up under a blanket.

Iris decided something then. She wanted to get the supplies and get the three of them back to the inn, and now. Iris was tired of waiting around. Iris stood and walked over to where Azure was resting. Upon getting to her Iris placed her hand on the girl. Iris said, almost in a wisper-
(( With Azures new pictures its hard to call her woman 0_0))
" Hey, Azure. Are you rested enough to leave now? Listen... I don't want to abandon the supplies so we can go with your bed idea. "

Iris went silent then, but kept her hand on the girl.
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure was feeling a bit better, but was still disgusted at Emily's attitude. Her time to relax and recover was just what she needed it seemed, taking long, slow breaths, she lifted herself out of bed and wrapped the blanket around herself, tying it off to cover herself and wipe the rest of the slime off of herself.


"Look... I get it you two are close and you obviously don't give a damn about me. But I'm still in this for everyone, not just myself. I promise I won't take either of you out into any situation that either of you will be in danger ever again.

If you'd rather dump the supplies and run, I'm fine with that. I can come back with a better group."
Re: Research [Azure]

Iris let out a soft sigh. Azure didn't understand, but Iris did care about her. Azure was Iris's teamate, Iris always cared about her teamates. Iris then took a seat on the bed Azure was on and took her hand off the girl. Still making eye contact Iris softly said-

" Azure, you're wrong. I do care about you. I'd be willing to help you again after this. I don't want you or more girls to risk their safty and lives again by coming back for supplies. I'm going to bring the supplies with us and get you and EMily back to the inn alright? "

Iris went silent then waited for a reply. Thinking more about what Azure had said, she was right about her and Emily. Emily and Iris were very close. Iris would give her life for Emily if she had to. She would even admit that out loud.
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily was just getting annoyed at Azure. She was going to help her, but her woe is me attitude was pissing her off. Why couldn't she just pick herself up and endure through this? Emily didn't even yell at her before. Azure's reaction to the situation was unbelievable to her.

"Look stop acting like this it's just going to make everything worst... and I wanted to leave the supplies behind behind because I thought it would give everyone a greater chance of everyone getting out of here, including you. We are going to bring the shit with us for the time being, I'll only ditch it if I have absolutely have to."
Re: Research [Azure]


"Just shut up... I tried to be nice, I saved your filthy ass several times, and first chance you get you tell me how fast you'd leave me behind. You have no right to say anything else to me about anything."

Azure got up and made sure her gun was ready, preparing to leave the room, leaving the other girls to their own devices.
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily grabbed Azure's arm. In her condition she was about to commit suicide.

"Don't leave without us."
She tried to make her words pierce through Azure's anger at her. Even though she had threatened to leave her behind she really didn't want this girl to just waltz out there and get herself captured.

"First off we are going to need teamwork if we want to not get captured by these things.... Cooperation is key right now. Also I want to see if anything is out there... waiting for us."
Re: Research [Azure]


"You really think I'm going to hurl myself into the monsters the way you wanted to do to me? Just because I'm pissed off at your childish attitude... get your hand off me."

Azure pulled her arm away from Emily, opening the door just a crack to check outside the room.
Re: Research [Azure]

(You guys are waitin' on me to post, I don't have actions... Even if you guys take separate actions, ergo, splitting up, I can still advance this scenario.)

(But I can do this!)

(Strength check)

Azure successfully pulls her arm away.

Re: Research [Azure]

(( ROFL ))

(( RJ Azure checked out the door to see if there's anything there I assumed that was our action lol ))

EDIT: And RJ beat me.
Re: Research [Azure]

Iris got up from her spot and stood up. Iris then said to Emily and Azure-

" We don't have much time, please don't fight. It's going to be night soon so unless we take this bed in here and grab the supplies now we're going to have to stay the night here. Come on, lets get moving. "

Iris went silent then.

* Attempt to lead group out of the room with the bed with wheels and go to the supplies box. *
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily goes over to pick up the supplies. She assumed that Azure was still beat after what happened to her.

"I'll put it on the bed... Azure can you still walk well?"

(I honestly don't know if she can or can't)
Re: Research [Azure]

(Her stamina is in critical condition, she can walk on her own, but slowly.)
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure smiled at Iris and helped her start wheeling the bed. Although she still wasn't feeling one hundred percent, by resting on the bed as she pushed it, she was fairly sure they could get some momentum going. (Riding it like a giant skateboard!)

After getting just a bit outside the door she began to examine the gooey mess around them.


"You know... some of these things track by scent... What if we rubbed this slime all over ourselves? That might be enough to scare attackers away. Or most of them at least..."

Azure picked up huge gobs of the slime and rubbed it all over her body quickly to cover her scent.
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily seeing how fatigued Azure was decided it would be better to push her.


"Get on the bed Azure... me and Iris are going to push you. Make sure the supplies don't fall off and keep watch up front."

Thinking about what Azure just said made her wonder if they should make makeshift clothes. Although she didn't mind walking around like this if these things tracked by scent then it would be better to try to use bedsheets as clothes or use the slime.

"Yeah... good idea Azure. We should probably use some bedsheets as well to help block our scent."

(Repeat Azure's action <.<)
Re: Research [Azure]

* Iris helps Azure on the bed and rubs the slime on her body. *
Re: Research [Azure]

As all three girls rub the juices on themselves, they feel a tingling sensation, as if the juices were exciting them...

(Everyone who rubbed slime on themselves are slightly aroused. Other than a wet pussy, no other changes are noticeable...)
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure used her sheets to gather up a huge amount of the slime on the matress, so they could re-apply it on themselves during the trip, then urged them onward.


"Let's go. Make it quick, but don't exhaust yourself. Push the bed to get speed, then ride it so we can get some distance fast. We'll be back at the Inn well before sunset. And if anything attacks us, we can fire while moving.

Keep your body covered in the stuff so anything out there thinks we're already captured and doesn't come looking for a fight."

Azure began to lead the group onward, gun at the ready, and making sure the box was securely in place... by using one of the bed's straps to hold it in place.
Re: Research [Azure]


"Yeah, I've heard at sun sight horrible things happen out here... we should just fucking run as fast as possible."

(Start running pushing the bed... same pace as Iris)