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RPG RPG Maker [ Ressentiment ] [ルさんちまん] The World Reforming Adventure of Queen Iris / 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記 RE186234 RJ186234

Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Doesn't work for me.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Current bug list on the blog:
Still investigating:
-Forcibly removed from dungeon.

-No change when equipping nipple piercing A
-Unable to talk to the rescued character after clearing 5th floor, and if you teleport to the bar to prostitute yourself you can't get out of the room.
-Standing pic get broken if you beat 10th floor boos while naked.
-Sometimes at night there's no heart mark over allies/fat man until you leave and reenter the room.
-Something about losing to Orc/Goblin and Sylvia's pregnant event even though she isn't pregnant.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

a little help here
whenever i unpack the game and try to play it appear

Reference error
___copytext is not defined

and game closes any help ?
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

a little help here
whenever i unpack the game and try to play it appear

Reference error
___copytext is not defined

and game closes any help ?

Just to be sure, did you make sure to rename that DEFAULT FOLDER thing? Since that name will screw things up.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

yes i did and still happen
crap nvm i noticed my problem now

speedhack breaks the txt i tryed without installing it first damn now i need to find a new one
yep its confirmed Caesar Speed hack doesnt work with it since it breaks
once i revert back to normal setting it works fine
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Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

yep its confirmed Libellule Speed hack doesnt work with it since it breaks

give to caesar that is to caesar ^^, that prety good speed hack is not from me, but from Kura

but that possible that he give some bug on some rare game :x, like the one on a island with zombi, dont remember the name XD

here, i make a patch to install my texthooker, without the speedhack, those that have some bug, can you try it to see ? View attachment RJ186234nospeedhack.zip
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

i find that they make, they modified directly MV file on how he charge plugin (PluginManager.setup)

i will think of a way to preven that problem and will modify the patcher so that will not pose problem if other game make that too in the future

The way the PluginManager was changed, instead of loading the plugins it pushes the names onto the PluginManager._scripts list as well as getting the parameters from the plugins.js file, then in comp.js there are manual handlers to load each plugin (which contains is a minified combination of all the plugins that the game uses).

Its simple to get around this in several ways. There is what you did, by putting the plugins in comp.js so they get loaded anyway when comp.js does, at which point its not needed to actually list them in the plugins.js file because comp.js is being loaded already.

An alternative is what I've done for my copy of the game, which is to modifiy the rpg_managers.js PluginManager.setup function to force it to load any patched in plugins. (While I find this the more elegant solution, it might not be the easiest to make available for every game)

This is how I did it for this game (modified in www/js/rpg_managers.js):
<!-- HTML generated using hilite.me --><div style="background: #ffffff; overflow:auto;width:auto;border:solid gray;border-width:.1em .1em .1em .8em;padding:.2em .6em;"><pre style="margin: 0; line-height: 125%">PluginManager.force_load_plugins = [<span style="color: #0000FF">"Speedhax"</span>, <span style="color: #0000FF">"Cheat_Menu"</span>, <span style="color: #0000FF">"Clipboard_llule"</span>]; <span style="color: #008800; font-style: italic">// list of plugins to manually add</span>

PluginManager.setup = <span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">function</span>(plugins) {
<span style="color: #008800; font-style: italic">// getting parameters and names for composite plugins</span>
plugins.forEach(<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">function</span>(plugin) {
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">if</span> (plugin.status && !<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>._scripts.contains(plugin.name) && !<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>.force_load_plugins.contains(plugin.name)) { <span style="color: #008800; font-style: italic">// only games composite plugins</span>
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>.setParameters(plugin.name, plugin.parameters);
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>._scripts.push(plugin.name);
}, <span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>);
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>.loadScript(<span style="color: #0000FF">'Comp.js'</span>); <span style="color: #008800; font-style: italic">// load games composite plugin</span>

<span style="color: #008800; font-style: italic">// load manually patched plugins last (incase they need to overwrite anything)</span>
plugins.forEach(<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">function</span>(plugin) {
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">if</span> (plugin.status && <span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>.force_load_plugins.contains(plugin.name)) { <span style="color: #008800; font-style: italic">// only load forced patched plugins</span>
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>.setParameters(plugin.name, plugin.parameters);
<span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>.loadScript(plugin.name + <span style="color: #0000FF">'.js'</span>);
}, <span style="color: #000080; font-weight: bold">this</span>);

Simply distributing this modified www/js/rpg_managers.js would then be enough to fix everyone's issues, and removing a plugin can be done the same way as in the past (delete its www/js/plugins/*.js file and remove it from www/js/plugins.js) or by removing it from the PluginManager.force_load_plugins list in the modified www/js/rpg_manager.js

Now how to detect this and make this patching automatic (for either method)... That's a slightly more difficult problem to tackle depending on how many authors start doing this, and if whether they all do it the same way.

speedhack breaks the txt i tryed without installing it first damn now i need to find a new one
yep its confirmed Libellule Speed hack doesnt work with it since it breaks
once i revert back to normal setting it works fine

What does speedhax break? It seemed to be working for me... does it cause text to be missed or something?
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Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

yeah see all that ^^, i just forced in prety much the same way in my second little patch

my idea for now, i started to wrote in my patcher a thing so that he will analyse the PluginManager.setup fonction to see if the game have a modified version, if not he will patch normaly, if yes, he will patch modifying the manager_rpg on the spot, adding my own plugins loading method, will make him use a separate plugins2.js, to be sure to not interfere in any way with anything that the dev have modifed (because if they modified the PluginManager.setup... they can have modified the plugins.js in any way too :x, so i thinks if that the case, it's better not touch it ^^)

edit for the next post :
Sure i will update your cheat to your most recent version in the same time np ^^, didn't have time to update my patcher since a few :p
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Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

yeah see all that ^^, i just forced in prety much the same way in my second little patch

my idea for now, i started to wrote in my patcher a thing so that he will analyse the PluginManager.setup fonction to see if the game have a modified version, if not he will patch normaly, if yes, he will patch modifying the manager_rpg on the spot, adding my own plugins loading method, will make him use a separate plugins2.js, to be sure to not interfere in any way with anything that the dev have modifed (because if they modified the PluginManager.setup... they can have modified the plugins.js in any way too :x, so i thinks if that the case, it's better not touch it ^^)

BTW, if you release a new version of your patcher you should update the included version my cheat_menu plugin, the one your using is a few updates old.

Also I posted something on your patcher thread about a bug I found for the choice message boxes (at least for the game Cursed armor) that causes the choices to be broken in game.

But anyways, back to the topic of this game....

Current bug list on the blog:

Is there any mention of when we can expect an updated version of the game?
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Is there any mention of when we can expect an updated version of the game?

Best case scenario is some will get fixed by tonight. Otherwise he might want to fix them all first then apply for update (and since there's that 'under investigation' one still, it might be a while)
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

This is MV right? Does it have the same RAM issues like another game a while back had which you solved by running in WinXP mode?
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

I've had no memory issues on windows 10. It uses 450mb for me.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

English-side announcement page

Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Its out with over 1300 downloads. That was fast, people really wanted this game O.O
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

To be fair, the last game was pretty fun, so he's riding off the successes of that.

This one probably isn't as good as the last one was gameplay wise, I sort of liked the game design of the last one, although the 'knock out part of a group to lower their combat' was a decent gimmick, but it didn't quite have the 'Plan ahead for minimum damage' aspect the previous games did.

(Then again I'm a sucker for skills like the auto execute below X hp, tactical stuns/disrupts and other fun things to see if you can ace a particular encounter.)
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

This game is cheaper than their last game but still have good quality H-scenes. No wonder people want it.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

To be fair, the last game was pretty fun, so he's riding off the successes of that.

This one probably isn't as good as the last one was gameplay wise, I sort of liked the game design of the last one, although the 'knock out part of a group to lower their combat' was a decent gimmick, but it didn't quite have the 'Plan ahead for minimum damage' aspect the previous games did.

(Then again I'm a sucker for skills like the auto execute below X hp, tactical stuns/disrupts and other fun things to see if you can ace a particular encounter.)

I guess this one's main gimmick is the use of pseudo-Vancian 'spell'-casting instead of MP. Other than that, well, the game is much more tactically shallow, with fewer character building options (read: munchkinism). Overall a decent game, with quite excellent CGs, but it's sort of a letdown when compared to the previous games.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Partial is up!
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Partial is up!

Oh great powerful, awesome, handsome/pretty yugi, where did you put the partial, I can't find it anywhere (looked at translation topic)