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Restarted: Mindfuck

Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

No, the one with the girl showing off her vag on a bed with a small child peering towards the camera just near the edge of the shot off the bed

I see nothing.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

No, the one with the girl showing off her vag on a bed with a small child peering towards the camera just near the edge of the shot off the bed

what the hell are you looking at?
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

*sigh* Well, I said I didn't want to post it now but whatevs


I can't look too closely without laughing but I've been told it's fake. I can't tell
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

I probably would have laughed if "what" had been spelt "wat", but as it is, it's not funny enough.

Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Well, I wish I could find a version that didn't have that
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck


When you see it, you'll lol. Not really all that hard, I though, but it takes some people a minute or two.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

lol, it's not that difficult, but it's funny.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

I must be freakin' blind, because I don't see shit.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

I suppose it's camoflaged quite well.

It's not really hidden, it just manages to blend in somehow.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Is that a...saw? ahahhahaha.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Im pretty sure I know what it is xD
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Considering lumarin said it out loud...
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

He did? *goes to check*

EDIT - He didnt exactly say it, because all he said was the saw. He didnt say that the man will fall with the branch because he's sitting on the wrong side.
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Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Moving swiftly on, I've seen numeous rage-debates on /b/ about whether this one is right or not. So don't be unhappy if you don't see it, about 33% of /b/tards think there isn't any mindfuck here.

Do PM me solutions for this one. And then we can have our own rage-debate afterwards.

Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Just curious, can we start getting the answers to the previous pictures whenever a new picture is posted?
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Raimei Nagata and Phoenix Alugere have PM'd me decent answers.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

I would PM an answer, but I'm not seeing anything either. I second Phoenix's idea of getting the answers to the previous ones at well, because quite frankly I usually fail at mindfucks.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Wolf's comic: no idea.
The ginger girl - photo on bedstand on right hand side has pedobear in.
Moustache girl - the girl has a moustache.
Vagina girl - the random kid on the left with the "what" and the arrow pointing at him
The guy on the tree branch - he's sawing the branch while sitting on the bit which will fall.
Re: Restarted: Mindfuck

Well darn Wolf's is the one I wanted to know.