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Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst's blow splashes more of the pool about, although he doesn't seem to be making too much of an impact on its health. The pool though continues to massage his cock, the multitude of miniature tongues licking up and down his shaft as bands of pleasure roll from the base to the tip. Inside of his ass he can feel a steady swirling of current massaging him and rubbing against his prostate causing Rhyst surges of pleasure. Attempting to quicken Rhysts next orgasm, the fluid adds on even more as it begins gently sucking his balls and nipples.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Panting heavily, the elf realizes the futility of his efforts, sighing to himself and tossing his mace toward the center where the door was, hopefully out of the goo, then relaxing inside of it, leaning backwards, hoping it would either slow his fall or support him as it worked him over, his body sore and shaking, begging to release again, craving to be touched more by the green pool.

(Give up)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

The goo, realizing that the figure inside of it had stop resisting, decided to take full advantage of the fact that it didn't need to deal with receiving annoying stings from the man and began to work on its own fun. Immediately, Rhyst feels the fluid in his ass solidify into one solid member which began a study rhythm of pumping in and out off his ass. In addition, every time he felt the gooey cock force its way into his ass, Rhyst could feel part of it rub against his prostate spiking his pleasure. His cock also started to receive a slightly different type of pleasure as the tongues that had been licking his cock before then solidified into a single large casing which began to pump his cock, letting ridges on it's interior stroke up and down Rhyst's shaft. The goo that had been holding tightly to him until now also broke off and began swirling against Rhyst pressing against his muscles in what was effectively a full body massage. In only a matter of minutes Rhyst feels the goo plunge one more time into his ass even deeper than it had gone before and as a result Rhyst feels himself shooting off into the liquid. Slumping forward in exhaustion, Rhyst feels himself drifting before being deposited on the small island in the center of the pool.

(You actually could have defeated the goo. It's just that it size would prevent you from killing it. In effect, it would have just gotten annoyed enough with you eventually that it would kick you out onto the island)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

(You say that as if I could have figured it out ICly... I was basing his actions off of what had happened with the blue pool earlier. And since his actions on the green one had little to no effect after a few rounds, he decided this was different, and the sheer size of the opponent combined with the distractions would be too much for him. Also, how much non-lethal damage and corruption do I take?)

Panting and groaning, Rhyst reaches for the mace he threw over before, re-sheathing it before laying eagle spread on his back, exposed and exhausted, his body still quivering from his recent orgasms and pleasures, part of him wanting to go back into the pool.

But that part wouldn't be enough, and he would simply lay there, resting, hoping nothing would come along to take advantage of him while he was like this.

(rest as long as it takes to remove all non-lethal damage)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Resting for several hours, Rhyst notices an odd humming sound. After a bit of time, he finally realizes that the gate itself is making the sound. Either the humming was a property of the gate or he had just never been around one long enough to notice. Also, while looking at the gate between periods of sleep, Rhyst notices that the gate seems to be made out of some shiny, black rock which he vaguely seems to remember being called something along the lines of obsidy or obdian or sidian or something like that. Eventually, though, Rhyst is mostly recovered from his fatigue, although his wound from the thing before still drags at him. Still, for now it would be alright. For now though, Rhyst is starting to feel rather hungry.

(You were down to 1 non-lethal and took 3 CrP Also you gain. I was just saying the thing about the goo so you didn't think I had thrown something completely unbeatable at you. Also, you gain back one hp.)
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst sighs in relief at his wounds continuing to fade, then sighs at his hunger. Eating a few more of his trail rations, he shrugs, waving bye to the pool of green goo before stepping through the door, hoping there was food, or better: people, on the other side.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Stepping through the gate, Rhyst is confronted with three things. First of which is a massive black sea stretching out to the horizon. Second, a glimmer of lights on that horizon. Third, a nearby shack with a boat tied up outside. While observing all these things, Rhyst can hear a song being hummed from the shack.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Thinking he finally found someone else at last, Rhyst approaches the shack. Though he does so cautiously, not knowing what was there, his heart thumping in his chest, hand lightly on the hilt of his sword.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst approaches the shack, letting the humming cover up his movements. Soon, though, he is at the door to the shack deciding how to open it when the door opens from the inside.

An old, weathered half-orc stands on the other side. So, I'm guessing you're a new arrival eh? Which layer did you just come from?
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst takes his hand off his sword, seeing that the one inside the hut was non-hostile. At least for now. He takes a slight bow, then answers the half-orc. "I'm Rhyst, and have no idea what you speak of as far as 'layers'. I simply walked through a series of strange doors and found myself here."
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Layers are what we call the different areas the Doors lead to. I think the most common upper layers to run through on your way here are the swamp and either of the two major cave layers. Name's Grollach, by the way. So, which layer did you just come from, and did you have fun on your way down? The man says
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Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"I'm... not quite sure which layer I came from. The last thing I ran into was a room that consisted of a 4-way bridge, each section leading to a carving of a dragon's maw, each carving with a different colored gem in it. There were also a bunch of strange bird-like creatures that attacked and tried to rape me, but i fended them off. Just before coming here, I shamefully let a pool of green ooze drain me, unable to properly fight back." he explains, hoping he was detailed enough.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Ah, the dark caves. There's a different set that actually is fully lit, but it doesn't brush up against Monolith. The goo you mentioned is probably a grand slime. There aren't many creatures that strong in the higher layers, and the ones that are that powerful generally keep to around the Doors to this layer so that they can catch people coming in or out. The dragon maw room your talking about is another congregating place. Down each of those maws was a gate so the Avora's stay there and wait for people to come to them. Grollach says, Now there's no shame in letting them have their way with you if you can't beat them. The bigger things'll sometimes decide to eat you if you resist. You just got to be careful about getting to much of their juice in you, it's tainted with the essence of chaos and too much will warp your body, just like that trace work of lines you got on you. So, up for a little boat ride? He continues, heading out of the shack and towards the small boat.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst nods. "Sure. You're the most trustworthy thing, not to mention the only person, I've met my entire time here. Maybe you could explain more to me about these red lines on our trip as well. There was a time where I was fighting... I got a great burst of speed, but it was for a short time, and I have no idea how it happened..."
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Can't tell you much about those lines. All I can say is you were filled with enough chaotic energy that your body was warped slightly. As for being trustworthy. Most everyone who comes through the Doors eventually ends up in Monolith. It's basically the only town past the Doors that we know of. The man says, before making a quick comment. Don't touch the water under any circumstances while you're on my boat.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst nods, though he wouldn't have anyway, his previous experiences with 'water' here none too promising. "Thanks for the tip. Speaking of water, do you know of a good place to refill my waterskin? I've already had to fill it once while I've been here, and I've been drinking as sparingly as I can, not exactly trusting anything that comes from this place."
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Aye, the water here either attacks you or is tainted by chaos. We have some over in Monolith that is mostly pure, but nothing here is completely free of the taint. Speaking of which. If you expect to get food, water, and a place to sleep here, you're going to have to find some sort of work. Likely you'll be put to work journeying out into the layers to get stuff and bring it back. Of course, you could always decide to simply venture deeper, but that probably isn't the healthiest option. Grollach replies, before pulling them off shore with his paddles, careful not to touch the water himself.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

Rhyst listens and nods. "I could probably handle that. Do you know if I'd be doing so alone? Just feels like this place would be... safer, if I had someone else with me." He wonders out loud, looking out over the water.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

You might, you might not. It depends on who is free and if you actually don't mind some of the people. Also, you got to be careful. Some are as bad as the monsters. Grollach replies rowing them towards the lit island in the distance.
Re: Rhyst's Journey (Ryu)

"And do you know all of this from... experience? Or are you just well informed?" Rhyst asks curiously, his eyes following the half-orc's to the island.
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