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Riddle (Burning Gold)

Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"Okay that's fine. I thought maybe you trying to sneak in extra night. Are you here to see the castle?" The innkeeper seems to have calmed down after seeing the nun isn't a squatter.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Castle? " The nun said, her head somewhat tilted, " I didn't know there was a castle in this town. Is it some sort of tourist attraction? " While this trip wasn't about sight seeing, Rosaline hadn't ever seen anything like a castle before and would very much like to.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"That's what they call it, I call it sick! Making a mockery of all the sufferin our people have had in the past, they say he's not real, but I say it's not right to be temptin' fate!" He punches his palm growling.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Ah, I see. This castle must be a recreation of Count Dracula's legendary castle, Castlevania. The place where the legendary vampire and his evil minions lurked. " Rosaline had only gotten familiar with these legends within the last few months or so. After her encounter last night she was starting to believe that these weren't just legends. " Sir, I believe ill be staying in this town for another day or so. Please, allow me to pay for another two nights. " She said, pulling a wallet out of her pocket. The nun was going to be doing some research on this tourist attraction, she had a feeling it and that thing that attacked her last night were connected.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"Well okay, you'll probably be one of te last customers I have, I hear they're going to let people stay in that thing like a big scary hotel. Bah who'd be that crazy..." He took the money and tipped his small hat at her. "If you need anything miss jus ask." He turned and headed back to the manager's office
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Have a nice day, sir. " the nun said as the man walked off. Stepping back inside, Rosaline dropped her suitcase on the floor. Stepping back out of the room, she shut the door behind her and locked it with her room key. ' Now would be a good time to get started on investigating. Should I head to that castle first or the church..? ' The woman mused this thought to herself as she left her room door behind and began to head out of the building.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

When she entered the town square Rosaline could see a priest waving around, "Please my children! I implore you! Do not walk blindly into the mouth of evil lest ye be consumed!" All the tourists seem to ignore the man entirely as he rants.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Oh, a priest. " Rosaline said pleasantly, happy to see another member of the holy church in the town square. Needless to say the nun walked over to the ranting man to speak with him. " Hello father. " the woman said, addressing him in a way people typically address priests. " Is something troubling you? You seem distressed. "
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"These poor sheep are wandering into that scion of evil and death blindly and willingly, there's no sense to it!" He gestures angrily at a large castle in the distance that many people seem to be walking towards.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

" Hmm, the inn keeper seemed bothered by the castle too. I'm getting more and more convinced this isn't just an innocent tourist attraction... " Rosaline said as she looked off at the large structure. If this castle was connected to that thing she had seen the night before then the priest would certainly be right, all the tourists would be walking into a scion of evil and death. " Father, there's something I'd like to tell you. The night before, on my way here, I was attacked by someone, a rather hairy man who looked like he was half wolf. He destroyed the roof of my car..." she pointed off the spot where she had parked her car, if it was still there the priest would see how it's roof had been utterly ripped off.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"A werewolf? You were attacked by a minion of darkness and lived? How? You are only a child!" He gives a look of total disbelief to the petite nun before him.

(You know that's going to be one hell of a story to the cab company. "Uh yeah...I got you cab destroyed and your driver um....eaten.")
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( One that would likely get her thrown in the loony bin. " No really, I was attacked by a wolf man! He destroyed the cab after eating the driver, really! Hey, who are you calling? Is that a straight jacket?! Get away from me!" )

" I likely would of perished if it hadn't been for this." She reached into one of her dresses pockets and pulled the cross she had used the night before. She held it up for the man to see before speaking up. " The priest of my home town gave me this to defend myself, saying it had the power to make evil perish. It worked, and I managed to vanquish the werewolf thing, the poor misguided soul. ." The nun let a sigh out, thinking about last night brought her spirits down. Two unnecessary death's, one caused by her. ' At least they're with god now...' she thought to herself.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

"I still don't understand why a girl would be sent with a weapon like that...You shouldn't even be allowed outside the convent...If you want to join the rest of the fools in the castle that's fine." He frowns obviously having a less than high opinion of women.

(Ah the joys of 70s religion)
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline frowned, however said nothing to the man's unpleasant comments. Sexism was something she was use to. " Ill see if I can't do anything to help those "sheep"." She said, now speaking in her typical upbeat voice. " Wish me luck father. God be with you. " With an elegant curtsy, she turned and left the priest, heading to the castle. She was hesitate to actually go inside it, however she saw nothing wrong with simply observing it.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

The path seemed to go up for ages until she stood at the gates of the castle, it certainly seemed ominous but no one else seemed to care as tour groups went in and out of the castle. "Okay stay together, it's time for the 5:30 tour!" A woman waves a group of people over.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She had only been planning on looking at the castle from a safe distance, however seeing that there was a tour about to be held, she began to consider taking it and going inside. " Hmm..." the nun went, not entirely sure if this was a good idea or not. It could be that this castle was connected to the thing she saw last night, it could be a totally evil place. Then again, with tours and going on maybe it was safe. " Well, even if something does happen ill be prepared." She mumbled to herself, knowing her bottles of holy water and cross would be able to vanquish any evil that would attack her. Making her decision she went and decided to go and take the tour.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

She gets a few odd looks from the tourists but they begin focusing on the tour. "Thank you for joining us here in Dracula's Castle, please remember to keep your collars up." The group snickers at the bad joke and the tour seems incredibly short with large parts of the castle skipped, through the entire thing Rosaline feels a little on edge, before they reach the throne room though a man comes over and whispers to the guide and she nods and walks over to Rosaline. "Congratulations miss you've been chosen to get to be one of the first to stay in this magnificent castle for the night!" She smiles and motions for Rosaline to follow while the man continues the tour.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

( What's the worst that could happen? )

During the entire tour she had felt slightly on edge, but nothing bad had happened. Perhaps the castle was suppose to give people a feeling of uneasiness, that way it felt scarier or something. Shortly before the man approached the tour guide Rosaline had come under the impression that this really was a harmless tourist attraction. That being said, when she was suddenly told she had been chosen to stay the night in such an amazing place, she happily accepted.

" Wow, I have? Really? " she said, surprised and excited sounds. " Well, I'd love to stay the night!" She said. The young lady happily began to follow the female tour guide. She hoped the room she'd be staying in had a shower, she'd been dying to take one for a while now.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

Rosaline is taken to a deluxe room, the kind you see in pictures of 5 star hotels, everything is elegant, a massive bed, flowers, and a huge warm scented bath seems to already be prepared for her. "Dinner is at midnight, I suggest you get some rest before then miss." The guide smiles and bows a bit closing the doors behind her leaving Rosaline alone in her suite.
Re: Riddle (Burning Gold)

After the tour guide left, Rosaline found herself thinking about what had happened while she prepared to bath herself. ' I wonder if they chose me simply because I'm a nun. Yeah, they likely found it amusing to see a member of the church in a place like this. ' she laughed to herself as she removed her clothing. Off came the entire outfit, leaving the woman's body butt naked. She really did take after her mother physically, her skin as pale as it was and her hair the exact same shade of red. Really, she was almost the spitting image of her mothers self when she was a young woman.

The woman let out a long, happy "Ahhh..." out when she went into the warm bath water. Likely, she'd spend an hour just lounging in the water, slowly washing herself as the minutes went by. After a long bath she'd take the tour guides advice and get some sleep, only drying off and dressing back up before going to sleep.