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Re: Rift Touched

“Oh, I think I’m up for it~” you growl out as you grab Delilah’s hand and bring her index finger to your mouth, sucking on it suggestively and moaning as you do so. Delilah growls deeply as she gazes into your emerald eyes and you see a battle waging in her, and eventually her better – and the term is used loosely – judgment wins out and she quickly turns from you to set up the machine, and to busy herself so that she doesn’t jump your bones. “Haha, I taught you well, babe! You know just the right buttons to push for all of us to get us fired up!” Helena laughs as she nudges your shoulder playfully, and all you do is smile and shrug innocently. “Alright, darling, I’ll need you to remove the slime” Delilah chirps happily, turning around and walking toward you carrying two pumps with cups on them. You nod and with your left hand you gently rub the red slime and say sweetly “Come on little one” which causes the slime to ripple once before it morphs and rolls off your breasts and onto your hand and arm. You bring it to the next best place, your vagina obviously, and moan as it latches on and slowly pushes its way inside you, making your love tunnel mold to the ever changing amorphous shape of your slimy companion. As soon as the slime is snuggly inside you and slipping passed your cervix a little, making you gasp, Delilah places the two suction-cup pumps onto your pierced breasts and they latch on comfortably. “Hold on tight, darling~” is all Delilah says before she glows in a dark black light before releasing her magical energy aimed at the pump. As soon as it hits the contraption, the machine comes alive and you gasp in surprise and pleasure as it starts to suction your breasts rather forcefully, and you see your milk flowing through the clear tube and into the main body of the pump, which slowly fills with your milk.

You drop to your knees and place your arms under your breasts to hold them up as you gasp and moan in pleasure. “Ooooooh, fuck yes! That feels so good!” you say loudly as you throw your head back as you feel the relief of pressure fill up your senses at being milked, which also happens to make the slime inside you wriggle around. “Feels fucking nice doesn’t it, babe? I know I love having my breasts milked~” Helena coos into your left ear as she bends down and strokes your leg and licks your half-elf ear sensually. “Mmm, you’re such a dirty little slut, darling. I love it, and you’re all mine~. Well, maybe I have to share, but that’s alright” Delilah coos into your right ear as she licks it and rubs your other leg. You moan and melt into your two lovers’ attentions as you slowly rise your peak, staving off the pleasure and prolonging it to feel every second that you can. You continue on like this for a few more minutes, being pleasured by your friends and lovers along with the slime while the pump extracts your wonderful creamy milk, which slowly fills the smaller cylindrical contraption. You near the edge of your peak and, finally, you topple over into orgasm as you practically growl out your pleasure and throw your head back as your pussy clamps down around the slime you squirt and gush your juices all over the little feller, which it happily absorbs as it violently ripples, The orgasm also makes you clamp your anus around the anal beads, which makes you feel wonderfully full and tight, and also causes you to squirt even more milk out of your pierced tits – you let the pleasure consume you as you fall into another orgasm and you have to hold onto Delilah and Helena for balance as you twitch and convulse lightly in their grasp. You watch your orgasm, and the next one after that, cause more and more milk to quickly jettison out form your large DD breasts that quickly fills the pump until at last, after a minute longer, the pump is completely filled with your milk and Delilah shuts it off with her magic.

“Look at all that milk, darling! There’s so much, why, you’re a natural milk maker! Mmm, maybe we should milk you like this every day~” Delilah says huskily into your ear. “Fuck, babe, that’s impressive. Oh, I’m getting thirsty just looking at it~” Helena says as she bites her bottom lip, and you can’t help but chuckle. “So, what do you want to do with it all?” Delilah asks as she strokes your red hair, twirling it and playing with it as she flicks it back and forth in her hands – “Hmm, I don’t really know to be honest. Talk to Lula about it; I’m sure she would know what to do with it. As for me…I have somewhere I need to be~” you say before you slowly stand up and kiss Delilah before leaving the room with Helena


Xillia should be closing up shop soon. I hope she’ll like the surprise I have for her~ you think as you stand in front of the temple doors wearing only your skintight black bodysuit and your leather boots. The slime ripples inside your love tunnel and you moan in response – you also look down at your large DD’s and smile as the bodysuit gives a near perfect outline of your studded barbell piercings with your emerald hearts attached. You give them a little tug and moan before sticking a finger in your mouth and sucking on it. You reach for the door, but stop when you hear a familiar whining and panting coming from behind you. “Vulgan, not again!” you hear Leena yell, and you turn around to see Vulgan barreling down the stairs again with Leena right on his heels. However, instead of jumping on you he instead whines and nuzzles against your legs. “Hey, it’s okay boy, I’ll be back I promise. You think I would just leave you like that? I care about you, boy, so don’t worry. Besides, I haven’t had my fun yet with you, and I have something special planned and you’re invited~” you say sweetly and calmly to the wolf-dog as you rub his snout and pet his beautiful coat. Vulgan gives you adorable puppy dog eyes and your heart melts, so you hug him closely and continue to pat him as you whisper quietly “I promise I’ll be back. Just give me a little while, okay?” When you pull back Vulgan barks, which you take as his agreement, and he licks your face a few times before sitting on his hind legs and watching you.

“Now stay and be a good boy or I’ll be very upset” you say as you wag your finger down at Vulgan after standing up. You smile when he barks again – you glance at Leena and wink at her before turning around, opening the door, and walking out into the evening streets of Kilnhaven’s red light district. You smile and take a deep breath before you head in the direction of the fountain and the merchant district, wearing naught but your bodysuit – which clings to your body perfectly and gives any and all a clear view of your pussy, pierced breasts, toned arms and legs, and taut stomach – and a pair of leather boots. You feel sexy, confident, and very naughty…and you love the way you feel! There’s only one thing that’s uncertain to you and what makes your heart thunder in your ears and chest and break out in a light sweat.

So far so good with everyone; I just hope Xillia will accept my love. Oh, how I adore that wonderful, sweet woman you think as you make your way to her shop, getting all sorts of lewd and suggestive looks along with hoots and hollers and a few accidents occur thanks to you, but you know in the red light district that this is the norm and, quite frankly, you’ve made a name for yourself so the thrill is lost slightly with that thought, but not entirely. It’s when you reach the edge of and step out of the district that the real thrill will begin, where everyone can see your practically nude body and they’ll be shocked at the sight since it doesn’t happen very often. “That’s where the real fun begins~” you say to yourself quietly as you lick your glossy red lips and rustle your wavy red hair in your hands, swaying your hips, sucking on a finger, and causing men, women, and tentacle beasts that walk the street to stop and stare, to show their appreciation, and to make them all hot and bothered. You give them a few winks cup your breasts, and occasionally stop to ‘inspect’ your boots and give the passers a nice view of your pussy and the looped stopper of the anal beads that poke out slightly and that are pressed against your bum tighter, making you feel that much fuller.

As you walk the streets, and just before you get to the edge of the red light district, a red oni man with a prominent horn sticking out of his forehead and a pretty half-goblin woman approach you, eying you hungrily and lustfully and you can’t help but shudder as you see the desire in their eyes. “Hey, sweet thing…Colette, right? Gods you’re more beautiful than what we’ve heard. That skin is so flawless and that hair…and those eyes…” the woman asks cautiously before getting lost in herself, and you can tell she’s having a hard time concentrating as she looks you up and down, lingering on your pussy, breasts, and then your face. The oni man, her partner you presume, nudges her slightly and they both clear their throats – you chuckle lightly and smile as you extend your hand out “Yes, I’m Colette. It’s a pleasure to meet you two, what can I help you with?” The man takes your hand and shakes it gently before you offer it to the woman, who’s much touchier as she clasps her other hand over the top of your hand and looks you in the eyes. “Mmm, we were wondering if you would like to have some ‘fun’ with us seeing as how you’re already dressed for some action” the woman says unabashed – you smile and look at the woman with desire and fire in your eyes. Hmm, it’s a shame I’m busy otherwise I think I wouldn’t mind getting in bed with her, and I guess with him as well…maybe you think as you look them both over before shaking your head and saying “I’m sorry I can’t at the moment, but I am flattered at the offer. I’m on my way to surprise a very special someone that I care about. Do you think I’ll impress them; do you think they’ll like it?” You gently pull your hand back and strike a pose; you spread your legs slightly and cup your breasts, sticking a finger into your mouth and moaning as you bare your body to the couple like it was nothing.

“Hell yes!” you hear from behind you, and you turn around to see a man standing and staring at you with a lewd grin. “If you were my woman I would be an idiot to not be impressed or fall all over you!” a half-goblin woman says nearby as she shifts her legs. All around you, you look and hear various people – many of which you recognize from the park during your adventures –all chime in to offer their opinions which are all unanimously agreed that you look fantastic and that the special someone, Xillia, will definitely appreciate it. “Well” the orc woman says with a laugh “I guess you have your answer, don’t you?” – “I’m a little jealous” the oni man says, which he quickly changes his tune as the orc woman shoots him a dirty look “B-But you’re the apple of my eye, honey. I love you with all my heart and you could never be replaced, obviously”. “That’s more like it, honey~” the orc woman teases her partner before she gives you a wink and loops her arm around his waist and walks off with a wave. You chuckle and shake your head as you continue down the street. The reactions that you receive once you leave the red light district are…exciting to say the least. On the outskirts of the red light district, people entering the district or nearby stop and stare and some even fall over as they see you coming up and passing by. As you approach the fountain area proper the stares, gawks, and cat-calling intensify, and you even get a few profane comments from the populace with words like “slut” and “whore” thrown in for good measure, but you don’t really care as you continue to smile, tease, and walk. The reaction is much the same in the merchant district, and you even get a few propositions for sex and even dates that you turn down politely from men and women alike. Finally, after a while, you reach ‘The Size that Fits” and you take a deep breath as you open the door and walk inside, the bell above the door chiming to signal your entrance.

It doesn’t take you long to spot the small, blonde elf woman as you immediately see her in the middle of the store, her back turned to you, sifting through clothes and examining them closely. You see that she’s holding a small piece of wood with a parchment and a quill, checking it every so often and writing something down. You stand there and appraise her for a moment as she’s not wearing her apron and her fine blonde hair is down just passed her shoulders with a little pink bow in her hair on the right side. She’s also wearing a knee-length light blue sundress with orange flowers on it and three inch heels that are also a light blue color. You aren’t sure if she heard the bell above the door so you decide to make your presence known and walk towards her, making sure that your footsteps are audible. Xillia notices the sound and speaks up, but doesn’t turn around “I am zo zorry, but ze store is going to be closed in juzt a few moments! I would be happy to take your order if you are looking for custom work, but if you are looking for somezing specific then I am afraid you will have to return tomorrow”. You chuckle lightly and say to the unaware elven woman, full of confidence even as your heart beats erratically in your chest and you hear it in your ears “Oh, but I’m not here to shop. I’m here for the beautiful woman standing in front of me wearing a cute and sexy dress~”. Xillia immediately perks up and quickly turns around…and when she sees you her eyes go wide and she gasps, dropping the contents in her hands and bringing them to her mouth as she looks you over. You see the shock and creeping desire in her eyes and smile as you put your hands on your hips and spread your legs slightly “How are you doing, Xillia? Happy to see me, because I’m very happy to see you~”. Xillia doesn’t speak, or seems unable to speak, and instead just stares at you, slowly lowering her hands from her mouth to reveal her gaping mouth and you can’t help me think that you may die of anticipation if Xillia doesn’t say something soon.
Re: Rift Touched

Alright, here’s the last part! Also I’m going to admit something that’s fairly dumb of me…I was looking over a few things and I might have accidentally “forgot” to add something. Back when Colette was at Chap’s she ended up buying a white magic crystal…and I neglected to put it in her inventory! For shame on my part – it’s a good thing that it wasn’t a major factor, but it’s still inexcusable. So, I’m going to triple and quadruple check things from now on to avoid any more blunders. Anywho, enjoy the read!


You and Xillia continue to stare at each other and it’s clear by this point that you’re going to have to make the first move seeing as the blonde haired blue-eyed elf is petrified. You smile and quickly turn around and head for the door, flipping the sign on the door so that everyone outside will see “CLOSED” written in big bold letters, and you also flip the lock to the door. Once that’s finished and you’re sure that no one will interrupt you, you turn back around and make your way to the still petrified Xillia and you wrap your arms around her in a warm, loving embrace as you mash your body against hers and rest your head on her shoulder. “I’m glad to see you, Xillia. I’m sorry if I scared or shocked you, but I thought it would make a nice surprise for you to show up like this~” you say sweetly and gently into her long, pointy elf ear as you stroke her fine blonde hair. Xillia tentatively raises her arms and wraps them softly around your latex covered waist, making you smile as she snuggles into you and rubs her head on your shoulder. “I-I am z-zorry, Colette. I-I hardly recognized you…I c-can hardly b-believe it, b-but you’re even m-more beautiful zen t-the last time I zaw you a-and you b-b-breasts seem…bigger now and t-they’re p-p-pierced” Xillia says with obvious embarrassment and full of anxiety at the situation. “Thank you” you say softly while pulling back to look this magnificent woman in her dazzling blue eyes “And you’re always a beautiful sight to see, Xillia. That brings me to why I’m here; Xillia, when we first met you wanted to be accepted by me, and I did, and now…now I would like it if you accepted me. Xillia, I’ve fallen for you and I was wondering…will you accept my love?” You didn’t think it was possible, but Xillia’s eyes go even wider and look like they might pop out of her head, and her jaw looks like it might dislocate at any moment with how far it drops.

You giggle lightly and, with your left hand, you bring it to Xillia’s chin and slowly shut her mouth before planting a light kiss on her lips with your glossy red ones and moaning. This seems to snap Xillia back to reality as she throws her arms around your neck and moans as she allows her mouth to open so that you can work your tongue into hers and dominate her mouth passionately. The shop is quiet save for the sounds of you and Xillia kissing, making wet noises as your mouths and tongues work in harmony and as you both take gasps of air. You pull back and chuckle when Xillia groans, though it quickly turns to a moan as you run your hands along her petite frame from her shoulders down to her cute behind. “So, is that a yes then?” you ask Xillia with a coy smile, and after a few moments Xillia blushes deeply with a huge grin on her face and nods her head while never breaking eye contact with you. Your heart skips a beat and you feel joy explode inside you, and you can’t help yourself when you laugh and lock your arms under Xillia’s behind and lift the surprisingly light blonde elf up into the air and hug her tightly as you twirl around. Xillia yelps at first, but soon follows suit in laughter as she hugs your head and plants kisses on your face, cheeks, nose, and forehead and whispering “Yez, of courze! Yez!” over and over again. You gently set sweet Xillia down and plant a few kisses on her face before you look her in the eyes seriously and you take a step back. You grab both of Xillia’s hands and hold them tightly, bringing them to your lips and gently kissing them before you take her left and place it over your right breast and over your piercing while placing her right over your cleft, making Xillia blush crimson and look at you curiously.

“I…also love others, Xillia. I can’t help that, and I’m very sexually active; I…I like sex, a lot. And I mean a lot, which is also who I am. I love you, Xillia – I love your sweetness, your tenderness, your dedication to your work, and that beautiful heart of yours…and of course your body~. But I need to know if you can accept me for who I am and everything that it brings. I likely will be sleeping with other people…many people if I’m being honest, but I promise you’ll always be one of them and I promise that I won’t ever stop loving you” you explain seriously to the pale skinned elven woman, and she looks at you with a musing look before she nods in understanding. “I understand, Colette…I understood ze moment, or moments, zat we spent at ze temple. I…am not very sexually active, az you may have noticed. I have only had a few sexual partners in my life zat I can count on one hand. I…if I am being honest with you zen I must admit zat I am very shy, b-but whenever I am around you I feel zo good…zo ‘right’. There iz zomething about you, Colette, and I cannot quite explain it, but whenever I am with you I cannot help but feel drawn to you. It does not matter how many you zleep with…zo long as you love me then I am content” Xillia explains as she tenderly and lovingly rubs your cheeks, having pulled them away from your nethers and breast to do so as she gazes into your emerald eyes. You grasp both her hands and kiss them both saying “I will always love you, Xillia, and I will never, ever stop loving you. Though we’ve only known each other a short time, I feel…I feel like I’ve known you my entire life, you and the others. Hmm, I think to celebrate we should play dress-up~” “That iz a wonderful idea! Oh, I have zo many different outfitz for you to try on! Many…naughty outfitz if you don’t mind?” Xillia says with a crimson blush and a broad smile – you nod and hug Xillia tightly before she leads you back to her sanctuary.

You close the door behind you when you enter Xillia’s room and the first thing you see, which makes you chuckle, is her pink covered four poster bed in the center back of the room. You also can’t help but laugh inwardly at yourself about the last time you were here as you watch Xillia open the door to her walk-in closet and you hear her sifting through clothing. Gods…the last time I was here I was embarrassed and worried about showing off my body to Xillia and modeling for her, and I was so unsure when she kissed me. I was nervous at the thought of being naked and now…now I can’t stand the thought of not exposing myself in some way. And the sex I’ve had, gods the sex I’ve had has been mind-blowing! In fact, I’m pretty horny right now as is…which might have something to do with the anal beads inside me and my cute little slime moving around every so often~. It seems like it’s been so long, but it’s only been a few days and I’m a completely different person; I’m a total nymphomaniac that lives, eats, and breathes sex! Well, maybe not quite as bad as Helena, but still~ you think amusedly before your attention returns to Xillia, who looks downright comical as she carries loads of different clothing on her shoulders that shields her body nearly completely save for below her knees. With a heave and a huff she manages to toss every article of clothing in a single neat pile – which gives you the sinking suspicion that she’s done this before – and you actually do let out a little laugh when you watch the blonde elf flick a strand of blond her back behind her ear, place her hands on her hips, and give the pile a satisfied and victorious smile and nod before she turns to you. “Ready?” the blue-eyed seamstress asks with a bright smile that melts your heart – you nod and begin to undress, kicking your boots off next to the door and reaching around to undo the magical seams of the bodysuit.

You shrug the bodysuit off your shoulders and legs, dropping it on top of your boots and fully exposing your body to Xillia – you smile and thrust out your pierced breasts to her, making them jiggle ever so slightly and making the emerald hearts dangling from the studs sway a little. Xillia blushes deeply, but also gasps as she brings her left hand to her mouth “Colette…your skin, it is zo beautiful. It is zo milky white, and it almost zeems to glow…” You smile and walk up to the awestruck elven woman until your naught but a foot away and, grabbing her hand, you say breathlessly “Touch me, Xillia…touch me and love me”. Xillia nods slowly and she gently runs her hands over your body; she starts from your silky soft red hair and relishes the soft feeling of your mane before moving down your cheeks to your glossy red lips. You lean slightly and take her left index finger into your mouth and gently suck on it, moaning contentedly as you do so and making Xillia shudder in desire and retain her crimson blush. She then moves down your neck, gently tracing the choker you’re wearing before moving down your shoulders and arms, your waist and breasts, your hips, over your plump rump and brushing against the stopper to your anal beads which makes Xillia’s eyes go wide, but it’s when she reaches your slit that she actually screams a little in shock and fear when the slime inside you ripples and starts making its way out of you, making you both laugh and moan at the turn of events. Xillia watches in horror and confusion as you reach down and coax the wonderful red slime out of you until it sits on and engulfs your right hand.

“W-W-W-What iz that?!” Xillia almost screams as she points to the red slime in confusion, fear, and obvious embarrassment. “Relax, Xillia” you say gently and with a reassuring smile as the slime seems to recoil towards you and away from Xillia from her negative reaction “This little guy is a slime. It’s harmless and really quite playful…here, give him a poke or a pet and try not to be so frightened. They thrive off of contact and especially positive emotion”. You hold out your slime engulfed hand, which has started to feel tingly and relaxed while your pussy feels empty and starts to moisten since a certain slime isn’t there to absorb your juices, to your elf lover and she gives it a wary look before she slowly, cautiously extends her left hand out and gives the slime a little poke with her index finger. The slime ripples a little which causes Xillia to yelp and recoil again in fear, but seeing as the slime isn’t hostile she goes in for another poke, then another, then a pet, then she smiles and pets it again…and then she starts to giggle and stroke it as it ripples more and more from the contact and the positive treatment Xillia is showing it. “Y-You’re right, iz not scary at all…it is very cute, in fact. And ze way it ripples iz so adorable! Hmm, that gives me an idea on a new type of drezz…” Xillia says with a beaming smile that you find utterly cute and loveable before it turns to one of confusion and embarrassment. “Ehrm, why exactly did you have thiz i-inside you, Colette? And why do you have somezing inside your b-bottom? And your skin, and your breastz!” Xillia asks with a heavy blush and you can’t help but smile.

“Well” you say with a coy, lewd smile “Turns out I really, really like having things inside me after all the times I’ve had sex~. Having something inside my butt and pussy feels so nice, and I feel so empty and wrong without something there~. I also developed a little of an oral fixation as well, so I can’t help myself if I suck on things…usually my finger, but other things as well~” you finish with a wink, making Xillia turn so red that you think all the blood in her body must have gone to her face and ears. You chuckle at the cute reaction, one you think you may have had a few days ago if you heard this, before you continue “As for the slime…well, I just like them and they like me so it’s a win-win~. As for my skin…well, try not to pass out, but I might have bathed in milk and cum a few times which incidentally made my skin and hair softer and a little lighter, speaking of which that’s all I’ve had to eat and drink for the last few days…” Xillia looks like she’s about to fall over in shock and being mortified, so you quickly move closer to her and wrap your arms around her to steady her while gazing into her eyes with a burning passionate fire. “And I loved every second of it~. Hmm, as for the piercings, I decided to get those because they’re sexy and they’re a gift from a dear friend and lover just like the choker I’m wearing is a gift from Lula. Now, to why my breasts are so big…first, because I’ve played with them and had them played with a lot the last few days which seems to have increased their size a little. Now, as to why they are this large, well, see for yourself my sweet woman~” you finish explaining to Xillia, who looks into your eyes with embarrassment, confusion, and desire, especially when you raise your left breast up slightly. “Suck on them and you’ll find out~” you say softly and with a sweet smile that seems to melt Xillia’s worries away.

The blonde haired elf shyly lowers her head to your teat and opens her mouth to engulf your breast, making you moan in satisfaction and pleasure as she lightly flicks your nipple and sucks until you feel the familiar and bliss inducing pressure release from your breast as she draws out your milk. At first Xillia makes a muffled sound of surprise and her eyes widen, but as soon as your creamy milk lands on her tongue she moans and starts to fiercely suck on you which sends wonderful jolts of electric pleasure zipping through you. You stroke Xillia’s hair and sigh happily as she continues to drink from you, and you have a fleeting though of you and Lula and you think this must have been what she felt when you were first exploring yourself and you drank from her. Before long she lets go of your teat and says in a dreamy and excited voice “That waz delicious! Oh godz it was so zweet! Oh, Colette, I-I…t-this iz zo much to take in at once! I-I don’t know if I can zatisfy you; you are zo…well…” She lets her head hang a little in shame, but you simply smile and cup her chin and look into her eyes “I know, Xillia, I know what I am. I’m a very dirty girl~, but don’t doubt for an instant that you won’t be able to satisfy me. I may absolutely, completely, unashamedly love and adore sex and all things of the nature, but there’s so much more to it than that. Being near you, talking with you, holding you, seeing you, touching you…these things make me feel complete, Xillia. There are others, yes, but you are no less important and no less special and precious to me. I want to experience joy and wonder with you and love the things you love because I love you, just like I love Lula, Leena, Meredith, Vulgan, Astraea, Helena, and Delilah whom I would very much like for you to meet later”.

You see her blue eyes go red and mist over a little as she smiles and nods before snuggling her head into your pierced bosom – you hold her tight as she huffs a little to compose herself, and you smile as the smile gently ripples on your arm and moves closer to Xillia to touch her. “I would love zat as well, Colette, to meet the others. I have already met Lula and her big zister, as you know, but the others I have no idea…and oh thank you, Colette, thank you zo much! No one haz…haz ever zaid something zo beautiful to me before~” the sensitive seamstress says with a sniffle, and you star to mist up thinking you might have caused her to cry. “Hey, no crying now…let’s have some fun before that, huh? I’m eager to have you dress me up…and I might be a little eager to dress you up as well~” you say softly as you try to pull in your emotions before they run wild as you try to talk Xillia into what you both originally had planned coming up here. She nods and wipes her eyes before smiling and giggling, moving away from you and pulling a very lovely red dress that looks like it would hug your every curve from the pile of clothes she threw on the bed. You spend the next little while trying on different clothing with Xillia and having blast as you both try on different outfits, dipping into riskier and more revealing articles as time goes on which Xillia doesn’t seem to mind given the slow, gradual pace you move at to build her confidence. You end up in her cat outfit, a maid outfit, a healer’s outfit which is cut to be much naughtier than usual, and a very tiny one-piece swimsuit Xillia specially designed. You have your fair share of fun picking out different outfits for Xillia, ranging from small bathing suits to tight dresses, tiny skirts and shirts with platform heels until finally, you both run out of clothing and you both stand in the middle of Xillia’s room completely naked.

You look upon Xilli’a pale, petite body and your arousal stirs at the sight of her A-cup breasts and her hairless, delicious looking pussy and you smile wickedly at what you have planned next. “Xillia, how would you like to try on my bodysuit?” you ask the elven woman, who has a noticeable yet greatly diminished blush on her cheeks – she looks to the latex clothing and seems to ponder it a moment before nodding and walking over to it and picking it up. You take the red slime and head into her closet, speaking softly to the slime as you look over the room for some heels “Hey, little buddy, mind helping me out? Can you maybe…cover me a little bit? Preferably in something sexy?” The slime ripples a few times on your arm before it moves to your breasts, ripples twice, then divides itself in two, leaving a thin, red slime covered “wrap” around your breasts that is transparent as the conscious part of the slime moves down to your nethers. Once it reaches its intended destination it slowly shifts and morphs around your pelvic area into the form of a slimy panty…a red, transparent, thin slimy panty. You smile and moan as you feel tingly a relaxed pleasure, and when you spot a pair of red heels next to a pair of black heels that both look to be about four inches and you grab them and head out of the room. Your excitement and arousal grows when you step out of the walk-in closet and spot Xillia in your latex bodysuit with every contour of her body, especially her breasts and cleft, on full view. You especially like the exaggerated and tight camel toe she sports in the bodysuit as well as the outline of her cute, perky A-cups. You stifle a giggle when you see her picking at the fabric bashfully around her breasts, butt, and vagina just as you once did when you first wore the bodysuit.

“You look absolutely gorgeous in that, Xillia. Here, put these on; they would look great on you” you say as you walk up to the sweet woman, who looks you over with desire and awe as she sees you in your slimy see-through bikini. She nods when you drop the heels in front of her as you step into the red pair you acquired and, when she’s in them, you grin wickedly and press yourself against Xillia while holding her tightly. Pleasure Slave you think evilly as you gather up your magic and release a clear burst of it at the bodysuit as you look her in her confused eyes. The effects are immediate and you have to hold on tight to Xillia, who holds on tightly to you, as she gasps, whimpers, and scream’s brokenly in pleasure and as her legs buckle under the pleasure she’s feeling. You let this go on for a few seconds more until she’s on the cusp of, or perhaps ending, a beautiful orgasm and you release more magic onto the suit to stop it from pleasuring the sweet seamstress. She pants and shivers in delight and when she looks at you it takes all the willpower you have not to jump her and have your way with her as you see a little bit a drool leaking from her mouth, her face is flustered, and there’s unbidden lust written across her face…and you see a slimmer of desire for more. “W-What did you do to me?” is all Xillia asks, and you smile and stroke her fine blonde hair lovingly – “The bodysuit is enchanted, my sweet love~” you coo into her ear, giving it a light lick and a nibble that makes Xillia moan and sigh contentedly before you pull back and continue. “I got it from the red light district and it has the lovely little feature of pleasuring whoever wears it if you think the command word and use some magic on it~” you explain as you gently caress Xillia’s back, bottom, and thighs tenderly and with love as you continue to nibble on her long pointy elf ear.

Something else stirs in you…something that reminds you of Lula in a way and how she acted towards you, and you just can’t help yourself. “Xillia…want to go to the temple with me? Just you and me, walking the streets exactly like this? I promise to protect you, and it’s late enough that most people won’t be out on the streets this late. You’re wearing all black, too, which means it’ll be harder to see you…what do you say, hmm?” you coo into her ear as you reach around Xillia’s petite frame and lightly rub her labia through the latex, making her gasp and bury her face into your bosom more as she ever so lightly starts to rock her hips, making you grin and slowly pick up the pace to bring her more pleasure. “I-I-I d-don’t know…I d-don’t think I c-can, Colette” she stammers out and you lightly pull away from her and plant a ferociously passionate kiss on her lips that takes her completely by surprise, causing her to gasp into your mouth as you work your tongue into hers deeply. When she finally relents and moans, melting into your kiss and probing your mouth with her own tongue you pull back and suck on her little muscle. “Don’t worry” you say with a gasp as fire burns in your eyes and your arousal peaks to burning levels “I won’t let anyone try anything with you, I promise. And this sexy body of yours…gods it deserves to be shown off” you finish by pulling back and placing your hands over Xillia’s small bosom and kneading her breasts with a look of pure bliss and hunger written on your face. You think the command word and release your magic on the suit once more, making Xillia scream out in shock and pleasure and you delight when you see her cute, innocent face takes on a visage of lust and climactic bliss before you stop the magics after only but a moment. Xillia presses herself against you, both for comfort and to hold herself up, as she pants for air and as she slowly raises her head to look you in the eyes.

She wants more…but she’s scared. Oh, Xillia, you’re too cute~! you think as you wrap your arms around the smaller sized woman. “I-I w-will go with y-y-you, Colette, j-j-just…” she stammers out nervously, but you cut her off when you place a finger to her lips – “I know; I was scared the first few times as well. I promise to keep you safe and make sure nothing happens to you. We should wait a little while until it’s a little darker. There will be less people on the streets and less of a chance for you to be spotted” you say gently while giving Xillia a serene and compassionate look. Xillia nods, but when she speaks she surprises you a little by what she says “I t-trust you, Colette, but it iz odd…you remind me a little of Lula now; zo compassionate and kind with wordz, but you are more…zerene. It iz difficult to describe, but you have an air of zerenity and goodnezz about you, despite your, ehm, interestz”. You smile and press your forehead against Xillia’s and smile, nuzzling your nose against hers as you look into her eyes. It’s already evening, so you don’t have to wait very long for the sun to continue setting passed the horizon. When it’s dark enough out, while still not necessarily being nighttime, you manage to convince Xillia to follow through and leave her shop and home. You stand in front of her, shielding her from sight, though you don’t really need to since there’s hardly anyone on the street, and those that are on the street are too busy getting home to really notice you two…yet. When you hear the audible clicking of a lock you turn around and take the key from Xillia, who’s noticeably trembling and looks like she might faint at any moment, and stuff it into your slimy bosom before you put your hands on Xillia’s shoulders to calm her.
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Re: Rift Touched

“I’ll be with you every step of the way, Xillia. Just you and me, and if you can’t do this then we’ll march right back inside, alright?” you say calmly and clearly to the trembling woman, and you think for a moment that this may have been a bad idea. However, your words get through to her and she stops shaking “Mes dieux I muzt me insane…l-let’s go, Colette, before I-I change m-my mind”. You smile and give her a kiss on the forehead, a reassuring smile, and a flick of her right nipple through the latex just for yourself, making her gasp and give you a glare, before you laugh and turn around. You start walking the streets of the merchant district in front of Xillia, both to give her a nice view of your swaying bottom and hips – which she does seem to enjoy as you catch her looking at it more than once, which must also take her mind off the situation a bit – and to be the target of attention, both for your sake and for hers when you inevitably run into other people. The clacking of yours and Xillia’s heels on the stone pavement resounds throughout the evening air, and it’s not long before you run into more people at the threshold separating the merchant district from the fountain plaza. Two men wearing nice but casual clothing; a half-goblin man with brown hair and black eyes accompanied by a bronze skinned human with black hair and hazel eyes see you and Xillia and grin lewdly before approaching you from their end of the street. You hear Xillia squeak in fear behind you and a quick glance shows you that she’s petrified in fear, so you decide to take matters into your own hands. You stick a finger into your mouth and suck on it, moaning as you sway up to the two men and smiling mischievously at them while thrusting your breasts out to them, which makes both pieces of the slime ripple slightly.

When you reach the men they look you over with hungry and appraising eyes as you slightly spread your legs and thrust your bosom out to the two men, which, while not that bad looking, you also smell something a little familiar. Their breath smells like Helena’s…after she gets done drinking. Hmm, this might be a problem – let’s see if I can play this right… you think, concerned that these men might be trouble and try something that might endanger you, or worse, Xillia. “Hey, boys, can I help you~?” you say in a sweet, mischievous tone as you flash the two men a winning smile as they look over your practically nude body with obvious lust. “Yeah…yeah I think you can, darlin’. See, me and my friend were just heading back home to get some shut eye, until we saw you and your friend that is” the human man says with a lewd grin on his face while nudging his chin in the direction to his friend beside him, who looks a bit flustered. “You look like you know how to have some fun, what with walking ‘round the city like that. What’dya say you and your friend come back to our place and we have a real good time?” the half-goblin man says as his eyes roam over your slime covered breasts, down to your cleft before he leans his head to the side slightly to get a better view of your bottom. You smile and for a moment you consider their offer, but you reign in your own arousal to focus on Xillia – “Sorry boys” you say as you bring your hands up and lightly run them over the bottom of their chins, pulling their eyes to you and making you the center of their attention. “But maybe some other time – we’re late for something very important, you see, and if we’re late we’ll be in big trouble~. You wouldn’t want us to be in trouble, would you~?” you say in a quiet, husky voice as you lean towards the two men, giving them a better close-up view of your assets before you continue.

“But, if you tell me where you live then maybe I’ll pay you a visit some other time, hmm~? And when I do I’ll show you just how grateful I can be~” you emphasize your point by bringing your finger to your mouth and sucking on it noisily and suggestively, which seems to have the desired effect as the men shift in their pants and their eyes look almost feral. The half-goblin man clears is throat a little and manages to stammer out “Y-yeah…yeah, yeah right, um, that sounds like a great idea. We wouldn’t want to keep the little lady waiting for her, uh, important plan do we?” The human man shakes his head, but continues to look you over with lust and desire “Nah, that would be rude. Say, when you’re done why don’t you swing by our place? We live in the temple district. Just follow the street to the end and follow the first alley all the way back and to the left. Our place is the third home on the right…see you soon, beautiful?” “Mmm, so you soon, boys~. Have a very pleasant evening, and get some rest…you might need it~” you say full of promise and practically oozing sexual desire at them, which makes them smile and nod their heads vigorously like children. You bid them farewell and give them a nice view of your sway behind and plugged bottom, looking over your shoulder and winking at them as you notice them staring. They turn around and Xillia, who was practically hiding, comes running up and says “Oh thank you zo much, Colette! I-I-I was zo scared! B-But I overheard what you zaid to them…that waz very convincing. You almozt convinced me”. “Thank you, and I told you that I would protect you didn’t I?” you say with a giggle as Xillia nods shyly and blushes a little. The rest of the trip to the temple is relatively uneventful; there are a few people that hoot and holler at you and Xillia, and you soak up the attention and return it in kind by teasing the crowd and drawing their attention while Xillia hides her face and blushes up an adorable storm as you make your way through the fountain plaza and to the red light district.

The residents of the red light district are much more reserved in their remarks, after all this is commonplace, and instead of hooting and hollering they offer their appraisal and throw compliments to you and Xillia, both on your choice or lack thereof clothing as well as your bodies, sometimes commenting on what a cute couple you two make which makes you beam and you see that Xillia even cracks a small, reserved smile on her face. Being in the red light district and receiving the praises and approval from the many passersby seems to have really boosted Xillia’s confidence, even if it is only a minor boost, as you see her not being so meek and reserved and actually looking somewhat comfortable, though you can tell she’s still not keen on the idea of walking around practically nude. Maybe with a few more walks she’ll have warmed up to the idea a bit~ you think before a wicked idea crosses your mind that makes you smile, especially since you now find yourself in front of the temple of Domina. You turn around and smile at Xillia, waiting for her to get closer and, when she does, you grab your lovely woman and press your lips into hers and release tiny bursts of magic that make Xillia gasp in pleasure, surprise, and moan in contentment…and then she screams in pleasure when you activate the magic of the bodysuit and let it go. She twitches and convulses lightly in your arms and her legs give out to the pleasure, which you were prepared for as you hold her up and continue to kiss her and work your tongue in her mouth and savor her tasty sweet kisses as she topples over into a blissful orgasm. You wrap your right arm under Xillia’s left and with your left you pick up her legs and pick the surprisingly light elven woman up as you continue to kiss her, leaving the suit on and making her gasp and whimper into your mouth as she convulses and twitches in another powerful release.

Gods, I love the way she tastes so much! I need some relief and soon…gods I’m so horny – too horny! you think as you move towards the door and manage to open it with your left hand, pulling it open as you cease the magics of the bodysuit and cross the threshold with your blue-eyed tailor, who’s currently twitching and has her head snuggled into your bosom as she gasps for air. When you walk through the door the first thing you’re met by is the happy barking and wagging tail of Vulgan as he sits a few feet from the door, seemingly waiting for your return. You laugh when he jumps up on his hind legs and barks happily at your return before landing, turning around, and running up the stairs. You set Xillia down on her feet gently, keeping a hand on her to steady her as you lean over slightly to shut the door – a few moments later and you hear more barking and you see the arctic grey wolf-dog running down the stairs with Lula and Meredith walking – or in Meredith’s case morphing - down with big smiles, that might look a little devious to your eyes, on their faces as they see you and Xillia. “Oh, oh my, he iz zo energetic!” Xillia says with a laugh as Vulgan walks up to her and sniffs her feet, legs, and tummy before barking and licking Xillia’s hand, then turning his attention to you. You get on your knees and rub all over his snout and head as he licks your face, making you laugh as he huffs, licks, and rubs himself against you lovingly. “Oh, yes, I missed you too! I’ll give you lots of love, yes I will!” you say between laughs as you rub, scratch, then hug Vulgan and you smile when the beautiful beast puts his left paw on your leg and nuzzles against the side of your face.

“Colette, I’m glad your back! And it’s very nice to see you as well, Xillia. I see Colette may have had a little bit of fun with you~” Lula says first to you as she reaches the bottom of the staircase in her white robes, looking at you with obvious lust then to Xillia and you see the flicker of desire in her eyes as well. Xillia lets out a small “eep!” and tries to cover herself, but you and Lula laugh before Meredith moves closer to you and touches you, which you return with equal tenderness and a warm smile. “Do not worry, Xillia, you are in a safe place here. I am called Meredith and yes, I am a slime, but not like this one here” she says as she turns to Xillia and smiles and speaks softly, pointing to the red slime which starts to bond either of its halves together before settling on your bosom and rippling. “I promise” you say to Xillia as you stand up, but not before petting Vulgan a few more times, and take Xillia’s hands and look her in the eyes, hoping she’ll see the promise of protection. You smile when she looks into your eyes then smiles shyly and nods, and you kiss her tenderly on the lips – you then turn to Meredith and you smile at the clear slime who is still in a form crossed between you and Helena, and you stretch out your arms and push them into her clear body, which she engulfs and ripples as you hug her core tightly. “I didn’t get to see enough of you today, Meri” you say softly as you snuggle into the slime woman’s body, and she gasps a little and you can feel the pleasure and love pouring from her into you and vice versa – “No, we didn’t have enough time” she agrees as she wraps her slimy clear arms around you and engulfs more of your body.

Lula walks up to you and places a hand on your head and starts to stroke your hair, making you coo in pleasure and contentment. You look her in her red eyes and lean up to her face, kissing her as she cups your cheek. “We have something special for you, my love” Lula says with a moan as she pulls back from the kiss and flicks the metal heart on your choker “Are you ready?” You pull back from Meredith a little and look to Lula, Vulgan, Meredith, and finally Xillia and you smile “With all of you? I’m ready for anything~”. The slime ripples on your bosom and you pull out of Meredith and grab Xillia’s arm and wrap your arm mockingly through Meredith’s, which of course quickly gets engulfed, and you follow Lula with your other two lovely women at your arms and Vulgan right behind you.


Lula leads you all to a very familiar room, and you smile as she opens the door and motions for you to follow with a very mischievous grin. The room is as you remember with various contraptions and toys hanging about the room ranging from the wooden horse, the large milking contraption, whips, floggers, spreader bars, sleeves, metal stands, and oh so much more. However, things seem to be a bit more orderly than last time; you see that the layout is arranged differently than you remembered, almost like it’s there for a specific purpose. You also see Delilah talking with Astraea as you enter, and when you get closer you briefly overhear Delilah saying something about “training” to Astraea before she goes quiet once she notices you, a huge evil smile on her face that makes you shudder in anticipation. Upon further inspection of the room you notice that Leena, who is nude, is off in a corner inspecting some equipment, which looks to be blindfolds and ear muffs, while in another part of the room you see Helena drinking away, waving at you with a big grin when your eyes meet. You smile and wave back, and you realize that everyone that you’ve confessed your love to is here in one room and that thought alone makes your heart swoon – you hug Xillia close to your cheek and kiss her as you reach out with your right hand, which is engulfed by Meredith, and pull her core closer to you which makes her ripple. Lula sheds her robe and tosses it by the door before she turns to Xillia, and you notice Leena walking up, and says “Would you come with me and my sister for a little while, sweet rose?” Xillia gives Lula a confused look with a light blush as she looks to Lula then Leena as she comes near with a reassuring smile and nods. “A-Alright…hmm, some of these thingz give me an idea for a new drezz. Zuch craftsmanship!” she says as she looks about the room at the various instruments, probably half of which she doesn’t really know their true purpose for.

The succubus sisters chuckle and Lula holds out her hand to Xillia, which she takes, before they walk out of the room with Xillia. “I would like to speak with this slime if it is alright with you, Colette?” Meredith asks with a tender smile on her face – you nod and giggle a little “Of course, Meri! Little red here isn’t my pet, it’s more like a really good friend and he…she…it can go wherever it wants, and it’s your family first and foremost”. Meredith smiles and reaches out with a slimy hand towards the red slime, concentrating on it and rippling a little, and then you see the red slime ripple and you think they might be communication in some sort of “language” that you can’t understand. Before long the red slime morphs and rolls off of you and onto the floor, following Meredith as she moves to an unoccupied corner of the room and the two seem to ripple and wave and contort in some form of communication that you find incredibly fascinating. That leaves you standing in the middle of the room with Vulgan, who nuzzles against your hand and huffs contentedly, but not for long as Delilah, who is nude as well; saunters up to you with one hand behind her back and you can’t help but appraise her pale, lithe body and her slightly jiggling C-cup breasts. Gods she’s so beautiful and amazing…I love her so much it hurts! you think as you smile and meet Delilah halfway. “Mmm, hey there my beautiful vampire~ - I know that look; what do you have planned for me~?” you ask as you stick a finger into your mouth and suck on it suggestively in front your amber-eyed lover, which has the desired effect of causing Delilah to produce a low growl of lust. “I’m going to begin your training, my sweet darling~. I’m going to make you a perfectly submissive little bondage slut. When you’re tied up I’m going to make sure you’re meek, completely obedient, willing and eager to serve and please, and I’m going to pour all my love into it just for you, my darling love~” Delilah says with a glint in her eye and a twitch of her eyebrow.

“Sounds like fun, and I’ll be sure to pour all of my love into trying just for you~” you say softly and with barely controlled lust as you wrap your arms around Delilah’s neck and kiss her softly, trying to hold back the burning arousal that’s been festering for some time now. “Good, my darling, that’s good” is all the white haired vampire says with a smile between kisses as she pulls the hand that was behind her back around and aims it at your choker. You hear a clicking noise and look down to see that Delilah has just put a leash on your collar – you look up into her eyes and see a playfulness in her that makes you feel incredible, and you can’t help but giggle and plant a quick kiss on her lips before she gently tugs the leash. “It’s time to start, Pet~. You’re already very submissive when you’re tied up, so this should go fast~. Follow your mistress so we can begin” she says with authority as she smiles and runs her fingers over your breasts and gently tugs on the metal encased emerald hearts attached to your nipple studs. You moan in pleasure and reply in a breathy voice “Of course, Mistress Delilah~” and follow behind Delilah as you keep an eye on her hypnotic behind. The vampire looks to Helena and extends her hand out and waves her over with her finger – Helena smiles and sits her wine bottle down on the ground and saunters over as you and Delilah make your way over to Astraea. You remember to shield your mind from any intrusions as you approach the lovely white tentacle lord, and when you’re close enough you hear the wonderful familiar fit of giggles that usually accompanies Astraea. “Teehee, you look really good, sweetie~. You got your cute, lovely boobies pierced I see~! They look very cute, and they match your eyes and choker~” Astraea says into your mind with sweet, wonderful laughs.

Vulgan, who was trotting behind you next to Helena, barks his approval and his tail wags as he moves beside you and looks up at you, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he pants. You smile at Vulgan and thank Astraea before the air suddenly turns just a tad bit serious – “Are you sure you want to go through with this, Colette? We don’t have to do this and I won’t think any less of you – don’t do this just for me” Delilah says in a serious tone as she cups your cheek and rubs it tenderly. “That’s right, sweetie, we don’t want to do anything you don’t want to” Astraea says into your mind with concern – “Not to sound like I’m beating a dead horse, but they’re right, babe. You need to be sure” Helena says sweetly as she cleverly places a hand on your bubble butt, her eyes full of concern but of course underlying sexual intentions. It’s still endearing and sweet nonetheless and you smile serenely at the trio and say “Of course I’m sure; it’s something I want as well, and I would have no one else to help ‘train’ me then the people I love and cherish”. Astraea’s eye lowers a little and she gives you a sweet look as Delilah and Helena do the same, and they all embrace you – even Vulgan rubs against your legs – before they pull back and Delilah says “You know just what to say to make us soft, my sweet darling. Now…let’s get started – I won’t go easy on you~”. “I can’t wait~” you reply earnestly as your arousal burns and your cleft leaks juices down your thighs, which makes you miss the slime even more. Delilah nods to Helena, who nods back and reaches down to the stopper of your anal beads and gives it a gentle tug, making you moan, before you groan when you realize her intention and as she starts to pull the anal beads out of you, leaving you feeling less full until not at all when she manages to get all eight out from you and tosses them on the floor.

“Hush now, Pet, if you’re a good girl then mistress promises she’ll reward her for being a good girl” Delilah orders you calmly, and you can see she’s enjoying this by the flicker of desire that threatens to run rampant in her eyes. You do as Delilah says and remain silent, stifling the last moan as Helena gives your wet slit a slow rub from the bottom to your clit, making you shudder instead. “Good girl, now hold still, spread your legs, and extend your arms out” Delilah commands and you obey, watching with desire and arousal as Delilah inspects you and nods with a smile before she walks off to a corner of the room that has a few chests. She opens it up and you shiver in desire when you see her produce red rope, a string, and a few other “toys” – she turns around and walks back to you with an evil smile on her face that promises dark and wonderfully carnal things. Helena and Astraea take most of the things from Delilah, leaving her only with the rope at the moment which she uses to wrap your body up in a rope harness that leaves your anus and vagina exposed. You remain perfectly still and quiet throughout the ordeal and, when Delilah finishes, she walks around you and looks you over before nodding and grunting in satisfaction, giving your buttocks a nice audible spank and kneading it afterwards. You stifle a moan and that seems to please Delilah as she licks the back of your neck and kisses it lightly before going to Helena and taking two thin pieces of string. She ties to first piece of string to the small chains of your emerald hearts, which tugs on your pierced nipples delightfully, before using the second piece to tie around the gap and down to your clit which really almost set you off as you barely contain a moan and a shift of pleasure. Next she gathers up three padded clamps with bells that Astraea’s holding in her white tentacles and clamps two of them to your ears before bending down and gently rubbing your clit, which makes you shudder, before she clamps the padded clamp on your sensitive little nub and flicks the bell, making it chime.

“Such a good girl” Delilah coos into your ear as she holds both your hands tenderly “Now, for your rules”. You cock an eyebrow at the mention of “rules”, but Delilah merely chuckles before continuing “Yes, there are rules, Pet. First and foremost, you will always be referred to as Pet or whatever name I come up with at the time. Secondly, you will always refer to me as Mistress Delilah. Thirdly, your body belongs to me, Pet, and you will do nothing without my express permission, and I can do with it as I please. Fourth, you shall refer to others as miss, ma’am, lady, sir, lord, or master. Fifth, you will be completely obedient for I and others know what is best for you and you shall always respond politely and concisely to any and all orders given to you and you will thank your mistress or those that gave you an order before promptly carrying it out – you will also thank me or anyone else when they pleasure or punish you, is that understood, Pet?” Delilah cocks an eyebrow at you expectantly and you feel yourself getting tingly all over before you smile and respond “Yes, Mistress Delilah, thank you Mistress Delilah”. “Good girl; I knew you would learn quickly~” Delilah coos at you before she continues “Sixth, you shall always have proper posture and present yourself so that others may see you. If you are nude, which you shall be most of the time~, then you will spread your legs, have your arms at your sides, and thrust out your bosom, otherwise keep your hands to your side and your feet together. You are a beautiful girl and your body is an art that should be shared with others. If you happen to be clothed then remain as such unless told by another, at which point you will promptly and gleefully disrobe and present yourself. You live to serve, Pet, and you should be happy to show your Mistress and betters the joy of your servitude”.
Re: Rift Touched

“Seventh, you will not look your mistress or others in the eye; your eyes will remain downcast or you shall look straight ahead without focusing on anyone in particular, and likewise you will remain silent and only speak when spoken to. Eighth, and this one is very important, Pet, you shall be completely obedient and will not question the wishes of your mistress or others for it is not your place to question. Ninth, you shall do your utmost, Pet, to be meek, submissive, and docile at all times and your actions and mannerisms should reflect as such; your mistress does not appreciate rebellious outbursts” she winks at you knowingly and playfully with a smile, and you can’t help but smile inwardly as you remember when you tried to usurp control from her earlier in the week when she showed you how to better please a woman “Tenth, I and I alone reserve the right to create additional rules. Now, put this on” Delilah turns to Astraea and grabs a black and white maid tight fitting maids outfit with a short skirt and headdress before turning back to you and handing it to you. Gods, I’m so horny! I need some relief, fast! you think as you feel more and more of your juices leaking down your leg and getting caught in the rope as you take the maid outfit and slowly put it on, stifling moans as you do so when you bend and contort to get into the tightfitting attire as the strings on your breasts and clit tug at your piercings and nub. When you finish you cast your eyes downward and smile lightly as you bring your arms down to your sides and keep your feet close together, just as Delilah instructed. “Very good, Pet – I think you deserve a reward~” Delilah says happily as she inspects you, cupping your chin and raising your face slightly so that you look into Delilah’s eyes – she gives you a quick, tender kiss before with her other hand she reaches down under your short skirt, which comes down just below your bottom, and rubs your moist slit gently before inserting three of her slightly cold fingers fingers.

“Thank you, Mistress Delilah” you moan out sincerely and blissfully as your pussy molds to her three fingers as she pumps lightly which ends up making a wet sploshing noise thanks to how wet you are, which is a very welcome relief given how backed up you are. She releases your chin with her right hand and brings three of her fingers from that hand to your mouth and plainly says “Suck on them, Pet” and you do, but not before offering thanks to your mistress. You open your mouth and lean forward slightly and engulf the three digits, sucking on them deeply and noisily as you mouth, swirling your tongue around the three digits and bobbing your head ever so slightly as you suck and gently rock your hips as you near the edge of your peak. You don’t look over at Helena or Astraea, but you know that their eyes are on you and are probably filled with intense lust and desire as you hear Helena breathing hard and out of the corner of your eye you see some of Astraea’s white tentacles twitch erratically every so often, which you find deviously erotic in their silence. You even see Vulgan out of the corner of your eyes every so often as he paces around you and your three lovers, panting loudly. You’re so close to the edge of climax you can taste and, just before you go over, Delilah stops and you groan in frustration. “You will only cum when I allow it, Pet. Is that understood?” You let out a little whimper of need and say “Y-Yes, Mistress Delilah” in a barely contained voice of lust and need – she smiles and starts to slowly pump once again, watching you intently with passion in her eyes as she slowly pumps in and out of you, making you whimper and moan in need as you stand there, arms at your side, trying not to cum.

You don’t know how much more you can take and you feel your knees getting weak beneath you, and then the moment of bliss comes when Delilah leans into your ear and whispers “Cum for your mistress. Cum for me, my wonderful Pet”. Like a tidal wave crashing against a rocky shore you let go and whimper and moan loudly on Delilah’s fingers before she withdraws them and holds you up as you cum – your knees go weak and buckle as your pussy clamps down and quivers around Delilah’s slowly pumping fingers, squirting and gushing a geyser of your juices onto her hand while your breasts shoot out your milk. You tentatively reach out and hold onto Delilah for support as you continue to cum, and groan after a few more moments when Delilah withdraws her fingers and brings them to your mouth. You open your mouth to suck on them, but Delilah withdraws her hand and says “Ah ah, Pet, only with my permission”. You slowly nod and crack a slight grin at the erotic nature of your position and, after a few moments, she brings her hand and fingers back to your mouth and says “Clean me with your mouth, Pet” – you open your mouth and lean forward, engulfing her digits and sucking on them while moaning as you taste and drink your juices, then pulling back and grabbing hold of Delilah’s hand, licking her cold palms and the back of her hand of all your juices until she’s clean. Out of the corner of your eyes you see Astraea and Helena set down the remaining equipment on the floor beside them, but you don’t have long to ponder what that means as Delilah withdraws her hand and praises you before going to the chests one more time and produces a small metal cylindrical object. As she approaches you, you keep your eyes down but not so far that you can’t see a wicked and mischievous glint in Delilah’s eyes, which makes you shudder on your slightly weak but quickly recovering legs. When she’s directly in front of you, you see her twist one end of the object until it starts to unscrew until it’s totally off and you see Delilah holding the two pieces in either of her hands. The one held in Delilah’s right has a shimmering red liquid on it that reminds you of your first day here and indeed your suspicions are confirmed when Delilah next speaks.

“I had Joan make this for me, Pet. I know you love those glossy red lips of yours – I do too~ - but I thought that this would make them even more…appetizing when put to use. Hold still for me and open your mouth slightly for your mistress” Delilah says in a mischievous tone, and as you feel wonderful tingles and your arousal spiking once more you do as Delilah asks and open your mouth a bit and watch as the white haired vampire, a lust filled grin and look on her face, brings the object in her right hand, which has a brush to hold the red liquid, to your lips before you feel the slightly cold liquid touch your bottom lip and work around your lips in a clockwise motion until the entirety of your lips are covered in the stuff. You also watch as Delilah glows a dim black and re-cap the liquid before bring her left hand to your lips and release a tiny bit of magic – in an instant the liquid feels dry and like it’s a natural part of your lips, just like when Joan applied your gloss and lipstick before. “Damn…that looks pretty fucking hot~. Got any of that stuff in pink, fangs?” Helena says with a whistle as she inspects your lips and runs her left index finger over your lips, which you allow and moan as she does so making her bite her bottom pink lip. “Indeed I do, darling, but first let’s show our lovely Pet how she looks. Afterwards I promise to apply some to you as well” Delilah says with a chuckle before returning to the chest with the object still in her hands – she places it in the chest before producing another one and a small mirror and, on her way back, Astraea speaks into your mind. “Oh you look so good, sweetie~! Once Delilah’s had her fun, we’ll be sure to have ours with you, just you wait and see, teehee~!” the giggly tentacle lord says into your brain and you detect a promise of pleasure and more wonderful things to come that makes you giddy with anticipation..

Delilah reaches you and holds up the small mirror so that you can see your new lips and you smile when you see that they’re still a glossy, lustrous red but now with a shimmering effect added that really draws the eyes to them and makes them “pop” out a bit more than they did before. “Thank you, Mistress Delilah, Pet really likes it” you say sweetly and sincerely and with a beaming smile that seems to soften Delilah’s features before she quickly recoups and nods before turning to Helena and opening the cylindrical object in her hands. You see that this one is indeed pink and she goes through the same process with Helena and when she finishes a new wave of lust and desire overcomes you as you see Helena’s new shimmering pink lips that draw your eyes, and you can’t help but imagine kissing her and having her lips on your mound licking on sucking on you. You don’t even notice yourself biting your bottom lip and you must have a lusty look on your face because when Delilah glances at you she laughs lightly and says “Having naughty thoughts, hmm, Pet~?” – it takes a moment, but the words finally register with you and you smile and say “Yes, Mistress Delilah, very naughty thoughts” which earns a laugh from all three of your lovers. Helena admires her new shimmering, glossy pink lips for a few more moments before she turns to you and grins lewdly “I bet I know what you were thinking, Little Sis~. You were thinking how nice it would to have my lips on you, weren’t you~?”. “Yes, Lady Helena, your little sister is so naughty~” you reply and Helena’s grin broadens even further – “Well, Big Sis had the same thoughts; get over here and lick me” she says while pointing to her glistening cleft. “Of course, Big Sister Helena” you pipe up happily and, while keeping your eyes downcast, you submissively walk over to Helena which makes the bell clamps on your ears and clit jingle and chime. When you reach Helena you smile lightly and drop to your knees in front of her, only briefly glancing up into her lust filled eyes before you focus your attention on her wet snatch – you lick your shimmering, glossy red lips before you dart forward and lick slowly from the bottom of her slit to her pierced clit, drawing a moan from Helena as she grabs your fiery red hair with both hands to hold you in place.

You place your hands on Helena’s bottom as you lick her labia and slit, gathering up her juices and drinking them down and moaning as you do so. “Oh fuck yes your tongue is s fucking good! AHN!” Helena praises you loudly as she holds your head in place by your hair – you smile and continue to lick along Helena’s cleft, occasionally probing your tongue and placing your mouth over her puffy lips and sucking, which earns a few pleasured squeals and moans from Helena. You know Helena, however, and you quickly speed up your licking and moaning, sucking on her puffy lower lips and probing your tongue as deep as it can go as you moan deeply, gather up your magic in your mouth and along your tongue, and release it. “THAT’S IT! YES! FUCKING GODS YES!” Helena screams in absolute ecstasy as she mashes your face and mouth against her cunt, and you’re only too happy to oblige as you continue to lick when the first downpour of her juices squirts into your mouth and on your chin. You feel Helena’s knees shaking a little at the force and power of her climax, but you don’t stop until she tells you to, so until then you happily moan , lick, suck, and drink to your heart’s content until, finally, Helena croaks out “That’s enough” and you stop instantly, releasing a very satisfied moan as you taste Helena’s bittersweet juices on your tongue. “Look at me, but don’t take your mouth off me” Helena says with a pant and a gasp as she slowly releases your hair, brushing against the maid headdress on the top of your dome. You smile and keep your eyes down as you lean back on your feet and calves and lick your lips – out of the peripheral of your vision you see Delilah saunter up beside Helena and say down to you “Good girl~; you really are a very fast learner aren’t you, Pet? Now thank Miss Helena for the treat”. You smile and your pussy leaks your juices in arousal as you respond immediately “Thank you for the delicious meal, Miss Helena”, which earns a few strokes of your hair as Delilah and Helena lean down and stroke you.

“Stand up, Pet, and bend over while grabbing your ankles” Delilah orders and you respond with a “Yes, Mistress Delilah” as you stand up, turn around, and bend over completely while grabbing your ankles, exposing your roped bottom and exposed nethers and anus to Helena, Delilah, Astraea, and Vulgan, who huffs and pants as he paces around you and the others. You feel hands on your bottom that are slightly cold, probably Delilah’s given the temperature, as they start to rub before they release, only to come down on your bottom in a loud spank that makes you gasp. “Such a lovely plump ass you have, Pet. Now, disrobe and present yourself to your mistress” Delilah says in a low rumbling tone with barely controlled desire threatening to break through – you shudder and quickly comply with your mistress’ order and release your ankles, turn to face the three with downcast eyes and a small smile, and you start to remove the maid outfit. You take of the headdress first and drop it at your feet, follow by the short skirt that pools at your feet, and finally the maid blouse. You step out of the clothing pile with one back step before you spread your legs and thrust out your pierced and stringed bosom to the three with your hands at your sides. It seems its Astraea’s turn to have some fun with you because you hear her bubbly voice in your mind next “Very good, Slutty Slave! Now, kneel for me~” – “Yes, Lady Astraea” you say concisely and with a smile as you drop to your knees. “Good, now sit~. Very good~! Open your mouth, lie down, roll over, stick your butt out spread your cheeks wide. Teehee, good girl~, now gather up some of your naughty juices with your fingers and finger your cute butt~”. You follow each of Astraea’s orders to the letter as you open your mouth, lie down on the ground, roll over onto your taut tummy, thrust your bottom out to the three and spread yourself wide with your hands so that your tight pucker and drenched slit are exposed.

Astraea gives her last order and you feel a little tug on the leash soon after, so with your left hand you run your first three digits along the length of your very moist slit, eliciting a moan and a small chime from the bell at your clit before you reach around and press the digits against your pucker. You moan even deeper as you slowly push the three fingers into your rosebud, spreading it and stretching your sphincter wonderfully as you push deeper into your bum until you can’t push any further, then you start to lightly pump in and out of your bum. You moan as you lightly thrust in and out of your pucker, holding back the pleasure to keep yourself from toppling over while with your other hand you still have your cheeks somewhat spread – your thrusting causes your back to arch slightly and every time you do the strings attached to your nipple piercings and clit tug, sending more wonderful jolts of pleasure shooting through you. “Very, very good, teehee~! Do you want me to fuck you up the ass, Slutty Slave~? If you do all you have to say is ‘Please, Lady Astraea, please fuck this slutty slave’s naughty butt’” Astraea says into your mind with a bubbly giggle. You don’t even hesitate as you quickly respond in a breathy, husky voice as you continue to work your anus with your fingers “Please, Lady Astraea, please fuck this slutty slave’s naughty butt” – “Teehee, perfect~” Astraea resonates in your mind before you’re quickly lifted into the air, making you yelp, and you have your hands tied above your head with one strong white tentacles while your legs are spread and moved so that your ankles are tied to your wrists. You look up and see that Vulgan, Delilah, and Helena are watching you attentively – Helena of course is jilling herself with both hands, her left at her twat and her right on her right breast – before you cast your eyes down again…and then you let out a pleasured moan-gasp as you feel a thick tentacle prod then push itself into your bum deeply. You can’t help but throw your head back and open your mouth in bliss as you feel so wonderfully stretched and full, and that’s before Astraea starts to thrust her thick tentacle and create that wonderful friction you so desire.

“Mmm, you’re so tight, Pet, and you clamp down so hard on me~. Don’t hold back; I want you to feel it without any resistance whatsoever~” Astraea says into your mind, ordering you to cease resistance. You do as she commands and stop resisting the pleasure…and when you do, your world lights up in extremely wonderful pleasurable jolts that make your toes curl and make you whimper and gasp as you quickly ride your peak to that wonderful place of pleasure. “Cum for me, sweetie…cum for me~. I want you to feel oh so good that you’re head gets all messed up and fuzzy~” Astraea coos gently into your mind and with every thrust you can feel your mental resistance fading, and feel the familiar probing as Astraea gently pushes her way into your mind. It doesn’t take long and before you know it your pucker clamps down hard onto Astraea’s white tentacle and your pussy quivers before you squirt and flood a generous amount of your love juices onto the floor below you while your breast squirt and release a large amount of your milk, which runs down your roped body while some shoots out onto the floor, which Vulgan greedily drinks up. You whimper and gasp in pleasure as Astraea continues to pump inside you, and you slowly lose grip of reality – not even the jingling of the bell clamps holds your attention nor does your jiggling breasts – as the pleasure and Astraea’s will overcome your senses. You twitch and convulse violently in pleasure as you topple over into another orgasm, and then another and your eyes roll back into your head and your tongue lolls out of your mouth which only makes Astraea giggle and thrust even faster inside you. You cum twice more before the wonderfully thick and lovely tentacle is pulled from your bum, which sends a shockwave of pleasure ripping through you that sets you off once more, before you find said tentacle pointed at your face and a moment later you’re rewarded with a thick stream of cum that lands on your face, in your hair, and in your mouth which completely plasters your face. The stream misses your eyes by a small margin, but you feel that the rest of your face is coated with thick strings and dollops of Astraea’s sweet and tasty semen – you moan as you absentmindedly lick your lips and swallow down the wonderful sweet tasting treat even as you continue to twitch and convulse lightly in the tentacle lords’ grasp as you ride the aftershocks of ecstasy and rapture, which forces some of the milk that covers your front to roll down the front of your body.

You feel the tentacle’s grasp at your ankles and wrists loosen and your legs are gently lowered, as is your entire body, so that Astraea can set you tenderly on the ground on your bubble butt. You threaten to fall over as your head is still lost in a haze of bliss and you continue to twitch lightly, so Astraea holds you up and speaks gently into your mind. “You’re such a good girl~. Now, make sure you don’t take off that nice layer of cum~. It gives you a nice slutty and dirty beauty~” the tentacle lord says sweetly into your mind, and you find yourself absently nodding, albeit slowly. After a little while when your breathing returns to normal and your lust is sated, for now, and your mind isn’t addled you smile and say “Thank you for giving this slutty slave pleasure and giving her a tasty treat and something nice to wear, Lady Astraea”. “Very good, Pet~ <3! You’re coming along very nicely~” Delilah coos at you as she saunters up to you. “If you have the energy, Pet, then stand and present yourself. Looks like Vulgan is getting restless…don’t worry, darling, you’ll get your chance soon enough~” Delilah says to you sweetly, and, thanks to your absurdly large new sexual stamina, you manage to push yourself up and stand at attention with your legs spread and boobs thrust out before Delilah directs her attention to the wolf-dog who’s panting heavily and looking at you with an animalistic lust in his eyes that sends wonderful shivers down your spine. Vulgan huffs and sits down on his hind legs, his tail wagging fastly behind him and his eyes never leaving you – you smile when you notice that his pink cock is erect and evidence of his arousal leaks from the tip and you find that your arousal starts to flare up again.

However, your attention is drawn somewhat as you hear the door to the chamber opening – you don’t know who it is, since you don’t let your eyes move, but you don’t have to wonder long as you hear Lula’s familiar voice. “Well, well, you always did work fast, Delilah~. Or is our lovely honey just so submissive that she doesn’t need that much instruction~” Lula says playfully as she enters. You hear an audible gasp from Xillia and a chuckle that sounds like it came from Leena before Delilah pipes up, her voice full of pride “Both, darling; our sweet love was already very submissive when it comes to being tied up, so it wasn’t that difficult. We aren’t quite done yet, but I’m glad that you’re here; you can help with the…finishing touches”. “Mmm, I would love to help~. But first I need to have a little talk with Meredith” the blue succubus says in a mischievous tone that you just know means something delightfully naughty, and you hear her barefooted footsteps as she walks through the chamber to the corner that Meredith and the slime went off to do…whatever it is that they were doing. You hear light whispering for a few moments before Leena’s voice sounds up “I think I’ll help out for you, Delilah”. You hear barefooted footsteps approach you and after a moment Leena, fully nude, enters your field of vision – you keep your eyes downcast and smile sweetly as you look at her beautiful feet, legs, soft cock, tummy, and her very large breasts in your peripheral. “Be a dear and turn around for me. You should be on your knees, dear, so that you can suck my big cock~. I don’t want to cum, though, so don’t use any of your more advanced techniques; I simply want to feel the pleasure of you sucking and worshipping my cock with those lovely shimmering lips – very nice by the way~ – and the warmth of your wet, slutty mouth” Leena says in a commanding, lusty tone. “Of course, Lady Leena, I would be happy to serve you~” you say sweetly and sincerely with a small smile on your face, and as your arousal quickly rises yet again and your pussy leaks more and more juices that slide down your thighs and are absorbed in the rope. You turn around and drop to your knees, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue for Leena. You smile a little when, in your new position, you see Xillia staring at you with a heavy crimson blush and her hands over her mouth, however, in her eyes you see uncertainty…and desire. What Xillia is wearing, however, takes your breath away at her beautiful petite figure; she’s wearing lacy pink stockings held by a lacy pink garter belt with lacy pink panties that hug her crotch snuggly and on her A-cup breasts she’s wearing lacy pink heart shaped brassiere. She also has a pair of three-inch pink heels and a cute pink bow in her hair – the overall effect screams innocence and you can’t help but linger on her gorgeous pale body in such a cute outfit, looking both mortified and intrigued at the same time as she looks at you, completely submissive and bound, sticking your tongue out and waiting to suck on a cock with your face plastered in cum and the front of your body covered in your milk.
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You feel a gentle tug on your leash before Leena, or her crotch rather, comes into view and you see out of the corner of your eye that she now holds your leash in her right hand. “Lick me until I’m hard, dear, then do as we discussed. Mmm, I love the new addition to your lips, Pet. It really gives the look of a good little cocksucker, and your face is already painted white with semen which is a very nice bonus~” your purple succubus lover says with a husky tone that drives you wild. “Thank you for the compliment, Lady Leena” you respond politely and with a smile before bringing your hands around to Leena’s butt and grasping it while you lean forward and lick underneath Leena’s flaccid purple cock. “Mmm, that’s right, slut, that feels nice. Keep doing that and when you start sucking my cock, don’t stop until I say so” Leena praises as she pets your fiery red mane and scratches your scalp, making you moan as you continue to lick the underside of her flaccid shaft to the tip of her crown. Her cock gets hard on your tongue with every lick and after two dozen or so licks her cock twitches to full life in all its thick and juicy glory, at which point you lick your lips and engulf the head of her cock, swirling your tongue around the tip and sucking as you moan. “Mmm, good girl…take it deeper…that’s it. Now remember, don’t make me cum; I want to feel you sucking on me the entire time~” Leena coos at you as you suck and lick along the bottom of her shaft, bobbing your head deeper and deeper until you fully deep throat her thick purple cock – you moan as you do so, but comply and instead of sucking hard, you suck lightly and swirling your tongue and often times just let her cock sit in your mouth as she pets and strokes your hair, well, she strokes the parts that aren’t covered in Astraea’s seed. “Mmm, you’ve trained her well so far Delilah. I can’t wait until we finish training our lovely little girl. Oh that’s it, slut, you’re so good at this~” Leena says to Delilah with a moan before she praises you, making you moan at the humiliation of the situation and how horny it’s making you.

“I know…I can almost taste how good of a little bondage submissive she’ll be. I think I might even use that in my training” you hear Delilah say behind you as you think you hear rustling in the background, like someone’s rifling through a bunch of supplies, but you don’t focus on it for long as you continue servicing Leena’s magnificent member noisily. “Really, you’re going to use that? Delilah, do you really think that’s wise? I’m not doubting your abilities or intentions, but…” Leena says, slightly concerned as she continues to stroke your hair and as you work her hot, pulsing rod slowly along your tongue as you bob your head and suck lightly. “Don’t worry, Leena darling, I know what I’m doing. I would never, ever hurt my sweet darling. I love her…we all lover her, and I have full control over it. It will respond to what I want, just as it always has, and what I want is to make the love of my life…heh, or ‘unlife’ as it may be, feel pleasure and loved beyond her wildest dreams for all she’s done for us – for making us happy by just…being who she is and whatever it is that’s so alluring about her” Delilah says with earnestness and conviction that makes you stop sucking as you hear her words, which melts your heart. “I have no doubt at all, Delilah…that’s what we all want” Leena says softly to Delilah before looking at you with a smile – you withdraw from Leena’s cock and she bends down and kisses you softly on the lips, making you moan as your purple succubus pours her love into through a simple, sweet kiss. She pulls back from the kiss and looks you in the eyes, and you can’t help but get lost in those compassionate, lust filled, dazzling red eyes – “Love…would it be too much to ask to cum? Being near you drives me so wild…” Leena asks, breaking character and smiling lightly at you. You moan and chuckle before responding with a coy smile and a fire in your eyes “Oh, now you want to cum, huh? I don’t know…oh, why the hells not, I’m hungry…and I love giving pleasure to you my purple succubus~”.

Leena chuckles and licks a dollop of Astraea’s seed off of your nose and moans as she drinks it down before she stands and realigns her glistening saliva coated cock with your mouth – you open wide and engulf the head of her cock before pushing down until your nose bumps against her stomach. You suck hard and moan deeply, sending wonderful vibrations reverberating through her member as you swirl your tongue, and then gather up and release magic inside your mouth and along your tongue to hyper stimulate the beautiful purple tool. “AAAHHN! YES! JUST…YES!” Leena screams out in rapture as she grabs your red hair tightly, pulling you and pushing you off and on her large penis – you let her handle you as you suck noisily and messily, swirling your tongue, and continuing to release your special magic on Leena as the first of what will be a large amount of her thick seed hits the back of your throat and fills your mouth as the bells jingle in your ears. You moan and drink your lover’s seed down happily, making gulping noises as she stretches your throat and occasionally dumps some directly into your stomach – after a few moments of this she pulls out with a pop and aims her tool down at your breasts and taut tummy, coating your DD’s and stomach in a thick white cream of her semen that clings to your luminous, milky white skin. She pants for breath as the last of her seed is spent…for now, and she realigns her cock with your mouth, which you get the hint and engulf the tip, drinking down the excess of her seed and cleaning her properly. When you finish you give the head of Leena’s dick a tender kiss before leaning back on your feet and placing your hands on your legs as you keep your eyes downcast. “Now, I think it’s time for the real fun to begin, darlings~. Lula, would you kindly help me? You as well, Leena; it will take all our efforts” Delilah says in a coy voice behind you before she speaks again “And you, Helena darling, are going to join Colette. Astraea, would you please?” The next few minutes are a whirlwind of activity as you remain on your knees where you are, covered in spunk and getting extremely horny as you hear laughing, giggling, and moaning behind you as well as things opening and closing, cracking, and Vulgan’s barking. While whatever happens behind you, Xillia approaches you and kneels down in front of you – you smile when you catch a glimpse of her panties which have a damp spot in them – and she looks at you.

You see that she has a beet red face, but she manages to squeak out “C-Colette…i-iz, I m-mean, d-do you really e-e-enjoy t-thiz?” You look up into Xillia’s dazzling blue eyes and cock your head to the side, letting a slightly spunky lock of red hair fall in front of your left eye as you smile. “Mmm, of course I do, Xillia. It feels so good…so ‘right’ to do it, and it’s with people I care about and trust. This is who I am, Xillia, and I only recently discovered that thanks to them – you’ve felt it, haven’t you? The strange tingles that seem to draw you to certain actions and things you see or think about…that ‘call’ to you in some way? You get aroused as certain things that maybe you haven’t been aroused at, or thought you could get aroused at, before? That’s what this place does to you, Xillia; it and the people here and, if what Leena says is really true, then Domina herself has a little bit of a hand guiding you towards who you are. You look so beautiful, Xillia, it takes my breath away...” “I don’t…that’s not…I-I…I m-might have felt z-zome t-tingles a-and…b-but, I-I don’t k-know, Colette” Xillia stammers out and you smile, both out how cute she is and how she reminds you of yourself a few days ago before you dived into it – “A very good friend told me something that helped, and you don’t have to stay and you don’t have to listen to me, but she said that she had seen people go their entire lives denying themselves and who they really are. She said that they had grown old and bitter, and died bitter and unfulfilled. She also said to dive headfirst into it, because there really isn’t any other way to do it. I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s what I did…and I really think that it might have been for the best. Will you stay here with me, Xillia? It’s only for a night and longer than the time we shared a few days ago upstairs, but I promise I won’t be far away and I’ll be with you every step of the way” you say sweetly, serenely, and with total conviction and compassion to your elven lover. Despite how embarrassed Xillia must be, if her face is any indication, you see her deep in thought before she finally nods slowly and tentatively which makes you smile.

Wow…I should be a priestess of Domina with a speech like that. Anyways, what the heck are those girls up to back there?

Your question doesn’t need to wait long for an answer when Xillia looks up and smiles weakly while nodding, moving out of the way slightly so that Delilah’s pale, stunning body enters your vision. “Here, let me clean you off, Pet~” she says mischievously as she leans down and, holding one of those wonderful enchanted rags, she starts to clean your hair, face, breasts, stomach, and your pussy of sweat and juices. “There, all clean~ - now, follow me, Pet” Delilah commands and as she stands up and takes the leash from the floor you stand up with her and follow Delilah back to where the others were at. You glance and see that Helena’s all tied up just like you are, and so are Lula and Leena, though somehow you don’t get the feeling that they’ll be very submissive given their lusty looks. Meredith is nearby and watching with a slight blush, or as much as a slime can blush, and has the red slime next to her. When you’re closer to the group Vulgan pants and jumps about happily as he wags his tail and what Delilah says next gets your juices flowing even more. “Someone else wants to play with you, Pet~. Seems like Vulgan has been quite…frustrated with all you’ve shown in front of him today. Hold still while I pretty you up for him and then be a good submissive girl and show your alpha what a submissive bitch you can be” Delilah says in a sultry, growling tone into your ear – “Yes, Mistress Delilah, with pleasure” you say breathlessly with a shiver of anticipation as you glance over at Vulgan, who you see is panting in just as much anticipation as you and the look in his eyes is almost completely carnal. You only move when Delilah directs you; first, she has you extend your arms out in front of you as she slips on a black leather arm sleeve and tightens it snuggly so that it’s not uncomfortable, but also so you can’t pull your arms apart in the slightest. Next, she has you lie down on your butt and bring your legs together in front of you as she places a leather leg sleeve on your legs to bind them together before picking you up and placing you on your bound knees.

“Have fun, Pet~’ is all Delilah says as she bends down and kisses your forehead before backing off – you smile at Delilah before you see Vulgan approach and you offer the large, beautiful arctic grey beast a broad grin as you see him approach. “Hey, boy, have I been neglecting you~?” you ask the intelligent beast as he approaches you – your eyes flash in desire as you see Xillia, led by Lula, out of the corner of your eye and you can tell she looks shocked at what is about to happen…if you have your way that is – which you get a low whine in return as he nuzzles against your face and rubs his shaggy, warm fur on your body. “I know, boy, I know…I can’t wait to have you inside me~. I’m all yours, boy; you’re special to me as well~” you say sweetly to your lovely companion before planting a kiss on his snout and looking him in his piercing yellow eyes – in response the large wolf-dog gives you three slow licks on your face, which makes you giggle, before he circles your kneeling form and rubs himself against you lovingly, which you can’t help but rub back into. Eventually, though, you feel Vulgan’s head pushing against your back and, at first, you’re confused until he huffs and pushes a little bit harder. You smile when you get the idea, so you lean forward and shift so that you can get onto your knees better and, placing your sleeved arms out in front of you, you get on all fours and stick your butt out towards Vulgan. However, instead of diving right in he instead moves beside you and places his snout onto the back of your head and pushes down, so you dip down farther until your right cheek is touching the floor and your back is arched while your ass is fully up.

“Better, my beautiful wolf~?” you ask Vulgan as he dips his head low to yours – he licks your face a few times and barks in the affirmative before moving behind you. Talking with a half-dog half-wolf like I would a person…and being ordered around by one no less as he gets ready to fuck me~ you think in amusement as a grin washes across your face, and then you moan when you feel Vulgan’s cold nose against your slit sniffing a few times before his long and warm tongue laps at your slit, making you moan louder and the bell on the padded clamp to jingle as he brushes against it. “Mmm, gods his tongue hits all the right places~. You’re so good, Vulgan~” you moan out as you look behind you with your right cheek on the ground and as you wag your bubble butt out at Vulgan to encourage him. It seems to work as he continues to lap and lick at your sopping cunt quite loudly before he pulls back, which you know what comes next from last time so you get ready. It comes as no surprise to you – you actually were about to go mad in anticipation – when you see and feel Vulgan’s front paws lock around your hips and pull you in before he mounts you, thrusting his large canine penis deeply inside your pussy and bumps against your cervix in one thrust thanks to your angle. “Oooooh, yes!” you practically yell out in bliss, especially when you feel Vulgan’s furry stomach and his weight on your back – Vulgan, for his part, howls in triumph and bliss as your pussy molds to his member completely and feels so full and tight inside you…and then he starts to thrust quick and hard inside you, making the bells on your ears and clit jingle quickly and loudly. “Ahn! Yes! It’s so good! Faster! Harder!” you yell out in rapture as Vulgan picks up the pace and pulls your hips closer with his front legs and paws, and then you feel his knot forming. You moan as the large knot forming stretches your walls even further and seats itself inside you, at which point Vulgan starts to thrust short and fast before you feel him dumping his load inside you without stopping.

Vulgan howls again before huffing and snarling above you as his pleasure mounts and as his warm, thick seed fills your womb and love tunnel completely. You offer your own howl of pleasure as you feel yourself inching ever closer to the edge of bliss…and then you let your resistances fall and topple over with a scream of ecstasy as your vaginal walls clamp down like a vice around Vulgan’s member. You gush and flood around Vulgan’s reddish-pink pleasure stick and squirt milk out of your pierced and stringed breasts onto the floor below you, and your love tunnel quickly fills to the brim with Vulgan’s seed but, because of the knot stretching you delightfully, the spunk cannot escape you and instead continues to spew inside you as Vulgan thrusts and howls. You moan and twitch in pleasure before you vibrate your muscles along Vulgan’s dick and release tiny magical bursts that overstimulate his member – the effect is instantaneous as Vulgan yelps before snarling loudly and thrusting twice as fast as he comes harder than ever. “Y-Yeah, yeah! G-Gods yes!” you say incoherently as you topple over into another orgasm from the pleasure of the wolf-dog’s thrusts and the sheer amount of warm, filling semen that starts to bloat you and distend you slightly. After a few more moments and regaining your senses to block the pleasure Vulgan finally stops cumming and instead pants, which you can’t help but gasp for air yourself before Vulgan starts to rock you to the side. You follow his lead and rock until you both fall over onto your left sides on the ground with him still inside you. You giggle and press your pelvis into Vulgan’s crotch so that he doesn’t feel any pain from his knot, and he seems to like this as between pants the lovely beast licks the back of your head and ears, making you chuckle and moan as his warm tongue stimulates your half-elf ears.

“Oh, Vulgan, that was amazing~. My stomach’s so full of your warm semen; it feels so nice…It may be strange, but I love you, you adorable thing~” you say with a contented sigh as you snuggle against Vulgan’s warm, furry stomach and wait for his knot to recede. Vulgan continues to lick your ear, the back of your head, and neck – when he can get through your thick, silky smooth mane that is – slowly, making wet noises as he does so. After a few minutes like this his knot eventually recedes and his cock softens enough to slip from you and, when he does, you gasp in pleasure at the movement and at the volume that escapes your honeypot as it oozes out and onto your legs, the rope, and the floor in thick white globs. Vulgan shifts a little and moves away from you before standing on all four of his legs and walking around to you, leaning down to lick your face slowly, lovingly, and in thanks that makes you giggle – you would get up yourself, however, the arm sleeve and leg sleeve makes it difficult to move so for the time being you sit there and accept Vulgan’s appreciation. Eventually the wolf-dog pulls back and barks happily at you, and you shift enough so that you’re sitting on your bottom with your legs in front of you which makes the semen oozing out of you pool under you. “Here, let me help you with that~” Delilah says as she walks over to you, bending down and undoing the straps to the sleeves before taking them off and picking up your leash, tugging on it and urging you to rise. You laugh when you see Vulgan trot up to the puddle of milk you left behind and start to drink it up with his long canine tongue. “Alright, Astraea…let’s see who’s the better mistress~. You take Helena and I’ll take Colette – Lula, Leela, you darlings pair off with whomever you want~” Delilah says in a cheery voice as she tugs you along. “Mmm, I think I’ll go with our sweet honey, Sister” Lula says as she moans and saunters up behind you, spanking you on your bottom and eliciting a gasp from you as you smile and keep your eyes down.

“Now, before we begin I need to ma-“ Delilah begins as you reach an area with a stone slab and manacles attached as well as a metal bar with manacles hanging underneath – “Yes, my beautiful vampiress, the answer is yes. I am sure and I trust you…both of you, since day one” you cut Delilah off, already aware of what she was going to ask. You smile at her before turning around and giving your beautiful blue succubus a reassuring and confidant smile. They both plant a kiss on either of your cheeks before Delilah tugs gently on your leash and leads you to the stone slab. “Lie down, Pet, and spread your arms and legs” Delilah commands and you comply as you mount the stone slab and lie on your back, spreading your arms and legs for Delilah and you watch as she places your wrists and ankles in the manacles and shuts the. The manacles lock you in place and Delilah reaches underneath the slab and produces a small iron key and shows it to you before placing it back underneath with a reassuring smile. She and Lula both trace up your bound and roped body and undo the strings to your clit and nipples before Lula says “I’m going to give you my special essence, baby. It’ll help”. “That’s a good idea, darling, and I would urge my cute Pet to accept~” Delilah says with a glint in her eye, and you also detect the concern in her voice as well despite her still dominant demeanor. You nod and say “Thank you, Lady Lula” and a moment later Lula reaches down to your face and cups your cheek before stroking your hair, looking you lovingly in the eyes…and then you see her spaded tail flick up and dart towards your thigh. You gasp as you feel a tiny prick and you feel fluids entering your body – Lula gives you a tender kiss on the lips, making you moan, before she moves back and moves further down your body with her hands until her left hand is at your mound and she rubs it slowly and sensually, making you moan louder.

Delilah walks up to you holding a lit red candle and you wonder when she did that since your attention was focused on Lula, but you don’t ponder the thought long when she speaks. “I’m going to wait a little while, Pet, so that Lula’s essence takes effect. If at any time you want to stop, and I mean any time then you say so, Colette” Delilah says in a husky tone, before she suddenly gets serious. “I promise, Delilah, but until that time comes, if it comes…indulge yourself, mistress~” you say with a serene smile before you fall back into your submissiveness and cast your eyes down. Delilah touches your right leg tenderly and you glance up to see her giving you a sweet look…and then the effects of Lula’s succubus aphrodisiac starts to take effect. You groan and arch your back in frustration as your love tunnel leaks copious amounts of fluids and burns with need as your entire body heats up and you instinctively try to bring your legs together to get some relief. You hear a moan a ways away that catches your attention, and when you look to the left you see Helena being fucked by Leena, who’s holding her up, while Astraea is in her bum and spanking her with her tentacles as Vulgan watches lying down – you notice that Meredith, the red slime, and Xillia are off in a corner watching the action happen to both you and Helena, and you smile when you see Xillia’s blush deepen. “It’s time, Pet” you hear Delilah say and you glance back over and moan as Lula continues to rub your labia painfully slowly that does hardly anything to abate your animalistic needs. You watch and moan in pleasure as you rock your hips, and as Delilah brings the candle over your tummy…and tips it ever so slightly. Time seems to slow down as you watch the little red hot wax from the candle roll off the side of the candle and fall towards an exposed part of skin not covered by rope…and then time returns to normal when it lands on your smooth skin. “Hot!” you yell out as you gasp in pain and pleasure while arching your back – Lula rubs your slick and puffy lower lips faster while Delilah brings a hand to your right half-elf ear and rubs it, alternating between that and stroking your hair and whispering praises and comforting words into your ear.
Re: Rift Touched

You thrash around a little as the heat intensifies and burns hotter than your painfully aroused body and you let out little whimpers of pain-pleasure mix as the hot wax burns you and as Lula sticks three fingers inside your love tunnel and starts to pump slowly as she curls her fingers, hitting your sweet spots and stirring up Vulgan’s seed as your honeypot molds to her shape. Eventually, you let out a sigh of relief and pleasure as the wax cools and hardens on your skin; you look down and see the small red blotch of wax and you feel the tingling pain and cooling relief of it. You glance over at Delilah and see concern on her face and that she looks like she’s about to speak before you pipe up and say with a small smile and downcast eyes “Thank you, Mistress Delilah, may your Pet please have another?” Delilah leans down and plants a kiss on your lips while, with her other hand, she tugs on your emerald heart piercing on your right nipple before pulling back and saying with love “You’re simply perfect, darling…” Then Delilah pours another small blotch of wax, this time a little higher on your stomach and the process repeats. Lula jills your pussy while Delilah pours wax on your skin, making it burn and turn red wherever it hits, cools, and hardens – you teeter on the edge of climax for the longest time as Delilah pours more wax until, finally, you topple over and thrash about as Delilah pours another blotch of wax over your left breast and you squirt your juices onto Lula’s fingers and hand as your breasts spew forth your milk, coating your bosom and the ropes. In all Delilah poured wax on you fifteen different times from your legs up to your breasts and when you look down you see your body peppered with tiny red wax blotches that have cooled and hardened on you…and you feel strangely satisfied. You don’t know if you might be a masochist – you don’t think that you are – but you can’t deny the eroticism of what just happened, made better by Lula’s expert fingers working you over. Lula brings her fingers to her mouth and licks them clean of Vulgan’s seed and your juices as Delilah talks…and rubs her puffy labia slowly while moaning “Oh, Pet, that was amazing~. I can see in your eyes that you want more. I think it’s time…Lula, would you…?”

“Of course…it would be my pleasure~” the red-eyed blue succubus says with a twinkle in her eyes that makes you shudder in desire. She walks to the side of the slab that Delilah was on where she produced the small iron key and leans down to pick it up before moving first to your ankles then your wrists and undoes that manacles. You stretch a little even as you tingle in a mix of small pain and great pleasure before moving to get off the slab, but Delilah is on you like lightning, putting her hand on your bosom and gently pushing you down. You give her a confused look but she chuckles and says “For me, Pet, just relax and let me take care of you”. She then grabs your leash with her left hand before picking you up and cradling you with ease thanks to her vampire enhanced strength. You smile and actually blush a little as you snuggle into her bosom and say quietly “Of course, Mistress Delilah…thank you”. You enjoy Delilah’s slightly cold body against yours as she carries you for a few moments before she gently sets you down onto your feet and says “Arms up, Pet” to which you quickly comply with a “Yes, Mistress Delilah”. You put your arms up and look up to see the metal bar overhead with shackles attached, and you yelp a little as Delilah lifts you up a bit while Lula saunters over and shackles in your arms. When you’re shackled in, Delilah gently sets you down and you have to stand on the very tips of your toes to balance yourself. “Don’t worry, Pet, you won’t have to dangle like that for very long. Lula…” Delilah says to you with a wicked smile before she turns away and heads for one of the chests in the room, however, your eyes are drawn to Lula as she enters your field of vision with a mischievous smile that makes your aphrodisiac induced arousal burn hotter than ever.

“Oh, baby, you look so good right now, all hot and bothered and covered in wax~. Here, let me help you” the buxom succubus says in a sultry tone before grabbing a nice handful of your plump behind and lifting you up – you instinctively wrap your legs around Lula’s waist for balance, and she chuckles before slowly pushing her thick tool inside your itching, burning snatch slowly…to slow, which makes you groan in frustration despite how good it feels. “I know, honey, I know…but I’ll make you feel good in a little bit, I promise~” Lula coos into your right ear before giving it a lick, making you moan appreciatively and say “Thank you, Lady Lula”. A few moments later and Delilah returns, entering your peripheral vision and holding up a ball gag…and a paddle. “Hold still now, Pet~” Delilah says happily…perhaps a little too happily which, despite being incredibly turned on, does make you a little worried. You hold still as Delilah moves behind you and you see her hand come in front of you with the gag in hand. You open your mouth, which earns a praise from both Delilah and Lula, so that she can get the holey ball gag into your mouth – once in, she tightens the straps behind your head. “Lula, darling, I would suggest holding onto our lovely Pet’s legs” Delilah practically growls out in lust – “I think you might be right; I don’t think having my hands smacked would be too fun~” Lula chirps out happily and with a giggle as she shifts her hands off your bottom, but not before giving your cheeks a firm squeeze, and onto your legs instead as she pushes her thick cock a little bit deeper until she bumps against your cervix, making you moan into the gag. You hold back the pleasure even as Lula recoils slightly before thrusting hardly, moving passed your cervix into your cum filled womb which sets of a light show in your mind as you feel incredible pleasure that makes you buck your hips, sending the bells jingling that are still attached to your ears and clit. When Lula slowly pulls out to her tip, you whimper and gasp into the gag first in pleasure, then shock and slight pain when you feel something hard, wooden, and flat smack against your bottom and creating a loud smacking noise.

Lula then picks up the pace and thrusts into your love tunnel hard and fast before pulling back, which earns another smack. Lula and Delilah keep this pace for a good long while; whenever Lula pulls back, Delilah spanks you with the paddle, and then stops as Lula thrusts back in. The rhythm and speed picks up, creating an odd sense of pain and pleasure that drives you wild and you feel yourself moving closer and closer to that sacred and wonderful release and just before you let your resistances falter to feel that explosive rapture…Delilah speaks up. “Stop, Lula…it’s time for me to use that on her. I already talked with your sister and I assure you it will be so wonderful for our Pet” Delilah says, earning a chuckle from Lula. “I know it will, Delilah…oh, honey, this is going to be so amazing for you~” Lula says as she slowly withdraws her cock from your molding pussy, which clings to it forcefully and earning a groan of frustration from you as your drool leaks from the ball gag. She gently sets you down back onto the tips of your toes and pets your hair, kiss along your neck and bosom, shuddering in bliss as she dips down and sucks on your left teat and drawing your milk from you as she drinks it down and tugs on your barbell studded piercing. You moan as you feel wonderful relief and pressure leaving your breast as Lula drinks down your milk with heavy, noisy gulps. She pulls back eventually with a gasp and nuzzles against your face, kissing it as she does so “Honey, I love you so, so much…I’m so glad I met you. You make me so happy…and you taste so good~”. Her words are like honey to you, and you nuzzle back against her and look her in her dazzling red eyes, seeing nothing but pure love and compassion for you that you hope she can see in your eyes as well. You both gaze into each other’s eyes for a little while until Delilah returns holding a black box of some kind – Lula notices Delilah approaching and walks up to the glassy, amber-eyed vampire and takes the box and shields it from your view. Delilah glows a dim black for a moment before it disappears, and a moment later you hear a few clicks similar to the turning of gears come from in front of Delilah. You watch as Delilah reaches forward with her left hand then pull back, still keeping whatever it is hidden from view until you hear a clank which probably means Lula closed the box…and then Delilah steps into full view and your eyes go wide at what you see.

Delilah is holding a whip, but not just any whip; this whip looks positively wicked, and even from this distance you can tell that it’s magical. You enter your aura sight and, as the world bleeds away into a multitude of magical colors and threads, you focus in on the whip and see that it’s completely clear which, if your sheer set is any indication, means that it’s blessed and probably blessed by Domina. You drop out of your aura sight and really look at this wicked whip – you see that first and foremost it is long. The handle itself is probably eight inches, but the whip portion, which Delilah has hanging to the side and resting on the floor, looks to be about five or maybe six feet long and it’s absolutely beautiful on top of being intimidating. The hand looks to be some sort of black metal with gold embroidery in the form of chains crisscrossing the handle. On the pommel of the whip handle sits a brilliant diamond…except it’s completely black and seems to have something swirling in it, like a black fog or mist. However, the most eye-catching, and nerve wracking, part of the whip is the business end; the whip, like everything else, is completely black…and covered in dangerous looking black diamond hook-like barbs that are utterly vicious looking. “You like it, Pet~?” Delilah asks with a cruel looking smile and a dangerous glint in her eyes “This is my special weapon that I had blessed by Domina after I completed my time here and became a priestess. I call her Willow…she was actually the whip my previous ‘mistress’ used on me after she turned me into a vampire. She came in handy when slaughtering her and her coven, but I digress; she’s meant to inflict pain on a legendary level, and to draw the blood from her foes which, for a vampire, is the perfect tool. However, after I completed my trials here I had her blessed, and now she’s more than just a deadly looking whip…and she only responds to me~”.

Delilah draws her right arm back and cracks the whip off to her side and your eyes go wide when you see the whip split off into four separate whips, each with the hook-like black diamond barbs sticking out of it! She cracks it again off to the other side – thankfully Lula was wise enough to step out of the way beforehand – and it turns back into a single whip. She holds it out in front of her horizontally and you watch in astonishment as the whip shrinks entirely and turns into a flogger with dozens of strands, each with similar barbs as the whip had. “But” Delilah adds with a fire in her eyes “After it was blessed Willow had some ‘improvements’ made to her that I’m sure you’ll like~. Pet, I want you to do something for me; don’t panic, please, Pet. I would never, ever, do any harm to you…and that is a promise I make with you and Domina as my witness. I will only ever make sure you feel pleasure, Colette”. You cock your head to the side in confusion, but you nod your understanding to Delilah which makes her smile. Your eyes go wide, however, when Delilah moves closer and she winds up her arm…aiming directly at you with her whip. Don’t panic, Colette, don’t panic. She wouldn’t hurt me…she promised, and I trust her. Gods, what’s she planning? you think as you reign in your emotions, namely your fear and panic at the possibility of that wicked and dangerous tool being used to harm you. A moment later and you see the whip flying out at you, changing as it soars through the air into a regular looking whip and you close your eyes instinctively and brace for the hit. Throughout the chamber the crack of the whip resonates and it lands across your roped stomach, making your scream into the gag and arch your back…in absolute, and confusing, ecstasy. The blow wasn’t enough to send you over the edge, but it was damn close since you didn’t think of trying to resist.

You look down and see that there’s a clear, visible red welt on your stomach where you were struck, but instead of searing pain you instead feel strangle tingly pleasure all around the ‘wound’. Delilah saunters up to you as you regain your balance on your tippy toes and runs her hand along the welt, sighing in satisfaction before she looks up into your eyes with a smile. “Willow only causes pain if I want it to after it was blessed, Colette. I can make someone feel mind numbing pain, or mind blowing pleasure. It doesn’t turn pain into pleasure either; this welt you see is very real – and gods it turns your perfect milky skin a delicious red~ - but it is only superficial. It hasn’t done any damage to you at all, either, meaning I can whip you all day long and turn every inch of you a beautiful glowing red and never, ever hurt you while making you feel absolute bliss~. It will also disappear quickly as well; in about an hour or two that pretty mark will be completely gone”. Delilah explains gleefully before bending down and planting a kiss on the welt which makes you gasp at the feather light contact as the area of skin still tingles and sends little jolts of pleasure that buries itself into your already sopping cleft. “Do you want to stop?” Delilah says finally after a short while of admiring her work and your body – she looks up into your eyes and it only takes you a moment to respond; as you balance on your toes and as drool leaks from the holes in the ball gag you shake your head and smile at Delilah, which seems to choke her up a little as she hugs you. It only lasts a second, but it’s enough that you feel perfectly safe with the cold vampire as she embraces you, and then she pulls back slightly and takes aim once more, this time as the whip turns into a flogger. You’re ready this time and as the flogger connects with your pierced breasts you resist the pleasure, but still curl your toes and gasp into the ball gag as tingling and jolting pleasure courses through you, making you wetter and wetter. Delilah whips and flogs almost every part of your body, save for your feet and face, with her prized possession Willow until you’re covered in red pleasure tingled welts.

You finally topple over the edge when Delilah steps back, takes aim and, with a crack of Willow’s whip form, she strikes your clamped clit and cleft dead-on. You scream brokenly into the gag as you cum hard, squirting your love juices and milk onto the floor and onto your welt covered body as you writhe, twitch, and thrash in your bound condition and as the bell clamps chime incessantly as indicators to your passion. When the throes of climax release you, you hang limply from the shackles at your wrists which start to dig into your skin – Delilah notices this and calls out to Lula “Lula, darling, help me get her down, would you?” “Of course; we can’t leave our honey hanging around, can we?” Lula says with a snicker at her own bad pun, and a few moments later you watch as Delilah lifts you up while Lula moves behind you and, after a few seconds, your wrists are released from the manacles and you fall into Lula’s and Delilah’s embrace. “Thank you” you say softly and contentedly when Delilah removes the gag, and as you snuggle into Delilah’s C-cups and Lula’s head sized melons while they hold you and Lula strokes your fiery hair while Delilah traces the welts she made with Willow’s whip and flogger forms. “That was really hot, honey. You looked like you felt so good” Lula says softly to you as she holds you up, though you don’t need any help given your large sexual stamina which has you almost fully recovered by now. “So beautiful…it’s such a lovely contrast to your stunning skin, darling…” Delilah says quietly and in awe as she continues to trace every single wonderful mark she left on your body before looking you in the eyes – “Pet’s glad you like them, Mistress Delilah. Pet is yours, and will always look forward to her mistress making her skin red…because Pet loves her mistress and Lady Lula” you say with a small smile as you cast your eyes downward, however, you feel Delilah’s cold hand cup under your chin and lift your face up so that you’re looking into her eyes. In a flash Delilah’s lips are on yours in a deep, passionate kiss that makes you melt into her embrace as you open your mouth and allow her cool tongue inside, and you can’t help but think that you love how she tastes.

Delilah pulls back from the kiss and starts kissing and sucking on your neck as you feel Lula’s hand gently pull your face up towards her, and you moan when you feel her lips on your shimmering, glossy red ones. The kiss is interrupted when you hear the heavenly familiar voice of your lovely slime Meredith speaking “Um…n-not to interrupt you two, but Astraea suggested that I bond with you, Colette. I really want to as well…may I?” You, Delilah, and Lula turn around to face the true slime, still in her half you half Helena visage, look quite bashful and yearning for contact. You smile and cast your eyes down while holding out your arms, inviting Meredith in and say “Pet would love that so much, Miss Meri. Please, bond with Pet so she can show you how much she loves you~”. You see Meredith ripple out of the tops of your vision before slowly shifting and rolling toward you, and a few moments later she ripples violently as her amorphous body makes contact with your hands and arms as she engulfs them, making you sigh in contentment as her magical body makes your skin tingle in pleasure and relax. When your arms are far enough in you grab Meredith’s core and hug it tightly to your bosom which makes the slime girl gasp and ripple in pleasure and happiness, which the pleasure transfers over to you but not the emotions…yet. Meredith continues to spread around and engulf your body before she starts pushing into your lower holes, making you moan and open your mouth to aid her as she engulfs your head and pushes her way into your mouth, nose, throat, and ears. It only takes a few moments, but eventually you start to feel that familiar gnawing in the back of your mind and the feeling of another presence inside you, and you know that you’re feeling Meredith’s emotions flow into you.

You feel her love and adoration for you, mirrored by her words as she ripples on you and inside you “Colette, I am so, so happy you came into my life” – “So am I…now you don’t need to read those books anymore; we can live our own lovers fantasy~” you respond as you feel elation and love for Meredith, which transfers over to your lovely clear slime and makes her sigh and ripple even harder. You sit inside Meredith for a little while just holding her core as she ripples, and then you get a naughty idea that makes you aroused, which transfers over to Meredith and you feel her understanding pass into you. A few moments later and Meredith manages to get your clamps off and pushed out of her body as she puts pressure onto your clit, making you moan, and then you watch as she hardens her gelatinous body around your clit and starts forming something outwards. You watch in arousal, pleasure, and awe as the object starts to mold and form until you have a seven inch, clear cock jutting out from on and around your little rock hard nub. While she’s at it she removes the leash from your choker and slowly removes it from her body, which Delilah holds at her hand and catches as she looks on with a lustful smile. “Fuck yeah! I need to get me some of that!” you hear the voice of Helena sound out and you look up to see that Helena, who’s still tied up, Leena, Astraea, Vulgan, and Xillia...who has her pink panties removed and the red slime inside of her love tunnel in the form of a double dildo-esque penis. The blonde haired elf has a very embarrassed look on her face and she shifts her legs every now and then and you can’t help but giggle a little bit. “Our little sweetie looked like she was having the time of her life, and my little slutty slave and Leena were getting a bit jealous~. Looks like you win this time, Delilah, sweetie…this time, teehee~” Astraea’s voice resonates into yours and the other’s minds gleefully. Delilah chuckles darkly and boisterously before she responds in a confident tone and a smirk on her face “I always win, Astraea darling”.

“Is that so, sweetie~? Well, here’s your reward, teehee~” Astraea giggles bubbly out to you all before she sends out all of her tentacles to Delilah in lightning quickness, which ends up catching Delilah completely off guard. Before you and everyone else knows it, Delilah is bound with at least three tentacles on each of her limbs before six more shoot out at the bound vampire. “What – what are you doing, Astraea?!” Delilah bellows out as she struggles in Astraea’s grip before moaning a little in pleasure as three of the white tentacles open up and latch onto her little bean and her breasts and start to suck on them – “Only give you you’re reward, sweetie~. Now, stuff fussing and enjoy yourself…because I know I will, teehee~” Astraea says into all your minds. Delilah cracks an evil smile and relaxes herself before saying coolly “Oh, really now? Hmm, I can’t say it won’t be fun…let’s see who tires out first then my darling Astraea~. Give up now, because I know that I’ll end up on top…I always do~”. Astraea giggles furiously as she aligns the last three thick phallic tentacles with her mouth, cleft, and rosebud – she makes sure to gather up some of Delilah’s juices with the anus bound tentacle first – and says “Such hubris, sweetie…have you never read any old myth or legend? Hubris is always the downfall of the mighty~”. Delilah licks her lips before cracking an evil smile and saying “Really…you must not learn either, darling, considering how much your droning on about hubris”. Astraea giggles a few more times before she quickly thrusts all three large, thick tentacles inside Delilah’s holes at once making her arch her back and gasp in pleasure and surprise before Astraea starts to pump hard and fast…harder than she’s ever gone with you before that’s for sure. You’d be worried if not for the fact that Delilah seems to be enjoying it, and is probably okay due to the fact that she’s a vampire, but still it’s a little concerning at first.
Re: Rift Touched

You don’t have long to focus on the two as another delicious conundrum arises in the form of one very slutty human, two lusty succubi, a shy and cute elf sporting a slime cock, and a panting arctic grey wolf-dog that are all looking at you like a piece of meat…and you feel very, very excited and aroused at the prospect. “Meredith…be a dear and hold down our love. Be sure to open up her wonderfully tight holes as well for us~” Leena says before Helena adds very enthusiastically as she saunters up to you “Yeah, and make sure you keep that nice cock you got on her. Oh hell yeah, this is going to be fucking great!” You hold on tight to Meredith’s core as she gently forces your legs open and opens up slightly around your mouth, ass, and pussy – you moan as Helena gives you a hungry look before turning around and straddling you from behind, spreading her cheeks as she slowly lowers herself onto your slime cock which is connected to your clit, sending wonderful and intensive vibrations that feels oh so good…for both you and Meredith as she ripples. “This f-feels so weird…and s-so good!” you say as the strange sensations from your fake cock send wonderful jolts of pleasure coursing through you and making you that much wetter – “Fuck…feels just like a real cock!” Helena moans out in bliss as she bottoms out on your clear slime shaft. “Alright, cutie, you’re up. Just aim for her tight ass and push forward and rock your hips” Helena says with a moan as she looks towards Xillia, whose face is the picture of cute innocence and embarrassment. “A-A-Alright…y-you d-don’t mind, C-Colette? I-It iz zo strange having this…p-peniz inzide me” the cute blonde elf says as she slowly moves towards you and looks you in the eyes. I’m surprised they were able to convince her to do this…or maybe she had it in her all along~. Or maybe…maybe she’s doing it to be with me? you think as you look her in the eyes, smiling sweetly and nodding which seems to alleviate Xillia’s concerns a little as she sighs. She moves behind you and, thanks to Meredith “clearing the way” so to speak, she aligns the red slime cock she has and slowly pushes inside your tight pucker, making you moan and hug Meredith’s core tighter as you feel your sphincter giving way to Xillia’s prodding.

“O-Oh, oh mes dieux it i-iz zo…unreal. I-is zis what a p-penis…? OH!” Xillia says between gasps and moans before she bottoms out in your bum and you feel…very nice with both Meredith still partially in you and the red slime, or at least the end not in Xillia, fully inside you. Meredith ripples from the contact and your pleasure and feelings of contentment wash over her senses which she reciprocates. “This is going to be a tight fit~” Lula says and you watch as she crawls underneath you when Meredith rises slightly, which pulls on the red slime inside Xillia and pushes up on Helena and eliciting pleasured gasps. When your blue lover is in position Meredith lowers you down onto Lula’s thick blue cock, making you whimper and moan in bliss alongside Xillia, who reaches around inside Meredith’s body and hugs you as she whimpers, and Helena as she lowers herself down again so her bum is full once more. “W-Well, this is a right cluster-fuck” Helena says between a half-laugh half-moan, and your inclined to agree with her, especially when Leena moves in and aligns kneels down to align her cock with Helena’s tight snatch and over her sister’s mouth. “Mmm, you’re right dear…and there’s going to be a whole lot of ‘fuck’ in this cluster I’m sure, and with our love right in the middle with all her pretty red marks~” she says as she pushes into Helena’s tight, molding wet cunt causing them both to moan and Helena to say a few curses and swears as her pleasure rises. Oh dear gods…what in the hells is going on here? This is going to be intenSEEEEAAAAHHN! you think before all at once your world enters a pleasure haze as you feel rippling, thrusting, massaging, and suckling all at once from every direction, and you gasp and hear gasps and moans and whimpers of pleasure from all your beautiful, lovely women. You vaguely hear barking coming from Vulgan followed by Leena yelling out “Vulgan! Ahn! N-Not there!” then Helena laughing out between moans and gasps “Y-Yeah, fuck here in t-t-t-the ass withat d-doggy dick, Vulgan! Ha ha!” You fight through the pleasure and let out a little chuckle when you see Vulgan’s front paws on Leena’s shoulders, and you see the beast looking quite happy as he thrusts furiously and harshly into Leena’s tight ass while her sister eats her out below her. Xillia can only gasp as she thrusts awkwardly into your anus, clearly showing her ‘inexperience’ with a penis of her own.

You can barely hold it together as is with all that’s happening, but somehow you manage…until out of nowhere you see Astraea’s many tentacles fly out into the literal cluster-fuck going on and latch onto your breasts through Meredith’s body, making her ripple as she absorbs the last of the milk she was drawing from you, as well as Helena’s, Leena’s, and Lula’s. You hear Xillia let out a scream of surprise and bliss as well as Lula, and you briefly wonder if Astraea filled them up. You don’t have long to think on this, however, as you topple over into orgasm when Astraea starts to forcefully suck your breast milk from you on top of the stimulation to everywhere else on your body…and then a few more of Astraea’s tentacles fly out into the open mouths, your mouth included, of the group. A moment later you taste the familiar sweet cum that Astraea and seemingly all tentacles produce…as well as milk, which makes you quite confused – even more so in your lust addled state as you enter another orgasm and your orifices clamp down onto the cocks inside you as you squirt more milk from your pierced nipples – but you assume that, somehow, Astraea’s taking it into her body, absorbing what she wants, and transferring it down her tentacles. The taste is so sublime and, on top of the great fucking you’re receiving, you top over into another orgasm, and another, and another after that and your eyes roll back into your head as you twitch and convulse violently and deliciously in utter rapture which gives you a sense of flying. This goes on for a few minutes before you groan a little when the wonderful member inside your butt stops thrusting…and then a few more minutes and many, many orgasms later your vision starts to darken around the edges before you fall into a blissful, fuck fill sleep as the tentacle in your mouth continues to thrust deeply inside you and deposit the wonderful cum and milk mixture.


You feel yourself coming to, and to the sounds and smells of sex all around you as well as a wonderful pleasure and feeling of relief coming from your left breast, as well as a weight on your torso. You moan as you place your arms around the light weight and hug it closely, enjoying the warmth and closeness of whatever or whoever is on top of you. You also get the sense of something warm and wet on your left teat, so you slowly open your eyes and look down to see Xillia, fast asleep, and suckling from you and drinking your milk down. You moan in appreciation as you feel that wonderful tingling jolts of pleasurable from your oversensitive nipples being given attention as well as the feeling of relief from your milk being drawn from you. You look around and see that Helena and Meredith are bonded with Vulgan mounting Helena, who’s moaning and screaming her pleasure quite loudly, as the wolf-dog takes her and howls in pleasure and triumph as Astraea fucks her mouth with three alternating tentacles in some sort of strange sexual game. You moan when Xillia twitches a little and you become acutely aware of something inside your love tunnel which ripples around, making Xillia twitch again as you gasp. You smile at the realization that the red slime must still be inside you and Xillia, though it obviously seems to have found a different home than your pucker. “Yeah, come on you two! Fuck me harder!” you hear Delilah’s voice practically growl out – you look around until you spot Delilah, who currently has her arms and legs wrapped around Leena as the purple succubus holds her up and takes her cold pussy while Lula takes her bum. Geez…how long have they been at it? you think with a slight smile as the sight before you arouses you to no end, which also brings back a little bit of your energy.

You look down when you hear Xillia moan and stir from her sleep and you can’t help but stroke her fine blonde hair as she comes to. The first thing she sees when she wakes up is your face when she looks up, so you smile back sweetly and tenderly and say “Hey, sleepyhead, how are you? Did you have a nice nap?” Xillia smiles and leans forward to kiss you, and when your lips meet you both moan before she pulls back and smiles “I did…and with you az ze first thing I see I know I will have a wonderful time being awake”. You both continue to gaze into each other’s eyes until a furious cry of pleasure from Delilah draws both your attention; you look over in their direction just in time to see the succubus sisters thrust deeply inside Delilah and deposit their thick loads as they grunt and moan. After a few moments the sisters set Delilah down on her feet, who pants for breath and grins wickedly before sitting down on her rump as her stamina finally wanes. She sees you and Xillia watching and awake and she smiles as she looks to the sisters and points in your direction. Lula and Leena turn their heads in unison and, upon seeing you both looking and smiling – or blushing in Xillia’s case – they crack broad grins. Lula bends down and picks up what looks to be an enchanted cleaning rag and cleans her cock before dropping the item and moving over towards the chests as Leena approaches you both. “Glad to see you back with us, dears. You both were out for a little while…but now that you’re both awake we can have some more fun~” Leena says as she kneels down beside you both and helps you both to sit up before hugging you both. “That’s right, and I brought some toys along for our cute Pet~” you hear Lula say behind her sister, and when you look over your purple succubus’ shoulder you shudder and smile when you see Lula carrying a leash, a blindfold, earmuffs, a ring gag, and a miniature wooden stock. “Stand up for me, Pet~” Lula says as she walks up in front of you, making you shudder in desire as you squeak out a “Yes, Lady Lula” as you stand and spread your legs while thrusting out your breasts to the blue succubus as Delilah taught you.

You open your mouth and allow her to place the ring gag in your mouth before tightening the straps behind your head before she moves on to clipping the leash back onto your beautiful choker. You put your arms up and, just as Lula gets the wooden stock over your head and shuts it around your wrists and neck, Delilah saunters up carrying willow and looking very…hungry as she licks her lips. “Before you two have your fun, darlings, I want to have another go with my Pet. Those beautiful red marks have faded slightly and we can’t have that now can we, Pet~?” Delilah says first to Leena, Lula, and Xillia before directing her attention to you. You cast your eyes down and shudder as you smile and respond “No, Mistress Delilah, having your love marks fade would be terrible”. Delilah smiles before nodding to Lula – Lula nods back and turns to you holding out the blindfold. You close your eyes as she places the black fabric over your eyes and ties it to your head, and a second later your sense of hearing is cut off from you as she places her last item, the earmuffs, over your ears which leaves you deprived of you vital senses and at the mercy of those around you…which makes you extremely aroused as your juices run down your cleft and get absorbed into the rope you’re still wearing. You let your tongue loll out of your mouth for comfort which has the added effect of letting your drool run down your face – you yelp a little bit when you feel warm and cold hands on your shoulders which proceed to turn you around to your left, then to your right, then left again which makes you very, very dizzy and totally fuddles with your sense of direction…which is probably the intention. After the dizziness passes you feel warm, and a pair of slight cold, hands caress all over your body from your face to your legs and a trail of feather light kisses all throughout those areas as well that completely melt your heart, making you sigh as best as you can with the gag in your mouth.

You feel a gentle tug on your leash in front of you, so you slowly shuffle over to whomever holds your leash until you bump into a slightly cold body – Delilah’s – and her arms wrap around you in a loving embrace. You get the sense that she’s speaking to you, but because of the muffs you can’t really hear what she’s saying, so to acknowledge her when you think she finishes you nuzzle against her face. This earns you another kiss on the forehead followed by another gentle tug ahead, so you walk for a little while until you feel a hand on your breast, which at first you think she wants to fondle your DD’s so you thrust them out. She does get a nice handful of them and pulls on your emerald metal encased heart piercings, making you moan, but she stops that and places one hand on your butt and another under your left arm. You get the idea and lean back so that the white haired vampire can pick you up and a moment later you’re set down on your crotch on something with a rounded point that digs into your cleft, making you squirm and moan. You wonder what you were set on and why it seems so familiar…and then it dawns on you; you’re on the wooden horse! O-Oh gods yes! Delilah is g-going to whip me while I’m on the horse! This is so…so fucking hot! you think as your arousal spikes even higher and you rub your split cunt, which leaks a copious amount of your juices, on the point of the wooden horse to stimulate yourself. You stop, however, and whimper in pleasure around the gag and throw your head back and arch your back in bliss as the whip portion of Willow lands on your breasts. You quickly realize that, without your sight or sound, you have no way to prepare for the blows…which makes the situation that much hotter as you’re completely at Delilah’s mercy…well, more than usual at least. You try to brace for the impacts as they come, but the pleasure filled blows come at odd intervals that you can’t anticipate with no sound, no sight, and no feeling of it soaring through the air. Delilah whips and flogs your entire body, but seems to keep you teetering on the edge of climax, much to your chagrin, as she stops whipping you and instead walks up and gently caresses your skin over the areas she left marks on as she kisses your face and wipes the drool from your mouth and chin.

Eventually, after dozens of whips and flogs later, Delilah picks you up from the wooden horse and sets you on your shaky feet. You’re a hot, wet, sexually frustrated mess and you groan around the gag as you feel a gentle tug on the leash; you follow slowly behind Delilah until she again puts a hand on your right breast before a feel a set of warm hands spank your bottom, making you moan, before you yelp brokenly around the gag as your lifted up and pressed against a warm body. You also yelp when you’re spun around before moaning deeply as a nice, juicy thick cock presses against your sphincter and starts to slowly push inside your bum, which clamps down hard on the member as it goes further and further inside you until it bottoms out. Gods…yes; I needed this so badly~. Hmm…it’s obviously not a tentacle, nor is it a slime since it doesn’t feel gelatinous which means it’s probably Lula or Leena. It’s very thick and stretches me so nicely, but it’s not the thickest I’ve ever had…this is Lula! you think excitedly as you realize who’s currently inside you, which also makes you rather amused that you can identify who you’re with based on their cock alone. You feel her kiss you on the cheek as you likewise feel yourself being lowered to the ground – you moan brokenly and in blissful happiness as you feel yourself lowered onto a gelatinous member that ripples when it makes contact with your sopping twat. You instantly know it’s Xillia when you feel small, shaky hands on your waist and, as you continue to moan as your pussy molds to the shape of the slime inside you and Xillia, you lean down and nuzzle against her face. She nuzzles back, though it’s a bit awkward since you’re still in the wooden stock, but it doesn’t last long when you feel hands in your hair massaging your scalp. You lean up slightly and the hands firmly grasp your red hair and you know what comes next; you’re fully unsurprised, and actually very happy, when you feel a thick cock press against your ring gagged shimmering lips, and you moan both at the contact and as the hands start to rub your half-elf ears. You moan and rub your tongue along the bottom of the head…and then the fun begins; all at once, though Xillia is a bit more tentative and unsure of herself – which you find very cute -, Lula, Leena, and Xillia start to fuck your holes. You scream brokenly in pleasure around Leena’s cock as you swirl your tongue around her pumping member, suction sucking as hard as you can to increase your lover’s pleasure. Likewise you vibrate your pussy around the rippling and vibrating slime cock as it bumps, but never penetrates, your cervix and as you clamp down like a vice around Lula’s cock as she forcefully pumps into your ass.

With your senses muddled as they are you notice that your sense of touch is intensified, which is quite alright with you to be perfectly honest, and you beat back the pleasure and just enjoy the great sex and the closeness with the ones you love. This goes on for an astonishing minute, or what you assume to be a minute, before you can take no more and as you gather up your magic in all three of your holes and release it in tiny bursts along the members, you yourself topple over into climax. Your vagina and anus clamp down hard as you cum, and as you squirt your milk all over Xillia and your juices around the slime cock, which it absorbs as it ripples violently, you suck even harder on Lula’s member. You’re rewarded with double the thrust speed from all three and Lula and Leena dumping their loads into your bum, mouth, and stomach as they continue ot fuck you. They continue to fuck you for a good twenty seconds afterwards – Xillia stopped, probably due to exhaustion, after a little bit - and you feel your stomach distending from the volume of cum and you feel wonderfully full as you drink down the delicious slightly salty offering from Leena anda s you topple over into multiple orgasms. All three pull out of you and you feel your face, hair, breasts, butt, and back completely covered in the sisters’ seed – you rejoice when some of Leena’s seed splashes across your tongue which you greedily drink down. You moan in wonderful bliss and feel yourself falling over as you twitch in aftershocks, but you’re caught by what feels like tentacles and held upright.

“I’m only talking to you right now, sweetie~” you hear Astraea’s voice ring out in your mind “Feel free to ‘talk’ normally with me. We’re not quite done yet~, but I just wanted to let you know on behalf of all of us…thank you so much, sweetie~”. I should be the one to thank you, Astraea. I should be thanking all of you; I’ve never felt so good in my entire life…so happy, and it’s all because of every single one of you taking the time with me. I know it’s what you do…but that doesn’t change the fact that you still were there, and it doesn’t change the fact that I love you. I may be the biggest – okay second biggest – slut you’ll ever meet, and I’m dirty, raunchy, and totally obsessed with all things sex related, but I would give it all up just to be with you all. That’s how much I care for you you think to Astraea, letting your emotions run wild and hoping she’ll pick up on it. She actually sniffs into your mind before saying “Sweetie…oh my lovely sweetie~. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, and actually it’s really, really fun and nice especially since most of us thrive off sex~, but to hear you say that…it makes me feel so complete”. “Keep talking like that and I might just never let you go~. I’ll have to tie you up and make sure we all have our way with you every day~. We might even break your mind with all the loving we give you” Astraea says with a giggle into your mind, and you shudder at the thought as you picture yourself chained to a wall and being pleasured and pleasing each of the ones you care about and love. Mmm, I don’t think I would object to that to be honest~. Astraea, would you please remove the stocks and gag? I want to touch you and feel you; I haven’t given you enough attention and it’s hurting me inside. I want to feel you, kiss you, hold you, and be taken by you~ you think to Astraea. “Of course, sweetie, of course…I’ll even take off the earmuffs so you can hear what’s going to happen~. I’m going to be screwing everyone here~” the tentacle lord says into your mind with a fit of bubbly giggles that makes you shiver in anticipation and your heart sing with joy at hearing her joviality.

You feel the gag around your mouth loosen and the muffs removed from your ears, which brings all the sounds of the world rushing back that takes some time for you to adjust. When it does you smile as you hear the sounds of moaning, blissful screaming, and Vulgan panting and howling in triumph. At last the stocks are removed and discarded from you; you reach out with your hands in your blind state until you feel the familiar core of Astraea, eye closed, and you lean forward and kiss her. You kiss all over her eye and core, reaching out and grabbing some of her tentacles and bringing those to your mouth and licking and kissing those as well. Astraea seems to help you in your efforts as you find different tentacles of all sizes pressed against your lips in a form of kissing that you relish – you also keep a few tentacles in your hands and stroke them as you lick your lips and moan. “Take me, Astraea…make love to me” you whisper hotly and huskily to the tentacle lord as you continue to jerk two of her tentacles in your hands. Astraea first removes the blindfold from your eyes and, when your eyes do finally adjust, you see your beautiful tentacle lord staring back at you with that beautiful blue eye – you look around at the moaning and, very close nearby, you see that Astraea has a tentacle in nearly everyone, excluding Vulgan – she has an open tentacle engulfing his reddish-pink dog dick and seems to be milking him as he lies on his back – and they all look like they’re in heaven. “Naughty, naughty, Astraea~…I like naughty~” you say coyly as you turn back to Astraea and moan as she has two tentacles poking at your backdoor and pussy while a third is at your mouth, which you happily open and moan as it enters and pokes the back of your throat. The two that you were stroking pull gently from you and open up to latch onto your pierced breasts. You arch your back when the first thick tentacle enters your drenched pussy and relish as it molds perfectly to the shape of the tentacle – you have a similar reaction when the other tentacle plugs up your semen leaking butt.
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Re: Rift Touched

Then she starts to thrust and suck your milk from your breasts, making you moan as she picks up the pace like the rest of your lovers. You vibrate your pussy, clamp down with your anus, suction suck with your mouth while swirling your tongue, and grind your hips as you seek more and more pleasure – you look Astraea in her eye and smile as you suck on her phallic tentacle, letting her know that you love what she’s doing to you. This spurs Astraea on, much to your squealing joy, as she doubles the force of her thrusts and pounds into your mercilessly – you feel yourself inching ever closer to climax as you stave it off while sucking and bouncing your hips in time with your tentacle lover before you release your magic in your orifices. Astraea screams her pleasure into your mind before speeding up her pounding yet again and sending you toppling over into orgasm. You clamp down and suck hard on her tentacles as you cream all over her tentacle that’s buried in your molding pussy, and a moment later she cums into your mouth, pussy, and pucker…and cums, and cums some more. You feel your belly swelling from the volume of her seed, and it sets you off into two back to back orgasms that make your eyes roll back into your head and twitch violently as you cum. All throughout the room you hearing crying and screaming of pure ecstasy and, a moment later, Astraea pulls from your holes and splatters your body in her gooey, thick tentacle cream. You giggle and smile as your butt hits the floor and you slump forward; Astraea guides you slowly down and giggles with you as your cum covered face rests on the floor with your butt still in the air. You rub your rope and semen covered swollen belly lovingly as you lick your lips, moaning as you drink down Astraea’s sweet seed – you proceed to rub her cum into your stomach, bottom, legs, breasts, hair, and face while licking it up.

Astraea giggles into your mind before she speaks to you “You’re a dirty cum slut, you know that~?” You chuckle and nod before responding as you continue to rub the stuff in “Mmmhmm, being a dirty cum slut feels so good~. I think I’m pooped – AHN?! Wha-?!” you’re cut-off midsentence when you feel a heavy weight on your back followed by a pleasure inducing large cock thrust into your messy pussy, which it gleefully and quickly molds to. Your hips are pulled back by…paws? Then a howl of pleasure and triumph sounds out followed by panting and frantic thrusting. “Ahn! Yes, so damn good! AH, V-Vulgan, what are y-y-you? OH YES! Screw it! Oh, you sex crazed beast!” you yell out in bliss to Vulgan before you laugh and moan at the same time at the situation. Too tired to really thrust back into the wonderful doggy cock you just lie there with your ass up and face down and accept the pleasure and fucking from your lovely wolf-dog. As your pussy works to mold to his shape, you vibrate your walls and release your magic and it doesn’t take long until Vulgan’s howling in extreme pleasure and speeds up his thrusts as his knot forms before he dumps his load into you. You howl your own bliss as you topple over into your own orgasm as you clamp down around his knotted tool and squirt all over it…and then darkness takes you. Your last thought is a funny one as you think that you were fucked to unconsciousness by a wolf-dog and completely covered in tentacle and succubi juices. You dream of naughty things, of your lovers, of your family, and most of all…of rifts.


You feel yourself rousing from a wonderful sleep as your head rests on a very furry, shaggy pillow that you can’t help but snuggle into with a contented sigh. You also feel a light weight on your body and something that seems to ripple and change shape every so often on your large pierced DD-cups. You yawn, stretch, and open your eyes and smile when you see Xillia, your beautiful blonde haired elf, snoozing on top of you with her arms wrapped around your waist. You stroke her hair lovingly before your attention is drawn when you hear a small huff; you turn your head slightly and realize you’re “pillow” is actually the arctic grey Vulgan, who’s snoozing as well. You look to your left and see Lula beside you sleeping with Helena behind her, her arms around the blue succubus’ waist. To your right is Leena and Delilah and, when you look down, you see Astraea sitting with her eye closed and almost completely still save for a few tentacle twitches that you find adorable. You sigh and snuggle back into Vulgan and hold Xillia tightly and listen to her shallow breathing as a sudden wave of love, calm, and peace washes over you that makes you feel whole and complete, like everything just makes sense. Accompanied with this feeling is a surge of confidence and self-assurance in yourself and your abilities. Wow…everything just seems to…fall into place. If I didn’t know any better I would say I feel almost enlightened. Maybe I am in a way – oh thank you all so much… you think happily as you bask in this feeling and, as you do so, you notice that you’re no longer leashed, wearing a rope harness, or have any welts on your skin.

You chuckle when the red slime on your bosom ripples and, from beneath all of you, emerges Meredith with a bright smile on her face as she yawns. “Mmm, good morning, Colette my love~. Ah, I feel so recharged after I cleaned you all up; you all had so many wonderful magic filled juices on you. Of course Astraea, Lula, and Leena helped, but I got the most” the true slime says as she continues to stretch, which you find rather odd given that she’s a slime, but it makes you happy nonetheless. A moment later and Leena wakes with a yawn as she rubs her eyes and, when she opens her eyes and sees you, she smiles brightly. You do the same and are confused at first when she says “Congratulations, Colette…I felt it even as I slept; you’re heart and soul are aligned”. You smile and watch as she nudges Delilah, who stirs with a grumble, and then Lula and Helena awake followed by the others. When everyone is awake and you’re all sitting on the ground, which is rather warm come to think of it, in a circle Leena tells them of what has occurred. Vulgan barks happily and licks your face, making you laugh while everyone else cheers and congratulates and kisses you. “Thank you” you say with a laugh as you all huddle together in a group, hugging and kissing each other with love “Thank you all so much! I never would have been able to do this without any of you, and I’m so happy I met you all. Who would have that that I would find love in each and every one of you~. A half-elf, two succubus’s, a tentacle lord, a human, a vampire, a slime…well, maybe two slimes~, an elf, and even a beautiful dog all finding love with one another. Oh I’m so happy!” You all huddle into a group hug with Astraea’s tentacles covering everyone and Xillia right in your face, nuzzling against it and rubbing her nose against yours with a beaming smile on her face. You feel so loved, so good, so…centered with all that’s happened between finding people you truly, sincerely love and care about and feeling so calm, collected, and one with yourself that you feel an explosion of energy inside you that makes you feel…powerful.

You feel strong, confident, fast, quick, alert…you feel damn good – you smile and raise up a little to kiss Xillia on the forward before pulling back and smiling at this beautiful, sweet, adorable woman that is amongst the most important people in your life. She smiles back at you…but the smile fades and turns to one of concern and confusion. “C-Colette” Xillia says quietly and with concern as she brings her hands to your cheeks, making you feel very confused “Colette, your eyes…z-zey are glowing a bright emerald green. Colette, why are your eyes glowing? What iz going on?” You furrow your brow in confusion, and look to Helena when she talks with equal concern “Yeah…what the fuck is going on with you? I think we should get a healer. Are you feeling alright, babe?” You give the two of them curious looks, but you can see that as you look around to those you love, even Vulgan, they seem genuinely concerned with your health. You laugh it off and stand up, which prompts all the others to stand up as well and crowd around you and examine you before Leena insists that you be taken to a healer. “I’m fine, really…I feel great! I feel calm, happy, confident – nothing’s wrong!” you plead your case to the group – Lula will have none of it and says “You are not fine, Colette, honey! People’s eyes don’t just…glow for no reason! You could be seriously sick, and I’ll be damned if my baby will get hurt or worse!” You smile sweetly at Lula’s concern, but still you argue “I’m telling you there’s nothing to worry about, Lula, my sweet blue succubus. I feel…I feel…I-.“ You stop talking when something…strange, yet familiar, tugs in the back of your mind. Something innate and magical, something similar to when you were at Jazra’s shop and underwent his and Gaius’ experiment. You feel your strength, confident, alertness, quickness, and speed all rising for some reason and, out of instinct, you hold onto those feelings. Above all, however, is the feeling of immense calm; you are calmer than you’ve ever been in your life and everything just seems to…make sense somehow, and it all seems to come from your chest over your heart. Like with every heartbeat these feelings grow and intensify and it reverberates and spreads throughout your body – you focus on this feeling in your heart and try to tap into it, similar to when Astraea was teaching you about blood magic.

“Sweetie? Sweetie, are you there?” you hear Astraea say into your mind, but it seems so far and distant so you instead focus on the…power coming from you as you try to tap into it. “Sweetie? Answer me! Leena, something’s wrong, Leena! I can’t get through to her; I-I’m trying to find something…anything, but it’s like she’s not there! I can’t sense anything from her almost like something’s blocking me. ME! Or…or she’s not there at all…she’s…” Astraea says aloud again into your mind, which, while booming, is still so far away. “NO!” you hear Delilah growl out angrily “She is not gone!” Strange…almost there…what is that strange power? Ah…there it is you think as you come to understand what it is that’s coming from you. “C-Colette?” you hear Meredith’s voice sound at, much closer now, as she reaches out her clear slimy hand to you – just before her hand touches you, you tap into the power that was coming from inside your heart…and all hell breaks loose when you do. As soon as you fully tap into it, a shockwave bursts forth from your body and blows back everyone around you a few feet, knocking Xillia on her bottom with a scream as everyone else slides back – even the red slime on your bosom is blown off and, thankfully, Meredith catches the scared slime. “What the fuck was that?! Colette?!” Helena screams out loudly at you, and you find your senses returning to you as you look at her with a confused look. Your attention is diverted to Delilah when you see her running at you, but you find it odd that she’s moving so slowly – she reaches out with her hands out you intent on grabbing you, but you smile and giggle as you effortlessly move out of the way of her, move up behind her, and grab her from behind.

“Why’re you moving so slowly, Delilah?” you whisper into her ear before giving her a little peck on the back of the head. “Wha-?! Colette! You’re okay! How did you…how in the hells did you move out of the way? I was running at you at full speed try to get to you!” Delilah bellows out in both shock and extreme relief. You let go of her and give her a confused look as she quickly turns around “What are you talking about? You were barely moving at all; a snail could keep up with how fast you were moving? And why do you all look so concerned?” You look around the room and literally everyone is watching you with shock and concern with wide eyes – Vulgan trots up to you and sniffs around you, and when he gets near his hair stands up on end, but not in fear. “Sweetie, Delilah was running at you at full speed, and you weren’t there. I tried to get inside your head, but nobody was home. Something happened to you…and by Domina what is that power coming off of you? Is that…is that magic? Gods, it’s barely there but I can actually see it!” Astraea says into your mind and again you give her a confused look, until you look around yourself and indeed you do see a clear mirage of magical energy – you drop into your aura sight and, as the world bleeds away to the colors of magic, you see your clear form and that there’s clear magic literally radiating from both your body and the threads inside you, which are both lit up like a clear glowing sun. You wonder what in the hells is going on…and then it hits you This is another ability that has something to do with me being a rift touched! What could have caused this? The last few times this has happened was when I was part of Jazra’s experiment and when I came in contact with the rift in the noble district. Was it…was it when I found my true heart and my soul was in perfect alignment?

Rift Ability learned: Centered Soul (No MR used. Can only be activated once every 24 hours. Gives major boost to all skills including stealth, dodge, and hit, minor damage reduction, minor damage increase, halves all spell MR usage, gives one extra attack to melee, ranged, and spells. Lasts one minute. Shockwave knockback when activated): As a result of your time in the temple of Domina and subsequently going through the trials to find your true heart, you have discovered the ability to tap into the magics and power flowing through your body to give you enhanced speed, strength, toughness, power, magical aptitude, and agility. This ability requires no magic to activate, but can only be used once every twenty-four hours.

You drop out of your aura sight and as the world bleeds back into normalcy you see that everyone is looking at you expectantly and extreme distress. You offer a shy smile to them all before saying “I’m fine everyone…actually, I know I’m going to be okay. I have something to tell you all”. “Well come on then; out with it, babe! And it better be fucking good or I swear I’ll haul your ass off to healer myself stark naked and all, and no amount of kicking or screaming is going to stop me” Helena says adamantly – “I agree, dear, you need to tell us what’s going on” Leena adds calmly, but with a touch of concern that you catch on to. “Well” you say a little sheepishly as you fold your hands behind your back and bounce off your toes a little, making your pierced breasts jiggle “I might have neglected to tell you all that, well…I’m a rift touched. When my mom was pregnant with me apparently a rift opened up on her…and she survived, obviously, and with no ill effects or so she’s told me. Lula, you remember the day you bought my choker? Very nice work by the way Xillia~ - you said that I looked like I had seen a ghost. I had gone to see the rift, as you know, and I was wearing a bracelet that another tentacle lord by the name of Charles gave to me. I put it on and when I approached the rift – this was all against my will by the way; I had no real control of what was going on at that point for some reason – and got sucked into it…” you proceed to tell them all about the experiences with the rift and inside the rift, the stars, the strange pocket dimension, the other dull rifts, the experiment with Jazra – which you demonstrate on Helena, which despite her lack of grace with magic freaks her out when she’s unable to feel even a little bit of magic. You also explain this as the reason why when the magical beings of your group of lovers feed from you that they feel so energized amongst other things about yourself that they previously didn’t know.

When you finish you look around and see that everyone is rather dumbfounded by the news, well, all except Vulgan that is. The wolf-dog wags his tail beside you and rubs his head and snout against your head, wanting to be scratched which you gleefully give him to distract your attention from the “awkward” situation you find yourself in. “You know, darling, I thought you were a bit ‘touched’ in the head there for a while until you did…whatever it is you did to Helena” Delilah pipes up, speaking softly and with her arms crossed over her magnificent pale C-cup breasts as she speaks, clearly deep in thought. “Yeah, oh and never fucking do that again to me…please, babe? That felt way too fucking weird – I ain’t the best when it comes to magic, but not being able to feel even a hint of it is a bit unnerving to say the least” Helena adds as she shivers, earning a laugh from you as you continue to rub and scratch Vulgan’s snout, chin, and neck. “So that explains why your eyes are so beautiful, honey” Lula says after a little while and with a chuckle – “Indeed it does, dear; I never would have guessed those beautiful emerald eyes of yours meant you are a rift touched. Come to think of it they do seem to glow a little even when nothing, ahem, ‘extraordinary’ is happening with you, which you yourself are quite extraordinary, but you know what I mean” the purple succubus priestess adds after her sister with a nod of her head. You smile and stick out your tongue at Leena, earning a laugh from her before Astraea interjects into everyone’s mind “I’m still concerned about not being able to see into your mind…but still, quite a catch we found~. Our lovely Colette is a rift touched! She just keeps getting better and better, teehee~” “That iz incredible, Colette! You are a rift touched…and my lover az well! Oh thiz iz zo exciting! It makes me want to dezign a drezz for you!” Xillia pipes up as she claps her hands together excitedly while bouncing up and down, which you don’t mind one bit as you catch glimpses of her lovely A-cups.

“I have read about the rift touched, Colette. They are people who are immensely powerful” Meredith says as she brings a slimy finger to her chin in thought “Kein Bleekblood, better known as Bladestorm during the war against Xavier Swartherton, is a good example as any. Despite technically being a feral goblin he was vastly more intelligent and civilized than any of his kin. He was also taller and much stronger and in fact if the stories are to be believed he most resembled the regular civilized goblins and half-goblins of our age. Which leads many to speculate that he was the progenitor for the current race of goblins, since the years after his time is when many of the current goblins and half-goblins started cropping up since he was, well…he got around let’s just say, and he had many wives who were also his allies in battle and politics. Which…doesn’t seem too far off from what you have with us if I might add, Colette” Meredith explains and seems to blush a little at the last statement, as do you a little before she continues and you continue to listen “A-Anyways, his skills were legendary; he slew demons, monsters, and people by the dozens singlehanded, and this was before he acquired his legendary blade Windshear, which no one really knows how he acquired. He was reported as being able to quite literally teleport on the field of battle and appear behind his enemies, as well as being able to release…shockwaves of energy that could knock others back. He could move faster than ten men at times, shrug off mortal wounds, create copies of himself that would fight with him, and seemingly travel across the land with his companions at the blink of an eye. Some stories also say that he was extremely clumsy and unlucky at times. One story I read, which has been backed by other credible sources but still seems a bit outlandish, say that he once fell into a river, was attacked by piranhas, and lost all his clothes and money before washing up at a bandit camp three miles downriver with nothing but a dagger he managed to save…which he proceeded to use against the bandits since they attacked him. That part of the book was messy so I’ll leave it out”.

“Wow…that is really bad luck” you say with a chuckle as you continue to pet Vulgan and listen to Meredith’s explanation. She nods and says “He was also very, um, handsome for a feral goblin and seemed to be able to attract women, and men, wherever he went despite what he was. He also had a very healthy sex drive, as I mentioned before, but it seemed…excessive, even for a feral goblin. There’s also the human female Shi’ana from the desert nation of Ornsimun who lived hundreds of years before Kein. She was a mage from humble beginnings; she was very poor and an orphan, but had an affinity for magic it seemed. The details of her life are muddled, but it’s known that a priestess of Kramulet took her in and gave her a home before she reached her teens. She was a very intelligent person, and very gifted in magic; many books describe her as being able to summon meteors from the heavens, create tornadoes, and make entire armies invisible. It’s also been said, but I don’t know if it’s true or even possible for a human or any non-magical being, that she was able to cast magic spells without the use of magic crystals. Despite her great power it’s been said that she had an unnatural ‘stunting’ in how her magic regenerated, and that she had less reserves than most other mages even with all her training and studies. I don’t know how much of this is allegory and exaggeration, but the point is many rift touched end up being very powerful and different in odd ways than compared to everyone else”. “Wow, you really know a lot, Meri! I’m really impressed” you say earnestly and in awe at your true slime’s knowledge. She shifts a little and smiles “T-Thanks…I like to read” – you chuckle at Meredith before you notice everyone else looking rather seriously at you.

“What?” is all you ask as you look them all over – Lula’s the one to break the ice first and asks “You can’t summon meteors or tornadoes can you, honey? Or create copies of yourself. Or teleport across the land?” You laugh and shake your head before responding “No, I can’t do that…hmm, well actually – and I’m not quite sure so don’t jump to conclusions – I think I might be able to do the last bit. I can’t be certain, but I feel drawn to rifts for some reason; I have dreams about them and whenever I think about them I feel like I need to go to them. If I visit more then I think I might be able to ‘jump’ from rift to rift that are in different places, and I also get the feeling that some of them might give me more power. They’re only feelings, but they’re strong feelings”. Lula’s jaw practically hits the floor, which is a bit distracting since you were really focused on those wonderful head sized melons of hers. “Shit, I don’t think those stories are too far from the truth, squishy” Helena says - “Squishy?” you ask with a cock eyebrow at Helena. “Yeah, squishy, she gives way when you touch her and doesn’t have a real form and, well…she’s squishy” Helena says while scratching her nose and looking at Meredith. Meredith looks at Helena rather stoically before an instant later she glows in a dim yellow light before releasing a tiny lightning bolt that smacks Helena in her left arm. “Ow! Bad squishy!” Helena yelps as she rubs her arm, making Meredith laugh boisterously along with everyone else. When the laughter dies down you smile at everyone and ask “Can I ask you all not to tell anyone, please? I’ve been told that others would want to abuse the fact that I’m a rift touched. This doesn’t change anything between us…does it?” “Of course we can keep a secret, sweetie~! We wouldn’t want people to come after our lovely little girl now would we~?” Astraea beams into yours and everyone else’s minds and theirs a unanimous agreement among you all – even Vulgan barks in understanding.
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Re: Rift Touched

“Zat iz right, Colette, and it changes nothing between uz. We love Colette ze beautiful and kind woman, not ze rift touched…but rezt assured zat we love both!” Xillia says with such confidence and conviction that takes you aback, but also deeply touches you. You walk up to Xillia and take both her hands in your own and look her sweetly and serenely in the eyes before kissing her on the lips. “Thank you…all of you, again. I couldn’t have asked for better friends and lovers. Now…I think we should all take a proper bath, don’t you~?” you chime out to those you love around you, and get a unanimous agreement to bathe. Take the lead to Leena’s room with Helena and Xillia on either side of you, your arms around their waists and holding them tightly as you walk to give everyone else a nice view of your behind. You get quite a few knowing looks from the temple goers as you exit the chamber, and you see Razasha, Phi, Laewinn, and Swilwen as well, who give you coy grins and wave at you as you pass, which you return with a bright smile. When you reach Leena’s room you all pile into the bathroom, which is just big enough to fit everyone excluding Meredith, Vulgan, and Astraea who all prefer to clean themselves their own way and watch – Vulgan actually isn’t allowed in with everyone else because he can be too rowdy. You sigh when you enter the hot water of the tub and pull Xillia close to you, pressing her face against your bosom as you sit on the bench in the tub. You take your choker off and set it down on the tub beside you, which she doesn’t seem to mind as she snuggles her face into as she places both hands on you while sighing. You chuckle when she actually starts to suckle on your left nipple, making you moan as she coaxes your milk from you while occasionally tugging on the horizontal stud while leaving your emerald heart alone. The others enter the tub and crowd around you and you all wash each other with an unsurprisingly high amount of teasing, but with no actual sex which disappoints you slightly.

When everyone finishes Leena elects to clean up Vulgan while Lula grabs your choker and winks at you, promising to give it back after she takes Xillia back home. Lula also talks to Leena in whispers, making her sister smile and nod before she rummages through the center chest and takes your backpack, removing the contents first and promising to return it. They, of course, give Xillia some proper clothing, and before they leave Xillia tells you that you’re always welcome in her home. You give her a kiss and see her off before returning to Leena’s room, at which point you do get some sex from Leena and Helena as well as a good meal via cum and milk from the two. You also give Meredith, Leena, Astraea, the red slime, and Delilah some of your “energy”, which you’re more than happy to give. Afterwards you lounge around with everyone still here, but you notice that Leena’s attention seems diverted as her head turns towards the door - you chat until there’s a knock at the door. “Come in” Leena says happily and the door opens to Swilwen, who sees everyone naked and rolls his eyes before bowing politely and saying “There is a woman who goes by the name of Nyx who seeks an audience with Colette. She says it is important and that Colette would know what it is about”. You immediately perk up at the mention of Nyx and bounce of the bed beside Helena and Leena and move to the armoire, donning the sundress and flats you’ve become quite familiar with and fond of. “Thank you” you say happily to Swilwen and peck him on the cheek before you head out the door and down the stairs, smiling when you see Nyx, wearing her usual midnight robe, but with her hood down.

“Nyx, it is so good to see you!” you say to the pale skinned, jet black haired dwarven woman. She smiles back with a little glint in her eye and bows lightly before saying “It is good to see you as well, Colette. I come bearing news as I said I would should you remain in the city. Arlandus will be back tomorrow; my sources outside the city say that his carriage should be here tomorrow morning. Is there somewhere private we can discuss this?” You bite your bottom lip in thought before you gesture for Nyx to follow you. You lead the dwarf up the stairs, which you get the feeling she’s watching your behind rather attentively which makes you grin, and into Leena’s room. Her eyebrows twitch a little when she see Leena, Helena, and Delilah stark naked as well as Meredith, Astraea, Vulgan, and the red slime on Helena’s bosom. “This isn’t exactly private, child. What I have tell you is very sensitive information” Nyx responds calmly as she watches Leena get off the bed and don her own robes while Helena and Delilah move to the armoire, rummaging through it until they produce simple pants and shirts out of common decency. “I trust them, Nyx; they’re my…well, they’re my friends and lovers actually. They wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize me or you, I promise. I also think that they should hear what you have to say” you plead to the dwarven woman. She narrows her eyes at you and looks each and every person, including Vulgan, over meticulously before she nods “Very well. Leena, I trust that the walls don’t have ears and that nothing said in this room will leave this room?” “Of course, Living Shadow, now please, what is this about?” Leena assures very businesslike as she looks from you to Nyx. “Well…” you explain everything about the feral goblins, Arlandus, Elise, the suspected money hoarding and denying the orphanage and slums funds to thrive…everything, even your intent to possibly stop him. “Speaking of Elise, how is she? Say…why didn’t you sneak up like you usually do, and why aren’t you surprised to see the changes in me?” you ask full of concern, then curiosity.

Nyx chuckles darkly and says “I’ve been keeping an eye on you, Colette. While I was surprised at first about the ‘changes’ I quickly grew accustomed. I especially enjoyed your little ‘adventures’ to the park with the sisters; you have a very high sex drive, you know that? As to why I didn’t ‘sneak up’ on you…I can’t. Not in this temple at least; Domina is a very private goddess and, despite her being allied with Yyssbo, she values the privacy of her followers and disciples greatly”. Leena nods and adds “I knew the instant you entered the temple. You would never be able to break in without me knowing first. My apologies, Living Shadow”. Nyx laughs and waves her hand “One of these days I’ll get in here without you knowing, Leena. Any true follower of the dodgy path will find a way, and I can’t resist a good challenge”. Her tone suddenly turns dark as she speaks “As for Elise…she’s not doing too well. She’s better than when we found her, but still not well. It turns out Arlandus was more insidious than even I imagined; I and a few other of my disciples broke into his home at night and what we found was disturbing. The man had locked all of his servants, who were really little more than slaves, away in their quarters with just enough food and water to survive the week. When we found them they begged to be taken away – he had made a game of beating and torturing them, and threatened their families should they ever try to escape or turn against him. Poor Elise suffered the worst of it; she was beaten, drugged, and raped to the brink of insanity. We found her in his dungeon…it was nauseating. She was treated little better than an animal; she was caged, collared, broken ribs, cuts all over her body, lashes from a barbed whip…and she was with child”. You clasp your hands over your mouth as a wave of nausea hits you, but Nyx puts her left hand up to calm you “Don’t worry child, she will be fine…or at least as fine as she can be while we work with her – we also aborted the pregnancy since it was still in its early stages and she didn’t seem to even know she was pregnant. She’s afraid to go outside and refuses to leave our side, which means we and the temple head of Victressia are responsible for her”.

“The only reason that Arlandus still lives at this moment is because I have urged the high priest of the temple of Victressia to not pray to his goddess for retribution in the form of a Spirit of Justice. I want to see him humiliated and broken in front of the world, and to see his money, his power, and everything that he holds dear to come crashing down around his despicable ears” Nyx spits out full of contempt and hate, which you wholly understand the more you hear. “A-fucking right! This sadistic cocksucker sounds like a real piece of fucking work to me. I’ll be happy to kick his teeth in myself!” Helena bellows out full of anger with a nasty scowl n her face. “Rrrgh! I’ve known too many of his ilk in my life! They’re not worth the air they breathe. Give him five minutes with me and I’ll show him the true meaning of pain and fear!” Delilah roars out full of rage as she bares her fangs. “I assume you have a plan then?” Astraea chimes in as she projects her thoughts to everyone’s mind. “I do” the Living Shadow nods to the tentacle lord “Colette, do you remember how I told you that Arlandus likes young and pretty girls? That’s where you come in, if you accept that is. It should come as no surprise that we cannot allow Arlandus to return home, but that should be little problem since the governess herself is throwing a party in the capitol building, which is to say that it is a chance for the elites to form and solidify alliances and business arrangements as well as to butter up to the diplomats and vice versa. By my scout’s estimations he should arrive in the city at approximately ten in the morning, which is when the ball officially starts so he will have no choice but to go from his carriage to the capitol building”. From underneath Nyx’s robes she produces an ornate looking letter and a very small vial of some strange looking green liquid. “This is an invitation to the ball – since you are all but unknown to the nobles I took the liberty of forging an invitation for you. You shall be known as Catherine Bralondel, the spoiled and naive half-elven daughter of a somewhat wealthy human merchant man. Obscure enough to reasonably avoid suspicion and, coupled with your natural good looks and age, should provide a very alluring and tempting target” Nyx explains.

“You – you want Colette to seduce him?” Meredith asks, a little appalled at the suggestion. “Not exactly – I want her to grab his attention” Nyx responds “and I want her to use the contents of the vial. A drop will suffice, but feel free to use the entire thing if you want. It’s a truth serum, and a very powerful one at that; all you need to do is attract his attention, pour it into his drink when he’s distracted, and then ask him questions. Try not to be too overt about it; lead him into the question”. You nod as you look the card and vial over before asking “I suppose you want me to ask him about the feral goblins and Elise?” “Precisely, and anything else you may suspect him of. I believe he’s been stealing city money and has quite a few guards on his personal payroll. This serum is very potent; once he starts talking he might not be able to stop, and he’ll be loud and overconfident as a result of the serum which, coupled with his own arrogance, will prove to be quite amusing. I want him to spill everything in front of his peers and ruin himself in the process, and then I will urge the head priest of Victressia’s temple in the city to pray for a Spirit of Justice and, gods willing, the prayer will be answered. I don’t want this man to live to be perfectly honest; he’s a monster and deserves to die” Nyx says with a scowl on her face. “Should I bring any weapons with me? What should I wear?” you ask as you try to keep a level head – “I would suggest a dress, and if you plan on bringing weapons then make it something loose to compensate. It’s not unusual for people besides the guards to be armed, but most of the weapons are for decoration and to show status. You don’t want to intimidate anyone or draw too much unwanted attention, so I would suggest taking a dagger with you and strapping it to your leg if you really must, maybe a short sword or hand-to-hand weapon if you have a loose enough dress” Nyx responds after she thinks it over.

“Take me with you” Helena pipes up, making you cock an eyebrow at her “I used to live in that world, babe. I know how to act around stuffy nobles and the like. I could act as a servant or bodyguard and carry your weapons for you. Yeah…I could act as your bodyguard! Hear me out, babe; most nobles, especially the children of the higher ups, usually have a servant and especially a bodyguard hanging around them at all times just in case they’re needed. You could wear your armor underneath a loose fitting dress while I, under the guise of your personal guard, could carry your weapons and crystals for you”. Nyx brings her right hand under her chin, rubbing it as she thinks before nodding slowly “Yes…yes that would work wonderfully. This is all assuming that there will be danger, of course. I can’t imagine there will be much trouble, especially if Alrandus hangs himself with his words. And if you’re found out I don’t think picking a fight with the city guard in the heart of the city would be wise”. Vulgan barks and wags his tail as he approaches you, panting and sitting on his hind legs expectantly. “You want to go too, boy?” you say with a chuckle as Vulgan sits there, barking in response to your question. “Absolutely not” Nyx says quickly “Having a dog would draw too much attention”. “But I’m supposed to be a spoiled little girl~” you say in a pouty voice as you kneel down and scratch under Vulgan’s snout “And what kind of a spoiled girl would I be without my fluffy beautiful doggy with cute little pink bows tied up in his fur~?” Vulgan was all happy pants and tail wags until he heard pink bows at which point he whines and shuffles back with his tail between his legs and ears down, which makes you laugh.

“What can we do to help, Nyx? I don’t like the idea sending my dear Colette to face off against some deranged madman, even if she will be relatively safe” Leena says seriously. Nyx sighs and brings a hand to her head and shakes it “Well, it would be unwise for you to attend uninvited, not to mention the temples and state are kept relatively separate due to ‘clashes’ of interest. Would you object to taking care of the servants we rescued and aiding with finding their families? Other than that I see little that you could really do to help”. Leena smiles and nods “Of course; the temple of Domina is always willing to provide assistance to those in need. And you, Colette, be careful if you decide to help Nyx”. You nod and smile sincerely and sweetly at Leena before Nyx adds “I understand that this is quite the burden, Colette, so I will allow you time to think it over. Should you choose to accept then see me at the temple of Yyssbo before midnight tonight and know that if you do not accept that he will still be dealt with”. You nod and thank Nyx, who bows in return before bidding you and the others farewell as she heads out the door, down the stairs, and exits the temple. “Well” Astraea projects into all your minds “That was interesting. Looks like our sweetie is going to be a super secret spy, teehee~”. You laugh and shake your head before saying aloud to yourself “Maybe Xillia has a dress I could borrow…?”


You sit and chat and enjoy yourself with your lovers until Lula returns in her white robes carrying your choker, boots, and backpack. Before she says anything she goes over to the center chest in the room and opens it, putting all your things back inside. She turns around and winks at you when she finishes, and you decide that now is as good as any time to talk to Lula about what occurred earlier. She sits down and listens patiently as you retell the conversation with Nyx, what you might end up doing, and everything about Arlandus – she goes through the stages of shock, anger, disgust, rage, and concern just as the others had and it takes some time to explain things and reassure her. When she’s sufficiently up to date and calmed down you playfully ask as you swish your feet off the side of the bed “So, why did you take my choker and backpack, hmm~?” Lula chuckles and shifts in her chair across from you before she says “Here, take a look for yourself, honey~” and tosses the choker through the air. You expertly catch it and chuckle as you examine it and see nothing different about it; same rosey design, same black color, same emerald, same metal heart…not the same writing. On the metal heart reads “Colette” in beautiful flowing writing, and on the back reads “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan”. You smile softly as you bring the choker to your neck and put it on, flicking the heart and fingering the emerald as you do so – you slide off the bed and sway over to Lula and straddle her, placing her arms around her neck and kissing your blue lover on the lips tenderly. “It’s so perfect, Lula. Thank you” you say breathlessly as you shower loving, tender, sweet kisses all over your blue succubae’s face. “Not as perfect as you are, honey~ - I also had your backpack enchanted for you~” Lula says in a sultry voice as she returns the kisses with equal passion.

“Enchanted?” you ask as you draw back from your lovely blue succubus, though you do fondle her breasts and tweak her nipples through her robe making her moan as you bite your bottom lip. “That’s right, baby; I know how you looked at Joan’s bottomless bag. I, with the help of Leena’s money, couldn’t get you the bottomless bag enchantment because that requires a special fabric that no one has around here, but we did get your backpack enchanted so it can carry more things without over-encumbering you. The things in your backpack should feel very light now” Lula explains as she looks into your eyes and caresses your waist. “Oh, Lula, you didn’t have to do that. Thank you, thank you, thank you~!” you say excitedly as you kiss her lips, cheeks, and forehead quickly, which becomes a bit problematic as your fiery red hair gets in the way from the speed at which you shower your affection, making you both laugh. “It’s a gift from all of us” Leena says in the chair beside you “And remember, you’ll always have a home here. As long as you’re in this city you’ll never need to visit an inn. We can make a room for you here when you stay, or you can sleep with me and my sister, Delilah, Astraea, Meredith, Helena, or with Xillia at her shop as she already said. By the way sister, when are you going to bring your things over?” You lean back to let Lula speak, but you grin mischievously as you keep your hands on her wonderful fun bags and grope them, fondle them, and massage them in your hands. Lula laughs and moans at the handling of her large, soft melons before answering “Hmm, this afternoon should be good. I’ll need to talk to Nilas to see about returning to my duties back at the temple of Lequis, and then I’ll need to see Yulag and let her know. Gods, it’s been too long since we’ve lived together in the same bed, Sister. And it’s all thanks to you, baby~” You smile before a naughty idea pops into your head and you grind your hips against Lula’s flaccid member through her robes and through your sundress as you moan and stick a finger in your mouth. “Mmm, let me show you how grateful I am for the gifts Lula~. I want your big blue cock inside me, pounding and stirring up my tight pussy. Oh yeah, I want it so badly, Lula; I’m so wet right now~. Won’t you make me feel good and pour your thick, warm cock cream inside me?” you say in a husky voice.

“Oh, baby, I would have to be an idiot to turn an offer like that down~” Lula replies in a sultry tone with a deep moan while eyeing you hungrily. You press a kiss forcefully against the blue succubi’s lips and pull up your sundress as Lula bunches up her robes. When the fabric is out of the way you raise yourself up then lower yourself down while moaning deeply as Lula’s wonderful cock splits you open and stretches your love tunnel wonderfully as it tightens around the member and molds to it. When she bumps against your cervix you gasp, then grin, then push down hard so that she penetrates the entrance to your womb…and then the fun begins.


You kiss Lula goodbye as she walks out the door of the temple, headed for her own temple of Lequis. You also give a kiss to Delilah and Astraea as they return to their duties. You check to make sure all your gear is accounted for and stuff the enchanted cleaning rag Leena gave you after your last round of sex; she figured you might need it, for whatever reason, in your future travels. That leaves you wearing all your gear standing in the main hallway of the temple of Domina with Leena, Meredith, Vulgan, Helena, and the red slime just beside Meredith. “Hey, babe” Helena says beside you with a sheepish smile as she stands there nude “Fuck I need a drink…anyways, I was wondering if you would like to have me tag along with you on your adventures. If it’s alright with you of course, and with the boss lady”. You’re shocked at what Helena just offered you and reply “But, Helena, what about your duties here at the temple? You’re a priestess and…what about the children at the orphanage?” – the lavender haired lover of yours bites her bottom lip in thought before saying “I know, but what I do here…well, it doesn’t exactly get a whole lot of fucking traffic, you know? Not too many people show up at the temple because they don’t have the balls to handle it, and those that do rarely need my services. I mean sure I can teach people how to fuck things up, and yeah those at the temple here help keep the nasty critters at bay if no adventurers take care of them, but that’s about it. Way I figure it also is that if you’re going to fuck up this Arlandus prick then that’ll help out the orphanage and the kids. And I might be worried about you and I know I can help you out – do I have permission, boss?” “You do, Helena, and I think what you’re doing is wonderful” Leena says with a smile before Helena turns back to you and says “Just let me know if you want me, alright? I’ll love you either way, but it’ll ease my mind a hells of a lot if I can tag along”. “I will, Helena…and thank you; it means the world to me, and I love you too~” you say as you reach out and plant your shimmering glossy red lips on Helena’s shimmering glossy pink ones.
Re: Rift Touched

When you pull back and gaze into Helena’s eyes with love, you see the love reflected back and you can’t help but giggle. Vulgan’s barking, feet stamping, and nuzzling against your coat covered leg draws your attention, especially when he starts to whine. “What, you want to come with me too, Vulgan?” you ask curiously, and your response is a happy bark, a furious tail wagging, and joyful panting. Leena chuckles before saying “Oh dear, it looks like dear Vulgan wants to be your guard dog. If you take him with I’ll miss him, but I’ll know that both he and you are in good hands”. “B-But…what will I feed him?” you ask, concerned that you might not be able to take care of him – “Oh, anything you eat he will eat. I’m sure you could also feed him your milk to keep him going~. He can also eat and hunt on his own or with you should the need arise” Leena explains before Meredith chimes in. “I won’t be much good in a fight I’m afraid, but me and this slime have been talking and this slime would very much like to accompany you. It has grown attached to you and loves you in its own way…it’s also becoming more complex as well. I think that might have something to do with your nature and the increased magical supply you put out, but either way it cares about you and wants to be with you” your clear true slime lover explains in regards to the red slime beside her, which ripples in acknowledgement and affirmation. You kneel down and stroke the top of the slime’s gelatinous body and coo “Oh, you little cutie~. You love me, too? Oh, that’s so sweet of you – I’ll think about it, okay? I wouldn’t want you to get hurt because of me, you know?” The slime ripples happily at your touch as it slowly starts to engulf your hand…and then it pulls back, almost as if it was a hand clasping yours tenderly. This surprises you, but you smile nonetheless before standing back up and turning to Leena. “Well, before we begin the formalities I have one final offer for you, my love~. We all know about your adoration for sex and having things inside you. If you want to take an enchanted dildo, butt plug, or anal beads – and feel free to take more than one – then you are free to do so~” Leena explains.

You shudder a little in desire and lick your lips before speaking in a husky tone “Mmm, I might just take you up on that offer~”. Leena smiles and grins at you lewdly before she composes herself and breaks out the formalities “Well then, dear, allow me to officially congratulate you on completing the trials of Domina and finding your true heart. I see in you the glowing radiance of one that understands themselves, who they are, and what makes them happy. You have reached both spiritual and sexual enlightenment from your trials as well as a further understanding of the magical, martial, and roguish arts. You are welcome to return any time and partake in any of the events that have been presented to you thus far should you desire it. Now, what would you like blessed? Would you prefer to ha-“. Your purple lover stops abruptly in midsentence and looks like she’s seen a ghost – you’re about to ask what’s wrong before she smiles broadly, nods and looks at you with fire in her eyes “Please, come with me, my love. I will not be the one to bless you; someone very important wishes to speak with you first and bless you in my stead. Please, no questions; just follow me, dear”. “I-um, okay; lead the way, Leena…?” you blurt out more than a little confused and you see that Helena has a confused look on her face as well while Meredith looks rather stoic, which tells you nothing about what’s going on. You follow Leena through the now familiar mansion to the lower chambers to a door that you haven’t entered yet that’s directly to the left of the stairway. She opens the door wide and gestures for you to go inside with a bright smile on her face. You smile back at her, still confused, and walk through the door to see a stunningly gorgeous human looking woman with jet black hair, almost glowing pale skin, dark eyes, and a gentle smile that melts your heart.

The woman is currently lounging on a black and red cushioned couch in the small chamber which sits across from a red and black cushioned chair. The woman is wearing an elaborate red and black wrap that covers most of her body without clinging too tightly to her skin – actually, the wrap looks rather loose and airy and seems to flow out in all directions off the couch while remaining perfectly still. She actually looks rather regal in her beauty, pose, and clothing except for one odd detail; on her wrists, ankles, and neck are shackles, however, the shackles each extend out about a foot before ending in broken chain. The chains themselves look like they were somehow torn apart rather than cut or smashed which means that either there was some sort of magical, tool, or perhaps animal form of assistance used in breaking these chains, or this woman is incredibly strong. “Leena, my child, thank you very much for bringing Colette to me” the woman on the couch says in a voice that sounds like water trickling down a stream; soft, calming, and with an enchanting melody. “It is my pleasure and honor to do so, my lady” Leena says with a voice full of reverence as she bows deeply, lowering her eyes to the ground. “You do such fine work, Leena. Come to me, my child, so that I may look upon you better” the dark eyed woman says in that some melodious and enchanting voice that calms you to your core. Leena on the other hand looks like she’s about to jump out of her skin in joy as she tries to remain calm as she walks over to the strange woman. When your purple, red lipped succubus reaches the woman she kneels in front of her as the strange woman cups Leena’s face with face holds and slowly leans in to kiss the succubi’s forehead, making Leena shudder in what seems to be ecstasy. When the woman pulls back she says something to Leena that you can’t quite hear, followed by Leena nodding, rising, and making her way back around to you with a spring in her step. Leena bends down and plants a passionate kiss on your lips, which you moan into as you press back into her and wrap your arms around her – when you both pull back all Leena does is look at you with love before letting go of you and walking out the door, closing it behind her as she leaves.

You look back to the woman a little confused, but you don’t want to be rude so you smile and saunter over to the woman. “Pleased to meet you, miss. How can I help you?” you say politely and with a glint in your eyes as you look the woman over, clearly attracted to her. She smiles tenderly at you and speaks in her enchanting voice “I am doing very well, child, thank you for your consideration. My name is Moa’din and you may consider me the high priestess of all the temples. Please, child, take a seat if you will”. She gestures softly with her hand to the chair across from her; you nod and give the woman a sweet smile as you make your way over to the chair and sit down after setting your backpack and bow down beside it. “As for how you can help me…I wish to talk with you and ask a few questions” Moa’din, the head priestess says with a serene looking smile that makes you feel at ease before she continues “Now, let me get a good look at you, child. Yes…so very beautiful and enticing, even for me. I can see why the others love you so, and it warms my heart to see you love them back and bring them so much happiness, even with your strange ability to attract others, Rift Touched”. You tense up and your eyes go wide when Moa’din calls you rift touched, and your extremely confused when she chuckles and waves her hand at you “Do not worry, child, your secret is safe with me. I won’t try to abuse your trust or plan anything heinous. It is simply an observation, one that is easily made if you know what to look for” the shackle woman says while idly pointing to her eyes while smiling. You relax a little, but are still a little bit tense as you offer a smile while nodding before asking “What other things have you observed about me?”

“You have an unnatural magnetism that attracts people to you like moths to a flame. You speak and others listen, you walk and others watch and admire, you linger and others stare with desire and want, you inspire feelings of love and friendship. Tell me, Colette, why do you think the others love you so much? Out of all the people that have passed through the doors to the temple and all those that they have shared such intimate encounters with, why are you the one person they give their heart to and yearn for? You’ve noticed it have you not? When you walk down the streets others look at you with appraisal, they linger on you, the hang on your words. Even I find myself attracted to you and, at the risk of sounding arrogant, that is no small feat for me to let my emotions start to take control of me” the woman explains calmly and, while her words seem accusatory, her tone is more curious and gentle than anything. You keep calm as you speak, though what she said has riled you up a little “Are you say that I…that I somehow influenced those that I love and care for against their will to love me? Are you saying that they don’t really love me” “Perhaps, child, but I do not doubt that they love you or that you love them. I simply find it fascinating is all, though you may have an influence on them that you don’t quite realize. I suspect that as you were growing up you never had a shortage of friends, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the most popular girl around loved and adored by all” the woman counters with a little chuckle. You furrow your brow in thought and as you think you realize that Moa’din’s words have some truth to them; you have noticed that people are often more polite around you when they shouldn’t be, aside from a few people, and that while growing up you can’t really remember not having a friend or having people dote on you. Sure you got into scuffles and had disagreements, but you can’t say that in the end no one disliked you even when you did some stupid things.

“Then there’s the rate at which you learn things. I’m sure others have commented, but you learn new abilities and skills at an incredibly fast rate. What takes weeks, months, or years to learn you’ve learned and mastered in a matter of days! Extraordinary I say, and most people are only good at one or maybe two things from the martial, magical, and roguish arts. You, however, seem to have a firm grasp on all three, though with an obvious leaning towards the more roguish arts of course. That goes for sex as well, and speaking of sex…you are a very naughty girl~. You are a master when it comes to sex, perhaps even more adept than those who are literally born for it such as the succubi, incubi, and tentacle beast. Your body bears the evidence; your skin is incredibly beautiful and smooth, and your hair is silky. It seems your body has adapted to sex incredibly well” the woman continues to speak, listing things off about you that, while somewhat obvious to you, make you wonder how exactly she knows these things without you ever having seen her. “Isn’t that the point of the temple? To find out whom you are? This is who I am, Moa’din, and these are the things that reflect who I am? How do you know all of this anyways? I’ve never seen you before…has Leena been telling you things?” you ask curiously as you rest your chin on your left hand while sucking on your index finger. “One of the perks of being the high priestess, child; I have a, hmm, ‘direct link’ so to say with the goddess so I know things as a result” the regal looking woman says with a smile on her face that’s completely disarming and warm “And yes, that is the point of the temple. ‘Three days to scratch the surface and a week to find out who you are’ – do those words sound familiar? Leena said them to you, more or less, and while this is true it is actually meant to start the process to align your heart and soul. The more advanced skills usually come later, after you leave the temple; the temple is usually only a stepping stone for the person to learn, grow, and find happiness. With you it seems that you have done all three very quickly, but of course you still have much to learn and more room to grow; what I am saying is it has been done fast…too fast for the average person” she continues, sounding very fascinated and curious at the same time.

“Then there’s that beautiful golden heart of yours. Helping the needy and under privileged, putting others needs before your own, caring so passionately about others well-being that you offer your time and your body. That especially made an impact on Delilah, child, and she thinks about you almost all the time with such love and adoration, and she counts herself lucky to have someone – you – love her despite being a bloodthirsty monster. It’s truly heartwarming the love you’ve inspired in all of them – Meredith feels like she’s finally found her soul mate like she reads in her novels, Astraea believes she’s truly blessed to find someone that could love her for who she is rather than what she is or what she’s done, Xillia threw herself into her work – which she is passionate about – but now she has found a new passion in you, the sisters feel at ease when around you because you make all the bad memories disappear, Helena loves you dearly because she considers you the sister she never had and one that loves and respects her just fine just the way she is. Then there’s Vulgan; that one is more intelligent than even you may think, and he would give up his life to protect you. You’ve even convinced the shy, fearful Xillia to stay here in the temple for a night and to jump into the feelings that you felt when you first arrived, and I suspect she may yet come back at some point and be made all the more confident because of it. You’ve done a disciples work, Colette…are you trying to become a priestess? Forgive my rambling of your exploits, young child, I just find you remarkable and so very intriguing” the high priestess finishes with a dreamy sigh, looking at you with tender and curious eyes that make you smile and relax.

“That’s quite alright, and I think I understand a little. I find you odd and intriguing as well, and I’m quite attracted to you~. You’re very beautiful and you have a regal air about you. And are you offering me a position as a priestess? I wouldn’t mind working under you…or above you for that matter~” you coyly flirt with the woman even as you feel completely touched by what she said to you in regards to the people you care for. She laughs at your words and grins “Perhaps I am, child, but I doubt you would want to stay and be tied to a single place just this instant. I sense you have an adventurer’s lust to see, explore, and discover. It would also feel wrong to hold back such compassion, power, potential, kindness, and wonder. Thank you for conversing with me, child, it has been a great pleasure. I would ask that you continue to love them, for they have each had difficult and troubled lives and whatever joy you can bring them would surely please the goddess greatly”. You lean forward and look the strange and curious woman in the eyes seriously, and with a fire as you smile broadly “I promise, Moa’din; I will never stop loving or caring for them. I don’t think I could if I tried”. “Well said” Moa’din says with the brightest smile yet “For it is the duty of the goddess to bring happiness to those brave enough to seek it, but sometimes she needs the help of others such as yourself to accomplish this. You may not be a priestess, Colette, but whether you know it or not you have already done much that a priestess to the goddess would strive for. Now, to the business that must be attended”. The woman sits up and leans back on the couch as she speaks “I shall bless you or any item you wish save for those that already have a blessing from another god or goddess. I also have the power to alter your body, of which you only have your throat remaining. I will go one further for you, child, and think hard on this one. I have the power to grant you a penis should you desire it, and not like the amazon Hera’s; if you should wish a penis for yourself it will be like Razasha’s, Lula’s, and Leena’s where it rests just above your clitoris and leaves you with a vagina”.

Your eyes go wide and your jaw hits the floor as you practically yell out “You can give me a penis?!” Moa’din chuckles in that melodious tone of hers that eases your mind before she speaks “I can and it will have all the functions of a penis. You will be able to grow soft and hard when sufficiently aroused, and you will be able to produce sperm and impregnate women. But be warned that with it you will have a much higher sex drive, which for you would be quite impressive. I estimate that should you choose to have one it will be six and one-half inches long when hard and slightly thicker than Razasha’s, so a little thicker than half as thick as your wrist as you like to measure things by”. “How did you-? Never mind – high priestess, yes” you start to say but then you stop yourself and laugh as you lean back and stick a finger into your mouth and moan while spreading your legs in the chair, both for comfort and to give the women a better view of your latex covered pussy. She only smiles serenely and waits patiently and with curiosity, most likely at what you will choose. I wonder…what do I want to bless…? And do I want to have any more alterations than I already have? And a penis! I could get a penis! Hmm…I don’t know if I really want a penis to be honest, but then again I could do so many fun things with a penis! And so many people as well~ you think before Moa’din interrupts your train of thought when that enchanting voice sounds out once more. “There is also on more thing that I find curious about you, child, and that is your dominant nature which is offset by your submissive nature when in bondage. Look to your left and then to your right if you would please” the black and red wrapped woman says sweetly as she points to either side of her.

You look to your left and almost have to do a double take as you see an intimidating set of leather and latex hanging on the wall. The set includes a riding crop, a leather and latex corset with thigh high black leather and latex stiletto heels and latex panties. You’ve seen a few of the women around the temple wearing something similar, and they always eye you very hungrily and with a fire in their eyes to match your own as you are now. Funny…I don’t remember seeing that there when I came in. Geez, I need to be more observant you think before you look to your right and you have the same reaction as you see nothing but a pair of shackles similar to the ones that Moa’din wears, except these ones are intact with only one addition. There’s a large shackle in the middle that looks like it’s meant to be connected to the waist, which is where all the chains lead to so that whenever someone dons this set they will have their movement extremely limited as their arms will practically be stuck to their side and they’ll shuffle as they walk. What the heck is going on here? Okay, I definitely would have noticed that…right? you think before again the strangely enchanting woman speaks to you. “You’ve already aligned your heart and soul, but there’s always room for learning and growth. This is a personal choice that I ask you to make, Colette. Now, feel free to choose neither – it won’t prevent you from receiving your blessings, but know that if you do choose one or the other then you’re blessing will be altered slightly and be more powerful to compensate for your choice” the broken shackled women explains.

“You may only choose one – the first choice is the true dominant. I want you to show your dominance by donning this outfit and going to Xillia. When she was in the temple I sensed that she has some very submissive tendencies that have yet to be fully explored. I want you to go to her and dominate her will and show her the joy of submission to those who are more dominant. I know you have it in you to do so, Colette; you have that fire and the will to bend others to your own. Nothing cruel, of course; all I ask is that you guide her towards to her true heart. So whether or not she does come back to the temple, she will at least be a little happier and more confident in herself. Unfortunately you will interfere with her business hours and work, but in the long run you will be helping her and perhaps give her inspiration to make better work” she explains calmly and with a smile. You don’t like the sound of interfering with Xillia’s passion, but you can’t deny the thought of dominating her, having her please you, and seeing your cute, lovely elf squeal in pleasure while being dressed up in something cute and innocent doesn’t stir something in you and arouse you. “And the other option?” you ask, intrigued so far by the current offer. The high priestess smiles serenely at you before saying “The second choice is the true bondage submissive. Everyone has a mask that they wear, child, whether it’s a mask one wears when in public, in private, when working, when playing, with family and friends. Just because you are dominant when your control is not taken away doesn’t mean that is who you really are. If you believe that who you really are is someone that loves to have their control taken away, to be bound, and to be at the mercy of others, then shed your clothing and wear these chains as a symbol of your truly submissive nature, to show the world that this is who you really are at your core”.

“Wear it and go upstairs to Leena. She will understand and gather Helena, Delilah, Astraea, Meredith, and Lula; all those that you love - Xillia is not yet far enough along unfortunately to be comfortable with such a decision and Vulgan can’t really fully understand what it means. When they are gathered you will drop to your knees, bow your head, and you will become their slave” Moa’din continues. Your eyes go wide at the last statement and you ask “Become their slave? As in…they own me? I’m their property? That type of slave, and not just roleplaying?” The woman nods calmly and with a smile and a chuckle “Yes, child, that type of slave. You will become their property. Do not worry for they will not harm or abuse you nor will they keep you tied down, because they love you more than anything; it is more of a symbolic gesture, but you will still quite literally be a slave so make no mistake. As a sign of your submission to them and their ownership over you, each of them will permanently mark your body in some way to show that they own you. This may be in the form of a tattoo, a piercing, a physical alteration…whatever they want really – however major or minor is up to them. Each person only gets one mark, and each person can only add to you; they cannot change you as you are now, so no changing hair color, lipstick, no taking away an alteration made to you. They can, however, add a tattoo, or eyeliner, or pierce an ear, or give you a physical alteration, which really means that if someone does that then you’ll be getting your throat altered – only I will be able to give you a penis should you desire one. You will forever be submissive to them and their will”. “That sounds really hot~…but I don’t know. I love them, and they love me, but that seems very extreme to me” you say with a moan as you imagine all the naughty things that they would do to you and make you do, but are a little unsure.
Re: Rift Touched

“I understand the enormity of such decision. So, as opposed to the first where your blessing will be stronger, should you choose this route then know that instead of a stronger blessing I shall bestow upon you two blessings of the goddess of regular strength. You will only be able to bless yourself once, which means that you will have to bless an item afterwards. Or, if you choose this option, then you can bless two items and have two unique pieces of equipment tailored specifically for you” the pale high priestess says to you calmly and serenely as she smiles at you. “Wow” you say with wide eyes “That is very generous of you and Domina. Mmm…maybe it won’t be so bad to be their slave then~”. The powerful priestess smiles a little wider and says “The choice is yours, and you don’t have to choose either of them if you’re sure of who you are now or are uncomfortable making those decisions”. You nod your head in understanding as you moan and noisily suck on your right index finger now, feeling rather hot and aroused at the thought of dominating Xillia or willingly being bound and becoming a slave to those that you love. You spread your legs a little wider and, with your left hand, you bring it to your latex covered mound and start to slowly rub your labia, moaning pleasurably as you do so. Mmm, that’s better~…now, what should I do?

1:27 pm

A. Party Member Choice (Can choose multiple. Can only have three party members at a time not including Colette)
A1. Helena (Very strong physical fighter, very weak magical fighter, weak stealth fighter. Wears light and unarmored armors: prefers unarmored. Monks fight with fists and hand-to-hand weapons only. Helena prefers fists. High HP/High Dodge/Low Defense/Very Low MR. Performs better when under influence of alcohol. Note to self: Feed booze)
A2. Vulgan (Strong physical fighter, no magic, moderate stealth fighter. Wears no armor, but can have specialized light armor made for torso and head. Dogfighter fights with teeth, claws, and body slams. Moderate HP/Moderate Dodge/ Moderate Defense/No MR)
A3. Red Slime (Cute. Cuddly. Fun. The Red Slime won’t be an active fighter, but might come in handy sometimes so who knows? It’ll stay out of trouble when there is a fight, for the most part, and taking the red slime doesn’t count as a party member slot because it’s so small. Maybe it might grow in strength the longer it’s around you?)

B. Take enchanted sex toy (specify if to wear or not)
B1. Ask Leena for an enchanted dildo (vibrates)
B2. Ask Leena for an enchanted butt plug (vibrates and expands)
B3. Ask Leena for enchanted anal beads (Vibrates very fast. Beads detach from wire and stick to surfaces)

C. Moa’din’s bondage and dominance offer (optional)
C1. True Dominance (normal) (Dominate Xillia and push her further into a submissive role more in line with her true heart. Will receive more powerful blessing)
C2. True Bondage Submission (Become a slave to your lovers excluding Xillia – for now – and Vulgan and allow them to mark you as their property. Will always be submissive to them. Will receive two blessings)

D. Have some alterations made to your body through the power of alchemy and Domina!
D1. Alter your throat and turn it into a sexual organ capable of feeling pleasure similar to an erogenous zone.
D2. Have Moa’din alter just above your clit and grow your very own penis capable of impregnating women! Will increase sex drive and overall libido. (Will be six and a half inches long and a little thicker than half as thick as your wrist)

E. Bless Self

F. Bless clothing/armor
F1. Bless undergarments (can bless 1 set of footwear, bra, panties, and garters)
F2. Bless chest clothing (can only bless 1) (Sets can be blessed together, i.e. Skintight bodysuit and hood)
F3. Bless leg clothing (can only bless 1)
F4. Bless robe/coat/cloak (can only bless 1)
F5. Bless chest armor (can only bless 1)
F6. Bless leg armor (can only bless 1)
F7. Bless footwear (can only bless 1 pair)
F8. Bless Gloves (can only bless 1 pair)
F9. Bless headwear (can only bless 1)

G. Bless weapon (can only choose 1. Thrown weapons and projectiles cannot be blessed)

H. Visit the merchant’s district
H1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
H2. Head to the blacksmith
H3. Make a stop at the stylist’s shop “Perfect Clarity”
H4. Go back to “The Size that Fits” (possibly model for Xillia…or have sex)

I. Visit another temple in the temple district.
I1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
I2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
I3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
I4. Go to Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
I5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)
I6. Go to the drunkard’s home in the temple district (specify what you want to do there)

J. Make a stop at the noble district.
J1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
J2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
J3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
J4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
J5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
J6. Go to Yulag’s inn (Eat, drink, rest, ask for info, visit Lula)
J7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
J8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there. Batzi leaves at 6 pm)

K. Go to the red light district
K1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
K2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
K3. Visit Lover’s Essentials (piercings, bondages gear, sex toys)
K4. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
K5. Go to Yulag’s and Ungan’s home (Specify what you want to do there)

L. Head off to the slums
L1. Go to the jail in the slums (Specify what you want to do there)
L2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
L3. Visit The Pilgrim’s March inn and pub (eat, get a job, get a room, ask about rumors, bet on or partake in underground fighting. Specify)
L4. Visit Penelope’s Home for Youngsters (Specify what to do there. Read to kids, ask about work, donate money, etc.)
L5. Go to the Public Restroom and Bath (Male and Female baths and restrooms. Specify what to do there)
L6. Visit Loan For Your Troubles (Specify what to do there. Get a loan. Inquire about a job)
L7. Prostitute yourself (Clothing will have an effect)
L8. Find beggars in the slums (Give food, water, money, inquire about rumors and info, etc.)

M. Wander and explore the city at random

N. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

O. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

P. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

Q. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

R. Rift Travel (Closest Rift: Noble District – Kilnhaven, Eborthia)
R1. Use rift to travel to the Rift Plane (Specify what you want to do there. No other rifts are available to be used for travel)

X. Other

Y. Time Skip (Specify where to wait and how many minutes/hours/days/weeks you want to wait. Must have adequate resources to survive i.e. money, food, water, shelter, etc.)

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!


Enchanted Backpack: Very Light Load. Has a large amount of space left.

Currently Unavailable
-Gold pouch (633 Gold: Holds 1000)
-Medium Gold Pouch (0 Gold: Holds 2000)
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning
-White Magic Crystal: Light
-Water canteen - Full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
- Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Magic (If read will increase MR by 10 permanently. Must be used three times. Each use takes up one hour)
-Small Mirror
-Map of Eborthia
-Rations (x3)
-4-Pronged Grappling Hook and Rope (Attached to each other)
-Map of Kilnhaven
-Steel Pata w/1 foot blade (hand-to-hand weapon)
-Sewing Kit (Repairs leather armor and clothing. 10 uses remaining)
-Official Amazonian Seal (States that you can become an honorary member of Amazonian society in Falwathyn. Can go to Hera and she will escort you to Falwathyn personally)
-Amazonian Veil Dancing Outfit (Very exposing and very light. Comes with creamy white bra-top, panties, drapes for arms, crotch, and bottom, open toed three inch heeled sandals, and bronze-gold bands to hold drapes in place)
-Enchanted Cleaning Rag (Can clean virtually any sweat, muck, grime, and nasty stuff up. Will never get dirty)
-Official (forged) invitation to attend ball in city of Kilnhaven’s capitol building. Name: Catherine Bralondel. (Time: Tomorrow at 10am)Note to Self: See Nyx at temple of Yyssbo before midnight to confirm!
-Truth Serum (three drops) (Causes drinker to experience extreme confidence, loss of shame, overrides common sense and logic, and to talk incessantly. Ask whatever question you want and they will answer. Warning: Don’t be obvious with questions are target may catch on!)

Satchels, Cases, Bolt Quivers
Satchel #1: Minor healing potion x2. Mild healing potion x1. Full
Satchel #2: Minor healing potion x1. Mild healing potion x1. Alchemist’s Fire x1 (One-third of vial used to coat any melee weapon with brief fire enchantment. Can be thrown to act as a small firebomb. Two-third remaining). Full
Satchel #3: Lock Pick x1. Minor Potion of Magical Reserves (Restores 15 MR) x1.
Satchel #4: Empty.
Lock Pick Case (Can hold 15 lock picks. Takes up satchel slot): Lock Pick x15


-Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Hood (Covers entire head. Has slot in back for hair and slots in front for mouth, nostrils, and eyes. Molds to skin like a second skin. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on hood. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of hood that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones (half-elf ears )) (Partially concealed)
-Enchanted Silver Ring of Minor Magical Reserves (enhances MR by 10)
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh. Holds 6 knives.
-Arrow Quiver (holds 30 arrows)
-Utility Belt (4 satchels attached. 1 lock pick case attached. Room for 1 more satchel, case, or crossbow quiver)
-Black Silk Fabric
- Skintight Pleasure Enchanted Black Latex Bodysuit (Covers neck, arms to wrists, and legs to ankles. Molds to skin like a second skin, exposing everything as if naked. Pleasure enchantment activated by thinking command word “Pleasure Slave” and focusing magic on bodysuit. Active enchantment releases thousands of small tendrils on interior of bodysuit that rub, massage, and vibrate all skin the fabric touches, especially erogenous zones) (Currently concealed)
-Fire Resistant Brown Studded Leather Armor. (Covers arms, enchanted to resist fire. Currently concealed)
-Knee High Brown Leather Boots (mostly concealed)
-Grey Leather Armor Gloves.
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings (See through. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Half-Bra (Can see breasts. Barely covers nipples. Shows more cleavage. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Thong (Can see privates. Exposes ass. Rides up on crotch and ass. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Lequis Blessed Pink Lace Floral Garter Belt (Currently holding up Blessed Pink Sheer Floral Stockings. Blessing in effect when worn with matching set)
-Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat (Has an extended hood to cover head. Goes down to ankles. Helps conceal weaponry and visible gear excluding backpack, bow quiver, and bow. Blessing in effect when sneaking).
-Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker (Has metal heart that says “Colette” engraved on front. Has “With Love: Lula, Leena, Delilah, Helena, Astraea, Meredith, Xillia, Vulgan” encrusted on back. Can be leashed while wearing it.)
-Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings (nipples) with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Outlines (Hearts can be removed/detached)


-Steel Dagger w/8 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot. Concealed.
-Extra Sharp Steel short sword w/2 foot blade. Enchanted for extra cutting power. Sheathed. Utility Belt. Left Side. Concealed.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh. Concealed.
-Fiery Elven Shortbow (enchants arrows to deal fire damage). Slung across back.
-Steel Arrows x25. In arrow quiver (holds 30 arrows).


-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Minor Healing (1 Charge, 15 MR): Mild Healing (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Blue Magic Crystal: Ice: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Ice Shield (1 Charge, 15 MR): Cold Spray (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-Yellow Magic Crystal: Lightning: Level 2/4: Charges (4/4): Lightning Bolt (1 Charge, 15 MR): Lightning Whip (2 Charges, 30 MR)
-White Magic Crystal: Light: Level 1/4: Charges (3/3): Flash (1 Charge, 15 MR) (Flash blinds enemies and damages undead)

Rift Abilities
-Magical Suppression (25 MR each use): Can only be used on living beings. Only works by touching target. Blocks magic use of target for ten minutes.
-Centered Soul (Activated once every twenty-four hours, gives major boost to all stealth, magic, and combat stats: skills Major bonus to Hit and Dodge and Stealth/Minor bonus Damage Reduction/Halves Spell Cost/Gain One Extra Attack Every Hit/Minor damage increase to every strike) costs nothing, only usable once per day. Creates a small shockwave that knocks back anything around you. Lasts 1 minute.


-Thick wavy silky smooth fiery red hair that goes just passed breasts. Tied in ponytail by Black Silk Fabric. (Human Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Large DD-Cup breasts. Can lactate. Wearing Horizontal Studded Barbell Piercings with Emerald Hearts Encased in Metal Heart Outlines on Nipples. Emerald Hearts are removable. (Human Heritage. Breast Play Perk. Temple of Domina Alteration)
-Half-elf ears (Juts out two inches farther than human ear. Ends on pointed tip)
-Hourglass figure
-Smooth Unblemished Luminous Milky White Skin (Elven Heritage. Results of Cum Bathing)
-Clean Shaven (No pubic hair)
-Emerald Green Eyes (almost seem to glow…)
-Toned Muscles (Stomach, legs, arms, ass)
- Bubble butt (Butt is slightly bigger and plumper)
-5’6” tall
-Full lips. Shimmering Glossy Red Lipstick applied. Looks fuller, plumper, and catches the eyes with a shimmering effect.
-Slightly curved nose
-Rift tattoo on right wrist (Invisible when not in Rift Plane or near a Rift)
-Wearing Emerald Encrusted Rosey Designed Black Leather Choker around neck.


Health: Fine
MR: 102/102
Vagina is wet.
Feeling Tingles.
Feeling “right”.


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Magical Sensitivity (Threads): Thanks to an experiment done by Jazra you can now see the magical threads that are the blood of magic in the world, and can possibly manipulate them.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minor health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock you out.

Milk Addict: You’ve drunk a lot of milk and you have developed a preference, close to a need, for the thick, creamy substance. You’ll still drink other liquids, but you greatly prefer milk for some reason if given the choice. You’ll find that you have a craving and thirst for milk and, while no negative health effects will occur if you don’t get some, you’ll find that you’ll perform better slightly in all the things you do for a time.

Heart of Gold: You are an extremely kind and caring individual; you absolutely love to help children and those in need. You give of yourself freely to others and ask for nothing in return and always try to be a good person no matter what. You also offer to help, even when it was never asked of you to begin with. Loving and caring is second nature to you; you are compassionate, loving, and serene and as a result more people will like you and it will be easier to charm others because of your gentle and loving nature.

Rift Travel: You have discovered the power, whether from being Rift Touched, the silver bracelet, or a combination of both that you can now travel through rifts to the Rift Plane. The Rift Plane is a pocket dimension where time has no meaning and you cannot die from lack of nutrition; if you leave the Rift Plane time will resume as normal. From the Rift Plane you may travel through other rifts scattered about the pocket dimension that are connected to the real world rifts, allowing you to travel over vast distances so long as you have discovered the rifts for each location. I.E. Say you come into contact with a rift in Kilnhaven, Eborthia and a rift in Lumin, Eborthia. You can jump into the Kilnhaven rift and come out the Lumin rift with virtually no time passing between the two. There are also other rifts that may allow you to gain unique powers if you find them…

Mental Fortitude Expert: As a result of training with Astraea you have developed an expert understanding of shielding your mind against mental probes and attacks, as well as having majorly increased your natural magical reserves in the process. You can withstand basic, mild, and sometimes major levels of mental assaults, but anything higher or prolonged and you will not succeed.

Increased Attraction: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now people find you more attractive than you originally were. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Increased Persuasion: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you’re slightly more persuasive in conversations. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn)

Quicker Reflexes: You received a blessing at the temple of Lequis on your undergarments and now you have slightly faster reflexes, allowing you to dodge attacks better and avoid danger. (Requires Lequis Blessed thong, garter belt, bra, and stockings being worn).

Camouflage: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to blend in with your surroundings when sneaking and remaining stationary or moving slowly. Any high profile action such as attacking, being attacked and hit, running, being bumped into, etc. will break the effect. Moderately improves sneaking. (Requires Yyssbo Blessed Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat).

Cat Legs: You received a blessing at the temple of Yyssbo on your Midnight Black Hooded Trench Coat which allows you to fall from greater distances without taking damage. Falling from roof tops and other moderately high distances will result in no damage taken. Major and Extreme distances will still result in damage or death (Don’t jump off cliffs or off really tall buildings!).

Dual Wielding Master: You have a extreme amount of experience wielding two weapons at once. Dual wielding allows you to attack with two one-handed weapons at once, essentially doubling the damage you do. At present you are extremely skilled and find it easy to hit enemies in combat without any negative effects to your chances to hit. You don’t need any more practice to wield to weapons at once effectively.

Pleasure Resistance Master: You have learned to resist pleasure at a masterful level, and are capable of maintaining your cool under extreme sexual pleasure. However, only the most extremely skilled partners and/or very prolonged pleasure break down your resistance, though you can maintain your cool for a very long period of time.

Dexterity Trained – Flexibility and Ranged Hits: You’ve been trained by Delilah on how to be more dexterous. While it’s not the full dexterity workout, it does allow you to perform hits better with ranged weaponry. You’re also more flexible as a result, just like a gymnast or contortionist!

Blessing of Kramulet: You’ve received a blessing at the temple of Kramulet on yourself, permanently increasing your MR by 30 and gaining the ability to learn magic from magic crystals at a much faster rate than normal.

Blood Magic: You’ve learned to use the dangerous art of blood magic, allowing you to draw on your very life force to cast spells instead of from charges or your magical reserves. Life drained is proportional to the strength of the spell via magical reserves used. The more magic required the more life drained – be warned as this can kill you if you’re not careful!

Evasive Techniques: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you the art of evading enemies, both in and outside of combat. Gives a minor boost to dodge and sneak at all times.

True Heart: You’ve completed the trials at the temple of Domina and have found your true heart. Your heart and soul are aligned, which has given you greater confidence, self-assurance, and strength of character. It will be nearly impossible for others to try and change you as a result, unless of course you absolutely want it. Moderate boost to mental fortitude.

Belly Dancing: Thanks to Lula you now know how to do the traditional and provocative belly dancing of the desert nation, Ornsimun.

Strip Dancing: You know what is necessary to strip dance after watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Pole Dancing: You learned how to pole dance by watching a dancer at “Exotic Sway”

Line Dancing: You know how to line dance, having won a competition back home involving line dance.

Amazonian Veil Dance: Hera of the Amazons has shown you the dance of her people, which is refered to as a veil dance.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 3/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 3/4
-Lockpicking: 3/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
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Re: Rift Touched

Sex Perks/Passives
Extreme sexual experience: You’ve had sex many, many times and been in enough sexual situations that you know how to please yourself and pretty much all sexual partners well with extreme skill. You are nearly incapable of being embarrassed by things of a sexual nature and even the most extreme of circumstances won’t make you flinch. You’ve accepted your sexuality entirely and are open to any sexual play of a vanilla nature, and almost all of taboo sexual play as well. Only the absolute most borderline of sexual play and situations will deter you (and if it deters you than it must be pretty wild or terrible!).

Nymphomaniac: You aren’t just a huge slut, you’re a nymphomaniac! It’s a simple fact that you like sex of all kinds, and you yearn for sex. As a result of your extremely sexual ways you have an extremely highly increased sex drive and find that you get aroused very easily, and you think in more sexual ways almost all the time. You also feel no shame at sexual situations, and in fact you will crave sex and be ready for sex at any time.

Enhanced Arousal: As a result of your extreme sexual ways and the constant sex you’ve been having, and maybe as a result of the tentacle pod, you find that you are much more easily aroused and that you think about and want sex more often than ever. When not otherwise preoccupied i.e. fighting, exercising, training, etc. you’ll think about sex and become aroused. Better get laid fast or masturbate before it becomes a problem!

Vaginal Experience: You have extreme amounts of experience with vaginal sex and feel right at home with being penetrated. You can receive a great deal of pleasure, and give pleasure in return to any sexual partner penetrating you. With so much use of your vagina you have developed a tendency for it and love to have sex using your main sexual organ. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cervix Penetration: As a result of having so much sex with your vagina you are now capable of having your cervix penetrated, which will also give you and your partner a great deal of pleasure.

Vaginal Vibrations: You’ve become very attuned to your vagina, what with all the sex you’ve been having using it. As a result you can now control the muscles of your vaginal walls, to an extent, and vibrate them slightly to increase the pleasure both you and your penetrating partner feel.

Magical Vagina: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving vaginal pleasure: The Magical Vagina (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your main sex organ and are so in tune with your love tunnel that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your passage that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Altered Vagina: You have had your vagina altered so that you are always tight no matter what. Not only that, but when you are penetrated vaginally your vagina will mold itself to the penetrating object which makes you a perfect fit for anything and also greatly increasing the pleasure you and your partner both feel.

Vaginal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of a vaginal fixation with all the “objects” going into your love tunnel all the time. As a result you like having things inside your pussy and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also find that you’re vagina will be wet more often than not when not in life threatening situations.

Anal: You have an extreme amount of experience using your anus when it comes to sex and as a result you can receive a great deal of pleasure from using it and know how to please your sexual partners very, very well with it. As a result of your continued anal play you find that you absolutely love using your anus during sex and have developed a tendency for it, loving to have your anus used during sex. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Anal Vice: Your love of anal sex has helped you develop a sexual technique that will allow you to clamp down onto a penetrating object using your anus, increasing the tightness of your already tight hole. This increases your pleasure and the pleasure of those who penetrate you using your anus.

Anal Acceptance: You can take small to large objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. Your altered anus allows you to now take on extra-large objects with no need for foreplay, meaning any size will work!

Magical Anus: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving anal pleasure: The Magical Anus (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at using your backdoor and are so in tune with your bum that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your anus that enhances the pleasure you can give and receive when being penetrated. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Anal Fixation: You’ve developed a bit of an anal fixation with all the “objects” going into your backdoor as of late. As a result you like having things up your butt and, when you do, you find that you will perform slightly better in all things that you do. You’ll also use your anus when masturbating as well from now on.

Altered Anus: You’ve had your anus altered allowing you to take most objects up your butt with ease and no need for foreplay. You also have a larger behind as a result.

Oral: You’re the best at using your mouth to please your sexual partners. So good, in fact, that you can bring any sexual partners to orgasm very quickly using your masterful techniques. You also find that you can’t get enough of using your mouth during sex and have developed an oral fixation. You love giving head and having something in your mouth and down your throat. You might even start developing some unique perks as a result of continued use…

Cum Addict: You love, bordering on needing, the taste of cum and you can’t get enough of being covered in cum as a result of your constant oral performances and situations where you have been climaxed on. You love to drink down cum whether it is semen, female ejaculate, or some other sexual fluid and you love to be covered in it. You will find that you will have a thirst and craving for cum and, while no negative health effects will happen if you don’t get it, you will find that you perform slightly better in all the things you do for a time when you get it.

Oral Vacuum: With your superior oral skills you have learned how to increase the pleasure of those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of your work. You’re able to use the vibrations from your mouth and throat while simultaneously increasing the pressure and tightness of your mouth to bring extreme pleasure to an individual, bringing them to climax in a matter of seconds.

Magical Mouth: You’ve learned the ultimate in giving oral pleasure: The Magical Mouth (quite literally)! You’ve become so proficient at giving head and are so in tune with your mouth that you’re able to focus your magic and release tiny bursts of magical energy inside your mouth that enhance the pleasure you can give both when giving head or kissing. The great thing about this is that since you’re releasing magic inside your body, it’s quickly reabsorbed so that you don’t lose any magic from your reserves! Pleasurable and efficient all in one package!

Oral Fixation: You’ve developed an oral fixation with all the “things” you’ve been sucking on, licking, and putting in your mouth. As a result you will put things in your mouth and suck on them, such as your fingers, or chew on things, such as quills or small objects.

Breast Play: You love breasts; they’re simply wonderful bags of fun. You like to suck on them, drink from them, snuggle up to them, and play with them. You also like having your own played with and have even learned how to use them to please your sexual partners.

Lactation: Your breasts can now lactate thanks to an alteration you had done at the temple of Domina. Your breasts are now larger and are capable of producing milk if sucked on or if brought to orgasm, and the supply will never run out for long if drained.

Titjob Professional: You’ve learned how to give expert titjobs as a result of your love for using them during sex! As a result you can now bring your partners to climax easily with using only your tits!

Boob Fascination: You love breasts so much that you are completely fascinated by them! When given the chance, you’ll be a real pervert and try to grope and play with breasts! Sometimes it might be your own, and sometimes it might be someone else’s! You’re smart, however, and won’t try to do it so blatantly in public…unless a particularly delicious pair of breasts are presented to you!

Boob-gasms: It turns out that your enhanced sensitivity makes it so you can have orgasms just from breasts stimulation alone. Isn’t that nifty?

Ear-gasms: Your natural heightened sensitivity allows you to have orgasms from having only your half-elf ears stimulated. Weird.

Ass-gasms: Because of your increased natural sensitivity you find that you can receive orgasms solely from having your anus played with or penetrated. Who needs pesky vaginas anyways?

No gag-reflex: Thanks to Lula’s help you know how to properly control your gag reflex, allowing you to deep throat with ease, or put other large objects down your throat.

Voyeurism: You watched other people have sex from a distance and you really, really like it. You like watching others have sex and get highly aroused by the act. You’re close enough that you might be considered a peeping tom!

Exhibitionism: You have bared yourself in all manner of situations and you love to expose your body. You feel absolutely no shame from the act, and in fact you rather enjoy it and prefer walking around in barely any clothing or none at all.

Exhibitionist at Heart: You love exposing yourself a whole lot. You’ve done it so much and like it just as much that you feel completely confident exposing yourself no matter what. In fact, if you don’t wear scant clothing or nothing at all then you just don’t feel right. While nude or in scant attire you’ll find that you’re more charming, more aroused, and people and enemies are more distracted.

Less is More: You absolutely love showing yourself off, and as an unexpected result you find that when you wear nothing at all, or very little, that you can move and dodge attacks slightly better than when covered in less revealing outfits.

Exhibitionistic Power: There’s nothing wrong at all with your body, or anyone else’s for that matter, and you love to show it off to others! You also don’t really like clothing all that much and prefer to be naked, or wearing hardly anything, if at all possible. You won’t suffer any negative consequences if you are clothed, but when you aren’t wearing any clothing, or very little, then you’ll find that you can focus better. You’ll find that, with your better focus, you’ll be better at virtually everything you do by a small margin. Now get out there and flaunt what you’ve got!

Woman Lover: You love being with women…in more ways than one, and have learned how to please women extremely well and you know what women want. As a result, when having sex with women you can bring them greater pleasure. You can also charm and seduce women better, and you may even be able to seduce women that might not usually want to be with another woman.

Humiliation: You have been in degrading and humiliating situations and have had degrading and humiliating things happen to you, whether from extreme situations or over time, and as a result you derive great pleasure and arousal from being degraded and humiliated. You also find that you like to degrade and humiliate others in various ways, though not as strongly as being humiliated yourself.

Coarser Language (sex only): As a result of the dirty talk and humiliation you’ve endured and dished out, you now find that you talk a little coarser, but only during sexual situations. Nothing too bad, a fuck here, a shit there, but nothing too over the top or outside sexual situations. If you continue, then you might find yourself cursing like a sailor before long…

Bondage Submissive: You’ve been bound and had sex with one or more dominant partners many times, and perhaps in extreme circumstances, and as a result you find you love to be in submissive bondage roles. You will always prefer to be tied up in nearly any bondage situation and will comply with the demands of more dominant sexual partners easily when tied up, and you may even comply with some submissive partners as well. It’s in its complete stage; there’s no going back for you. If you’re tied up or there’s an option to be tied up, then you will always take it and be as submissive as possible.

Bound Arousal: You’ve been tied up a whole lot before and as a result you find that you’re more easily aroused and you have a higher sex drive when tied up. Works in tandem with other arousal and libido altering perks and effects.

Bondage Submissive’s Sixth Sense: You’ve developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to being tied up in regards to your more dominant partner. Whenever you’re tied up you instinctually know what your dominant partner desires, and you will act accordingly to bring them the most pleasure possible.

Bondage Submissive’s Place: You’ve been tied up so much, and loving every second of it of course, that whenever you’re tied up from now on any and all sexual partners, whether dominant or submissive, will have total control of you. You realize that, when tied up, you feel happy and you give up control and agency of yourself to better serve those around you – you will comply with nearly all demands of your sexual partners and do as they please when tied up, bring them greater pleasure as well as yourself.

Submissive Bondage Trained: Delilah of the temple of Domina has taught you how to be the very best bondage submissive that you can be! Whenever you’re tied up you’ll automatically become extremely submissive, meek, obedient, be willing to serve other’s needs, and be ordered around without complaint…because you’ll love it so much!

Switch-Extreme Dominant (Normal): You have been both submissive and dominant in sexual situations and are capable of being one or the other should the situation call for it. However, you very much prefer being the dominant and have developed your dominance so that you can more easily make others comply with you. You are capable of dominating truly dominant, neutral, and submissive people – truly dominant people are much less troublesome now and the only way you’ll ever be submissive outside of bondage situations is if you allow it; you cannot be forced to be submissive.

Dominant Personality Plus: You’ve been dominant a whole lot lately, and as a result you’ve developed a sort of natural dominant personality. You’ll be much more dominant than those around you at all times, and more forceful and demanding of those around you, but not cruelly so thanks to your heart of gold.

Submissive’s Dominant: You might not be the most dominant person around, but you’ve found that with the right attitude you can dominant submissive people regardless of your own preference. With this you can exert your will on more submissive individuals and make them comply with your wishes both in and out of sex.

Unbridled Will: You are a dominant person, and as a result of your dominance your will has increased to fiery proportions. You will find that your mental fortitude is increased slightly as a result of your dominant independence, and that you have a much easier time dominating dominant individuals. Also, you have a bit of a fiery personality that shows itself from time to time.

Slut Trained: You’ve learned from the best resident slut at the temple of Domina on how to be a better slut! As a result you now act generally sluttier and suggestive in almost all situations and go out of your way to tease everyone around you, on top of thinking more about sex. You also have more stamina and endurance when it comes to sex before wearing out. Also, you may find that certain individuals are more forthcoming when you speak to them.

Permanent Sway: Thanks to Helena’s so called “Slut Training” you’ve learned how to act sexier and sluttier. As a result, you find that swaying your hips provocatively comes as second nature to you and you now have a permanent sway to your steps as a result. This’ll be sure to turn heads!

Sexual Preference: Bisexual – Lesbian: You identify yourself as a bisexual, though with more lesbian tendencies. You aren’t entirely sure if you’re truly lesbian, though you prefer to be sexually active with women more than men, and as a result you will find that you find women much more attractive and men less so. This includes futa individuals or those that identify as female.
Re: Rift Touched

Phew 2 hours and I loved every moment. Pulling that off must have taken you a ton of effort I salute thee.

Edit: Also I really like the Path Equipment both are symbolic to what they represent in the Long run the Submissive Path actually had me shivering imagining Colette bound while her Lovers mark her each in some fashion that would seem rather innocuous to others but held a deeper meaning to those who have given/received their own. It's a deeply affectionate and Personal thing.

Not to say Dominant isn't as good as we'd be truly for the first time taking a Submissive person and rendering unto her our tender love being the one to take her freedom and use the toys and tools that were used on us not too long ago something that we have been avoiding in our stay. Surprisingly weird yet for Colette seemed to fit as we didn't really have exposure to Bondage till the end by then we enjoyed getting pleasure instead of giving not to say we didn't give at all but being the center of attention really was our goal.

I look forward to whatever wins.

Now we have a fucker to drug and then get killed not to mention Shiny to acquire.

A1, A3
A respectable tank with subset of DPS and stuns. Also Slime mostly for my fetish.

B2. Plug variable size and length good stuff.

If push comes to shove I Vote True Dom. Sub was fun IS fun but I likely our fiery little candle(white skin red hair like a wax candle). So

F2. (Latex Skintight Set) This is what we came for and having our defacto (for now) Equipment Blessed would help in the long run.

H4. We need a Dress can be sorta clingy since we are fair at Hand-to-Hand not to mention Helena can carry our Sword and Dagger since we are taking her. We may not have the Latex Suit depending on our Blessings effect on it need to plan for that.

I4. RSVP for the party. We need to get someone to spill his diseased guts.
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Re: Rift Touched

Always a pleasure to read you. My favorite CYOA.

F : piercings (something we always wear).
H4 For a tight and elegant dress.
I4. Accept the mission and therefore attend to the party.
Re: Rift Touched

A2 (<3 Vulgan)
B1 (do not wear)

No D

F2 (Bodysuit)

No opinion on additional Blessings or what to have Colette do next.
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Re: Rift Touched

A3, C1, D2, F2with Bloodsghifter.
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Re: Rift Touched

Quick update for you all - I'm typing this on mobile at the moment because my pc's hard drive crapped on me. Thankfully my stuff was backed up...but it's a bummer. Anyways, slight delay in things just to inform you all.

Edit: Alright! I had a spare hard drive lying around so that's a plus! On the downside...I might have neglected to save the progress I made on the latest update which means I have to start back at square one unfortunately. Not a really big problem, but just thought I would let you all know what's going on.
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Re: Rift Touched

A3, B2, C1, F2, H4, I4

Alrighty, sorry for the delay; as I mentioned (or if you didn’t read it) my hard drive crapped out on me. My system wouldn’t boot up to my OS and the BIOS weren’t reading my drive. I swapped it out with another one and voilà, it works! After days of painful updates and reinstalling all my drivers I’m back in business, baby!

FYI: Just because Colette didn’t choose to be enslaved by her lovers now doesn’t mean that she can’t in the future. I won’t have it set as an option, but if you choose X and specify a vote for it – and if it gets enough votes – you can have Colette enslave herself to anyone you want! There are pros and cons to Colette being enslaved and by whom, but that’s for the future to decide! That goes the same for wanting Colette to enslave someone if they’re submissive enough, or willing enough.

Also, I feel I should inform you all that updates may be more sporadic from now on. With the holidays and a new job (hooray!) my time is going to be very strained from now on.


You stopped rubbing yourself a few minutes ago and now have your legs spread, your elbows on your knees, and your hands resting under your chin as you furrow your brow in though and bite your shimmering and glossy bottom lip. You look between the chain and shackles to the leather and latex set with a riding crop and you feel yourself getting more and more aroused, and wetter as your juices leak from your slit – which seems to be the norm these days. Both seem really fun and I don’t think I can really go wrong no matter what I choose…but I just can’t resist teasing Xillia! That petite and sexy body quivering as I please her, hearing her whimper as I make her go down on me…oh yeah I can’t pass that up! No way no how! Huh…I sounded a little like Helena, Delilah, and Lula there for a moment; they must be rubbing off on me… you think as you lewd grin broadens across your face. You giggle a little and stick a finger in your mouth, sucking on it suggestively as you rise to your feet quickly before stripping your clothes in front of Moa’din, who doesn’t seem very fazed by your actions in the slightest. Once everything is off, including the black silk fabric while excluding your choker, you saunter over to the stand and grab the leather and latex stiletto heels that look like they come up to your thighs with the heels themselves look about four or five inches tall. You proceed to put them on while facing Moa’din, who’s smiling serenely at you which you return before she says “I see you have made your choice, child. The look will suit you well, I am sure – fret not about your items for I will watch over them while you are gone. This is a wonderful thing you do for Xillia, child, and will deepen the love she has for you as well as move her closer to her true self. This outfit is more than just a symbol – it also contains the essence of the goddess that Leena and the temple exudes, so when she is near you it should act much the same and make her feel right at home with what she does”. “Really? That’s remarkable!” you comment enthusiastically as the slide the latex panties up your legs until they fit snuggly on your crotch, showing a hint of a camel toe similar to your bodysuit, but not quite as pronounced. You grab the riding crap and ruffle your fiery red hair so that a few locks are over your left eye, giving you a fierce and sexy look as you lick your lips and moan.

“Thank you for this opportunity, High Priestess, and thank you for watching my things” you say sincerely and with a bright smile to Moa’din. She chuckles and shakes her head “You’re very welcome, child, but I feel it is I who should thank you. You’re beautiful, kind, and loving, and you’ve brought happiness and joy to those dear to my and the goddess’ heart. You may think it insignificant what you’ve done, but I assure you that it is no small matter. Now go and show the tailor Xillia the joy of submission and help build her confidence”. You run your hands along your body, relishing in the feel of the clothes as well as the lack of covering you – even the corset, you notice, isn’t too terribly tight around your large DD-cups and doesn’t snag on your piercings, which you’re thankful for. You stick a finger in your mouth and suck on it before saying in a mischievous tone with a fire in your eyes “Oh, I’ll certainly try my very best for my sweet elf~”. You turn around and head for the door with a hypnotic sway to your hips and, upon exiting, you crack a little smile both at the sound of the stiletto heels clacking on the stone floor and echoing throughout the chamber and at what you’ll be doing very shortly to your dear Xillia. You make it up the stairs and into the temple proper and make your way to the door, but not before you spot Razasha walking along the hallway with a scroll in her hand. You smile and moan as you suck on your right index finger, riding crop in your left hand, and approach the yellow and black catgirl and stop in front of her. She sees you approach and her eyes go a little wide, but take on a look of desire as she spots you. “Mmm, going somewhere, Razasha? Tell me, how do I look, hmm?” you say, practically oozing sexual desire and arousal from your words as you lean forward and thrust your bosom out to the catgirl, which makes her linger on your large bust before she answers. “I-I was just delivering a scroll to Swilwen regarding his personal affairs. A-Anyways, you look very, very good, Colette…very dominant” the catgirl stammers out as you watch her feline eyes roam your body, making you smile.

“Good” you say with an evil smile as you take a step passed her and thwack her lightly on the bottom with the riding crop, making her yelp, before you say “Now, be a good kitty and deliver the letter to Swilwen and I might reward you when I return by letting you play with my boobs and drinking my tasty milk~…speaking of which – hold still”. You walk up to Razasha, who gulps and looks highly aroused, and reach out with your right hand and grab her left C-cup breast, making her moan in pleasure as you grope and fondle the robe covered melon. You sigh happily and grin lewdly as you handle the soft and perky orb before saying “Mmm, I never get tired of handling breasts. They’re so nice aren’t they? Now, get back to work~”. With that you turn around and head for the door, leaving an erect and highly turned on Razasha standing in the temple staring at your swaying rump as you leave. When you open the door you turn around and wink at the feline woman before blowing a kiss and walking down the street of the red light district and headed in the direction of the merchant district…and Xillia’s shop and home. As you walk the streets of the red light district in broad daylight you get some very suggestive looks from the passersby, and again you have to turn down some proposals for “fun” from both men and women alike – though you can’t help but check out some of the women as they look very, very tasty – as you walk. The walk through the district, other than a few looks, proposals, and appraisals is relatively tame since this sort of thing is, more or less, the norm for the people that live here, which makes you very happy when you remember that Leena said you can stay with her and the others at the temple whenever you want free of charge. It’s not until you reach the threshold of the red light district and enter the fountain plaza on your way to Xillia’s that things start to get a little noisier.

All around you, you see lewd and suggestive looks from men and some women, some looks of embarrassment from others, appraising looks from others…and many, many whoops and hollers and catcalls from all around as the busy people go about their business or stop and stare at you. Still, the reception is much tamer than when you went in nothing but your skintight bodysuit or in your red slime bikini earlier, but it still makes you smile nonetheless so you decide to give a show as you stick your right index finger into your mouth and suck on it suggestively. You also wink, blow kisses, thrust your butt and breasts out, spread your cheeks, and spank your bottom with the riding crop which makes a satisfying crack as it connects with the silky smooth skin of your bubble butt, much to the satisfaction of the crowd as you walk. You laugh heartily at it and feel your arousal rising to burning levels as you walk, and you double your pace to get to Xillia’s so that you can have some fun. The merchant district inhabitants have much the same reaction, and you give much the same reaction as before, but you’re on a mission – you reach “The Size that Fits” and are about to open the door when it opens, revealing an elven man with hazel eyes and fine, short cut brown hair and standing about an inch shorter than you. When he spots you his eyes go wide and his jaw hits the floor, making you giggle before he recomposes himself. “U-Um, c-can I help you?” the man says with wide eyes as he desperately tries to keep himself from grinning like an idiot and preventing his eyes from roaming your body…which he fails spectacularly at as you notice every detail. You smile and say coyly as you lean forward, giving the man a nice view of your cleavage as you do so “Oh, not you…but Xillia can. Mmm, oh yes she can~. I’m going to do some very naughty things to her”. You accentuate what you said by spanking yourself with the riding crop and, eyes full of fire, you look passed the man and into the ajar door with a hungry look. “O-Oh, I didn’t k-know she was i-into that sort of thing…” the man stammers out, shifting his legs a little as a noticeable erection tents in his pants.

You notice him shift and lick your lips as you bring the riding crop up under his chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes – you hold his gaze, unblinking, and say with a mischievous smile “Oh, neither does she…but I think my love will enjoy the ‘surprise’ I have for her. Now, about you…my lovely Xillia is a very shy and sweet woman, as you no doubt must have noticed, and she is very passionate about the work that she does. Be a good boy and don’t spread any nasty rumors around, hmm? If you don’t then I might just reward you with more of this” you run your right hand over your breasts, down your corset covered stomach, over your latex panties – stopping to rub your labia through the fabric as you moan – and over your bubble butt before continuing “and I can be very, very nice to good little boys. Won’t you be a good boy for me?” You look down and notice his cock twitch in his pants and you smile broadly before looking back up into his eyes with your steely stare, daring him to object – eventually, he nods slowly and gulps. “Good boy~” you say with a giggle as you lean forward and peck him on his pale cheek and saying “Now, run along – I have business to attend to~”. You don’t give him a chance to reply as you walk passed him and through the door, closing it behind you as you enter, the bell chiming off above you as it closes. It takes only a few seconds for you to spot Xillia as she’s behind her counter counting out coins, which probably means that the man that you left at the door must have been wearing one of his purchases – you briefly wonder what it was, but realize that it doesn’t really matter. You moan loudly as you suck on your index finger and saunter up to the counter – Xillia is completely oblivious to your presence as she counts coins, so you take a moment to admire your lover’s choice of clothing. You smile when you see that, while she’s wearing a white apron, her fine blonde hair isn’t done up in a bun and flows around her long and pointy elf ears naturally. She’s also wearing a cream colored dress that fits snuggly to her body, specifically her bust since you see no visible straps. You can’t see from your angle, but you assume that the dress might stop just below her knees given that Xillia, for the most part, is a conservative dresser.

You stand there and bask in her presence, and getting hornier by the second, as you drink in her wonderfully small frame…and you can’t wait for the fun to start. Xillia counts the last piece of coin a few moments later and swipes each of the coins into a pouch before looking up and gasping in surprise. “C-Colette?! Oh, don’t do that; I nearly died from shock! Oh, but it iz zo good to see you, my love! N-Not that I am complaining, Colette…but why exactly are you drezzed in zat?” Xillia says as she brings a hand to her chest and lets out a slow exhale before giving you a curious, and desirable, look. You smile and lean over the counter, cupping her face and bringing her into a passionate kiss as you moan. Xillia moans and melts into your kiss as you work your mouth on hers and dominate her tongue with your own – you break the kiss and pull back as a strand of saliva remains between you both. You quickly bring a few fingers from your right hand to the strand and gather it up before letting it ooze into your mouth, making you moan as you drink down yours and Xillia’s saliva. “Mmm, you taste so good, my sweet woman~. I love you, too, Xillia~ - the reason I’m here, and dressed like this, is because I have some fun planned for you and me~. I know you’re in the middle of your business hours, but I was hoping that you could make an exception for me…I promise that you’ll love it~” you say dreamily and serenely as you place a hand over Xillia’s and look her in her dazzling blue eyes. You bring your left hand up and place the riding crop on the countertop and when Xillia looks at it her eyes go wide before she turns back to you, gazing into your fiery passion-filled eyes. Your beautiful blonde love slowly nods her head and you smile widely as you say “I’m glad to hear that, lover – close up shop for now and I’ll meet you up stairs~”. You wink at Xillia and stride around the counter and passed Xillia, giving her bottom a little rap with the crop that makes her yelp. You giggle when she moans quietly before she walks around the counter – you don’t bother to watch her and instead open the door to her workshop, walk in, then walk through the door and up the stairs to her living quarters.

Once inside you make your way over to her room, glancing around and admiring the couches, stove, and décor of the room before you enter Xillia’s pink covered room. You smile at the innocence of the room, especially in stark contrast to what she’s done with you and the others already and not to mention what you have in mind. It’s ironic actually, but you don’t linger on the irony as you open the door to her walk-in closet – you look around for some nice, innocent, pink clothing similar to what she wore last night. You smile when you spot some lacy stockings, garter belt, panties, bra, and even a bow! I’ve hit the jackpot! you think with a lewd smile plastering your face as you gather up the garments and head back to the bed – you set the articles down and turn around, but something on her dresser catches your eyes. Something pink, thick, long, and – “No way…haha, Xillia you naughty girl! When did you get this beauty?” you say as you laugh boisterously as you spot a long, thick, pink dildo standing proudly on the dresser. You approach it and note that, while it is long and thick, it’s definitely not as impressive as Lula’s or Leena’s, but then again Xillia is rather small so their members are a bit big for her. This, however, is just the right size for her and, with your altered vagina, you – you take the dildo in your right hand and hide it behind your back as you make your way to the bed before turning and facing the door with a big shit eating grin on your face. You don’t have to wait longer than forty-five seconds before you see Xillia walk up the stairs through the open door, and you smile when she does as she sees you in her room. As she approaches her look turns quizzical as she notices the pink undergarments on the bed and you with your silly smile on your face. “What are you planning, Colette? And why do you look zo…well, like the cat zat ate the canary az the saying goez?” Xillia questions – you giggle and bring your right hand around and show Xillia her pink pleasure toy. She gasps and her hands immediately go to her face – which turns crimson – and you watch as her eyes go wide as they dart to her dresser then back to her toy. “E-Ehm, C-Colette, I can explain! L-Lula o-o-offered me zomething to p-pleazure myzelf with a-and – mmph?!“ Xillia starts to stammer out as she shifts in her cream dress – which does drop just below the knees and you notice a pair of cream colored flats – before you cut her off as you dart forward and capture her mouth possessively with your own.
You both moan as you press yourself into her and wrap your arms around her waist, holding her tightly and caressing her back down to her cute bottom as you do so. Xillia holds your waist and tentatively reaches around to gently rub your partially latex covered bottom – your bubble butt makes your cheeks poke out a little – as she lets you dominate her mouth once again with your shimmering glossy red lips. You pull back with a gasp and smile sweetly at your love and say “Xillia, you don’t need to explain yourself to anyone and least of all me; I understand the need to feel some relief. Now that I’m here let’s have some really fun relief, hmm~?” Xillia shudders and you see flickers of desire light up in her eyes, so you take your riding crop and lightly smack her bottom, eliciting a yelp from her. “Now, you’re going to put something nice and pretty on for me, okay my lovely elf? I picked out just the right outfit for you~” you say as you move out of the way and show her all the items that you picked out. “T-Theze are juzt like what I wore l-lazt night…” Xillia says nervously – you chuckle and lean into Xillia’s elf ear and whisper hotly as you gently rub it, making her sigh in contentment “Yes, it is, and I loved seeing you in it so much…and I would love to see you in it now. Won’t you do it…for me, my love?” Again Xillia shudders as she brings her hands together and twiddles her thumbs and says bashfully “Oh mes dieux…I-I feel these ztrange t-tinglez just like back at ze temple. W-Why doez it feel zo…right?” You pull back and give your love a knowing smile before saying “Because, my beautiful seamstress, this outfit I’m wearing is blessed by Domina herself. It acts like being near my lovely Leena or in the temple of Domina – whenever you are confronted with an action that your true heart, soul…basically the core of who you are agrees with, but you don’t know it yet, then you feel ‘right’ and tingles, which lets you know that that’s what you should be doing”. You kiss Xillia’s cheeky tenderly and twine your fingers in her fine blonde hair as you do so, basking in the feel of her skin on yours, her hair in your hands, and her sweet scent that drives you wild.

“W-Why do you have zat?” Xillia questions as she slowly but surely begins to relax – “Because” you whisper huskily into her ear “I love you and want to make you feel happier than you’ve ever been…and because I want to tease you to no end~”. Again, Xillia quakes a little in desire, anticipation, and need as she gasps lightly when you lick her elven ear and nibble on it. “So, what do you say, my love? Want to get all prettied up just for me~?” you ask one last time as your other hand, dildo still grasped, snakes down to where her crotch is and you start to slowly work the dildo along her clothed labia, gently massaging her and making her gasp and moan before she slowly nods her head. You smile and kiss your woman one last time before you stand back against the wall next to her draped window and watch with bated breath as Xillia slowly starts to strip, which isn’t much as she kicks off her flats and lets her dress pool at her feet to reveal that she’s only wearing a pair of pink cotton boy shorts that you find incredibly adorable. You moan as you bring the dildo to your latex covered love tunnel and gently circle your throbbing clit with the toy before moving to your puffy lower lips. “Gods, Xillia, you’re so beautiful…I love everything about you – your body, your passion for clothing, your timid and shy nature, your beautiful mind and personality…it all drives me so crazy and makes my heart swell just thinking about it” you say in a sultry tone as she lowers her boy shorts down her legs – which has a damp spot – before she starts to get dressed in her cute lacy undergarments and pink bow. She stops and smiles poignantly before she continues to get dressed and, when she gets the bow in her hair, she turns to you and places her hands over her A-cups and covered pussy. “Tch, tch, tch, naughty girl…covering your beautiful naughty bits~. I think you should place your hands on your bed and bend over for me~” you say with a smile as you click your tongue – you stare at Xillia into her eyes and eventually she whimpers and nods before turning around, placing her hands on her pink bed sheets, and thrusting her small, cute bottom out to you.

Oh yeah, she’s so beautiful and sexy~! Mmm, I can’t wait to dive right into that~ you think as you saunter over to her as she looks over her shoulder at you, eyes full of confusion, doubt…and desire. She gasps a little as you run your hand over her firm, lacy covered bottom and as you bring a finger under the band of her panties, pulling it back before releasing it and delighting as it snaps back to her skin. “Mmm, such a beautiful pale ass~ - I should teach you never to hide yourself from me, love~. Because I’ll never, ever hide myself from you~” you say coyly before you bring your left hand up…and then bring it down, but not hard, on Xillia’s bottom. Xillia whimpers and gasps as the riding crop connects with her left butt cheek, making a loud crack as it touches her pale panty covered bottom – you bring your hand up and down again, this time on her right cheek and you giggle when Xillia actually moans a little and you see her panties getting damp as you leave nice slightly red marks on her skin. You bite your bottom lip and smile as you wind up your arm and bring the crop down again on Xillia’s bottom a few more times, earning you a few more delightful yelps, squeaks, and quiet moans. When you finish you drop the riding crop on the floor and kneel down behind Xillia’s bum and massage it and kiss it while you say “You like that don’t you? I think you do, my love, and I love doing it to you~. Gods, such a perfect bottom…now, stay still for me~”. You pull down Xillia’s moist panties down to her ankles and help her step out of them before tossing them next to the crop on the floor – you look at her delicious pussy and ass and you just can’t help yourself. You dive into her pink, puffy snatch and give it one quick and long lick from her clit and along the length of her slit before you lick a few more times, moaning as you savor your lover’s taste and likewise hearing her own moans and gasps of pleasure. You look at the pink dildo and get a very naughty idea, so you take the pink toy and run the shaft along Xillia’s glistening cleft, making her shudder and gasp in pleasure and anticipation as you gather her juices up on the toy. When it’s sufficiently lubricated you raise it a little higher and poke it against her pucker while using the fingers of your left hand to slowly thrust into your lover’s snatch while simultaneously rubbing her hard nub.
Re: Rift Touched

Xillia gasps and tenses up before stammering out “C-C-Colette, w-what are you doing? I-I’ve n-never –“– “Shh, lover…it’s alright; I’ll make it feel really good for you. Do you trust me?” you interrupt Xillia with sweet and soothing words as you continue to jill her slowly with three fingers while using your pinky to gently circle her clit, making her moan and rock her hips as she leaks juices onto your hand. “I-I trust you, Colette my l-love – ahn! – I t-trust you…” your beautiful elf squeaks out and you smile and place tender kisses on her red cheeks before you slowly, gently push the toy against her tight sphincter. “Relax, Xillia…relax and I promise it won’t hurt – I have experience, so I would know~” you say soothingly and with a light chuckle to Xillia – she nods slowly and buries her face in the sheets of her bed as she tries to relax. She eventually succeeds and you’re able to get the toy to spread her anus, making Xillia gasp and groan as you slowly push the top of the toy inside her. She grips the sheets harder and tightens up, so you stop pushing and wait for her to finish her heavy breathing and relax before you start again until you have roughly half the toy – approximately three and a half inches – inside her at which point you stop. “There” you coo as you continue to stroke Xillia’s pretty pussy, making her whimper and moan in pleasure “You’re doing so good, Xillia – didn’t I say it would feel good? Gods, you’re so wet and horny and” you stop and press your nose against her slit and breathe in deeply and sighing, which makes Xillia whimper and quiver “you smell so damn good. I promise I’ll make you feel even better~”. You remove your digits from Xillia’s wet snatch and slowly lick at her folds, making her gasp and quake as you slowly pump the dildo in and out of her bum. Gods…I can’t get enough of her taste; it’s so intoxicating! you think as you pick up the pace of your lick, which turns a bit noisy, and your pumping hand as you work the dildo deeper and harder into her as you work your tongue faster.

Xillia’s rocking her hips back and forth into your face and mouth and moaning and gasping in bliss as she seeks more and more wonderful pleasure – you’re only too happy to oblige her as you place your mouth over her puffy lips and suck hard on them while you probe her love tunnel with your tongue, lapping at her tight walls and drinking down her juices as you moan. “OH YES! P-PLEASE, DON’T ZTOP, COLETTE!” Xillia screams out as you suction suck on her and work the toy in her ass faster – she throws her head back and practically bounces off your face and the toy as she leaks her love juices into your mouth. You mouth as you continue to probe and noisily suck on her puffy lower lips before going in for the kill – you gather up your magical energy and release tiny bursts of magic along your tongue and in your mouth that stimulates Xillia’s pussy and clit like nothing else can. She pushes her ass into your face and toy, arches her back, curls her toes, and releases a garbled scream of rapture as her pussy clamps down around your tongue and floods her wonderful juices into your greedily gulping mouth and over your chin. You don’t let up, even when she starts to convulse from the sheer amount of pleasure, until you’ve had your fill of her delicious juices. You quickly pull your mouth away and are rewarded with a few squirts of juices that land on your face before Xillia releases a sharp gasp and lurches forward before she slumps onto the front of the bed as she pants for air and twitches occasionally. She moans and twitches a little harder when you slowly remove the dildo from her bum – you take the toy to her washroom and turn on the water to the bath and clean the toy thoroughly before drying it. You walk back out to the bedroom and giggle when you see Xillia still lying on her stomach and face and breathing heavily while she twitches in wonderful aftershocks. You set the toy on her dresser and move to the bed to lie down next to her – you place your hands on either of her elf ears and massage them gently, making her moan and sigh happily as you coo praises to her.

You snuggle up against Xillia as she rolls onto her side facing you – you hold her tightly and kiss her on the lips and moaning as you taste her sweet mouth, and as she moans while she tastes herself on your lips. “Did you feel good, Xillia?” you ask gently as you look her in her dazzling blue eyes which are full of desire and intrigue – she blushes a little and nods before saying softly “Yez, it felt incredible”. You laugh and shake your head in amusement as you hold her closer and say “You’re so strange – yesterday you were in an orgy with all kinds of debauchery going on and you didn’t seem to mind…much”. “It waz different…you and ze others were there and I didn’t have time to think about it much. It waz go here, do this, ehm do you…I did not have much time to really wrap my head around the zituation, or maybe I didn’t want to, or I did but now I – I juzt don’t know, mon amour” Xillia admits as she buries her face in your corseted bosom. Bingo…I guess Moa’din was right; Xillia does have a submissive streak. She was being ordered and told what to do and she did it almost unflinchingly, and just now she did all that I said without much protest. She even enjoyed being spanked with a riding crop…hmm, I wonder what else I could get away with~? Ah, best not to push her too much, but I think I’ll have some relief of my own since I’m burning up here~ you think before you say softly “Mmm, would you mind helping me out, lover? I want to feel your pretty lips on my pussy and that tongue running along me~”. Xillia nuzzles into your bosom a little deeper before you feel her nod – you chuckle lightly and watch as she pulls away from you and moves off the bed. You moan as you suck on your left index finger suggestively, and suck up some left over juices, as you scoot closer to the edge of the bed until your legs dangle over the edge. You hop off the bed and say huskily as you look Xillia in her eyes “Mmm, get on your knees and take my panties off”. Xillia shudders as she nods and gets onto her knees while bringing her dainty hands up to your latex panties to the bands on your hips – she slowly pulls the clinging material down your legs, which you raise your feet to get out of, before she gasps when she sees exactly how wet you are.

You place your right hand in Xillia’s hair and twine your hands in it as you moan and say “Mmm, I’m so damn wet for you, lover, it hurts. Here…smell how horny I am for you~”. You gently inch Xilila’s face closer to your crotch and she shudders in desire, making no protest as you press her nose against your slit. She breathes in deeply and for a long time, going back for a few more quick breaths after which you find incredibly sexy as it makes your love tunnel ooze your love juices. When she pulls back and looks up at you it takes all your willpower not to jump her bones – her nose and face are glistening with your juices and she has this doe-eyed look that makes your heart swoon. “Lick me” you practically growl out as you shudder in lust “And make sure you hold onto my butt – I want you to get a good taste~”. Xillia whimpers in desire before nodding and raising her hands and placing them on your buttocks, squeezing and kneading them as she brings her face to your twat and tentatively licks it, earning a deep moan from you as you place your hands on her head and in her hair. She licks you quickly a few times, which adorably reminds you of a cat lapping, before you press her head against your crotch and she really goes to work. “Oh, Xillia, that’s s-so GOOD! AHN! Y-You need to t-t-tell me – OH! – where you learned to g-give head like t-that!” you yell out as you throw your head back in bliss, a happy smile on your face as you rock your crotch into Xillia’s face and mouth. She laps along your labia and your clit, flicking the hard nub with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth before releasing it then engulfing your puffy lips and probing her tongue inside your canal. You hold on and hold the pleasure back as you enjoy Xillia’s skill with her tongue and mouth until a few minutes later you topple over in orgasm. “YES!” you scream as you press Xillia’s face against your mound and gush all over her and into her mouth – you pull her face back slightly and rub your still quivering and squirting snatch along her face, coating her in your juices and marking her. You squirt your milk out as well, but interestingly enough it doesn’t trickle down the inside of the corset nor does the fabric get wet – it seems to absorb your milk similar to how your bodysuit keeps you “clean”.

When you finish you look down and, shaking a little in wonderful climactic aftershocks, you smile as you see Xillia looking up at you and panting as she licks her lips of your bittersweet treat. “That was really nice…and you look so good~. So innocent looking with that pink bow in your hair~…” you say with a chuckle as you work on removing the corset – when you manage to get it off you toss it to the ground beside your riding crop and Xilila’s pink panties, letting your large DD’s free. They jiggle a little when released and the chains and emerald hearts attached to your barbell piercings jiggle right along with them – you kneel down and grab Xillia’s face and press her against your bosom. “Drink up, my sweet woman…you must be thirsty~” is all you say, and a moment later you moan and sigh in relief, jolting pleasure, and contentment as you feel your woman’s tongue on your left teat before her mouth engulfs, sucks, and draws out your sweet milk. You rock back and forth as you hold Xillia, who moans as she greedily drinks your sweet milk for a little while until the milk stops flowing, at which point she releases your teat with a pop before moving onto the other, tugging the studded piercing as she does so and making you moan. After she drains both your melons she sighs and snuggles into your breasts as you stroke her hair and hum, which reminds you of something Lula did with you much earlier and makes you smile. “You should go back to the temple of Domina when you have the time, Xillia. I know you enjoyed this, and I know that they could help you find out who you are, especially Delilah and Leena. It’s your choice, Xilila…but I just want you to be even happier~” you say as you kiss her forehead. Xillia snuggles into your bosom without saying a word, so you ask again “Okay?” and, when you don’t get a response, you grin and bring your hands to her sides and start to tickle her.

She laughs and squirms in your grasp, but you don’t let up even when she ends up on her back and you on top of her. “O-Okay! I will think about it! Juzt – HAHAHA! – juzt ztop tickling!” Xillia manages to say between gasps and cries of laughter – you let up and press your bare breasts against her as you lean down and kiss her gently on the lips. “Thank you…I love you” you say sweetly and serenely as you look in her eyes – “Oh, you are zo beautiful…I love you az well, Colette” she responds as she cups your face with both her hands. You smile and kiss her again and roll onto your side, as does Xillia, and you both hold each other for a little while before you both clean up and put some proper – well, in your case you just put everything back on – clothes. Xillia keeps the pink bow in her hair, but puts on a white sundress that stops just above her knees and a pair of white sandals that you find adorable. You gawk at her as you both make your way downstairs, but when you enter her workshop you remember about the “party”. “Hey, Xillia” you say and Xillia turns to you with a bright smile, melting your heart as you continue “I’m going to be attending a party in the capitol tomorrow – don’t ask how…I’ll tell you later – and I was wondering if you have a dress that I could wear? Something clingy and elegant, perhaps? I don’t want to draw too much attention; just something nice would do”. Xillia’s eyes go wide and she squeals happily as she hugs you “Oh, Colette, zat iz incredible! Oh my, I have ze perfect drezz for you! You simply muzt take it - oh don’t give me zat look, my love! I am positive that if you were to wear it in front of all the noblez zen I would get more business…and be taken zeriously by them!” You laugh and nod your head “Alright, I’ll be sure to wear it and impress them, and mention that it was you who made it~”. Xillia hugs you tighter before she says “Good…I have a few modificationz to make, zo come back in a few hourz. If you don’t zen I will have it zent to the temple to Leena for safekeeping…or you could come by and ztay with me if you like? My home iz yourz afterall…” You kiss your lovely woman and smile while nodding before you both walk out into the shop proper and Xillia unlocks the door and sees you off before returning to the counter.

2:24 pm

You make your way back to the temple of Domina with the usual reception and flair that you put on and head down to the lower chambers once you enter the temple. You make your way down the hall to where the stairs to the lower chambers lead, but you stop in your tracks and smile when you hear a tentative and familiar voice call out your name. “C-Colette!” you hear Razasha’s voice sound out from behind you, and when you turn around, sure enough, you see Razasha walking towards you at a brisk pace while licking her lips. ”Yes, Razasha? What can I do to…help you~?” you say in a husky voice that practically oozes sexuality, which likewise makes Razasha shiver. “I delivered the letter to Swilwen and I was wondering…” she lets the sentence hang, and you jump on her hesitation with glee – “Oh, you were a good kitty, huh? Well, good kitties get rewarded with milk~. Come here~” you say with a suggestive moan as you saunter up to Razasha, pull down the corset and let your jiggling breasts free, then you grab Razasha’ face and press it against your right breasts. Razasha purrs…and then purrs louder when you say “Go on…drink up~, and don’t be afraid to tug on them~” – she eagerly latches onto your teat and tugs on the piercing, making you moan and hold her close with your right hand while you snake your left down to her growing erection tenting in her robes, but not before you put the riding crop in your panties. You moan louder and Razasha purrs louder as she suckles on your nipple and is rewarded with your sweet, creamy milk that she gulps down loudly. “Mmm, good kitty…that’s right, drink it all up while I jerk you off. See, I keep my promises and reward good behavior~” you say sweetly as you soothingly stroke her black hair while her rough tongue dances across your nipple while she sucks and purrs. You speed up the speed of your jerking just slightly, but before long you feel Razasha’s bumpy cock twitch once, twice, then a third time before it releases its sticky seed inside her robes. The catgirl twitches and purrs even louder as she climaxes as she continues to suckle for a few moments longer before releasing your tit gently and giving it a lap to make sure she doesn’t miss a drop – you giggle and kiss Razasha deeply, moaning as you taste your milk on her lips as she purrs, before you pull back and say “Now, keep being a good kitty and I might see about even more and better rewards in the future~’. The catigrl nods and, with a moan, a giggle, and a peck on her furry cheek you continue on your way.

You make your way to Moa’din’s room and, upon opening the door, you see that she’s still sitting on the couch looking…well, you can’t really tell what she looks like, but it doesn’t seem to be bored or overly excited – more like intrigued, but what about you can’t determine. “Well done, child, well done – you’ve done a wonderful thing for your lover, and I’m sure at some point she will heed your advice and return to the temple of her own volition to undergo her own trials” Moa’din says in that enchanting, disarming voice of hers. “What? How did you know what I said? I – were you following me?” you ask, dumbfounded that she could know such things, which also reminds you of Nyx and how she seems to know everything that happens in the city, which she probably knows what you just did now that you think about it “No, child” Moa’din says with a chuckle “That outfit you’re wearing is connected to the goddess, and remember what I said earlier?” You shake your head and sigh before smiling and responding “Yeah, yeah, you’re the high priestess and connected to Domina. Alright, I understand I think”. Moa’din chuckles and gestures to the stand where the outfit goes – you nod and make your way over there and strip out of it before returning all the items where they belong before you turn to the high priestess. “I’ve been thinking about the blessing I want…and I want to have by latex bodysuit blessed” you say confidently as you make your way back to your things which are still where you left them on or around the chair. You remove your choker and put it on the left armrest before you take your hood and bodysuit and put them on, which clings to your skin perfectly, before you turn back to the regal looking woman. “Of course’ is all she says before she stands up and, without ever uttering a word, she glows brightly…to bright. You have to shield your eyes before a moment later you feel hands on your shoulders and a pillar of light erupts from your body, or the ceiling, and lingers for about ten seconds and nearly blinds you. When the light fades you bring your hands away from your eyes and blink a few times.

The first thing you see is Moa’din, who’s smiling warmly at you as she reaches into your pack and pulls out your small mirror – she holds it out in front of you and you gasp at what you see. The latex hood and bodysuit look similar, yet noticeably different than what it was a few seconds ago. First off, the bodysuit and hood are now fused together around the neck and the hood seems to have lost part of its original design as it is missing the latex portion that covered the nose and mouth. This leaves your mouth, nose, chin, and a good portion of your cheeks exposed – the area around the eyes is more open as well considering you can see your eyebrows and the skin around your eyes better than before. There’s still a slot for your hair, and you smile when you see your red mane flowing out the back – your examination continues further down and you notice that, while it still clings to your skin like a second skin, from the small dip in your collarbone down to passed your navel, basically above your clit, is exposed. Your tummy and just passed your navel are almost entirely exposed, a fair amount of your breasts are exposed – your nipples, however, are not – leaving a generous amount of exposed cleavage, your chest above your breasts and to the dip of your collarbone are likewise exposed. You turn around and see that your back is completely covered – you stop to admire your bubble butt in the mirror as it’s perfectly shown through the latex – before you notice another change. Whereas your previous set stopped at your ankles and wrists, this new and improved suit covers your hands and feet perfectly. You run your hands along your body and moan as you feel yourself up in your sexy new suit, and then you notice that along every square inch of the surface of the latex are these strange hexagonal grooves and you briefly wonder what they’re for before Moa’din interrupts your train of thought.

“This is a very powerful bodysuit you wear, child, very powerful indeed. You have seven unique attributes tied to this bodysuit of yours, and before I explain them I should let you know something; this bodysuit now belongs to you and you alone. No one else will be able to successfully wear this bodysuit unless you will it, and even then no one will benefit from the blessings in this piece. Now, the first attribute of this bodysuit is that, since it is tied to you, you can alter its shape at will just by your will and imagination alone. You can fill out your mask and the exposed areas of your skin, or turn it into a swimsuit, a bikini, a short dress, give yourself boots or heels…your imagination is, more or less, the limit. You can’t, however, change it into something like…a tower shield, or a suit of plate or leather armor – try it now” Moa’din explains. Your eyes go wide and you nod vigorously as you concentrate on filling the gap on your torso and the exposure of your nose, mouth, and eyes. You yelp in surprise as you look down and see the latex quickly molding itself together until your bodysuit is whole, and likewise you yelp once more when your mouth, nose, and eyes close up. However, you become very excited when your eye sockets, while still being covered and leaving you blind, quickly form a transparent sheen that lets you see out of. You look in the mirror and see yourself as you run your fingers over the eye sockets, amazed that you can still see – a neat feature is that, while even though your mouth and nose are covered and you can see, you can still breathe normally and you see in your reflection that the eye sockets are black as midnight, meaning no one will know your identify. You get really excited and picture a one-piece swimsuit and, lo and behold, your hood retracts as does the latex on your hands, feet, arms, and legs until you’re standing in a skimpy one-piece swimsuit that hugs your skin tightly while not showing anything off like a second skin…which you change and you watch as the material hugs even tighter so that you see a very visible camel toe and you see your DD’s and your piercings clear as day. You admire it for a little while before willing the material back into its original shape, though you do will the area around your pussy and anus open, which it does, meaning you can have sex on the fly in this wonderful thing - you turn your attention back to Moa’din, who’s smiling sweetly at you.

“Remarkable, isn’t it? On top of that, and because this blessing is so powerful, this item is virtually indestructible. Only an extremely powerful weapon blessed by another deity will ever be able to destroy this piece of equipment, but that does not mean you won’t get hurt while wearing it – also, it will always keep itself and you clean no matter what…unless you don’t want to that is. You can still take damage from it; however, that leads me to the other attributes of the blessing. You’ll now notice that, while wearing this suit, you’ll take less physical and magical damage at a minor level while simultaneously dealing more physical and magical damage at a minor level. The sixth attribute is that while wearing the suit, even if you create high heels, all of your steps will be completely silent which should help given your sneaky nature. Last, but certainly not least, is in regards to your sexual nature – this blessing is already quite powerful, but can become even more powerful if you have sex while wearing the bodysuit” Moa’din explains to you, and you get very excited until the very last part, which makes you a little confused as you cock an eyebrow. She chuckles before continuing “This suit is tailored to your heart, Colette, and you are a very sexual creature at heart. The blessing responded and, while powerful enough in its own right already, should you sleep with…ten different people – and they must release their essence in or on you while wearing the suit – then your blessings will become enhanced in some way or another. And if you sleep with ten different people after that, then it will be enhanced yet again and so on and so forth until you’ve slept with one-hundred different people altogether”. “One-hundred different people?!” you yell lout in surprise “I may be a nymphomaniac, but one-hundred different people?! That’s an insane number! Um…do slimes and beasts count?” Moa’din chuckles and says “Beasts count, yes, but only true slimes will do. When they bond with you they will also be bonding with the suit, which is connected to only you, and their essence will be partially absorbed – don’t worry, it’s harmless – into the suit. You could start with Lula, Leena, Delilah, Astraea, Xillia, Vulgan, Helena, and Meredith; I’m sure they would be more than happy to accommodate”.
Re: Rift Touched

A lewd grin plasters your face as you imagine yourself having some “fun” with your lovers, but you quickly shake the thoughts off as you realize something very important. “What about the enchantments on the bodysuit and hood? Specifically the, uh, ‘vibration’ enchantment that needs a command work?” you ask – Moa’din shakes her head and says “Those enchantments did not survive the blessing, unfortunately, but fret not; you’re bodysuit responds to your will, so now you can simply will it to create to pleasure you and it will do so, and without the need for a command word”. Well…that’s fantastic news! Clothing that responds to my will and imagination, resists magic and physical attacks, amplifies magical and physical damage, and makes my footsteps completely silent no matter what! The only pickle I see is with this whole sleeping with one-hundred different people business to get more power to the suit…but it might be fun~ you think before you redirect your attention back to Moa’din. “Thank you” you say serenely and sweetly to the regal woman as she puts your mirror back into your pack “Thank you so much, Moa’din. You’re a very kind and patient woman and I want you to know that, while I wouldn’t mind having some fun with you myself~, I appreciate this”. You stick a finger in your mouth and moan as you suck on it before you saunter closer to the woman and hug her, which seems to take her by surprise as she tenses up for a moment before she places a hand around your waist. “Think nothing of it, child…and you’re quite welcome. It warms my heart to know that the goddess’ disciples, and a few others, are loved by such a beautiful and kind young woman such as you. The goddess is very pleased and honored to have your presence in her domain – she will be watching you…now go, child, and continue on your path. Oh, one more thing – since the bodysuit is so powerful now and tied to you wouldn’t it be appropriate to name it now?” the regal woman says as she pulls back and smiles at you. You nod and will your hood away, leaving you in your skimpy full bodysuit that exposes your torso. You proceed to put the rest of your things on – it comes in handy that you can change the shape of the bodysuit, especially for getting on your undergarments – and when everything is back in place you wave to Moa’din and blow her a kiss before you walk out the door. “Be safe, Colette Neilanwittr, and may your heart guide your path” you hear the enchanting voice of Moa’din say behind you as you close the door, making you smile.

A name, huh? I think I could come up with a name for it – since it is tied to my will and no one else will be able to use it, I think I’ll name it…The Neilanwittr Sexy Suit! No, that’s too corny and frankly it sounds vain of me. Hmm…alright, it can change shapes, protects against harm, increases my own powers, and makes my footsteps silent as well as the whole sex thing. How about…Skin-Walker? A bit cliché, but I think it fits perfectly with what it can do since it clings to me and can take on almost any shape I want it to. Yeah, I’ll go with that…the Skin-Walker

When you exit the room you see Leena standing there with a big smile on her face – you laugh and saunter up to your purple succubus as you suck on your right index finger and eye her hungrily. “Hey, Leena, how are you? I was just about to go see Meredith…while I’m doing that could you fetch a nice butt plug for me~?” you say in a husky voice as you press yourself against her and gaze into her red eyes – she laughs and nods before saying “How was it? I-I mean, talking with her that is? What did it feel like, being near her for s-so long?” You give Leena a curious look as she seems to be in awe and stumble over her words as she speaks, and you respond “Well, it was interesting – she knows a lot, and I suspect she knows more than she lets on. It’s strange being near her, though; when I was near her I felt calm, even when my emotions should have flared up…well, they did flare up a few times, but there would always be a calm that followed which might have been her, or me because of my heart being aligned with my soul. Mmm, she’s also very attractive~…why are you asking me, though? She’s your high priestess, right, so you should know more about her than me, right?” Leena looks taken aback for a moment before she clears her throat and says “H-High Priestess…? Y-Yes, of course…I simply don’t see her all that much and I greatly…admire her. Well, I am glad that you enjoyed your time with h-her – let me go fetch that plug for you” Leena gives you a quick peck on the lips before quickly turning and heading for the exit of the chamber. You stand there and stare at her as she leaves, confused as to what that was all about, but you smile when you see her turn around and wink at you – you blow her a kiss and wink back before you head to Meredith’s room.

You enter the slime filled room and giggle as all the slimes ripple and converge on you, slowing your progress as you make your way to the center of the chamber where Meredith is most likely at as you stop to touch, pet, rub, and kiss each and every slime and making them ripple joyously. Finally, you reach the center of the chamber and, thankfully, Meredith morphs up into her form crossed between you and Helena and sighs dreamily as she sees you. “Lover…oh my lover it is so good to see you~. What can I do for you, my soul mate?” the clear slime says as she approaches you. You giggle and reach out and kiss your slimy love on her lips, making her ripple and moan – you giggle louder when you pull back and see her core twirl inside of her a few times. “Gods, I love you Meredith…and you’re so beautiful, but that might just be me seeing myself~” you say with a contented sigh before chuckling. Meredith glares at you a little before laughing herself before you add “I was actually wondering if I could pick up little red, since I think it would be a great companion to have while on the road”. “Oh, of course, Colette! That one eagerly wishes to go with you! Let me go fetch that one” the clear slime woman says before she slumps down into an amorphous form and rolls off, leaving you to play and cuddle with the dozens of slimes around the chamber as they clamber to you, and you happily return their advances. After a few minutes and surprisingly little naughty play later, Meredith returns with the red slime beside her, both rippling up a storm as they seemingly communicate. “This one is very happy and promises to stay out of your way, or help when needed. Go on, show her” Meredith says as she retakes her more humanoid form. You watch the slime curiously as it ripples before glowing a dim red and, a moment later, it releases a fireball into the air which sails to the top of the chamber and dissipates harmlessly against the surface. You clap happily and kneel down to the red slime to pet and stroke it as you praise it “Oh, that was amazing, little one! I know you’ll be a good traveling companion, and I promise to keep you safe and out of harm’s way…but if you insist on helping me then I won’t object! Here…you can hang out on my cloak for now”. You offer out your hand and the slime happily accepts as it ripples and morphs onto your hand, up your arm, and onto your torso as it rests on your Yyssbo blessed trench coat.

You spend a little time with Meredith talking, kissing, and enjoying each other’s company before parting ways. You make your way out the chamber, up the stairs, and to the main room of the temple where Leena waits for you, butt plug in hand. You smile mischievously as you suck on your finger and moan, sauntering up to her. “Stick that bad boy in…my backpack for now~” you say huskily, before turning playful as you turn around and stick your butt out, wiggling it to Leena. She laughs and moves your bow out of the way and slips it into your pack before saying “The command word is ‘Lover’s Embrace’, my dearest. Be safe, Colette, my dearest love…and remember that you have a home here. No…I’m ordering you, both as a lover and as the head of this temple, that you will not spend your nights anywhere else but here or Xillia’s while you’re in this city, understood?” You turn to Leena, eyes full of fire and a devilish grin on your face, and you lean against her and lick your lips before saying “Ordering me, huh? We’ll see about that, my purple succubus~. I might just have to order you to get onto your knees and have that wonderful tongue put to its proper use…on my wet, horny, oozing snatch~”. “That I would like to see~…and maybe enjoy~. Or, I could tie you up and fuck you nice and hard~” Leena says with a glint of passion as she leans down and kisses you passionately, which you return with a moan as you press into her. Leena pulls back with a gasp for air before saying “Please, love, be safe – I couldn’t bear the thought of you being hurt. None of us could”. You smile serenely and peck Leena on the lips before saying “I promise…same goes for you. Don’t overwork yourself and be safe and happy for me. I love you…and I might take you up on being tied up~. I love watching your big, thick, juicy purple cock disappearing into my hot, wet cunt~”. Leena nods and chuckles as lust flares up in her eyes and, with another kiss, you leave the temple of Domina and head for the temple of Yyssbo.

2:53 pm

You enter the temple of Yyssbo in all its dim lit glory, but instead of the usual reception you actually see Nyx, a few other robed disciples...and a few others that range from elves, goblins, half-goblins, succubi, and orcs. Each of them look scared and skittish, and you wonder why these people are here before it dawns on you. These are Arlandus’ servants! Gods, they look like mice cornered by a cat. Why do they -? Oh Gods… you think as you approach the group, and then you see why they look as they do – each of the men and woman servants, who are currently in regular outfits, looks like they’ve been beaten and tortured in some fashion based on the bruises, lacerations, and scars on their skin. When you get too close one bald orc man with two pronounced teeth protruding from his lower jaw, nearly twice your size, sees you and his eyes go wide. He lets out a guttural, low yelp and grabs one of the disciples protectively and points to you without uttering a word. You put up your hands and stop as everyone – disciples and servants alike – turn to face you. “I mean no harm; my name is Colette and I’m here to help” you say slowly, calmly, and with a sweet and reassuring smile – “Calm yourselves…she speaks the truth” you hear Nyx say before she stands and walks over to you. Without saying anything else she gestures for you to follow her, and you do so as she leads you to her room. Once inside she closes the door behind you and points to the bed…and your heart nearly breaks. On the bed you see a very pretty and obviously young human woman who is probably not much older than you, cradling herself and half humming and half crying as she lies on her side. She has long dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, small lips, full cheeks, and a lovely button nose. When she sees Nyx her features soften slightly…but when she sees you her eyes go wide with fear and she screams at the top of her lungs.

“PLEASE NO! PLEASE, SHE WORKS FOR HIM! I CAN’T GO BACK! PLEASE…PLEASE DON’T HURT ME! I’LL BE GOOD; I PROMISE I’LL BE GOOD! NOT THE WHIP! NO, NO, NO! No….please…please gods just let me die…” she screams her lungs out and darts to the head of the bed and knocks her head hard in the process, but that doesn’t deter her from screaming before she breaks down and starts sobbing uncontrollably as she cradles and rocks herself. Nyx doesn’t say anything, and instead she lets out an animal roar of rage and you see the pale dwarven woman clench her fists before taking a deep breath, releasing the tightenening in her muscles as she approaches the hysterical woman. “Elise…Elise, child, it’s going to be okay. This is the kind woman I spoke of to you. She’s going to help, child…she’s going to make the bad man go away” Nyx says reassuringly as she gets onto the bed slowly and gently and brings her arms around the woman you now know to be Elise and hugs her tightly as she rocks her. “S-She’ll make the b-bad man go away, m-mommy? W-wait…n-no that’s not right…Phoebe? No…no…N-Nyx? I-I feel so dizzy…” Elise says in a daze and you see her turn a little green…and then she pushes Nyx away, tumbles off the bed, and wretches on the stone floor whilst on her hands and knees. You scramble forward and kneel down next to Elise as you try to contain your emotions and hold her as she dry heaves a few times before wiping her mouth then going into another bawling fit. You hold her close as the red slime ripples once then moves out of the way as you press her head into your bosom, which she clings to as she clings to your trench coat and empties her eyes into your chest. “I’m here for you, Elise…and I promise to make the bad man go away” you say sweetly and serenely as you begin to hum a melodious and soothing tune while rocking the poor woman back and forth. After a little while she stops sobbing and hiccups a few times, and when she does she looks up at you and really gets a good look at you and says softly “You’re so beautiful and strong…what’s your name?” – you smile at her softly and say “Not nearly as beautiful and as strong as you, Elise. My name is Colette”.

“Colette…such a beautiful name…” the troubled young woman says quietly as she snuggles into your bosom and releases a quivering sigh – you look behind you and watch as Nyx, who looks a little relived, get off the bed and go to her desk near the bed and opens a drawer, producing a small vial with a clear looking liquid in it. “Elise, child, I think it would be wise for you to get some rest” Nyx says gently as she moves to the other side of Elise and kneels down next to her. “No…please; whenever I close my eyes I see him, and when I go to sleep I dream I’m…back there” Elise says as she tenses up and holds onto you even tighter – “Drink this and I promise you’ll go to sleep, child, and I promise you won’t dream. Trust me” Nyx says gently as she holds out the vial to Elise – the hurt woman turns to look at the vial, then to Nyx, then to me, before she nods and takes it, opens it, and drinks the contents down. “I’m sorry for making a mess” she says as she gets up on shaky legs and moves to Nyx’s bed, lying down on her side under the covers – “Shh, it’s alright, child – sleep now” Nyx responds with a smile and within half a minute Elise is under the spell of sleep, and sleeps soundly as her breathing becomes regular. “The result of continuous application of drugs, nonstop rape, and horrific and merciless torture has nearly broken her mind…or it’s better to say that her mind is broken and now it’s trying to put itself back together. You won’t find any physical scars, unlike the servants, for he wished to keep her looking pretty and used an alchemical substance on his ‘tools’ that would speed up the healing process, despite the condition we found her in. But the emotional and mental scars…I fear for her, child; I fear that, no matter what happens, she may very well end up taking her own life. Lula stopped by earlier and it seems she talked to Nilas, the head of the temple of Lequis here, and he has agreed to help her and some of the other servants just as Leena has agreed to take on some servants. By all the gods they – she – will need all the help in the world, and even then I fear it may not be enough t-“ Nyx explains somberly, but you cut her off.

“Yes” is all you say, a calmness in your voice but a raging inferno flaring in your eyes as you watch the woman sleep a hopefully dreamless sleep. “What?” is all Nyx replies, calm but confused – “Yes” you repeat stoically “I’ll do it – I’ll go to the ball and do what needs to be done. What does he look like?” Nyx smiles evilly before nodding and saying “He’s human, has fair skin, has light brown hair that comes down to his should and is usually slicked back and tied in a ponytail. He’s also six feet tall and, Yyssbo forgive me, quite handsome all things considered and is always clean cut – he also wears extremely expensive and extravagant clothing and jewelry, so look out for the biggest price tag in the room. He’s in his late sixties, but thanks to alchemy, money, and his affinity with magic he looks half his age. His eyes are dark green and he’s the most arrogant person in the room hands down, child – he’s also completely obsessed with himself and can talk about himself for possibly hours”. You nod and gaze at Elise, feeling mixed emotions about her predicament – on the one hand you’re horrified, on the other your enraged, on another you’re calm and collected, and somewhere else you’re just numb and can’t seem to fathom how someone could do something so monstrous to another person. You wonder what you should do next as a tiny smile creeps onto your face as you watch the young woman sleep soundly with her mouth open, a little drool escaping it. You finger your choker and are thankful to have wonderful friends and lovers that want to help. The red slime, which has otherwise been still during the ordeal, ripples slightly on your coat at the positive emotions you just let off thinking about your lovers, making you smile just a little brighter.

3:07 pm

A. Visit another place in the merchant district.
A1. Explore the merchant’s district for more shops
A2. Head to the blacksmith
A3. Make a stop at the stylist’s shop “Perfect Clarity”
A4. Go back to “The Size that Fits” (possibly model for Xillia…or have sex)

B. Visit another temple in the temple district.
B1. Go to Kramulet’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
B2. Go to Victressia’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
B3. Go to Dwynvel’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
B4. Do something else at Yyssbo’s temple (specify what you want to do there)
B5. Go to Lequis’ temple (specify what you want to do there)
B6. Go to the drunkard’s home in the temple district (specify what you want to do there)

C. Make a stop at the noble district.
C1. Visit The Noble’s Finery
C2. Visit Jazra’s Alchemical and Magical Emporium
C3. Visit The Proper Lady: A Gentleman’s and Woman’s Club
C4. Enter the dome of the permanent rift and check it out
C5. Visit the Capital Building of Kilnhaven
C6. Go to Yulag’s inn (Eat, drink, rest, ask for info, visit Lula if she’s there)
C7. Go back to the notice board and look to see if there are more jobs
C8. Visit Batzi at the Adventurer’s Guild (Specify what you want to do there. Batzi leaves at 6 pm)

D. Go to the red light district
D1. Visit Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure (donate blood, find out what else is there, etc.)
D2. Go back to “Exotic Sway” (get a job as a dancer, enjoy the entertainment. Specify.)
D3. Visit Lover’s Essentials (piercings, bondages gear, sex toys)
D4. Visit the park (Specify what to do there…maybe try and peek on other couples in the bushes?)
D5. Go to Domina’s temple (Specify what you want to do there) Note: Home. May sleep with Lula and Leena and Vulgan, Delilah, Astraea, Helena, Meredith.
D6. Go to Yulag’s and Ungan’s home (Specify what you want to do there)

E. Head off to the slums
E1. Go to the jail in the slums (Specify what you want to do there)
E2. Go back to Chap’s General store (possibly take the job he mentioned)
E3. Visit The Pilgrim’s March inn and pub (eat, get a job, get a room, ask about rumors. Specify)
E4. Visit Penelope’s Home for Youngsters (Specify what to do there. Read to kids, ask about work, donate money, etc.)
E5. Go to the Public Restroom and Bath (Male and Female baths and restrooms. Specify what to do there)
E6. Visit Loan For Your Troubles (Specify what to do there. Get a loan. Inquire about a job)
E7. Prostitute yourself (Clothing will have an effect)
E8. Find beggars in the slums (Give food, water, money, inquire about rumors and info, etc.)

F. Wander and explore the city at random

G. Try to get the job as a waitress at the slums inn

H. Explore the sewers (possibly search for the rift)

I. Go to the farms on the outskirts of town (Specify what you want to do there)

J. Take the job to donate some blood at Madame Deidra’s Palace of Pleasure

X. Other

Y. Time Skip (Specify where to wait and how many minutes/hours/days/weeks you want to wait. Must have adequate resources to survive i.e. money, food, water, shelter, etc.)

Z. Character/Environment Interaction
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