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Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Headstrong; Ambitious; Voracious; Dumb: All words that could be used to describe Guy. While the last term is used far more often than one would expect, he has a certain degree of respect. Being one of the only axe-wielders in the village, Guy has been a great asset in bringing in lumber, as well as dealing with rather ugly threats (Ogres being the largest). Another day without a hut or yurt, Guy wakes up, ready to take on the world - more so than he imagined.

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni)

The sun's rays slowly warmed Guy's well toned body as he stirred in his sleep, muttering incoherently as he slowly woke up. Not owning his own home the descendant of Aedus had spent the night under the usual tree, a wide branching oak that offered a fair amount of protection from the elements. Sitting up, Guy let out a loud yawn as he stretched out the stiffness brought about by sleeping on the hard ground and scratched his head before standing up, his patchwork fur quilt falling to the floor revealing him wearing little more than cloth wraps tied around his waist to conceal his manhood. Not that the 'protection' left much to the imagination.

Scratching himself once more the descendant of Aedus picked up his bandanna, and bottoms, both being used as a makeshift pillow for the night, and put them on. His bottom's, which were loose fitted and a dull brown, tied up at just above Guy's ankle and billowed out slightly towards the bottom to restrict his movement as little as possible, allowing the warrior plenty of freedom of movement when it mattered most. His bandanna was a plain red sash, almost half his height in length, and was what was keeping his eternally messy hair in check. Guy never bothered with footwear, for he found that it restricted him more often than it aided him with anything.

Once fully awake Guy stuffed his blanket into a hole in the trunk of the oak tree for safe keeping and turned to look upon the direction of where everyone had been gathered. As usual Guy had managed to sleep through the meeting, which admittedly suited him fine. Guy had no idea what anything meant most of the time, and was often left confused by the whole ordeal. No, he'd rather leave all that crap to the smart ones and instead focus on where it really mattered; kicking the shit out of anything that looked at him funny. Which was quite often to be honest. Though despite not having any interest in such matters the still quite large crowd of people piqued Guy's interests, and ignoring the growls coming from his stomach and the layer of dirt coating much of his body Guy decided to march on over in that direction, his copper axe slung over one shoulder.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni)

[Moving you guys North.]

Guy and Nadia made an... odd team. Thankfully, they both agreed that Descendants were above and beyond average humans - truthfully, most were. They got along rather well enough as they moved towards the North, closer to the edge that most Descendants had cared to travel. They followed the path across the small grassland area, the bushes quickly becoming thicker as they left the village; soon, they were walking amongst the towering trees that blotted out most of the light from the sun. Luna reigned supreme here in the forests, her shadows clinging tight to the trees... That is, until the two decided to head off the path, knowing the Goblins usually avoided the humans - after all, most of the Descendants could wipe Headhunters from Pekol.

They made their way into a tiny clearing, about 8 meters in diameter. Nadia had a bit of a look around, but there didn't seem to be anything interesting about it. As they were about to continue on, a voice called out from the bushes to their side.

"Oi! 'Umans!" A high pitched, grating voice. From the bushes burst two goblins - one immediately faltering and standing back as the other strode forward.

"Lawd above! That one looks big an' strong! Gawdon Bennet! I don't fnk we should fight deese two wiv 'im around. OK?" The one who hung back seemed to have a bit more brains about him - if it were even possible for the tiny creatures. After listening to the rather sound reasoning of his comrade, the Goblin closest to the two stopped advancing, rolling back and forth from the balls of his feet to his heels.

"Well then! Thee two know where those dogs are?" He asks, grinning a yellow grin.

"Lor' luv a duck!" The smarter one exclaimed, "They ain't gonna know where da bloody dogs are!" He gets a dirty glare in return.

"Who asked you, 'uh? Asides-"

"Both ya gits shut yer mouves," Comes a deeper voice. From the bushes, a taller Goblin emerges, smacking the closest one on the back of the head. He nearly tumbles over from the force of the blow. Guy does a quick double take, realizing the taller Goblin was a female - and had layers of collars attached to her belt. A head hunter.

"Soury for dese gits 'ere. Dey don't know fuckall about yew humies and dem bloody 'Bolds."

[Location: 0,1]

[And you guys thought everything would want to tear your heads off...]
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Despite the fact that their mission was supposedly dangerous, Nadia and Guy traveled rather casually, talking and joking all the while. Nadia walked alongside Guy, trying to teach the simple man about the superiority of swords to axes, though she could tell he wasn't having it. "Look, it's nice and shiny and all, but that axe of yours is a tool. Tools are used to do work, which is what we have humans for." She smirked, then continued, "A sword is a weapon, and it only exists for one reason: to kill things that can fight back. Kind of like us, really." Nadia's smirk widened to a grin as she realized how philosophical that comparison was, though she didn't point it out to Guy. He wouldn't know what the word meant anyway.

Just then, a pair of annoying little creatures emerged from the bushes at the edge of the clearing. At first Nadia was afraid that some of the village children had followed them, but thankfully it was just some goblins. As one of the goblins marveled at Guy's physique and literally reeled in astonishment, the woman leaned up against the man, putting a hand on his shoulder and grinning down at the creatures. Their discussion about dogs caused her to raise an eyebrow in confusion, and the sudden appearance of the taller, more feminine goblin raised the other one.

Of course, Nadia realized that the female goblin was a headhunter, one of the kinds of goblins that were a constant threat to the humans of the village. Still, the two of them could take the trio of green skins easily, and bumbling creatures knew it. "Don't worry about it," she replied to the headhunter nonchalantly, "The gobs we have to teach lessons about humans usually don't make it back to tell the others." She grinned wickedly, hoping the implied threat wasn't too subtle for the goblins or Guy...
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

"Hey now, jus' cuz axes are tools don't make them no less a weapon," Guy had taken to hacking at the undergrowth that had quickly enveloped the two of them as they made their way through the forest, daring to push further into the forest than any other person in the villager had dared thus far. Guy looked at Nadia with an incredulous expression, wondering if the woman was really right in the head. Sure, axes were used more as a tool than anything else, but they're clearly the superior weapon choice. Though for a girl as hot as Nadia perhaps she had to lack in the brain department. Or so Guy thought to himself anyway. "'Sides, you can kill pretty eas'ly with an axe anyway. A quick chop to th' 'ead an' it's over." The descendant of Aedus added with a grin, as if that concluded the matter.

Guy was about to comment on Nadia's outspoken views of the non-Descendant humans of the village when a rustling coming from the bushes could be heard. The muscled man immediately brought his axe arm back and lowered his body into a sprint charge, ready to throw himself at whatever was calling out to them to show themselves. Though when the goblins appeared and appeared hesitant to start a fight with them on account of his well chiselled physique the young descendant stood back up and swung his axe back over his shoulder, a wide grin full of confidence appearing on his face. It didn't help when Nadia practically draped herself over him, stoking his already overconfident ego.

"Dogs?" Guy asked, a curious look full of excitement replacing his shit eating grin. The young descendant had always been fond of dogs, admiring their wild nature. And truthfully he'd always wanted one or ten for a pet. Though his excitement was slowly lost as he remembered that he had heard the goblins, and occasionally some humans, use it as a name for kobolds. Though as the female goblin arrived his mood perked up once more. Guy hadn't really seen a female goblin before. Or rather, the ones he had seen on occasion quickly met the sharp end of his axe, and so he didn't really have much time to gaze at their form. But this one hadn't presented herself as a direct threat despite being a headhunter, so far at least. And Guy couldn't help but appreciate her small, yet obviously feminine form. The Descendant very quickly, and very obviously looked to her and then to Nadia, mentally comparing the two before bringing his attention back to the matter at hand.

"So, uh... what are we doin' now?" A look of slight confusion appeared on Guy's face once more. As far as he could remember the two of them set out to slay some monsters, and yet here they were talking to some goblins as if they were planning on helping them with their problem. "We're not neg... ne- nego... neg... we're no' helpin' 'em with their 'bold problem now, are we?"
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Out of the corner of her eye Nadia saw Guy's gaze shifting between her and the female goblin. She could tell when a man was eying her up, but for the man to be comparing her to a goblin was a little insulting. Of course, losing a man's interest to a goblin would be even worse. Clearing her throat slightly, Nadia puffed up her chest a little, as she had seen Guy looking at it earlier, while pressing up against him just a little more. Her display didn't last long, however, as there were potentially dangerous creatures right in front of them.

In a move that completely shocked Nadia, Guy actually had a good question. "Helping them?" Nadia asked, looking over the trio of greenskins condescendingly. "No, we're a bit busy to be wasting time fighting their battles," she said, leaning back after pulling her hand from Guy's shoulder., then thoughtfully added, "though maybe they can help us." Nadia paused a moment as she regarded the goblins dubiously, then asked, "The two of us happen to be looking for some strange monsters that have been causing problems around these parts. Creatures from the East. Seen anything?"
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

The Goblin closest to the two looks shocked at Nadia, taking a step back, holding up his hands.
"Whoa dere Missus. We ain't got nuthin' ter fight about! We're jus' lookin' fer dem dogs!" He says, holding up his hands.

"Yeh, dat's right. Tell 'em, Kiki," The other smaller, male goblin said, looking to the Headhunter, "We ain't from dat 'ole!"

The headhunter - this Kiki, apparently - was about to reply, when she caught Guy's looks. Blinking in confusion, she turns her head to look behind her, apparently trying to spot the real person he happened to be staring at, before looking back at the human. After a few moments of a furrowed brow, a look suddenly dawned on her face, her yellow eyes lighting up. Grinning wickedly, she reaches up with one hand, grabbing a handful of black and red hair, giving it a tossle; and putting the other hand on her hip that she jutted out, striking a pose as she winked and blew Guy a kiss.

"Likin' wha'cha see, Big Boy?" She asks with a laugh. When she opened her eyes to see Nadia quickly trying to get Guy's attention, the Goblin quickly puffed out her chest, pulling on her leather armor to show off a little bit more of her chest flesh, starting towards them with a sexy swagger.

"You ain't gonna find no 'creatures' 'round 'ere, save the 'Bolds. Bloody dogs are tryin' to push my kin from 'ere," She says, stopping about a meter from Guy and Nadia, smiling up at him, "...Yew know, if'in yew want yer muscles ta look bigger, all yew have to do is get a smaller girl ta 'ang off 'em..." The goblin says, batting her eyelashes at him.

"P-Pop said no fraternatin' wit da enemies!"One of the males speaks up, stomping his feet on the ground. Kiki turns and glares, "Well dese 'umans ain't our enemies!" She turns her head back to Guy, facing him only half way to show off her angular face, giving him a half-smile, "...Are ya'?"
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Guy turned his head towards Nadia as she moved close to him once more, a quizzical expression on his face as she leant against the muscled warrior and thrust her chest out. Dumb he may be, but Guy wasn't ignorant to a woman's charms and when one was trying to get his attention, and while he had no idea why Nadia had shown a sudden interest in him that didn't stop the descendant of Aedus from copping and eyeful of her buxom chest practically being pushed into his face. His confident smile reappeared on his face for a moment, until Nadia answered his question and in turn directed another at the three goblins.

Guy looked in turn to each of the male goblins as they spoke, very clearly intimidated by the two of them. It was understandable he thought, it was a reaction Guy was used to getting from the smaller races, and even the odd human, that called the forest their home. Though as the smaller goblin spoke to the female, Kiki, his attention once more fell on her. And it became quite evident she was very much interested in him. The Descendant couldn't pull his eyes away from Kiki as she mussed up her hair, striking an alluring pose and seductively blowing him a kiss.

"Ladies, calm down. There's more'n enough'a Guy t' go 'round," The shit-eating grin had spread over Guy's lips once more, the Descendant standing straight up and quite clearly revelling in the attention the two women had been giving him, each vying for his own attention. "An' I can't say I've really seen a girl goblin b'fore now. Well, no' one tha' I 'adn't had t'kill straigh' after anyways. But," Guy's gaze fell to Kiki's chest as she too thrust her own breasts out, pulling open her armour just enough to compete with Nadia's own barely covered breasts. "Yeah, I'm thinking I do like wha' I'm seein'."

Guy let out a hearty laugh as Kiki suggested he needed a smaller woman to make his muscles appear bigger than they were. "These bad boys are plenty big 'nough already." The man boasted, flexing his arms to show off his well sculpted muscles. "An' you 'aven't caused us no troubles so far, so I wouldn't say yer our enemies jus' yet."
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Nadia shot an angry glare at 'Kiki' when the goblin began trying to show her up. Returning to her earlier position of pressing up against Guy, Nadia decided to up the ante. She slid her left hand around the big man's muscular back, while her right fell to rest on his thigh. Looking up at him with a sultry smile, she said, "There may be more than enough of you, but you need a woman big enough to 'handle' it." She cast a sly look over at Kiki, and added, "And she's a little on the short side."

Of course, like any man, Guy couldn't resist basking in the attention of two women at once. Nadia laughed dismissively when he agreed that the goblins weren't enemies. "Oh sure," she said derisively, "She doesn't think we're enemies." She glared at Kiki, then continued, "She thinks we're marks. She's a slaver. She'll get you drunk, then slap a collar on you and sell you to some nasty brute so you can be his special friend." She gave another mocking laugh, then added, "'Sides, she's more interested in dogs than men."
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Bathing in the attention of the two women Guy missed Nadia's death gaze thrown at Kiki, though he was quickly brought back to reality as his fellow Descendant pushed herself against him, coiling an arm around his back and resting a hand on his leg. Still with that stupid grin on his face, Guy casually draped an arm around Nadia's shoulder whilst his body reacted to the woman's touch, though held back by the wrappings tied around his crotch. Couldn't have parts flopping around and getting in the way of combat now, could he? "Well, if y'put i' like that," Guy's gaze fell upon Kiki once more. "She'd prob'ly not be able to take i' all." The muscled warrior threw his head back and let out a quick bark-like laugh. "If yer worried about her enslaving me then dun worry about i', even with m'guard down those three'd have a pretty tough time takin' me on. 'sides, from some'a the stories I heard around town, these goblin ladies like'a bit'a man." He then threw a smirk back at Kiki.

Then, whether Nadia shrugged him off and pulled away from him herself or Guy released her and pulled away from her, the descendant of Aedus turned to his companion. But, seein' as they know nothin' 'bout this monster we're s'posed to be hunting' shouldn't we be gettin' gone to look fer it? My swingin' arm is gettin' kinda itchy, could do wi' something to whack. Though," Guy looked from Nadia to their three 'friends', a curious expression on his face. "If yer cool with i', mebbe they can tag along if they're not busy? Sounds t'me that no one really knows wha' these monsters are, an' if it's somethin' even I can't take down then people will need to be told to be on th' look ou' fer them."
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Nadia smirked and cast an impish look at Kiki when Gy's arm wrapped around her shoulder. His dismissal of her warning had the woman rolling her eyes a bit, but she used it to take another shot at Kiki. "Yeah, I bet when your surrounded by little peckers like these, you start to want what you can't have." Deciding to emphasize what she meant, Nadia slid her hand up Guy's thigh and hooked it on the waist of his pants, giving them a slight tug as she grinned wickedly.

By the time Guy turned to look at her and suggest they go looking for whatever creatures they had set out to find, Nadia was more than ready do just that. She raised an eyebrow and smirked incredulously at his suggestion to take the goblins along, however. "You want to take them along? They can't even handle 'bolds," she said dismissively. "In fact, weren't you three looking for some?" Of course, Guy's suggestion made sense. They could always use the goblins as bait to draw out these mystery monsters, or as shields in case they really were too strong even for Descendants. After a moment, the proud woman sighed, then relented. "Alright, if they want to tag along, they can," she then cast a quick look at the trio and added, "Just remember to keep your hands where we can see 'em." Goblins were known to be treacherous, but also quite perverted. There was no telling what Kiki might try if they weren't careful...
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

The next little bit could be played out rather simply: Guy spoke, and Kiki would beam; Nadia would speak, and she'd glower at the woman intensely. When Guy mentions that they should stick together, she beams, wiggling her hips a little and looking up at him. "Dat sounds love-" But, just like before, as soon as Nadia spoke up, she glared at the woman, her eyes becoming slits.

"I can take yew, Ocean Pearl," She scowls, "An' da only reason I 'aven't yet? So I don't piss 'im' off. Nuff said, yeah?" She crosses her arms, looking up at Guy.

"Look, I'll come wiv yew - but not if she's comin' along. Let da wench find 'er own way about."

"But, Kiki-" He stomps his foot on the ground again, but Kiki's glare is enough to silence him and her condescending tone didn't help.

"But no'fin! Tell Poppa I'm doin' somethin' else van 'hutin' 'Bolds. Nuff said, yah?"

The two smaller Goblins look at each other, then back to Kiki, squinting in an unsure manner...

Ocean Pearl - Girl.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Nadia's hand trailing up Guy's thigh to the waist of his bottoms elicited a twitching from underneath the fabric, and while it was held back from springing out completely she'd get a rough estimation of his quite impressive size if her hand moved over the Descendant's crotch.

Guy frowned at Kiki's desire to join him on the condition that he ditches Nadia, clearly discontent with the goblin's answer. "Tha's'a shame, would'a bin fun t'work with'a goblin. S'not many can say they've done tha' before." Guy scratched the back of his head with his free hand as he finally answered the short woman, before turning to leave the trio of goblins, ready to get back to tracking down whatever these mysterious monsters are. Though the descendant of Aedus called back to Kiki one final time. "Though, if ya' change y'mind later on feel free t'catch up with us. We'll be headin'... Which way should we go?" He then turned to Nadia, expecting his companion to decide on their destination.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

A sudden twitch against her hand alerted Nadia of just how much Guy was enjoying the shower of attention he was receiving. She grinning mischievously up at the big man, then turned to smirk slyly at the goblin woman. Obviously she was winning this impromptu contest, just as she should. The fact that the goblin resorted to threats only proved that fact to Nadia, and she laughed dismissively to show Kiki just what she thought of her.

When the goblin gave her ultimatum, Nadia turned to Guy with a wide smile on her face and her hands held up in front of her, as if to say "problem solved!" The big, simple man didn't disappoint, and turned down Kiki's demand. Turning back to grin at Kiki, Nadia waved mockingly and said, "Well, there you have it 'pearl'." Not wanting the two smaller male creatures to feel left out, she brought a hand to her mouth a blew a kiss to each of them. She laughed at Guy's offer to Kiki to join them later, and added, "Yeah, and if you boys want to see a real woman, you can come too."

Nadia was much less enthusiastic about answering Guy's question. She was a fighter, not a tracker, so she hadn't put any thought into their direction when they left the village to find the mystery monsters. Taking a moment to think, with a slightly confused look on her face, she finally looked up at the man and shrugged. "Board said the creatures were from the east, right?" she asked, "How about east?"
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Guy paused for a moment, contemplating Nadia's suggestion. She was right of course, he did remember the board saying something about east, so perhaps that was the best direction to take. "Hm, yeah, tha' sounds as good'a way to head as any t'me. Well, seeya 'round, Kiki. Was good t'meet you an' ya' friends." And with that Guy made to head east, that is unless the two of them are stopped by Kiki for whatever reason.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Kiki purses her lips together, frowning up at Guy. Even the jab from Nadia didn't seem to get her steamed. Running her fingers through her ponytail, she nods a little, looking up at Guy with her bright yellow eyes.

"Aye... If'n I make it fruff dis, I'll make sure ter find yew again. OK?" She says, still nodding, "And yew be'er be ready fer some fun an' all!" A wide grin break upon her face, the Goblin far from aloof when it came to flirting.

As Kiki turned to head back to the others, one of the little Goblins took out his sword, glaring at the two humans."Lawd above! We never 'ad 'umie slaves befawer. Why not take deese two, innit?" He grins wickedly, starting towards Guy, when Kiki pulls out her club and whacks the goblin in the back of the head. He collapses to the ground, groaning, as the other Goblin starts, reaching for his weapon.

"Lor' lov a duck! Kiki! What da 'ell?!"

"Scapa Flow an' tell pop what I done. I'm still goin' wiv da 'umans 'ere. Not worf ge'in' killed awer enslaved by some Dogs fer Holes we never even traded wiv. Sorted mate."

The smaller Goblin twitches a little, thinking about going for his sword... before he turns and runs, diving into the bushes. Kiki grins, looking back at Guy and Nadia, giving the former a wink.

"Alright. I just betrayed me family fer you, 'uman. I'm guessin' yahr worf it, though. OK?" She kicks the twitching goblin near her foot, before leaning on her club and looking at Guy, "But I'm only followin' you. Has nothin' ter do wiv Ocean Pearl over there. Nuff said, yeah?"

[Kiki, the first named NPC, is going to follow Guy around til she dies! Or is dismissed, whichever comes first.]
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

At the mention of taking the two of them as slaves Guy swung around, his face full of rage as his axe arm is pulled back and up as he went to sprint towards the small male goblin, the muscled Descendant's intent to show the little green man how stupid his idea really was. Though before Guy could even move one step towards the advancing goblin Kiki had cracked him over the skull with her club, knocking the goblin out with a single hit and sending him crashing to the ground.

Guy stood there for a moment, struck dumb and mouth agape, his axe arm still hanging above his head as he looked upon Kiki and her betrayal to her kind. He didn't really understand why she had betrayed the two goblins, but was more than a little happy to have another adventuring companion all the same. "Well tha's, uh, tha's def'nitely somethin' new. Never heard'a goblin 'ttackin' their own kind b'fore fer a human," Guy commented as he stood up straight and laughed, a wide grin on his face as he scratched the back of his head once more. Goblins were certainly turning out to be an interesting race. Perhaps there's more to them than enslaving others? "Glad t'see y'changed yer mind. Though ain't y'fam'ly or tribe or wha'ever gonna be pissed at ya'?"
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Nadia was ready to leave and was about to walk away, not even perturbed by the talk of slaving, until the goblins had their little spat. When she heard the crack of wood on skull she turned, a hand on the hilt of her sword and an angry glint in her eye. Only to find it was just Kiki trying to flirt with Guy some more. Sighing and shaking her head, Nadia rolled her eyes as the goblin moved over to join them and insisted she was no longer interested in her.

Turning back to Guy, Nadia sighed again, knowing the big man would be all to eager to accept the slutty green skin as a comrade. "You see how she treats her friends?" she asked sarcastically, motioning over to the still unconscious goblin. "Hope she knows how to swing that at something that's expecting it," she added before crossing her arms and waiting for the big man and the little goblin to be ready to leave.
Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

"Dun worry y'pretty lil' head about it," Guy turned to Nadia once him and Kiki had concluded their business, the woman apparently concerned for his safety. The descendant of Aedus casually put an arm around the woman's shoulder and pulled her into his muscular chest before mussing up Nadia's hair with his free hand and laughing. "Kiki seems 'onest enough. An' if i' comes down t'it, you've go' m'back jus' like I've go' yours, righ'? So dun worry, ev'rythin's gonna be fine."
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Re: Righteous Fury (Oni) (Temp: Xivvix)

Guy's dismissal of her warnings only brought a frustrated sigh from Nadia. When he pulled her to his chest and mussed her hair, though, she laughed and said, "Alright, alright." She didn't push away from the the big man, instead swinging her arm around behind his back and smiling up at him. "Yeah, yeah, us Descendants look out for each other." With a glance over at Kiki, she added with a whisper, "I'll make sure she doesn't do anything with you that you don't want."

With a wink and a quick laugh, Nadia slipped out from Guy's grasp and moved a few steps away from the big man and the goblin. She would give the two a moment to have a few more pleasantries, her interest in competing with the gobliness gone, but she would start moving slowly east. This would give the two unlikely lovebirds a chance to talk, but would keep them in sight.