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Rise of the Tiny Love Emperor (Itsumi:Fmokou)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 1: Rise of the Tiny Love Emperor
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Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Itsumi. Like some others in the world around him, he was suddenly found with a great gift: A piece of the Goddess of Fate, inside of his soul. The news was as wonderful as it was terrifying. True indeed, it meant that the youth would be powerful indeed, but it was seen as an ill omen by many, an indicator that trying times await those ahead who are chosen to bear such an insignificant shard of the god's power. Either to do great things, or be devoured by those seeking it... Their life was not expected in any small part, to be pleasant. Especially not for a singular boy amidst a sea of female sisters.

The mamono curse changed the way of life in the world, turning the roles of man and woman upside down. Women were warriors, and men stayed out of harm's way. Armor meant nothing, and most things typically thought to be useful to men were rendered useless by the curse turning all monsters into women. Countless men in their heavy armor found themselves in nothing more than iron prisons, at the mercy of the newly shaped female monsters of the world, stripped of all pride and taken by the enemies of human kind.

Answering the call of Fate... The youth eventually set out on his adventure to have his power change the land... His luck wished well, mind for two sticky companions who followed him, even if he tried to dodge them. These two guardians acted as barriers to protect him, while he drifted in the land of dreams...

"Unite them..."

Those words echoed in Itsumi's mind every night. He was a spectator to the message given to him, ensuring that it was burned into his memories.

"Unite them..."

Again, and again... Almost as if torturing him. Flashes of faces he didn't know, conflict and madness and bloodshed... All quieted when the voice repeated itself.

"Unite them..."

Between visions, if he gazed into the darkness of his subconsciousness, all he could see was a pair of glowing red eyes watching him from afar.

Always watching, and always preaching... "Wake up..."

It finally said something different. The shock was enough to almost make Itsumi feel as if they were going to wake!

"Wake up, before you're violated." it spoke, all mysterious context dropped in favor of an oddly playful take. It truly didn't make sense, his mind focusing on the oddity that was-

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Itsumi's eyes opened, feeling like he was released from a spell. All he could see was Kofku, his younger sister, as she leered at him. "Since you're not waking up, bon appetit~" she declared her intention to eat her sleeping brother, before his rise gave her a start. "Oh, awake! Your eyes are open!" she declared simply. "I'm a bit sad, I was wondering how far I could go this time with teasing you~" she cooed. Though his sleeping habits were his own, the reason for the teasing was that the dreams were somehow making him sleep longer than he was used to. As if under some kind of spell, he would be at the mercy of the dream while his sister decided to torture his unconscious body. "You're waking up sooner than usual, Itsumi." she declared. "Are those bad nightmares going away? That would be a tiny bit of a shame~" she declared. Though, this was normal. The women both of his household and hometown developed a habit of sexually harassing men after the world changed, and men became a far less dominant force, especially after it was frighteningly easy for a man to be taken over by a female or mamono, given how weak men had become to the new scourge. Men simply lost all their credibility overnight, before women, nowhere near as weak to the charms of mamono, took hold of the vacancy of power. Kofku was no exception.

"You feeling alright?" she asked. Despite being beset with the desire to tease, Kofku was a good sibling. She had arrived with some cold fruity drink in hand. Kofku, being skilled at the kitchen, an art becoming extinct to women as times changed, produced spectacular results. It looked like a delightful color of Itsumi's favorite flavor, and Itsumi knew well it was blended just right to be tasty and hydrating. It was the perfect way to wake up every morning if one ignored the fact that Kofku is more than willing to rape Itsumi if he does not rise.

It was a good reason to rise. The girl's green eyes held within them secrets of sadism, and hovering over him seemed like a predator about to eat him. Survival instincts told him to worry about this one.
Every night since Itsumi began to travel with his two sisters, he had horrible nightmares. Nightmares that told him to unite, nightmares that showed him faces and scenes he wasn't familiar with, nightmares that felt like someone was constantly watching him. At first he thought these nightmares were caused by the stress from traveling all the time, but when he repeatedly kept dreaming about the same thing and when he began to realize he was sleeping longer than usual, he started to think that these nightmares had a deeper meaning to them, but what was he supposed to unite, Mamono and humans? Itsumi didn't know yet, but he knew that he had to figure out the cause of these nightmares, since his sister was making it incredibly dangerous to sleep in.

However, this night something shocking happened in Itsumi's nightmare, it warned him to wake up, and oddly enough, the image of the eyes started to clear up, was he finally going to be able to see who gave him these nightmares? Itsumi desperately wanted to resist waking up, but just before he could get a clear image, the feeling of dread of something awful about the happen to him if he stayed asleep forced him to wake up. Slowly Itsumi opened his eyes to see a familiar sight and despite the alarming manner Kofku, his sister, was watching him with preying eyes, he calmly opened his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you not to wake me likes?" Itsumi complained with a sigh, before sitting up straight in his bed. "That's not something you're supposed to say to your brother you know." Itsumi stated with a big yawn, stretching his arms above his head. Before the nightmares, Itsumi always made sure to be up before both his sisters, to prevent them from messing with him, but ever since the nightmares, Kofku had taken full advantage of it and she became alarmingly bold with her teasing. "I'm sorry to cut your 'fun' short today." Itsumi grumbled with a glare. "Nnn.. they're actually getting worse, but for some reason, I felt like if I kept on dreaming something incredibly bad was going to happen to me." Itsumi bluntly stated while glaring accusingly at his sister.

"I'm fine." Itsumi replied with a gentle smile, but he clearly appeared to be a bit exhausted. Itsumi tried his best to hide the exhaustion from his sisters. Itsumi didn't want them to be worried about him. Although, when Kofku offered Itsumi's favorite drink, the bit of exhaustion that could be seen on his face disappeared, as he grabbed the drink excitedly, before his cheeks light up as he tries to hide his excitement behind a bland expression. "Ah.. Thank you." He mumbled, before eagerly chugging down the refreshing drink. Everytime Itsumi tasted Kofku's cooking, he was always surprised by her cooking skill, since it was incredibly rare for a woman to know how to cook and most of his siblings usually relied on him to cook for them. To be honest, if Kofku wasn't so incredibly perverted and prone to rape him, he might've even asked her to come along, but with the way she was, he honestly would've felt safer traveling alone.
Kofku erupted into adorable laughter. "Itsumi~! Ha-ha-ha-ha! It's 'like this', not 'likes'!" she said with great amusement. "I love it when you get all flustered~" she said with a coo and a smile.

Waking up allowed Itsumi to take in what had happened for them to get here. After embarking, he journeyed in a given direction, when a strange guide with purple hair invited to show Itsumi the way through the forests around Pandora's territory. Eventually, Itsumi found out that the woman leading him wasn't much of a guide, and more of a rather doting predator that liked how cute he was and decided to take him to the realm of Zippangu, a place to the north west of Pandora where the land is so chaotic with magic that the scenery and vegetation know not what being consistent meant. It was indeed the color of autumn before darkness fell over the land. Now that he was awake, the tree leaves on the ground were a sickly green and the grass had a soft blue color. With his sisters in tow, the woman decided all on her own, "Well, since you're here, might as well stay~" And rather than interpret that as a meaning of imprisonment, his sisters took that as an opportunity. "Yay! We have our HQ, and it's close to the center of the continent!" Kofku declared with glee. And then that was the first day Itsumi slept in a strange woman's house.

Back to the present...

"I'm glad you're feeling better! Miss Kibarashi was making food for you. Better hurry before Shihai eats it all!"

Kibarashi, who insisted on being called just Kiba, was the woman who stole Istumi away on a false guide to this place in the bizarre land of Zippangu. Then, Shihai.... She was one of his sisters. Possibly the simultaneously best and worst one. She was like an Itsumi trap, her body was so fluffy and inviting, that it would be so easy to fall for her, and be eaten. The after affects of being eaten by her... He almost experienced once. If falling asleep around Kofku meant being raped, then falling asleep after being lured into Shihai's arms meant being suffocated by her love, and her thick body... A mere battle versus ultimate destruction, was truly the opt comparison.

As Itsumi may choose to follow Kofku, he'd find , a plate clean of food in front of her. "Ah... Another late good morning for you, Itsumi~" Shihai greeted in a very slow and composed voice. Her gentle voice and fluffy body were only disguises hiding the inhuman strength she possessed. Hugs were a certain death move that she never practiced. She was born with the ability to kill through love. She patted the spot next to her. "Come, sit~" she said with such a warm, loving smile. It filled Itsumi with a feeling like one he might have towards a doting mother figure. It was just overwhelming temptation radiating from her. In fact, it was already too late. Itsumi was now backseat to his own body, slowly coming towards that lovely aura and scent Shihai was emitting... True Death never looked so lovely...

Kofku quickly saved Itsumi by spinning him around to look at the kitchen. "Don't miss breakfast, Itsumi~" she said with cheer, while Shihai's cheeks puffed out a bit, upset.

That's when he saw her, another rather... . The mature woman who led him here, gave him a place to stay, and became her very own mother away from mother. "You poor thing, Shihai saved none for you! I will give you this batch, I made extra just to make sure you got your proper vitamins and minerals!" she declared, producing eggs and ham, both of which smelled and looked perfect to all sensory interpretation. She soon emerged holding a plate, which she placed before Itsumi on the table. "Please enjoy~" she cooed... Before simply watching. It seemed she was going to stare, and watch Itsumi eat... While Kofku ran off to scrounge up more breakfast that Kibarashi didn't bother to give to her, instead only to Itsumi. She was busy eating, and it seems in her disappointment, Shihai went to sleep against the wall, her erotic aura turned off for now... Replaced by Kiba's own, who had her elbows on the desk and her cheeks resting on her hands while she eagerly awaited him to sit down and eat.
Itsumi pouted angrily at Kofku when she made fun of him. "I know! It's just a stupid mistake I made because I just woke up!" Itsumi said defensively.

Before Itsumi left his bed, he took a moment to recall how he got in this awful situation. It all started when Itsumi met this cursed purple haired woman that was supposed to guide them to their next destination. Of course Itsumi was wary when she offered her service for free, but he honestly only expected her to try to take advantage of him or to ask physical compensation halfway through, but instead she did something far more devious, she cleverly guided them the wrong way and when they arrived at the wrong place, the woman offered her home as a place they could stay as an 'apology'. Despite the obvious warning signs, the pushiness of Itsumi's sisters and his desire to sleep in a bed again, he foolishly agreed to stay at her place. Since then, Itsumi has been stuck in her house, lazily hanging around while trying to avoid his sisters as much as possible.

Itsumi could only sigh at his predicament after he remembered why he was stuck here, to be honest, it wasn't too bad. The woman that tricked Itsumi treated him kindly and didn't try to force herself on him. However, the woman's generosity and kindness also made it incredibly hard for him to be angry at her, making it incredibly hard to leave this place or to complain at her, but if he wanted to have a relaxing lifestyle like this, he would've stayed at home with his sisters, so he had to find some way to leave this place, maybe he could find someone willing to guide them back through the forest, but he wouldn't be surprised if he'd end up in an even worse situation by doing that.

"I don't think it's me you should be worried about not getting food. Miss Kibarashi always makes plenty of extra food for me, if not way too much food." Itsumi warned Kofku, who was the one in real danger of losing her food. "Anyways, I guess I'll go get some breakfast before I've got two more women barge into the room wondering why we're taking so long." Itsumi sighed with a bothersome look on his face, before getting out of bed and changing into his regular outfit, after he shoved Kofku out of the room of course. , he left the bedroom and followed Kofku to the kitchen, until he noticed Shihai lazily resting against the wall. "Ah, good morning Shihai." Itsumi replied with a kind smile. Despite Itsumi's kind and gentle smile, there wasn't a sister he was more wary of then Shihai, it wasn't because Shihai was an energetic troublemaker or an outgoing pervert, like the other sisters he preferred to keep at a distance, he was wary of her because she has a soothing aura that drew him in. Whenever Itsumi stayed too long near Shihai, all he ends up wanting to do is cuddle up into his sister's arms and be trapped in them forever, not that he would have much choice at that point, since his sister was freakishly strong, making it impossible to escape her grasp when she has a hold on you.

When Shihai invited Itsumi to sit next to her, all he could do was sheepishly nod. Ever since the nightmares, Itsumi's sleep had taken a toll, he'd often wake up feeling completely exhausted instead of rejuvenatied, and because of that, his sister's offer sounded lovely. All Itsumi wanted to do is cuddle up to Shihai and fall asleep in her arms, perhaps her embrace would ward of the horrible nightmares. Despite knowing it was a trap, Itsumi shuffled towards Shihai. Luckily though, Itsumi was pulled away and saved by Kofku. "Ah, right! I'm sorry Shihai but I'll have to pass on your offer, it would be rude to keep Miss Kibarashi waiting." Itsumi replied, before quickly heading to the kitchen. Itsumi couldn't thank Kofku enough for saving him there, and once again, it made him realize how fortunate he was that two of his sisters came along, since they perfectly kept thwarting each other's plans.

When Itsumi entered the kitchen, he saw the woman who was the cause of this procrastination, a fluffy and beautiful mature woman that essentially captured them and gave them no other choice but to stay. However, Itsumi was partially to blame for that by staying silent about it, he probably could've prevented this or already left if he spoke up, but he didn't want to be rude or look ungrateful after she took care of them. "A-Ah, it's alright Miss Kiba, I'm not hungry and I can make..." Itsumi tried to prevent Kibarashi from cooking something for him, but before he could finish his sentence she already turned around and started to cook up something for him. Despite the delicious smell of eggs and ham, Itsumi always dreaded the food that Kibarashi made for him, it wasn't because it tasted bad, but the amount of food she gave him was way too much, he barely ate enough for a child, and eating too much food only made his butt grow bigger, which was already way too plump for his liking. Itsumi looked at the plate of eggs and ham, hoping she listened and remembered his request to make less for him in the future. "Thank you." Itsumi politely replied, before sitting in front of Kibarashi, who was clearly staring at him and waiting for him to eat her food. Itsumi always found it incredibly awkward how Kibarashi would simply sit there and watch him eat, but he gave her the benefit of the doubt and didn't assume there was any nefarious purpose behind it. Kibarashi probably just wanted to see if Itsumi enjoyed her cooking, or at least that's what he preferred to assume over the alternatives. Itsumi began to slowly and politely eat the food Kibarashi made for him, his cheeks turning redder the more intently she stared at him. The awkwardness was only made worse by Kibarashi's erotic aura, as Itsumi always tried to desperately ignore her erotic aura or desperately tried to hide it when he couldn't resist it.
"My, the boy certainly fusses a lot over being fussed over~" Kibarashi declared, as she smiled at Itsumi's resistance to being fed as he was.

After a rather filling breakfast... Kibarashi was off cleaning the dishes while the girls gathered around Itsumi.

Kofku was bouncing with excitement. "Hey, hey~ I got us a lead for Itsumi's little quest to declare world peace~" she declared.

Shihai chuckled. "I hope it isn't too bothersome. It'll be difficult to get people into the idea of this new little religion Itsumi wishes to start."

Kofku nodded. "So, first Itusmi needs to get a reputation. Cuz right now he's got zip. So, why not start small? I heard that there's a monster girl famous around here for attacking young boys who wander off alone. There's a request to get rid of her... But Itsumi's gonna do his thing, right?" she asked with a smile.

Shihai was blushing at the mention, bringing her hands to her face. "Oh... If we're not careful, Itsumi will be attacked..."
"It's embarrassing to have people fuss over me." Itsumi said with slight flushed cheeks, before finishing his meal. After the meal was finished, Itsumi was pondering how to get out of this situation before suddenly Kofku and Shihai gathered around him, and with Kofku excitedly bouncing like that, Itsumi was growing a little bit worried. Although that worried expression quickly disappeared when Kofku finally found something productive for them to do. "Tell me, tell me!" Itsumi excitedly asked with sparkles in his eyes. "It's not a religion really, it's an ideal." Itsumi lectured with a serious expression. "Oh, that sounds perfect. Since she hunts on weaker prey it probably will be easy to find a compromise. Did they tell you type of monster girl it was?" Itsumi asked curiously. "And don't worry Shihai. I can take care of myself." Itsumi stated with proud bump to his chest, trying to look a lot more impressive then he actually is.
Kofku shrugged. "No one's sure, but some said it was a moth girl." she declared.

Shihai merely smiled. "Then I shall watch as you single handedly take on the scary monster that specializes in eating young boys just like you~"
Hearing it's a moth girl worried Itsumi a little bit, the more human something was the easier it was for Itsumi to deal with it and vice versa. "Uuu... don't say that! I just got a bit excited that we finally got something to do." Itsumi pouted at his older sister. "Alright then, lead the way Kofku. Ah, and thanks for the meal Miss Kiba!" Itsumi said, as he was excited to finally do something productive.
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Kiba waved at Itsumi as he and his sisters departed.After walking a bit, Shihai spoke aloud. "I wonder if the target will attack us when we're with Itsumi?" she pondered.

Kofku hummed. "That's a good point. I recall hearing that only boys that were alone got caught. I wonder if she views women as dangerous protectors?"

They walked for some hours, back and forth down the path. Shihai hummed. "... I think you are right. She isn't appearing to attack Itsumi."

Kofku chuckled. "Well, Itsumi, what do you think? Should we just see how it goes if you go alone? Or maybe we can just try to forcibly find where she sleeps?"
Itsumi pondered his options. From what Itsumi gathered so far is that this monster girl was most likely weak if she avoided taking men from women and the fact that she only preyed on younger man further solidified his theory. Furthermore, since Kofku actually knew the identity of the monster girl, she might be able to be caught while attacking one someone. "Well considering she only goes after easy prey and avoids women, it's safe to assume she's weak, but I'm pretty sure I still don't stand much of a chance, weaving is kind of difficult to do when something is distracting you." Itsumi told them. "I think the best thing we could hope for is using me as bait, since finding out were the monster lives might take us days and going alone is way too dangerous, besides we can always attempt that after this plan fails. So I'll walk ahead and you two will follow me as far behind as you can without losing sight of me, and Kofku, make sure Shihai doesn't wander off or get distracted." Itsumi proposed.
Shihai let out a huff as she folded her arms under her breasts, which naturally propped them up for a nice display. "I never do any such thing. I might nap though. If I get bored."

Kofku just laughed. "I'll keep an eye on her." she said with her hands on her hips, offering a wink.
Itsumi sighed and shook his head. "Thank you Kofku." Itsumi said, before taking another walk over the path alone, with his sisters trailing behind him, or at least he hoped they were.
And so Itsumi journeyed ahead. His sisters were out of sight. He had no clue if they were following him. The walk continued for some time, so long in fact that it seemed the monster girl just wouldn't show. But, out of nowhere, she did. Rather than attack, he heard a flutter of thin wings. Then, she landed in front of him. . Her wings folded around her and almost looked like an extension of her hair that way.

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She regarded him for a moment. "... You should already know what happens to boys like you who come out here alone. So why are you here?" she inquired. "And let me be clear, I'm going to rape you. I'm honestly just curious." she declared. "Are you a mage come to fight me? I'll do something awful to you if you try to weave."
Itsumi felt a bit nervous walking along this path without his sisters being close to him, but if the monster girl was too cowardly to appear with them next to him, he shouldn't be that afraid. Although, Itsumi nervousness started to go away when it didn't look like the monster girl was going to show up at all, as he started to wonder that he looked too mature, making him feel a little happy despite wasting his time here, but eventually he heard the sound thin wings flutter towards him, before a pale moth girl landed in front of him. Itsumi blushed a bit when looking up at the tall beauty and tried to remain calm when she approached him.

"I'm not much of a boy anymore though..." Itsumi grumbled a little, before becoming calm once again. "You're probably going to find this amusing, but I'm here to talk with you and figure out a solution to make you stop assaulting random boys." Itsumi stated, since there must be a different solution for her needs then assaulting random people, and considering the way she looked, she should've no problem finding a suitable mate. "Hmm... I'm actually not much of a fighter or at least I don't think I am. I haven't really fought that much myself." Itsumi stated with honesty, and since his weaving was fairly complex, it was ill suited to use it on himself during combat.
She blinked. "That's unusual, but I simply don't believe you. I'd be naive to do so. There's risk but benefit for me to do this, but there's nothing but risk if I listen to you." she declared. "If you're stalling for time, there's no point. Those girls who have been following you from the start have been led astray. You weren't the first ones to think of something like this, you know." she said with a smirk. "Suffice it to say, you're mine, and you're all alone here. Distancing yourself from them like bait did what you wanted, but it also gave me an opening to distract them. It was a cute attempt, really." she announced with a smile.

Her wings fluttered, and she moved with incredible speed, faster than any human could run, and tackled Itsumi to the ground on his back as she mounted him. "I appreciate your honesty. I'm happy to know you'll go down without a fight. I honestly don't like the struggle. I prefer to just slowly chew on my prey and enjoy the flavor. You know?" she smiled softly. She lowered her face to his, their lips almost touching and their noses grazing one another. "So, care to say anything now? Have I shaken you? I'll allow you to switch the topic and beg for mercy. But I won't listen~" she began with a light peck on his lips while her hands held his wrists above his head.
"How's there any risk in trying to find a solution? According to you, you've pretty much already got me cornered, so there shouldn't be any risk in at least discussing a solution." Itsumi stated, before looking a bit shocked to learn that she let both Kofku and Shihai astray. "Hmm... I didn't think anyone would sacrifice someone to capture you... especially a boy...." Itsumi replied sounding and looking a bit worried and disappointed in the town. "Believe me or not, if this plan didn't work out I was planning to walk through the forest alone. You actually saved me a bunch of time by doing this." Itsumi replied, trying to hide his nerves.

Itsumi wasn't prepared for the sudden dash that she made and all he could do was brace for impact. Out of panic, Itsumi crossed his arms and closed his eyes, and after his back hit the floor below him he opened his eyes, just to deeply blush when he noticed the moth girl was only inches away from him. "Way too close!" Itsumi yelped, before struggling a little, but since his struggling was most likely futile, he quickly stopped and calmed himself down. "What a horrible thing to say, but considering the prey you go for, I already assumed that you don't like adversity." Itsumi replied, before he looked shocked at the moth girl when their lips met, and realized that he had to do something fast, since she wasn't listening to him at all.

Itsumi didn't respond to the moth girl's last question, instead he calmly closed his eyes, feigning defeat, while pretending the moth girl was someone he didn't like, someone like his mother, to remain calm and keep his concentration. Itsumi started to imagine his body structure, all his bones and his muscles, until they became a vivid image in his mind. Once they were a vivid image, he gathered his immense power in the tips of his fingers, until he could feel the threads of magic swirling around inside of them. At an instant, the threads spread through his own body, before the first threads began to reinforce his bone structure. They started to encompass them, one after another, until his entire skeletal structure was reinforced with magical threads. Afterwards, the other threads began to encircle his muscles, adding to them, making them leaner and stronger. The threads of magic repeated this process in a blink of an eye, until he could feel his body brim with power, but despite him being able to further strengthen his muscles, he had to eventually stop unless he wanted to break his fragile body. Itsumi didn't like using this magic on himself or anyone, since there's a good chance that your body could break after the threads of magic disperse, and the chance only grew the stronger he made someone. A body like his had the chance on breaking easily, but someone like Shihia could manage a lot more.

After Itsumi was done empowering his body, hoping that the entire ordeal was impossible to notice from the outside, he began to struggle once more, trying to push the moth girl away from him.
She smiled, revealing a rather cute face behind the menace. "That's right. I don't like fighting. I just like to pin helpless prey down and slowly, gently enjoy them~" she cooed, before she used her other hand to lower Itsumi's pants and reveal his length. "A healthy boy... I'm not used to them being so large, but I can make due." she said, before adjusting and pushing her pussy up against his cock, rubbing her slit along his length. "You have such a focused face... Are you really a weaver? Tell me right now... Well, if you are... I won't let you focus!" She declared, raising her hips and swallowing his length inside of herself in one motion, letting out a moan of empowered delight as she did so. Her folds were tight to an almost lethal level, squeezing him in such a way that it was bordering on actually hurting, but instead was pure agonizing pleasure. His weaves were greatly disrupted as she did this. "W-what's wrong, boy? You suddenly look less focused... Shall I move slowly, or quickly?" she inquired, but given Itsumi was still a youth, he felt himself about to climax quite prematurely, the intense pleasure building up in such a way that it became clear that mamono were rather dangerous for the weak of heart sexually. His weaves were being distorted, and all he soon could focus was on the power he was weaving into his body being directed to where they were connected. "About to cum already? Even if you're barely of age, you could show some more stamina~" she cooed, before working her hips up and down his length slowly, dragging his orgasm out with a grin as she leaned forth to tongue his neck up to his cheek, savoring her catch... Until Itsumi's limited endurance gave out, and all of his focus went to the source of his pleasure...

"Hwah!?" she suddenly cried, as Itsumi felt his strength emptying, barely able to see all his hard work going into the mamono's body in a large burst following the feeling of cum shooting from his length into her pussy. "W-what... I feel... Full! Too full! What did you..." she began to panic as Itsumi's energy poured into her from his weaves. A mishap of weaving and focus gone into a sudden, odd kind of blast. The bug girl leaned up, holding her arms to herself as Itsumi saw her soul fill with energy, his energy, until she literally couldn't handle anymore given the size of his 'injection'. "A... Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" she screamed, before she seemed to 'burst' with energy, a puff of light warping force exploded from her as the energy bursted like a bubble from her body, and left her soul unwoven inside of her body. Like a lifeless doll she collapsed onto him, as his cock popped out of her pussy, his excess cum oozing out of her pussy as her soul was slowly finding itself again in her body. Very slowly.

Just then, a group came into the clearing. Kofku and Shihai followed by a dozen boys around Itsumi's age, some even younger. Observing the scene, Kofku pointed at Itsumi in exclamation. "Itsumi fucked the bug girl to death!"

Shihai hummed. "Not quite... But it seems everything worked out. Once we lost your trail, we found her den instead, and waited there to ambush her to save you before deciding to escort the boys home first since it was taking a while. But I digress..." Shihai came forth, and outright kicked the bug girl off of Itsumi, before plopping herself right down on the exhausted energyless Itsumi while licking her lips. "You've been a naughty boy, Itsumi, giving yourself to this girl, when we haven't even done it yet~"

Shihai lifted her hand in a swift motion to block a knee from Kofku. "Do you mind?" she inquired.

Kofku grinned. "I do, we agreed not to touch Itsumi or trespass on each other!" she declared, before dodging as Shihai fired a quick blast of weave.

"Now that his innocence is quite lost, that agreement is off." Shihai declared.

"So, it's war, huh?" Kofku said with a smirk.

The two stood, Itsumi relieved of Shihai's thick body on top of him as they faced off, before gathering their weaves, each beginning to yell. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaah!" before they both released a pair of bizzare beams at one another, lasers as thick as the trees around them from their hands. Shihai's was pink, clashing against Kofku's green. Both were yelling while literally throwing pure energy at one another.

One of the boys approached and offered Itsumi his hand. "L-let's leave, all these women are dangerous." he snuck a peek at the two sisters. "And kind of stupid too..."

Meanwhile, the bug girl was sizzling next to Itsumi, burnt out.
Feeling the woman's hand slide Itsumi pants down made him somewhat concerned, but since he was already gathering his energy, the most important thing was to remain calm. However, when Itsumi felt the woman's slit pressing against his cock, he grew a bit nervous and uncertain if he should remain calm. "W-Wait... I-I'm... not!" Itsumi mewled out in desperation, before his thick cock grew and twitched against the woman's hot slit. Itsumi still tried to focus and concentrate, despite it getting harder to ignoring the woman on top of him, but his concentration nearly completely failed him when he felt her needy pussy devouring his cock with one swift motion, forcing him to make a feminine groan. "No... Get off me please!" Itsumi begged, trying to control his ragged breath while using more of his power to desperately try to keep his other energy from spreading to the wrong places, only to make a bigger mess. Desperately Itsumi tried to ignore the pleasure flowing through his body, but the pleasure from her extremely tight pussy was maddening, and he could already feel his cock throb and twitch with the need to release its seed inside her. With Itsumi's mind being indulged in pleasure, he could feel all of his energy slip around the point they were connecting, and while Itsumi desperately was trying to prevent all his energy from gathering around there, he felt the moth woman move, nearly sending him over the edge instantly, as he loudly gasped with a pained expression. "W-Waittt... I can't...." Itsumi groaned out, as his body shivered with pleasure, feeling his grip on his energy slip away.

Until Itsumi completely failed to hold on, letting out a feminine scream before he felt all his energy pour into the moth girl, and with his energy, thick ropes of seed were being spurting inside the girl's womb. "I-I can't hold back!" Itsumi screamed, before his eyes rolled back into his head, as he continued to release all the energy he had gathered up into the moth girl. Itsumi couldn't stop himself as he was overcome with pleasure to the point that his body was trembling, and when she exploded with energy, he looked mortified at the spectacle, before she collapsed onto to him. Itsumi's twitching cock slowly slipped out of the bug girl's pussy, as he was panting exhaustedly under her, trying to catch his breath. "A-Ah... what have I done!" Itsumi panted in panic. The bug girl looked to be alive, and considering it was a mamono she should be fine if she was still breathing, but he hated himself for accidently harming the girl and really wanted to make sure that she would recover.

Itsumi was planning on taking a rest and check on the bug girl when some of his energy had restored to make sure she wasn't critically wounded, but when he heard Kofku yelling and saw them arrive with the missing boys, he started to look at his sisters with a panicked expression. "W-Wait, this isn't what it looks like and she's not death yet, but her life might be in danger!" Itsumi weakly yelped at Kofku.

"Thank goodness, you found the missing boys, but I'm surprised you two found her den, she sounded like she was extra careful to avoid any conflict." Itsumi explained while looking relieved that they at least found the missing boys, before he shrieked when Shihia kicked the wounded bug girl off him and pressed herself down on top of him. Itsumi gulped nervously, when he saw his sister's hungry eyes. "I-I didn't give myself to anybody, I-I got assaulted by her." Itsumi tried to reason. "B-Besides, w-we can't do such things, we're siblings!" Itsumi protested.

Luckily Kofku was there to rescue him or at least he thought, but when they started to argue with each other, he realized that this was going to lead to much more problems, especially when Shihai suddenly fired a quick blast of weave, which Itsumi didn't even know that she was capable of doing. Neither did Itsumi know that Kofku was capable of it as well, but that wasn't something he should concern himself with now, as both of them looked like they were quite literally about to murder each other, making Itsumi feel incredible tense and panicked. When one of the boys offered Itsumi a hand, he grabbed it and pulled himself from the ground. "I wish I could... but I feel like if I leave these two alone they might accidently... or not so accidently, kill each other or gravely wound one another." Itsumi explained. "And... I know... they're my sisters. Now please run back to the village without me, I have to make sure they don't hurt each other." Itsumi exclaimed.

However, without his energy he wasn't able to do much to the two of them and even if he regained some energy, he really wanted to check up on the bug girl rather than wasting it to stop these two maniacs. Once all the boys left, Itsumi did the only thing he could do. "Please! Stop fighting before you two hurt or kill each other!" Itsumi yelled as hard as he could, and if the two weren't listening to him, he'd try to run in between them, in an attempt to stop them from hurting each other over him. "P-Please, we shouldn't be hurting family, let's just talk this out!" Itsumi shouted.
The boys simply left back for the village, not wanting to stay for too long. Then, when Itsumi yelled, Shihai suddenly vanished from her position, revealed to have pushed herself upwards to avoid Kofku's blast, before she landed right behind Itsumi, her breasts resting atop his head as she hugged him from behind. "Let us talk it out then~ I like talking~" she cooed. Angered, Kofku approached, her breasts more on his level as they captured his face while she pointed a Finger at Shihai. "Would you stop making passes at him? You're being rude and selfish. You're also bothering him a great deal!" she exclaimed, while bothering him a great deal with her breasts smothering his face, and in general just getting smothered in a sea of breasts from all over.
Itsumi's plan succeeded, the boys were gone and both his sisters stopped fighting and potentially murdering each other. Despite Itsumi being happy that his two sisters stopped fighting and were now arguing instead, he wasn't too happy that he was now being assaulted by two pairs of breasts. Itsumi's cheeks were incredibly bright as both his sisters smothered him with their breasts, as he tried to squirm his head free from between Kofku's, rubbing his head a little bit against the both of them. "Y-You're not much better, shoving your breasts into my face!" Itsumi angrily complained with flushed cheeks, trying to desperately squirm away from his two sisters. "But at least both of you have stopped fighting... sheesh... I didn't even know you two had that kind of power." Itsumi whispered. "Now like I said, I didn't give myself to anybody, she assaulted me, and there's nothing to fight about, we're family and we shouldn't act on those types of urges!" Itsumi lectured the both of them. "Now, please let go of me and stop arguing with each other, I need to see if that poor moth girl isn't dying. After that... we can discuss whatever awkward topics the both of you want to have with me."