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Rise of the Tiny Love Emperor (Itsumi:Fmokou)

Shihai let out a pout. "But you always like my breasts~ Even now you're desperately rubbing against them~" she said as Itsumi struggled, his power amounting to him just getting a massage from her large fluffy breasts like something out of a lovely dream. Suddenly she let him go, and all of Itsumi's effort let him go flying towards Kofku's chest instead. It wasn't as overwhelming as Shihai's, but it was still a lovely pair of breasts. "Awww~" Kofku couldn't resist, and Itsumi found himself in the same situation, but with less fluff. Kofku's body was actually rather firm. As her arms wrapped around his face, Shihai got angry and glomped him again, crushing his face between two chests. Though as Shihai hugged him from behind, the most comparable feeling would be like getting raped by a fluffy cloud while getting his cheeks massaged by Kofku's firm balloons. So muffled was he that he couldn't hear them as they argued again, eventually forgetting to hold onto Itsumi as he slipped out from between them, directly downwards and finally able to breathe. The least of their discussion was the moth girl, whom they seemed to care nothing about.

Checking on the moth girl, she seemed fine, showing signs of life. She just looked frazzled out of her mind.
Being between Shihai's soft and fluffy breasts was always rather overwhelming for Itsumi, if he knew it wasn't his sister's and knew he wouldn't be violated, he wouldn't mind falling asleep inside of them from time to time. However, since Itsumi wanted to be an example of virtue, he knew that he had to resist any temptation he could and continued to struggle against his sister's breasts. Luckily Itsumi succeeded, but only to tear himself away from one pair of breasts to land into the bosom of another. This time, Itsumi's head was firmly planted between Kofku's firm breasts. Although less fluffy, it was still overwhelming to Itsumi, who wanted to avoid these situations at all costs, especially with his sisters, and with Shihai quickly joining in, his already flushed cheeks became extremely red. Itsumi started to feel drowsy as they continued to rub their chests against his head, until they finally released his head enough for him to be able to slip underneath them.

After checking on the moth girl, Itsumi was relieved to learn that she would recover. However, Itsumi needed to decide what to do with her now. Of course Itsumi couldn't leave her be and hope she stops kidnapping villagers, since there was really no reason for her to stop unless she wanted revenge on him. Either way, Itsumi rather wanted to figure out a solution right away, instead of forgetting about her and hoping that she wouldn't ambush him at a unfortunate time. Thus, Itsumi decided to interject himself between his bickering sisters once more. "Please stop bickering for now!" Itsumi yelled, and when he got the attention of both he'd continue. "You two can continue bickering after we've found a solution on how to deal with this moth girl." Itsumi said. "I want to bring her to her hide out and ask why she's doing this, and if there's something I can do to make her stop kidnapping villagers. After we've done that, I'll talk with you two about what happened here, but don't put your hopes of for me accepting the both of you!" Itsumi warned them.
Shihai suddenly seemed to have something dawn on her as she put her finger onto her lower lip in thought. "Wait, Itsumi... Now that I look at her, that bug girl looks untouched. Yet completely beaten. What did you do to her?" she questioned.

Kofku exclaimed by raising her fist to the sky, "He fucked her to death!"

Shihai looked drained just from hearing Kofku's idiotic thoughts. "Stop it." she dictated, before folding her arms underneath her breasts. "I'm not going to let you go until I find out, Itsumi, so be prepared to suffer living hell if you try to escape." she declared. In mid-breath, her breasts seemed to jiggle with every rise and all, as if Hell itself was waving at him. A truly fluffy hell.

Then, the faint sound of slapping came from the side. Kofku had mounted the mothgirl and was now slapping her to try and wake her up. "Wake up!" Slap! "Wake up!" Slap! "Waaaake uuuuup!!!" Multiple Slaps!

"Stooooop...." came the weak sound of the mothgirl pleading for mercy. She still looked like she'd been baked from the inside, and her motions looked drunk.

"Where are you hiding the children!?" Kofku exclaimed, shaking the mothgirl.

"We already found the children, Kofku..." Shihai sighed.

Kofku suddenly gasped, looking at Itsumi. "Then why are we going to the den!?"

Shihai blinked. "Good question." She looked at Itsumi. "Why are we going to her den?"

The mothgirl suddenly vomited, causing Kofku to scream and run away.
"I didn't fuck her to death! After all, she's still alive." Itsumi yelled, trying to circumvent explaining what truly happened between him and the mothgirl, as he really didn't want to give his sisters more fuel to assault him, but it looked like Shihia was having none of it. Luckily though, the both of them sounded confused why he wanted them go to the mothgirl's den, this gave Itsumi the chance to stall a bit longer. "Can you stop hitting her already, sheesh!" Itsumi pouted when he saw the poor mothgirl getting smacked to the point where she was vomiting. "Anyways, we need to at least drag her of this path before someone comes here and sees her. Even if people get kidnapped along this path, I'm sure someone might still travel through here, especially in groups, and it would be bad if they see an unconscious monster girl." Itsumi explained. "And, we can't exactly leave her here or bring her back, and if we don't deal with her now she might become a bigger problem later or continue kidnapping young boys. Neither of those options sounds too good to me, so let's bring her somewhere where we can safely discuss stuff."
And so Kofku got off the moth girl and easily picked the girl over her shoulder. Kofku was quite strong and fast with her thin and toned body. Meanwhile, Shihai was the slow one, trading speed for even more ferocious power. Despite being even more physically powerful than Kofku, Shihai somehow managed to always look very... Bouncy. Instead of looking like a solid mountain. It helped that her love of fat foods was her blessing in this case, as she burned just enough fat to maintain a nice layer of thickness that became a tool of hypnotism... And speaking of which, at some point Itsumi looked at Shihai, which meant before he knew it, he was sucked in and was walking with Shihai right behind him, her boobs on either side of his head and resting on his shoulders.

In a safe place, also known as an unknown place, a random path off the road, they settled down. Shihai hugged Itsumi closely to smother him in more of her soft, lovely flesh, before letting him go. Not because she wanted to, but because she had to block Kofku coming in to kick her arms off of Itsumi. Ever yet the two powers bounced off of each other to prevent endless violation to one girl or the other. Should one sister ever become dominant... That would be the end of Itsumi.

Meanwhile, the insect girl was stirring. "Uuuugh..." she looked ready to hurl again. Though she seemed to be developing consciousness.
Itsumi knew that both of his sisters were strong, but he had no idea they were this ridiculously strong. Itsumi always figured that they needed his help to beat monsters, but after figuring out how strong the two were, he was pretty sure that they either were humoring him or just loved his attention when he helped them, and considering the two, he wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter. However, even without their powers Itsumi knew that they were impressively strong, which showed when his lean sister Kofku easily picked up the moth girl from the ground and hoisted her over her shoulder without any issue. Despite Kofku's display of might though, the real impressive one was Itsumi fluffy looking sister Shihai, who despite her slothful nature and soft looking body was immensely powerful. However, Itsumi personally wasn't really concerned about Shihai's strength, as he was more concerned about her abnormal amount of fluffiness. For whatever reason Itsumi couldn't resist Shihai's fluffiness, it just felt too comfortable to resist hugging her. In fact, when leaving the road to search for a safer place, Itsumi found himself trapped between Shihai's bountiful breasts, and he couldn't help but comfortably rub his head between shihai's breasts, despite looking a bit annoyed at being trapped between them.

Itsumi hoped that Shihai would release him from her breast prison when they found a safe spot, but clearly the opposite was true, as he quickly found himself wrapped up in his sister's arms. Itsumi couldn't really muster any resistance to Shihai's soft and bouncy boyd as he quickly succumbed to the fluffy pillow that was his sister, but luckily Kofku intervened, which gave Itsumi the opportunity to distance himself from Shihai with a relieved sigh. Despite both of Itsumi sisters wanting to get a bit too close to him, he at least was fortunate that the two of them thwarted each other plans, as he couldn't imagine either of them being restrained enough to not try anything. In fact Itsumi was convinced Kofku would've already assaulted him if it wasn't for Shihai, and Shihai would've already trapped him in a trap of fluffy laziness with no escape. Assuming this, Itsumi had to make sure that neither of them would get an advantage on the other, since he highly doubted he could win a fight against either of them or escape from either of them.

Luckily before thinking about what his sisters truly would do to him, Itsumi's thoughts got interrupted when the moth girl woke up, giving him another great opportunity to ignore that his sisters had unfinished business with him. "Shihai, Kofku, the moth girl is about to wake up. I don't want you to restrain her, but can you two stay close to her so you can catch her if she tries to escape? Not that I'm sure either of you can when she tries, since she can fly, but I'll be impressed by whoever can stop her escape attempt." Itsumi asked from his two sisters with a gentle smile, hoping that making it into a minor challenge to impress him would stop both sisters from bickering and actually pay close attention to the moth girl's escape attempt, if she was going to try after waking up. After that, when Itsumi saw the moth girl was about the hurl again, he looked away from her until she got everything out of her system, before walking up to her and kneeling down in front of her. "U-Umm... do you need help standing back up or do you prefer lying down for now?" Itsumi asked.
The two girls offered their sweetest smiles. "Okay, Itsumi~" they said together, their more rotten sides taking a back seat as they both did as he expected them to in order to gain favor.

The moth girl writhed a bit, before she focused hazy eyes on Itsumi. "Y-you...!" she gestured, before looking sick and twisting a bit. "What... Did... You do to me....?" she inquired, not doing much else than being miserable.
Itsumi was a bit surprised how well his plan worked on his sisters, when he looked at them smiling sweetly. Itsumi would use this more often, but it was pretty obvious that they eventually would pressure him to choose whoever was the better sister, which would presumably end in a disaster for him.

Looking at the moth girl's reaction, Itsumi felt like he was worried about nothing when he saw the moth girl in that near dead state, as it looked like she was rapidly recovering. Itsumi couldn't help but smile relieved to see the moth girl up and moving about, even if she looked sick. However, when the moth girl asked what Itsumi did to her, he smiled and laughed a bit awkwardly, as he really didn't want to describe what happened, especially with his sisters near him. "U-Umm... you don't remember? You were about to rape me, so I kinda panicked... and accidently shot a beam of pure energy in your direction." Itsumi explained, hoping that she wasn't going to inquire any further and that his sisters would assume he still remained pure, so they would give up their more aggressive pursuit. "Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Why were you greedily stealing those children? I really got no objection to you seducing someone and them willingly staying with you, but kidnapping a lot of young boys goes way beyond what is okay." Itsumi lectured the sick bug woman. "And... is there any way I can convince you to not kidnap them anymore? Like most monster girls, you really shouldn't have a problem seducing one and keeping it at that."
The moth girl looked at Itsumi in protest. "What are you babbling about? I had you balls-deep!" she exclaimed. This suddenly made Itusmi shiver as the stares of Kofku and Shihai were like invisible lasers that could puncture his soul as they went right through him and directly at her. The air was so thick with jealousy and envy that it became hard to breathe. "And shouldn't have a problem!? Most mamono go their lives without taking one, much less seducing one. Literally speaking by the way, over half of my sisters are dead. I gave up trying to capture fully grown men, and instead found children easier to kidnap. I thought I was about to join my twelve sisters for a while there..." she mumbled. "But, I accept. Will you leave me be now? Are you satisfied?" She agreed suddenly and without ceremony.
When the moth girl began to comment on their tumble, Itsumi looked at her with pleading eyes wihile his finger was in front of his mouth, and after the moth girl spoke those words, the sharp glares his sisters gave them turned his face a bit pale. "A-Ahaha... y-you must be misremembering because of the blast that happened, b-but that isn't the important part anyways." Itsumi tried to lightening to mood a little by laughing her comment away. However, after hearing how difficult of a time the moth girl was having, he felt a bit guilty for assuming that she was doing this for completely selfish reasons. "I can't really say I know what's like to face that type of difficulty, and it does disgust me that many of your sisters died trying to find a suitable mate, but kidnapping children goes a bit too far..." Itsumi replied with a depressed sigh. "You really... should've thought about this plan you know? You should've known that eventually the town was going to fight back, and luckily for you... they send me instead of someone far more dangerous." Itsumi replied, before giving her a nod. "I understand... I will leave you be. However, if you're interested, I'd gladly find you a mate, since I do believe every mamono deserves someone, as long as that man is willing. Of course... the perfect equilibrium between men being with mamono and them being with humans would be easier to maintain if human men and women lightened up a little, but I really shouldn't be the one to judge." Itsumi offered with a sigh, before standing up.
The moth girl looked up at the sky for a bit, seemingly in thought as she folded her arms under her breasts, before looking down at Itsumi. "Wouldn't that make 'you' a suitable candidate? You're meeting all of your own standards for what you think I need." she questioned. Kofku and Shihai were slowly shaking their heads in denial. "I'll take you up on your offer. If you can't find me a mate within a month, you will be my mate. Because that's when I have my eggs ready~" she said with a smile. "Unless you want to let me go off and do as I please, that is." she said on the side. Shihai let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh my, how unfortunate. It looks like she will have to die after all~" she declared. But it seemed like the Moth girl was now using Itsumi as a shield.
Itsumi looked a bit bewildered when the moth girl suggested he was perfect mate in that case. Although Itsumi had to admit that it would be better for everyone to live according to his philosophy, he also had to admit that he was a bit of a hypocrite. However, considering Shihai was about to murder this girl, Itsumi didn't have much time to be flustered by the girl's revelation. "S-Shihai... it's alright, you know I'm a hypocrite when it comes to my own solution." Itsumi said with a sigh. "So please calm down, there's no reason to kill her, I'm sure we can find a compromise." Itsumi plead, before turning his attention to the moth girl.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but as you heard, I preach these things but don't exactly practice them myself. I'm just... not that type of person." Itsumi explained. "However, I'm pretty confident that I can find a mate for you within a month, unless you're picky about your mate I don't think that's a problem, but... becoming your mate if I fail... might be a bit too much to ask for." Itsumi mentioned with innocent smile while pointing into the direction of his sisters.
The moth thought to herself. "Practicing what you preech is something everyone should do. Including those two, who have obvious inclinations towards you. Tell me, have they agreed to share or do they fight?" The question was received by the two of them, who opted to ignore it. "One month, though I will advice you to submit yourself now. Right now you are the only thing I'd accept."