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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Frederik nodded as Marie told the pair that the hunter had met a rather grisly fate the next town over. He did not seem to be overly shocked at the news as he said. "I'm not all that shocked to be honest, he didn't seem like much of a hunter. Would you believe he actually tried to convince us that vampires weren't repelled by garlic."

Matilde still seemed a bit fearful though when Marie asked where her father might be found she began to look even more worried. Though a few seconds of wrestling with her own worries made her suddenly respond. "I suppose there I little point in worrying about you turning us in. He wouldn't be that hard to find even if we didn't tell you. He's probably awake by now and searching all over the house for me.

Just follow the road east from the church, the mill is at the edge of town. Just promise you won't even tell him you saw us, he can throw a pretty mean tantrum. I guess this is goodbye, though I really wish I could find a better way to thank you for helping me."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie kept frowning, but nodded with understanding. "Well, I advise you to be cautious. No matter what nature of trouble, I am sure it has thought of ways to avoid our counters, lest it would not even be causing this trouble in the first place. Indeed, if you had no fully committed already, I would perhaps now advise against travel. I think it is still only a very small chance if you coming into the path of this malaise yourself, but the situation is more dire than I realized, and I personally am not a risk taker." Of course Marie couldn't just up and reveal any secrets, how she would know, even if they seemed likely to believe her after that display of brashness, but still, Marie thought perhaps she could at the very least convince them to take less risks and refrain from doing anything stupid. "I should perhaps hurry. This business seems urgent, and perhaps my interruption will delay any search for you." Another polite nod and Marie started off in the indicated direction, though at a moderate pace fitting of the eloquence she was trying to fake.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Matilde and her fiancee waved farewell as the group departed in opposing directions, the couple on their way to elope and Marie to delve more deeply into the mystery she had found herself investigating. She pondered everything she had learned so far as she traveled to visit Matilde's father, the manipulative miller, hopefully he would provide a few more pieces to the puzzle.

It wasn't long and she had passed through the center of town turning east at the church. The crowd around the mysterious preacher had died down as had the bonfire, though she could still hear the murmur of a decent crowd within the tent. She passed the inn, where Countess Erzsebet had procurred a lair for them to pass the day, briefly she wondered what her co-conspirator was up to.

Eventually she reached the end of town and just as Matilde had told her she found the mill. A magnificent mansion of stone stood on a nearby hill, it's dark towers silhouetted perfectly against the moonlit sky. Much to her lack of surprise, Marie noted a handful of guards milling around the front gate to the heavily shadowed estate.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie didn't have a wealth of examples to compare too, but the accommodations here definitely seemed more robust than even a highly successful miller could typically hope for. Even if things had only gotten troublesome lately, this family had to be involved in some deep affairs for some time. Marie slowly approached one of the guards. There was little reason to be covert at the moment. "Greetings. I must speak with your patron at once. I have some urgent news about one of his associates he will likely wish to hear at once."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The guard Marie had approached had an air of command about him and he seemed the oldest of the group as well, perhaps their commander. The look he gave her as she made the request to speak with his patron made her think that she was not the first to make such a request this evening. Looking her over he nodded and asked. "Patrizier Franciscus is rather busy at the moment, milady. Perhaps I could pass on the news for you after he is in a more welcoming mood?"

Not an unusual turn of events considering that the miller would likely have discovered his daughter was now missing. Still Marie knew she needed to speak with the patrician in order to find the information she sought.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

This time Marie's frown contained a bit of a grimace, as a show trying to make it seem as if she was conflicted. "Well, it is of a very sensitive nature. I would have a hard time imagining anything that would be more pressing that this as well..." She let that hang, if anything to play dumb as to what else might possibly be going on. "If that is somehow now the case, I will only take but a moment of his time. Still, time is of the essence on the decision. Lives may be at danger, perhaps even some he holds very dear..."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The watch commander's face took on a more questioning look as Marie finished mentioning it might involve someone held dear by the miller. He seemed to ponder things for a moment before nodding and indicating for her to follow him up to the mansion. "Perhaps it would be better to have my master decide the worth of your information, milady. Just keep in mind he can be more than a bit wrothful in his dealings at times like this."

Entering into the mansion Marie noted that it was equally as impressive inside as it was without. The lack of any sort of flame anywhere gave the rich mansion a decidedly creepy feeling however as shadows seemed to deepen and stretch of their own accord. Marie also noted a significant amount of dust making the place seem more like a museum than a home. Eventually she was lead into a small library just as cold, dark, and dusty as the rest of the mansion though a single candle cast it's dim light towards a desk.

The captain nodded and asked Marie to wait here while he told Franciscus about her. Leaving her alone in the creepy library while she waited.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

No matter the condition, Marie couldn't help but marvel at such a house, coming from such humble beginnings. She did her best to hide that though and remain a calm neutral, aided by the dimness. She wasn't so out of her element that she didn't notice how strange it was to be in this state. Marie was getting a bit more suspicious, but more intrigue didn't necessarily mean more danger, as long as she kept up appearances.

Marie moved closer to one of the shelves, attempting to see what types of books were here. It might be hard to do so in the darkness, though, and depending on how much time she was given. Still, Marie figured it was what 'polite company' would do in this situation regardless, to stay out of the way until the master of the house could be bothered.

(This is a strange question to ask, but am I illiterate? :p )
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The books were covered in the same thick layer of dust that seemed to pervade throughout the rest of the home. The layer of dust only served to make it easier for Marie to discern what the unknown Franciscus preferred to read however. Unfortunately her lack of an education prevented her from learning much, so she focused on books that looked to be written in French. From what she could see the miller had a rather eclectic collection, ranging from fables to books on geography, but one drew her attention more than the others. Les Neuf Portes du royaume des ombres, it seemed to almost be prominently displayed compared to the others and was completely dust free.

Before her hand could reach out and touch the richly crafted tome she heard footsteps along the floor in the hall. She turned just in time to see a short yet regal looking vampire enter the room, his hair had already turned grey and his pale skin seemed almost to glow against the dimness of the room and his dark clothing. He said nothing as he moved forward in a practiced gait, his eyes stared deeply into Marie's and seemed to beg her to explain why she was bothering him.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Whatever the topic, this library likely held something that at least touched upon it. Marie felt herself likely outclassed in any subject, so this would not be a man her natural wit could impress. His quick approach did set off her nerves again, but for now she could remain calm and take a direct approach.

"Ah, good evening. I am sorry to intrude." Mentally she was fumbling to be polite, pausing for a small bow or curtsy maneuver. Hopefully any errors in the practice she made could be passed off as some distant tradition, for while she intended to bring up the truth about Henri, Marie did not intend to make it known she was a fresh convert from the village where he met his end. "I believe you are the patron of one known ans Henri, yes? If so I must sadly bring you news of his demise..."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"So the assassin has met his end, at least I won't have to pay him now. How is it that a stranger such as yourself should know of my little hireling and his death, and perhaps more importantly did he succeed?" The noble said as he turned and walked along the bookshelves as though he were looking for something. He did not seemed the least bit surprised at the information, though Marie imagined him the type not to show surprise even if he were. He also seemed to be rather preoccupied in his thoughts, most likely because of his missing daughter.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie was a bit taken aback, but by this point had plenty of practice with what she was coming to call the "business frown". It helped her stay consistent too. "No. He did not succeed... We were passing through the town he was in, which was reduced to a state of chaos. I will admit, I have no hard proof that he failed, but considering the trail of blood I have a real hard time imagining that he did..." Marie retained enough to be appalled at the collateral damage, mentally lying even to herself about the fact that a large part of it was her actions, not Henri's or Ulfur's. She did have to catch herself from going into too much detail, which would likely get some attention but not in a good way. Perhaps this was going to be an annoying lesson that others of her kind tended more towards Erzsebet, lacking nuance and a touch for the subtle.

"I did meet him at the inn, casually, and it was not hard at all to tell he was up to something. I can only imagine the rest of the night's events were due to his actions, at least in a roundabout way..." She had yet to determine the true motives at play here, so Marie had to be careful. At this rate as long as she kept up her apparent record of being the most tactful vampire around it wouldn't be long before all the beans were spilled, one way or another. She just had to avoid seeming too suspicious until then.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"I see," The nobleman said as he stopped in front of a large dusty mirror where he stopped to smooth his clothing. Marie could not help but notice the utter lack of reflection in the dusty surface, which was quite beyond anything she had expected. Turning the man smiled and stared in her direction as he seemed to muse aloud.

"So are you merely a helpful bystander in search of a small boon, or is this some kind of warning from my opposition? Perhaps we could make some sort of deal, no matter which of the choices I could always find use for one so bold as yourself."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

For a moment Marie almost forgot what she was going for. This was a bit... creepy... and now there was a certain bit of luck she had when keeping her composure. The rambling did manage to snap her back on track and Marie hoped she could prod her way into some more of the secrets. "Well, a little bit of all of those I suppose. You could say I am but helpful, but also for my own ends. You see, I appreciate it when our activities are kept, for lack of a better word, clean. Yes, we have a good deal of power, but it is often easier, for the whole, if we keep things a bit less out in the open. In that way it is a warning I suppose. Though I personally hold you no ill will, I know of several who are less forgiving than I am who may be a bit upset about recent events." Marie paused for a moment, though not long. It was a struggle to keep up her charade this long, without having thought too far ahead.

"That said, most recognize that our compatriots are merely conducting legitimate business. They just do not like it when they may be pulled in by accident. I am sure whatever your goal was in sending Henri was legitimate, just some of the others in these parts wish you had been a bit more subtle... I am sure with necessarily assurances, and her perhaps some incentives, perhaps even a bit of assistance to remain so hidden could be offered." Marie tried to make a somewhat amused look, or at the very least show she was not a threat. It was something reasonable they all assumed probably when someone new just showed up at their doorstep. Marie definitely felt in over her head, though not in danger. The sooner he took the bait the sooner she could drop some of the pretentious language though...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The older vampire stepped away from the mirror and moved to the shelf nearest Marie as though he were reading the titles. He stopped a few feet away from her and turning his head caught her gaze with his own. "You really have no idea what is going on in my little town do you? No matter, I still feel you will be a useful tool in keeping things under wraps as you say. There are after all other important matters I must attend to as well."

He turned his gaze to the books once more before continuing, "You are aware of the other new arrivals in town beyond yourself and Henri, yes?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie's eyes narrowed a bit. That was definitely some subtle insult, but she could play a bit more hardball if the situation demanded it. "No, I will freely admit I do not know ALL of what is going on here. Nor do I particularly care to. I am just passing through. However, we all have an interest in keeping local troubles... local, so to speak." Though Marie was pretty certain most vampires would agree that troublemakers were mad, aside from Erzsebet she didn't have much authority to call on. She tried to maintain a posture like she did, however, but not strong enough to come off as a threat. She would have to carefully concede a bit if this meeting was to be productive.

"It is hard not to see some of the tension here, though. The display in the square was certainly something. You are correct in that I do share some of your motive in preventing things from getting out of hand. I am prepared to assist, if need be, but if you believe there reason for me to go 'all in' as the gamblers say then I would be most interested in hearing it..." In her inexperience, Marie didn't want to focus to be on her. She would play along, but only if she could get him to spit out the terms clearly before she committed.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"What then can I offer you in exchange for your aid in dealing with our troublesome preacher? What is it that your cold heart desires most? Wealth, power, knowledge, revenge, or all of the above." Franciscus asked as he continued to stare into her eyes from a few feet away. His intense stare seemed to bore into her soul as he added.

"I suppose there is little harm in making a gran offer, since I know the odds are against you succeeding. Rid this town of the preacher permanently and you can name your own price. So odious is this thorn in my side that I would gladly give up all I possess in this world to be rid of him."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Hmm, well, that is quite... drastic..." Marie had to admit, she was a bit unnerved by how he was acting, but a little twinge of giddyness let her play it off as mild flattery. She had found an angle. "I feel honored you have that much trust in me already. This preacher must have caused you a great deal of trouble already, no?" She wasn't ruling out actually going through with it, but if this was going to be serious, she needed to know fully what she was up against. It had become rather suddenly clear that perhaps she better consult the sheriff, as he at least seemed competent, and the same could not be said for the others. Fortunately, the incompetence on this one seemed to mean he babbled a lot, perfect... "Tell me, what ills has this heretic brought on you personally?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Drastic!" Franciscus practically spat as he spoke without thought before suddenly stopping and turning to look once more at the large collection of books. He stared off into space for a moment before calmly adding.

"I suppose it must seem drastic for one so young as yourself, it can take lifetimes to find a true rival. The heretic as you would call him just so happens to be such a rival to me. I hardly think it necessary to go into the details of how he has wronged me over the ages. Still if you feel it would aid in ridding the world of his presence I would gladly tell the long tale, or perhaps I could simply answer the most important questions you have. There are other matters I must attend to after all." The other vampire turned once more as a worried smile spread across his face. He almost seemed distracted by some matter beyond the preacher despite his obvious wish to be rid of the other vampire.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

It took real effort not to get snotty with this attitude she was receiving right now. As it stood, Marie was getting real good at the narrow eyed, annoyed cringe look. Still, even with the lack of the story she got some useful context out of it. Marie doubted even a wizened vampire would fully endorse on a whim a full on vengeance quest, one that was not their own, at least. Her points about how one's personal issues spilling over were more trouble than they were worth still stood, but playing along would probably be the path of lease resistance.

"As I said, I'll see what I can do. I suppose time is short enough that the full story would take too long, though any information about his machinations or abilities would likely be of aid..." If she still breathed Marie likely would have sighed heavily. Maybe it really was youth, but these borderline ravings really seemed like a pitiful existence. If this is what she had to look forward to in 'old age' Marie was seriously reconsidering her optimism.