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River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The river rushes beside the arena, the dark waters roiling over black stones in the fading evening light. The red silt that made up the banks and riverbed conceals a necropolis worth of bones both fresh and ancient, along with the rusted remnants of arms and armor. The woods beyond surrounded the feasting hall that forms the center of the goddess domain, but here too the carnage of battling warriors was all too common...

(And again, made an arena to have a fight in it. vs one of Astarte's characters. Rolled a stage hazard and invaders, which I guess we could just roll into one. Suggested mechanic below, but whoever rolls can do what they like I guess.)

Roll a d6, on 1-3 do nothing. On a 4, attack character A, on a 5 attack character B, and on a 6 attack both. Roll an 80 Body juggernaut tentacles trying to grapple them, so basically a d100+8. MAXIMUM MOLESTATION. Also presumably with aphrodisiac fluids 2d6. For, uhh, reasons.

Iriel glared across the river, though her irritation had no discernible source beyond that she hadn't found an opponent yet. Her chain was wrapped partially around her arm, her but the end of it was twirling slowly beside her as the busty, armored orc turned to scan the trees for signs of anyone who might be moving through them. Already she had seen her mother depart to face someone, but she had been out here for nearly an hour without a single opponent....
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Character Sheet

Laelia frowned at the river beside her as she walked along it, idly spinning the weapon in her hands. It seemed that she always ended up in the most morbid places. First that old castle, and now here. It wasn't as if the river was actually red, that was just an illusion caused by the red silt lining it—she could tell that
much with only a quick look—but the effect was a little creepy even if she told herself that.

This entire realm was strange, and not entirely to her tastes but it also presented an opportunity. She wasn't the sort of person to revel in battle like many of these warriors, but she had a goal, and the master of this realm might be able to help her accomplish it. If she performed well enough, perhaps she would be able to request a boon. Since she had arrived here, the cursed blade impaled through her chest had not acted up even once. That was as good a sign as any, that this "goddess" might be able to do something about it. That was why she fought, even if the fighting did not bring her any particular joy, like it seemed to for so many others.

Eventually, she finally stumbled upon another person, standing near the edge of the river. "Hello there!" She called out, waving with her free hand. Most of the people she'd run into weren't particularly polite, but she didn't see the need to dispense with basic manners. Death was only temporary after all, it wasn't as though there was any need to treat the people here like enemies on a true battlefield. "You out here looking for a fight? Or should I keep moving?"
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Iriel turned towards the voice, half pointed in that direction already, and grinned eagerly. She unlimbered her chain-weapon before responding verbally, a broad grin coming over her features, the hook-bladed weapon beginning to spin slowly at her side. "Looking... And I've apparently found one at last! I am called Iriel, daughter of the guardian of the Northern Wastes!" She replied, giving the stranger a chance to reply before taking two steps closer, coming a bit further from the bank and closer to her opponent.

"Prepare yourself... I may not be warmed up, but I won't be going easy on you!"
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 1:
Iriel: HP = 92, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 61, PP = 47, EP = 56, Status = Fine.

Initiative: No rolls because Iriel willingly ceded initiative for some reason. Laelia goes first.
Notes: I'll continue using alternating initiative unless someone complains at me about it in the docs.

Public Actions:
Laelia activates Whirling Death and uses Storm of Strikes, also activating her combination pistols for each attack (once offensively for +5 damage, once defensively for +10 Dodge/Defensive Reflexes).

Iriel uses 4:4 defensive fighting with a single weakening strike attack.

Laelia attack 1: 64 vs 97. Also an auto-miss because 3d10 result of 5.
Laelia attack 2: 85 vs 97. Miss again.
Laelia attack 3: 96 vs 97. RIP.
Laelia attack 4: 102 vs 97. A HIT.
Damage: 27 - 17 (2 ignored) = 10 damage.
-10 to Iriel's attack roll.

Iriel attack 1: 83 vs 54. Hit.
Damage: 34 - 17 = 17 damage.
Laelia gains a stack of weakened until the end of Iriel's next action.

Special Effects:
Technically not an effect but noting that Laelia has used 2 bullets from GUN.

Upkeep costs:
Laeila pays 5 HP upkeep for Whirling Death.

End of Round 1:
Iriel: HP = 82/92, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 56, Status = Wounded, Whirling Death, Weakened.
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Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

"Laelia," The kistune replied, falling into a defensive stance and taking her weapon in both hands, the sword blade forward and pointed low. "No fancy titles." The title didn't ring any bells, but she wasn't exactly an expert on orcish culture or important figures either. She generally made it a point to avoid orcish society back home. While she didn't believe anything she did was particularly against their beliefs, several of her friends were mages, and she studied at a school famed for magic in particular.

None of that mattered here, however. She had seen all sorts in this place, magic users included. A few moments passed in silence as she waited and watched, but it seemed that her opponent did not intend on making the first move. Laelia dashed forward to attack, but it seemed that her opponent was ready for her. Her first slash was easily dodged, the bullet she fired at the end of her swing likewise passing harmlessly over the orc's shoulder. A reversed slash was likewise dodged, and the first stab with the spear on the other end of her weapon only barely scraped off of armour.

It was only her final strike that finally drew blood, her spear finding a gap in the orc's armour, but it was only a shallow cut, nothing crippling. She fired her pistol again as she retreated back, hoping to throw off the orc's aim and give herself a little extra push, but she underestimated the length of the woman's chain weapon. She stumbled, nearly falling when the heavy chain struck her in the side of the head, her vision swimming before slowly starting to come back into focus. She could already feel the blood matting the hair on the side of her head and her expression turned serious as she brought her weapon up into a guard stance. It seemed that this wasn't going to be as easy as her last few fights had been.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Iriel merely grinned eagerly in response to her opponent's delivery of her name, and then settled back into a readied stance and began to slowly sidestep as her hooked chain dropped and began to spin at her side. She flipped it to one side and then the other, waiting for the other woman to attack with her strange weapon, and after a brief standoff Laelia launched forward. Iriel dodged one strike but then flinched when the gun that was a part of her weapon barked suddenly, surprised by the shot as part of an attack from what seemed to be a purely melee weapon. Perhaps it was that that led her dodges and deflections to become increasingly sloppy, a second backstep away followed by a partial flick of her spinning chain to leave the spear end of the weapon barely scraping her armor.

The orc barely even winced when the woman's spear jabbed into her, though the wound was shallow even if it did redirect her movement with the necessity to keep it from getting any worse. In response, Iriel flicked her chain upwards and then raised her arm, sending the blade at the end of it spinning towards the kitsune's head as she backed off with another bark of her gun. She managed to strike her opponent cleanly on the side of the head, disrupting her momentum and dazing her as she'd intended. The orc grinned broadly, sending her chain spinning back and forth on either side of her now as she upped the tempo of her motions.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 2
Iriel: HP = 82/92, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 56, Status = Wounded, Whirling Death, Weakened.

Initiative:Iriel, Laelia

Public Actions:
Laelia drops Whirling Death and casts Transformation (Body) X = 10, which is a buff so its stats take effect immediately despite being second in initiative.
Iriel uses Lightning Strikes. 2 with weakening, 1 with close engagement.

Laelia's dodge roll: 80
Iriel's attack 1: 79. Pffft.
Iriel's attack 2: 84. Hit.
Iriel's damage 2: 35 - 49 = 1 damage. Laelia takes an instance of Weakened.
Iriel's attack 3: 93. Close engagement hits.
Iriel's Grapple Action: 83 vs 54 (Somehow you both had terrible rolls). Iriel slams Laelia.
Iriel's damage 3: 46 - 49 = 1 damage again.
Reflexes: 40 vs 38 (This time only Astarte had a terrible roll.)
Laelia is stunned. Technically she should lose her turn this round but her turn was a buff which takes effect immediately regardless of initiative as per previous rulings...? Gonna need your opinions on what to do with this one. Ruling as written kinda implies that buffs take initiative priority so it happened first and Laelia loses her next action to stun.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
End of Round 2
Iriel: HP = 82/92, PP = 41, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 49/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 38/40, Stunned (?), Weakened.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Seeing her opponent's guard drop, Iriel launched her chain forth in a wide whirling ark, first whizzing just past her opponent's nose before whirling behind her and then suddenly extending it to flick past the kitsune's block. The hooks dug into her briefly but didn't seem to harm her in any significant capacity, but it did allow Iriel to drag her close her. "Get over here!" She growled triumphantly before grasping Laelia by the throat in one hand, lifting her, and turning to flip the suddenly much hare kitsune over her own body and slamming her back-first onto the ground.

But, even though it had apparently knocked the wind out of her, Laelia hardly seemed the worse for wear for the assault. She'd been momentarily slowed, but that was all, and her frustration at the apparent lack of harm caused by her attacks led Iriel to snort in annoyance as she reared back. "Tougher than you look..."
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Laelia continued to keep her distance, releasing one hand from her combined weapon to snatch a small vial from her belt, downing it in one gulp before tossing the empty vial aside and dodging out of the way of the swinging chain. She immediately began circulating power through her body, directing and improving the effects it was having on her body, her natural shapeshifting ability aiding in the changes. Her skin hardened, remaining flexible yet as hard as steel. Her reflexes improved, her muscles grew stronger.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to completely avoid her opponent's next attack, which threw her off balance enough for the orc to grab her and slam her down on the ground. Thanks to her reinforced body it didn't hurt much at all, but the force of the blow did knock the wind out of her. "Ugh..." was the only response the kitsune managed as she tried to blink the spots out of her eyes, trying to defend herself from whatever strike was sure to come next.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 3:
Iriel: HP = 82/92, PP = 41, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 49/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 38/40, Stunned (?), Weakened.

Initiative: Laelia, Iriel.

Public Actions: Laelia is stunned and does nothing.
Iriel uses Lightning Strikes + Hellfire Blast X = 3 weapon enchant, uses Weakening Strike on the last hit.

Laelia's Dodge: 67
Iriel Attack 1: 109. Hit.
Iriel Damage 1: 42 + 13 - 49 = 6 damage.
Iriel Attack 2: 106. Hit.
Iriel Damage 2: 41 + 14 - 49 = 6 damage.
Iriel Attack 3: 107. Hit. Laelia is weakened.
Iriel Damage 3: 31 + 14 - 49 = 1 damage.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Laelia pays 7 EP.

End of Round 3:
Iriel: HP = 82/92, PP = 41, EP = 26/41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 42/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 25/40, Weakened.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

"...See how you like this then!" Iriel roared as she whirled her chain overhead, raising it up and bringing it down as it burst into bright red flame. Down the flaming chain came once, hammering down onto Laelia before she raised it and slammed down again, before retracting it for a third blow aimed at the other woman's head in an effort to daze her again. Even wreathed in hellfire the rain of blows seemed barely to harm her downed opponent, however, and the orc let out a frustrated growl as she surveyed the result of her attacks and found Laelia to be basically unharmed barring some minor burns. "Whatever you're made of, I will find a way to break it eventually!"
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Laelia grit her teeth against the pain as the now flaming chain slammed into her body, but it left her reinforced flesh with little more than surface burns. The third strike struck her in the head once again, leaving no more than a reddened patch of skin where the flaming chain struck, but it was still enough to send her reeling. "You'll need to do better than that!" Laelia shot back as she finally managed to regain her balance and raise her weapon to properly fend off the chain again. She needed to regain the initiative somehow, or she'd just get worn down, but she'd never fought someone using a weapon quite like this before.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 4
Iriel: HP = 82/92, PP = 41, EP = 26/41, Status = Fine.
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 42/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 25/40, Weakened.

Initiative: Iriel, Laelia
For the record, the invader rolls have been: 1, 2, 3, 1. Can't even count to 4. At this point I'm tempted to come up with a new invader mechanic. D:<
Also I noticed a few errors in HP/EP expenditures and have fixed them at the bottom of this post. The major effect is that Iriel is 1 HP lower than I thought she was.

Public Actions:
Iriel uses Fell Might X = 6.
Laelia uses Scissor Defense.
... Fun.


Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Iriel upkeeps 0 EP.
Laelia upkeeps 7 EP.
End of Round 4
Iriel: HP = 79/92, PP = 41, EP = 21/41, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 6, Hellfire Weapon X = 3,
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 35/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 25/40.
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Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Stepping back slightly, Iriel growled as her chain waved, still burning brightly. She didn't attempt to strike, however, and instead swept a leg back to assume a readied stance... And then raised a leg to slam it back down, sending a burst of dust rising to accompany the surge of light that suddenly flared out from her body. When it cleared she had changed, her skin gone from green to red and her eyes to bright purple, and as Laelia hadn't taken advantage of her defensive state she was left totally unmolested while enacting her surge of demonic power. "Hmm... We'll see how tough you are NOW!"
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Laelia split her weapon into its two halves, raising both in a stance that left them ready to block an attack from either side, but the attack she was expecting never came. The orc drew back for what looked like another swing, but instead only kicked up a cloud of dust to obscure herself. Laelia remained alert, her ears listening for the sound of the swinging chain and the direction it would come from, but her opponent had something else in mind.

"A colour change? Is that all?" Laelia quipped back when she saw the change in her opponent's body, but she knew there was more to it than that. Likely some kind of strengthening effect, like she had done for herself, even if she usually suppressed any visual changes. Fortunately, while the brief lull in combat had given her opponent a chance to strengthen herself, it had also given Laelia a chance to recover from all of the hits she'd been taking. Now that she was no longer being pressed, she just needed to regain the initiative.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 5:
Iriel: HP = 79/92, PP = 41, EP = 21/41, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 6, Hellfire Weapon X = 3,
Laelia: HP = 39/61, PP = 47, EP = 35/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 25/40.

Initiative: Laelia, Iriel
Notes: (For my own records) Laelia has shot twice up to this point.

Public Actions:
Laelia enchants her sword with seal and then flurries. Uses combi weapon gunshot for each sword attack, uses rend, and is converting all damage into focus damage via crippling blow.
Iriel attempts to back up and make a single attack from maximum chain range.

The invaders finally decide to do a thing due to rolls.

Iriel's Dodge Roll: 85
Laelia's Attack 1 (Sword): 102. Hit.
Damage: 33 + 5 (gunshot) - 19 = 19 / 2 = 8 Focus damage.
Resistance: 26 vs 36. Iriel keeps her buff.
Laelia's Attack 2 (Spear): 89. Hit.
Damage: 32 + 12 (Rend) - 17 = 27 / 2 = 14 Focus damage. Iriel is Dazzled.
Laelia's Attack 3 (Sword): 92. However, it automatically misses due to Astartedice.
Laelia's Attack 4 (Spear): 114. Hit.
Damage: 31 - 17 = 14 / 2 = 7 Focus damage. Dazzled again.

Laelia's Dodge: 96
Iriel's attack: 97 (Even with Dazzled penalties, even though I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to take effect this round. I just did it anyway to see.)
Iriel's damage: 59 + 7 - 49 = 17 damage.

As if sensing that Astarte is having more than the allowable level of Canadian fun, something from the river attempts to grab Laelia:
Attack: 61. Misses even after dodge penalty due to multiple attacks. IT RETURNS TO THE GRIMY DEPTHS.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Iriel upkeeps 3 EP.
Laelia upkeeps 7 EP.
End of Round 5:
Iriel: HP = 79/92, PP = 41, EP = 18/41, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 6, Hellfire Weapon X = 3, Dazzled x2
Laelia: HP = 37/61, PP = 47, EP = 21/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Temporary HP = 8/40.
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Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Laelia wasted no time in closing the distance with her opponent once again, doing her best to keep as close on the orc's heels as she could. The chain was an odd weapon, not one the kitsune had ever trained to face, but she understood its strengths and limitations well enough. It was most useful when its full length could be brought to bear, so that was an advantage she needed to deny her opponent. She struck with the sword blade first, the blade itself shimmering with another enchantment. Unfortunately the enchantment failed to dispel her opponent's own powers as she'd hoped, but she continued unabated.

She let a shot from the firearm in her blade send her into a full spin, using the momentum that built and jabbing upwards with the spear end of her weapon before separating it into its two halves once again. She needed to seize the advantage here, keep her opponent off balance and on the defensive. Her own unorthodox weapon was ideal for that, she had designed it for quick strikes, combining them into a dangerous dance where the opponent never knew exactly where she would strike next. Her next sword swing only barely went wide, passing harmlessly over the orc's shoulder rather than striking it, but the high swipe with her spear that followed did not. It didn't do as much as she had hoped, her opponent managing to mostly avoid the slash aimed at her head, but it did catch her in the forehead, opening a shallow but bloody wound. It wasn't an end to the fight, but it helped. Another distraction, something else to split her opponent's attention.

Unfortunately, her all out attack left Laelia unable to avoid the strike from the chain as her opponent backed away, but a blow that would have previously sent her stumbling, possibly even cracked bones with the force behind it elicited no more than a grunt of pain and a bruise as it struck reinforced flesh and muscle. What Laelia wasn't ready for was something else to suddenly join the fray. She was forced to awkwardly dodge to the side as something lunged at her from the river, a large tentacle that grasped at the space she'd only barely vacated in time before drawing back to the water's edge. What was that? She didn't have much time to ponder that, she could only keep an eye on the water from now on—she doubted her opponent would be willing to move somewhere safer, and she couldn't lay off the pressure now.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Iriel flinched again as the shot rang out signalling Laelia's attack, and this time it cost her severely as her opponent's weapon broke past her guard and opened a gash in her forehead. Blood immediately began to ooze down her face, clouding her vision. She lashed out again, unable to gain any distance but still aiming a swing at Laelia wildly that lashed out and managed to barely tag the kitsune, though it hadn't caused any more significant injury than the last few attempted strikes even as it crackled with demonic lightning and was backed by enhanced muscle. She missed the sudden assault of the tentacle creature entirely, seeing only vague shapes that she could barely discern by that point, but still the orcess growled on and prepared to launch another assault.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 6:
Iriel: HP = 79/92, PP = 41, EP = 18/41, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 6, Hellfire Weapon X = 3, Dazzled x2
Laelia: HP = 37/61, PP = 47, EP = 21/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Seal (Sword), Temporary HP = 8/40.

Initiative: Iriel, Laelia

Public Actions:
Iriel uses Lightning Strikes with other stuff.
Laelia uses Flurry and Rend.

Iriel attack #1: 63 vs 78. Miss.
Iriel attack #2: 73 vs 78. Miss.
Iriel attack #3: 44 vs 78. Miss.

Laelia attack #1: 101 vs 49.
Damage: 34 - 19 = 15 damage.
Willpower check: 30 vs 27. Fell Might is dispelled.
Laelia attack #2: 121 vs 49.
Damage: 35 + 11 - 17 = 29 damage.
Laelia attack #3: 109 vs 49.
Damage: 38 - 19 = 19 damage.
Willpower check: 43 vs 20. Hellfire Blast is dispelled.
Laelia attack #4: 84 vs 49.
Damage: 32 - 17 = 15 damage.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Laelia upkeeps 7 EP.

End of Round 6
Iriel: HP = 1/92, PP = 41, EP = 18/41, Status = Fine, Dazzled x2
Laelia: HP = 37/61, PP = 47, EP = 14/56, Status = Wounded, Transformation (Body) X = 10, Seal (Sword), Temporary HP = 8/40.
Re: River of Blood (ToC PvP Arena)

Iriel growled in frustration as she felt her chain hit only air, but then flinched repeatedly as a rain of blows fell upon her, leaving her bleeding heavily from numerous gashes. Worse still, she felt the powers she had enacted fade suddenly, first her aura and then the lightning crackling along her chain. Barely standing at that point, she wavered but kept standing with an effort of will, waving her chain in a random defensive whir in a seemingly vain effort to keep Laelia at bay.