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[Complete - Full] [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~ [UPDATED to v2.1!]

Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

Just curious since the main page is blocked, what's the translation progress? Several months/years from now?

As of our last in-progress patch we're just over 1/3rd of the way through and have 12/34 scenes done.
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Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

That's great news.
Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

That means at this pace it will be 6 more months before the translation is finished. :(
Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

well we need the DLC(when it comes out) for the patch to work? only asking since it's a separate purchase.
Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

well we need the DLC(when it comes out) for the patch to work? only asking since it's a separate purchase.

I may be wrong but since the DLC only adds extra scenes and voice over and doesn't change any of the already existing content, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to use the translation for the main game only.
Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

I may be wrong but since the DLC only adds extra scenes and voice over and doesn't change any of the already existing content, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to use the translation for the main game only.

because don't have the DLC in the situation you suggest, if you trigger the extra scenes it'll make the game crash and if the voice is added to preexisting scenes you'll get error messages due to it being unable you find the audio tracks :(
Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

The new version has arrived on DMM (Not yet on DLSite). There are a total of 4 extra scenes, all of them are merely ending scenes for when you
Leave the house successfully, and inevitably return, to choose which succubus you want. After the credits, this succubus' new scene will play.

As for the new summoning,
Use the red pearl in Nemea's Room
to get the new scene. Voices are added to most of the scenes, including some of the existing summon ones, if you have the voice plus DLC.

EDIT: Oh, this thread is in the 'Translations' section. Does this make my post inappropriate?
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Re: [RJ174492] Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~

The download link on mega for 1.09 is currently down so here is a mirror for the time being.

Edit: mirror was taken down with DMCA :/
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I've recently bought the game and I was wondering if the translation has been updated so far. I am willing to support the translation Team on Patreon, but only if there actually has been some progress made as I can't really tell from their Patreon alone... the last public post was on May 24th. Anyone knows more?
I've recently bought the game and I was wondering if the translation has been updated so far. I am willing to support the translation Team on Patreon, but only if there actually has been some progress made as I can't really tell from their Patreon alone... the last public post was on May 24th. Anyone knows more?

We've been doing monthly-ish updates since we made this thread, next update will be out tomorrow! On our Discord there's a sticky with progress information too although we'll give a good status update on our next post as well.
The mirror link is down too, you should replace or delete it from the OP message.

Nice job with the translation btw
Hana[E said:
;n1732086]Updated the links for prologue files.

Thanks, I subscribed to your Patreon anyways. Cheers for doing the translation.
I really wish this game scaled well when you put in full screen xD
the voice + dmm version really makes the game come to life totally worth the extra 5 bucks and I was surprised the scenes were animated I wish more games of this caliber were translated and not always skinny flat chest/lolis.
Hi guys Just wanted to ask where and what time does the dildo,box in myusca room and the box in the living room appears? Anyone knows?
Hana[E said:
;n1738344]The game is completely finished, enjoy it everyone and let us know how you get on!
The translation really helps bring all the tension in this game to life. Thanks for your hard work!
HanaE said:
The game is completely finished, enjoy it everyone and let us know how you get on!
There are some parts that are left untranslated, like the system settings menu (CommonEV 95), notes, ShowString-commands and it seems like one of the endings (CommonEV 213). Are you planning on finishing them or is this done?

E: Not complaining, just asking if you're planning or already working on finishing the missing bits.
E2: Seems like notes are stored in the save. Can't use saves from versions where the notes are untranslated.
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I cant seem to load any quicksaves for some reason just get these errors