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[RJ178138]Gamble Fight

Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

It also happened to me by default, without pressing the G key. Try hitting the Enter key at the title, before it goes to the screen with girls running around. It should pull up a menu.

It's an old school method where they display the game using the COM if you don't press start after a set time. It's in a lot of older games. Now most display a prologue/intro/cinema.

Problem here is they give you almost no time to press start to begin. Just press enter to actually start the game and go to the menu. Avoid hitting the G key when you actually play (I doubt it will do this in online mode).

Note that even if you are in the menu, if you take too long, it will show the COM playing again.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

It also happened to me by default, without pressing the G key. Try hitting the Enter key at the title, before it goes to the screen with girls running around. It should pull up a menu.

Yeah this solved it for me, didn't realize there was an enter menu. The spectator mode started for me by default as well and it seems like only the "Fight" option allows me to actually battle, rest is auto battle by default for me for some reason.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

Thats odd. I don't have that issue, probably a bug somewhere. In fact, the gallery was already unlocked for me. Each one just shows the H animation as intended and you can zoom, rotate, pan the camera as you like. I don't have any issues on that part. Not sure how to help ya here.

Yea the gallery already came unlocked. That part where I couldn't change outfits was my initial impression when I bought the first one and couldn't select any.

Hmm, haven't ran into that bug before. Btw, are you buying your stuff on one side? When you go to shop, you get to select 2 options. I assummed it was blue or red side but in the end, I picked the left Kanji (blue side I guess) and have everything even if I pick the red team.

There doesn't seem to be "buying" for both sides. The second option is the refund option it looks like. You get half your money back. Buying it once buys it for both sides. You get a different coloration of the outfits and hairstyles for the Red side vs the Blue side. I think the red side always has white hair.

Huh? Only the Pigman can perform any H stuff right? Unless you mean you can't do any H stuff on the ninja? I haven't tested that.

Yea only the Pigman can perform H-scenes but after tons of attempts at all the different match configurations, there doesn't seem to be any set up where you can get the Ninja as an opponent for the Pigman which seems to indicate to me that the Ninja doesn't have any H-scenes. So combined with my opinion that her combat capability is awful, she's useless all around.

I didn't bother touching any of the cheat engine, just takes away from the fun imo.

I just went to Cheatengine because I didn't find the game all that fun.

The controls were way too janky. I couldn't reliably perform the charge moves. I couldn't figure out how to do the throw moves the computer seems able to do. Sometimes it randomly cancels your ultimate move for no apparent reason. The camera seems to move completely randomly. The lock function doesn't seem to do anything. And i'm not sure what the purpose of the gamble game mode is other than to see the computer run around in circles.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

The stamina regeneration I can barely see the difference but its probably there. After doing some research, I think the key lies somewhere here:




(this was in the html file in the folder, a game guide)

Google translate is troublesome but it sounds like the stamina bar (the red/blue bar) is basically related to attack and defense. I noticed when I was hit with a special, that bar drained very very quickly with the slim body type and the opposite with the large.

I think pretty much the bar provides defense as well hence why the slim one was killed faster. Apparently you can tap Z before "just hit" occurs to reduce incoming damage...... I think. Seems to hold true.

So the more the bar is full, the more defense you have. Thing is, I only see it go into the red during special attacks so perhaps the large body types can withstand those a bit more.

edit - You recover Hp on successful block against opposite color. Block (blue) against red and u gain a lot of hp if you reflect range attack. Amount doesn't seem to vary on body type though.

I'm also noticing a number appear above our icon when we repel. Any idea what that is?

Noticed this thread was moved to the online section which I hardly ever visit.


Attack/Defence meter
Reduces when the player dashes or attacks. This is where having more 体力 helps.

Just-Defence against the appropriate attacks reduces damage as stated in the readme file, the HP regeneration from repelling of the right category of attacks is probably a hidden feature since I didn't see it.

Repelling the right category of attacks gives the player a short bonus to defence against specific attack types (such as range). The number counts down for each subsequent attack and possibly with the passage of time.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

Noticed this thread was moved to the online section which I hardly ever visit.


Attack/Defence meter
Reduces when the player dashes or attacks. This is where having more 体力 helps.

Just-Defence against the appropriate attacks reduces damage as stated in the readme file, the HP regeneration from repelling of the right category of attacks is probably a hidden feature since I didn't see it.

Repelling the right category of attacks gives the player a short bonus to defence against specific attack types (such as range). The number counts down for each subsequent attack and possibly with the passage of time.

Thanks. I think that's about everything. Only issue I have now is the timing for the "just attacks/defense." Air recovery requires timing as well but sometimes I just end up right back into their fist. Game still needs a lot of work but its decent right now.

Update - NVM.... found something else not mentioned anywhere. Your total stamina is also dependent on the weapon you are using. This is why I got confused when I noticed that the small and big body types could run just as long. So here are the weapons in a list that provide the most stamina or attack/defence meter (the bar that goes down when you run or attack) from most to least:

Ittoryu, The Ninja and the Pigman have around the same and the most.


^These 3 can't run very long
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Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

Game has been updated as of June 6th to ver 1.1. Changes:

1 - Previous bugs were fixed.
2 - Lock on now tracks and camera adjust accordingly.
3 - Pigman can be used from the start
4 - Difficulty levels added, adjusted to lvl 3 at default.
5 - Options are now working + you can enable pubic hair
6 - 1 additional hair can be purchased
7 - Additional weapons
8 - Some balance changes, new combos, stat adjustments, hit reactions, etc
9 - Cloths break lvl added (higher, the more naked they become).
10 - audio/voice changes
11 - Counters added

Might of missed a few things but I'll keep checking. The resolution is still an issue when using window mode. Always go full screen if you want high graphics.


Found a bug where you can instantly get a lot of cash. I'm not sure how to duplicate it though. But what I did was on the 3rd fighter, I hit G and let the computer take over the fight using pigman. When he won, I ended up with enough cash to buy 75% of things in the shop.
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Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do a H move. I keep pressing z+x but the only thing that happens is th pig charges, nothing else. Got the gauge up to 6 still nothing , plz help:confused:
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do a H move. I keep pressing z+x but the only thing that happens is th pig charges, nothing else. Got the gauge up to 6 still nothing , plz help:confused:

Press and hold the C button to block, and then press z+x when close to the female opponent.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

I did, even tried holding v button and shift as well still nothing

I hope you realise you can only pull off the H-move described above when the number just below your HP bar is more than zero.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do a H move. I keep pressing z+x but the only thing that happens is th pig charges, nothing else. Got the gauge up to 6 still nothing , plz help:confused:

Hold block button (v key) and keep it held, don't let go. Press z+x at the same time. Conditions are you need 1 bar (bot left), and you must use the pigman. Note that if the enemy does a yellow attack (x button), they will avoid it. Mid combos like zz(x) will also avoid it.

C button is the jump so not the right key.....

Oh, and you can use it while they are on the ground, just not when they are knocked out.

Catching special while they are crouching is a blow job, while they are on ground is missionary, from side, behind etc are different animations.
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Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

C button is the jump so not the right key.....

You're right there, but the shift key also works besides the v key (which the poster with the question already knows about).

I've done the H-animation on enemies with the "down" symbol, but the positioning and timing is tricky.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

I haven't figured out how to do the girl on top position (cowgirl) yet.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

For me the pigman never did the hentai move until i held down the shift key instead of C key.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

I need a translation for this. I'm assuming it says something about being disconnected from the server?


I'd like to test if my network settings are right someone how if someone connects at the same time as I do. All I'm getting is the com unless there just aren't a lot of people playing.

edit - nvm, I was able to connect with someone. If possible, a translation of the online section of the help me html file would be perfect ^_^ I'd like to know how to host. I already opened up port 7303, from there not sure what to put in for ip.

For me the pigman never did the hentai move until i held down the shift key instead of C key.

Yea, as Harleyquin13 mentioned, hold block, then press Z+X

that's V or shift key for block.
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Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

So they still keep the "hold block then Z+X" to execute the H move? Man, to me that combination is just damn stupid. Why do I have to block while doing a combo to the opponent, just to do the H move? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of beatdown in fighting games?
By the way, has the clunky animations been fixed yet?
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

So they still keep the "hold block then Z+X" to execute the H move? Man, to me that combination is just damn stupid. Why do I have to block while doing a combo to the opponent, just to do the H move? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of beatdown in fighting games?
By the way, has the clunky animations been fixed yet?

You can always change the controls. Animation is still the same. Still haven't figured out how to execute the cowgirl. I was thinking using special while I was knocked down but didn't do anything. Then again, you may need to use the girls to do it. No clue.
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

You can always change the controls. Animation is still the same. Still haven't figured out how to execute the cowgirl. I was thinking using special while I was knocked down but didn't do anything. Then again, you may need to use the girls to do it. No clue.

What do you mean by change the controls, is it possible to change the button combination (like, just pressing Z+X executes the H move instead of hold block then Z+X)?
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

What do you mean by change the controls, is it possible to change the button combination (like, just pressing Z+X executes the H move instead of hold block then Z+X)?

Doubt it. I thought you meant the placement just felt awkward. Like you can just make block C instead of V so you can have the 3 buttons closer together. I doubt you can just make one button the special (though its probably a good idea to implant).
Re: [RJ178138]Gamble Fight

Doubt it. I thought you meant the placement just felt awkward. Like you can just make block C instead of V so you can have the 3 buttons closer together. I doubt you can just make one button the special (though its probably a good idea to implant).

Well one button to activate special makes the game too easy, Z+X to execute it is better, not too easy to pull off and players don't have to stop a combo midway to block then execute H move. Combo chain is an essential part of a fighting game, and that block then Z+X just kill it.
After the update I had hoped they fixed all of the core issues but damn, they didn't focus on the major parts at all. Now, in my opinion, the game still has potential, but currently it not only fails as a H game but also lacks solid gameplay. And its development seems to goes off track too.