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[WIP - Full] [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English) -- ON HIATUS; UP FOR ADOPTION 2018 --

Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

So "awe" actually modifies the inflicted one's personality... Which makes sense. "Awe" still sound awful but bleh. Polish phase. Later.

Anyway, good points above... My answers over at github :p

Agreed... Awe is super awkward, lol.

I'll try and find a better alternative tomorrow - I'd like to change it before it sinks in. xD
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Agreed... Awe is super awkward, lol.

I'll try and find a better alternative tomorrow - I'd like to change it before it sinks in. xD
I feel like doing an aweful joke... Not. :rolleyes:

Back on the "m" == "\m" matter: there's no way around it, period. RIP.

Why? Because the base strings constructed in, for instance, RPG::Skilltext, are already missing the backslash. There's no way to get it back or to know it was there. \n is the only exception (among \a, \b, \r, \s, \t).
#So if:
text = "Laurat \n\m kisses #{cutesuccubus}\H"
text == "Laurat \nm kisses #{cutesuccubus}H" is true

And we're screwed for my plan A. End of story....


Fret not, 'cos plan B is here:
1) just keep on editing whatever string you want, leave all the \ thingies alone. Hell, you can even add \H everywhere for all I care.
2) We'll batch edit via notepad++ or github editor every instance of "\m", with "/m" or "☯m" or "ᔖm" or whatever, and I'll change the slice loop accordingly.

note: for the heart thingy, perhaps "\\H" would be best, since it would sync with the truckload of "\\H" in the talk files... As long as I know how many bytes is the replacement and which is the 1st character, I'm good, so no worries.

Downside is, we'll have to edit every single script file separately -_- No prob, I'll take care of that... But I sure do feel like ranting when there's no available notr possible, elegant and refined solution... Chainsaw time, then :D:D:D Bwah ah ha! \H\H
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I feel like doing an aweful joke... Not. :rolleyes:

Back on the "m" == "\m" matter: there's no way around it, period. RIP.

Why? Because the base strings constructed in, for instance, RPG::Skilltext, are already missing the backslash. There's no way to get it back or to know it was there. \n is the only exception (among \a, \b, \r, \s, \t).
#So if:
text = "Laurat \n\m kisses #{cutesuccubus}\H"
text == "Laurat \nm kisses #{cutesuccubus}H" is true

And we're screwed for my plan A. End of story....


Fret not, 'cos plan B is here:
1) just keep on editing whatever string you want, leave all the \ thingies alone. Hell, you can even add \H everywhere for all I care.
2) We'll batch edit via notepad++ or github editor every instance of "\m", with "/m" or "☯m" or "ᔖm" or whatever, and I'll change the slice loop accordingly.

note: for the heart thingy, perhaps "\\H" would be best, since it would sync with the truckload of "\\H" in the talk files... As long as I know how many bytes is the replacement and which is the 1st character, I'm good, so no worries.

Downside is, we'll have to edit every single script file separately -_- No prob, I'll take care of that... But I sure do feel like ranting when there's no available notr possible, elegant and refined solution... Chainsaw time, then :D:D:D Bwah ah ha! \H\H

Lol Dude - it's okay. I've already replaced all the \m \w and \q since translation v0.163. The problem should be no more. ;) (I think the slices should be alright, but do check if I missed something.)

For example, if you look at RPG-Skilltext in the github, I've replaced the ~700+ instances of \m with \• (alt+7). I've changelogs in the readme.md too to summarize important changes.

As for \w, it's now \☼ (alt+15). \q is \‼ (alt+19).

It's only the \H we gotta watch out for now. We can use m w q and y freely. I'll upload vanilla/original v1.10 scripts today so you can compare changes.

p.s. uploaded the originals in a branch. Indeed super useful - found that I forgot to take out the 8 useless lines in Window_Battle_BackLog (line 92-100). Should be easier for you to compare changes now, hopefully. :)
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Lol Dude - it's okay. I've already replaced all the \m \w and \q since translation v0.163. The problem should be no more. ;) (I think the slices should be alright, but do check if I missed something.)

For example, if you look at RPG-Skilltext in the github, I've replaced the ~700+ instances of \m with \• (alt+7). I've changelogs in the readme.md too to summarize important changes.

As for \w, it's now \☼ (alt+15). \q is \‼ (alt+19).

It's only the \H we gotta watch out for now. We can use m w q and y freely. I'll upload vanilla/original v1.10 scripts today so you can compare changes.

p.s. uploaded the originals in a branch. Indeed super useful - found that I forgot to take out the 8 useless lines in Window_Battle_BackLog (line 92-100). Should be easier for you to compare changes now, hopefully. :)
Don't worry, anything goes as long as it's consistent, and it looks like it is. Being able to replace every (former) \m in a single CTRL+F-replace is more than enough.

No so much time as I hoped to have today, but I'll resume with the armors.

I'll create an 'issue' with the relevant file if I need advice or want to nag you... I mean, help out :rolleyes:
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I was looking at the scripts and I found a simple (and temporary) fix for the slow startup problem.
I remembered someone talking about this, so I looked into it myself by curiosity (and to kill time, mostly).

Detailed explanation :
The mod and talk files are loaded in Scene_Title, at line 64.
        count += 1
        Graphics.update if count % 20 == 0
        count += 1
        Graphics.update if count % 20 == 0
What's actually slowing the startup is the Graphics.update call (the function which refresh the screen), not the loading process.
The problem is that you can't remove the call because, if it's not called every 10 seconds, the engine thinks that the script has stopped working properly and automatically shutdown.

So, my solution is to increase the value to make the update call less frequent.
It's currently called every 20 files loaded.
There are around 2000 files in the talk folder, so that makes at least 100 calls during the entire loading process (and we need to take into account mods).

Now, I tested multiples values (on a 10 years old laptop, for worst performance).
I have a default loading time of around 60 to 70 seconds.
I have tested up to one call for 1500 files and it works (it loads in 12 seconds) but I don't see a big difference in loading time with a bigger value than 500 (and we need to take into account even worst computer and if someone launch the game from an USB drive or something with a lower reading speed, it may trigger the automatic shutdown), so 500 seems to be a good compromise between speed and safety.

In conclusion, I propose to modify the counter a bit :
        count += 1
        Graphics.update if count % 500 == 0
        count += 1
        Graphics.update if count % 500 == 0

EDIT : well, actually I'm stupid, the call that I added between the loop is useless, I forgot that count isn't reset to 0 in-between. Ignore the following.
I added another call between the two loops, just for safety.
The reason is :
Let's say it loads 499 files and reach the end of the first loop and that the users has more than 500 mod files. It will have to load 999 files (in total) to reach the next call (the double of the initial value).
It's a worst case scenario, of course.
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Very interesting find!

I tested for myself, at these parameters 3 times each set, cycling through each of them twice, and got these results:

count % 20: ~12.3 seconds 0.1 seconds
count % 300: ~12.1 seconds 0.1 seconds
count % 400: ~11.6 +/- 0.2 seconds
count % 500: ~11.5 +/- 0.1 seconds
count % 600: ~11.5 +/- 0.2 seconds
count % 800: ~11.8 seconds +/- 0.2 seconds
count % 1000: ~11.7 seconds +/- 0.2 seconds
count % 2000: ~11.7 seconds +/- 0.2 seconds
count % 5000: ~11.6 seconds +/- 0.1 seconds

For the next few tests, I only did them two or three times each, consecutively, because I was just trying to see when it'd fail:

count % 10000: ~11.6 seconds +/- 0.1 seconds
count % 20000: ~11.6 seconds +/- 0.1 seconds
count % 50000: ~11.6 seconds
count % 100000: ~11.6 seconds

At which point, I stopped testing; I didn't see things going anywhere past count % 600. I then went and did some combat with the % 100000 still set, and everything played out fine.

I have no idea what this means, but these are my results on a Win7 with a AMD phenom II x6 CPU @2.8ghz (the normal, non-OC speeds, don't judge :p) and 12GB of ram running off HDDs (I forget what they were).

I then made a copy on a Samsung Evo SSD and ran the game off it with varied count %s a few times; the results didn't change by any meaningful amount. So... probably either CPU or ram frequency (CPUID kept telling me ~668Mhz, but my ram sticks are the 1866Mhz ones; might have underclocked them though back down to 1333Mhz; been too long since I went into bios; CBA to check). So yeah. Too lazy to test at this point xD.

So I was able to shave an avg of ~0.8 seconds off startup time. Nice! :D
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Detailed explanation :
The mod and talk files are loaded in Scene_Title, at line 64.
That should help a little. However, I think the main lag reason is because RPGM is worfully unefficient at reading external ressources... I remember SQ taking 1-2 minutes to load with some super-heavily externalized versions... I think it's just an I/O issue, but I'm no expert.
However, RPGM & its Ruby is very, very fast for anything internal, though. I never managed to get it to take more than 1 or 2 seconds making countless calculations.

In other news, I'm finally done re-writing skills/items/armors. Skills will fetch the states names. Items/armors will fetch the states and skill names. Consistency rules! :D

About that: I named my stats "Charm, Endurance, Vigor, Speed, Magic"

I couldn't find the post/PM where Sframe explained his choices (and didn't remember what they were... Except for 'deftness') so here are my why's:
- Charm: a given... 'Charisma' is too long.
- Endurance: 'cos it's how long you hold it in... Seems the correct word? kinda long but I'll manage.
- Vigor: Debatable. But since it helps most for VERY close quarters, a "vigorous" fighter sounds accurate to me.
- Speed: pretty obvious. Doesn't help with damage anyway.
- Magic: VERY debatable. But it's short and fits well its use IMO.

There are only so many instances of them, so if any or all doesn't fit for some reason, editing them all individually shouldn't be much of a bother.

Also, I'd love some help with the last of the moonrune resistance (well... the last for now):

Item #3   #滞在機の鍵  doh where do you even grab this?
  #滞在機の操作をするための鍵。             and where do you use it anyway?
  myname = ""
  mydesc = ""

Armor #56   #信念のドッグタグ
  #レンディカ自警団の認識票。畏怖、虚脱に耐性。   Rendika what?
  myname =  "Faithful Dog Tag"
  mydesc =  "#{states[37,38]} resistance."

Armor #68   #凶暴性
  #鋭い眼光、剥き出しの牙、滴る涎、破壊する豪腕。なんて恐ろしい。  Duh? Sounds gory.
  myname =  "Brutality"
  mydesc =  ""

Armor #71   #自己完結(没)   Clueless
  myname =  "自己完結(没)"
  mydesc =  "自身に掛かる魔法を受け付けなくする、完全性の指輪。"

Armor #75   #萌ゆる欲芽       heeeeelp! 
  myname =  ""
  mydesc =  "It seeps with greed. Always #{state[35]}."

Armor #99   #人々の失くし物   
  #それは嘗ては「夢」と呼ばれたものだった。  Clueless...
  myname =  ""
  mydesc =  ""
Well, don't look for me for a while, I'll be catching up on my sleep/food/fresh air needs :)
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

Very interesting find!

I tested for myself, at these parameters 3 times each set, cycling through each of them twice, and got these results:

Well, you already have a really good time (at least in comparison of mine) with the default value, so it would be hard to save more time.

That should help a little. However, I think the main lag reason is because RPGM is worfully unefficient at reading external ressources... I remember SQ taking 1-2 minutes to load with some super-heavily externalized versions... I think it's just an I/O issue, but I'm no expert.
However, RPGM & its Ruby is very, very fast for anything internal, though. I never managed to get it to take more than 1 or 2 seconds making countless calculations.

True, my attempt is just a temporary measure for people with big loading time like me. I don't remember SQ case (I didn't play much of it).
If I should make a guess, the 'internal' files are loaded faster because everything is packed in one file (scripts.rxdata), you only need to open and read one file.
Moreover, the loading is done at the very start, not through the ruby intepreter.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

About that: I named my stats "Charm, Endurance, Vigor, Speed, Magic"

I couldn't find the post/PM where Sframe explained his choices (and didn't remember what they were... Except for 'deftness') so here are my why's:
- Charm: a given... 'Charisma' is too long.
- Endurance: 'cos it's how long you hold it in... Seems the correct word? kinda long but I'll manage.
- Vigor: Debatable. But since it helps most for VERY close quarters, a "vigorous" fighter sounds accurate to me.
- Speed: pretty obvious. Doesn't help with damage anyway.
- Magic: VERY debatable. But it's short and fits well its use IMO.

There are only so many instances of them, so if any or all doesn't fit for some reason, editing them all individually shouldn't be much of a bother.

Well... it was in the OP, just above the links section.

Translation Notes:
- about the stats and their names:
- Charm (魅力): this stat increases the power of all your attacks.
- Endurance (忍耐力): this stat decreases all types of incoming pleasure. - could be wrong though...
- Vitality (精力): this stat increases the power of attacks that consume VP (e.g. Thrust, Lick, Devour, etc.). Now about the word choice: it was either "Vitality", "Energy," or "Strength". I ruled out Strength because I felt it silly to factor in a very generic physical attribute into sex techniques. I had strongly considered using Energy over Vitality since most RPG players are used to the idea that Vitality ("VIT", as it's often abbreviated) as a defensive attribute. However, I thought about it, and the more I did, the more sense it made to me to think of Vitality as a neutral attribute - something that, in general, factors into the energy/fatigue regeneration rate of a character - a resource that could be used either passively or actively - it stood on relatively the same ground as Energy. And then I looked at "EP" - Succubus Rhapsodia's equivalent of Health Points/Hit Points/HP. I neglected to read most of the in-game manuals and books, but I'm guessing that it meant "Energy Points" - which meant that the "Energy" term was already used for attributes. Also, being that SR has a demonically-themed setting, I felt it rather nice to use "Vitality" as one of the defining stats/attributes for a character. And so, I went with Vitality - even if my mind still takes a while to wrap out it not being a defensive attribute.
- Dexterity (器用さ): this stat increases the power and sensual stroke rate of your non-VP attacks. It also factors into certain skill-intensive, hand or mouth VP attacks, such as Devour. However, while I'm uncertain if it also influence the sensual stroke rate of VP attacks, I'd guess that it should.
- Agility (素早さ): this stat determines action order - those with higher Agility act first. I had considered "Deftness" for this stat's name, as deftness felt very appropriate as a love-making bedside attribute as opposed to the generic "agility". Deftness is basically defined as a dexterous quality with a speed component, as opposed to Dexterity, which just refers to accuracy and articulation - how skillful in the critical sort of why one is. However, I felt that some would have believed it much too similar to Dexterity in meaning, and would end up becoming confusing. So I went with "Agility" for now, but deftness is still on the table - so if anybody feels that it should be this, say so and it will be changed.
- Spirit (精神力): this stat increases the power of your magic skills and healing skills, and (I think) it also decreases incoming magic damage (also unsure if it increases resistance against status abnormalities; need to test). I once translated this as "Willpower", but willpower sounded much to akin to the other attribute, Endurance. So to make it sound more like a utility/neutral attribute, I went with Spirit.

- Control, or Self-Control (自制心): this stat reduces the damage taken from magic attacks as well as certain, particularly kinky or perverse attacks (and even some particularly innocent attacks, which I'd guess probably has to do with how they may induce perverse thoughts in the receiver's mind). This can be translated as "Willpower", but I felt Willpower didn't quite describe the attribute in a sensible way. Now, you can't actually see this stat in the menus - you can say it's a hidden stat, but it's really just the MDEF stat. It's actually used in the damage calculations of many skills, and it does reduce the damage of some skills somewhat. It's not particularly important to keep track of unless you're a math junkie, but I thought I should mention it.

Comparing and Contrasting:

Charm: yeah, I think it's good. "Charisma" implies additional stuff like talking skills, which are pretty fixed.

Endurance: I've adjusted the menus to work fine with the length of "Endurance", so I think that should be fine; haven't tried seeing how it looks in other cases though.

Vigor/Vitality: very debatable indeed. Although my "Vitality" translation might confuse RPG'ers, and I like the short length of "Vigor", my succubus fetishism couldn't help but think of "精力" as life-energy. "Vigor" works perfectly as a sex attribute though, and it's pretty unused in traditional RPGs; I think I'll be using "Vigor" for future patches as well. :)

Speed/Agility: I went with the traditional RPG attribute name since it carried the understanding that most old RPG games simply used the state to determine action order for each individual turn, and that was what I observed most of the time here in SR. However it's been evident as of late that some enemies in the higher levels have been able to make two actions per move per turn (attacking either actor twice, or even attacking two actors once; it's not the "pursuit" function governed by sensual strokes and dexterity). So it's left me confused; will have to get a better understanding of the scripts before I can say for certain which of our choices are better.

Magic/Spirit: "Magic" is very literal and easy to understand as it directly describes a character's aptitude for using Magic skills, but I believe that there are cases where it was used in defensive calculations as well (don't remember where though). I went with "Spirit" because it's a typical attribute that's more descriptive of the character's mind, and works for moth offensive and defensive cases in the case that it's indeed used defensively too. I intend to stick with this until I find evidence that it's a solely offensive attribute. xP

I'm actually still uncertain of "Control/Self-Control", but I've seen it referenced scarcely in the skill descriptions and I think I might have seen it in some of the code (however memory doesn't serve me well during times like these; don't take my word on this). For certainty, have you seen any reference of this stat in the scripts?
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

OR I could have bothered to search ULMF for 'deftness'... http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=874374&highlight=deftness#post874374 :( (Walken? Who's that?)

Charm: kay!

Endurance: 'stamina' is 2 characters shorter but I don't like it for some reason...

Vigor/Vitality: your call. Your reasons would make me like 'Vitality' more now -_-

Speed/Agility: you can shift+ctrl+F for ".agi" to know where it's called. As an RPG old-timer I agree than:
SPD = initiative & dodge
AGI = offense & defense bonuses
So I went with 'speed'... But, as you like, both are fine.

Spirit: Sold! Definitely :D

Control: is fine, let's stick to it. It's ".mdef" if you want to look for it. Mostly helps with status resistance, from what little I've seen.
No biggie, we'll only need these words in the descriptions and everything's consistent/easy to edit. "system.words.agi", for instance, is matched only 3 times in the script - easy as pie. We don't even need to alter system.rxdata.

For the states I've also changed (mostly to test):
102/焦燥 to "Exalted"
38/畏怖 to "Shaken" :p
40/散漫 to "Dazed"
It's temporary, 'till we settle with a final name. It's a single line to edit :cool:

Next round with SR:
- I'll try and make the descriptions look equally good in battle or main menu :/
- I'll integrate all the UK_ database in the game. I don't know whether to merge your own work with mine before, or after that.
- I'll go for the GUI, that's why I wanted to double-check the system words/stats

I'd like to have a '1st script batch' out rather quickly, so I/you don't need to thoroughly playtest it. My side is the most likely to cause bugs, I think.

I looked into it myself by curiosity (and to kill time, mostly).
I won't look into it anytime soon, but I was planning to concatenate all the .rb files in system/talk, into a single Jumbo one, or 1 file by folder. Then try and add these lines into the base scripts.rxdata (it'll work it you add them at the end... Maybe a few 'read' lines to comment out, as well.). That might (or might not) help with this delay issue. I like my F12 too :mad:
So, if you feel like trying...

Apparently v1.10 should be 'final' for a while, so we're good patches-wise. This Wiz is definitely a good guy :) I never minded the little few bugs.
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)


Endurance/Stamina: Stamina! FACK! That would have been PERFECT for a sex/BF game if only it actually increased max VP!!!! If only the dev made it so, then the stat could even be a utility stat and not just a defensive one!! #MISSEDOPPORTUNITIES #SOSAD #LIFEFAILED #COCKBLOCKED #STERILETOBEGINWITH #RANOVERBYAREINDEER

Vigor/Vitality: lol those times when you wish you didn't convince somebody...

Speed/Agility: Hmm. I looked up .agi through the Game_Battler sections, and it seems to counter dexterity's sensual stroke rate. There's even some evasion calculations, but I've yet to see any actual dodging in game...

At this point I'm thinking about using aesthetics to determine the decisions. Perhaps we could group Endurance/Vitality/Dexterity/Agility together since they most end in "-ity" and are more traditional choices, and compare their aesthetics to Stamina/Vigor/Finesse/Speed.

Check these out:
Figure 1.1, 1.2:


Figure 2.1, 2.2:


Figure 3.1, 3.2:


Like.... don't the x.2s (Stamina/Vigor/Finesse/Speed) version look so much better? O.O They work well with the shortness of Charm and Spirit.

I'm seriously considering the x.2s... even if Stamina's slightly bit inaccurate and potentially misleading, looking from a character builder's point of view you can see that having a higher defense stat is really just another way of saying you have higher effective HP, kinda like how Eve Online does it (eHP = maxHP/(1 - resistance%)). So in a sense.... higher Endurance/Stamina does make you able to cum more before you break, if I'm understanding the mechanics correctly. :p

What do you think? Is beauty real?

For the states I've also changed (mostly to test):
102/焦燥 to "Exalted"
- err, I went with "Frenzied". This is the state you get when you use skill 599, 焦燥 (I translated it to "Haste"), where for 5(?) turns that multiplies your Vigor/Vitality and Speed/Agility by 1.3, and your Finesse/Dexterity and Spirit by 0.7. It's the skill you pop when you wanna fuck shit up :D. I'm not sure if being "Exalted" evokes such sexual violence, but I think "Frenzy"'s a bit more accurate. :x

38/畏怖 to "Shaken" :p
- OH HELL YES. "Shaken" farts "Awe" out of the water, 007 style. I can't agree with this more; changing my copy to "Shaken" as well right now.

40/散漫 to "Dazed"
- yeah... although "Adrift" still feels way more accurate to the Japanese term (~98% correlation, even applies to metaphors), its' undeniable that "Dazed" has a much more solid feel to it as a state name in established RPG culture.... It's just that "Dazed" also synonymous with "Shocked" and "Stunned/Stupefied", which isn't what's happening in combat. It's not so much as a result of trauma, but on the contrary, one of a trance-like, smoothing relaxation. It's a funny expression to be stupefied by sex though... :D

Next round with SR:
- I'll try and make the descriptions look equally good in battle or main menu :/
- I'll integrate all the UK_ database in the game. I don't know whether to merge your own work with mine before, or after that.
- I'll go for the GUI, that's why I wanted to double-check the system words/stats

I'd like to have a '1st script batch' out rather quickly, so I/you don't need to thoroughly playtest it. My side is the most likely to cause bugs, I think.

I won't look into it anytime soon, but I was planning to concatenate all the .rb files in system/talk, into a single Jumbo one, or 1 file by folder. Then try and add these lines into the base scripts.rxdata (it'll work it you add them at the end... Maybe a few 'read' lines to comment out, as well.). That might (or might not) help with this delay issue. I like my F12 too :mad:
So, if you feel like trying...

Apparently v1.10 should be 'final' for a while, so we're good patches-wise. This Wiz is definitely a good guy :) I never minded the little few bugs.

Haha indeed. We're pretty lucky to have such a cool dev. :)

On the system/talk*.rb files, I haven't touched any of them yet (although thinking about it soon). If you wanna merge them into the main scripts.rxdata to get those god-forsaken startup times (and f12 times!!) down to 2-3 seconds, I'd love you forever (almost :D).
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I won't look into it anytime soon, but I was planning to concatenate all the .rb files in system/talk, into a single Jumbo one, or 1 file by folder. Then try and add these lines into the base scripts.rxdata (it'll work it you add them at the end... Maybe a few 'read' lines to comment out, as well.). That might (or might not) help with this delay issue. I like my F12 too :mad:
So, if you feel like trying...

I may try when I have the time, thank you for telling me how to do this.
I tested more stuff about the slow startup and... I'm a lot less confident about my previous post.
To explain :
Reducing the amount of update calls definitely help on my system, but, after playing with my graphic cards settings, I wonder if those could be causing the slow down of the Graphics.update calls (mostly, Vsync and settings related to the framerate).
I'm not sure because my results have been really inconsistent since.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

How do i install those Scripts - (manually insert these) folders files?
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I have good news.
I tested to concatenate the files and to include them in scripts.rxdata, and everything seems to work properly. It was easier that I thought.
I did some fights and the enemies talk properly. It may need more testing, just in case (if I made a mistake somewhere).
The startup time is around 10 seconds on my computer.

What I did :
  • All the files from a folder are concatenated into a single file (example : folder 05_LesserSuccubus_00 -> 05_LesserSuccubus_00.rb)
  • I ignored the omake folder
  • I removed the Talk loading in the script Scene_Title (We may need to put it back later, and remove the content from the talk folder instead. I don't know if some mods change the content of the talk folder).
  • I added all scripts one by one before the Main script in RMXP

The attachment includes :
  • The concatenated files
  • A modified 1.10 scripts.rxdata including the scripts
  • A tool that I made (using the code from my string extractor) to concatenate the files (instructions and source included)

EDIT : .zip too big for the attachments, I uploaded the file on google drive :

How do i install those Scripts - (manually insert these) folders files?

You don't need to install them, I think that they are already included in the scripts.rxdata in the data folder. They are here if you want to help with the translation.
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

Is what i got from running your tool inside the system/talk folder but drop and drag worked without any issues. [Using windows 10]

This is my times that i got (from pressing enter till the sound plays)

-latest english patch: ~8s
-latest english patch with ur tool: ~7.2s
-Base 1.10 with every mod and extra talk files: ~9s
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

It should be fixed (I updated the .zip). I made a stupid mistake :p
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

How do i install those Scripts - (manually insert these) folders files?

What Mimi said. xP
(They're only for if you're translating; we use these to compare our changes to the script without having to manually extract eat section from scripts.rxdata.)

-latest english patch: ~8s
-latest english patch with ur tool: ~7.2s
-Base 1.10 with every mod and extra talk files: ~9s

Nice; getting 8.5 +/-0.1 seconds here with Mimi's fix! (Down from 11.5 seconds, woot, that's ~30% time saved from f12'ing :))

Will use this for the next patch; round of applause for Mimi! :D
(Can't +rep you more; need to "spread the love" >.>)
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

I have good news.
What I did :
  • All the files from a folder are concatenated into a single file (example : folder 05_LesserSuccubus_00 -> 05_LesserSuccubus_00.rb)
  • I ignored the omake folder
  • I removed the Talk loading in the script Scene_Title (We may need to put it back later, and remove the content from the talk folder instead. I don't know if some mods change the content of the talk folder).
  • I added all scripts one by one before the Main script in RMXP

  • Thanks! I'll have a look soon-ish. Remember to rename the "../system/talk" folder to "talkmenot" or something, for testing purpose.
    I have a 1-second startup/F12 time with the 'talk' folder ditched/renamed, and about 10-12 with it. If you have very high startup time (like, 30+ seconds), the results should be evident. Gonna grab your file :)

    @SFrame: looking good! Her's the result of my fiddling (meddling?):

    I see what you did, but some classes (only the slave, perhaps?) have 5 rune slots. Hence my tinkering (should work for all 4+ equip slot classes):

    Not wanting to rub in the salt... But "vigor" looked too short between 'stamina' and 'finesse'. -_- I've moved some stuff left and right (states, personalities, stat display...) too, but that looks good to me - it should give us more space to breathe.

    Would that satisfy you as a somewhat final status/equip window?

    How do i install those Scripts - (manually insert these) folders files?
    Short answer: you don't.
    This is work-in-progress for now, so don't download something you can't use. There's plenty of work to do with the 'talk files' Mimi is tinkering with, if you're willing, and I'm pretty sure I won't edit them myself. So...

    In any case, we'll need plenty playtesting/proofreading in a foreseeable future, any help & feedback will come in handy then :)

    However, both of Sframe and me have kinda high standards for translations (with at least SFrame being actually able to uphold them), so it'll be done when it's done :cool:

    edit @Mimi: I've manually copied in the scripts all 78 files and I'm down to an acceptable 2-3 seconds startup/F12. Great job! Now I just have to make them load properly... After some sleep and RL thingies :)
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Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

A thing that I forgot to mention about my concatenation tool :
the target folder must be named 'talk' and not something else (I put a safety in case someone run it with the wrong folder and that it starts concatenating the wrong files).
So, if one day the devs update the talk files and you need to concatenate them with my tool, make sure that your talk folder is named 'talk' and not 'talk_backup' or something, otherwise the program will tell you to provide the talk folder.

Thanks! I'll have a look soon-ish. Remember to rename the "../system/talk" folder to "talkmenot" or something, for testing purpose.
I have a 1-second startup/F12 time with the 'talk' folder ditched/renamed, and about 10-12 with it. If you have very high startup time (like, 30+ seconds), the results should be evident. Gonna grab your file :)

I removed the talk folder loading in the scripts.rxdata that I provided (assuming people are using this one to test). However, it doesn't contain the current english translation (I used an unaltered one).

By the way, does it exist some sort of software to decompile/compile a .rxdata ?
I can't find a good one with google.
I added the scripts manually and it was a pain.
Re: [RJ181931] Succubus Rhapsodia (English)

By the way, does it exist some sort of software to decompile/compile a .rxdata ?
I can't find a good one with google.
I added the scripts manually and it was a pain.
Not that I know of. If there's one, I'd love to to extract CommonEvents.rxdata to a workable from... And be able to search a command/string in maps and events.
There are extraction/translation tools out there, some do something similar, but I never bothered to look at their source code seriously... Might be a good starting point?

I know for a fact (though way beyond what I'm able of) RPGM editor allows for this; you might also want to look into the "RGSS Built-in Functions".
However, I just don't know how to hook an 'each' to every single piece of content ... And don't have the time to look into it (...and probably, neither the brains xD).

PS: I'll delete the 'talk' stuff for now, 'cos it takes way too long to do a SHIFT+CTRL+F script search :( Heck, 78*5000 = 390K lines :eek: