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Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)


Dec 9, 2010
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The setting starts with nothing more than a dive bar put on the fringes of society. A very non-descript man has been sitting at a table for what would seem like days at this point. No one has been able to talk to him aside from what he wanted for food and drink. It would become apparent what he was waiting for as two people were summoned at his behest. The envelopes that had carried the invitations were the only thing that would identify the worthy couple from the rest of the masses that he would want no part of socializing with. That task would fall to those he summoned.

Throughout the day the two people who were summoned would appear before him. Neither having any knowledge of the other, or of the man who had summoned them. The simple fact of the matter was that this man was too old and too decrepit to possibly take on this task himself. Though he had enough sense to summon two people to carry out this task for him.

The first person to present an envelope with the summons was a female. This woman was starting to gain a reputation around these parts, and it was possibly time to see what she could do on a bigger stage. The second person to come through the door and present their envelope was a man. This man was summoned here to settle a score.

The mission, should they choose to accept it, would be to infiltrate a compound. If they were able to commandeer anything along the way they would be free to keep it. The woman seemingly accepted immediately as it was a way for her to prove herself and start to make an all important name for herself. The male however needed a little more persuasion. This compound was identified as one of a noble family. To be more precise, the noble family that had originally set his father up.

Would it be revenge for the man? Would the woman make a name for herself? Would it be possible that both could work together? The man who summoned them knew that neither would be able to do this alone. The mystery man also knew that his knowledge was accurate, but very limited in scope. He knew, as did probably everyone else at the bar, where the mansion property was, but would have no information on possible ways to infiltrate the compound, nor what could possibly be waiting for them in the way of guards or residents.

Were the pair studious in their work they would, after introducing themselves to each other, possibly find some information within the masses at the bar. Preparation for the task at hand would be made easier as the mysterious man had promised to provide simple provisions at the request of the pair. When this was all done, they would likely set off. Though first things first, they would need to determine the manner in which they would attempt to gain information on their mark.
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Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Janet slips into the tavern quietly. As it was unfamiliar to her, the first thing she does is check for potential escape routes before tossing the summons at the table of the apparent summoner, taking a seat that would leave her back to the wall. "I'll need to know the details before I'll take the job."
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas padded softly into the tavern. His eyes looking about the room, as he scanned each of the faces and bodies of the patrons. Looking for signs of both trouble and potential marks. Making his way over to the table and showing his letter of invitation to the man. Nodding as he heard the woman's condition. "As well as any info you might already have."
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

"I have tracked these people for a long time. Yet, they have done well to hide themselves. I too have a score to settle with them, though I am simply too old to be of any use anymore. I summoned you both here as I believe you can act on my behalf where I no longer can."

As he starts to say this the covering over his face starts to shift enough that you can see an eye patch over his left eye. As your eyes start to look him over more you see that he is rather old, and would be of no use to you were the request made for him to help you with anything more than the provisions he is affording you. He shifts his head forward and starts to talk again. As he shifts his head he turns to speak to Nicholas, and the covering going back over his face enough that you can no longer see anything more than his mouth.

"On its face value, this job is simple. This family has a heirloom that I want to see destroyed if it cannot be outright stolen. You may not know them all too well, as they destroyed your life while you were still a child. However, I know not of what this heirloom actually is. Some rumors say it is a statue, some a weapon of some sort, and others say it could even be a person. You are to go to this manor, find this heirloom, and steal it. Or destroy it if that is not possible to do."

"I know bringing you here alone would be the same as sending you in front of a firing line, so I summoned someone to aid you. She is looking to make a name for herself after living on the streets through her childhood. I have seen her work in the past, and it is a little rough, but the job gets done."

No sooner does this line end, than he shifts his face to address the woman.

I brought you here to make a name for yourself, and to keep him alive. He is the last person I have been able to track down that has any ties to the manor and the family that owns it. Were I to send him alone, he would surely let his emotions get the better of him and he will fail because of it. Do not allow this to happen. You are free to take anything you can from that place. I will avail you both of a few fences that can move goods for you, should the chances arrive. Do this job and I will open up a whole new world for you.

Consider this a job application for my job. Old age has forced me to retire, but this last run I need to see through as far to the end as I can. I will pass the torch to you if you can come back alive from this. Here is what I know of this place"

Again addressing both this time, he starts to lay down what information he has.

"The manor, everyone knows where it is. That is not the issue. The issue is that you simply cannot go in there swords drawn unless you plan on fighting the whole local militia. You should see what information you can divine from the patrons here. The locals here may give you some ideas on how to approach the manor without raising suspicion. So work the room when you are ready to do so. They would know my face if I were found scouting around there, so I could not risk going there myself."

After saying this, he turns to address Nicholas again, and as he speaks this last piece he slowly turns his head and his gaze ends up meeting Janet's.

"Your family is not the only one they have destroyed. If I could help more, I would. This needs to be done by you so that you can set your family name back to what it once was in the past. Revenge however will not bring redemption, so you may want to look for ways to incriminate them if you possibly are able to do so. We both want the same thing here, the destruction of this family for what they have done."

"As for you, Janet. This is to be your door to a much bigger world. Help him in any way you can, but do not be so unselfish that you fail to make your own mark on this. I am simply too old to continue doing this and I will give you my contacts so that you can continue on in my stead after this job is done. I have lived a life that was defined by my ability to enrich it through the deeds I have done. Nicholas needs to do this so that he can define his life and get it back, you need to do this so that you can enrich your life. In the end, as much as I want to do this job myself, I cannot. That is why you both are here."

He sits back and awaits the answer from the pair.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

"Aristocrats tend to have lots of heirlooms, I've noticed, and you can't even tell us anything about it? Sounds like a fool's errand, who is to say that whichever we steal or destroy, you'll merely claim it was the wrong one? If this so-called heirloom is a person, I think I'll have to decline. I'm up for burglary or con if there's decent score to be had, but assassinations aren't my business, especially ones where the reward isn't measured in hard currency but oblique promises." Janet replies in a quiet yet challenging tone, carefully watching her potential employer, not for a moment trusting him to be as decrepit as he paints himself to be.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas nodded his head in agreement. "I agree with the lady. I am a thief not a murderer. No rumors, gossip, or a name for the heirloom?" Glancing at the man carefully, before eyeing his potential partner.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

"Fair enough, I can tell you that it is not a person, nor any living thing for that matter. Murder was never my game, and a lesson you both are well served in heeding. You are both wise to not rush yourselves into potential danger, which makes my choice of summoning you both here that much wiser on my part."

The man unfurls his cowl while staring right back at Janet in the process and throws two things out onto the table. The first is a sheathed dagger. The hilt is rather nondescript, so there is no telling the quality or value of the blade. The other was a map of sorts with plannings and timings laid out all along the paper. Copius notes and efforts were scrawled about this map.

"Here is literally everything I know. Though I have never been inside the mansion" He points toward the upper left corner of the house on the map.

"This room is their vault, I presume anything of value would be placed there. His hand then moves along the outside walls of the mansion and stops along the right side in the middle of that wall.

"This room is a trophy room of sorts here, and what I want is in this room. It is the bust of the man that was responsible for destroying Nicholas' life before it started. If you cannot obtain it, then destroy it. There is plenty of other things you can make off with, but that is the one you have been summoned here for."

No sooner does he finish his speech, he rolls the map back up and lays it down across his lap as he sits back down.

"I need to know if you are in or out, before I go any further."

It is possible that either of the pair were studious enough to have looked the map over while it was on display. Were they able to remember enough of the map they could set off toward the estate and forego any help from the older man that had summoned them there. Were they to choose this path, they would be acting wholly on their own accord.

The other option would be to opt in with the mysterious old man. The likelyhood of seeing that map again so that it could be studied more would be greater were he to believe you were cooperating with him.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas gives the man a cross look. "You seem to be holding things back. How are we to trust you after having lied to us about the object you sought after?" Looking over at the woman to see her reaction and response to the man.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Janet eyes his "partner" rather suspiciously before turning back to the employer. "First you say you have no idea what it is, now suddenly it's the man's bust? No way. I'm out. I don't have to trust you to work for you, but if you can't even be straight about what you want, I can't even trust you to not call the watch on us before we even get in. Besides, revenge doesn't pay." With that, Janet stands up, obviously prepared to leave.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

"This is about money, like me it simply has no soul."

The old man now clearly agitated at the pair. Continues on but as he is doing so, makes a gesture.

"You say you cannot trust me, yet I could ask the same of you. What have you done to earn my trust? Playing around with my patience is not a very good start. The information I give you is for me to decide. Why would I share information with common travelers, when it gives me no benefit to do so? Though you bring up a good point. How am I to know that you are not working for them and spying on me?"

With that speech and his gesture now complete, you see the result. 3 other men, fairly ragtag at first glance, certainly no visible armor on them. Though their swords being drawn should be enough to show that they mean business. These men get up and move to surround the pair. The rest of the bar catching on to the commotion simply backs away from the show and prepares to watch what could be a fight.

"You are not leaving. Not until either you are in either a body bag or a part of this mission."

A fight? A con? Surely something has to be done before the simple odds of a 4 against 2 fight add up to something inconvenient.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas turns his head to eye the three men behind him. With a sigh he glanced to the woman, his body tensing slightly before speaking. "You were the one who sought us out, so it is likely you did your homework." Gessturing behind him at the men and frowning as he continued. "But it seems you are being quite obstinate and ignorant." With a small shrug he eyes the old man warily. "It would seem our business is over and all that remains is to say goodbye."

He stood up slowly and gave the old man a small bow. "Seems there is only one thing for us to do." Suddenly and quickly exploding into action. Kicking up the table and flipping it towards the old man. Drawing his sword and slashing at the three men to put some distance between himself and them.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

As Nicholas stands up rather theatrically, Janet glances at the man and quickly gives up on trying to avoid fighting and focuses on avoiding being skewered by those rather sharp-looking swords. Grabbing the hilt of her dagger, she takes on a stance that - she hopes - makes her look like a better fighter than she actually is while slowly slipping her left foot backwards, her ankle touching one of the legs of her chair as she prepares to kick it at whoever attacks first. "You'd better hope the old-timer here has bribed the guards. Tavern brawls are one thing, but draw a sword first and you might end in the gallows."

Trying to diplomacy/amuse the mercs into leaving or at least hesitating
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Rolls: Janet
d12 (Diplomacy) + d8 (wits) vs 5 elements

4+4=8 vs dc15 enemy at rear =success
1+3=4 vs dc15 enemy at left = success
12+2=14vs dc15 enemy at right= success
11+8=19vs dc15 old man = fail
7+5=12 vs dc15 tavern = success

Janet places her hand at her dagger, and moves one of her legs to use a nearby chair to trip up one of her adversaries. At the same time the goon behind the pair had already placed his sword on her shoulder, leaving both at an impasse. Janet not wanting to start to fight, and the goon not wanting to damage Janet for the time being. The two other goons who had flanked the pair shifted their attention toward Nicholas. The old man simply being knocked prone after being ejected from the table as it capsized, did not help improve his mood toward the pair. There seemed to be no visible or audible reaction to the pair of Janet and the goon behind her throughout the tavern.

Rolls: Nicholas (without specifying any particular action I am guessing at intent)
d20 (intimidate) + d12 (wits) vs 5 elements

3+10=13 vs dc15 enemy at rear = success
20+3=23 vs dc15 enemy at left = fail
17+4=21 vs dc15 enemy at right= fail
20+7=27 vs dc15 old man = fail
3+3=6 vs dc5 tavern + weapon drawn = fail

Nicholas however, acted rather rashly. Making the first move he unseated the old man from the table, which of course would not please him once he were to recover from being prone on the ground. The enemy behind him was occupied with keeping Janet in check, however the two goons on each side of him had beaten him to the draw. Nicholas making a move in which it seemed he was moving to knock their swords away caused a sound that the tavern knew all too well. The clanging of the swords sent the place into a frenzy as most were simply running for the doors fearing for their own lives.

The old man being prone on the ground at the far end of the now capsized table could only be heard saying something inaudible possibly from the sheer surprise he felt from the sudden move by Nicholas. The men that the old man had brought with him seemed to be more interested in simply keeping Nicholas there than an actual fight, as they certainly had an opportunity to swing at Nicholas while the table was being flipped.

It would seem that the pair of Nicholas and Janet had one more move before the old man were to right himself and take action. There is no telling what the old man would attempt to do at this point. For the time being, his men were not acting on their own. They were originally ordered to keep the pair from escaping, and that is presently their intent.

Janet: Engaged with enemy at rear, no visible weapon drawn
Nicholas: Engaged with enemy on right and left, sword drawn

Old Man: Prone on ground, getting up. Table obstructing direct line of sight to him.
Enemy at rear: Engaged with Janet, sword drawn
Enemy at right: Engaged with Nicholas, sword drawn
Enemy at left: Engaged with Nicholas, sword drawn
Tavern: In an uproar with people running for the exit.
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Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas eyed the two men in front of him a moment, thankful they were with in his good eyesight. Seeing the blade on the woman and the dagger hilt in her hand he figured she would be alright for the moment. Focusing on the other two men and giving them a small smile as she quickly thought out his next action. "Let's dance."

Kicking his chair at the furthest man to distract him or trip him. He quickly followed up the chair and engaged the closest man. Slashing at him and hoping to disable him quickly.

Kick the chair at the feet of the farthest man facing Nich, and attacking the closest and trying for a quick kill.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Janet kicks her chair at the man trying to threaten her with his sword and throws herself into a roll to get away from the blade.

Using acrobatics for active defence and moving away from the combat
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Intitative: (Rolled this time because too many awkward things at same time could happen, though first two to act are fixed, more tie breakers between all the ones who have a tied tricks + smarts)
Old Man S? + T? = 12
Janet S8 + T6 =6

Goon at rear S? + T? = 6
Nicholas S10 + T8 = 14
Goon at Right S? + T? = 13
Goon at Left S? + T? = 12

Other shenanigans:
Janet Chair trip: 4+3 = 7 vs TN 10 Success!
Goon at rear Delayed until after Old Man
Old Man Standing up from prone, drawing weapon, giving quick orders (free).
Goon at rear Hurdle obstacle, move with Janet
Goon at Left Attack Nicholas -
B? + Swd6 = 12 vs TN 13 Hit.
B? + Swd6 = 10 vs TN 12 2 Damage.
Active Defense
Goon at Right Attack Nicholas - Rear attack
B? + Swd6 x2 advantage = 13 or 10 vs TN 13 Hit
B? + Swd6 = 12 vs TN 12 1 damage
Active Defense
Nicholas Yet to act

Interesting scene we have here. What very well should have been a rather simple meeting between employer and employee has turned into what could only be termed a bar room brawl by the patrons who were running for the exits and possibly their very lives. Nicholas fired the first shot once everyone tried to see who's sword was bigger by flipping the table where the old man was sitting then setting the place in a frenzy by sweeping his blade against the goons on either side of him. Janet however was taking a different tact, trying to get Nicholas to not act so rashly. She was at a slight disadvantage as the goon likely responsible for simply containing her had already drawn a weapon and had it upon her.

Janet would act first out of this whole standstill, attempting to sweep the chair that she had hooked her leg around into the goon that was at the rear of this formation. Still not actively attacking she was likely just trying to distance herself from the sword that was maybe inches away from doing her harm. She was successful in having the goon stumble while she moved away. However the goon that was with her was able to move away from the rest along with her unimpeded. Now they were isolated away from the other three and Janet was able to avoid the sword that was placed on her while doing all this. The goon that was keeping up with her was delaying his action as he could be seen looking back toward the old man trying to figure out what he should actually do.

Nicholas however would likely have a tougher time through all of this now that Janet had effectively turned the fight into a three on one encounter. The old man would now be able to get up. Though not an immediate impact in the fight, he would however have an impact on the fight as he gave the command to have his cohorts start attacking. "Take them down, I want them alive" would be heard throughout the tavern as he would draw his sword. His sights were seemingly on Janet though it could be that he was simply evaluating the situation and trying to see where things were now that he is standing again, or he was going to attempt to target Janet in the next few moments.

The goons hearing the old man speak were able to get the drop on Nicholas. The goons had the advantage of having Nicholas functionally surrounded, though they did have to hold back and only use non-lethal force. The goon to the left of Nicholas would have his go at Nicholas first. He would lash out with his sword and ever so barely get Nicholas on the shoulder before Nicholas was able to deflect the blow. A decent bit of damage was dealt there as the blow happened to find a spot on Nicholas' arm undefended by his armor as well. Nicholas was still in the fight, but that wound was not something that would simply heal after a short rest as it was already starting to show blood coming from the cut. Seeing that his job was done, he only held his sword in a defensive stance to act as a distraction while his parter took his turn.

Now it was the goon directly behind Nicholas that was attacking. Instead of trying to kill his opponent which he easily could since Nicholas had his back turned toward him, he would instead use the butt end of his blade in an attempt to concuss Nicholas. Nicholas was able to realize what was happening just in time to deflect some of the impact, though even still getting smacked on the top of the head still left its mark on Nicholas, as it was pretty clear to anyone that was still watching this that Nicholas was very seriously hurt at this point.

Now Nicholas has his turn. His original plan, as intricate and plausible it may have been, was likely altered by having his shoulder sliced with a blade and another blow almost caving his skull in. He could certainly press on and attack, but with how things have shaken out so far. It may benefit him to find another solution to the current problem. Surrender? Press on? Circumstances have certainly changed from how Nicholas may have envisioned this fight to have gone.

Janet: Engaged with enemy at rear, no visible weapon drawn
Nicholas: Engaged with enemy on right and left, sword drawn, Seriously Hurt (3dmg)

Old Man: Standing, eyeing Janet, sword drawn
Enemy at rear: Engaged with Janet, sword drawn
Enemy at right: Engaged with Nicholas, sword drawn
Enemy at left: Engaged with Nicholas, sword drawn
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Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas eyed the two men on his sides of him a moment, thankful they were with in his good eyesight. Seeing the blade on the woman and the dagger hilt in her hand he figured she would be alright for the moment. Focusing on the other two men and giving them a small smile as she quickly thought out his next action. "Let's dance."

Kicking his chair at the furthest man to distract him or trip him. He quickly followed up the chair and engaged the closest man. Slashing at him and hoping to disable him quickly. Quickly turning back to keep them at his sides no matter what.

Kick the chair at the feet of the farthest man facing Nich, and attacking the closest and trying for a quick kill.
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Janet draws her dagger while backing away slowly, making a few feints with it to make the swordsman keep his distance.

Backing to the nearest torch, using dagger for active defense
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Nicholas Kick chair at goon on left, attack goon on right

Old Man S? + T? = 4
Janet S8 + T6 = 7

Nicholas S10 + T8 = 10, 16
Goon at Rear S? + T8 = 15
Goon at Right S? + T? = 7
Goon at Left S? + T? = 10, 13
???? S? + T? = ???

Chair kick: Acr12 + T8 = 5 vs TN 15 (10 for crit success) Crit!
Attack goon on right: B12 + Swd12 = 9 vs TN 15 Hit
Damage: B12 + Swd6 vs 10 TN 10 2 Damage

Old Man-
Identity Reveal
General Order

Nicholas even given the current situation and how it changed had decided to stick to the plan. Try to get some distance by kicking a chair toward the goon on the left, and attack the goon on the right trying to force him backward. This met with great success as the goon was completely caught off guard. The chair both knocked him down and was able to carry him with it as he was tangled in with the chair as it slid further away. Now for the more immediate problem of the goon on the right. Nicholas would also catch him by surprise it seems as he was in some kind of shock that his companion was sent flying so far. Nicholas was able to swipe at the goon almost undefended, though the goon was able to move himself away somewhat while the blade cut him right below the collarbone straight across his chest.

Now the old man would have his say finally over the proceedings. He would reach into his pocket and reveal what looked like a badge. First holding it up so that everyone that was still in the tavern could see it, and then slamming it down into one of the chairs that was not flung away when the table had flipped. "I am your Sheriff, I command these two be taken in for questioning. I will not tolerate anything less, and they are no good to me dead. If anyone kills them, they will answer to me. Personally."

With this a few of the people within the tavern actually respond by listening to the old man. Most everyone at this point has fled the scene aside from the drunks who are too hammered to even notice the fight over on the other side of the tavern. Though there are a few bits of rabble that might cause some inconvenience for the pair. Interesting thought though, why would the Sheriff of the town go and summon two thieves in secrecy?

With this, Janet would have her turn. How would she respond to this turn of events. Clearly the Sheriff and his 3 constables intended to take Nicholas and her in for something as they were wanted alive. Would the right play be to just give up and stop fighting this battle? All these decisions would need to be made by Janet, one would think. Nicholas was rather visibly hurt, though he was able to return the favor to one of the goons. The numbers game would clearly catch up to them one would think.

Janet: Engaged with enemy at rear, no visible weapon drawn
Nicholas: Engaged with enemy on right and left, sword drawn, Seriously Hurt (3dmg)

Sheriff: Barking orders, sword drawn
Constable at rear: Engaged with Janet, sword drawn
Constable at right: Engaged with Nicholas, sword drawn, hurt (2dmg)
Constable at left: Knocked down, sword drawn
Re: Road to Redemption (Rathuris & Hentaispider)

Gonna switch to colors for the constables to try to clean things up.
Old Man S? + T? = 4
Janet S8 + T6 = 7

Nicholas S10 + T8 = 10, 16
Constable Red (rear) S? + T8 = 15
Constable Green (right) S? + T? = 7
Constable Blue (left) S? + T? = 10, 13
???? S? + T? = ???

Old Man - Already used turn
Janet- Move backward, Active defense
Attempt to arrest Nicholas
B? + Trp? = 15 vs TN 10 (escape artist) Fail
Attempt to knock down Nicholas
B? + Trp? = 18 vs TN 10 Fail
Stand up
Move toward Nicholas

Janet would finally brandish her dagger, though from the looks of it she was only using it to try to keep the Constable clad in Red away from her as she started to back up further away from the melee Nicholas was involved in. Red would seemingly be moving to follow her, though his intentions were at this point unclear to Janet. He had only just started to react to Janet moving herself backward so it was unclear how he would respond to this. However as Janet was backing away cautiously enough she could start to feel that as she left the main melee area, it would be alot harder for her to move as she could be moving right into a waiting bystander that was simply watching the melee and how it would play out.

However the other Constables were moving and it was fairly obvious that they were both intent on bringing Nicholas down. Constable Green actively tried to bring Nicholas to justice, by simply trying to grab him. This effort failed as did his follow up of trying to knock Nicholas down. The Blue clad constable really only had one option, that was get back up off the ground and then try to rejoin the attempt to bring Nicholas to justice. He was still a good distance away so would be little active threat, though it would be a matter of seconds before he was back ontop of Nicholas making that fight a 2 on 1 again.

Now we will see Nicholas' reaction to this whole turn of events. Would giving himself up bring about a more reasonable fate than death? Could he continue the fight much longer given his current state? Would the addition of the other Blue clad constable change the dynamic of this skirmish once again?