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very strange... in his new game, the one with the female warrior, i dont see anything about a japanese puzzle... and i find it disappointing that his latest game has quite a number of downloads. was really hoping that he realize that BF series was the only way of earning income...
very strange... in his new game, the one with the female warrior, i dont see anything about a japanese puzzle... and i find it disappointing that his latest game has quite a number of downloads. was really hoping that he realize that BF series was the only way of earning income...

He might be working on another RobF game, I saw one of his blog posts recently:

I rely on google translate to see what japanese game makers are saying but it didn't really translate that post very well lol. But what I got from it is that he's considering on making another robf game because of popular demand
I hope he doesn't put another anti-gaijin puzzle into it.
Seems like his next work will be BF related, no clue what it will be base on, Hopefully FGO related cause he went to the 2019 event.

So we just need to hope that he doesn't include another anti-gaijin "riddle" into the new game.
hey guys, is there a translation of eoy somewhere?
I was hoping to find anything here but it seems the work on the translation was cancelled, wasn't it?
Does anyone here know how to translate the H-scenes? I would be more than happy to take a crack at least making a shoddy MTL for them but I can't find the files for them anywhere
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Pretty easy to just not download the translation.
I just don't understand all that hatred against MTL.
It's still better than the moonrunes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, my hope is to start off with MTL and then give them proper translations. Anyways, while I can't find the text for the H-scenes in ROBFEOY I have been able to find them in ROBF; so I think I'm going to translate those ones first and then try again with this game at a later date.
if ure talking about the first robf it has been translated already way back few years. dunno if links to that are still okay
'If' I remember correctly, only the story was translated, while the majority of ROBF H-scenes were untranslated.