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Rogue Alliance Gaiden


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Rogue Alliance Gaiden
"Crossed Swords on the Mesmerizing Sea!"

Sea spray splashed as the bow of the Acceleration hit an oncoming wave. The salty water vapor hitting a raven haired woman who didn't seem at all distressed at the situation. Had anyone seen her seven days okay it would have been a different story but Kyra had slowly acclimated to the life on board and had begun to enjoy herself. It had been difficult for her the first day when they reached open water the acute sea seasickness that plagued her on larger vessels was even more potent on the small clipper they had chartered. Still after a day of discomfort Kyra had finally got her sea legs. Smiling to herself Kyra leaned against the foremast and looked over at Serina and waved.

She hated to admit it but Serina was right on insisting that Kyra not wear her armor for the whole voyage and while she doubted Serina's reasoning she couldn't argue that just relaxing on the voyage had been good for her. Still she had her blade on her hip and despite the captains assurance that her vessel was the “Eminent vessel of speed and agility and no filthy pirate tug could catch her.” Her experience had taught her never fully trust on speed and agility alone. After all Serina kept two blades of her own and she was the fastest and most agile person she knew. Tugging at the off white light shirt that Serina had picked out for her she grumbled. It was light and airy and had a tendency to cling to her form highlighting her large breasts causing her some embarrassment. Still it was a gift from Serina so she endured. The tight leather pants on the other hand where a step to far and they had a nasty habit of riding up on her not to mention the looks some of the sailors had been giving her. Still she had promised to wear it but the stares had become to much and she decided to change into something more comfortable.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

On the other side of the coin, Serina enjoyed the trip from day one. The warm weather, fresh air and suprisingly lush locations they stopped by occasionally finally enough to crack Kyra to relax. The rogue slowly walked to Kyra, noting the girls wave and answering with a smile.

Unlike Kyra, the thief had absolutely no problem with her current attire. Infact she embraced it in full, the loose shirt tied in front showing off her C's cleavage, the tight leather pants even complete with a red sash. Both kept at a questionably low level. While it was a questionable choice of clothing, she had no complaints infact she'd have grown to be quite popular and well liked among the crew. Though likely for all the wrong intents...

"Jinx said we'll be stopping at another isle for a brief moment." Serina casually approached Kyra and sat down on nearby barrel her long legs crossed playfully as she bit down on some fruit.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Thwarted! Kyra smiled at Serina and caught decided to sit with her friend. Together the pair gave many of the sailors ample fuel for their imaginations during their personal time below decks.

Stretching her own legs out after sitting on another barrel Kyra sighed and stifled a painful grunt as the leather pants inched their way further into her sensitive area's "Oh I hope its a pleasant island the last one was little more than a spring and some sand." Brushing some hair aside Kyra smiled as she recalled her first taste of land after three days at sea. She had nearly stumbled into the dirt but thankfully Serina was present to steady her.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Well they'll be picking up quite the bit of fruit from the Frogmen again" Serina once more bit down on the fruit, now clear to be a peach and smiled warmly at Kyra. Some of the juices sparkling brightly as they slid down her bountiful valley. Though the girls were often the talk of the sailors, especially when the duo weren't around and the boys had a few pints, most of the tales were just that - fantasies.

For her outlook on the matter, Serina kept a polite distance from actually truly indulging to certain aspects with Kyra, but at the very least... Serinas gaze slid up across the knights pants another gift from the rogue. A sly smile appearing on her face, her hands gripping the barrel a tad lightly. The girls secret kink and on Kyra, it was an absolute treat to her throughout.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra nodded slightly thinking back to the island in question. It was small swampy island but had a sheltered bay and an over abundance of insects perfect habitat for the frogmen as Serina called them. "Lets hope this one has a small population of giant insects. Im not so sure I can stand seeing roasted beetle on the menu again." Kyra giggled as she tried to adjust her pants ever so slightly for some relief.

Looking out over the deck and to the sea Kyra smiled. "So I think Jix said this might be our last day or two at sea till we reach the outpost. What do you think we'll find there?"
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina giggled at the memory of the odd menu. Recalling her 'fans' offer to her from way back... the pulsing white maggot was a hefty memory to remove "Well~ there's always fruit salad" she smiled brightly and flicked her blonde hair playfully, noting Kyras struggles. Only to non-chalantly reach to Kyras side and grasp the sides of her pants "Wear them a bit lower, silly." with a gentle touch Serina lightly nudged the pants down ever so slowly, but kept them a bit higher than she herself wore.

The rogue removed her hands, making sure to 'accidentally' brush them across the thin leather "I hope we'll find some tropical paradise free of undead, frogmen and the like." the blonde turned forward with a smile aswell "Maybe with some straw sheds and burly men, cattering to our every whim." shewinked to Kyra and turned forward "What I expect... well. Let's hope I'll be pleasantly surprised."
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"That would be nice but I doubt it would be free of frogmen though. Thankfully they are awfully friendly." Kyra's breath stilled as Serina touched her the rogue's gentile touch easily felt threw the thin leather. The two of them where close almost intimately so but so far they had avoided such a romance. Still the strange dream she had a few months back after their victory celebration seemed to have altered her view on the matter. Shaking her head Kyra mumbled a thanks before looking back over the sea. "I think they might have found a relic that will help us fight off the dragons. Why else would they send us all the way out here to get it. Not to mention hire the fastest ship known." Kyra looked back at Serina smiling.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina snickered warmly "Let's just hope the ship travels faster than the news to the dragon." the rogue playfully leaned her head to Kyras as they watched the seemingly endless sea a small speck now clear on the horizon as they neared.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"I hope so it would be a shame to have to fight the undead after such a lovely trip." Surprisingly Kyra leaned her own head to rest against Serina's own. "Think thats the island or another ship?" It was hard to see from this distance the large ocean as it seemed to curve off over the horizon. Unknowing Kyra's hand sought out one of Serina's and held it tight. For Kyra once she noticed she didn't pull away some how it felt right and familar like her hand should have been their to begin with and she sighed.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The rogue didn't mind at all. gently holding her friends hand "M~ Think that's the island. No ships should be present around, atleast according to our 'oh~ I'm so brilliant obey me you shmucks....' captain" Serina giggled lightly, if it wasn't for Kyras hand she'd have went for another peach down below the decks, but in this case...

The girl only sighed lightly and kept her head leaned against the ravens haired girls, only for a loud whistle to interupt the moment from behind them! Looked like the Captains wanted the crew at attention.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The moment taken from them Kyra got up fast only to wince as the leather pinched her. "Oww... best see what Jinx wants you know how much of a bear she can be."

The captain a fairly young Asura named Jinx loved life on the sea. The crash of the waves the smell of salt in the air, the wind tossing her hair and ears about; all of it pleased her to know end and after her first taste she left her home in Rata Sum intent on forming her own Krewe and building the fastest sailing ship ever. For the most part she was successful though finding a krewe of like minded Asura was nearly impossible so she settled for picking up those who where brave and inventive enough to sail with her in an untested craft. "Now Krewe we are nearing the end of the first leg of the voyage. We have one more stop to take on fresh supplies before we reach our destination. It is my intent once we reach our goal to give you 24 hours of restorative land rest before we head out once more. If that is our guests are willing to accommodate us?"
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina could only giggle warmly at Kyras battle with the tight pants, even spuring the pervy rogues eyes to sharpen as the warrior worked to fix then and shifted herself. Still it wa sbest to see whats was going on, nor be caught staring at Kyras arou--- silly strugles.

The captain informed the crew and tuirned to the two girls, clearly it was more 'out of politeness question'. The girls didn't really have input in the matter, even if they were VIP's onboard "It's alright Captain. We're making great time as is." Serina smiled, subtly stroking that Asuran ego the captain had.

Looked like the girls would have one more stop, before they finally reached the outpost...
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Excellent! Helms man adjust course starboard 19 degrees and ready for powered drive!" Like clockwork the mostly Asuran Krewe completed the tasks assigned them. Adjusting sail and line with peak efficiency that the captain no doubt drilled into them. This sadly left Kyra and Serina in a lurch. Jinx had been reluctant to let untrained hands touch her masterpiece but as with most people Serina was able to charm some concessions out of her. She wasn't allowed to do much but at lest she could help out around the ship. Kyra however concerned herself with cleaning and maintaining the ships arsenal of exotic Asuran weapons.

With Kyra heading below deck for a moment Serina was left to watch the transition from sail to power drive. It was an amazing transition to see from deck and as she took her post Serina say the yardarms of the masts collapse to cut down on the wind resistance. A moment later a distinct humm kicked in as the power drive took hold pushing the sailing craft forward with out the aid of sails. In this mode travel was much faster but it could only be maintained for an hour or so before the power drive shut down for safety reasons.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Yahoo~~!" the girl cried out as the wind hit, the ship was absolutely soaring across the sea. The waves absolutely severed by their breaker, but still splashing out lightly causing glimmering glitters to fly all across the ship lightly soaking the crew.

While it was quite the sight and sensation, it also really tested those with weaker sea legs. Unfortunately leaving Kyra to go down, until the crazy ride was over or the girl to test her stomach.

At any rate, the small speck was beckoming clearer and clearer, a healthy light green covering most of the island. Looks like they'll get their exotic break afterall!
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Making exceptional time Serina was left to enjoy the high speeds and sea spray while Kyra stuck close to the walls. Her sea legs had improved quite a bit but when ever the power drive kicked in it always seemed to cause the girl some nausea. Still Kyra was able to clean the weapons in the armory. Most where experimental rifles and pistols that Jinx had likely collected from discarded experiments Kyra had no clue if any of them worked or what they would do if they did. Still it was an impressive sight especially after they had been cleaned from the general neglect they had suffered.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina grinned widely as her hair was swiftly blown back, the droplets of water tickling across her skin and bust. This was easily one of the fastest rides she had ever had and boy did she enjoy every moment of it!

Soon enough the engine reached it's safe peak, slowing down the ship and letting the momentum carry it near to the rapidly approaching island. Serina shook her head of water and smiled widely turning around and letting out a triumphant "Whew~!" to the crew. Each and every single which of them answer to her with a smile... though not from the rush of the trip.

The girls body glistened from the water coating it, a playful stream sliding down between her pushed together C's in the open shirt. Heck even the shirt was soaked wet, clinging around the girl tightly to make the white material not just make the clothing partly see-through, but the cold sea water making the girls nippies pop all the more.

Serina playfully fixed her hair to the side and with a still energetic smile walked down the deck, much to the sailors grins only noting her current appearance as one of the more lusty men made it all clear it wasn't her eyes he was looking at...

With a cute blush the girl quickly scurried down below and to their room, perhaps even passing by Kyra before she got changed.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra felt the vibrations ease as the powered drive shut itself off much to her relief. Getting up from her sitting position Kyra let her stomach settle before heading back up top for some fresh air. On her way up however she ran into Serina the girls soaked body a slight surprise to the knight. Blushing slightly as she felt Serina's nipples threw her own shirt Kyra excused herself and hurried up top to gaze a the island.

The island itself looked to be mostly light jungle with a fair amount of palms gracing its banks. Jinx the captain of the Acceleration was already forming up a landing party in one of the launches. Kyra thought briefly about joining the expedition but was rather reluctant as the last time she did she ended up carting all the supplies back to the boat.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina didn't just pass by, with a huge grin the girl hugged her friend playfully tickling her nose with her own, before moving on. Giving her a playful wink.

Closing the door behind her, the rogue sighed happily the high of the ride still evident in her stance. Dressing the wet shirt on a nearby chair Serina moved to their clothing and took out a towel drying her hair and wiping off specks of water from her leathers.

Looking over the island it seemed fairly exotic meaning... she didn't need her whole gettup. Slipping into a comfy dark leather bra, the rogue tied a black shirt around her waist and moved on out.

If Kyra was still indecisive the rogue would take the girls hand without any words and lead her up towards the captain "Jinx! We'll go relax around the island for a bit, how much time we got?" the rogue smiled warmly.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Kyra was busy taking in fresh air and hardly noticed Serina grab her hand and pull her up to the captain. Stumbling slightly she blushed as her top failed to contain her bosom from the sudden change of direction. At some point she would have to tell Serina about the slightly undersized garments she had picked up.

Jinx meanwhile was busy getting barrels and crates loaded up into the launch to really notice the girls until Serina spoke. "I suppose you could come along its gonna take most of the day to hike to the spring so you have until sunset to enjoy yourselves." With that the captain busied herself giving orders to her crew leaning Serina and Kyra free until the launch was ready.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina smiled widely to Kyra "Told ya we'd reach a tropical paradise sooner than later." the rogue quickly slipped past Kyra "I'll grab my bra, you taking your battle bra or wearing this?" be it with Kyras permission or not, indeed the chain bikini Carlos had gifted was packed in aswell. Though whether Kyra would wear it was up to her.

Whatever the Knight choose, Seras armed with a tan tonic and beach roll would waste little time to get off the ship and hurry Kyra along. It was vacation time!... for one day.