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Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Let go of me wench a man has all the right to mourn alone. Besides if you go after the Siren you'll just end up dead of worse." Pushing Serina's foot off with a surprising amount of strength Carlos got to his feet again and brushed himself off. "Besides no one can find the Siren.. it finds you." With that if left unhindered the pirate would walk out into the night air.

Meanwhile several figures seemingly left of their own accord. Most where just wanted felons who had better things to do than risk their necks. But two stood out from the crowd. One a pretty looking woman with auburn hair. The other another woman with a cruel smile who eyed Serina licking her lips.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

He wouldn't linger there alone for long. Whoever the two in the crowd were they'd have to wait their turn. The rogue would swiftly follow the man close on his tail "What I do is none of your concern! You know the captain and it's crew, and you'll help me find them, Carlos." the rogue stepped infront of him, her eyes locked onto his own face, absolutely unflinching.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

As Serina looked at the man she could clearly see tears forming in his eyes but held in check by the man's pride. "And I told ya you don't find the Siren it finds you. Now leave me be. I want to be alone.. I want to remember who Kyra was not what she will be once she gets threw with her." Stepping aside Carlos would walk down the shore line a little bit.

Unknown to them a clocked woman followed her hands straying to her daggers. The captain would reward her most handsomly for him.. Maybe she would be pleased enough that she would let her keep the blond whore for herself.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

"Then I'll die trying to do the impossible, rather than scamper off like a pathetic skritt!" the girl was now furious at the mans sad state, what happened to the fairly charming if overly obssesed man she met once before? To the pirate that always found ways to sneak into Kyras room and replace her outfits or armors with more and more questionable choices.

The rogue would run up to him and force him to face her "What happened to you? Do you really care so little for Kyra that you'd just leave her to that bitch?" she leaned out "You're my only lead Carlos, I'm not letting you go."

Meanwhile a true stranger had begun trailing them, keen on the Carlos's head. The woman would begin to rapidly approach and reach for her daggers, only for a Nord to step infront of her?! "My mark." he'd say plainly and look down to the female in question. Looked like the two on the beach had more than their share of enemies... enemies in line to get their heads.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Surprisingly quick for a drunk Carlos's hand flew over and slapped Serina across the cheek. "How dare you! I love that woman with my very being. I would jump down the gullet of a kraken for her." Carlos looked at Serina the the rogue clearly unphased by the slap. "If I could save her I would but you don't understand. If she is in the hands of Lucia than she is as good as dead. If the gods favorored her she would be dead." Carlos fell to his knees tears rolling down his face. "Oh my Kyra my Kyra why did she come for you... I would I would I would have ended my own life if it would have spared you."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The rogue fall silent at the slap, before speaking up "You say you'd jump a Kraken to save her, but now you're just leaving her to slavery in that womans hand. Shows how hollow your words are, you're not the man I thought you were." she turned and looked down to the weeping man "I wasted my time with you, Carlos. Don't you dare bother me or my friend again. I'll save Kyra without you, no matter who I have to face." with those last judgemental words she'd turn around and slowly begin walking away.

Though just as she walked a clear figure slowly approached them from the bar, behind her a clear body of a Norn lied lifeless. Serinas eyes sharpened as she caught a glimpse of a blades glint from the woman, her cloak bloodied up "Who are you?" the rogue took up a defensive stance.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos sat in the sands weeping a little bit before the answer to Serina's question was spoken. "My name dear is for me to keep but suffice to say most people around these parts call me bloody blades." The woman nearly a head shorter than Serian stalked confidently closer. "Now be a dear and step aside from my mark and I might let you go. Of course you are rather.. atractive it would be ashame to mar that. Ill tell you what. Kill that worthless heap of a man and Ill let you be my pet." Katrina Bloody Blades Carlos got to his feet. "Step aside woman this is my fight not yours." Taking one staggering step Carlos moved a bit closer pulling a short blade from his belt. Wait that was one of Serina's hidden blades that scoundral.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

" 'Pet' eh?" Serina smirked confidently and flicked her hair fixing it lightly "Him? At his state don't think you'll have trouble bringing him in alive." she looked to the woman sharply, at that moment the womans rudes words seemingly insulting her far less than the mans she planned to call ally state.

Just as she finished her reply, she felt someone approach and take her hidden knife. Though her reaction ceased noting the person in question "I'll want that back." the rogue stepped aside, letting the two fight it out.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Carlos moved forward the small knife in his hands held in a firm grip. "No worries one way or another you'll get it back." Carlos looked backed and threw her a dashing smile. "Besides Kyra makes decent blades and I wouldn't want you to lose such fine weapon." Carlos turned back just in time to get a face full of cloak as the assassin lunched her attack. Seemingly stumbling back drunk the twined blades of the assassin missed their mark by a mere inch. This however didn't phase Carlos one bit as he quickly cleared his vision and made an attack that stumbled at the last minute. Amazingly enough the drunk stumble actually let him hit his target though her own skill made sure it met armor and nothing vital. "Fool! this is my favorite set and now its ruined." The assassins eyes narrowed. "Your gonna pay for that." Once more she launched her attack taking two quick swipes that seemed to miss Carlos as he stumbled in a drunk manner away from each drawning a frustrated growl from the woman.
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

'Dashing' was the last thing that came to mind thinking of the fairly sad man, though combat seemed to reinvigorate him for some reason. Serina would just calmy sit and watch on what happens, though she took out a single throwing dagger just in-case. Playing with it casually as she watched on.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Leaning back from and almost winking Carlos went on the offensive giving out a series of strikes that seemed way to cordinated to be that of a drunkin man. This seemed to catch the Assassin off guard as it was her turn to dodge back her cloak deflecting a strike and throwing Carlos off balance. Grinning the assassin struk again this time landing a cutting blow across Carlo's back causing the man to wince slightly. Moving away from each other to gain a little space the two foes reevaluated each other.

Pulling up her blade that scored the hit the assassin licked the blood off it. "Clever pirate but the game is up your not drunk and I won't fall for such tricks again." Carlos smiled and straightened himself up. "Well I suppose my trikery is exposed. Sorry Serina I was hoping to fool them into thinking I had given up chaseing after Kyra. Though your apperances complicated things. Shall we end this Katrina?" Carlos adopted a fencing stance as the would be assassin grinned.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

That manipulative, lieing son of a... Serinas eyes sharpened as she gave him a clearly defiant nod. Honestly by how sharp her eyes grew, somehow dieing to the assassin and avoiding facing the rogues answer to his act... seemed like a fairly decent choice.

Whatever the case Serina would continue to watch the two duke out, though if Carlos slipped up she'd let her dagger lose with impeccable precision into the assasins blade that would strike the pirate down. Saving him if it came to that.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Like a dashing hurricane Katrina was ontop of Carlos, her weighted cloak a weapon its own right used as a sheild or distration. The flap of the cloak and the clash of steel echoed from the blur of movement. It was near imppossible to tell who was winnig at the moment.

Once more the fighters broke appart standing back. Both showed signs of near fatal blows and each had a bloody weapon in hand. "Well pirate I have to say you surprised me.. though this fight is over." Carlos raied an eybrow "Giving up already? It would be a shame indeed to kill such a pretty creature as yourself." The assassin laughed and looked at Carlos. "A diffrent day priate and I may have taken you out to dinner but alas few servive the poision on my blades." Carlos's eyes widdened as he quickly lunched forward only to fall on his face. "Lucky for you she wants you alive. Now for you my little treat." Smiling Katrina looked at Serina only to dodge the wicked knife thrown her way. "Oh I love when they fight! Its so much fun after I break them."
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Serina looked to the assassin defiantly and glanced to Carlos lieing face first in the sand. Well he certainly put up more of a fight than Serina expected... "Really now? I love it, when they talk big and confident. Makes it so much more fun when they're face down." she smirked wickedly in response and gripped the cloak she was hiding herself beneath throwing it aside.

Serina was adorned in full leather, a small belt of blades wrapped around her thigh and another collection resting on her shoulder guard. It seemed she was missing two blades from the thigh blade. The rest of her armor followed a expertly crafted design, from exceptionally tightly earthen colored leather pants, delicious squeezing her luscious forms, to her upper body wearing a sleeveless leather jacket and clear leather armor beneath, stylishly hinting at her cleavage at the top and showing off enough of her midriff to remain protective, but supremely feminiine and sexy.

The rogue quickly snapped her restractable daggers into order, clearly whispers made to be small enough to hide on the person and sturdy and light enough to match even the best blacksmith works "But it's so kind of you to tell me you work for the woman I'm looking for..."

Her eyes sharp and enemy wounded, Serina was not going to let her. She needed this woman alive.... and saving Carlos from the poison may sorta be a bonus.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The assassin smiled giving off no dramatic display. "You know what I like about whisper agents? When they dissapear no one knows." A twitch of movement was all the warning Serina had as rain of throwing daggers flew in her direction. They where easy enough to block or dodge but the real reason for the assult was cover for the womans's charge. Cloak billowing the assasin lashed out with twined blades nearly catching Serina with their strike. Her assult thwarted the assasin reatread back her cloak shielding her form from view as she made a quick retreat to face Serina once more.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

So that was her fighting style, the rogue stepped back and quickly created a plan in her head "You couldn't be more right." with a very subtle movement Serina dropped a small pellet and just as the assassin began her attack anew thick black smoke bursted around Serinas area. The thrown blades soaring through the smoke and spreading apart revealing empty space. Serina had disappeared?

Though ofcourse the girl never used magic, just trickery of perception and exceptionally rapid movement. The assassin quickly grew on the defensively her eyes scanning the area carefully turning to face wherever even the most subtle cues of the rogues presence appeared until a clear crack of a stun echoed some distance not too far from where the rogue disappeared!

"Got you!" the rogue instantly let loose numerous throwing blades at the location and smirked, but indeed nothing was there. Except a single thrown dagger distinctly different from hers! Her eyes shot wide as she swiftly out of experience turned and struck behind her, her feet pushing back and making her leap backwards away.

Serina would swiftly duck under the backswinged blade attack and actually lunge forward right along with the assassin, the assassin tool of the trade cloak only proving to gently cover the rogue right infront of her.

Her guard wide open the assassin tried to swing down only for a upwards slash to cut at her shoulder, disabling her sword-arm, Serina using her other hand free of any weapon to reach up and grab the assassins blade, cutting horizontally through her armor and at her. Not deep enough to cause critical damage, but deep enough for the poisoned blade to work against it's wielder.

With that Serina swiftly jumped back, her dagger in one hand and the assassins poison blade in the other "Judging by Carlos's state, I'd say you have 3 seconds to tell me where the antidote is." she grinned mockingly at the assassin "Three..."
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Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The assassin grinned at Serina. "Heh you think I would be a fool as to carry that with me. Besides I made sure I built up my immunity to the poision." Smiling the assassin pulled yet another blade. This two snapped out in the whispers style. It was an older modle but still leathal. "Your not the only whispers agent Ive fought." With that the assassin moved again switching up stances and letting her cloak fall of her shouldiers to reveal a delicate femine face with soft brown hair in a neat but short cut.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

The woman had changed stance, but this time Serina did not have the opportunity to observe and spot out the weaknesses in it. Throwing the blade aside Serina pulled out her other dagger and gripped both tightly, her eyes sharp as ever, she dashed forward....

The assassin tightened her stance as the rogue neared her and let loose a welcoming slash. The rogue quickly rolled to the side and went for an attack from her croaching position to the assassins side only for the slash to clash with the womans dagger.

With a swift turn the assassin let loosed a turning kick, only for the sand under Serina to ignite in blue light? With a clear sound of energy the rogue suddenly leap up into the air, a clear trail of blue lights coming from her boots. Likely an Asuran gadget. Her leap though seemed to raise her to a certain altitude and clearly directed over the woman, but Serinas head was facing down, making her heels do a half-circle above the assassin as she flew.

Once more the surprise element caught the assassin off guard as she felt the daggers edges near her throat, clearly the attack was meant to be fatal, but Serina did not push down. Instead the blades would leave numerous exceptionall shallow cuts along where the fatal slashes would've been.

Before the rogue landed on the other side. The assassin froze up a brief moment as she reached for her neck, some blood ever so lightly resting on the cuts all around her throat. She was in no state to fight this woman now! Not after that damned Carlos...

The assassin quickly pulled out a poisoned throw blade and got to running! Serina would quickly turn and growl at the fleeing woman. Getting chased was exactly what the assassin wanted! Hearing the footsteps near her she'd swiftly turn and go into a throwing motion, Serinas eyes widening as she was caught out of position to dodge!

The assassin threw, only for the numerous injuries and cuts to take their tool. Her hand failing her at the last moment, the blade flying into the sand near Serina. Only for the rogue to palm strike up into her chin. Knocking the exhausted woman on the spot.

As her enemy collapsed Serina sighed deeply with relief and smiled "T-there. Hope that was enough of a fight for you." while the assassin likely had a generous bounty and more than likely made it inot the whispers wanted list, the rogue needed her for her quest... even if it meant the brand of treason would linger on her.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

Victory but a hard fought one, still this left her in a lurch. Carlos was poisioned and little miss assassin probably had an antdote someplace but she was out cold. What to do what to do.....

~Several hours later~

Carlos awoke with a jolt his wounds treated but a rampet headache blurring his vission. He had the strangest dream. In it two assassins had come to kill him but he had managed to woe both of them into an impromtue threesome. This of course brought a smile to his face while his groin started to stiffen with arousal. This of course didn't escape Serina's attention. Now that the lieing jerk was awake she could have some words with him.
Re: Rogue Alliance Gaiden

With both of her targets down Serina would pick up the knocked out, Serina would enlist the help of a random hired muscle for a generous price and take the two scallywags into the main grounds of Lions Pride...

"Do you even know what sort of trouble you're in, young lady?" the aged charr spoke up as he note her approach, "Jim" looked over the two, noting one male and the other figure completely enveloped in a cloak "And I don't do body removal, you know that, Serina."

The charr had white fur with the occasional black strands, his horns bent back and face full of compassion, all the features perfectly hidding his Whispers Lightbringer status. "Hey Jimmy. And who do you think I am?" Serina smiled sheepishly much to the charr shake his head in disappointed "You know I'll need to report this back. You abbandoned a mission--" "You know why I did it." the rogue would interupt him and keep her eyes locked to his with a hint of sadness.

"Y-Yeah... we do, but if the Pact presses us on the issue we'll need to act. You know this." he sighed deeply and looked to the two lifeless bodies "What did you bring me this time..." he approached and raised Carlos's head firmly in his claws, the man fully out "Well there's a face I haven't seen in awhile. He changed his aim and started going after your tail now?" the charr smirked playfully at Serina "M~ Unlikely, but I do need to question him upstairs."

The charr looked to the other body that Serina help, but kept at an distance "And that is?" "An enemy with information aswell." the rogue answered coldly, much to the charr giving the rogue a look "If you want my help, you'll need to be honest, Sera." Serina looked down and would slowly remove the hood from the woman she brought in "Katarina, Bloody Blade. Wanted across Tyria, for suspected murder, arson, kidnapping, thievery, mugging and loitering." he shook his head and looked to Serina.

"I need her fixed up and secured, please Jim." the Lightbringer looked to the girl silently "Alright, bring these two upstairs and whats with 'Carlos'?" "Poison." the charrs ears twinkled lightly "Sounds like you had quite the evening. Come on."

The two would be brought upstairs of the Charrs fairly elaborate and well furnished home. Serina would tell the Lightbringer what happened on that day Kyra disappeared in detail and how her meeting with Carlos went. Though soon enough, all the preparations were done. Katarina having her cuts treated with proper ointment and some bandages where need be and Carlos receiving the right antidote from the veteran Whisper 'I'll be downstairs." Serina would nod with a smile and eat some fruit, by Jims call the first to wake would be Carlos... and fairly shortly.

The room was only with Serina near a table with a basket of fresh fruit, Katarina tied up by a true veteran of the field and Carlos sleeping on the bed, a odd smile forming on his face.

Soon enough the pirate stirred to life, all of him "Stand." it was the first command she'd utter right off the bat. Her legs crossed as she tasted a grape. Jim knew his stuff, but the poison side-effects would likely still linger "Now." though Serina didn't seem to care.